TD 7 1st PT 22
TD 7 1st PT 22
TD 7 1st PT 22
Directions: True or False. Write YES if the statement is correct and write NO if it is Incorrect.
________16. A square has four equal sides.
________17. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with three equal sides.
________18. Equilateral triangle has four equal sides.
________19. A pentagon is a polygon with five sides.
________20. Hexagon is a polygon with eight sides.
21. With the use of the two basic proportion of an object. We can easily begin a drawing, what are the basic
proportion we need to consider?
a. Height and width c. length and width
b. Height and length d. none of the above
22. What shape you can find in this object?
a. Circle c. square
b. Rectangle D. triangle
23. What shape you can find in this object?
a. Rectangle c. square
b. Triangle d. circle
24. What shape you can associate from the picture below?
a. Circle c. rectangle
b. Square d. triangle
25. Below is an example of an abstract art. Identify the shape involve in this art.
a. Rectangle c. square
b. Circle d. triangle
26. It is the process of adding value to create the illusion of form, space, and most importantly - light in a drawing. It
makes the drawing into three dimensional and convincing images.
a. Drafting c. shading
b. Value d. contrast
27. It is produced when any difference between element such as texture, color, size, or value occurs. It can be subtle
or extreme.
a. Contrast c. value
b. Shadow d. highlight
28. It is the darkness or lightness of a color.
a. Contrast c. value
b. Texture d. color
29. A method of shading application showing the various shades of an object by using lines.
a. Stippling c. line shading
b. Mixed shading d. continuous tone shading/smudge shading
30. Method of shading application using the powdered graphite or the lead of a pencil.
a. Stippling c. line shading
b. Mixed shading d. continuous shading/smudge shading
31. Method of shading application, it is applied by dabbing the pencil point or pen to produce dots on the surface of
the object.
a. Stippling c. line shading
b. Mixed shading d. continuous shading/smudge shading
32. Method of shading application that applies both the line and dotted shading.
a. Stippling c. line shading
b. Mixed shading d. continuous shading/smudge shading
33. Identify the method/technique of shading is used in this drawing.
a. Stippling c. line shading
b. continuous shading/smudge shading d. Mixed shading
34. Identify the method/technique of shading is used in this drawing.
a. Stippling c. Mixed shading
b. continuous shading/smudge shading d. line shading
35. Identify the method/technique of shading is used in this drawing.
a. Stippling c. Mixed shading
b. continuous shading/smudge shading d. line shading
36. The tone or the value of shading that represent the surface which receive the greatest amount of light.
a. Light value c. medium value
b. Dark value d. highlights
37. This value of shading represents the surface receives very little amount of light.
a. Light value c. medium value
b. Dark value d. highlights
38. The area on the subject where light is prevented from hitting, producing an area of shadow, typically darker
values of the local color.
a. Core shadow c. cast shadow
b. Shadow d. mid tone
39. Location of value wherein the dark image cast by the object.
A. Core shadow c. cast shadow
B. Shadow d. mid tone
40. Location of value wherein some light is hitting the area of the subject. It is the actual color (local color) or value
of the subject.
a. Core shadow c. cast shadow
b. Shadow d. mid tone
41. Mr. Cruz assign the student to draw a figure and wanted to show the various shades of an object. What method of
shading application must be use?
a. Stippling c. mixed shading
b. Line shading d. Continuous Tone Shading or Smudge Shading.
42. If you want to show in your drawing the part of a surface received more light, what will you do?
a. Apply light shading on the part of a surface c. shade the portion with medium values
b. Shade the portion of a surface with heavy shade d. apply nothing on the surface
43. What method of shading application applied on the figure below?
a. Stippling c. mixed shading
b. Line shading d. Continuous Tone Shading or Smudge Shading
44. Location of value of an object that the dark image is cast.
a. Cast shadow c. shadow
b. Core shadow d. highlight
45. It is the location on the subject where light’s reflection is most intense, indicated light value of the color or white
in color.
a. Cast shadow c. shadow
b. Core shadow d. highlight
Draw the following and apply the given shading. 2 points each
51-52. Line shading 57-58. Mixed shading
55-56. stippling