A Method For Sound Synthesis Based On The Evolutionary Computation of Genetic Algorithms

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Jônatas Manzolli 1,2, Adolfo Maia Jr.1,3, Jose Fornari 1,4 and Furio Damiani 1,4
Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Sound Studies – NICS
Arts Institute Music Department – DM/IA
Applied Mathematics Department - IMECC
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering – DSIF/FEEC
University of Campinas – UNICAMP
[jonatas, adolfo, fornari, furio]@nics.unicamp.br

A new method for interactive sound synthesis based on the application of genetic algorithms is presented.
This method generates sequences of waveforms through the application of genetic operators on an initial
population of waveforms. The waveforms are suitable to be played by a conventional wavetable synthesizer
engine. We describe how the waveforms can be treated as genetic code, the fitness evaluation methodology
and how genetic operations such as crossover and mutation are used to generate new waveforms. Finally,
we discuss the results evaluating the generated sounds.

As it is seeing in late researches of electronic music, genetic algorithms (GAs)
have been consistently applied to generate evolutionary manipulation of musical material.
In his work, Koza [12,14] defines genetic programming as a domain-independent
problem-solving approach in which computer programs are evolved to solve, or
approximately solve, problems. Garcia [16] is being working with GAs to solve the
problem of automating the design of the sound synthesis techniques and sound
synthesizer topologies. Biles [4] presented a genetic algorithm-based program that
mimics a student learning to improvise jazz solos under the guidance of a human mentor.
In Horowitz’s [5] development, an interactive system uses GAs to develop a criterion for
distinguishing rhythmic patterns producing a large number of variations. We have also
studied applications of GAs to interactive composition [6]. Similar to the approaches
described above, our previous research used MIDI data to control music events in real
time. Yet, using a different heuristic, we created a system named Vox Populi [7], a hybrid
system composed of an instrument and a compositional environment. Vox Populi
produces sounds moving from clusters to sustained chords, from pointillist sequences to
arpeggios, depending upon the number of chords in the population, the duration of the
generation cycle, and drawings made by the user over a graphic interface (GUI) control
Evolutionary Computation is being used by Johnson [11] to develop a computer
system for sound design. Roads [14] used genetic algorithms in granular synthesis to
facilitate the regulation of its parameters. It is also employed in Computer Graphics to
create scenes and animations [10]. In these applications the rules are learned by the
system through its interaction with the user as described by Fogel [9]. Since it is, in
general, difficult to combine quantitative and qualitative descriptions of a given sound,
we apply the concept of Evolutionary Systems to develop a methodology for Timbre
Design. This was named as ESSynth Method and is the focal point of this paper. ESSynth
uses a set of Target waveforms to describe a timbre tendency generated by, from an initial
population of waveforms, new variants (generations) “similar” to those ones in the target.
This similarity is measured by evaluations of a Fitness Function. From an algorithmic
point of view ESSynth can be seen as a man-machine process that uses an implicit set of
rules for generating waveform variations. The main goal of this research is to formulate
robust mathematical and computational models for measuring waveform similarities and
to define genetic operations such as crossover and mutation (see definitions below) to
operate as waveform transforms. By controlling the Target Population as well as the
Initial Population, it is possible to create organized sound patterns or, at a higher level, a
musical composition. For the latter, an external device linked to the ESSynth such as a
wavetable engine will be necessary, to playback the musical sequences in real time.


The representation of timbre cognition is one of the most interesting and complex
issues in the context of the audio signal processing. It is a difficult task to produce
taxonomy to classify timbre using quantitative and/or qualitative features. Schaffer [1] in
the “Traité des objets musicaux” introduced a distinction between form and matter in the
context of concret musique. As described by Risset [2], Schaffer’s point of view could be
exemplified as relating the amplitude envelope to the form and the spectral content to the
matter. Although elegant, nowadays this definition is not completely accepted by the
academic community. We present a new methodology to work with timbre that uses as
paradigm: the sound of a given waveform used as a static microstructure unity differs
drastically from the sound of the same waveform transformed dynamically. Spectral
changes in time carry important musical features, Smalley [3] stated that “spectral
typology cannot realistically be separated from time: spectra are perceived through time,
and time is perceived as spectral motion”. Risset [2] presented an interesting concept of
sound variants: “by changing the parameters of the synthesis models, one can produce
variants. Variants can be intriguing because they can be very close to the original sound
in some ways and yet quite different in other ways”.
Inspired by Risset’s sound variants idea [2], it is possible to imagine variants as a
kind of genetic transformation applied into a population of sound patterns. Smalley’s [3]
integration of time and spectra induces to think in a timbre evolution over time or, using
another terminology, a dynamic process in which an Evolutionary Timbre is generated. In
ESSynth, waveform populations are taken as genotype sets and the resultant transforming
timbre is taken as phenotype. In this sense the genotype is changed (i.e. the waveforms in
the population), but the phenotype is preserved (i.e. the overall timbre) producing a
variant. In the way Risset interpreted Schaffer’s concept we can interpret waveform (i.e.
genotype) as “form” and timbre (i.e. phenotype) as “matter” in the case of ESSynth.
Therefore, these two elements are used in the same way evolution uses genetic
information to generate new individuals.


The ESSynth method is a man-machine interaction cycle. Firstly, the user
specifies a set of Target Waveforms. Secondly, the computer produces generations of
waveforms using the target set as the fitness criterion. The user is free to change the
target set any time. When this happens, a new population generation starts, and so forth.
There are three basic structures of control:
B(n) , the n-th waveform population generation. The waveforms initial set is
denoted by B(0).
T , the waveforms Target set.
ƒ , the Fitness Function used to evaluate the best waveform w* of each
We define w* as the most similar or, in mathematical terms, the closest waveform
of B(n) to the target set T. In each generation its best waveform w* is sent to a buffer and
played as a wavetable cyclically (see Fig 1.).
B(n) ƒ T User Input
n-th generation fitness function target set waveforms
population set

Crossover Fitness Evaluation


w(*,1), w(*,2), ...w (*,n)... Wavetable

sequence of generation best waveforms buffer

Figure 1. Basic control structures of the ESSynth. w(*,n) denotes the best waveform
of the n-th generation sent to the wavetable buffer.

All waveforms are normalized as floating point arrays with 1024 values defined in
the real interval [-1,1]. T is defined by the user and B(0) can be given by the user or
generated randomly by the computer.


It is firstly defined an auxiliary metric or distance function. Our mathematical
model considers waveforms as vectors in a real vector space W =ℜ 1024 i.e. each vector in
the space has 1024 components.


Given two vectors v and w in W, we define the usual Euclidian Metric between them:
d2(w, v) = (Σi=1,...,1024 (wi – vi)2)1/2 (1)
This metric induces the norm  w = (Σi=1...1024 (wi)2)1/2 and gives the total energy of the
resultant sound. However, other metrics could be used and tested.


Now we define a distance function between two sets. So, let T = {t(1), t(2),.., t(L)} to
be the Target waveform set and B(n) = {w(n,1), w(n,2),.., w(n,M)} the n-th waveform generation
set. Since these are sub-sets of W, we can define the distance between them as follows:
d(T, B(n)) = min {d2(t(j), w(k))} (2)
with j = 1,..,L and k = 1,..,M, and L is the number of waveforms in T and M is the
number of waveforms in B(n).
As pointed above, T and B(n) are finite sets, therefore the minimum in Eq. (2) is
obtained for at least one vector in B(n), which we denote by w(n,*). This vector is the n-th
generation best waveform, obtained using the metric of Eq. (2). Now we define the n-th
generation Fitness Function ƒ : T x B(n)  B(n) as
ƒ (T, B(n)) = w(n,*) (3)
which indicates the best individual of n-th generation population.
In a process of genetic improvement the best individuals with better-adapted
phenotype, survive in the next generation. In Nature adverse conditions select these
individuals. In our model this is accomplished by a distance function that measures how
far a new waveform population departs from a Target Set.


Waveform variants are produced by applying genetic operations such as crossover
and mutation to B(n). An interesting ESSynth feature is to make this waveform patterns
dynamical sequence in real time. Biologic evolution produces species diversity: with
ESSynth one can create and manipulate a complex generation of sound material.
Crossover increases the waveform co-variance and mutation produces random population
variations. These two genetic operations are defined below.


Starting with a Crossover Vector described as α = [α1, α2, … αM] where 0 ≤
αi ≤  1 chosen by the user, it is possible to define a kind of continuous waveform
crossover. The n-th generation best waveform is used as a Parent Waveform w(n,*) = (s1, s2,
s3,...s1024) . Any other B(n) waveform is denoted by w(n,i) with 0 ≤ i ≤ M. The following
steps define the n-th generation Crossover Operation:
Set a random integer number generator in the interval [1,1024].
Take two integer numbers (k1(n),k2(n)) in the interval [1,1024] with k1(n) < k2(n).
Select the waveform segment in w(n,*) as S(n,*)= (sk1,...,sk2).
Combine the waveform segment with a equivalent waveform segment Si(n,i) in
B(n) applying a Hamming Window H( ) on Si(n,*) as follows:
S(n+1,i) = αi .H(Si(n,*)) +  1- αi S(n,i), (4)
Notice, we denote the new segment as S = (s’k1,..,s’k2).
The crossover operation is the replacement of each S(n+1,i) in the original waveform
making w(n+1,i)= (s1, s2,..,s’k1..s’k2,..s1024).
Repeat steps (4) and (5) for all waveforms w(n,i) in B(n) with w(n,i) ≠ w(n,*).
As said above in step (4), we are applying a convex combination and using a
Hamming window to smooth the border of the waveform segment S(n,i). Intuitively, this is
equivalent to merge waveforms using the slider of a sound mixer in an electronic studio.
K K K1 K2
1 2
Parent Modified
Waveform Waveform

segment S(n,i)

Figure 2. Diagram of the crossover operation in which a segment extracted from the
parent waveform and defined by k1 and k2 is mixed with an equivalent segment of a
waveform from B(n).
Similarly to living organisms that reproduce through meiosis, our crossover
operation mixes the waveform codes, which are B(n) elements. In order to get better
adapted individuals, they are crossed with w(n,*). This can be seen as a kind of waveforms
natural selection. As the user can interfere any time, we better call it a driven genetic
selection. For each generation the best waveforms are sent to a sound output (wavetable).
This makes ESSynth an excellent tool for real time synthesis. The user can manipulate
the Target set as well the Initial Population in order to get a musically significant
sequence of waveform patterns.


On living organism mutation makes strong modifications on population
individuals, generally due to external factors. It can be understood as a kind of
disturbance of the reproduction process. We used this characteristic to define the mutation
below. It starts with a definition of a Mutation Coefficient 0≤ b ≤ 1 that sets the amount
of disturbance applied to B(n). Since the waveforms belong to W = ℜ 1024, a Mutation
Vector β is generated with 1024 entries randomly generated in the interval [1-b, 1],
named as disturbance interval. Now the Mutation Operation is defined on the n-th
generation by the following steps:
1. Create the Mutation Vector
β = [ β 1, β 2 , β 3 . . . β 102 4 ] , where each β j
belongs to the disturbance interval [1-b, 1].
2. Apply the disturbance w(j, n+1) = w(j,n). β on all elements of B(n) =
{w(1,n), w(2,n),..., w(M,n)}
3. Repeat steps (1) and (2) in every generation.

The mutation strength is controlled by parameter b in the real interval [0,1]. The
closer is b to 0 the weaker is the mutation. As b gets close to 1 the mutation gets stronger.
Notice that ESSynth Mutation Operation the can be seen as a wave-shaping process
where the waveforms are modified by a random waveform in an amount given by the
Mutation Coefficient.


For the playback of waveforms generated by the evolutionary computation method it is
important to have a method well-suited to handle with sound sequences. The wavetable
synthesis provides a simple yet flexible way to control the waveforms in real-time. It is
based on a table of sounds, or a “wavetable”, that stores the sound patterns, or
waveforms. The wavetable synthesizer is accessed and managed by a controller, usually a
MIDI control, such as a MIDI keyboard or a MIDI sequencer, that sends instructions to
the wavetable to play the sound pattern. Because of being computationally inexpensive,
able to operate in real-time and handling predefined waveforms, the wavetable
synthesizer method is choosen to work with the ESSynth. A basic wavetable synthesizer
is show in the figure below:
Envelop Pitch Low-
Generator Shift Pass
ADSR (Interpolato Filter
Pattern 1

N Control:
One-shot / looping
EG default ADSR
Intensity LFO
Sound Pattern
PS LFO (vibrato)

Note Velocity
Note (scale)

After Touch

Modulation etc..

There are two major sections in the wavetable synthesizer: the look-up table and
the engine. The look-up table is the heart of the synthesizer that contains the population
of the waveforms. The engines takes care of the access and control of the waveforms
within the look-up table throughout articulation instruction coming from the MIDI
The major advantage of the wavetable is the way the information of each sound is
organized and stored. This allows to save a great deal of memory while making the sound
very realistic and easy to control. We aim to implement and present in further works the
whole system compounded of the ESSynth generating waveforms for the lookup table of
a wavetable synthesizer engine controlled by a MIDI device. For now we present the
results of the ESSynth waveform manipulation of a population of waveforms that is
going to be in further researches the lookup table of a wavetable synthesizer.


In this section we analyze graphic examples of sound results. These were obtained
using Matlab 5.2 to simulate the ESSynth method. A Target Waveform Population was
used with two diverse Initial Populations:
a) Random distributed sine waveforms
b) Harmonic distributed sine waveforms,
as shown in Table 1.0.
All waveforms have 1024 values normalized in the real interval [-1,1]. It is
possible to use complex waveform patterns as Target and Initial Populations. Our strategy
is to show ESSynth behavior with simple patterns.
Table 1. Experimental parameters used to simulate ESSynth.

ESSynth Examples
Ind Population Description Waveforms in the Frequency Distribution
ex population (Hz)
01 Target Waveform 05 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
02 Random Distributed Sine 10 From 180 to 16,000
03 Harmonic Distributed Sine 10 100, 200, 300, 400, 500…
Waveforms 10,000

As shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4, the method converges making erosions in the
waveform population produced by the Crossover Operation. Thus, the sound envelope
produced by ESSynth starts with strong amplitude followed by a smooth decay, as
instrumental sounds behave. This sound is also dynamically changed in its spectral
contents due to the Mutation Operations.

Figure 3. 3D plot of the populations used in the examples. The plot on the
left side is the Random Distributed Sine Waveforms population. The plot in the
right side is the Harmonic Distributed Sine Waveforms population. The X-axis
displays the 1024 values waveform. The Y-axis displays the waveform pattern in
an increasing order and the Z-axis is displaying the samples amplitude in the
interval [-1, 1].

Figure 4. 3D plot of the waveform populations after 500 interactions. It is

apparent how the ESSynth works making erosions in the waveform population as
the Crossover Operation dumps waveforms.
ESSynth produces a driven disturbance that reflects a sound tendency controlled
by the user input Target Set. During the Matlab simulations we realized that the crossover
operation produces a waveform sequence that converges to the Target Set i.e. a waveform
attractor set. This numerical behavior produced sounds with more similarities among
themselves as well among those in the Target Set. On the other hand, despite the mutation
operation that can add drastic changes on the waveform trajectory, it did not affect the
overall sequence that still converged to the Target. Finally, it is always possible to
modify the Target and/or the Initial Population leading to a very strong departing from the
actual waveform pattern as shown in the graphic examples.


This paper has described a new methodology for sound synthesis and a
mathematical model to constrain the waveform generation towards a Target Set.
ESSynth is a new sound synthesis method that integrates the Mathematical
Approximation Theory to the Genetic Algorithms. It can be seen as a new
framework for Timbre Design. The basic features of the method are: a) the use of a
Target Set of waveform patterns, b) a Fitness Criterion implemented by a distance
function (Hausdorff Distance) which measures how much a waveform population
departs from the Target Set and c) an evolutionary process, based on crossover and
mutation operations, applied to waveform sets to produce a sequence of waveform
generations driven by the Target Set.
In the Matlab simulation, we have used a random number generator to set the
Crossover Vector and the Mutation Coefficient. It is possible to develop a general model
in which the components of the parametrical controls have some pre-defined cross-
correlation. Of course, best sonic results will be also dependent on the waveforms in the
Target set: the user is free to experiment with several waveform populations during the
generation process. The wavetable synthesis could work quite well with ESSynth once
the wavetable patterns, generated by this evolutionary process, will have interesting
dynamic proprieties. Indeed, the wavetable synthesizer engine will provide an easy and
fast environment to manipulate and play waveforms generated by the ESSynth in real

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