SAP STP2 Implementation Guide V1.2 - Part2
SAP STP2 Implementation Guide V1.2 - Part2
SAP STP2 Implementation Guide V1.2 - Part2
Status: FINAL
3.3 Functional Design .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Changes introduced by STP2 ....................................................................................................... 5
3.3.2 Data Requirements......................................................................................................................... 6 Taxation Master Data ....................................................................................................................... 6 Transfer of YTD Amounts............................................................................................................... 15 Death Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.3.3 Tables, Structures, Programs and Utilities ................................................................................ 18 Payroll Cluster ................................................................................................................................ 18 STP Overrides (RPCSTOQ0)......................................................................................................... 20 Wage Types ................................................................................................................................... 22 Mid-Year Go Live Utility.................................................................................................................. 26 Pay Event Generation .................................................................................................................... 28 Display, Finalise and Declare ......................................................................................................... 40 Send to the ATO............................................................................................................................. 42
3.4 Business Processes .................................................................................................................... 46
3.4.1 Pay Production, Post-Pay Production, Corrections ................................................................. 46
3.4.2 Corrections Framework ............................................................................................................... 46
3.4.3 End Of Financial Year .................................................................................................................. 47
3.4.4 Communication with Employees ................................................................................................ 47
3.4.5 Transfer of YTD Amounts ............................................................................................................ 48 Zero Out Method ............................................................................................................................ 48 Replacement Method ..................................................................................................................... 49
4 IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH ................................................................................................. 50
4.3 Support Pack Approach .............................................................................................................. 50
4.4 Stand-alone Project...................................................................................................................... 50
4.5 Initial Transition to STP2 ............................................................................................................. 51
5 TESTING APPROACH .................................................................................................................. 52
5.3 ATO External Vendor Testing Environment (EVTE) Requirements......................................... 52
5.4 Scenario Testing .......................................................................................................................... 53
5.5 Issue Reporting ............................................................................................................................ 55
5.6 Supporting Documents................................................................................................................ 55
Table 5 - Permissibility of Tax Scales to Income Types .................................................................................... 8
Table 6 - Ongoing maintenance of tax infotypes (0188, 0817, 0227)................................................................ 9
Table 7 - Supported Tax Treatment Codes ..................................................................................................... 11
Table 8 - Changes to Existing SAP Model Wage Types ................................................................................. 22
Table 9 - SAP New Model Wage Types .......................................................................................................... 24
Table 10 - Child Support Variation Information ............................................................................................... 37
Table 11 - B2A STP Status and Sub-Status possibilities ................................................................................ 43
Figure 37 - New fields and validations for IT0188 Tax Australia ....................................................................... 6
Figure 38 - Pay Event after IT0188 retro change from SAW to FEI-be BEFORE MYGL2 .............................. 10
Figure 39 - Pay Event after IT0188 retro change from SAW to FEI-be and AFTER MYGL2 .......................... 10
Figure 40 - SAP STP2 Tax Treatment Framework.......................................................................................... 11
Figure 41 - "Gap Year" requirements for Prior FY Updates ............................................................................ 13
Figure 42 - IT0817 Income Tax Withholding Variation-AU .............................................................................. 14
Figure 43 - Transfer of YTD Amounts ............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 44 - Death Beneficiary: Pay Event Payee Layout ................................................................................ 17
Figure 45 - Death Beneficiary: Pay Event Income Stream Collection Layout ................................................. 17
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Figure 46 - Death Beneficiary: Pay Event Allowances-Other/LSE/ETP .......................................................... 18
Figure 47 – Cluster Table: TAXP..................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 48 - Payroll Cluster: SABN ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 49 - SABN approach to assigning payer .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 50 - Payroll Cluster: ACRT ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 51 - ACRT groupings of wage types by ABN/Branch/Income Type/Country-Region Code/WHM Flag
[blank] .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 52 - Payroll Cluster: AETP Table ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 53 - T5QSO STP Overrides modified for STP/STP2 use ..................................................................... 21
Figure 54 - Override File Upload Test Output ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 55 - Context of Wage Types Required for Disaggregation of Gross .................................................... 25
Figure 56 - Wage Type Readiness .................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 57 - PC00_M13_CLST_MYGL2 - Migration Utility for STP Phase 2 Go-live ....................................... 27
Figure 58 - EOFY Lump Sum E....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 59 - STP2 Pay Event (RPCST2Q0 - Transaction PC00_M13_STP2_GEN)........................................ 29
Figure 60 - Pay Event Overview ...................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 61 - Pay Event Parent Layout .............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 62 - Pay Event Payee Layout ............................................................................................................... 31
Figure 63 - Pay Event Income Stream Collection Layout ................................................................................ 31
Figure 64 - Pay Event Allowances Other/LSE/ETP Layout ............................................................................. 32
Figure 65 - Pay Event Log: Payee-specific warnings and errors..................................................................... 32
Figure 66 - Pay Event Log - Foreign Tax Paid enforcement ........................................................................... 32
Figure 67 - Pay Event Payee Layout showing "space" replacing invalid characters ....................................... 33
Figure 68 - Structure of the unique Submission ID.......................................................................................... 33
Figure 69 - Inclusion of employees without a payroll cluster ........................................................................... 34
Figure 70 - Income excluded from STP2 ......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 71 - Top-Down Salary Packaging impact for OTE ............................................................................... 35
Figure 72 - Pay Event Selection Logic ............................................................................................................ 36
Figure 73 - Child Support Transition Additional Step ...................................................................................... 38
Figure 74 - RPCSTPDD (PC00_M13_STP2_DD Display, Finalize and Declare) ........................................... 40
Figure 75 - Display Payer Layout .................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 76 - Legal Declaration Statements ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 77 - B2A unique object Id ..................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 78 - History of B2A object showing steps in process ........................................................................... 44
Figure 79 - Sample OSFB STP Overview ....................................................................................................... 44
Figure 80 - Display XML .................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 81 - STP Pay Production Process including Post-Pay and Corrections............................................... 46
Figure 82 - Correcting Reported Data ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 83 - Business Process: End of Financial Year ..................................................................................... 47
Figure 84 - Consider what your Employees Need to see about their Pay Details reported to Government.... 47
Figure 85 - Zero Out Method for Transfer of YTD Amounts ............................................................................ 48
Figure 86 – Replacement Method for Transfer of YTD Amounts .................................................................... 49
Figure 87 - Transitioning to STP2.................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 88 - Production Steps to Transition to STP2 ........................................................................................ 51
Figure 89 - STP2 Testing Approach ................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 90 - ATO EVTE Key Data..................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 91 - SAP for Me: Report a Case........................................................................................................... 55
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Version Description Date
Draft 1.0 Initial Draft 22 February 2022
Draft 1.1 Updated for internal feedback in readiness for Pilot customers 8 March 2022
Draft 1.2 Restructured to incorporate configuration, functionality and business 31 May 2022
process in readiness for General Availability
This document is designed to support SAP Australian payroll customers to implement and operationalise the
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 solution, released for the 2022/2023 financial year. It includes details of the
configuration required, functionality of the solution to meet the ATO requirements and recommended
business processes, where relevant.
As it is a significantly large document, hyperlinks and cross-references have been utilised to assist the
reader to navigate the document. Hyperlinks can be recognised through the use of SmartLink formatting.
Cross references between related topics are identified at the end of the paragraph or section by the following
• Information about the SAP Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2) solution design
• Details about the functionality of the solution to assist customers with master data requirements,
business processes and error handling
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3.3 Functional Design
There are significant functional changes to the payroll and master data beyond the configuration outlined in
the previous sections. These changes are required to support the extensive and detailed requirements the
ATO has defined for STP2. Unlike the initial phase of STP, this phase introduces the most significant impacts
for business as, to deliver the level of granularity required by Services Australia, the reporting is aligned with
the Fair Work Regulations 2009 S3.46 about separately identifiable components of pay.
This introduces a transparency for the business governance over payroll, taxation and superannuation.
There are interdependencies between fields and values and extensive complex validation rules that reinforce
the rules of STP2.
The following sections provide the detail needed by customers to understand the extent of the impact for the
processes, data and design of the STP2 solution.
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• New Income Types – some new income types have been introduced to enable employers to claim
reporting concessions (both pay event and finalization) for classes of employees automatically through
the pay event rather than manual claims for each employee. Additionally, visibility of some vulnerable
workers is now possible through the introduction of a specific income type.
• Negative YTD Amounts – in some limited circumstances, such as for change of employer with a
recovery retro into a former employer or a prior financial year change to a payment, there may be
separately itemized components that show negative YTD amounts. Overall, the income is zero or
positive, but the lower level of discrete payments means that some negative amounts are possible.
• Payer Changes – the detailed design phase presented an opportunity for a deep dive into exact
meanings and purposes of some of the original fields from the introduction of STP, such as which payer
to report when there is a change of payer. “As at payment date” has now been clarified to mean the same
alignment as other payroll data: pay period end date. Previously, the ATO did not appreciate that “as at
payment date” only applies to tax data and all employment data is up to and including pay period end
date. This has now been aligned in STP2 with the logic of the bank file generation.
It is clear from the extent of these changes that the focus for STP2 is on the alignment with Fair Work
obligations, but it will also give the ATO insight into an employer’s approach to meeting their PAYGW and
superannuation guarantee obligations. The compliance of customer wage types will be integral to being able
to declare the pay event “true and correct”.
Tax Treatment
Code = RTXXX3
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The extent of the changes to IT0188 Tax Australia are as follows:
• New Tax Scales – to expand the support for workers who are taxed as per the following scales:
- Horticulturists and Shearers as per ATO NAT 1013 Tax table for individuals employed in the
horticultural or shearing industry:
o C1 H & S Resident with TFN
o C2 H & S Foreign Resident with TFN
- Seasonal Worker Programme as per ATO webpage QC 25161:
o SW Seasonal Worker Programme
- Actors who perform promotional activities, to complete options in NAT 1023 for actors:
o TP Actors Promotional Activity
- Working Holiday Makers who have not provided their TFN, as tax scale 4a/4b cannot be used:
o WN Working Holiday Makers – No TFN
- Income Excluded – for workers whose circumstances mean all payments are out of scope of STP but
is required to store pay results stored in the new format: per ABN/Branch, Income Type and Country
Code (if required):
o NR No Tax Non-Reportable STP
• Change of Tax Scale Purpose – where the current purpose of use includes more than one circumstance
that must now be discretely identified, so a new tax scale was created for other circumstances (NR),
leaving this one to be exclusively used for exempt foreign income only:
- 0 No Taxation
• Reinforcement of Tax Scale Purpose – where the current purpose of use is for a single circumstance
only, that customers have utilized for other purposes (such as additional tax or upwards variations) that
has adverse impacts for STP2, such as those for ATO approved downward variations only:
- 8 Flat Tax Percentage
- 9 Flat Tax Amount
• New Fields – where the critical fields for STP2 (Income Type and Country Code) are now to be recorded
with employee tax information due to the interdependency between income types and applicable tax
scales. Furthermore, such critical fields had to be included in an infotype that was exclusive to Australian
employers and was critical to the payroll process to ensure mandatory maintenance of such critical data:
- Income Type – refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not
- Country/Region Code – as for other SAP infotypes, the drop-down list displays the ISO-3166 Alpha-2
code and description of the country or region and is only required for income types WHM, FEI and IAA
• Supplemental Variations – the interdependency between fields on the tax infotype were clarified for
STP2 to better clarify which tax scales/options are permitted to have which variations, if permitted at all:
- Study & Training Support Loan (STSL) – if the employee has a government loan to cover their
education expenses, the loan is repaid through higher taxes when income thresholds are reached.
This variation occurs when the employee advises the employer of their loan, but the ATO may prompt
the employee to update their circumstances if employer was not advised.
- Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) – if the employee does not have private patient hospital cover and
their income is in excess of thresholds (single, no dependants; families), additional Medicare Levy
applies for tier levels specific to their circumstances. Income levels make the employee ineligible for
Medicare Levy Exemptions and Medicare Levy Reductions. This variation occurs only when the
employee advises the employer of their circumstances.
- Medicare Levy Exemption (MLE) – if the employee meets specific exemption criteria defined by
Services Australia or by their tax residency circumstances, and specific income thresholds, they may
be able to claim a half or full exemption from paying the Medicare Levy. Income levels make the
employee ineligible for Medicare Levy Surcharge however, half exemptions may also be entitled to
further Medicare Levy Reductions. This variation occurs only when the employee advises the
employer of their circumstances by claiming the exemption.
- Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) – if the employee has combined family income less than income
thresholds specific to the number of dependants (spouse, children), different rates of reduction may
apply. This is available to those who have claimed a half Medicare Levy Exemption but may also apply
to those with an STSL debt to pause their repayments. Income levels make the employee ineligible for
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Medicare Levy Surcharge and those who have claimed a Full Medicare Levy Exemption do not qualify
for further reductions. This variation occurs only when the employee advises the employer of their
circumstances by claiming the reduction.
• Field Name Changes – over the years, the ATO has changed the way they refer to some components of
tax but the IT0188 fields had not been updated. The scope of changes to IT0188 warranted a change to
these label names, whilst not changing the technical field codes:
- EXTAX Private Health Insurance Extra Tax Percentage is now Medicare Levy Surcharge
- Tax exemption details is now Tax Reduction Details (screen section heading only)
- MEDEX Med. Levy exemption is now Medicare Levy Reduction
- TAXFI Tax rebate amt is now Tax Offset Amount (drop down field also changed, no longer used) Validations
As tax data plays such a critical role in both payroll and STP2, there are extensive validations performed on
the tax data on IT0188, as follows:
• STP2 Transition – the customer STP2 transition date is delivered by SAP to be the default high date
(31.12.9999) in the T5Q_CONSTANTS table, but will, by default, enforce field validations for Income
Type and Country/Region Code from 01.07.2022 for any record that spans that date. It is strongly
recommended that all SAP customers, regardless of any further employer deferrals granted by the ATO,
maintain this data by copy/creating new IT0188 records with the mandatory fields. For those with
exceptional circumstances, in addition to a deferral to a subsequent financial year, IT0188 records would
need to be delimited to the start of the future financial year of deferral to prevent validation enforcement in
the 2022/2023 FY. The impact of validations will still occur for every creation and maintenance record
until the deferred go live year (future-dated records exist). That is significant business impact to avoid
meeting the new ATO requirements and may result in further master data requirements due to the
extended “gap years”. The new data requirements can operate independently of the STP2 solution.
• Default Income Type – feature 13INC allows customers to define the default income type for new
records created in IT0188, typically SAW Salary and Wages, saving keyed entry of data in most
circumstances. Business process work instructions should clearly identify the requirement for those with
income types other than the default income type.
• Permissibility of Tax Scales to Income Types – the ATO has defined a range of permissible income
types for the tax scales and these are enforced in IT0188 fields (TAXSC and INCTY):
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• Country Codes – only income types WHM, FEI and IAA require mandatory country/region codes, the
other income types are not permitted to have country/region codes. Additionally, for those income types
with mandatory country/region codes, these codes are not foreign countries and therefore not permitted:
- AU Australia
- NF Norfolk Island
- CX Christmas Island
- CC Cocos Islands
- HM Heard and McDonald Islands
As mentioned in the introduction to this section, the tax infotypes differ from all time and payroll infotypes in
that they are only read AS AT PAYMENT DATE . By including the Income Type and Country/Region Codes in
IT0188, for critical business use reasons, there are some impacts, as follows:
• STP2 Transition – the new IT0188 fields should be captured from the first payday in the 2022/2023 FY,
regardless of when the customer transitions to STP2 reporting. As such, new IT0188 records should be
created from 01.07.2022, regardless of the payroll areas, pay period start dates, pay period end dates
and paydays. This is because the ATO define a financial year to be all payments from 01.07 to 30.06 of
the following year. The tax infotypes are only read AS AT PAYDAY , so any payday on or after 01.07.2022
will read the new income type and country/region code fields.
• Ongoing Use – any new key infotype records usually align with pay period start dates, however,
depending on the payday of the payroll area pay periods, this may need to be amended for maintenance
of the tax infotypes (IT0188, 0817, 0227). This is not changed for STP2 but, given the critical reporting
inclusion of the tax data, it is imperative that customers understand the functional use of the data AS AT
Pay Period Pay Period Pay Period Payday Pay Period Payday
Start Date End Date Start Date PP06 End Date PP07
PP06 PP06 PP07 PP07
For tax data to apply for PP06, IT0188 IT0188 Tax Else IT0188 data is
record must be created from PPSD-PP07 AU
created for the current
pay period for Paydays
Advance Pay Advance Pay Advance Pay
for PP07 for PP08 within the Pay Period: ≥
• Partial Period Factoring – as the tax infotypes are only read AS AT PAYMENT DATE , there is a one-to-one
relationship between the payment and the Income Type/Country Code to which it will be assigned. If
there is a circumstance where the Income Type/Country Code change is to occur mid-period, these must
be managed via manual overrides, splitting all reportable components (EVCL13 values) by reducing the
Income Type/Country Code that applied as at payday and creating it against the new Income
Type/Country Code that commenced mid-period. This may also require tax adjustments if the changed
Income Type is also associated with a different tax scale. This has always been required, given the
payment date effectiveness of tax data.
• Retroactive Changes – whilst retroactive changes to tax data are permitted to effect genuine errors and
oversights in PAYGW calculations, the Income Type and Country/Region Codes cannot be read into the
payroll for retroactive changes of those specific fields. That is, the storage of these fields in the pay
cluster can only be effected for the In-Period and cannot correct For-Periods impacted by the retroactivity.
This is due to quite complex rules for the payer (ABN/Branch) that enforce In-Period integrity and ignore
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retroactive changes for STP reporting purposes only (retroactive changes trigger payroll accounting
changes), whilst recognizing retroactive wage type changes. Two moving parts are accommodated, but
three moving parts cannot be automated. There are two options to address the inevitable occurrence of
late notification of a change in circumstances that would warrant an Income Type/Country Code
retroactive change:
- Overrides – where all wage types impacted (EVCL13 values) within the Income Stream Collection are
reduced from the original Income Type and Country Code and created against the new, retroactive
Income Type and Country Code
- MYGL2 Utility – where the IT0188 record is retroactively changed, impacting the For-Period cluster for
TAXP, but ignored by the For-Period cluster for ACRT/AETP. Run the MYGL2 utility for the impacted
employee that will read master data and update the relevant clusters as if the IT0188 data was
changed in the effective In-Period. This will not address any PAYGW impacts that may be associated
with the change of Income Types/Country Codes (running pay will address tax calculation). This
cannot address any partial period factoring, as explained in the previous dot point. For example, an
employee is SAW and in PP20, advice is received that they are FEI in Belgium (be) from PP18.
IT0188 is retroactively changed and the payroll and pay event are run to show only one period is
assigned to FEI-be. MYGL2 is run (in test, validated, then live) to read master data and assign wage
types accordingly for three periods. The before and after pay events are displayed:
Figure 2 - Pay Event after IT0188 retro change from SAW to FEI-be BEFORE MYGL2
Figure 3 - Pay Event after IT0188 retro change from SAW to FEI-be and AFTER MYGL2
This functionality should be tested as part of the transition to STP2 before using it to solve Production payroll
issues of retroactive changes to Income Types and Country/Region Codes. Security access to MYGL2 may
be a factor for consideration for intended users of this business process. Tax Treatment Code
As part of the ATO’s ongoing commitment to streamline reporting obligations for employers, key tax data will
now be reported via the pay event to relieve the employer of their obligation to separately report the TFN
Declaration forms. The employer must still collect TFND forms from employees (if provided) but instead of
sending them to the ATO via paper forms or Online Services for Business (output from the standard SAP
report RPCPBSQ0 Employment Declaration Details to the Australian Taxation Office), they will be included
in every pay event.
The ATO will analyse the relationship between tax data and payment types for submit actions only, as there
may be no relationship between historical payment data and the employee’s current tax data. The Tax
Treatment Code will be derived when the pay event is generated (reading data as at the relevant date). The
enforcement of validation rules for the tax data on the tax infotypes is to prevent error-handling and re-work
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at pay event generation. Only permissible tax treatment codes may be reported. SAP has not adopted every
possible tax treatment code, as not every tax scale/option is accommodated:
• RDXXXX – NAT 1024 Tax table for daily and casual workers, as this requires assessment of the number
of shifts worked and extrapolation to weekly amounts
• ADXXXX - NAT 1023 Tax table for actors, variety artists and other entertainers for a specific number of
performances, as above
• VCXXXX/VOXXXX - NAT 3352 Tax table for payments made under voluntary agreements, as SAP does
not support contractors in payroll and the SAP STP2 solution has not been whitelisted for their use.
NAT 1005/6/7 NAT 1023 NAT 1013 NAT 4466 NAT 75331 QC 25161 ß Common circumstances override other tax categories à
R (Regular) A (Actors) C (Horticulturists S (Seniors & H (Working W (Seasonal Worker F (Foreign N (No TFN) D (ATO-
& Shearers) Pensioners) Holiday Makers) Programme) Resident) Defined)
EXTAX: Tier 1 = R**1XX If Medicare Levy Surcharge, EXTAX: Tier 1 = S**1XX Char-1/2: Tax Scales
then ineligible for Medicare
EXTAX: Tier 2 = R**2XX Levy Exemption and
EXTAX: Tier 2 = S**2XX Char-3-6: default XXXX but for Regular,
EXTAX: Tier 3 = R**3XX Medicare Levy Reduction EXTAX: Tier 3 = S**3XX
Seniors & Pensioners, Foreign Residents:
If Medicare Levy Exemption Char-3: Tax Scales/HECSF# else X
5= RTXXF Not Available in SAP
Full (tax scale 5/5H/5S), For Regular, Seniors & Pensioners:
5H/5S # = RTSXF then ineligible for Medicare ATO has not released co-
Levy Reduction and efficients for Seniors & Char-4: EXTAX else X
6 = RTXXH Pensioners Medicare Levy For Regular only:
Medicare Levy Surcharge
6H/6S # = RTSXH Exemptions
Char-5: Tax Scales else X
Char-6: MEDEX/NODEP else X
NODEP: 0 = RT*X*0 Medicare Levy Reduction Not Available in SAP
NODEP: 1-9 = RT*X*[1-9]
where 0 = spouse, 1-9 and A # Refers to either/or Tax Scales/HECSF
are the number of
NODEP: ≥ 10 = RT*X*A dependent children * Refers to more than one possible value
^ Used for Exempt Foreign Income only
SAP will use the relevant tax data (update actions) or TAXP (submit actions) to derive the Tax Treatment
Code (function module HR_AU_TAX_TREATMENT_CODE):
Tax Tax Scale Description (Char1- STSL MLS (Char4) MLR (Char6) Tax Treatment
Scale 2 or Char3 or Char5) (Char3) Code
0 0 - No Taxation [blank]=X [blank]=X [blank]=X RT**X*
Else = S Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
1 1 - No Tax Free Threshold [blank]=X [blank]=X [blank]=X RN**X*
Else = S Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
1H TaxScale1with Accumulated HELP [blank]=X [blank]=X RNS**X*
Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
1S TaxScale1with Accumulated SFSS [blank]=X [blank]=X RNS*X*
Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
2 2 - Tax Free Threshold Claimed [blank]=X [blank]=X [blank]=X RT**X*
Else = S Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
2H TaxScale2with Accumulated HELP [blank]=X [blank]=X RTS*X*
Else=tier level (1, Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
2, 3)
2S TaxScale2with Accumulated SFSS [blank]=X [blank]=X RTS*X*
Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
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Tax Tax Scale Description (Char1- STSL MLS (Char4) MLR (Char6) Tax Treatment
Scale 2 or Char3 or Char5) (Char3) Code
Else=tier level (1,
2, 3)
3 3 - Non-Residents [blank]=X FF*XXX
Else = S
3H TaxScale3with Accumulated HELP FFSXXX
3S TaxScale3with Accumulated SFSS FFSXXX
4A 4A - No TaxFile No - Residents NAXXXX
4B 4B - No TaxFile No-Nonresident NFXXXX
5 5 - FULL Medicare Levy Claimed [blank]=X RT*XFX
Else = S
5H TaxScale5with Accumulated HELP RTSXFX
5S TaxScale5with Accumulated SFSS RTSXFX
6 6 - Half Medicare Levy Claimed [blank]=X [blank]=X RT*XH*
Else = S Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
6H TaxScale6with Accumulated HELP [blank]=X RTSXH*
Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
6S TaxScale6with Accumulated SFSS [blank]=X RTSXH*
Else = 0-9, ³10 = A
8 8 - Flat Tax Percentage DVXXXX
9 9 - Flat Tax Amount DVXXXX
C1 H & S Resident with TFN CTXXXX
C2 H&S ForeignResident with TFN CFXXXX
IS Senior Aus. Illness separated [blank]=X [blank]=X SI**XX
Else = S Else=tier level (1,
2, 3)
MC Sen. Aus. -Member of a couple [blank]=X [blank]=X SM**XX
Else = S Else=tier level (1,
2, 3)
NR No Tax Non-Reportable STP
SI Senior Australians – Single [blank]=X [blank]=X SS**XX
Else = S Else=tier level (1,
2, 3)
SW SW – Seasonal Worker Programme WPXXXX
T1 Actors without tax free thresh ANXXXX
T2 Actors with tax free threshold ATXXXX
TP Actors Promotional Activity APXXXX
W W - Working Holiday Makers HRXXXX
WN Working Holi Makers, No TFN HFXXXX
WU WU - Working Holi Makers Unreg HUXXXX
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event, managing any impact on their IT0003 Payroll Status (if not included in current FY pay clusters, reset
earliest master data change date).
The ATO has not released any Medicare Levy Exemption coefficients for Seniors & Pensioners and, until
they are available, neither Medicare Levy Exemption or Medicare Levy Reductions are supported for Seniors
& Pensioners. Although not a direct dependency (between MLR and MLE), there is an indirect dependency
(if MLE = F, then MLR cannot apply). Country Codes
Country/Region Codes are required for the following Income Types:
• WHM – reflecting the country on their Visa (subclass 417 or 462), known as “home” country
• FEI – reflecting the country they are working in, where they have met the qualification period, where their
income is taxable, known as “host” country
• IAA – reflecting the country continuing to pay the employee, known as “home” country
SAP customers use a range of products, solutions, integrations and interfaces and this data may already be
captured in various systems or may not be captured at all. Customers must resolve the country code for their
specific circumstances. SAP cannot automate a solution for every customer circumstance.
Some new STP2 fields have specific validation rules based upon a fixed date (01.07.2020) determined by
the ATO. Some new fields must have values provided for any prior FY updates for the “gap years” between
01.07.2020 and the financial year of transition to STP2. SAP automates the solution for many of these, but
others require manual intervention, Country/Region Codes is one:
Text Colour Legend: Disaggregation of Gross is possible
for historical years (prior FY update)
User input of master data by reading EVCL13 values as at
Resolved by SAP logic generation date (run date/time)
Resolved by SAP logic (EVCL13
effective date) PAYEVNT.2018 PAYEVNT.2020
Historical country codes for WHM and FEI is one of the reasons customers should deploy the IT0188
changes from 01.07.2022, regardless of their transition to STP2 financial year, as the longer data
maintenance is delayed, more alternative data is manually required, such as IT0006 Addresses, subtype 2
Temporary Residence for any prior FY updates. Downward Variations
Employees can apply to the ATO to request a downward variation on their rate of tax based upon their
personal financial circumstances. This approach takes advantage of known and expected refunds at EOFY
when the employee completes their tax return. Instead of waiting until then, employees may request to
reduce the tax their employer withholds each pay. The ATO has streamlined the process to ensure that
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advice is aligned with the STP2 disaggregation of gross approach and to avoid misinterpretation of their
There are many components that are taken into consideration for the variation of the employees’ in-service
(not upon termination) tax rates:
• Employee’s Tax Treatment – as per IT0188, these rates are applied to payments generally, with some
exceptions for payments that have a specific tax rate (ATO tax table). In SAP, these are payments
configured with PRCL21-0 Standard Taxation or PRCL21-S Salary Sacrifice.
• Marginally Taxed Payments – these payments are taxed in accordance with NAT 3348 Tax table for
back payments, commissions, bonuses and similar payments. In SAP, these in-service payments are
configured with PRCL21-6 Marginal Tax for Bonuses and Commissions or PRCL21-E Lump Sum E,
using IT0188 to determine the rate of tax to marginalize.
• Special Tax Rates in Service – a specific tax rate applied only to specific payments, such as Lump Sum
W payments. In SAP, this is configured with PRCL21-R Return to Work Payments and only relies on
IT0188 if the employee has failed to provide a TFN or claim an exemption from providing a TFN, where
the IT0188 tax scale (4a or 4b) applies instead. This is not a circumstance that would apply to an
employee applying for a downward variation from the ATO, as that is a prerequisite to the application.
• No Tax – for some concessionally taxed deductible expense allowances that meet the conditions of the
ATO measure (reasonable rate, amount and/or limit, present in an award in effect on 29.10.1986)
The ATO downward variation letter to the employer will specify the type of variation that may apply to the
• Salary and wages including overtime
• Directors’ Fees
• Bonuses and Commissions
• Allowances (that are taxed, the purpose of the downward variation)
• Termination Payments – unused leave on termination (lump sums and/or paid leave-U) and/or ETPs
• STSL refunds
These may not be mutually exclusive and may include or exclude multiple components. These variations are
complex, so SAP addresses all downward variation options on IT0817 Income Tax Withholding Variation-AU:
If the downward variation includes salary and wages but does not also include bonuses and commissions,
then the rate/amount of the salary and wages (including overtime) must not be varied on IT0188, as that is
critical for the marginal tax calculation and, instead, IT0817 must be used to specify the rate of variation for
salary and wages.
14 | 56
It is critical that this infotype is used specifically for the circumstances specified, given the use of IT0188 for
the components of pay, specified above. This is due to the Tax Treatment Code mapping for downward
variations, where:
• If IT0188 tax scale is 8 or 9, DVXXXX will be reported to indicate the downward variation. This will apply
the reduced tax rate for all payments configured with PRCL for standard tax, salary sacrifice and
marginally taxed payments (in service)
• If IT0817 Salary & Wages Tax % is not [blank] then DVXXXX will be reported to indicate the downward
variation. This will apply the reduced tax rate for all payments configured with PRCL for standard tax and
salary sacrifice, but will not reduce the tax on payments configured to be marginally taxed in service
For all other downward variations, if it does not also include a downward variation for salary and wages using
the above two methods, then the employee’s IT0188 normal Tax Treatment Code will be reported. For
example: RTXXXX.
Upward variations are not reported as ATO is monitoring only to ensure that minimum obligations are met.
ATO, as publisher of
Decisions made by the
Income Statements,
entity about their payroll
must be alerted to the
transfer of YTD amounts
YTD Amount Australian Government
Pay Event
Instance of Different client or 2 methods to alert the ATO to ABN/Branch Different Payroll PERNR
Payroll/SAP client instance or product transfers of YTD amounts to new
key identifiers:
1. Zero Out
2. Replacement
ABN/Branch Same new PY New PERNR
Personnel Different
Number Personnel Number ^ The only valid circumstance to transfer YTD amounts across ABN/Branches is if the ABN/Branch reported was NOT the payer. If an
entity paid the payee and has reported through STP but subsequently assigns that expense to another entity, then the original entity is
the correct ABN/Br and does not require correction.
There are two options to advise transfer of YTD amounts in SAP via update actions:
1. Zero Out – requires access to the previous identifiers (payroll system and payroll number) and is
commenced prior to the transfer of YTD amounts by generating an update to zero out all financial
amounts from the original identifiers. Then the YTD amounts are transferred to new identifiers, payroll
run, submit action created. However, it requires the use of the new EVCL13 values for wage types to
“offset” the impact of the YTD amounts in the parent totals.
15 | 56
2. Replacement – the previous key identifiers are advised from the new identifiers after the YTD amounts
have been transferred. It is a one-time only update that will enable the ATO to “replace” the identifiers on
the existing Income Statement.
Different methods apply to specific circumstances and, in SAP, may not be used in some other
circumstances. Termination actions/reasons and therefore Cessation Types may also be a consideration
when performing these YTD transfers. Refer to section 3.4.5 Transfer of YTD Amounts.
In addition to the business processes required to be performed by the business, many aspects of the
planning and preparation for transfer of YTD amounts must be taken into consideration:
• Authorisations – ATO Access Manager permissions for the ABN/Branch impacted
• Access and Control – to the legacy payroll solution with the data that contains the original YTD amounts
• Migration – if all historical data for all employees, active, inactive and terminated are migrated to new
• Record Keeping Obligations – Fair Work require entities to retain access and control of 7 years’ worth
of employee data in accordance with the Fair Work Act and Fair Work Regulations.
• Long Service Leave – some states require the hours per week to be averaged over a number of
historical years and/or the rate of pay to be averaged over a number of historical years to meet the Long
Service Leave obligations of the various states and territories
• Prior FY Updates – if historical data is not migrated to the new system and you later discover that you
need to amend a record, how will it be performed?
• Related Entities – some employees work in more than one related entity on the same payroll within a
financial year. In SAP, the ACRT/AETP keeps that historical payer grouping. If one of those entities is
divested to a new buyer, who controls the remaining employees with historical results in the divested
entity? If an issue is found and corrections or amendments are required, who will perform them?
• Cessation Type – any employee included in the pay event that has a current termination record will
require a corresponding mapping to a Cessation Type. Will the new payroll solution have identical
mappings as the legacy payroll?
• All Employees All the Time – as SAP includes all employees in every pay, regardless of any “payments
subject to withholding”, if you have an extraordinary event that requires the transfer of YTD amounts to a
new PERNR, the old PERNR and its data must be addressed to resolve the issue of duplication
• Control of BMS Id – whilst SAP enables customers to manage their own BMS Id, customers must
understand the implications of transferring YTD amounts where the same amount reported by the
previous BMS Id is now reported by a new BMS Id, impacting not only the employee’s personal tax
matters, but the PAYGW liability of the entity.
When transferring in YTD amounts (to a new BMS ID or PERNR), there are different methods that can be
used to create the YTD amounts:
• Transfer-Specific Wage Types – where transition wage types are configured specifically for the purpose
of bringing in the closing balances from the legacy identifiers. These differ from the payroll wage types
they write to, keeping the amounts discretely identified, whilst updating the reportable production wage
types. These may be configured to be stored in RT/CRT (PRCL3/20/30) that will enable them to be
configured with the new EVCL13 values (P1, P2, P3, P4) that will ensure the parent totals are not
overstating the period amount by including the opening balances.
• Standard Wage Types – where the same wage types used in payroll are used to create opening
balances that just add to the same YTD amounts. This may adversely impact the range of technical SAP
wage types for averaging, taxation, superannuation and other cumulation amounts. If this method is used,
notational wage types should be created to reflect the cumulated totals that will ensure the parent totals
are not overstating the period amount by including the opening balances. If not automated in payroll to
cumulate, but are manually entered via override, if the opening balances are subsequently adjusted, the
parent totals won’t be adjusted accordingly.
There are so many possibilities for transferring YTD amounts across key identifiers that it is not possible to
define them all, however, it is important to note that timing is critical when alerting the ATO to transfers.
16 | 56 Death Beneficiaries
When an employee dies, there are a number of urgent and important activities that must occur in payroll to
effectively manage employment obligations, particularly given the sensitivity of the next of kin. Whilst the
process for managing death and death beneficiaries in payroll has not changed in any way for STPs, there
are some specific rules that apply to death beneficiary data:
• Payee Identity – both the deceased employee and their death beneficiary will appear in the pay event
with separate identities, even though the same PERNR is used. The death beneficiary will have:
- Commencement Date – SAP logic will provide the required default date of 01.01.1800, as there isn’t
an employment relationship with this payee
- Cessation Date – SAP logic will provide the same date as the deceased employee, as there isn’t an
employment relationship to cease
- Cessation Type – SAP logic will provide the same type as for the deceased employee (D), as an
employment relationship hasn’t ceased
- Employment Basis – SAP logic will provide the required default type (D), as there isn’t an employment
relationship with this payee
- Tax Treatment Code – SAP logic will provide the required default code (DBXXXX), as there isn’t a tax
scale to apply, as only ETP death beneficiary payments are made with their own, specific tax rate
- Tax Offset Amount – SAP logic will provide the required default value ([blank]), as this doesn’t apply to
death beneficiaries
- Name Details – user input of IT0021/subtype AU01
- Address Details – user input of IT0006/subtype QB/Q1 (depending on feature 13ETP)
- TFN – user input of IT0227/TBFFN (if none provided, same rules apply to tax at highest rate)
• Pay Event – The payee will appear in the three payee layouts:
- Payee – with the data outlined above
- Income Stream Collection – with no financial amounts, except for mandatory fields that will display
- Allowances Other/LSE/ETP – the ETP death benefits paid
This is displayed in the following screen shots using test data where the address is the same as the
deceased employees address:
17 | 56
Figure 10 - Death Beneficiary: Pay Event Allowances-Other/LSE/ETP
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.
In the initial phase of STP, the payer was defined by the ATO to be “as at payday”. The
years of STP2 design provided opportunities to further explore what the ATO meant by this
definition and, with the STP2 solution, this has been clarified to actually mean “pay period
end date”.
There is an indicator in SABN that identifies if the table was created via the payroll ([blank]) or via the
MYGL/2 utility (Y).
18 | 56
Figure 12 - Payroll Cluster: SABN
The change to the approach to payer at pay period end date applies to payroll clusters
created through running the pay but will not be adopted when MYGL2 utility is run.
Advanced Payday
Within Period
Payday Payer defined as last
Arrears Payday day in period (ongoing =
PPED; terminated = last
active day of service)
WPBP Split
Payroll Cluster
It stores the full financial year of results for all groupings of these key fields. That is, as a payer is changed,
new entries for wage types for the new payer are created. For every change in the key fields, new wage type
amounts are cumulated.
19 | 56
Figure 15 - ACRT groupings of wage types by ABN/Branch/Income Type/Country-Region Code/WHM Flag [blank]
Same Payee
When overpayments are corrected, this table will show negative values, grouped by the Payment Date of the
correction pay period. However, this will error when the pay event is generated, as ETP amounts can only be
zero or positive amounts. Manual overrides are required to add the recovery amounts back to the correction
Payment Date and take them off the original Payment Date that was overpaid.
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.
The override program is RPCSTOQ0, transaction PC00_M13_STP_OVR - Maintain Override Entries
20 | 56
Figure 17 - T5QSO STP Overrides modified for STP/STP2 use
There is also functionality to maintain the override table via an upload file. This override file upload is
program RPUSTOQ0, transaction PC00_M13_STP_OVR_UPL - Maintain Override Entries through File. It
requires a tab-delimited text file with columns of data, no headers, as follows:
• Branch
• WHM Flag (pre-STP2 only, not permitted for STP2)
• Wage Type
• Amount of adjustment (does not replace YTD amount, is included in sum of WTs with EVCL13 values)
• ETP Payment Date (optional, only for adjustments to ETPs, else [blank])
• Description of override (optional but strongly recommended to provide audit trail, else [blank])
• Income Type (STP2 only, not permitted for pre-STP2, else [blank])
• Country/Region Code (STP2 only for INCTY FEI, WHM, IAA, not permitted for pre-STP2, else [blank])
• Lump Sum E financial year (STP2 for up to 10 historical years, but can also be provided for prior FY
updates for pre-STP2 finalized data, else, if LSE overrides already exist for FY being updated (pre-STP2)
SAP logic in the pay event will show LSE FY of generation date (run date/time stamp) minus 10 years.
Else [blank].
The file upload allows for a test of the file format and data and will display the output for final user review.
Data is presented in a different sequence to the file upload sequence:
21 | 56
Figure 18 - Override File Upload Test Output
Refer to Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.
SAP has modified some existing model wage types for STP2:
22 | 56
Wage Description EVCL13 to EVCL13 PRCL & Cum
Type 30.06.2022 from Class
G001 C/Km <ATO >5000 Bus Car CA CK
G002 C/Km <ATO <5000 Bus Car CA CK
G031 Bonus G1 BC
G032 Commission G1 BC
J901 CS Garnishee CG
23 | 56
Wage Description EVCL13 to EVCL13 PRCL & Cum
Type 30.06.2022 from Class
E011 SS Super - Voluntary G1 SS PRCL 21 – S
Cum 41 [blank]
Cum 42 [blank]
Cum 72 [blank]
F501 Annual Leave G1 PO
Customers should compare and adjust changes from client 000 to all relevant clients and systems.
SAP has also provided some new model wage types to address the separately itemized allowances,
however, customers should assess their compliance requirements against the default delivered configuration
of these model wage types:
24 | 56
Wage Description EVCL13 to EVCL13 from
Type 30.06.2022 01.07.2022
F057 RDO – cashout G1 PC
^ Parent adjustment model wage types can only be used with effective date ³ 01.07.2022 for STP2 only.
Customers should revisit their wage types for the extensive detailed requirements for PAYGW,
superannuation guarantee and STP2 reporting. Allowances, particularly all-purpose allowances, must be
separately itemized as follows:
• In-Service Payments – payments for the employment period, EXCEPT for the following items:
- Cashout of Leave in Service – as this is like a “bonus” and is reported as the total amount, allowance
components are not to be separately itemized and is reported in STP2 as either Overtime (EVCL13-
OV) for cashout of TOIL in service or as Paid Leave-C (cashout of leave in service) (EVCL13-PC)
- Overtime – as this payment is to remunerate the employee for working outside ordinary hours, any
loaded rates such as casual loadings or all-purpose allowances that form the hourly rate to calculate
the overtime at penalty rates is reported in STP2 as Overtime (EVCL13-OV)
• Termination Payments – payments made as a consequence of employment upon termination, such as
for the following items:
- Unused Leave on Termination – whether as a lump sum (A, B) or as paid leave (U) unused leave on
- ETPs – as the payment is comprised of many components, all classified as an ETP, not to separately
itemize allowances or any other components
01/07 Instruments
* New *
• Identify and examine your industrial instruments as • When you do transition to STP2, you need only
the source of requirements for your wage types change the EVCL13 values of the new wage types
for the new/changed Pay Event fields
• Read the clauses to understand the circumstances
and conditions of payment • STP2 reports YTD amounts: the full financial year of
amounts against the new wage types are required to
• Review your tax, super, STP2 and other obligations be “true and correct”
• Create new wage types for the start of the FY • Avoid the complexity of forced retro: be ready for FY
The impact of getting ready for STP2 does not just involve the simple creation of a wage type, but is more
complex within the business to meet all of the complex and extensive employment obligations:
25 | 56
Figure 20 - Wage Type Readiness
Communication Data Input or Valuation PAYGW S&W, OTE, Pay Slips Accounting Target
to employees Capture Bases Superable for Payroll Systems
and business
26 | 56
A range of technical options are provided to enable users to run it in test mode, in background, to enable
currency to be filled via XDECI and to download the output for Lump Sum E upload files.
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Lump Sum E
The ATO requirements for Lump Sum E are complex and STP2 has introduced an additional requirement to
report Lump Sum E amounts by Financial Year, where the FY represents the For-Periods when the
payments were payable. This will relieve the burden on employers to manually produce letters to their
employees with Lump Sum E amounts, identifying the amounts per FY. In SAP, this will be performed at
EOFY only, as it is only required upon finalisation for income tax return purposes.
ATO provided extensive and detailed requirements for DSPs for Lump Sum E amounts but, unlike some
payroll products, no changes were necessary in SAP to meet those requirements, as the detailed
transactions and constant retrospective changes, both positive and negative, were already catered for in the
payroll cluster PASUM table.
27 | 56
Whilst the ATO STP2 requirements provided DSPs with two options for reporting Lump Sum E amounts (per
pay or EOFY), the EOFY approach is the method selected for the SAP STP2 solution. This is particularly
relevant for the customer volume and range of retroactive changes and is the least impact on business
processes for validation and reconciliation.
Pay Calculation Criteria for Stored as Potential EOFY: MYGL2 utility reads Creates Override Lump Sum E
Consideration Lump Sum E PASUM to assess if Lump Upload File included in Pay
Sum E conditions met Event, other
Payment Types
28 | 56
Figure 23 - STP2 Pay Event (RPCST2Q0 - Transaction PC00_M13_STP2_GEN)
Only appears
when Update
action selected
When the pay event selection screen pay period is entered, which employees and pay period is selected is
dependent on the following factors:
• Submit – regular pay periods and off cycle payment type/payment id/payment dates will select all
employees for the period based upon the entry details, unless the user excludes employees (not
• Update – will select all employees in the last completed pay cluster for the financial year of the pay period
(regular) or payment type/payment id/payment dates (off cycle) entered. It will not read regular pay period
results where the control record has not been exited or maintained with integrity (release à exit), reading
T569U control record log. Other than for EOFY finalization, employees are typically specifically selected.
29 | 56 Pay Event Layouts
The following sections outline key details about how the pay event data is presented to users. There are 4
layouts displayed:
1. Payer
2. Payee
3. Income Stream Collection
4. Allowances Other/LSE/ETP
BMS Id Payer Details Payer Payroll Payer Period Payer Intermediary Intermediary
Details Totals Declaration Details Declaration
Payee Details Employment Payee Pay Income Type Country Code Payment Types Deductions Super Reportable
• Payee Identifiers • Period Start • Income Stream Type Code • Country Code • Deduction Items
• Previous Payee Identifiers Date • PAYGW • Foreign Tax Paid • Super Entitlement Year To Date
• Payee Name Details • Period End • Exempt Foreign Income • Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount
• Payee Demographic Date • Gross • Paid Leave • Allowance Items
Details • Final Event • Overtime • Bonuses and Commissions
Address Details
• Indicator • Directors’ Fees • Salary Sacrifice Submit: as at Pay/Update Date
• Electronic Contact • Lump Sum Payments •Termination Payments Update: as at Run Date/Time Stamp
• Employment Conditions
30 | 56
Figure 25 - Pay Event Parent Layout
• Payee – will select payee details (non-financial) as at pay period end date of period selected for submit
actions and run date/time stamp for update actions.
- Will also include Other Components (deduction items, super entitlements, RFBA), as these amounts
do not form part of the Income Stream Collection and are, instead, reported for the payee, regardless
of income types and country codes
- Payee details (identity, TFN) will be selected as at pay/update date for submit actions and run
date/time stamp for update actions
- Data saved in the T5Q_STP2_EE table for employee data, T5Q_STP2_PAY table for the financial
components for live and optionally for test files
• Income Stream Collection – will select all wage types in ACRT/T5QSO that have EVCL13 values that
are mapped to these payment types. Pay event fields are represented as columns and different income
type/country code combinations will be represented as separate rows. All possible fields will be displayed,
regardless of if they are delivered in SAP or in the customer-specific solution.
- It excludes those fields that are reported as tuples (further fields within fields), as these are displayed
as Allowances Other/LSE/ETP.
- Data saved in the T5Q_STP2_PAY table for live and optionally for test files
31 | 56
• Allowances Other/LSE/ETP – will select all wage types in ACRT/AETP/T5QSO that have EVCL13
values for government policy wage types (OT Allowances – Other), lump sum E (GE Gross Payment
Type E) and ETPs (extensive array of EVCL13 values).
- This data is presented separately as there is more than one associated field value that will be
displayed as rows rather than as columns.
- Data saved in the T5Q_STP2_PAY table for live and optionally for test files
32 | 56
Figure 31 - Pay Event Payee Layout showing "space" replacing invalid characters
If valid payee-details data exceeds the field length constraints of the pay event (limited fields only), data will
be reported but a warning is issued in the log to identify that the value has been truncated. This only applies
to fields where the employer does not usually have control and maintenance, such as for payee address,
where data is modified only to enforce ATO requirements rather than erroring, possibly preventing customers
from meeting their legal obligations due to employee-maintained data. Every modification is fully transparent
in the log.
It is strongly recommended that customers create a Pay Event error handling log to record the types of
warnings and errors experienced and identify the root cause and the solution. This will assist in governance
over the process that has a tight timeframe to resolve. Key Pay Event Field Details:
The following points highlight some key issues to note about pay event fields:
• Submission Id – unique submission id is created for the payer data, grouped for each occurrence of
ABN, Branch, Payroll Area, Payment Date and the sequence numbers as per section Error! Reference
source not found. Error! Reference source not found.:
Submit action
Number 8-char
UU to indicate
Update action
Number 6-char
ABN 11-char Payroll Area
Or WPN 2-char
• Employment Basis Code – this field is derived using the existing feature 13DEG that has been used for
the standard SAP report for the TFN Declaration forms (RPCPBSQ0 Employment Declaration Details to
the Australian Taxation Office). This addresses the full-time (F), part-time (P) and casual (C) bases. SAP
logic addresses the deceased (D) basis code, customers need not do anything other than maintain
relevant master data for death beneficiaries. Values L, V and N are Error! Reference source not found..
• Included Employees – as mentioned at the start of section Pay Event Generation, employees
without a pay cluster can be included in the pay event with STP2 when overrides exist. This is typically
relevant for:
- RFBA – when terminated employees who have no payroll cluster for the current FY have reportable
fringe benefits amounts for that part of the FBT year that is in last financial year: from 1 Apr to 30 Jun
33 | 56
Figure 33 - Inclusion of employees without a payroll cluster
FBT Year
• Excluded Pay Results – as mentioned in section 3.3.2 Data Requirements, a new Income Type has
been created to enable customers to manage specific scenarios:
• Replacement Key Identifiers – can only be reported via a one-time only update action that will alert the
ATO to “mask” the previous key identifiers with the current key identifiers.
• Cessation – current withdrawn status only will be included in the pay event, read up to pay period end
date (PPED) plus 1 day, to ensure data for those terminated on the last day of the period is included in
the report.
• Tax Offset Amount – unlike almost all other pay event financial amounts that report YTD amounts, the
tax offset amount is the amount entered in IT0188 and it will be reported each pay until or unless the data
is maintained. Tax data is read as at payday only.
• Foreign Tax Paid – the ATO has tightened the reporting rules in STP2, although the validations were
already in place in SAP. For an amount to be reported as FEI, the employee will/must have satisfied the
qualification period (duration in that foreign country) and the income is taxable in that country. The payer
is obliged to report the value of their liability to the foreign country, even if it is not paid until a subsequent
financial year. An amount can be estimated each pay, or zero can be reported until the actual amount is
known. However, ATO requires the PAYGW amount to reflect the Australian withholding amount less the
foreign tax paid/payable. If zero is reported for Foreign Tax Paid, the full value of the PAYGW must be
34 | 56
paid to the ATO. When the Foreign Tax Paid amount is corrected to show the actual payable amount in
the FY, the PAYGW may be offset. Tax amounts (PAYGW, Foreign Tax Paid) must be whole dollars only.
• Exempt Foreign Income – IT0188 tax scale 0 has been repurposed for the exclusive use of those with
Exempt Foreign Income, however overrides are required, as the gross income must be reported as the
post-sacrificed amount and no separately itemized salary sacrifice amounts must be reported.
• Allowance Items – these are the most complex requirements of STP2, as the complexity of the Fair
Work obligations to separately itemize components of pay on the payslip married with the PAYGW,
superannuation guarantee and STP2 reporting requirements have to be accurate for Services Australia’s
use of data. The detail required to assess allowances for this purpose is dependent on the circumstances
and conditions in the industrial instrument compared against the specific and limited conditions for tax
concessions and the income classification for the purposes of assessing super liability. Not only is this
complex to assess compliance for Fair Work, PAYGW, Superannuation Guarantee, STP2 reporting and
Services Australia’s purposes, but will impact employees Income Tax Returns and the visibility by ATO of
what is deductible and what substantiation evidence is required. Seek qualified, experienced and skilled
assistance to ensure these complex and high-impact payments are correctly treated.
• Other Allowances – the way other allowances must be reported in STP has changed for STP2. Those
allowances that do not have a specific allowance type are to be reported using the category of other
allowance, rather than the 25-char text description of the wage type. That has been addressed by using
the EVCL13 value description in the Other Allowance Description field. The only allowances to be
reported as OT Other Allowances are those specifically nominated by government policy, such as for
JobKeeper, JobMaker etc.
• Salary Sacrifice – SAP uses the top-down method of salary sacrificing, where the value of the sacrificed
amounts is negative. RESC is generated by a super deduction wage type from T5QSF for the fund
assigned to the employee, using PRCL21-S to denote which salary sacrifice amounts are voluntary
(RESC)) and which are mandatory (PRCL21-0 – not RESC) will ensure that RESC is correctly reported.
However, it is important to note that ATO guidance references the inclusion of salary sacrifice as ordinary
time earnings assuming a bottom-up approach.
35 | 56
• Lump Sum Payments – there are only three (3) changes to lump sum payments with STP2:
- Lump Sum W – an infrequently used payment option to entice an employee to return to working for
your entity from strike action or another employer. It has always been reported in Gross, but has its
own tax table (NAT 3347) and tax rates (PRCL21-R). It has been separately itemized, along with many
other components of the aggregated Gross amount previously reported.
- Lump Sum E – now to be reported by financial years, relieving the entity of having to send employees
separate lump sum E letters.
- Income Stream Collection – payment summaries used to enable the identification of lump sum
payments for Foreign Employment Income, but STP did not. This required manual contact with the
ATO for those with lump sum payments and both INB (now SAW) and FEI income. Lump sum
payments are now another payment type in the Income Stream Collection, enabling discrete reporting
• ETPs – have now moved within the Income Stream Collection reporting and is able to discretely report
ETPs for different income types and country codes.
• Pay Periods Selected – the data that is selected, the effective date of data that is read into the pay event
and the value of specific fields is influenced by which action is selected: submit or update:
- Submit – if the pay period is a:
o Regular pay cycle, then the Pay/Update Date = configured payday and the Run Date/Time Stamp
= payroll area control record in T569U (live = exit status; test = last status)
o Off cycle payment, then the Pay/Update Date = In-Period pay result payment date and the Run
Date/Time Stamp = pay cluster date and time in the VERSION table
- Update – if the period in the payroll period selection has a pay date in relation to the SAP system date
that is in the:
o Current FY, then SAP will generate a current FY update where the Pay/Update Date and Run
Date/Time Stamp = SAP system date. It will read payroll results for the last completed (regular =
exited; off-cycle = cluster) pay result plus T5QSO overrides
o Prior FY, then SAP will generate a prior FY update where the Pay/Update Date, Period Start Date,
Period End Date = 30.06 of the financial year of the selected pay period payment date and the Run
Date/Time Stamp = SAP system date.
SAP logic
in pay
36 | 56 Child Support
STP2 has introduced the option to streamline the currently manual reporting of child support amounts to the
Child Support Registrar. The ATO passes this data to Services Australia without storing, saving or displaying
child support amounts in any ATO system. For those employees who are also customers of Services
Australia, defined in an internal (government) Mutual Client Register, the data is shared in near-real time.
Services Australia calculates a period amount by sorting the pay events by payment date and run
date/time stamp and deducting the previous amount from the current amount. In particular, Child Support’s
systems don’t include the concept of YTD amounts, so the period amount they calculate will align with their
current manual reporting solution requirements.
Although it is optional for DSPs to include functionality to report child support amounts, SAP recommends
that customers take advantage of this process to streamline the heavy administrative burden on employers
of the current manual reporting solution offered by Child Support. By mapping the existing child support
wage types to the new EVCL13 values (CG, CS), it will relieve employers of their obligation to manually
report and explain variances.
The current form (CS4964) variances can be determined by Child Support through the use of other data:
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- Current Form – use the current form to inform every employee period amount for the same period as
the first STP2 report that includes child support amounts.
- Update – as the SAP STP solution will only include the last completed (exited) pay period data for
updates, create a current FY update for those employees with child support amounts only that will
advise the YTD amounts from the last pay period in the current FY before your first STP2 pay period
submit. This should be performed as soon as possible after the MYGL2 utility, to ensure Child
Support has sufficient notice of your intent to send your first STP2 submit file that includes Child
Support amounts.
o Consider the timing of the first pay in STP2 compared with the child support period (withholding to
payment cycle) to manage the reporting of withheld amounts, ensuring none are missed
PP10 of 26 PP11 of 26
Ready to report STP2
No Child Support
amounts in STP
Last PAYEVNT.2018 MYGL2 Utility First PAYEVNT.2020 Pay Calculation STP2: PAYEVNT.2020
SAP will include any child support Update: Payment Date = Submit: Payment Date of Pay Period
overrides AND YTD child support
Run Date/Time Stamp = when generated Run Date/Time Stamp of Period Exit
amounts from PP10 of 26 ACRT
• Child Support Amounts – It is critical that the correct wage types are mapped to the relevant EVCL13
values for Child Support Garnishee (CG) and Child Support Deductions (CS). Note that amounts that are
requested by the employee themselves or their lawyers are not in scope of Child Support amounts to be
reported via STP2. Those are known as “voluntary” child support amounts and must not be mapped to
EVCL13 values.
- Child Support Deductions – in response to a S45 Notice issued by the Child Support Registrar and
subject to Protected Earnings Amount (PEA). EVCL13-CS and PRCL-64. Highest priority deduction,
with retroactivity to enable the deduction of shortfall amounts (in table DDNTK Deductions Not Taken)
when retroactive payments are paid for the shortfall period (For-Period) to comply with the notice.
o PEA is published by Services Australia on 1 January each year
o Shortfall amount is where the full amount of the deduction cannot be withheld as it would not leave
the employee with a net pay amount ³ PEA, so deducts as much as it can and carries the shortfall
amount to the DDNTK table to recover when any additional For-Period payments are made
o Payments must be received at Child Support by the 7th of the month following the deduction
- Child Support Garnishee – in response to a S72A Notice issued by the Child Support Registrar and is
not subject to the PEA. EVCL13-CG. Highest priority deduction without retroactivity. Is typically paid a
week following the pay from which it was withheld, but may be paid monthly to align all child support
• Missed Reports – it is critical that pay events are successfully sent on or before payment date to support
the Services Australia and Child Support use of the data to administer their programs. If a report is not
sent on or before payday, in addition to the ATO FTL penalties, you will not have met your legal
obligations under the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 for Child Support Deductions
and must contact Child Support on 131 272 to discuss the missed report circumstances, send the
overdue STP2 pay event or complete the manual form and provide it directly to Child Support.
• Prior FY Updates – child support amounts do not and cannot change for prior FY updates
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• Period Total Amounts – child support amounts for the period are included in the parent period totals
• Corrections Framework – if you identify that a child support YTD amount that has been reported is
incorrect then there are options about what you need to do to correct the information:
- If you created the child support deduction or garnishee amount against the wrong employee (no Child
Support S45/S72A notice), then correct the record as per normal, as this is covered by the Fair Work
Act 2009, not by the Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988.
- If you have incorrectly understated the reported amount, then correct the record as per normal
- If you have incorrectly overstated the reported amount, then you must contact Child Support to
discuss the timing of the correction.
• Change of Key Identifiers – child support amounts must be managed effectively when transferring YTD
amounts to different key identifiers, as the impact is not to the ATO Income Statements, but to the critical
Child Support obligations.
If you are contacted by Child Support staff to inquire about matters that are not customer-
specific but rather about how the product is designed to work, please refer them to Matt
Voce at [email protected]. Child Support are new to STP2 and YTD reporting!
39 | 56
• Paid Leave Payment Amount
• Payee Allowance Amount
• Overtime Amount
• Bonuses and Commissions Amount
• Directors’ Fees Amount
• Lump sum Payment Amount (Type W Return to Work only)
• Salary Sacrifice Amounts (only temporarily, as a separate refund of salary sacrifice process applies)
This might typically occur, for example, if an absence type mapped to Paid Leave-W (workers’
compensation) was paid and then in the subsequent FY or payer, is corrected to be Paid Leave-O (other).
The new FY/payer will show a negative YTD amount for Paid Leave-W.
This must not and cannot be used as a reason not to address genuine overpayments. ATO will derive
aggregated gross (sum of the above payments less salary sacrifice) for use in the Income Statement (detail
is shown, but summary amount is provided on the overview screen) and prefilled IITR amounts.
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This program/transaction is used for multiple purposes:
• Display – to view data that has been saved in the STP2 tables (T5Q_STP2_ER/EE/PAY/LOG) where
submissions have been selected by:
- Submission Id – individually or for multiple selections
- Personnel Number – one or multiple selections
- ABN and/or Branch Number – individually or for multiple selections
- Date Range – from the date of the last update, or date range
- Declaration Status – declared records only, undeclared records only or all records
- Finalization Status – finalized records only, unfinalized records only or all records
- STP Data Selection – status of the submission: simulation data (test file) or live data, but not both.
Note: test files cannot be finalized or declared, only live files permitted
• Finalize – advise the ATO that the tax records of specific employees are complete and their Income
Statement can be made Tax Ready (ATO will change status after EOFY only) to enable them to complete
their Individual Income Tax Return. This functionality supports:
- Finalize – for specific employees (payee layout only) to enable customers to manage their EOFY
processes progressively (some employees) or all at once (all employees). This is currently only
permitted in the foreground, but the option to perform this in background is being explored.
- Unfinalize – used for several purposes, such as to correct accidentally finalized employees; to reflect
that an employee is no longer finalized where they once were; to alert the ATO and employees that an
issue has been detected and will be corrected but the data cannot yet be corrected. This will prevent
employees from mistakenly using incorrect finalized data to be prefilled into their tax return.
- Auto finalize – will check the last record in the same FY as the system date of the check (click auto
finalize button) and, if the records are TRUE, will copy that status to the default value of the record
(FALSE) to ensure continuity of the ATO Income Statement status. If the status is not different, a
message will be displayed to inform the user that no values were copied.
• Declare – this transaction has authorization objects that restrict access only to those users who are
authorized to declare the pay event “true and correct” subject to penalty. This transaction has the
following impacts:
- Liability – the userid of the declarer will be included in the pay event fields and sent to the ATO,
identifying that the declarer has accepted the declaration statement to accept liability that the pay
event is “true and correct”, subject to penalty
- Final – no data can be changed, including finalizing, unfinalizing, auto finalizing as the data is “locked”
and final, confirming the declaration step as the final step in ensuring the accuracy of the data to be
sent to the ATO
- Payload – the declaration triggers the transformation of the data into the XML payload format and
creates the submission as an object in the B2A queue, awaiting the next process to send the file to the
This transaction can be used to support many business purposes in addition to finalizing and declaring the
pay event, such as:
• Problem-Solving – to assist the pay administrators to address issues identified by employees from what
they can see in their ATO Income Statement. It allows the user to select the employee and sort their
declared submissions in descending order to check the data included in the submission.
• Completeness Check – either for specific employees or multiple employees to confirm that all
employees have been finalized or that every employee that had a submission in the FY has been
• Analysis – to assist users to understand the reported data over time.
Navigation in the Display/Declare transaction differs from that of the Generation in that the records must be
selected to move to other layouts, using the record selector checkboxes to the left (per row of data) or at the
top (for all records) of the displayed data.
41 | 56
Figure 39 - Display Payer Layout
Declaration statements are required by the ATO to be in the foreground with specific wording to satisfy the
legal obligations. It is critical that the data to be declared has been validated and reconciled and the declarer
is satisfied that the data they are to declare is “true and correct”.
Users may select a single submission id to declare or multiple submissions to declare together. This is only
possible for submissions of the same “type”, as follows:
Pay Event Successfully Submission Id Declaration Statements Saves Declarers Creates XML
Validated and representing Details in Pay payload in B2A,
Reconciled against employer and may Employer Event fields ready to be sent
people/payroll data identify other
parties in parent Intermediary
If T5QGP for the ABN/Br flagged an intermediary as an SSP, then SSP Multi-SSPs
If Registered Agent Number present in parent, then Registered Agent
If Intermediary present in parent, then Intermediary, else Employer
42 | 56
Figure 41 - B2A unique object Id
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found..
The newly declared document will be created with the status of New and sub-status of New. Selecting the
[Display] button will display the XML payload. Other status and sub-statuses will display the detail of the
message relevant to the message and stage in the process, as follows:
43 | 56
Figure 42 - History of B2A object showing steps in process
1. When pay event is declared, XML 2. When pay event is initially sent to
is created and compressed, appearing the ATO, the SubStatus is changed
in queue with SubStatus of “New” from ”New” to “Sent to ATO”
This will include submit and update actions and will include Accepted by ATO/Partially rejected files.
Connection errors occur from time to time. These are key websites to monitor ATO systems:
• SBR2 System Status -
• Current SBR system status for planned outages -
• ATO system maintenance - Management of B2A Documents
Within the context of ATO’s business record-keeping requirements, your completed STP transactions in B2A
are your record to confirm how you have met your legal obligations for STP.
There may be circumstances where you may need to delete a file. This is possible by:
• In B2A, use the menu to [Go To à Further Administration] that will display the “HR-B2A: Reorganisation
B2A-Manager program (H99_B2AREORG” screen
• In the selection screen for the Functional area [QATO] and document class [STP]/[STP2], test a deletion
by selecting the B2A identifier file/s and select the [Delete] button.
44 | 56
• To delete files permanently (update mode), remove the [simulation] flag and then reselect the [Delete]
To view the XML payload, select the relevant submission id with the history status/sub-status of New/New.
Select [Display]. The XML will be displayed:
The XML can be downloaded for ease of interrogation from this display. From the top menu, select [XML}
and then [Download].
45 | 56
3.4 Business Processes
The following sections provide high-level overviews of some key business process. Customers should
develop their detailed business processes to align with their internal policies.
This is not an exhaustive list of processes impacted by STP2.
SAP Pay Production Process Master
Data Overrides Configuration
Including Corrections and Post-Pay Production
Prerequisite Start Pay Time Pay Financial Banking – Superannuation Vendor Payslips STP Pay Validation Reconciliation
Master Data Production Evaluation Calculation Posting Test file (T) Remittances Event Test
Validation Simulation (S) report (T)
Post-Pay Production
Post-Pay Production
Fix relates to
current FY?
Yes No
Detect need
to correct Fixed in
data this/next pay When?
in the FY?
Yes No
46 | 56
3.4.3 End Of Financial Year
Given the process per pay, the EOFY process focuses on balancing with FY obligations external to payroll,
such as salary sacrifice management, RESC, RFBA, Financial Reconciliations for PAYGW etc:
Figure 48 - Consider what your Employees Need to see about their Pay Details reported to Government
Employer Pay
Services Australia’s
Portal – per Instalment
47 | 56
3.4.5 Transfer of YTD Amounts
There may be circumstances where the BMS Id of employees is changing, such as for:
• Upgrade SAP solution, re-implementation
• Acquisition of new business and its payroll
• Multiple payroll solutions at the same time, movement of employees between systems
• Machinery of government for government departments, agencies
• Outsourcing or moving to in-house payroll systems
There may be circumstances where the Payroll Id (PERNR) of employees is changing, such as for:
• Migrating employees from other payroll solution with different or non-unique existing personnel numbers
that must be accommodated in your existing payroll solution
• An existing worker on the system but not in payroll becoming an employee, requiring a payroll-relevant
personnel number
And/Or And/Or
Transfer YTD
Update Test Override Upload Update Live Amounts Pay Calculation Submit
Personnel Different
Number Personnel Number
48 | 56
• ATO Income Statements are removed when all financial amounts are removed and will be published
when the new submit is sent to reflect the new key identifiers with the progressive YTD amounts.
And/Or And/Or
Transfer YTD
Amounts Pay Calculation Submit Previous Key Update Live
Personnel Different
Number Personnel Number
49 | 56
The implementation approach for STP2 is going to vary between SAP customers and their particular
circumstances, however, there are options:
• Support Packs – apply the changes as part of the normal support pack application
• Project – apply the changes as a stand-alone project
Both approaches are fully supported by SAP, however, the project approach may allow more focused
testing, specific to STP2, as these changes are significant.
50 | 56
Figure 51 - Transitioning to STP2
License Apply Configure Customisations Test Correct
Production Steps
Transition to STP Phase 2 If no Child Support amounts
Prerequisites to transition
IT0188 Separately EVCL13 Configuration Mid-Year Child Payroll Pay Event Declaration Send – Push
Data for Identified Go Live 2 Support Calculation LIVE
Receive - Pull
STP2 Wage Types Update
• Prerequisites:
◦ IT0188 employee master data changes to reflect tax data, Income Types, Country/Region Codes
◦ Wage Types that reflect the disaggregation of gross approach to separately identify the
components of pay (particularly for Allowances; pre-sacrifice amounts) ATO Received
• Deploy the configuration changes Responses
• Perform MYGL2 if your first pay reported via STP2 is not 01.07
• If you have employees with Child Support amounts, send an update ASAP after MYGL2
• Proceed with business processes, focusing heavily on validations and reconciliations to
confirm accuracy and compliance
51 | 56
STP2 introduces extensive changes to the payroll and other business processes associated with paying
employees. It is critical that the solution is thoroughly tested before being deployed to your Production
52 | 56
- Others: 16000023656, 17088268884, 19087046080, 62483468038, 11000002568, 11000703613,
32087112105, 49425379391
- Branches: all branches from 000 to 999 for all EVTE ABNs are permitted
• RAN – Registered agent number: 17801003
Business Related Entities * Any/all branches Registered Agent
ABN-Br: 14088411787-001 RAN: 17801003
These related entities are employers,
M2M Credential Owner but will require an intermediary: the *can be used with all ABN/Br
M2M Credential Owner
KeyStore in non-Prod SAP
Cloud Integration
Refer to section Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found.
53 | 56
• Terminations – ensuring that all actions/reasons, including termination organizer and personnel actions,
have been mapped to a valid Cessation Type. Terminations in the period, in arrears, in advance, via off-
cycle (on-demand off-cycles are out of scope of STP/STP2)
• ABN/Branches – changes to new ABN/Branches within the period, after pay period end date
• Income Types/Country Codes – representing the full array of employee circumstances you have now,
sometimes have, may have in the future
• Tax Scales – any downward variations, new tax scales, interactions with variations such as STSL and
Medicare Levy variations (surcharge, exemption, reductions)
• Downward Variations – ensuring that the circumstances result in the appropriate Tax Treatment Codes
• Employment Basis – ensuring your Personnel Structures or other aspects that define the employee as
full-time, part-time and casual have been tested
• Death Beneficiaries – ensuring the configuration requirements have been met, the specific master data
requirements are available and the business processes support this specific scenario/s
• Prior FY Updates – particularly with any Income Types that require Country/Region Codes: both in the
“gap years” and prior to 01.07.2020. Include those with Lump Sum E, WHM, Income Types that are
introduced for STP2 but were included in SAW.
• Transfer of YTD Amounts – to the extent that this occurs in your organization, the particular
circumstances may be able to be “mocked-up” to test it, or test what you can for the functionality
available. Particularly focus on the impact to parent period totals.
• Child Support – whilst this is not a complicated change, the transition in and the process to co-ordinate
where your manual process ceases and your STP2 one begins must be tested
• Income Type Changes – for employees that change Income Types that would be realistically
experienced in your Production Payroll
• Global Mobility – these processes typically involve financial staff, ensure that the new governance of
these employees is tested, for example: FEI, IAA
• Amendments – how this process will occur, particularly for Lump Sum E processes and timings
• Negative YTD Amounts – if you have multiple ABN/Branches on the same payroll, reversing one
Payment Type (EVCL13 value) retrospectively to replace it with a different Payment Type should be
tested so you understand how it will look and how you accommodate it in your validations and
• Allowance Items – the most extensive and, in the opinion of many, most complex aspect to the STP2
changes, as those allowance items that have concessional tax treatment have many conditions that are
to be met, or different wage types are required to address the extensive requirements for PAYGW, super
guarantee and STP2 pay event fields.
• Internal Reporting – the extensive array of validations and reconciliations of the pay event against the
source of truth: pay results, master data and configuration. These reports may include, but are not limited
to the following checks:
- Configuration – T5QGP entries, T512W wage type configuration, T530/T5Q30 termination
action/reasons to cessation types
- Error Handling – how the process is addressed for pay event log warning messages, error messages
and correcting data (including the timing of correction)
- Data Integrity – master data integrity, å RT = CRT = ACRT, overrides (T5QSO) and prior FY
overpayments (monitoring negative inflows of /LGT)
- Completeness Check – ensuring all employees with payments subject to withholding have been
included in the submit and finalized at EOFY for both regular and off cycle pays.
- Compliance – with Fair Work obligations, PAYGW, super guarantee and STP2
- Reconciliation – the components of payroll/override have been accurately reflected in the pay event
and key items reconcile with the financial accounts
• Business Processes – the modified business processes to support the STP2 requirements have been
tested and users understand the details and timing of the steps they are to perform when the solution is
deployed into Production
54 | 56
5.5 Issue Reporting
When or if any issues are encountered that require SAP support, please Report a Case on SAP for Me and
raise the customer incident using the Application Area of PY-AU for Non-CE customers, with OSS prefix as
This is important to focus support and priority for customers transitioning to STP2.
55 | 56
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