PGDLL - SIP Report Vikas Mane
PGDLL - SIP Report Vikas Mane
PGDLL - SIP Report Vikas Mane
“In the matter of deposit of compensation under section 8(1) of the Employees'
Compensation Act, 1923 and distribution thereof.”
Submitted to -
Mr. Vikas D. Mane
This study is based on a case study of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. V/S
Parents of Late Mr. Digvijay Dilip Patil, Shri. Dilip Nemagonda Patil and Sou. Sangita Dilip
Patil, when the respondent, while on duty, due to accident member died. This research shall
cover the Employees Compensation Act 1923
DISTRIBUTION ORDER (Delivered on 30th April, 2021) (Pronounced and dictated in open
1) The Depositor i.e. Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd, through its
Executive Engineer, Islampur Division, Takari Road, Islampur, Taluka Walava, District
Sangli 415 409, vide application (Exhibit C-2) dated 18th January, 2021, presented on
28.1.2021, presented cheque of Rs.6,12,531/- (Rupees Six Lakhs Twelve Thousand Five
Hundred and Thirty One) bearing No. 169700 dated 18.1.2021, drawn in favour of Labour
Court, Sangli towards compensation in respect of its deceased trainee employee Shri.
Digvijay Dilip Patil. However, Senior Clerk of this Court submitted note that the cheque
should be in the name of Commissioner for Employees' Compensation and Judge, Labour
Court Sangli. Therefore, after sanction, the Clerk of this Court vide letter Exhibit 0-1 dated
29.1.2021 bearing outward No. 134/2021 communicated the depositor to replace the said
cheque and further to submit the documents pertaining to names of the dependents of the
deceased, their addresses, age of the deceased employee and his wages. After service of this
letter as per Exhibit 0-2, the Depositor vide letter dated 5.2.2021
(Exhibit C-1) bearing outward no. 0650 submitted new cheque of Rs. 6,12,531/- bearing No.
185268, dated 4.2.2021 drawn in favour of Commissioner for Employees' Compensation and
Judge Labour Court Sangli and further communicated to return the earlier cheque and hand
over the same to its employee Shri. Pravin Prakash Balal. Accordingly, new cheque came to
be accepted and the earlier cheque came to be returned to the Depositor as per endorsement
made on this letter.
2) After realization of aforesaid cheque dated 4.2.2021, notice (Exhibit O-4) came to be
issued to the dependents namely Dilip Namgounda Patil and Sangita Dilip Patil and further to
the Depositor. The dependents were informed to file application for distribution and further
claims of any other dependents were called. Further Proclamation (Exhibit O-5) came to
issued and it was sent to the Sarpanch of Village Aitwade Budruk, Taluka Walava, District
Sangli and Talati of said Village with request to publish the said proclamation on their notice
board. Vide this proclamation claims of any other dependents were called. The proclamation,
also came to be published on the notice board of this Court. This proclamation came to be
served on the dependents vide acknowledgement receipts (Exhibit 0-6 and O-7 respectively)
and on Depositor vide Exhibit 0-8 and on the Sarpanch and Talati vide (Exhibit O-9 and O-10
3) As per the proclamation-notice, the present applicants appeared and filed application
(Exhibit U-3) for distribution of the amount by recording that they are the parents of the
deceased employee. According to them the deceased employee was unmarried on the date of
death. He died on 8.2.2020. The amount of compensation comes to Rs.16,60,275/-. The
deposited amount is Rs.6,12,531/-. Therefore, they reserved their right to claim remaining
amount by approaching proper court and they submitted to disburse the deposited amount to
them. They have submitted that there is brother to the deceased. The said brother namely
Sudarshan Dilip Patil is 22 years old and is wage earner and therefore is not in need of any
amount from the deposited compensation. They have submitted that the Applicant No. 1 is
patient of diabetic and has heart disease. The Applicant No. 2 has unde gone heart cion.
Therefore, they need the deposited amount. They have prayed for Rs.3,00,000/- in cash and
remaining amount in fixed deposit.
4) After this application, notice (Exhibit O-11) came to be issued to the Depositor seeking
their say. This notice came to be served on the Depositor employer vide Exhibit O-12 and the
Depositor vide Exhibit C-3, through its Executive Engineer Shri. Santosh Baburao Karande,
filed through Pravin Prakash Balal, Senior Clerk, submitted Say to the application that their
employee Digvijay Dilip Patil, while working at Sagaon Sub Division, Shirala expired on
8.2.2020 and the deposited amount of Rs.6,12,531/- be paid to his dependent parents namely
Dilip Nemgounda Patil and Sangita Dlip Patil.
6) The following points arise for my consideration for decision on the application. I am
recording my findings against these points, with reasons, as under:- POINTS FINDINGS 1)
Whether the deposited amount is in In the "negative". In accordance with the provisions of
the provisions of the Employees' proceedings bearing view of order in Compensation Act,
1923 ? If not, Application (ECA) No. 22-A notice under section required to Depositor? is B-
5/2021, no separate to the notice is necessary in the present matter. be issued 2) Whether are
In the "affirmative", the entitled to the deposited amount? Dependents 3) What order? As per
final order.
7) Reasons in respect of Point No. 1: It is seen from the documents attached to Exhibit C-1
that the deceased Digvijay Dilip Patil was appointed as an Apprentice as per the provisions of
Apprentices Act, 1961, vide common order dated 17.10.2019 issued by Executive Engineer
Islampur (Shri. Santosh Karande). It is seen that the deceased Dilp was issued specific order
of appointment dated 14.10,2019 with outward no. 008943. It was for the period of one year.
It is seen from Model Contract of Apprenticeship Training for Major / Minor Apprentices,
placed on record, that the deceased was Electrician and his date of birth is 5.1.1998. It is seen
that the Depositor has deposited amount of Rs.6,12,531/- towards compensation. The Central
Government in exercise of its powers under sub-section (1-B) of section 4 of the Employees'
Compensation Act, 1923, vide notification dated 3.1.2020, bearing No. S.O. 71(E) has
declared Rs.15000/- as monthly wages for the purpose of calculation of compensation. The
date of death of the deceased is 8.2.2020. Therefore, the completed age of the deceased
employee preceding the date of death is 22 years. Therefore, the relevant factor is 221.37.
Therefore, in terms of provisions of section 4(1)(a), the amount of compensation is worked
out as under:- an amount equal to 50% of x relevant factor specified in the second column of
Schedule IV the monthly wages 7500 X 221.37 Therefore, the amount of compensation
comes to Rs.16,60,275/-. In terms of provisions of section 4, the amount compensation shall
be as per the provisions of this section. Therefore, the deposited amount of compensation is
not in accordance with the provisions of the Employees' Compensation Act, 1923. It is
insufficient. The remaining amount of compensation is Rs.10,47,744/-.
9) Reasons in respect of point No. 2: The Applicant No. 1 is the father of the deceased. The
Applicant No. 2 is the mother of the deceased. They have been identified by Advocate Smt.
S. K. Patil. The Applicants have filed documents as to their identity. The Aadhar Card
number of the Applicant No. 1 - Dilip Nemgounda Patil is 2943 0312 2225 (Exhibit U-6/1)
and Aadhar Card number of the Applicant No. 2 - Sangita Dilip Patil is 5443 0404 3819
(Exhibit U-6/2). These documents have been attested by the Applicants. They have also
produced xerox copy their bank passbook (Exhibit U-6/3) in respect of their account in Bank
of India in Chikurde Branch. Except the Applicants nobody has lodged any claim to the
deposited amount. The Applicants have produced copy of Aadhar Card (Exhibit U-6/4) of
Sudarshan Dilip Patil bearing No. 9950 4313 2192. It is seen from this document that the date
of birth of said Sudarshan is 5.10.1999. Therefore, it is seen that he was major on the date of
death of the deceased. The Applicants have also produced xerox copy of their ration card
(Exhibit U-6/6) bearing No. 1430284 issued by Tahasildar Walava (Islampur).The Depositor
has no objection to the status of the Applicants as dependents of the deceased. That
considering the status of the applicants as parents of the deceased, they are dependents of the
deceased. Therefore, the Applicants are entitled to the deposited amount of compensation.
Accordingly, I am recording my finding against Point No. 2.
(a) An amount of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three Lakhs) is allotted to the share of the
Applicant No. 1 - Shri. Dilip Nemgounda Patil. Out of this amount, an amount of
Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand) be paid to him in cash by transferring
the same in his valid bank account and remaining amount of Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One
Lakh Fifty Thousand) be invested in his name in any nationalized bank of his choice,
for a period of three years.
(b) The amount of Rs.3,12,531/- (Rupees Three Lakhs Twelve Thousand Five Hundred
and Thirty-One) is allotted to the share of the Applicant No. 2 - Smt. Sangita Dilip Patil.
Out of this amount, an amount of Rs.1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand) be
paid to her in cash by transferring the same in her valid bank account and remaining
amount of Lakh Sixty-Two (Rupees Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-One) be
Rs.1,62,531/- One invested in her name in any nationalized bank of her choice, for a
period of three years.
4) The deposits be in fixed deposit scheme fetching maximum / higher interest rate.
5) The fixed deposits should not be withdrawn before maturity or without permission of
this court. The said fixed deposits should not be used as security and no loan should be
given on the basis of the above fixed deposits.
6) The amount of interest in respect of fixed deposit made by this court in respect of the
deposited compensation, be paid to the Applicant No. 2 by transferring the same in her
valid bank account. In view of proceeding bearing Application (ECA) No. B-5/2021, no
notice under section 22-A is necessary to the Depositor Employer.
7) The copy of this order be sent to the Depositor and further, intimation of this order
be given to the Applicants.
8) The copy of this order be sent to the Depositor and further, intimation of this order
be given to the Applicants.
Every employee needs a secured job and wants to get compensation for the expenses he has
incurred. This is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled by the company whether it is small
scale or large scale. After all, a company’s success depends on its employees. Therefore, the
protection of employees’ and their safety is a top priority of a company. This article is all
about how much compensation is given, under what conditions, who is entitled to claim
compensation and a lot more.
Main features of the Act
The “Employees Compensation Act, 1923” is an Act to provide payment in the form of
compensation by the employers to the employees for any injuries they have suffered during
an accident. Earlier this Act was known as the Workmen Compensation Act, 1923. When the
employer is not liable to pay compensation-
1. If the injury does not end in the entire or partial disablement of the employee for a
period exceeding three days.
2. If the injury, not leading in death or permanent total disablement, is caused by an
accident which is directly attributable to:
The employee having at the time of the accident is under the influence of drink or
The willful disobedience of the employee to an order if the rule is expressly given
or expressly framed, for the purpose of securing the safety of employees; or
The willful removal or disregard by the employee of any safety guard or other
device which has been provided for the purpose of securing the safety of
Nature of Liability
Imagine what will happen if an employee who is working putting in great benefits gets to
know that he/she will not be getting any benefits. After all, people tend to do something to
get something in return. When the principle of vicarious liability is applied, the employer is
liable to pay compensation irrespective of his/her negligence. Employer anticipates it as
damages payable to the employees but it is actually a relief for them. An Employer becomes
liable when employees have sustained injuries by any accident or unavoidable situations
during the course of employment. The question arises: Will an employee who is a part-time
worker would still be entitled to the benefits of the Act? Yes, the employer will still get the
benefits of the Act.
Who may get the compensation? To what extent the employers are liable?
To be eligible for the Employees’ Compensation Act’s benefits there are some requirements
which need to be fulfilled:
Self-inflicted Injury
If a worker inflicts an injury to himself or herself it is a self-inflicted injury. The injury may
be intentional or accidental but the employer is not liable for such injuries. There are some
types of jobs that have a high risk for self-inflicted injuries which include-
Law enforcement
Medical employees
Contributory negligence
Employees owe a duty to their employers to carry out their work with reasonable care so as to
avoid accidents and injury. Employers are vicariously liable for the negligence of their
employees but are entitled to claim a contribution or indemnity from their negligent
employee in appropriate circumstances. So if there is negligence on the part of both employee
and the employer then the employer will be liable to pay compensation to the extent of his
own negligence, not of the employee. Hence, the compensation amount may reduce as the
employer will not be liable for the negligence of the employee.
Employees’ Compensation
Infra-red radiations;
Skin diseases due to chemical or leather processing units;
Hearing impairment caused by noise;
Lung cancer caused by asbestos dust and Diseases due to effect of extreme
1. Diseases caused by phosphorus or the toxic substance present, all include exposure
to risk concerned.
2. Diseases caused by mercury or toxic substances found exposure to the risk
3. Diseases caused by benzene or the toxic substances found which pose risk to the
4. Diseases caused by nitro and amino toxic substances of benzene involve risk to the
These diseases are considered occupational diseases, and they are deemed to be out of the
course of employment and therefore the employer will not be liable to pay the compensation.
Underemployment, an employee is one who works under the employer and has to work as per
the terms of the company or the employer.
Personal injury
A personal injury can be compensated only in some circumstances. Injury sustained by the
employee must be a physical injury. Example- If a person is discriminated on the basis of:
Sexual Orientation
Transsexual person
If a person is having a disability
Religion and belief
Colour, Nationality
Pregnancy and Maternity leave
Marriage or Civil Partnership
The Act provides that compensation is provided to employees and their dependants only if
the injuries from the accident includes occupational diseases. The accident must occur in the
course of employment the Act also applies to railway servants and persons employed in any
such capacity as specified in Schedule 2 of the Employees Compensation Act. The people
employed in factories, mines, plantations, vehicles, construction works, and certain other
hazardous occupations come under Schedule 2.
A fatal accident is one where there is death or a high risk of loss of life of the employee. In
the case of a fatal accident, the employee might die or suffer severe disablements and
injuries. On the other hand, non-fatal accidents are those accidents that do not have a high
probability of death. In the case of non-fatal accidents, the employee or the workman might
suffer disabilities or any type of personal injury.
Both fatal and non-fatal accidents are covered by the Employees Compensation Policy,
provided such accidents result in the mentioned contingencies in the act. Fatal accidents are
taken as those which result in death, or permanent total disablement, permanent partial
disablement or fatal injuries. If any of these contingencies occur, the employees’
compensation policy would pay the claim faced by the company. In the case of non-fatal
accidents though, the covered contingencies might not occur. The employee or worker might
not face any type of disablement or injury from such accidents. If the employee or workman
suffers from a type of disablement and the disablement does not last for more than 3 days, the
claim would not be paid. As a result, in several employees’ compensation policies, non-fatal
accidents are usually not covered unless they cause a disablement which lasts for more than 3
When the injury occurred, the employee must have been engaged in the business of the
employer. Also, he must not be doing something for his personal benefit. The accident must
occur where the employer was performing his duties.
The injuries occurred because of the risk incidental to the duties of the work or
services or if the nature or condition of employment is inherent.
Liability of Insurer
The liability of the insurer is determined on the basis of the wages of the employee. The
amount of wages is covered under the insurance policy. The company will be liable to
indemnify only that portion of the amount which is under wages.
Causal connection between disease and occupation
The amount of compensation is paid when the insurer certifies that the injury is the result of
an occupational disease.
Section 4-A: Compensation to be paid when due and penalty for default
When the employer does not accept liability for compensation to the extent
claimed, he shall be bound to make a payment may be provisional and such
payment shall be deposited to the employee or the commissioner.
The commissioner can direct the employer to pay interest in addition to the amount
at the rate of twelve percent per annum. The rate of interest can also increase
which may be specified by the Central Government.
Section 6: Review
1. Any half monthly payment can be reviewed by the commissioner under this act if
there is an agreement between the parties or if there is an order given by the
commissioner. A certificate of a qualified medical practitioner will be
accompanied that there is a change in the condition of the employee subject to the
rules and regulations under the Act.
2. Any half monthly payment may be reviewed, can be continued, increased,
decreased or ended under the act or if the accident is found which resulted in
permanent disablement. Such an employee may get less amount because he had
already received by way of half monthly payments.
1. Compensation will not be provided to the employee whose injury has resulted in
death and lump sum payment will also be not provided who is under a legal
disability. The compensation may be deposited to the commissioner and a direct
payment will not be allowed by the employer to the employee.
2. In the case of a deceased employee, an employer can make payment to any
dependant advances. The compensation will amount to equal to three months’
wages of the employee and the amount shall not exceed the compensation payable
to the dependant. If the amount exceeds, it may be deducted by the commissioner
from the compensation and repaid to the employer.
3. An amount not less than ten rupees which is payable may be deposited with the
commissioner on behalf of that person.
4. The receipt of the commissioner will be sufficient discharge of the amount if any
compensation is deposited with him.
5. When any compensation is deposited with the commissioner and he is payable to
any person, he may if the person to whom the compensation is to be payable is not
a woman or a person with a legal disability then he may pay the money to the
person who is entitled to get the compensation.
6. When any lump sum amount is deposited with the commissioner and he is payable
to a woman or a person who is legally disabled, such amount can be invested for
the benefit of any other woman or a person with a disability. The commissioner
may direct the amount in such cases.
Condonation of delay
It means that if the employee has delayed in claiming for the compensation it is said to be
Section 10A: Power to acquire statements from employers regarding fatal accidents
When a commissioner receives information about the death of an employee, because of an
accident that is arising out of or in the course of employment, he can send a registered post or
a notice to the employer of the employee, to submit a notice within thirty days of service. The
statement or notice shall be in a prescribed form mentioning the circumstances under which
the death took place. Also stating that whether the employer is liable or not to deposit
compensation on the death of the employee.
1. When an employer enters into a contract with any insurer in respect of any liability
to an employee, and if the employer becomes insolvent or makes a composition or
scheme or arrangement with his creditors in this event the company is insolvent.
The employee can recover the amount of compensation if the company is winding
up and it is the case of insolvency.
2. If in any case in the case of insolvency, the contract of the employer with the
insurer is void or voidable due to any reason such as non compliance on the part of
the employer, if the contract is not void or voidable the insurer may be entitled to
prove in the proceeding or at the time of liquidation for the amount to be paid to
the employee.
3. In case the liability of the insurer to the employee is less than the liability of the
employer to the employee, the employee may prove for the balance amount of the
compensation in the insolvency proceedings or at the time of liquidation.
4. When the compensation is a half monthly payment, the amount due for the said
purpose will be taken in a lump sum amount. The amount payable will be half
monthly payment, if it be could be redeemable it will be proof.
5. The insolvency of the employer shall not be applied where a company has wound
up voluntarily merely for purposes of reconstruction of the company or
amalgamation with another company.
Section 15-A: Special provisions relating to captains and other members of the crew of
If the captain of the aircraft is serving and he is the employer but an accident occurs, any
crew member or the captain it is not necessary for any crew member to give notice of the
In such cases the death of the seaman or the master, the claim for compensation may be made
within one year without the notice after the news of death is received by the claimant.Also if
the ship is deemed to have been lost, within eighteen months of the date on which the ship
was or is deemed to have been lost.
When an injured captain or any other crew member of the aircraft or the ship is discharged
from any depositions or testimony of a witness is taken by a judge or magistrate the central
government or any state government may enforce any proceedings on the basis that the
evidence is admissible:
Section 15-B: Special provisions relating to employees abroad of companies and motor
The special provision related to employees abroad and motor vehicles will be applied to the
persons or employees who are recruited by the companies registered in India and under the
Motor Vehicles Act, 1998.
The notice of the accident and the compensation claimed may be served on the
agent of the company. Or the notice may be served on the local agent or the owner
of the motor vehicle in the country of the accident.
In case the employee dies, the provisions made in this section 15-B shall apply.
The claim for compensation may be made within one year after the news of the
death of the claimant has been received.
Therefore, in case of any compensation claimed, the commissioner shall entertain
the claim. Although as provided in the section is not much preferred in due time.
1. If the state government appoints more than one commissioner for any area, a
specific order may regulate the business.
2. Any commissioner may choose a person or more persons who possess knowledge
and assist him in holding the inquiry.
Liability of insurer
The insurance company and the insurer are the same and it provides the insurance policies to
the employer. The employer takes the insurance for the employee for the risks associated
with their work. So when there is an accident and injury occurs the employer claims the
insurance for the employee. In this case, the employer is the insured.
Defective application
An application to a commissioner can be made and it will be accompanied by a fee as
prescribed. If the applicant is illiterate or because of any other reason is not able to furnish
information in written form then the application shall be in the direction of the commissioner.
Section 22-A
The power of commissioner is required to further deposit in the cases which talks about fatal
When any amount is deposited by an employer as compensation payable in respect of an
employee whose injuries resulted in his death, and the commissioner thinks that amount or
sum was not sufficient, he may state a notice in writing giving reasons, he may call upon the
employer to show why he could not make a further deposit within such time as stated in the
If the employer fails to satisfy the Commissioner, the Commissioner may make an award
determining the total amount to be paid, and requires the employer to deposit the deficient
Appeal not accompanied with certificate by the Commissioner under Provision (3)
If the appeal is not accompanied by a certificate by the commissioner that is payable and
deposited with him then no appeal by the employer under clause (a) shall lie against the law.
The period of limitation under the section for the appeal will be sixty days.
Condonation of delay
If the appeal by the employee is delayed it is known as condonation of delay. An appeal is
filed when the employee is not satisfied by the decision of the court and want to appeal again
for the decision. So when the employee gets delayed in appealing the suit it will be condoned.
Section 36: Rules made by the Central Government to be laid before Parliament
Every rule made under the act by the Central government is laid before each house of
parliament while it is in session for thirty days. It may be done in one session or in two
sessions before the expiry of the session. The houses may make any modifications in the rule
or the houses may agree that the rule should not be made.
The Act is basically made for the employees so that when they incur expenses for the injury
suffered during an accident, they can get compensation from the employers. The basic rule of
Vicarious liability applies in the act. The employer is the master and the employee is the
servant. The employee gets compensation only when the injury takes place in the course of
employment and in the workplace.