Contractor Induction

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Project Name: Project Number:

Inductees Name: Induction No:
Inductee Contact Number:
Certificates - have you got? (circle as appropriate)
Y/N Asbestos Awareness – Mandatory on all
No. Expiry
Buildings Constructed Pre-2000 (Annual)
Y/N CSCS Card - Mandatory No. Expiry
Y/N Face Fit Tested
Y/N First Aid at work (full course)
Y/N Appointed person or emergency one day
first aid course
Circle as
Item Project Specific Information
Y/N Description of site
Y/N Access routes
Y/N Specific Hazards
Y/N Asbestos
First Aider / Fire Warden/ Provisions/
Accident Book/ Nearest Hospital
Y/N Site Signage
Y/N Permit to work in operation
Y/N Rubbish and waste materials
Y/N Consultation
Y/N Deliveries
Y/N Emergency procedures
Y/N Fire exits/ Muster points
Y/N Plant & Equipment
Y/N Location of firefighting equipment
Y/N Reporting unsafe conditions / near misses
Y/N Welfare arrangements
Y/N PPE (complete & condition)
Y/N Smoking arrangements
Y/N Drugs & Alcohol Policy
Y/N Security
Y/N Site rules
Y/N Penalty for breach of rules
Y/N PAT Testing
Working at height policy (P-eco, MEWP,
towers/podiums/class 1 hop-ups)
Y/N Safe Systems of Works (RAMS & COSHH)
Y/N Tool box talks
Y/N Anti Slavery Policy
Y/N Health and wellbeing (BMI)
Y/N Other: Please state

Health Information
Circle as

Do you know of any health problems which could affect your work? Y/N
Are you currently taking any medication / undergoing any treatment that may affect your work? Y/N
Do you suffer from any condition that the first aiders should be aware of such as asthma,
diabetes, epilepsy or a heart condition etc? If YES, please provide details below.
Do you suffer from hearing loss or require a hearing aid to assist you to hear fully? Y/N
Do you suffer from any back problems or upper limb disorders which may be aggravated by your
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, please give full details, and any other information
which you think we should be aware of below. If your circumstances change whilst you are working on site,
please notify the Site Manager.

If any answers are ‘Yes’ then please file separately and securely so records can be found in case of emergency.

All information provided will remain confidential.

Next of KIN Details:

Name: Relationship:
Telephone Number:

I can confirm that I have understood the information, instructions & site rules delivered during the site induction,
as detailed on this form.
I fully understand and will work within the limits of my company risk assessment and method statements, I will
wear all PPE stipulated by the Subcontractor Health, Safety & Environmental code of conduct, site rules and
my company RAMS.
I will abide by the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act and that I am responsible for the health &
safety of myself and others that may be affected by my actions.
I confirm that by signing this induction form I consent to Avondale carrying out drugs and alcohol testing should
the site manager feel it is appropriate.
Name of Inductee:
Signature of Inductee:
I am over 18: Y / N (Circle as appropriate)
Inductors Signature:

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