Visualmotion 6.0: Rexroth
Visualmotion 6.0: Rexroth
Visualmotion 6.0: Rexroth
VisualMotion 6.0
Trouble Shooting Guide
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P Indramat
About this documentation VisualMotion 6.0
Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and
the availability of the product.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Contents I
1 Introduction and Overview 1-1
1.1 Purpose of Manual ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Manual Overview........................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.3 VisualMotion Overview............................................................................................................................... 1-2
VisualMotion System Components ..................................................................................................... 1-2
CLC System Architecture .................................................................................................................... 1-8
Indramat’s VisualMotion Programming Interface ............................................................................. 1-9
BTC06 ................................................................................................................................................. 1-9
CLC Operating System ....................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4 VM System Motion Capabilities................................................................................................................ 1-11
Non-Coordinated Motion ................................................................................................................... 1-11
Coordinated Motion ........................................................................................................................... 1-11
Electronic Line Shaft (ELS) ............................................................................................................... 1-12
1.5 CLC-D Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1-14
CLC-D02.3M hardware ..................................................................................................................... 1-14
CLC-D02.3 Front Panel Diagnostic Display ...................................................................................... 1-17
1.6 CLC-P01.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 1-19
CLC-P01.1 hardware......................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.7 CLC-P02 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1-24
CLC-P02.2 hardware......................................................................................................................... 1-24
1.8 CLC-V Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 1-28
CLC-V02.3 hardware......................................................................................................................... 1-28
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II Contents VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Contents III
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IV Contents VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Contents V
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VI Contents VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Contents VII
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VIII Contents VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Contents IX
6 Index 6-1
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X List of Figures VisualMotion 6.0
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: VisualMotion System components ............................................. 1-2
Figure 1-2: DIAX03 drive family.................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-3: Motors used with DIAX03........................................................... 1-4
Figure 1-4: DIAX04 drive family.................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-5: Motors used with DIAX04........................................................... 1-6
Figure 1-6: ECODRIVE 3 drive family .......................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-7: CCD Box .................................................................................... 1-7
Figure 1-8: Different CLC versions ............................................................... 1-8
Figure 1-9: CLC-D02.3M Hardware............................................................ 1-14
Figure 1-10: CLC-D jumper configuration................................................... 1-15
Figure 1-11: Fiber optic ring structure......................................................... 1-15
Figure 1-12: 7-segment display on the CLC-D ........................................... 1-17
Figure 1-13: Example of an E400, Emergency Stop, error code................ 1-18
Figure 1-14: Watchdog message on the CLC ............................................ 1-18
Figure 1-15: CLC-P01.1 Hardware ............................................................. 1-19
Figure 1-16: CLC-P01.1 jumper location .................................................... 1-20
Figure 1-17: CLC DDE Server .................................................................... 1-22
Figure 1-18: Setting SERIAL_0 for CLC Status Display - DDE Server....... 1-23
Figure 1-19: Viewing error codes using VisualMotion ................................ 1-23
Figure 1-20: CLC-P02.2 Hardware ............................................................. 1-24
Figure 1-21: CLC-P02 jumper configuration............................................... 1-25
Figure 1-22: CLC-V02.3 Hardware Comparison......................................... 1-28
Figure 1-23: CLC-V Configuration Switches............................................... 1-29
Figure 2-1: VisualMotion to PC connection diagram .................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2: VisualMotion File Menu screen .................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-3: Program Management screen.................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-4: !24 Maximum number of files exceeded .................................... 2-3
Figure 2-5: Archive System screen............................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-6: Viewing task in VisualMotion ...................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-7: VisualMotion program flow ......................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-8: Setup Menu screen .................................................................... 2-8
Figure 2-9: Card Selection screen ................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2-10: Selecting CLC card number under Overview ........................... 2-9
Figure 2-11: Configuration screen under Setup.......................................... 2-10
Figure 2-12: CLC Drive Parameter Editor screen....................................... 2-11
Figure 2-13: CLC Parameter Editor - File Menu ......................................... 2-12
Figure 2-14: Drive Parameter Transfer screen........................................... 2-12
Figure 2-15: Serial port 1 setup .................................................................. 2-14
Figure 2-16: Serial port 2 setup .................................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-17: Tools menu screen................................................................. 2-16
Figure 2-18: Jogging an axis ...................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2-19: Data menu screen .................................................................. 2-19
Figure 2-20: Events screen......................................................................... 2-20
Figure 2-21: Events selected in sizing icon................................................. 2-20
Figure 2-22: Uploading an I/O Mapper string ............................................. 2-21
Figure 2-23: Displaying I/O Mapper in Boolean Equation........................... 2-21
Figure 2-24: System diagnostic code register ............................................ 2-23
Figure 2-25: Viewing and editing variables ................................................. 2-24
Figure 2-26: Status menu screen ............................................................... 2-25
Figure 2-27: Diagnostic Log screen............................................................ 2-25
Figure 2-28: Diagnostic Log Options screen .............................................. 2-25
Figure 2-29: Drive on Ring screen.............................................................. 2-26
Figure 2-30: System Parameters screen.................................................... 2-26
Figure 2-31: Task_(A-D) Parameters screen ............................................. 2-27
Figure 3-1: Viewing system diagnostic parameters ...................................... 3-2
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VisualMotion 6.0 List of Figures XI
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VisualMotion 6.0 List of Figures XI
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-1
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1-2 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-3
Indramat's digital drives are made up of drive controllers and their associated
motors. The digital drive families DIAX03, DIAX04 and ECODRIVE with CCD
box are fully capable of using the functions available with the CLC motion
control card.
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1-4 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-5
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1-6 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-7
• CCD Box:
provides 24V backplane power for CLC-D02.3 in combination with DEA
28/29/30 I/O cards.
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1-8 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
The CLC-P/V open bus architecture provides easy I/O interfacing to virtually
any manufacturer's PLC's and I/O cards. Both digital and analog I/O are
available. Interrupt-type inputs can be used to provide minimum response
time recognition of external events.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-9
IBM PC-AT bus architecture.
PC/104 bus architecture.
VME bus architecture.
An optional BTC06 can also be used to control CLC operation and adjust
CLC parameters. The BTC06 is a hand-held instrument with 16 x 40
character display and a 48-key sealed membrane keypad. The pendant
provides a convenient operation and position programming interface for
Indramat CLC Motion Control. Refer to Chapter 5, Human Machine
VisualMotion Interfaces for more information.
Tasks VisualMotion can have up to 4 tasks running in each program. Tasks A-D run
simultaneously and are given equal priority. A task is a process that the user
runs in his machine. Using VisualMotion, the user can have 4 separate
processes or task running simultaneously and each task can be independent
of each other.
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1-10 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
Each task also has a queue for events, permitting asynchronous initiation of
multiple independent events within each task. VM Controller events are a
privileged form of subroutine, suspending all program tasks until pending
events are done. Each task may have up to four events active at one time.
The CLC provides several event types including time-based, distance-based,
and position-based events, and others.
Events Events are basically interrupt driven subroutines. They can be triggered by a
variety of methods, such as transition of an input, repeating timer, position
trigger, etc.
The Event system is pre-emptive, giving task A events the highest priority,
while events associated with Task D have the lowest priority. Therefore, an
event currently being executed within Task C will be suspended by an event
from Task B. Once the active events are completed the suspended program
tasks automatically re-activate and resume execution.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-11
Non-Coordinated Motion
Non-coordinated motion is primarily used to control a single independent axis.
There are two modes of non-coordinated motion: Single Axis, for linear
positioning required to achieve point-to-point movement, and Velocity Mode,
as might be used for some spindle motor drives.
Single axis Single axis motion commands within a user program are interpreted by the
VM Controller and sent to the DDS drive. The user program tells the DDS
drive the speed, and/or distance and acceleration it should use to internally
develop a velocity profile, which is then maintained and controlled within the
intelligent DDS drive. Consequently, single axis motion does not require
continuous calculation by the VM Controller and consumes minimum CPU
Velocity Mode Velocity mode controls only the speed of the axis, without any position
information. The intelligent DDS-2 drive maintains torque and velocity loops
internally, updating the internal loops every 250 microseconds.
Ratioed Axes A special form of non-coordinated motion permits linking two axes by relating
the number of revolutions of a slave axis to a master axis. For example, a
ratio might be required when the positioning axis of a gantry robot, having a
motor on each side of its supporting track, must travel along a circular track.
Coordinated Motion
The VM Controller defines multi-axis coordinated motion in terms of a path
composed of standard straight line and circular geometry segments. Point
positions, (x, y, z), are used to establish the start, middle or end of a geometry
segment. Two points define a line, three points define a circle. The path
combines these standard geometry segments so that the start of the next
segment begins at the end of the previous segment. A path, therefore, is
nothing more than a collection of connected segments.
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1-12 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
Constant Speed Constant Speed mode is always active and tries to maintain a constant speed
between any two connecting segments in the path. This mode is constrained
by the system's acceleration and deceleration. Constant speed is the
optimum path motion for applying adhesives or paint, and welding and some
forms of cutting such as laser or water-jet, etc.
Linear Interpolation A coordinated motion straight line segment is defined by two points. The
motion is calculated from the end point of the last segment, or the current
position if the system is not in motion, to the new end point. Multi-axis
coordinated motion is used when a relationship must be maintained between
two or more axes during motion.
Circular Interpolation A coordinated motion circular segment is defined by three points. Circular motion
begins with the end point of the last segment executed, or the current system
position if the system is not in motion, moves in a circular arc through an
intermediate point, and terminates at the specified endpoint.
Kinematics In addition to the standard linear and circular segments, the VM Controller has the
capability of executing forward and inverse kinematic movement by using an
application-specific library of kinematic functions.
Kinematics must be developed by Indramat to customer specifications. Contact
Indramat Applications Engineering to inquire about applications which could benefit
from kinematics.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-13
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1-14 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
CLC-D02.3M hardware
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-15
The SERCOS port is used for loop-through, daisy-chained installation into a
SERCOS fiber-optic ring. The output port, Tx, is connected to the SERCOS
input port, Rx, of the next SERCOS device in the ring. Each SERCOS device
is interconnected, output to input, with the output of the last device returned to
the SERCOS input, Rx, of the CLC-D.
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1-16 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
On-Board Battery
This battery provides backup power for the CLC onboard SRAM when control
voltage is not applied. The battery's power level is checked every time the
CLC is powered up or during initialization from parameter mode to provide
advanced warning of impending failure. A diagnostic message is displayed
(E206 Battery is low: replace it soon) when the level falls below 10% of
remaining capacity. Based on the lifespan table below, this could translate
into less then a month before failure at 45 °C (113 °F.) It is vital for action to
be taken when a Battery is low warning is issued.
Battery lifespan
Ambient 3-shift 2-shift 1-shift Storage
temperature operations operations operation
25 °C (77 °F) 4 years 4 years 4 years 3 years
35 °C (95 °F) 4 years 3 years 2 years 1.5 years
45 °C (113 °F) 3 years 2 years 1.2 years 9 months
Note: The battery is generally drained after this period and must be
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-17
Replacing the battery Once the battery is removed, any parameters stored in SRAM memory are
retained for only one minute. Replace the battery within this minute.
1. Remove the battery from its packaging and have it close at hand for
2. Before replacing the battery, archive the system using VisualMotion
Toolkit. Refer to Chapter 2, The File Menu - Archive.
3. Switch power off to the system containing the CLC card
4. Remove CLC card from the system
Electro-static discharge
Sensitive electronic device
⇒ The CLC card is a sensitive electronic device, use caution
when handling this board. Do not expose to Electro-static
Caution discharge or place the board directly on a conductive
surface. Only handle the board by its face-plate or card
5. Remove old battery by sliding it out of it's holder
6. Insert the new battery into holder (no more than one minute later)
7. Write the month and year on the battery's end cap for future reference.
(This information should also be written on a label and place in close
proximity to the CLC for easier observation)
H4 Display
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1-18 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
Normal operations In normal operating conditions, a static display shows the current mode of the
H4 Display Status
Initial display
Initialization Mode, SERCOS phases 1-4
Parameter mode
No user tasks are running (Halt)
Task A is running
Task B is running
Task C is running
Task D is running
Error codes When an error exists, the CLC-D displays an "E", indicating error, followed by
a three digit diagnostic code. To the viewer, the display appears to be
blinking. The following figure illustrates the chronological sequence for
emergency stop condition, E400.
System Watchdog
The decimal point on the display is connected to a hardware watchdog circuit
that is refreshed by the CLC every 100ms. If the microprocessor fails or if the
CLC drops into the pROBE monitor, the display is blanked and the decimal
point turns on. While the CLC is running, the decimal point is off.
7-Segment Display
H4 (OFF)
CLC Watchdog
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-19
CLC-P01.1 hardware
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1-20 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
PC Interrupt S5 S6 S7
IRQ2 (IRQ9) In Out Out
IRQ3 Out In Out
IRQ5 Out Out In
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-21
Jumpers S8 through S11 set the base address of a 16K memory segment in
the Host’s RAM. This memory space is used to exchange information
between the CLC and the Host.
On-Board Battery
This battery provides backup power for the CLC onboard SRAM when control
voltage is not applied. The battery's power level is checked every time the
CLC is powered up or during initialization from parameter mode to provide
advanced warning of impending failure. A diagnostic message is displayed
(206 Battery is low: replace it soon) when the level falls below 10% of
remaining capacity. Based on the lifespan table on page 1-16, this could
translate into less then a month before failure at 45 °C (113 °F.) It is vital for
action to be taken when a Battery is low warning is issued.
The SERCOS port is used for loop-through, daisy-chained installation into a
SERCOS fiber-optic ring. The output port, Tx, is connected to the SERCOS
input port, Rx, of the next SERCOS device in the ring. Each SERCOS device
is interconnected, output to input, with the output of the last device returned to
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1-22 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
the SERCOS input, Rx, of the CLC-P. See Figure 1-11: Fiber optic ring
structure on page 1-15 for an illustration.
In order to view diagnostic messages on the DDE Server, the "CLC Status
Display" must be set to SERIAL_0. This is accomplished by selecting
Settings ⇒ Server Configuration from the CLC DDE Server's main menu.
Refer to Chapter 4, CLC DDE Server for more information.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-23
Figure 1-18: Setting SERIAL_0 for CLC Status Display - DDE Server
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1-24 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
CLC-P02.2 hardware
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-25
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1-26 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
PC/104 Memory Address Switches 1 through 4 set the base address of a 1MB memory segment in the
Selection Host's RAM. This memory space is used to exchange information between
the CLC and the Host.
Card Base 1 2 3 4
Number Address
0 D000:0000 OFF ON ON ON
1 D000:2000 OFF ON ON OFF
2 D000:4000 OFF ON OFF ON
3 D000:6000 OFF ON OFF OFF
4 D000:8000 OFF OFF ON ON
5 D000:A000 OFF OFF ON OFF
6 D000:C000 OFF OFF OFF ON
8 E000:0000 ON ON ON ON
9 E000:2000 ON ON ON OFF
10 E000:4000 ON ON OFF ON
11 E000:6000 ON ON OFF OFF
12 E000:8000 ON OFF ON ON
13 E000:A000 ON OFF ON OFF
14 E000:C000 ON OFF OFF ON
15 E000:E000 ON OFF OFF OFF
Table 1-7: CLC-P02 base address switch settings
PC/104 Interrupt Selection Switches 5 through 8 on the S1 DIP switch, selects the interrupt line for the
CLC to PC interrupt.
PC Interrupt 5 6 7 8
Table 1-8: CLC-P02 IRQ settings
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-27
The SERCOS port is used for loop-through, daisy-chained installation into a
SERCOS fiber-optic ring. The output port, Tx, is connected to the SERCOS
input port, Rx, of the next SERCOS device in the ring. Each SERCOS device
is interconnected, output to input, with the output of the last device returned to
the SERCOS input, Rx, of the CLC-P. See Figure 1-11: Fiber optic ring
structure on page 1-15 for an illustration.
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1-28 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
CLC-V02.3 hardware
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-29
The SERCOS port is used for loop-through, daisy-chained installation into a
SERCOS fiber-optic ring. The output port, Tx, is connected to the SERCOS
input port, Rx, of the next SERCOS device in the ring. Each SERCOS device
is interconnected, output to input, with the output of the last device returned to
the SERCOS input, Rx, of the CLC-V. See Figure 1-11: Fiber optic ring
structure on page 1-15 for an illustration.
SW5 3
+ 4
Math Coprocessor / Flash Mezzanine 6
Opto Isolated I/O
Slide Switch SW6 (Default)
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1-30 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
On-Board Battery
This battery provides backup power for the CLC onboard SRAM and the real
time clock (RTC) when control voltage is not applied. The battery's power
level is checked every time the CLC is powered up or during initialization from
parameter mode to provide advanced warning of impending failure. A
diagnostic message is displayed (206 Battery is low: replace it soon) when
the level falls below 10% of remaining capacity. It is vital for action to be taken
when a Battery is low warning is issued.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Introduction and Overview 1-31
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1-32 Introduction and Overview VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-1
Figure 2-1: VisualMotion to PC connection diagram
Once the hardware connections have been made, use the following
procedure to confirm communications.
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2-2 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
⇒ Connect communication cable between CLC port X28 and the PC's com
⇒ Power-up VisualMotion System (drives, CLC cards, motors, etc.)
⇒ Open VisualMotion Toolkit windows program (Refer to the VisualMotion
Start-up Guide for installation instructions)
⇒ From the VisualMotion Toolkit main menu, select Status ⇒ System. If
the System Parameters screen loads with information, communications
have been established.
The user is now ready to use VisualMotion Toolkit.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-3
Program Management
All available user programs can be viewed by selecting File ⇒ Program
Management. From this screen, the user can see which program is currently
active on the card or active a different program in its place.
Available VisualMotion
programs in the CLC
Currently active
VisualMotion program
Note: The following is a list of the basic file extension types used for
viewing and editing VisualMotion programs:
*.str - Graphical icon program file used by VisualMotion Toolkit
*.exb - Compiled program file uploaded from the CLC containing
current values, i.e., variables, points, event, etc.
*.exc - Compiled program file downloaded to the CLC and
activated using Program Management.
In order to properly trouble shoot a VisualMotion program, the
*.str (icon file) along with the *.exb file are necessary.
VisualMotion Error The CLC card can contain only 10 user programs at any one given time. If
you try to Compile and Download a new VisualMotion program to the CLC
card, the following VisualMotion Error appears notifying you that you have
exceeded the maximum number of files. To clear this error, do the following:
⇒ Press OK
⇒ Delete one of the currently loaded programs in the card from the Program
Management screen. This will bring the count to 9 programs.
⇒ Compile and Download the program by selecting File ⇒ Save, Compile,
Download or press the icon.
⇒ Once compiled, select and active the program by pressing the Activate
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2-4 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-5
The archive selection provides backup and restore functions for a CLC card.
Backups of VisualMotion programs, I/O Mapper strings, and parameters of
the CLC card and active drives are saved by default to the
\indramat\clc\project\saveset directory. The Browse button allows the user to
select another directory location. Programs, I/O Mapper equations, CLC card
parameters, and drive parameters can also be selectively restored.
Select Backup or Restore, then press the Start button to transfer. If restoring,
the check boxes are enabled to allow selection of kind of data to be restored.
During data transfer, a bar graph will advise you of progress.
Only parameter sets of active drives( those defined in the active program )
will be backup. VisualMotion does not have knowledge of other drives.
Backup files are named as follows:
Note: Archived program files are saved with the following format:
program name.exn = where ex represents a compiled
VisualMotion program and the number n represents the program
number stored in the CLC card and viewable within the Program
Management screen. Every program stored on the CLC and
archived will have it own unique *.exn file extension.
Cams "cam.csv"
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2-6 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Note: Before a program can be viewed it must first be opened using the
File ⇒ Open menu selection. This menu selection opens the
*.str file stored on the harddrive.
Task VisualMotion can have up to 4 tasks running in each program. Tasks A-D run
simultaneously and are given equal priority (task A is executed first.) A task
is a process that the user runs in his machine. Using VisualMotion, the user
can have 4 separate processes or task running simultaneously and each task
can be independent of each other.
Subroutine Subroutines are basically sub-programs that are called by the main program
when selected to start. They are used mainly to improve readability as well
as simplify the program.
Event functions Events are basically interrupt driven subroutines. They can be triggered by a
variety of methods, such as transition of an input, repeating timer, position
trigger, etc.
Program flow After either selecting task, subroutine, or event function, the user can view the
program flow by pressing <F7> or selecting Show program flow from the
Tools menu. Program flow can be viewed after a program has been started.
Note: You must connected to the CLC card with the currently active
program on the screen in order to see program flow. In order to
have the show program flow function available, a *.map file needs
to be generated when the program is compiled and download.
Refer to Setup ⇒ Configuration for details.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-7
Program flow
highlights the
current function
being performed
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2-8 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Card Selection
Card selection determines the communication method that will be used for
communicating to the VM Controller card. The user must identify the method
for which to communicate information from the Host to the VMC. The user
must also enter the card number.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-9
For a functioning system, to determine what number the installed CLC card is
assigned to, select Setup ⇒ Overview. Under Param source select the
CLC card radio button and click on OK. Parameter C-0-0002, Unit Number,
should be set to the same number as in the Card Selection Setup.
Note: Before editing any CLC card parameters, stop any running
programs and switch the system to parameter mode. Parameter
values should always be performed by trained authorized
The user can select the type of Windows editor that will be used for the
following operations.
• Viewing system parameters under File ⇒ Transfer Parameters
• Display code for VisualMotion program under File ⇒ Display code
• Text language programming instead of icon programming
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2-10 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Project Directory Select the directory for file storage. The default is c:\indramat\clc\project.
The Browse button simplifies the selection of the project directory.
Generate Map File This option generates a map file (*.map) when VisualMotion icon based
programs are compiled. This map file is used for showing program flow when
the user selects <F7>. The check box is on as a default.
Language Selection VisualMotion can be viewed in either English or German. This options also
directly writes to the CLC card parameter C-0-0001, Language. Both
VisualMotion Toolkit and CLC card language are set with this option.
CLC card parameter
C-0-0001 0 = German
1 = English
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-11
When opened, the CLC Drive Parameter Editor uploads the current status
information for drive #1 (the default). The current drive status is also
displayed. The Position, Velocity and Acceleration values from the CLC card
are displayed along with the feedback status from the selected drive.
The Drive # box allows selection of another drive by entering a drive number
or scrolling with the up or down list button.
Since the drive internally generates rate profiles for single axis motion, the
programmed acceleration is also displayed. Acceleration is not shown for
coordinated motion since the CLC path planner manages acceleration for
coordinated motion.
Drive status
Note: From the above screen, the user can verify drive type, firmware
version, and motor type from the descriptions above the drive and
below the motor.
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2-12 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
File menu
From the file menu, the user can load default drive parameters.
Uploading Drive parameters The user can upload VisualMotion parameters, by selecting the Transfer
Parameters option from the file menu. This is helpful for determining set
drive parameters when errors are issued within Status. Refer to Figure 2-12:
CLC Drive Parameter Editor screen.
Transfer Parameters This menu item uploads parameters to a file for archiving or viewing, and
downloads archived parameters from a file to the selected drive.
Note: This option only transfers the parameters for the servo drive; it
does not transfer any other CLC parameters.
Each drive has one parameter set that can be transferred. Any operation
within this screen requires a drive number before proceeding. The parameter
set for the selected drive other than the drive containing the CLC card is
transferred through the SERCOS communication ring.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-13
with a ".txt" extension and may be viewed using Notepad or another ASCII
text editor or file viewer.
This parameter sets the baud rate and options for Serial Port 1 (X27 on
CLC/D, CLC/P and CLC-V), which communicates with a PC, a terminal, or
any device that follows the CLC ASCII Host Protocol. This port always
operates with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
If the checksum option is enabled, the CLC will send a checksum as
described in the Host Protocol Description, and will check the checksum in
data received from the host. The options are added together with the baud
rate. For example, to set 9600 baud, checksum on, the parameter would be
set to (9600 + 1)= 9601.
Note: The baud rate of serial port 1 is forced to 9600 if a jumper is set
on S1 of the CLC-D and CLC-V cards. An asterisk appears to the
right of card parameter C-0-0003 indicating that a jumper is set on
S1. Example: 9601* Refer to Figure 2-10
Another method for determining if a jumper is set on S1 is to open
the setup port screen under Setup ⇒ CLC Serial Ports, and if a
jumper is set the following message appears at the bottom of the
"Port forced to 9600, RS232 by jumper on card"
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2-14 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Indicates jumper
set on S1
Serial Port 2 Changes to serial port 2 are written directly to CLC card parameter C-0-0004.
This parameter can be view under Setup ⇒ Overview. Under Param
source select the CLC card radio button and click on OK.
This parameter sets the baud rate and options for Serial Port 2 (X28 on
CLC/D and CLC/P). A device selected under Type: connected to this port is
written directly to card parameter C-0-0012. Refer to the VisualMotion
Reference manual. This port always operates with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and
no parity.
Note: The baud rate of this port is limited to 9600 although higher baud
rates appear within the Baud rate selection pull down list. For
high-speed host communications above 9600, port 1 (X27) should
be used without a jumper on S1.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-15
Note: The baud rate of serial port 2 is forced to 9600 if a jumper is set
on S2 of the CLC-D and CLC-P cards. An asterisk appears to the
right of card parameter C-0-0004 indicating that a jumper is set on
S2. Another method for determining if a jumper is set on S2 is to
open the setup port screen under Setup ⇒ CLC Serial Ports, and
if a jumper is set the following message appears at the bottom of
the screen.
"Port forced to 9600, RS232 by jumper on card"
Indicates jumper
set on S2
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2-16 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
The jogging option within VisualMotion Toolkit gives the user the ability to jog
an axis programmed for Velocity or Single axis with a great deal of accuracy
and ease. For Coordinated motion programs, all jogging functions are
controlled by the Axis(n)_Control and Task(A-D)_Jog Registers.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-17
Select Tools ⇒ Jogging from the menu and specify an axis. To specify a
distance and rate (velocity), select Axis from the Options menu.
Note: The position field within the Jog Control window is limited by the
following drive parameters if software travel limits are enabled.
S-0-0049 Positive position limit value
S-0-0050 Negative position limit value
Otherwise, the axis will travel until a physical travel limit switch is
These parameters can be enabled and modified by editing the
Drive limit parameters within VisualMotion Toolkit's CLC Drive
Parameter Editor.
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2-18 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Axis Jogging Options Distance: The distance the axis will jog, either positive (right arrow) or
negative (left arrow), when one of the directional arrows is
clicked and held.
Speed: The speed the axis will travel when commanded by directional
arrows. For precision, reduce the speed of the axis.
For a complete description of all the available options within Jogging, refer to
the VisualMotion Reference Manual.
Show Program Flow utilizes a map file (*.map) generated at compile time to
tag the screen location of an instruction. If this *.map file is not found, or if the
icons have been moved, added or deleted since the time the program was
compiled and downloaded, erroneous program flow may appear.
During Show Program Flow other menu items are disabled, selecting Show
Program Flow a second time enables the other menu items and removes the
highlighting. Refer to Figure 2-7: VisualMotion program flow.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-19
Many of the selections under the data menu are normally performed by the
machine builder or experienced VisualMotion programmer. The user typically
acquires information from Events, I/O Mapper, Registers, and Variables.
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2-20 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Events are basically interrupt driven subroutines. A list of active events can
be viewed by selecting Data ⇒ Events. Events by nature are normally short
and to the point; otherwise, the processor will be loaded with executing a
lengthy event program. Double-clicking on an event number allows the user
to assign an event type.
Note: Before Events can be viewed in the Active Program, Event screen,
they must first be assigned program memory in the sizing icon and
then compiled and downloaded on to the CLC card.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-21
Only those event routines that were created by the Edit ⇒ Add Event
Function can be configured and activated. Use Settings to verify CLC card
I/O Mapper
The I/O Mapper is displayed by selecting Data ⇒ I/O Mapper. VisualMotion's
I/O mapper allows manipulation of I/O registers using Boolean strings or an
optional ladder logic interface. The I/O Mapper can be used to map physical
I/O bits to the control and status registers of the CLC card.
The I/O Mapper runs continuously in the background and is updated every
CLC program cycle (2ms or 4ms.)
Uploading I/O Mapper To view the I/O Mapper on the CLC card, the user must Upload Strings from
the file menu. Figure 2-22 shows the I/O Mapper open displaying the I/O
configuration in ladder logic.
To view the I/O Mapper in Boolean equation form, select Display Strings
from the Options menu.
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2-22 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Registers are a block of memory on the CLC card used to handled I/O and/or
bit settings. The CLC card has a total of 512 registers available for system
and user functions. Select Data ⇒ Registers to view the Active Program,
Register screen. The following table outlines a basic structure for the CLC
registers. For a complete description of the CLC registers, refer to chapter 2
of the VisualMotion Reference Manual.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-23
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2-24 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
VisualMotion variables are defined by the programmer and are used in
programs to enable the user to modify a value in the active VisualMotion
program without having to re-compile and download the information.
Modified variables are only updated the next time the program cycles and
encounters an icon instruction using that variable. Select Data ⇒ Variables
to view the Active Program, Variable screen.
Floating Point Variables (F1-Fx) A floating point variable is simply a number containing a decimal point. The
number of 32 bit floating point variables is defined in the sizing icon at the
beginning of the program and are stored as part of the program.
Integer Variables (,1-,x) Integers are signed or unsigned whole numbers, such as 5 or -3. The
number of 32 bit Integer variables is defined in the sizing icon at the
beginning of the program and are stored as part of the program.
Global Floating Point and Global variables are available to all programs stored on the CLC card. Global
Integer Variables (GF1-Gfx;G,1- variables are program independent. Multiple programs can write to the same
G,x) set of Global variables.
Task A-D Local Variables Local variables are created when a subroutine or task begins and eliminated
when the subroutine or task execution has ended. Arguments can be passed
to local variables to allow multiple applications of a common subroutine.
Note: Except for local variables, all CLC variables are not lost if the
battery loses power.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-25
Diagnostic Log
The diagnostic log screen displays the last 100 errors that the CLC card has
encountered. Along with the error messages, the date, time and extended
error codes are displayed and only the CLC-P normally stores the date.
Date and time are relative to the power on of the CLC D/P cards, they have
no battery backed clock. During power up , the CLC-P tries to get the date
and time from the PC. The time can be set in card parameter C-0-0126.
The Log Options button opens an options window. It allows some common
errors to be ignored and saving the diagnostic log to a file. Also see card
parameter C-0-2020
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2-26 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
The Drives screen is the same as it appears under Setup ⇒ Drives. Refer
to Drives on page 2-10 for more information.
Drives on Ring
When selected, Drives on Ring scans the SERCOS fiber optic ring for all
drives connected to the VisualMotion system. This screen is read only and
displays standard description information on each drive. The user can use
this screen to record or report axis information for themselves or when
communicating with Indramat's Service department.
Choosing System from the Status menu opens the System Parameters dialog
box. System Parameters displays information about the current CLC card
hardware and software for the indicated unit number; and the total memory
and free memory on the CLC card.
In addition, the user can use this screen for retrieving Diagnostic Message
and Extended Diagnostic Message information that can assist in determining
the cause of an error.
CLC card
Figure 2-30: System Parameters screen
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-27
Selecting Task from the Status menu opens the Task_A Parameters dialog
box and uploads data regarding the current CLC task. The other tasks may
be viewed by clicking on the Previous or Next buttons.
CLC Task
T-0-0131 T-0-0111
T-0-0132 T-0-0112
Status Status indicates the type of motion programmed in the selected task for the
active program and the current CLC mode (Parameter, Initialization, Manual
or Automatic).
Current Instruction Current Instruction displays the instruction executing and its pointer, and a
pointer to a run-time error if one has occurred. This display is useful when
debugging in single-step mode. If a program is running in automatic mode,
the displayed instruction is the instruction that was executing at the time that
the SERCOS cycle sampled instruction execution, which may appear to be
Current Messages Current Messages displays the last messages encountered in the program.
Coordinated Axes Coordinated Axes displays the axes in the active task that are assigned to
coordinated motion and their current position.
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2-28 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
Icon Palette 'Single' from the Options menu selects a set of icons used
frequently in single axis control.
Icon Palette 'Coord' selects a set of icons used frequently in coordinated
Icon Palette 'ELS' selects a set of icons used frequently in electronic line
shaft( ELS ) control.
Icon Palette 'Utility' selects a set of general purpose icons used in program
initialization and runtime data management.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing 2-29
Choosing Icon Labels from the Options menu alternately turns the icon
labels in the VisualMotion workspace on or off. If there are no user entered
labels, VisualMotion uses the default icon labels. Up to 8 characters of text
can be entered and view if this feature is selected.
Selecting Help/Search opens a dialog box into which you can type a keyword
to go directly to a specific help topic.
Help/Change Log displays a list of the new features that appear in your
version of VisualMotion.
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2-30 Using VisualMotion Toolkit for diagnosing VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-1
Each group above does not contain the range of code numbers indicated as
diagnostic messages. The range of numbers was designed to allow for future
The Host can request the currently active VisualMotion diagnostic message
for the CLC card and for each user task from the following parameters.
CLC Card parameters
• Parameter C-0-0122: Displays current diagnostic message
• Parameter C-0-0123: Displays current diagnostic 3-digit code
• Parameter C-0-0124: Displays extended diagnostic message
VisualMotion Task parameters
• Parameter "0x T-0-0122": Displays Task (A-D) diagnostic message
• Parameter "0x T-0-0123": Displays Task (A-D) status message
(where x = 1-4 for Task A-D)
Drive Parameter
• Parameter "0x S-0-0095": Displays Drive diagnostic message
( where x = 1-8 for Drive 1-8)
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3-2 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
Select the drive number containing the diagnostic error code and the Status
line will display the drive diagnostic message from parameter S-x-0095.
Refer to the Drive manual for descriptions of drive diagnostics.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-3
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3-4 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
Note: This status message is only available with the CLC-P02 card.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-5
When card parameter C-0-0010, bit 1 is set to 1, the axes will be simulated.
The SERCOS ring will not be scanned for drives, and the drive enable bits will
be ignored. This mode is useful for simulating coordinated motion when the
CLC is not connected to the actual system, or when a program does not
contain any axes. All axis and task status parameters are simulated. Drive
parameters and I-O, requiring a SERCOS drive, are not simulated. Any drive-
controlled related motion, (homing, single-axis, etc), will not be simulated.
Actual homing and motion will not occur while in simulation mode.
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3-6 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-7
After a warning condition has been corrected and acknowledged, the user
program can be resumed at the point where the error occurred. In SERCOS,
warnings are Class 2 Diagnostics.
Warning messages can be cleared by correcting the warning condition, or by
setting the CLC's clear error input. Similar to status messages, Warning
messages can also be viewed from System Parameters and/or CLC DDE
Server. Refer to Figure 3-3: Viewing diagnostic status messages
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3-8 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Clear error and wait for drive to be enabled before jogging.
2. Check the axis disable bit in AxisD_Control register under Data ⇒
Registers. If the bit is high (1), the drive is disabled. Change the state to
low and restart program.
3. Check the fiber optic connections and power to drive.
1. To continue, activate the clear input.
2. If error continues, replace fiber optic cable.
3. Ensure that the DSS card number is properly selected and has not
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-9
1. Replace the battery to prevent any loss of data. Refer to the appropriate card in
Chapter 1 for details.
1. Clear error and move axis to a position within drive parameters
S-x-0049: Positive position limit value
S-x-0050: Negative position limit value
Current position can be view under Status ⇒ Drives
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3-10 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
A low to high transition on the Clear All Errors bit in the System Control
Register will clear a shutdown. The CLC automatically sends a 'Reset Class 1
Diagnostics' command to each drive that has an error.
1. Release the E-Stop button or correct the error condition. Clear error on
CLC card. Set Emergency Stop input active (high) and restart program.
1. Check the fiber optic connections, the addresses set on the drives, and
the drive configuration.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-11
1. If the extended diagnostic indicates a timing error or data limit error,
check the amount of data or drives on the ring and the minimum cycle
time parameter C-0-0099. Otherwise, check the fiber optic connections,
the addresses set on the drives, and drive firmware versions.
1. Check if power is applied to the drives and if the fiber optic connections
and the drive addresses are correct. If drive parameters were just
downloaded, switch back into parameter mode to reinitialize the interface.
If the above conditions are O.K., the SERCOS interface board (DSS) may
be faulty.
Note: This error is only issued in versions that do not use the SERCOS
ASIC (firmware versions less than GPS 1.20).
1. Check the fiber optic connections, the addresses set on the drives, and
the drive firmware versions.
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3-12 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
Note: Do not clear the error or switch to parameter mode before viewing
a list of invalid parameters. Doing so will clear any chance of
viewing invalid parameters.
1. View drive diagnostic under Status ⇒ Drive. If the drive status indicates
parameters are invalid or lost, display the Phase 2 error parameter list for
Drive ‘D’ (Step 2.)
2. View a list of invalid drive parameters by selecting Setup ⇒ Overview
within VisualMotion Toolkit. Set the Param Source to Drives, indicate a
Phase 2 Error and select a Drive Number.
Once the list is displayed, switch to parameter mode and change the invalid
parameters or download a valid parameter file to the drive.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-13
1. Set the mode switch on the front of the board to a position where this
error does not occur.
Note: This error is not issued in versions that use the SERCOS ASIC.
1. Check the fiber optic connections, the addresses set on the drives, and
the drive firmware versions.
2. If a new drive was added to the SERCOS ring, make sure it contains
current drive firmware.
Note: Do not clear the error or switch to parameter mode before viewing
a list of invalid parameters. Doing so will clear any chance of
viewing invalid parameters.
1. View drive diagnostic under Status ⇒ Drive. If the drive status indicates
parameters are invalid or lost, display the Phase 3 error parameter list for
Drive ‘D’ (Remedy 2.)
2. View a list of invalid drive parameters by selecting Setup ⇒ Overview
within VisualMotion Toolkit. Set the Param Source to Drives, indicate a
Phase 3 Error and select a Drive Number.
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3-14 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
Once the list is displayed, switch to parameter mode and change the invalid
parameters or download a valid parameter file to the drive.
3. If the Drive Status indicates that there is a feedback error, voltage error, or
other hardware error; correct the problem and switch into and out of
parameter mode to reinitialize the interface.
1. Check the addresses set on the drives, in the CLC program, and in the
CLC parameters. Also, check that power is applied to all the drives and
that the fiber optic connections are correct.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-15
1. Verify that the correct I/O board is configured in the following I/O Setup
screen. Setup ⇒ I/O Setup
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3-16 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Replace the battery. Refer to Chapter 1, CLC-D Overview under the sub-
heading "On-Board Battery." Restore archived system files using archive
function under File ⇒ Archive and select items to restore and click on Start.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-17
1. Recompile the program from the PC and download it again. If the error
still occurs, check the source program for an instruction that may not be
supported in this firmware version.
1. Call Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Active a user program using VisualMotion Toolkit (VMT).
⇒ Open a file in VMT using the File ⇒ Open menu command.
⇒ Save, Download and Compile the VisualMotion program
⇒ Using File ⇒ Program Management, active the program.
⇒ Once the program is active, clear the error.
1. Recompile the program using VisualMotion Toolkit and download it again.
If the error still occurs, call Indramat Service for assistance.
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3-18 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Check the SERCOS Drive Status message (Drive parameter S-0-0095)
for a description of the error.
2. Using VisualMotion Toolkit, open the CLC Drive Parameter Editor under
menu selection Status ⇒ Drives and view the status line for a
description of the drive error. Refer to the drive manual for more
1. Check the program for the following conditions:
-there is not a return for every subroutine call
-a subroutine is calling itself
-program flow has caused multiple returns
-more than 10 subroutines are nested.
1. Use Program Flow <F7> to locate parameter transfer instruction.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-19
1. Recompile the program without the instruction indicated by the current
instruction pointer or update the CLC firmware or VisualMotion software.
Contact Indramat for updated firmware and software information.
1. Verify that the following icons are setup properly and do not contain
variables with negative values or incorrect axis numbers.
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3-20 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Locate the Calc icon with the error, if more than one is used, by using
program flow <F7>.
2. If the value in the Calc icon is incorrect, change it to an allowable value
and clear the error.
3. Verify that the Sizing icon is accounting for all variables, points, events
and zones programmed in the user program.
1. Locate the Calc icon with the error, if more than one is used, by using
program flow <F7>.
2. Modify the Calc icon and remove any zero expression to the denominator.
The denominator can be expressed as an integer or a variable.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-21
1. Split the calculation operation using more than one Calc icon in
consecutive order.
1. Check the compiler and firmware version numbers, and call Indramat
service for assistance in upgrading software. Version information can be
found for menu selection Status ⇒ System
1. See the task diagnostic message for a communication error message.
1. Check the number of operands in the expression, looking for unbalanced
parentheses or incomplete expressions.
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3-22 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Move the instructions to Task A, B, C, or D, following the TASK/START
instruction or Axis Setup icon.
Axis D was selected more than once in a TASK/A XES command icon.
1. Modify the program so that the axis is selected once.
Axis D was not assigned to the task using the Axis icon but was
specified in a command.
1. Modify the program so that the axis is selected and configured for the
correct axis number or variable label used in the program.
1. See the task diagnostic message for a description under menu selection
Status ⇒ Tasks. If there is no task diagnostic message, call Indramat
for assistance.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-23
1. Check the constant or variable that contains the axis number.
1. Locate the icon containing the error and verify that the axis type matches
the motion type. For example: a coordinated VisualMotion program
contains an axis setup icon that was originally setup for single-axis.
1. Locate the instruction icon using show program flow <F7> and verify the
register read and write command.
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3-24 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-25
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
1. All devices in the VME rack must be diagnosed and cleared of any faults
before the error can be cleared.
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Check the extended diagnostics for the type of error and the address at
which it occurred. If VME transfers were not being performed or if the
address does not match that in the program, an internal CLC system
error has occurred. Notify Indramat Service of this system error.
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3-26 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Make sure that the event type selected under Data ⇒ Events is
consistent with the type of motion specified for the axis. Modify the
numbered event and correct the event type. Save, compile and download
the program.
1. Verify that the sizing icon contains the correct amount of events for the
2. Verify that the correct event number is selected and configured from
within Data ⇒ Events
1. Check the program flow to make sure that triggered events are being
1. Try to home the axis again. If this error still occurs, call Indramat Service
for assistance.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-27
1. See the drive diagnostics for a status or error message. This can be
viewed under Status ⇒ Drives.
1. This error is normally an indication that the compiled program is either
incomplete or corrupt. Reopen the VisualMotion program and repeat the
process of Saving, Compiling and Downloading.
1. Since a VME address is selected from a valid listing of available
addresses, this error is normally an indication that the compiled program
is either incomplete or corrupt. Reopen the VisualMotion program and
repeat the process of Saving, Compiling and Downloading.
1. Verify that the correct number of variables or points are being used in the
program. If correct numbers are being used, then increase the amount
specify in the DATA/SIZE instruction, or the Sizing icon if using icon
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3-28 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Verify that the correct number of variables or points are being used in the
program. If correct numbers are being used, then increase the number
amount specify in the DATA/SIZE instruction, or the Sizing icon if using
icon programming.
1. Adjust the travel limits or check the variable or constant containing the
position. Drive travel limits are programmed in SERCOS parameters S-
0-0049, Positive position limit value and S-0-0050, Negative position limit
value. Check variable values under Data ⇒ Variables.
2. Check travel limits set in CLC Drive Parameter Editor.
⇒ Select Status ⇒ Drives from VisualMotion Toolkit's main menu.
⇒ Select Parameter ⇒ Drive Limits from the CLC Drive Parameter
Editor screen.
1. Make certain that the program number being selected is available on the
CLC card. Program number can be viewed using VisualMotion and
selecting File ⇒ Program Management.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-29
1. Update the ratios so that the master is not a zero and the values are not
too large.
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3-30 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Stop the currently running program by setting register 1 bit 8 to 0. Set the
desired program number in binary format through bits 9-12 and activate
the new program by setting bit 8 to 1.
1. The extended diagnostic message (C1.124, or in Status-System menu)
describes the error in more detail. It often shows the parameter that failed
along with a short message describing the error. If it indicates that a
parameter is invalid or a configuration is not supported, check the axis
configuration with the drive hardware or software.
2. If the extended diagnostic indicates an error such as ‘Handshake time-
out’ or ‘Drive is not responding’, the SERCOS ring may have been
disconnected during initialization. Check the fiber optic connections and
the addresses of the drives on the ring.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-31
1. Search the program for the axis in fault and verify that the axis options in
parameter A-0-0004 are correct and within range. Refer to the
VisualMotion 6 Reference manual for an explanation of axis parameter
1. Use the show program flow <F7> function to find the ELS phase adjust or
Cam phase adjust icon in fault. Correct the value entered in degrees or
percentage or the variable if programmed using variables.
1. Change the value of the acceleration or deceleration icon or variable to a
value greater than 0 but less than the values in parameter A-0-0021 and
A-0-0022. View axis parameters under Setup ⇒ Overview.
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3-32 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Change the velocity value programmed in the velocity icon or the variable
label being used in the velocity icon to a value less than parameter
1. This error is normally an indication that the compiled program is either
incomplete or corrupt. Reopen the VisualMotion program and repeat the
process of Saving, Compiling and Downloading.
1. Verify that the correct event is selected under the event type programmed
under Data ⇒ Events.
1. Archive all CLC programs and tables and replace hardware. Call
Indramat Service for assistance.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-33
1. Remove I/O or registration options from the parameter or program
1. Verify that the capture/setup instructions are not setup to perform the
same capture trigger option for the drive specified in this diagnostic
message. If found, modify the capture/setup command and save,
compile, and download the program.
1. Clear the error, enter parameter mode to reinitialize SERCOS, and then
exit parameter mode.
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3-34 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Check the program to ensure that the Probe setup icon is included and
defines the correct event trigger in the Probe enable icon.
1. Use show program flow <F7> feature to locate Calc icon with error and
correct. If variables are being use to represent a value, correct the
variable value from within Data ⇒ Variables.
1. Check the program for all insists of the specified event number and only
allow the event to be armed only once.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-35
1. Reinitialize VisualMotion Toolkit and reopen the file containing the active
program. If no changes were made to the currently active program;
Save, Download and recompile the program.
In many cases, this error is issued when a drive is not on the ring or the drive
parameter is not found for a type of drive.
1. Make sure that all drives on the ring are powered up and enabled.
2. Check fiber optic connections.
1. See the extended diagnostics parameter (C-0-0124) for more information
or select Status ⇒ System within VisualMotion Toolkit, and call the
Indramat service department for assistance.
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3-36 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Reduce the amount of I/O in the SERCOS ring until the error is no longer
encountered. If your system requirements are such that the I/O
configuration must be maintained, contact Indramat Applications for
additional assistance.
1. Check the VisualMotion program for any instances where the device (not
a drive, but maybe an I/O station) number is being configured as a drive
and modify the program accordingly. Once corrected, Save, Compile and
Download the modified program.
1. Check the variable or constant that selects the cam. Check that there is
a valid cam with index ‘D’ stored on the CLC.
1. See the task diagnostic message (T-0-0122) for a description. See the
extended message under Status ⇒ Tasks for more information.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-37
1. Check the program and modify it so that the number of CLC cams
running is less than the number specified in this diagnostic message.
1. The amount of memory available in the system can be viewed under
menu selection Status ⇒ System. One way to decrease memory usage
would be to verify that all the items being selected within the sizing icon
are necessary. For example: if only 3 event functions are used in the
current VisualMotion program but 10 events are reserved in memory
within the sizing icon, then the addition 7 events use up unnecessary
memory resources. Decrease each field within the sizing icon to free up
memory space.
2. If the problem persists, contact Indramat Service for assistance.
1. Check the address configuration on both the PC (config.sys and
system.ini) and the CLC/P (address jumper switches) as well as Setup ⇒
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3-38 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Replace the battery and upload the archive file under File ⇒ Archive.
1. If the card has just been installed in the VME rack and a valid program is
active, clear this error and proceed.
2. If the card has not just been installed, this indicates that the VME standby
battery has failed and the previous program and data has been replaced
with that stored in Flash.
1. One possibility is that an Event is programmed as a function in the
sequencer icon. Modify the program and replace the event with a
2. Task diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ Tasks
3. Extended diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ System
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-39
1. One possibility is that an Event is programmed as a function in the
sequencer icon. Modify the program and replace the event with a
2. Task diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ Tasks
3. Extended diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ System
1. Move the instruction into a main user task or subroutine
1. Parameter C-0-0124 provides a detailed description of the error as an
extended diagnostic message.
2. Extended diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ System
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3-40 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Since the warning may have already been cleared on the drive, the
extended diagnostic (C-0-0124) latches the class 2 diagnostic bits (drive
parameter S-0-0012) from the drive so that this condition can be
2. Extended diagnostic can be view under Status ⇒ System
3. Using VisualMotion Toolkit, open the CLC Drive Parameter Editor under
menu selection Status ⇒ Drives and view the status line for a
description of the drive error. Refer to the drive manual for more
1. Check the program for an axis value greater than 40 or a variable label
given to an axis with a value greater than 40.
1. Stop the VisualMotion program. Recycle the program by switching to
manual mode and then back to auto mode. This process will reinitialize
the program back to the Start icon. If the homing command instruction is
at the beginning of the program, re-start the program to home the axis
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-41
1. Parameter C-0-0124, extended diagnostics, has a detailed description of
the error. This extended diagnostic can also be using VisualMotion
Toolkit under menu selection Status ⇒ System.
1. The CLC card contains a firmware version that is not capable of perform
ELS and Cam functions. Verify the version of CLC firmware in card
parameter C-0-0100 or using VisualMotion Toolkit under menu selection
Status ⇒ System. Contact Indramat Service for assistance.
1. If this error occurs, increase the timeout value in C-0-0016.
Using VisualMotion Toolkit…
Select ⇒ Overview from the main menu
Refer to Figure 3-1: Viewing system diagnostic parameters, for
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3-42 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Modify the user program so that the correct axis is addressed, or exclude
the axis from the system using Axis parameter A-0-0007.
1. Reinstall the I/O mapper file ( *.iom) using the following VisualMotion
Toolkit procedure.
When a 507 error occurs, check parameter C-0-0031 to find the cards that
have the error condition. Check the ERR LED on the DEA. If it is on, check
the current draw of the devices connected to the outputs. If the ERR LED is
off, check the +24V external power supply signal to see if it is connected and
if it falls in the range above.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-43
1. If this feature is intentionally set and the user's desired elapse time,
programmed in parameter C-0-0021, can be increased, the user can
modify the value in parameter C-0-0021.
2. If this feature is not desired but a value other than zero appears in
parameter C-0-0021, change this value to zero to disable this feature.
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3-44 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
1. Increase SERCOS parameter S-0-0002, SERCOS Cycle Time, from
4000µsec to 8000µsec. Switch the system or drive to parameter mode
and then back to automatic mode to update the SERCOS ring.
2. If the increase in SERCOS Cycle Time does not help, contact Indramat
Service for assistance.
3. Replace the Serial Communication cable.
1. Increase the velocity window in parameters C-0-0159 or C-0-1556 to
allow for wide velocity window.
1. Cycle power to the entire VisualMotion system and reestablish
communications between VisualMotion Toolkit and the CLC card.
2. Verify that all system communications under the Setup menu are correct.
3. Verify that the DDE Server is functioning and communicating.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-45
1. Check to see that the CLC-P02 is firmly set at the PC104 dual port RAM
to the MS PLC.
2. Cycle power to the entire system to re-establish communications.
3. If communications are still not established, contact Indramat Service for
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3-46 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-47
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3-48 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-49
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3-50 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-51
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3-52 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-53
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3-54 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
The Data Type selected in the Fieldbus Mapper is invalid. Fieldbus object
number can be mapped to a Variable, Register, Card parameter, Axis
parameter, or Task Parameter. The Data Types mentioned above become
an invalid mapping if the type being selected can not be mapped or is read
only. This will normally occur when mapping object numbers to parameters.
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-55
If P0 is displayed on all the drives on the ring, then a drive number has been
setup that is not present on the ring. Go to System under the Status menu
and check the diagnostic message. "415 Drive x was not found" should be
displayed, where x is the drive number defined but does not exist. If x should
be a valid drive number, make sure that the drive is included in the SERCOS
Other possible errors: 412 No Drives were found on ring
402 SERCOS configuration error
Make sure that the drive numbers in the "Task Axis Setup" dialog box within
the Axis icon agree with the rotary switches S2 and S3 on the DSS
If the drive numbers do not agree, there are two options. The first is to power
down the drives and change S2/S3 so that they agree with the software
settings. The other option is to change the drive numbers in the "Task Axis
Setup" dialog box, save the file, compile and download the revised program.
After completing either of the options, the drives should display AH.
If P0 is displayed on only some of the drives, then those drives are not part of
the SERCOS ring. Power down the system, add the drives to the ring, and
then bring the system back on line.
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3-56 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
There are 2 cases where P2 would be displayed on the drives:
1. Drives are in Parameter Mode (all drives would display P2)
2. SERCOS ring cannot switch into Phase 3 due to error (all drives would
display P2)
1. Take the system out of Parameter mode (Register 1, bit 1 =0) or,
2. Determine which drive has the Phase 3 error and refer to drive error 32.
Ab means that control voltage and main 3 Φ power is present and the drive is
ready to be enabled (E-Stop is active).
To enable the drive, set Register #001 Bit #03 (!Emergency_Stop) = 1 and
clear the E-stop error by setting register 1 bit 5 (Clear_All_Errors) = 1 (bit is
leading edge triggered). Drive should then display AH.
If bb is displayed, then 3 Φ power is not present on the bus.
1. Make sure 3 Φ power is available to the drives
2. Check the power supply to be sure that the path from X2.1 to X2.6 is
3. Make sure the terminating resistor is installed on the last drive on the
power supply.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Monitoring and Diagnostic 3-57
Step 2. Look at the Diagnostic Message in the “System” dialog box
under the Status menu. The error message will probably be
"407 Drive x Phase 3 Switch Error" or "411 Drive x Phase 4
Switch Error."
Step 3. Put the drive in Parameter mode.
Step 4. Select Overview from the Setup menu in Visual Motion.
Select Drives as Parameter Source and choose error type
Parameter from the list drop down box. Choose Phase 2 Error if Error
407 or Phase 3 Error if Error 411 (DIAX02 only). For
Error DIAX03 drives see note above.
Step 5. Highlight the first parameter in the list and double click. An
edit box for that parameter will open.
Step 6. Save the default value in the parameter by clicking on the
Save button. Click on the Next button to edit the next
parameter in the list.
Step 7. Repeat step six for all the parameters in the list.
The default value for each parameter is only a suggested value. The correct
value for each application should be determined during the application set-up.
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3-58 Monitoring and Diagnostic VisualMotion 6.0
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-1
Key Features • Serial connection to a CLC card with support for an RS485 auto switching
• Support for a modem connection to a CLC card (AT protocol).
• VME back plane communications from a XYCOM PC (Requires
• VME back plane communications from a GE FANUC Plug & Play PC
(Requires VPCMTK.DLL).
• Direct PC AT bus communication to a CLC-P card (Requires CLC_P.DLL)
• Direct PC104 bus communication to a CLC-P02 card (Requires
• Connection for editing a CLC compiled program file off line (Requires
• Demonstration connection for testing client applications off line (Requires
• Access to server parameters and status through DDE.
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
4-2 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
Service Name
The CLC communication server supports two DDE service names. The standard
service name is CLC_DDE. This should be used for all connections except when
connecting to a CLC compiled program file. For this case use CLC_FILE.
Topic Name
When the standard service name is used to exchange CLC data, the topic
name identifies the method of connection to the CLC card and the card unit
number. Valid strings consist of a communication device name and a unit
number. Valid device names are SERIAL_, AT_MODEM_, XYCOM_,
GE_P&P_, DEMO_, ISA_ or PC104_ and valid card unit numbers are '0' to
'F'. Connections which use the CLC_FILE service should specify the CLC
program file as the topic name. If the file is not located in the same directory
as clc_dde.exe then the complete path should be included. To exchange
server data the service name should be CLC_DDE and the topic name
should be SERVER. This is the only topic which will not support an advise
link. See section SERVER Topic Name.
Item Name
The item name identifies the specific data to exchange. When exchanging
CLC data, the item name consists of a string which contains the class,
subclass and data identifiers of the information for the CLC card. The strings
follow the ASCII serial protocol. Refer to Appendix A, Direct ASCII
Communications for an explanation of these codes. When exchanging
server data the item name should consist of the section and entry name from
the INI file (clc_dde.ini). The two names must be divided by a pipe (‘|’)
character. Not all server data has read/write capabilities.
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-3
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4-4 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-5
Error Handling
Intercept CLC Checking this box will cause the server to intercept CLC
Errors And error responses and displayed them in a message box.
Display Request and poke transactions will return failure to the
client application. Advise links will remain active,
however they will return nothing until the error is
resolved. The error response will be written to the error
log file if that feature is enabled. If this box is not
checked the error string will be returned to the client.
Make Error Checking this box will cause all server generated
Messages message boxes to have system modal attributes. This
System Modal means that all applications will be suspended until the
user responds to the message box. The window can not
be forced to the background.
Log Errors To Checking this box will cause the server to log all server
File errors to a file. The current system date and time will be
associated with each log entry. As a default this feature
is not enabled.
View Log File Pressing this button will cause the current error log file to
be displayed in notepad.
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4-6 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
Baud Rate Check the proper baud rate to use when communicating
serially with a CLC card.
Serial Port Select the serial communications port to use on the PC.
Use Serial Event Checking this box causes Windows to notify the server
when a completed message is in the receive queue. This
will increase the number of serial messages sent over
polling for a response. Slower computers may not be able
to utilize this feature.
RS485 Converter This option should be used when an RS232 to RS485
(not available converter is present. A delay will be inserted between
with messages which is equal to at least one character
TRANS 01-D) transmission at the selected baud rate. This is necessary
to ensure that the CLC card has had sufficient time in
which to turn the RS485 transmitter off and enable the
receiver. Please note that the converter must toggle the
transmitter and receiver automatically, and also that echo
back must be disabled.
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-7
CLC Parameters
CLC Unit Number The CLC unit number for the currently displayed data.
Short Address The address page in short VME memory space where
Page the selected CLC card resides.
Base Address The address page in Standard or Extended memory
Page space where the CLC's shared RAM is located.
Note: The default server settings correspond to the default CLC control
card settings and should not need to be altered.
XYCOM Options
VME Select the VME interrupt which all CLC-V control cards
Handshaking should use to terminate a communication response. If
Interrupt this option is not used, the server will poll for a
communication response every 55 milliseconds. Refer to
your XYCOM owners manual to configure the computers
BIOS to acknowledge the selected VME interrupt.
Allow Extended Check this box if the XYCOM PC can support A32
VME Addressing addressing.
Release Bus Check this box if the PC should release the VME bus
Every Cycle after every cycle. This will increase communication
overhead due to the additional bus arbitration cycles
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4-8 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
CLC Heart Beat This indicator will blink indicating that the selected CLC control card is running.
CLC Executing This indicator will be marked if the selected CLC control card has faulted and is running the pROBE+
pROBE+Monitor monitor.
CLC Is In This indicator will be marked when the selected CLC control card is in parameter mode.
Parameter Mode
CLC Is In An This indicator will be marked when the selected CLC control card is in an error state. Card parameter
Error State 122 will contain the specific error message.
CLC Unit This option selects the card number. This card number must match the settings of hardware switches
Number S8 through S11. To locate a card without knowing the switch settings, use the following procedure:
⇒ Start with card number 0
⇒ If sounds are active on your PC and 0 is not the correct card number, a sound will be
⇒ Continue this procedure until a sound is not heard. This is an indication that the correct
card number has been selected.
Once this is established, use the same card number under Setup ⇒ Card Selection in VisualMotion
Toolkit. Connection method must also be set to PC ISA Bus.
Use PC When selected, this option will force all CLC-P control cards to terminate communication responses
Handshaking with a PC interrupt (IRQ 9). Hardware jumper S5 must be inserted on the CLC-P card for this option
Interrupt (IRQ 9) to work properly. If this option is not used, the server will poll for a communication response every 55
Note: When using the interrupt option on the CLC-P control card, no other hardware devices may
use IRQ 9.DDE Menu.
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-9
CLC Heart Beat This indicator will blink indicating that the selected CLC control card is running.
CLC Executing This indicator will be marked if the selected CLC control card has faulted and is running the pROBE+
pROBE+Monitor monitor.
CLC Is In This indicator will be marked when the selected CLC control card is in parameter mode.
Parameter Mode
CLC Is In An This indicator will be marked when the selected CLC control card is in an error state. Card parameter
Error State 122 will contain the specific error message.
CLC Unit This option selects the card number. This card number must match the settings of hardware S1 DIP
Number switches 1 through 4. To locate a card without knowing the DIP switch settings use the following
⇒ Start with card number 0
⇒ If sounds are active on your PC and 0 is not the correct card number, a sound will be
⇒ Continue this procedure until a sound is not heard. This is an indication that the correct
card number has been selected.
Once this is established, use the same card number under Setup ⇒ Card Selection in VisualMotion
Toolkit. Connection method must also be set to PC-104 Bus.
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4-10 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
Use PC When selected, this option will force all CLC-P02 control cards to establish communication responses
Handshaking with a PC interrupt selected. Hardware S1 DIP switches 5 through 8 settings must match the
Interrupt interrupt selected for this option to work properly. If this option is not used, the server will poll for a
communication response every 55 milliseconds. When selected, this option will increase the
handshake response time.
Note: The default interrupt setting is INT10.
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-11
DDE Conversations
The DDE Conversations dialog box displays the Conversation, Service and
Topic Handles for all of the current DDE conversations. The Item Count
column shows the total number of active advise links, request transactions
and poke transactions. Double click on a specific conversation entry in order
to view the item transaction list. A second method is to select the
conversation and then use the “expand” button. This dialog box is useful
when creating client applications which talk to the CLC communications
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4-12 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
Communication Monitor
The DDE Communication Monitor displays all of the current DDE
conversations. The monitor can display DDE requests and/ or responses
depending the selection made under the Settings menu.
The active window builds a communications log of all DDE conversations that
occur while the monitor is running. Selecting Clear will empty the log.
Selecting Stop will stop the conversation monitoring and allow users to scroll
through the log. The Monitor window can be resized to enlarge the active
viewing area.
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-13
Baud Rate Select the baud rate to use to talk to the sending
Serial Port Select the serial port to use to talk to the sending
Telephone Enter the complete phone number to dial including
any numbers required to get an outside line.
Placing a comma in the number will insert a delay.
Attempt To Connect Check this box if you wish CLC_DDE to
On Start Up automatically attempt a connection when a
conversation is started. The telephone number is
saved in the INI file. If this box is not check the user
will need to select the “Connect” button.
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4-14 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 CLC DDE Server 4-15
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4-16 CLC DDE Server VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-1
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5-2 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Hardware Components
• Series 68000 micro-controller
• 1 MByte Flash
• 256 KByte SRAM
• RS-232 programming interface for downloading firmware and for
programming of custom displays
• Communications interface in accordance with Indramat standard, i.e. bus-
capable RS485 and RS422
BG Test Certifications
• EN 60204 Part 1: "Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Industrial
Machinery; Part 1: General Requirements"
• EN 775: "Industrial Robots Safety"
• EN 418: "Safety of Machinery - Emergency Shut-Off Equipment,
Functional Aspects, Design Guidelines"
• Integrated Safety Circuitry, Category 4, according to EN954-1 for Live-Man
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-3
Override, Hand-Wheel
The BTC06 may optionally be equipped with a 4-bit override switch and a 16-
bit hand-wheel. Both are available when using the MTS as I/O information
through a corresponding functional module.
Emergency Shut-Off
The emergency stop button is designed to shut-off the system operation in
any mode (stop category 0). For category 1 emergency stop functions,
appropriate measures must be taken in addition to the electronic safety
equipment (see 9.4, DIN EN 60204-1). The emergency stop button is a dual-
circuit switch.
Live-Man Switch
The live-man switch is activated with the holding hand. Enclosure and shape
of the live-man switch have been ergonomically optimized for right-hand and
left-hand operation.
The live-man switch directly affects the post-connected system (drive
amplifier, SPS, robot). It is designed to allow hazardous machine movement
only upon intentional activation of the operator, when the operator has to work
within the hazardous zone of the machine.
The BTC06 interface cable includes the power supply line for the device, the
connection cable for the emergency stop button, and the live-man switch as
well as the data cables for data transfers between the BTC06 and the
When the user disconnects the connector, the emergency stop circuit and the
live-man circuit will be interrupted.
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5-4 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-5
Main Connection
Pin Assignment
1 0V
2 + 24 V
3 Live-man switch 1 in
4 Live-man switch 2 in
5 Live-man switch 1 out
6 Live-man switch 2 out
7 E-STOP 1 in
8 E-STOP 2 in
9 E-STOP 1 out
10 RS422 TxD- RS485 -
11 RS422 TxD+ RS485 +
12 RS422 RxD-
13 RS422 RxD+
14 Signal Ground
16 E-STOP 2 out
17 Not used
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5-6 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Pin Assignment
1 not used
2 TxD
3 RxD
4 Signal Ground
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-7
BTC06 Accessories
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5-8 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Note: The firmware for this device is supplied on diskette. Therefore, each
customer needs at least one of these cables to load the firmware.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-9
Live-Man Switch
Live-Man switch
Switch elements Two floating N.O. contacts, electrically
Rated voltage 24 V DC / 42 V AC
Rated current 2 A DC / 3 A AC
Operating cycles > 200,000 for Live-Man range
> 100,000 for Panic position
Control category 4 in accordance with EN954-1
Table 5-3: Live-Man Switch Data
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5-10 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Outside Dimensions
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-11
Rear View
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5-12 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Inside the control cabinet, the wires for the live-man switch and the
emergency stop function have to be connected. These are connected in the
BTZ01.1 junction box.
The junction box ensures that the connections for the live-man switch and the
emergency stop function can be accessed externally. The IKS0188
connection cable establishes the connection to the INS0627 bulkhead
connector. Inside the box, the individual functional units are distributed/wired
to the respective connectors on the front panel.
The live-man circuits and the emergency stop function as well as the voltage
supply are connected at a 12-pin Phoenix terminal. The connection to the
BTC06 is established through a 17-pin female circular connector.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-13
From the BTZ to the CLC, the IKB0020 serial communication cable will be
used. RS485 and RS422 ports are connected to the CLC in accordance with
Indramat standards.
Figure 5-9: IKS0188 Connection Cable for the connection of the BTC06 and
INS0627 Bulkhead connector.
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5-14 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-15
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5-16 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-17
This section explains how to use the BTC06 - VisualMotion Teach Pendant.
The BTC06 Teach Pendant gives users a hand held operating interface which
allows them to:
Each category of functions has its own set of menus. The following function
categories are available through the pendant BTV06 Main Menu:
( 241)4#//'07
( 6#$.''&+6/'07
( ,1)/'07
( %10641./'07
( 4')+56'4+1/'07
( 2#4#/'6'4/'07
( 5'%74+6;/'07
( &+#)0156+%/'07
Note: The first screen that is displayed on the Teach Pendant is the Control
Menu. See section 5.12 Task Control.
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5-18 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Menu Map
The following chart maps the submenus and menu links that are found within
the main menu. Some menus have direct links to diagnostics, parameters
and I/O registers.
Note: Pressing the ESC key will backtrack the Teach Pendant and display
the previously viewed screen until it reaches the main menu.
F1 F2 F3 F4
F6 - Global
F7 - Main Menu F6 - Debug /
Table Menu
F7 - Global
F8 - Diagnostic
Float F7 - Main Menu
Table Menu
F8 - Diagnostic
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-19
F5 F6 F7 F8
F4 - Drive F4 - Log
F7 - Main Menu
F7 - Main Menu
F8 - Diagnostic
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5-20 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Note: To use the pendant When the Teach Pendant is enabled, the following registers and bits shall be
function keys, as well as the forced at all times by the BTC06. The VisualMotion Toolkit provides a
pendant edit features, the register forcing capability that allows a Host system to directly change the
System Control Register 1, bit state of individual I/O register bits overriding both the physical I/O and the
14 (Pendant Enable) must be CLC I/O Mapper.
set to 1.
Task A Control Register 2: bit 1 Mode Auto nManual
bit 4 Single Step
bit 6 Cycle Start/Resume
bit 7 nTask Stop
bit 12 Step Sequence Step
bit 13 Step Sequence Function
Registers 98 and 99 define blocking bits for task A, B, C and D. The bits in
the register can disable Teach Pendant control of the selected function for the
corresponding tasks A-B, C-D. The following functions can be blocked:
Reg. - Bit Description Reg. - Bit Description
98-1 Block Task A Manual 99-1 Block Task C Manual
98-2 Block Task A Auto 99-2 Block Task C Auto
98-3 Block Task A Step 99-3 Block Task C Step
98-4 Block Task A Jog 99-4 Block Task C Jog
98-5 Block Task A Entry 99-5 Block Task C Entry
98-6 Block Task A Teach 99-6 Block Task C Teach
98-9 Block Task B Manual 99-9 Block Task D Manual
98-10 Block Task B Auto 99-10 Block Task D Auto
98-11 Block Task B Step 99-11 Block Task D Step
98-12 Block Task B Jog 99-12 Block Task D Jog
98-13 Block Task B Entry 99-13 Block Task D Entry
98-14 Block Task B Teach 99-14 Block Task D Teach
If a block bit is set, its corresponding function is blocked. If a user selects the
function an error message is issued by the TPT.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-21
Note: When the Teach Pendant is initializing, it automatically sets the baud
rate to 9600.
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5-22 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Key Action
Soft key defined by active menu
First press function key help, then press item help (only available
for Parameter Menu)
Display all main menu functions
numeric key
numeric key and letter combination ( use the shift key to access
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-23
Key Action
numeric key and letter combination
decimal point
delete and left arrow (use the shift key to access delete)
next and right arrow (use the shift key to access next)
Confirm entry
Shift key
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5-24 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Keyboard Map
The BTC06 keyboard is mapped to register 95, 96 and 97. The figure below
and to the right outlines the register and bit location in the following format:
Register - Bit
Example: 95 - 01 ; key is mapped to register 95, bit 01
When a key is pressed its corresponding bit turns on and remains on for as
long as the key is pressed.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-25
Jogging Control
Press the coordinated jog keys (X+, X-, Y+, Y-,
Z+, Z-) to jog in World, Joint or Tool coordinates.
For robotics, the (A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-) keys
function as Row, Pitch and Yaw in coordinated
motion. The jog keys are active only while in the
Jog Menu (F3). If other coordinated axes are
defined in other tasks, then that task must be
activated in order to jog from the Teach Pendant. When in single axis mode
within the Jog Menu, the (A+, A-) keys light up and are used to jog the axis.
Task Control
Press the TASK key to display the task menu. Use the arrow keys to
position the cursor in the desired task and press OK, then press ESC to
return to the previous menu.
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5-26 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Teach Control
The Teach key allows the user to store the current position (during a
coordinated jog) into the Absolute Point Table. The table point number will
flash indicating that point has been recorded in the table.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-27
Each program consists of one to four user tasks (A, B, C, and D), and the
associated Absolute and Relative Point Tables, Event Table, and Variable
Tables. Activating a new program replaces the current four motion tasks and
tables with the tasks and tables for the new program selection.
Table Includes:
( ( ( (
The up and down arrow keys move the cursor to select a program. Pressing
F1 activates the selected program.
Note: The currently active program must not be running when activating
another program.
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5-28 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
241)4#/ 5'3
( ( ( ( (
The name of each list can also be edited. Position the cursor at the end of
the list name and press the Edit key. The letters of the alphabet are located
within the numbered keys. These letters can only be accessed when used in
conjunction with the Shift key. Use the F1 key to delete characters to the left
of the cursor. Use the Shift key to Select Shift On and Off. This allows you
to toggle the keyboard map between numbers and letters. Refer to Number
or Letter Selection on page 5-25 for details.
This editing process is functional within all of the following Sequencer menus.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-29
241)4#/ 5'3
5'37'0%' +0+6+#.+<'A5'37'0%'4
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( (
2I7R 2I&P
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
5-30 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
241)4#/ 5'3
5'37'0%' +0+6+#.+<'A5'37'0%'4
56'2 *1/'A#..A#:'5
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Function List
Pressing F5 (Ins) from the Step Table Edit Menu will open the Function List
Menu. This menu contains a list of all the functions available within the
selected Sequence. Use the arrow keys to navigate the cursor to the desired
Function. Press OK to insert that function into the previous Step Table.
( (
2I7R 2I&P
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-31
241)4#/ 5'3
5'37'0%' +0+6+#.+<'A5'37'0%'4
56'2 *1/'A#..A#:'5
(70%6+10 *1/'A#:+5
( ( ( (
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
5-32 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
'UE (
07/ 0#/'
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Select a point by moving the cursor up and down with the arrow keys.
Pressing F5 (Edit) will bring up the following menu:
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-33
#$5=? 4GITKR
( ( ( ( ( ( (
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
5-34 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
07/ 0#/'
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Select a point by moving the cursor up and down with the arrow keys.
Pressing F5 (Edit) will bring up the following menu:
4'.=? 4'.=?
< ;CY
( ( ( ( ( ( (
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-35
The currently selected task determines the portion of the event table allowed
to be viewed through the Teach Pendant.
Ty Event type:
0 = event inactive
1 = repeating timer
2 = time on coordinated motion path
3 = dist. on coordinated motion path
4 = single axis distance
5 = repeating axis position
6 = task external interrupt input
7 = VME broadcast interrupt
8 = VME short address (mailbox) interrupt
9 = axis feedback capture
Rf Event Reference:
0 = start of segment
1 = end of segment
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5-36 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( (
Display Format
Pressing F3 toggles the display between decimal (20.0) and hexadecimal
(0x00000014) notation.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-37
( ( ( ( (
Display Format
Pressing F3 toggles the display between floating point fixed (100.000) and
scientific (1.000e+02) notation.
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5-38 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( (
Display Format
Pressing F3 toggles the display between decimal (20.0) and hexadecimal
(0x00000014) notation.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-39
( ( ( ( (
Display Format
Pressing F3 toggles the display between floating point fixed (100.000) and
scientific (1.000e+02) notation.
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5-40 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
#:+5 914.& 6#7)*6
( ( ( ( ( ( (
Press F1 to select either the Axis, Joint, World or Tool jog system. F2 selects
the jog method which can be continuos or incremental.
F4 is a "Move To" function that allows the user to enter a position in the
TAUGHT column and move the specified axis to that point by pressing OK.
Use the up and down arrow keys to move the cursor to the desired TAUGHT
axis. This function is only available for coordinated axes.
F6 opens the Edit Jog Parameters screen which allows the user to adjust the
percent distance and speed parameters, as well as, view the values set for
each Task and Axis.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-41
Jog Systems
Axis Jog Menu
The Single Axis Jog menu allows jogging a single, non-coordinated axis.
Only the selected axis is affected. The BTC06 display is continuously
updated with the current position of the axis.
Press A− to jog in the negative direction.
Press A+ to jog in the positive direction.
(The teach pendant beeps at the beginning and end of motion.)
Coordinated Jogging
Press X- to jog in the negative X direction.
Press X+ to jog in the positive X direction.
The pendant beeps at the beginning and end of motion. The display is
continuously updated to display the current position (X, Y, Z) on each of the
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5-42 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
Jog Method
The following Jog Methods are available with the Teach Pendant:
Teaching Points
To teach the current position (during a coordinated jog) into the Absolute
Point Table press TEACH. (Confirm each point by pressing the OK key.)
The table point number will flash indicating that point has been recorded in
the table. The point number will automatically advance to the next point.
Separate percents are used for FAST/SLOW and LARGE/SMALL jog settings
in coordinated jog.
While in the Axis Jog or World Jog Menus, pressing F6 (PAR key) displays a
screen that permits editing the FAST/SLOW and LARGE/SMALL jog
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-43
When the Teach Pendant powers up, the Control Menu is the first menu
The control menu can run in one of three different modes. The following
pages describe the operation of each mode and illustrate the different menu
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5-44 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
#WVQ )Q 5612 +1 0QTO /CKP &KCI
F1 - Mode Of Operation
If the Teach Pendant Enabled Bit (Register 1 bit 14) is high, pressing the F1
key will change the mode of operation in the order shown below:
By pressing the F4 key, the Register Menu will be displayed, allowing the
operator to active I/O bits.
In Auto: Step mode F5 is used to select the step method which can be one
instruction, one Sequence Step, or one Sequence Function at a time.
When Debug is selected by pressing the F6 key, the following text appears in
the top half of the screen and the F6 key text changes to Norm. Pressing F6
(Normal) again removes this information.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-45
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
5VGR )Q 5612 +1 +PUV 0QTO /CKP &KCI
When the Automatic Step Mode is selected by pressing the F1 key, F2 will
display GO and F3 will display STOP. Every time the F2-GO key is pressed,
the program will be sequentially executed one step at a time. The steps can
be program instructions, Sequencer steps or Sequencer functions. Pressing
the F5 key selects the step mode that the program will follow:
Instruction - INST
Sequence/Steps - SEQ/STEP
Sequence/Function - SEQ/FUNC
When F5 (INST) is selected the program will execute only one instruction
every time the F2-GO key is pressed. When SEQ/STEP is selected the
program will execute all the functions within one Sequencer step, one at a
time. When SEQ/FUNC is selected the program will execute each
Sequencer function, one at a time.
The F3-STOP key can be used to immediately halt the execution of the
program within a step. If the F2-GO key is pressed again the step will
continue to run.
By pressing the F4 key, the Register Menu will be displayed, allowing the
operator to active I/O bits.
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5-46 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
By pressing the F2 key, the Jog Menu will be displayed, allowing the operator
to jog and teach each axis.
By pressing the F4 key, the Register Menu will be displayed, allowing the
operator to active I/O bits.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-47
The F4 I/O key is provided on every operator interface control screen. The
operator will have the ability to view and edit the register bits that the machine
builder selects. When the F4 key is pressed, the register menu will be
displayed. The first register displayed is set in CLC card parameter C-0-0805
Start of User Accessible Registers on Pendant. Parameter C-0806 defines
the End of User Accessible Registers on Pendant. The operator can only edit
registers within the range of these two parameters.
4')+56'4 'PFA1HA#TOA6QQNA
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
The first page of the register menu will display bits 1 through 8. By pressing
the down arrow key, bits 9 through 16 will be displayed. Pressing the up
arrow key will return to bits 1 through 8.
The page up and page down keys move the cursor to the next or
previous register available within the limits of card parameters C-0-0805 and
To jump to a register number:
1. Press the edit key
2. Enter the register number
3. Press the OK key
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5-48 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
4')+56'4 'PFA1HA#TOA6QQNA
( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
The function keys F1 through F8 will allow the operator to toggle the state
(ON/OFF) of bits 1 through 8 (first page displayed) or bits 9 through 16
(second page displayed).
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-49
The Parameter menu allows selection of screens for editing the system, task,
axis, and drive parameters.
( %#4&
( #:+5
( 6#5-
( &4+8'
( (
( ( ( ( ( (
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
5-50 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( ( (
To move the cursor to the parameter number (pppp) while the cursor is on
the axis number, press the right arrow key. Pressing the F1 Home key will
return the cursor to the axis number.
To jump to a given parameter number:
1. Press the Edit key
2. Enter the parameter number
3. Press the OK key
When done, the cursor will jump to the specified parameter number.
To modify the value for a given parameter, press the F2 End key to jump to
the value field. Press the Edit key, enter the new value and press OK.
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-51
( ( ( ( ( (
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5-52 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
( ( ( ( ( (
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-53
( (
To alter a menu protection level, place the cursor over the protection level
field and press the EDIT button. Key-in the appropriate code (0, 1 or 2) and
press OK. The Security Level Menu has a default of -1 to allow initial access
to all users.
The user access status for each menu depends on the menu protection level
outlined above and the users access code, which is determined by the
System Control Register 1, Bits 15 and 16. The access code has to be
greater than the menu protection level to allow the user to view and edit a
menu. If the levels are the same the user can only view the menu. A menu
with a protection level that is higher than the security level cannot be
accessed by a user. The following table lists the level combinations which
determine user access privileges.
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5-54 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
6UM## 6#5-4700+0)
6UM$$ 6#5-4700+0)
6UM%% /#07#./1&'
6UM&& /#07#./1&'
( ( ( ( (
NOTE: The Teach Pendant cannot edit the card number or task.
By pressing the Edit key, the operator can enter the desired Axis number and
press the OK key to accept.
By pressing the (F3 Reset) key, the information on the screen is refreshed.
By pressing the (F4 Log) key, the screen will display a list of error that contain
the following details:
• Log number
• Date and Time
• Error code
For a complete listing of Diagnostics, refer to Chapter 3, Monitoring and
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VisualMotion 6.0 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces 5-55
If and error is detected during operation, the pendant automatically enters the
Error screen and displays a message about the error condition.
If the TPT enable bit (Register 1, bit 14) is on and an error occurs, the TPT
will force all tasks into manual mode.
Pressing escape after an error occurs will display the Diagnostic Menu.
6UM## /#07#./1&'
6UM$$ /#07#./1&'
6UM%% /#07#./1&'
6UM&& /#07#./1&'
( ( ( ( (
F3 - Reset
A basic “Shutdown” error can be cleared by pressing F3. If the error is a
configuration or hardware error, the source of that error must first be
corrected before it can be cleared by the pendant.
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5-56 Human Machine VisualMotion Interfaces VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Index 6-1
6 Index
!52 Invalid Axis................................. 3-51
!53 Waiting for service channel......... 3-51
! !54 List or String is too short............. 3-51
!01 SERCOS Error Code # xxxx (xxxx = !55 List or String is too long.............. 3-51
Error code) .................................... 3-46 !56 PC Communication Handshake Error3-52
!02 Invalid Parameter Number .......... 3-46 !57 I/O Mapper: Max file size on CLC
!03 Data is Read Only........................ 3-46 Exceeded ....................................... 3-52
!04 Write Protected in this mode/phase3-46 !58 Cannot store cam: already active for
!05 Greater than maximum value....... 3-46 axis D ............................................ 3-52
!06 Less than minimum value............ 3-46 !59 SERCOS handshake/busy timeout3-52
!07 Data is Invalid ............................. 3-46 !60 Executable program is too large (ddK)3-52
!08 Drive was not found .................... 3-46 !61 System Memory Allocation Error 3-52
!09 Drive not ready for communication3-47 !62 Cam X data is < 0 or greater than 3603-52
!10 Drive is not responding ............... 3-47 !63 X-Column does not start at 0 or end at
!11 Service channel is not open ......... 3-47 360 ................................................ 3-52
!12 Invalid Command Class .............. 3-47 !64 Not supported in user prog file
!13 Checksum Error: xx (xx= checksum version 1.1..................................... 3-52
that CLC calculated)...................... 3-47 !65 Sequencer: invalid sequence (D) . 3-53
!14 Invalid Command Subclass ......... 3-47 !66 Sequencer: invalid step (D) ......... 3-53
!15 Invalid Parameter Set .................. 3-47 !67 Invalid function number (D)........ 3-53
!16 List already in progress ............... 3-47 !68 Function D not accessible in a step3-53
!17 Invalid Sequence Number ........... 3-47 !69 Too many functions are used (D) 3-53
!18 List has not started....................... 3-47 !70 Maximum steps per sequence
!19 List is finished ............................. 3-48 exceeded (D) ................................. 3-53
!20 Parameter is a List ....................... 3-48 !71 Maximum functions per step
!21 Parameter is not a List ................. 3-48 exceeded (D) ................................. 3-53
!22 Invalid Variable Number............. 3-48 !72 Program does not include a PLS . 3-53
!23 Insufficient program space .......... 3-48 !73 Invalid ABS or REL point index (D)3-54
!24 Maximum number of files exceeded2-3 !74 Error in command execution ....... 3-54
!24 Maximum number of files exceeded3-48 !75 Comm. port buffer overflow........ 3-54
!25 Invalid program header ............... 3-48 !77 Can't save sequencer while it is
!26 Checksum Error in Program........ 3-48 running .......................................... 3-54
!27 Invalid Program Handle .............. 3-48 !78 Service channel in use ................. 3-54
!28 Function not Implemented........... 3-49 !79 PID block number does not exist 3-54
!29 Program not found on CLC ......... 3-49 !80 IBS: Invalid Object Number........ 3-54
!30 Invalid I/O Register or Bit Number3-49 !81 IBS: Invalid Mapping(s).............. 3-54
!31 Invalid Table Index ..................... 3-49 !82 Write protected by password ....... 3-54
!32 Communication Port Error .......... 3-49
!33 Invalid Data Format..................... 3-49
!34 Active program can't be deleted .. 3-49
!35 Parameter mode is required ......... 3-49 001 Initializing System........................ 3-3
!36 Invalid Event Number ................. 3-49 002 Parameter Mode............................ 3-3
!37 Invalid Event Function ................ 3-49 003 Initializing Drives......................... 3-3
!38 Program file version mismatch.... 3-50 004 System is Ready............................ 3-3
!39 Can't activate while program running3-50 005 Manual Mode ............................... 3-3
!40 No programs are active................ 3-50 006 Automatic Mode: ABCD.............. 3-4
!41 System Error: pSOS #XXXX...... 3-50 007 Program Running: ABCD ............ 3-4
!42 Mapper: invalid operator............. 3-50 008 Single-Stepping: ABCD ............... 3-4
!43 Mapper: too many operations...... 3-50 009 Select Parameter Mode to Continue3-4
!44 Mapper: invalid register .............. 3-50 010 Breakpoint Reached: ABCD......... 3-4
!45 Mapper: invalid bit or mask ........ 3-50 011 Waiting for PLC ........................... 3-4
!46 Mapper: register is read-only....... 3-50 012 Simulation: Parameter Mode ........ 3-5
!47 Invalid Unit Number ................... 3-50 013 Simulation: Manual Mode............ 3-5
!48 VME Bus Error ........................... 3-51 014 Simulation: Automatic Mode: ABCD3-5
!49 VME Communication Handshake 015 Simulation: Program Running:
Error (D)........................................ 3-51 ABCD ............................................. 3-5
!50 Invalid Download Block ............. 3-51 016 Simulation: Single-Stepping: ABCD3-6
!51 Unit D: Invalid VME Base Address 017 Simulation: Breakpoint Reached:
Page............................................... 3-51 ABCD ............................................. 3-6
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6-2 Index VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Index 6-3
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6-4 Index VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Index 6-5
I/O Mapper ...............................2-18, 2-21 Optional Features
Display Strings .............................. 2-21 Emergency Shut-Off........................ 5-3
Uploading I/O Mapper .................. 2-21 Live-Man Switch............................. 5-3
I/O Setup ............................................. 2-7 Override, Hand-Wheel .................... 5-3
Icon Palette 'Coord'............................ 2-28 Options Menu.................................... 2-28
Icon Palette 'ELS'............................... 2-28 Icon Palette 'Coord' ....................... 2-28
Icon Palette 'Single' ........................... 2-28 Icon Palette 'ELS' .......................... 2-28
Icon Palette 'Utility' ........................... 2-28 Icon Palette 'Single' ....................... 2-28
IKS0188 ...................................5-12, 5-13 Icon Palette 'Utility'....................... 2-28
INS0627 ............................................ 5-12 Oscilloscope ...................................... 2-16
INS0627 bulkhead connector ............ 5-14 Override............................................... 5-3
Integer Table Menu ........................... 5-36 Overview ...................................... 2-7, 2-9
Integers .............................................. 2-24
IRQ settings
CLC-P ........................................... 1-20 P
CLC-P02 ....................................... 1-26 panic position ...................................... 5-4
Item Name ........................................... 4-2 Parameter Menu................................. 5-49
PC Bus.......................................... 4-8, 4-9
J PC/104 Interrupt Selection ................ 1-26
PC/104 Memory Address Selection... 1-26
Jog Fine Adjustments ........................ 5-42 Phase synchronization ..................... 1-12
Jogging .............................................. 2-16 PID .................................................... 2-18
Jogging an axis........................2-16, 2-17 PLS.................................................... 2-18
Jumper Configuration Points................................................. 2-18
CLC-D........................................... 1-15 Program flow ....................................... 2-6
CLC-P ........................................... 1-20 Program Management.......................... 2-3
CLC-P02 ....................................... 1-25 Program Management screen............... 2-3
Program Menu................................... 5-27
live-man switch......................5-2, 5-3, 5-9
Local variables................................... 2-24 Register Menu ................................... 5-47
Registers ................................... 2-19, 2-22
Registration ....................................... 2-18
M Relative Table.................................... 5-34
Menu Map (F1-F4)............................ 5-18 Replacing the battery ......................... 1-17
Menu Map (F5-F8)............................ 5-19 Robot Jog Menu ................................ 5-40
Monitoring and Diagnostic.................. 3-1 RS485 Converter ................................. 4-6
coordinated.................................... 1-11 S
circular interpolation................. 1-12
constant speed........................... 1-12 Safety Concept..................................... 5-4
kinematics ................................. 1-12 Security Menu ................................... 5-53
linear interpolation.................... 1-12 Sequence Edit Menu.......................... 5-29
ELS ............................................... 1-12 Sequence List Menu .......................... 5-28
phase synchronous mode .......... 1-12 Sequencer .......................................... 2-19
velocity synchronous mode....... 1-12 SERCOS.............................................. 1-8
non-coordinated ............................ 1-11 CLC-D........................................... 1-15
ratioed axes ............................... 1-11 CLC-P ........................................... 1-21
single axis ................................. 1-11 CLC-P02 ....................................... 1-27
velocity mode............................ 1-11 CLC-V........................................... 1-29
mounting bracket ................................. 5-8 Serial Communication ....................... 2-13
CLC-D.................................. 1-14, 1-19
CLC-P02 ....................................... 1-24
N CLC-V........................................... 1-28
Normal operating conditions ............. 1-18 Serial Communications........................ 4-6
Serial Event ......................................... 4-6
Serial Port............................................ 4-6
Serial Port X27 .................................. 2-13
Serial Port X28 .................................. 2-14
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6-6 Index VisualMotion 6.0
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VisualMotion 6.0 Customer Service Locations
Customer Service
Americas (United States, Canada, and Latin America)
USA USA INDRAMAT Service Hotlines Canada
Australian Industrial Machinery Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd.
Services Pty. Ltd. Shanghai Office Shanghai Parts & Service 1430 China World Trade Centre
Unit 3/45 Horne ST Room 206 Centre 1, Jianguomenwai Avenue
Campbellfield VIC 2061 Shanghai Intern. Trade Centre 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao Beijing 100004
Australia 2200 Yanan Xi Lu Minhang District P.R. China
Shanghai 200335 Shanghai 201 103
Phone: 03/93 59 0228 Phone: 010/50 50 380
P.R. China P.R. China
Fax: 03/93 59 02886 Fax: 010/50 50 379
Phone: 021/627 55 333 Phone: 021/622 00 058
Fax: 021/627 55 666 Fax: 021/622 00 068
Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Rexroth Co., Ltd.
A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 19 Cheung Shun Street Ltd. INDRAMAT Division
Sha He Kou District 1st Floor, Cheung Sha Wan, INDRAMAT Division I.R. Building
Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hong Kong Plot. 96, Phase III Nakamachidai 4-26-44
P.R. China Peenya Industrial Area Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 226
Phone: 741 13 51/-54 or
Bangalore - 560058 Japan
Phone: 0411/46 78 930 741 14 30
Fax: 0411/46 78 932 Telex: 3346 17 GL REX HX Phone: 045/942-72 10
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786 07 33 80/839 73 74
Telex: 845 5028 RexB
Fax: 80/839 43 45
Korea Korea
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
Customer Service Locations VisualMotion 6.0
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INDRAMAT Division Riihimiehentie 3 Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
4 Esland Place, Love Lane SF-01720 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 4, 91, Bd 1 Joliot Curie
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Phone: 0/848511
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Phone: 01285/658671 Fax: 0/846387 Phone: 78785256
Fax: 01285/654991 Phone: 1/41475430 Fax: 78785231
Fax: 1/47946941
Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1a
270, Avenue de lardenne Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 P.O. Box 32
F-31100 Toulouse I-20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I-10145 Torino NL-5280 AA Boxtel
Phone: 61499519 Phone: 02/92365-270 Phone: 011/7712230 Phone: 04116/51951
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VisualMotion 6.0 Customer Service Locations
DOK-VISMOT-VM*-06VRS**-WA02-AE-P • 03/99
Printed in Germany