Parents As Study Buddies: The Role of The Parents in The Implementation of Modular Learning Program

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Volume: 8
Issue: 4
Pages: 426-450
Document ID: 2023PEMJ663
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7868663
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-04-26 20:45:20
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Parents as Study Buddies: the Role of the Parents in the Implementation of Modular
Learning Program
Joel Gutierrez*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.


This descriptive phenomenological study explored the role of parents as study buddies of their children in implementing the
modular learning program. An in-depth interview was used to gather the lived experiences of 16 parents purposely chosen to
participate in the study. The parents included are either male or female, with at least two children studying in public schools
and have not gone to school or completed elementary level. Their personal narratives about their experiences, their coping
mechanisms to address the struggles encountered, their learnings, and insights from their experiences as a study guide of their
children in the modular learning were gathered using a semi-structured interview guide. The data collected were analyzed
using Colaizzi's method for data analysis. Findings reveal that parents' learning experiences are varied; they are glad to engage
in their children's learning and can learn while assisting them with their module activities. Parents face challenges in
comprehension modules, time management, and parental literacy, but they overcome them by seeking assistance from
relatives, using the internet, and praying for wisdom. Despite their challenges, they understand the value of education for their
children's future and realize that education is the only weapon that can be used to face life's challenges.

Keywords: Parents, Phenomenology, Philippines, Lived Experiences, Study Buddies

Introduction online learning amid the COVID-19 crisis as

challenging, especially since some needed to be
trained or ready to adopt online learning.
Education is the most precious thing that parents can
provide to their children. Through education, the doors In the Philippine educational context, Manila Times
for a better future were opened for their children to (2020) they have extolled parents' crucial role in
cope with the standard of the new generation. In the implementing various remote learning modalities amid
education process, the parents become the study the COVID-19 crisis. Public schools are modular,
buddies of their children and coordinate with the where one hundred percent of the learning is placed in
teachers for the educational development in terms of the hands of students and parents. There have been
effective teaching and learning process. The several feedbacks heard on the delivery mode, whether
worldwide issues pertain to the health crisis; Jordan a parent can successfully assist the learning activity of
has faced the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) their children, considering factors like their
pandemic and made rapid and firm decisions that have educational attainment, far-flung residence, an
helped limit the spread of the virus. Under these occupation which might entail a 24/7 physical
circumstances, education officials have sought to find presence, and their traditional knowledge of the core
optimal alternative teaching and learning methods that subjects may not jibe with the changes in the
contribute to the sustainability of the teaching and curriculum.
learning process. The solution was a digital
transformation in teaching, learning, and digital Here in the Division of Cotabato, particularly in
applications to accomplish distance learning or web- Midsayap, it is observed that many module tasks need
based learning (Hamaidi et al., 2021). to be completed or answered. According to the
conversation with some parents who personally
However, despite the efforts to assist parents in this returned the modules of their children, they need help
daunting task of educating their children at home, assessing their children when it comes to module
struggles are inevitable (Garbe et al., 2020). For contents.
example, Lee et al. (2020) recounted that amid the
acute phase of the health crisis, half of the American This prompted the researcher to assess the role of
parents in their survey felt overwhelmed by the parents as direct facilitators and support services
responsibilities to educate their child at home, during the implementation of the Modular Learning
resulting in significant depression and moderate or Program.
severe anxiety. Dong et al. (2020) also uncovered that
Chinese parents view and experience implementing Research Questions

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The qualitative study explored the parents' lived conversations with their children to help alleviate their
experiences as their children's study buddies during the anxiety. It has been recommended that parents should
implementation of the Modular Learning Program. be taught interventions on how to provide emotional
support to children at times of uncertainty (Wang et
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following al., 2020). Seale (2020) suggests that one of the best
questions: ways to prevent deep divisions and educational
inequalities during the epidemic is to empower
1.How would the parents describe their experiences as families to support learning in their homes.
study buddies of their children?
2.How do parents cope with their children's challenges However, this modality, modular distance learning,
as study buddies? encounter various challenges, particularly in the
3.What learnings from their experiences as study Philippines. Tibon (2020) elucidates that many
buddies of their children canthey share with other learners in primary education need to be proficient in
parents? independent learning, while several learners are not
4.What insights can the parents share as study buddies supported by their guardians and parents. In addition,
of their children? the formulation and production of quality modules to
address the varying needs of the learners need some
consideration. Lastly, the holistic development of the
Literature Review
learners might be affected. Students may have few
chances to interact and socialize. This can pose a
The Role of Parents in Education problem for students who need help coping with the
drastic educational transformation.Luaña (2021)
The Filipino family is highly patriarchal, where the mentioned that featured themes were complex for
father serves as the breadwinner, and the mother, as students due to challenging terminology and ideas. To
the house manager; from household chores to child- counter this, parents explain issues to their children
rearing and the teaching of the young revolves around simply to the best of their ability. Parents explain
her. Everything was first learned in the family, with complicated sentences their children cannot
the mother as the teacher. Parents are considered their understand and believe that by doing so, their children
child's first teacher when a child is born. As they grow will grasp the gist of the lessons, which will aid them
into adults, parents' typical roles include teaching, in answering the questions in their modules. Similarly,
guiding, and raising children to become vital members when their child encounters difficulty reading and
of their communities (Ceka & Murati, 2016).LaRoque comprehending English texts, Parents translate the
et al. (as mentioned by Alicamen et al., 2020) lessons into Filipino for their children to understand
expounded that parents' responses and participation in and answer what is indicated in their module and then
modular teaching are affected by various factors, guide them by giving examples. Parents help and
including their educational attainment, self-esteem, guide their children by providing additional examples
motivation, comfort level, language skills, and socio- not included in the modules.
demographic profile. Educators should make parental
involvement more familiar and meaningful. This will According to Mercader and Abadiano (2020), although
promote the participation of parents. It is vital to note many parents have struggled to get their children to
parental involvement as a process rather than a one- learn, many have attempted to welcome technology
time occasion to encourage parents to enhance their and deal with online learning. Their study indicated
capacity to help their children get the best possible that many mothers have been using the Facebook
education. application to connect with the social media
community to help their children become more
Since education is no longer held in schools, parents interested in their home learning activities. Moreover,
are essential as learning facilitators and para-teachers according to Malanga, as mentioned by Gevero, M.
that provide learners with instructional support without (2021), parents provide their children with a conducive
a classroom teacher. Parents are also the most critical learning environment to help them focus more on
factors in their prior achievements as their children's learning and regularly check their child's schedule or
first teachers. When parents and children work workweek plan. Because of the number of subjects or
together on educational activities, their attachment activities to be done, parents and guardians must see
expands since they can spend more time around each that it is being followed accordingly to avoid
other. Such instances allow parents to become a source cramming or delays in submission, which may affect
of comfort in easing pain and worry and engage in the child's performance. Parents also obtain the

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

different materials and services needed by the learner. (b) let go of control on kids - it often becomes a source
Moreover, give adequate praise, encouragement, and of stress that hurts their motivation and diminishes
rewards to heighten their child's learning motivation. their ability to learn; (c) encourage learning, not doing;
(d) encourage them to learn and to use homework to
Likewise, Jaiswal (2017) concurred that parents also strengthen their knowledge. If they still refuse to do
involved themselves in helping their children, homework, let them face the natural consequences; (e)
improving their schoolwork, providing focus on relationships instead of homework - a warm,
encouragement, arranging appropriate study time and secure parent-child relationship in childhood is
space, model desired behavior (such as reading for essential to living a happy, successful life; and (f) be
pleasure), monitoring homework, and actively supportive and teach stress awareness - when a child is
monitoring their children tutoring their children at not motivated to learn, be supportive instead of
home. According to Ezeokoli and Ugwu (2019), contemptuous.
parents use their mother tongue to communicate their
ideas better and explain concepts to their children. In a world of dual-income households, single-parent
This bears similarity with the study of Luaña (2021), households, and unconventional work hours, they
who stated that many subject areas used English as the should provide multiple opportunities to fit
medium of instruction in writing the modules; thus, engagement and interaction into their schedules.
parents translate the lessons to Filipino content for Cooper (2021) recommendedinnovative ways to fuel
their child's better understanding of the module. parental involvement: (a) online advice video -
Moreover, parents guide their children by explaining teachers can guide how parents can help with specific
and giving examples without explicitly giving them assignments, and parents can provide feedback on
the answers, acting as a guide on the side and allowing areas where their child may need extra help; (b) use
their children to participate actively in the learning social media at your school to connect to parents -
process. social media provides excellent ways to connect
parents to your school’s website and begin engaging
Strategies for Engaging Parents them; and (c) home visits and parent/teacher
Parental engagement is critical to student achievement
(Kim, 2020). Parental engagement is the active Learning at Home
participation of parents in all aspects of their children's
social, emotional, and academic development (Castro The home learning environment combines activities
et al., 2015). The level of involvement changes due to and spaces that affect a child's development and
the parents' abilities and expectations, differing student learning. It provides opportunities for them to interact
needs, and shared responsibility with teachers (Borup with books, objects, and everyday experiences to make
et al., 2015; Keaton & Gilbert, 2020). Parents or sense of their world. The most important feature,
guardians are partners of teachers in education. They though, is their interactions with people who provide
serve as home facilitators and para-teachers who the love, security, encouragement, conversation, and
facilitate and guide the students in answering the positive role models to help their child to thrive. A
modular lessons they sent during modular learning good home learning environment encourages children
(Manlangit et al., 2020).Depending on the and young people to have positive attitudes toward
administrators ' schedules, parents and guardians pick learning, curiosity, and self-confidence (Parent Zone,
up the school's self-learning modules (DepEd, 2020). 2020).
The Philippine Information Agency (2020) shares that
parental guidance and support will incentivize children Parents' experience and expertise are believed to be
to learn. Studies revealed that parental participation, priceless. According to studies, one of the best
such as modular distance learning, is the missing link predictors of a child's success in school is learning at
in educational equity in this educational setup. Even home and parents being involved in their children's
the most established schools and teachers must do education. Parental involvement helps develop self-
more than educate every child independently. confidence and motivation in the classroom. Parents
who help their children have many benefits, including
According to Lee et al. (2022), to motivate children strengths and weaknesses, spending individual time
and to release working parents from stress, parents can with children, enlightening, making learning more
do the following six things: (a) manage our stress - meaningful, and having higher aspirations (Kiser,
taking deep breaths, exercising, meditating, and 2020).According to (Malarbas, 2022), parental
practicing mindfulness can help us manage our stress; involvement at home influences children in a positive

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

way. One of the practical reasons for parents involved The teachers, learners, and their parents must adapt to
is that it helps relieve stress and anxiety for students homeschooling with the new instructional modality.
struggling with their lessons. Parents with experience Distance learning requires parents as learning
and expertise in various subjects and life experiences supervisors, tutors, and homeschooling teachers. This
help increase relevance to children. Also, parents who confirms a previous study that parents actively
help their children comprehend the lesson's content implement child education at home during the
and make it more meaningful are of immense help for COVID-19 pandemic (Hapsari et al., 2020). Therefore,
them to understand. even working for the family, the parents should also
have the same readiness to educate children in learning
According to Wang et al. (2020), when parents and education at home. This is because high levels of
their children spend more time together, it is likely a involvement of the parents in the learner's
good bond where they can work together more in a homeschooling can obtain positive achievement
child's learning activities. In addition, it states that the results, even without assistance from a school or
more parents are open and have time with their teacher.
children may allow their children to understand that
they are present when they need hope and comfort, Meanwhile, other parents generally had negative
easing their pain and worry and even alleviating their attitudes about the benefits of online learning. They
pain and worry their anxiety. It has been recommended preferred traditional learning because of the hardships
that programs and interventions be taught to parents to caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, their children's
have ideas and an understanding of how they should inadequate self-regulation, and their lack of time and
provide emotional support to their children when professional knowledge to support online learning
needed.As suggested by Zahed, Rezaee, Yazdani, (Dong et al., 2020). Parents struggle to balance
Bagheri, and Nabeiei (2016), it is a highly significant responsibilities, learner motivation, accessibility, and
component of parenting associated with the training learning outcomes (Garbe et al., 2020).Regarding the
and growth of talents, skills, the learning about social learners' motivation and learning outcomes, the parents
rules and norms, as well as choices of interests in the observe the lack of attention to lessons; difficulty in
forms of hobbies that can transform in careers when coping with fast pacing of instructions; inability to
both having close relationships and mutual finish the desired outputs; and health-related problems.
understanding between parents and children. Students' attitudes, learning styles, and lifestyle
Therefore, high levels of parents' involvement in the adjustments influence the learning outcomes of the
learning and disciplining of children could have a students (Lukong et al., 2020).
reverse effect on accomplishment (Hosokawa &
Katsura, 2018). Puspita (2021) pointed out how crucial parents,
particularly mothers, are in educating their children.
In Pakistan, more must be done nationally to manage Parent serves as direct guidance on their children's
the educational crisis during the pandemic. Overall, reading,writing, and with their home tasks. Several
Pakistan has 8,636,383 students enrolled in pre- factors made parental involvement more difficult
primary institutes, whereas students enrolled in during these stressful times (Soriano et al., 2022). Due
primary and secondary schools are 22,931,305 and to lack of vocabulary, mastery of the teachings, and
13,357,618, respectively (UNESCO, COVID-19 English communication, comprehension abilities, and
Educational Disruption and Response, 2020). The poverty hampered parents' ability to assist their
private educational system across Pakistan has opted children intellectually, leading them to use a variety of
to give children homework so they may adhere to the dispensed parenting techniques such as using Google
curriculum planned for the year; however, they later Translate to translate unfamiliar words, searching the
announced summer vacations when the situation Internet for needed information, consulting a
provoked unpredictability (Hasan, 2020). Despite dictionary to resolve vocabulary issues, and enlisting
restricted access to the Internet, online classes are the help of more knowledgeable relatives (Budao,
being held at the university level (Ali, 2020). Schools 2021). As Paco et al. (2021) stated, parents found it
and colleges have been asked to promote children to challenging to carry out their duties and obligations to
the next grade (Saeed, 2020), and low-cost schools are assist children at home. Parents cannot just play their
on the brink of closure due to the crisis (Yousafzai, significant role as parents but as educators. Being
2020). passed down the duties and responsibilities mainly
belonging to teachers have significantly affected their
Experiences of Parents in Modular Distance decisions on what to give more time between
Learning household chores and educating their children.

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Another study is by Constantino et al. (2020), who learning, their exploration of ways and strategies to
stated that parents, amidst online distance learning, attain the students' attention, as a support channel and
disliked how modules could have been better printed. good provider assistant in imposing learning at home.
These are issues such as seeing unsuitable colors for Palma et al. (2021), even though parents have
models and having pieces that could be easier to read. shortcomings, parents know their integral role in their
Luaña (2021) listed how parents help their children children's learning, which can affect academic
answer modules by explaining, providing examples, performance.
correcting their children's incorrect answers,
'Googling' the answer, and directly providing the Schools began to train parents for the flow of modular
correct answers. On the other hand, Luaña listed three distance learning. Parents were advised on the learning
methods for parents to help their children answer delivery modality they wanted for their children. In
modules: explaining, giving examples, and correcting addition, they were also told about their vital role in
their children's inaccurate answers; guiding by this period of the pandemic, which is to act as a
'Googling' the solution; and leading by immediately learning facilitator for their children at home. They
delivering the proper answers. Luaña points out that often take their position as an additional workload and
some featured themes were complex for pupils to challenge because they need more patience and ability
grasp due to complicated vocabulary and concepts. To to teach the lessons to their children. They internalize
combat this, parents do their utmost to explain their new position for their children with a series of
complex subjects to their children in simple words. orientations. Schools also had orientation for students
Parents feel that explaining difficult words to their to understand the changes that are taking place in the
children would help them understand the gist of the new education system. They were told that their home
teachings, which will help them answer the problems would act as their school for the entire period of
in their modules. modular distance learning. Their teachers would be
their parents or older siblings with the capacity and
Further, Olivo (2021), stated that it is a significant ability to clarify the substance of the lessons. Modules,
disadvantage when parents have inadequate learning activity sheets, and other additional materials
knowledge of specific topics. That would enable them are given. These learning packages are distributed and
to assist their children properly. Likewise, the same retrieved every Friday. As a result, they are given one
thing goes when it comes to time for other priorities at week to perform all the learning tasks listed in their
home, which is not enough, to answer the myriad of learning guides (Canonizado, 2021).
activities. Amora (2022) shows support by
demonstrating that most parents face challenges such Modesty aside, the modular approach promises
as being unable to remember preceding knowledge, learner-centered, flexibility, accessibility, simplicity,
being drained by the circumstance, financial status, and cost-efficiency modalities to save a lot on
and intermittent connections. Bayod et al. (2021) transportation and accommodation (Ambayon, 2020).
elaborated on the difficulty of a mother in teaching On the other side, parents or guardians face various
their children since she does not know the answers to dilemmas in assisting their children; 1) if parents or
the questions because she has not even reached high guardians are full-time workers, 2) Elementary and
school for which the level of the lesson is about and High School undergraduates, 3) low-income workers,
that it is better to have a personal session with the 4) jobless due to the pandemic, and 5) parents or
teacher so that clear explanations about the lessons guardians cannot afford to buy loads to access their
will be given. teachers whenever they have queries. The threat to the
safety and well-being of the learners and family
According to Garbe et al. (2020), parents struggle to members at home becomes everybody's concern. It
balance their obligations, learner motivation, shall facilitate the learning experience must be done at
accessibility, and learning outcomes. In addition, a the convenience of their homes while doing some
similar study by Kintanar et al. (2021), seeking to learning tasks (Ibyatova et al., 2018). The learning
understand the parents' difficulties when facing activities presented by the different modules through
administrated Modular Distance Learning, stated that multiple subjects ranging from seven to nine (7-9)
some parents need to be more knowledgeable when impact all the school community members' lives
facilitating their children. Gecolea and Gecolea (2021) (Department of Education Order No. 18 s. 2020, n.d.)
revealed that parents best support their children by (Department of Education Order No. 12 s. 2020,
sharing inputs, perspectives, and provisions for the n.d.).As the Agency moderates prevailing conditions,
student's needs. The experiences of unsung heroes of all concerned are reminded to return or release without
modular learning are the parents' role in delivering the fail the Module Key Answers with the corrected

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

submitted modules to help the parents, guardians, and Fourth, model 4 — Collaborative - the schoolwork
facilitators monitor the learner's progress (Department with families to accomplish a joint mission for
of Education Division Memorandum No. 265, n.d.) children's educational success. There is a collaboration
(Department of Education Order No. 001 s. 2021, among parents, educators, and community
n.d.). Given its prevailing challenges, it is now one members. Moreover, Hasler-Waters et al. (2018)
way of reaching out to stakeholders to moderate the discovered that the unique school environment made
modular approach's impact. the intensity of parental involvement. Because parents
were intimately aware of their children's needs and
Models of Parental Involvement interests, they could use that knowledge to support
their students. However, she also learned that these
Educators and parents play critical roles in students' coaches faced significant challenges, including the
educational performance. Students need a supportive shortage of time, the complexity of the role, and the
learning environment that provides encouragement, need for immediate access to teachers.
motivation, and high-quality instruction to excel in
school. With growing demands on families, parental Other than that, parents sometimes did not feel
involvement in their children's education expands qualified to help students due to their unfamiliarity
beyond the classroom. While balancing education, with the subject matter or when their students
sports, family situations, family time, job schedules, struggled with the content. This discovery underscores
and other obligations, many families face daunting and the findings made by Borup et al. (2013), who found a
volatile schedules and circumstances, leaving little negative association with student outcomes when there
time to provide help in any place (Durisic et al. (2017). was an over-reliance on parents for instructional
support. While the parents in her study acknowledged
Dr. Joyce Epstein of Johns Hopkins University has that the educational management organization
developed a framework for defining six types of parent provided them with training or instructional tips, they
involvement. This framework assists educators in needed to find these resources sufficient.Furthermore,
developing school and family partnership programs. the school could support families by communicating,
First, parenting: help all families establish home being transparent with tools, and individualizing
environments to support children as students. Second, instruction. Students must be participating in and
communicating: Design effective forms of school-to- accountable for their learning. Parents should be
home and home-to-school communications about available to monitor, mentor, and motivate students.
school programs and children's progress. Third, She illustrated these themes in a model representing
volunteering: recruit and organize parent help and the interlocking connection between the themes (Curtis
support. Fourth, learning at home: Provide information et al., 2015).
and ideas to families about how to help students at
home with homework and other curriculum-related When parents and children collaborate in learning
activities, decisions, and planning. Fifth, decision- activities, bonding between parents and children
making: include families as participants in school increases to spend much more time together. Such
decisions and develop parent leaders and instances allow parents to become a source of comfort
representatives. Furthermore, sixth, collaborating with in easing pain and worry and engage in conversations
the community: coordinate resources and services for with their children to help alleviate their anxiety. It has
families, students, and the school, and provide services been recommended that parents should be taught
to the community (Newman, 2019). interventions on how to provide emotional support to
children at times of uncertainty (Wang et al., 2020).
Similarly, the University of Minnesota (2018) shared Online schooling systems with parental support
its version of parental involvement models, including guidelines could help improve children's and their
Model 1 — Independent - this model is based on the parents' bonds.
assumption that parents delegate to schools the
responsibility for educating their children. Educators, In summary, the related literature elaborated on the
in turn, accept the responsibility. Second, model 2 — roles and strategies parents play in their children's
Mission-driven - the school establishes the mission development, how this affects their performance, and
and enlists parents’ support. The school identifies the experiences of parents acting as their children's
appropriate values and practices for children’s success. study partners, challenges and coping mechanisms,
Third, model 3 — Cooperative - the school recognizes learning opportunities, and insights. This related
families' expertise. The school assumes that literature will offer adequate backing and a solid
interactions between home and school are helpful. foundation for analyzing and extrapolating the study's

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

findings, further confirming its validity.This study was Program.

chosen because of many studies during a pandemic;
the researcher focused on teachers and students, while Conversational Partners
this study concentrated on parents as conversational
partners. Moreover, this study was conducted during The study's conversational partners are 16 parents with
the pandemic, when parents' roles were added due to at least two children enrolled in school. The selection
many educational responsibilities. This study was of conversational partners was based on the following
presented in a qualitative method that focused on inclusion criteria, which are: (a) must be parents of at
parents' experiences, especially those who have least two students enrolled for School Year
reached a lower level of education and served as study 2021-2022; (b) 25-60 years old; and (c) unable to
buddies of their children, making this study unique finish an elementary level. Those who did not meet the
compared to the other studies. criteria were excluded as CPs of this study.

Role of the Researcher

In this study, the diverse lived experiences and
This section includes the research design, sampling feelings of the conversational partners were noted. The
design, conversational partners, role of the researcher, researcher is a provider of transparent and
data sources, instrumentation, data gathering understandable questions and is a listener to the
procedure, face-to-face interview, data analysis, the conversational partners' narration of their lived
trustworthiness of the study, and ethical experiences and reactions, challenges encountered,
considerations. coping strategies, and aspirations for their selves and
their children.Further, the researcher explained the
Research Design study and its purpose without bias to the
conversational partners. In the interview proper, the
This study employed a phenomenological qualitative researcher served as the interviewer who appropriately
research design. It is defined as an approach to conducted interviews according to the procedure and
research that seeks to describe the essence of a followed the interview guide. The researcher observed
phenomenon by exploring it from the perspective of the conversational partners' responses, understanding
those who experienced it (Teherani et al., 2015). The their human experiences. The researcher's data were
phenomenological approach aims to illuminate the collected and transcribed to ensure truthful
specific to identify phenomena through how the actors information. The researcher also ensured to safeguard
perceive them. This qualitative phenomenological
of the conversational partners' identities. Lastly, the
research aimed to explore the lived experiences of
researcher was an analyzer and interpreter of the data
parents who became the companions of their children
congruent with what the conversational partners said
in complying with Modular Learning activities. The
during the in-depth interview.Specifically, the
lived experiences of the conversational partners were
researcher's roles include being an encoder,
brought to light through these conversations. The
transcriber, translator, interpreter, and analyzer of data
conversations were focused on presenting their ideas,
based on the responses of the conversational partners.
thoughts, and experiences they have felt, lived, and
going through
Data Sources
Sampling Design
Every research was based on data, analyzed, and
This study utilized purposive sampling to emphasize interpreted to get the correct information. In this
specific people relevant to the research and capable of phenomenological research, the conversational
answering the research questions.Purposive sampling partners responded to the interview guide from which
is described by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2012) the primary data were derived. This way, data
as a technique in which the researcher depends on their interpretation was better, and targeted issues were
findings when selecting a method. It follows when addressed.The secondary data were gathered from
essentials are carefully chosen for the sample selected published, printed sources, including literature,
by the researcher's decision. The main objective of the surveys, and compilations from computerized
purposive sampling design is to explore the parents' databases and information systems (Cook, 2011).
life experiences as their children's study buddies
during the implementation of the Modular Learning Instrumentation

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

This study utilized a semi-structured interview guide female, and they expressed their life experiences about
to gather the needed data, which served as an their parental involvement as buddies in Modular
instrument. It was divided into three parts. Part I Learning Program implemented for their children. The
contains the conversational partners' orientation for expressed ideas by conversational partners were used
them to become aware of the interview flow. Part II is to sort out the insights related to the salient results of
the interview proper, which contains preliminary their lived experiences as study buddies of their
questions to set the mood of the conversational children studying in a modular set-up. Matrix 1
partners, followed by the leading questions comprising presents the conversational partners' profiles.
12 items that determined their lived experiences, their
struggles, and the challenges they encountered, how Matrix 1.Profile of the Conversational Partners
they cope, as well as their aspirations. Last is the wrap-
up question to conclude the interview.

Data Gathering Procedure

To facilitate this study, the researcher considered the

following steps. Primarily, the researcher sought
approval from the Dean of the Graduate School of
Notre Dame of Midsayap College to conduct a
research study. Secondly, the researcher asked
permission from the Schools Division Superintendent
of DepEd Cotabato Division by sending a letter duly
noted by the Dean of the Graduate School of Notre
Dame of Midsayap College to request approval for the Figure 1. .
interview of the conversational partners, then
submitted a copy of this letter to the school heads and
conversational partners to enable the researcher to
conduct the study.

Then, the researcher personally communicated with

the conversational partners for their approval before
conducting the in-depth interview and explained to
them comprehensively the content of the informed
consent. The conversational partners accepted the
invitation positively and willingly by affixing their
Figure 2. .
signatures to the consent form. After the in-depth
interview, the researcher transcribed all the data
gathered and translated all the information into
English. Finally, the researcher let the conversational
partners read all the transcribed and translated
information they gave. To check the congruency of
data to their statement, the conversational partners
affixed their signatures to the verification form.

Figure 3. .

This section presents the qualitative analysis outcome

of the research questions answers. The results are The first conversational partner was JCG-P01. She is a
presented based on emergent themes, sub-themes, core female, 49 years old, and her educational attainment is
ideas, and categorization. up to grade 6 only. A significant experience she talked
about was that she was happy when she became a
Profile of the Conversational Partners study buddy of her children saying. "I am happy to be
a part of my children's education because my son
The conversational partners of this study are primarily learns from his study."

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The second conversational partner was JCG-PO2, The seventh conversational partner is JCG-PO7. He is
who has not gone to school; she shared her feeling of a 33-year-old male who completed his grade 6. He
happiness even if they encountered good and bad shared that he is happy that the children learned
experiences as a buddy of her child "I am happy that I something in their studies, even using modules. He
become a study buddy of my children, especially this said, "I am happy because the children learned
time of pandemic because I am allowed to learn new something in their studies; even if it was just a
things just for example how to write, the negative modular, they still learned something, and their studies
experience is since I was not able to attend school, I did not stop."
have a hard time in dealing with my students since I
could not explain to them the content of their The eighth conversational partner JCG-PO8 is a male
modules." who shared that parents need to be happy even during
a pandemic because they need to be happy to be part
The third conversational partner was JCG-PO3, of the children's education. "We cannot do anything,
female, 41 years old, and finished Grade 4. She stated so we must be happy even during the pandemic. We
that as a study buddy of her children, she felt happy are just happy to be part of our children's education."
because she became part of the study of her children.
According to her, "I am happy. After all, even during The ninth conversational partner is JCG-PO9. She
the pandemic, my children could study." shared that even if she has not attended school, she is
happy to be part of her children's education. According
The fourth conversational partner was JCG-PO4, 62 to her, "Yes, I am happy to be a part of my children's
years old and has never attended school. She is the education. I am happy because they learned to read so
type of mother and grandmother who is caring and that people would not make fun of them. Furthermore,
loving. Even though she could not attend school, she is if I die, I will be complacent because I know that they
constantly extending help to her children in different can face it since they have learned a lot in their studies,
ways. However, there are times when she finds and I know this will be their weapon in their daily
difficulty in assessing her children, especially in quest in life. I am also happy because they now know
answering their modules "There is a time when I have that people will no longer mock them and tell them
difficulty with my grandson's study, especially in hurtful words."
answering modules because I do not know it since I
have not studied anything, and I cannot read and The tenth conversational partner is JCG-PO10, who
understand the lesson." shared that she is happy even if the children are just at
home; they continue to study and learn, and they were
She also said that she is happy being part of the study not the only ones who learned, but the parents also
of her children and grandchildren. In that way, she was learned, which makes her happy, for they learned
able to perform parental duties and responsibilities. "I something in their education. "Yes, I am happy. Even
am delighted because somehow, I am helping them if they are just at home, they continue to study and
with their studies. Moreover, I see that my children learn. They were not the only ones who learned, but
have a bright future because they are persistent and we both learned, which makes me happy because they
interested in their education." learned something in their studies."

The fifth conversational partner is JCG-PO5. She is The eleventh conversational partner is JCG-P11. She
now 44 years old and has not gone to school. She is shared that she was happy to be part of her children's
the kind of mother that is very supportive of her education because, despite the pandemic, they
children, especially their education. "I supported them continue their education to have a good job after
and provided for their needs. Especially during the graduation. "Yes, I am happy to be a part of my
time that they are answering their modules." children's education because, despite the pandemic,
they were able to continue their education so that they
The sixth conversational partner is JCG-PO7, a 33- can have a good job after they graduate from their
year-old male who reached Grade 6. He shared that he studies."
was happy that his children learned from Modular
Learning Program and did not stop their studies, The twelfth conversational partner is JCG-P12, who
especially at a time when the guidance of a mother is shared that she felt happy to be a part of her children's
very needed in the study of the children. She said, "I education because they increased their knowledge and
am happy to be part of my children learning something experiences" Yes, I am happy that I have been a part
in their studies; even if it was just a modular, they still of my children's education. I am happy because they
learned something, and their studies did not stop." increase their knowledge and their experiences."

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The thirteenth conversational partner is JCG-P13, who was included in the table showing the frequency of the
shared that he was happy to be a part of his children's responses, which became the basis for the
education but noticed a modular approach to education categorization.
that kids did not learn anything "I am also happy
because I became part of my children's education. Themes
However, I noticed that in the modular education
approach." There were 180 significant statements and 12 core
ideas framed in the thematic analysis. Matrix 2 shows
The fourteenth conversational partner JCG-P14 shared four major themes and 12 core ideas that emerged
that she was happy that the children are in education so from the subjective experiences of the conversational
they can finish schooling and find a good job one day; partners, specifically their lived experiences on their
all of that is for the betterment of their lives in the role in implementing the modular learning program for
future. "Of course, I am happy. So that they can finish their children's education. The core ideas and
school and find a good job one day, and all of that is categorization were presented, and each major theme
for the betterment of their lives in the future." was discussed.

The fifteenth conversational partner is PCG-P14, who Matrix 2. Themes, Core Ideas, and Categorization of
shared that he was happy to provide his children an the Role of Parents in Implementation of Modular
opportunity to learn "I am happy because I want my Learning Program
children to learn."

Lastly, the sixteenth conversational partner is a JCG-

P16 female who has not gone to school. She shared
that she was happy to be part of her children's
education even though she has not attended school but
availed an opportunity to guide her children in their

"I am happy that I became a part of my children's

education. Even though I have not attended school, I
still have the opportunity to guide my children in their

Categorizing of Emergent Themes

After the in-depth interviews, the audio-recorded

exchanges were transcribed, translated, and analyzed.
A cross-analysis in comparing the core ideas was used
to present information. This was adopted after the
guide written by Hill, Thompson, and Williams (1997)
entitled, A Guide to Conducting Consensual
Qualitative Research, which used the three
classifications of responses: general, typical, and

The first category is General, meaning the core idea Figure 4. .

applies to all cases (16 cases). Next is Typical,
meaning the idea applies to half or more cases (8-15
cases). Lastly, the variant applies to less than half to at The themes that emerged from the in-depth interviews
least two cases (2-7 cases) (cited by Goodrich et al., are presented: learning experiences, hurdles
2019). encountered, conquering difficulties, and insights and
In categorizing the information, the themes were
presented by the research question and referred to as Learning Experiences
major themes. Under the major themes are the core
ideas from the responses of the CPs. Another column The core ideas on Learning Experiences that

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

categorize the major theme are presented in Matrix 3. helping them." (JCG-P01)
These are extracted from the CPs' responses to their
lived experiences as study buddies in the modular "I can see that they were happy every time I help
learning program of their children. them, and in return, they are thankful to me." (JCG-
It is shown that Learning Experiences as the first
major theme with the core ideas: a sense of happiness "They are happy and thanking me for helping them,
for involvement in students' learning, the opportunity and in return,they helped in the household chores."
to learn new things together, the ability to perform (JCG-P07)
parental duties and responsibilities, and children's
appreciation of parents' effort. "Happy that I help them … Their joy is evident when
they join me in answering their modules." (JCG-P10)
Matrix 3. Theme 1, Core Ideas and Categorization
"I noticed in them that they were happy… They thank
me because I help them." (JCG-P12)

"They are happy that I am helping them; they said

thank you, Mama, for all your sacrifices and in helping
us always." (JCG-P14)

"I am happy. I see in them that they are happy when I

help them and tell them to answer their module, and
consequently, they help with household chores." (JCG-
Figure 5. .
Some conversational partners emphasized that they
were happy that their children were happy when being
Sense of Happiness for Involvement in Student’s helped by parents and were exhibiting a positive desire
Learning to learn; children are happy being taught by parents
even I their parents have only reached a lower level of
The core idea was developed from the significant education despite that they are still happy because they
statements shared by the conversational partners. believe that their efforts were going toward building a
Parents feel happy when they get involved in their better future for their children.
children's learning using the modular learning
program. As the conversational partners mentioned, I notice in them that they were happy… They thank
they give the children academic assistance in me because I help them." (JCG-P12)
answering their modules. The Conversational Partners
stated that despite the pandemic, they were able to "They are happy that I am helping them; they said
assist their children. thank you, Mama, for all your sacrifices and in helping
us always." (JCG-P14)
"I am happy because even though there was a
pandemic,they were able to study because of the "I am happy. I see in them that they are happy when I
module." (JCG-P02) help them and tell them to answer their module, and
consequently, they help with household chores." (JCG-
"It is also pretty fun even though it is a pandemic; they P01)
were able to study, then I also learned something."
(JCG-P03). "I am delighted because somehow, I am helping them
with their studies. Moreover, my children have a bright
Parents who were cooperative partners added that they future because they are persistent and interested in
were happy because their children also showed their education. Even if they walk as long as they can
happiness when they were helped to know the answer study." (JCG-P05)
to their module. This resulted in their willingness to
help with household chores. "Yes, I am happy because I helped them answer their
"I saw their joy and enthusiasm because, somehow, I
help them, and because of that, they thank me for They ask me if they do not know how to answer their

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

modules, and I teach or help them to answer. education because,despite the pandemic, they were
Furthermore, If I do not know, I will do the research." able to continue their education so that they can have a
(JCG-P06) good job after they graduate from their studies." (JCG-
"I am happy, sir, because he follows what I say. Even
if I could not attend school When I told him to go to "I am delighted, sir, that I have been a part of my
their sister and let her teach him, he immediately children's education. I am happy because they increase
followed me and all my advice, so I was happy." their knowledge and their experiences." (JCG-P12)
"I am happy because I want my children to learn."
"I am happy, sir, because it is for the good of my child. (JCG-P15)
And as a parent, I am happy to help and be a part of
my children's learning." (JCG-P10) "I am happy, sir, that I became a part of my children's
education. Even though I have not attended school, I
"I am happy, sir, because my children are learning still have the opportunity toguide my children in their
more. So as a mother, it is very happy to feel that you studies." (JCG-P16)
see your children learn something because it is also for
them when the day comes." (JCG-P11) "My children already know, and they can help me
because they already know." (JCG-P02)
"I am happy, sir, because I help them with their
modules. When there are questions they do not know The core idea of the opportunity to learn new things
to answer, I teach them. I explain to them the best that together is classified as Typical since 11 out of 16
I can how to answer the questions.”(JCG-P12) conversational partners articulated this answer.

The core idea of a sense of happiness for involvement Able to Perform Parental Duties and
in students' learning is classified as Typical since 13 Responsibilities
out of 16 conversational partners articulated this
answer. While assisting their children with their learning
modules, the conversational partners still perform their
Opportunity to Learn New Things Together parental duties and responsibilities to their respective
families. The CPs had exhibited their role as parents
The conversational partners indicated that their and responsibilities at home that cannot be left behind.
children learned something even if they used the The CPs shared that their duties and responsibilities
learning modules. As part of children's learning at are done in the:
home, parents had the opportunity to learn new things
with their children. The following are the CPs' In their studies and attending meetings. (JCG-P02)
In their study, when they have work, I help them so
"I am happy because my son learned something from that they can pass their modules at the right time. They
their studies." (JCG-P01) can join the chat and pass the projects on the
messenger by providing the load. Even though it is
"I am happy because they learn in their studies, and I challenging to find a way for them to participate just
help them in their studies." (JCG-P05) for their education. (JCG-P03)

"I am happy, Because the children learned something In their studies, I supported them and provided for
in their studies, even if it was just a modular, they still their needs. Especially during the time, they are
learned something, and their studies did not stop." answering their modules. (JCG-P05)
In their needs and their studies, sir, because I gave
"I am happy. Even if they are just at home, they them money so that they can buy load for their
continue to study and learn. They were not the only cellphone so that they can use it to answer their
ones who learned, but we both learned, which makes modules. When I advise them to fix their module
me happy, for they learned something in their studies." answering because it is also for them. (JCG-P06)
In my child's education, in answering their module. I
"Yes, I am happy to be a part of my children's am the one who gets his module in school and with the

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

costs of his studies. (JCG-P09) They thank me because I help them (JCG-P06)

In my son's studies, sir. I always remind them to study They are happy, sir, when I help them. They always
hard and answer the modules because it is also for smile at me and tell me, " Father, Thank you! (JCG-
them. I told him that to understand formal education; P15)
he would learn something in English and Arabic for
the same reason. (JCG-P10) The core idea of children's appreciation of parents'
efforts is classified as General since all 16 of the 16
In my son's education. I took their modules to school. conversational partners articulated this answer.
Moreover, sometimes they are the ones I get. I told
them to take the modules to continue their studies. Hurdles Encountered
The core ideas and categorization of the theme Hurdles
In their study. I tell them to take their modules to Encountered are presented in Matrix 4. These are
school and when they can answer them so they can extracted from the CPs' responses to the challenges
continue to learn and have a promising future one day. they encountered.
In Matrix 4, the Hurdles Encountered as the second
In the education of our children. In answering their major theme is shown. Hurdles encountered are
modules and their learning needs. (JCG-P13) presented in three core ideas: Limited knowledge due
to educational background, Different household
In my children’s education. By giving a reminder to activities, and Emotional state of giving up.
answer their modules (JCG-P14)
Matrix 4. Theme 2, Core Ideas and Categorization
In their study. I take care of them and always tell them
to answer their modules because that is the study
method today. After all, we are still in a pandemic.

In the module, whenever their modules arrive, I always

tell them that you children, complete all the modules
so that you can return them immediately on time and
you will be able to get a new one so that you can Figure 6. .
efficiently finish your studies. I reminded them not to
waste their time because it looks like you are still in
school and studying. (JCG-P07) Limited knowledge due to educational background

The core idea of being able to perform parental duties The core idea of limited knowledge due to educational
and responsibilities is classified as Typical since 11 background was formulated from the significant
out of 16 conversational partners articulated this statements by the conversational partners. This means
answer. that parents made many adjustments in assisting their
children with their learning modules because of their
Children's Appreciation of Parent's Efforts limited knowledge due to educational attainment. The
CPs had expressed their feeling of acquiring limited
Children recognize the efforts of their parents in knowledge in education that hindered their capacity to
helping them accomplish their learning modules. The assist their children. The CPs indicated that:
CPs shared that the children exhibited a feeling of
appreciation for the efforts exerted by parents to assist We cannot do anything, sir; that is why we must be
them in their modular learning. The following are the happy, even during a pandemic. I am happy to be a
CPs shared statements: part of my children's education even though I have
limited knowledge about their lessons. (JCG-P08)
They are happy every time I help them. I can see on
their faces that they always smile and say. Thank you, I am also happy because I became part of my
Mother, for helping us, and in return, they also help children's education. However, I noticed that in the
me with their help; they also help me with household Modular approach to education, the kids did not learn
chores. (JCG-P05) anything, and I could not give or teach them

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

everything since I had only limited ideas on the lesson. I prioritize household chores before helping my
(JCG-P13). children (JCG-P02)

I also find it difficult… I do not know their lessons, so In the morning, all I would do was do the selling of my
I have a hard time because I studied less… Their goods. Then in the evening, around 9 o'clock, that was
lesson is different now compared to what I studied my time for them, and I taught them about their
before. (JCG-P01) modules (JCG-P03)

It is difficult for me to understand… I also have a hard I balance my time in the morning before I go to work
time comprehending their lessons. (JCG-P06) (JCG-P04)

I am confused… I have difficulty with the lessons in What comes first to the problem is the first if the
the module (JCG-P07) solution is given, whether it is a problem at home or
school (JCG-P05)
I am also having a hard time with the subject content,
and sometimes I do not understand, but because we Planning and scheduling what work should be
work together, we eventually Solve those problems. prioritized (JCG-P06)
When I have a job on the farm, I leave my children to
It is hard for me to understand the contents of the my older son so that he can teach and supervise in
module (JCG-P11) answering their modules so that even if I am not
around, they will continue answering their modules so
There are also times when I have difficulty analyzing that they will not be late during submission. I will
the content of the modules. (JCG-P12) teach them in their module when I finish my work,
especially at night. (JCG-P07)
I could not teach them everything since I had only
limited ideas and knowledge of their lesson, and I told them to work hard and, if they know, answer, I
besides that, their topics were quite different from will do the farm work first … if I am done doing the
what I had studied before. (JCG-P13) farm work, that is when I help my children with their
modules. (JCG-P08)
Sometimes I have difficulty with the content of their
modules because it is different from what I went Prioritize housework while my children answer their
through before. (JCG-P15) modules. When I am done with homework, I watch
them answering their modules (JCG-P11)
The core idea of limited knowledge due to educational
background is classified as Typical since 14 out of 16 When I do not have a job, I help them with their
conversational partners articulated this answer. modules (JCG-CP12)

Different Household Activities I put housework first. I will help my grandchildren

with their modules when I finish my household chores.
The core idea of different household activities was (JCG-P14)
formulated based on the significant statements
expressed by the conversational partners. There are I prioritize the housework in the morning, and when I
many concerns the parents had to attend to aside from have a vacancy, that is the time when I s extend help
helping their children in their learning modules. The with my children's modules (JCG-P15)
CPs indicated their expressions on the effect of
different household activities on the chance to assist The core idea different household activities is
their children in answering their modules. CPs classified as General since 16 out of 16 conversational
expressed that: partners articulated this answer.

There is time for answering modules. It usually falls Emotional State of Giving Up
around 10 PM, and there is also a time for work and
household chores. I balance it Well so that I can fulfill According to the conversational partners, they feel sad
my duties (JCG-P01) seeing their children having difficulty answering the
modules. Parents also find it difficult because they
I balanced my work at home and helping my children. cannot understand the content. Others gave up on

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

helping their children because of some concerns, while Sometimes, especially when I am busy with my work
others, despite the difficulty, still worked with their (JCG-P16)
children. The CPs indicated that the emotional
challenges encountered resulted in the feeling of The core idea Emotional state of giving up is classified
giving up. The CPs indicated that: as General since all conversational partners articulated
this answer.
Yes, sometimes they fight each other because the older
brother will not help his younger brother, and I am Conquering Difficulties
tired of household chores. Once I got to the point
where I almost gave up helping them because I was The core ideas and categorization of the theme
tired. (JCG-P01) Conquering Difficulties are shown in Matrix 5. These
are extracted from the CPs responses. Matrix 5
Sometimes come to the point of giving up, especially presents how they conquered difficulties.
when I do not know their lessons. (JCG-P03)
The Matrix shows Conquering Difficulties as the third
Sometimes I feel tired and about to give up because I major theme. Conquering Difficulties presents three
always have a lot of work every day. (JCG-P07) core ideas setting priorities through appropriate
learning, praying for God's guidance, and unity and
Yes, sir, because I had a hard time comprehending
cooperation among the family members.
their lessons, and it came to the point that I was about
to give up. (JCG-P08) Yes, I have come to the point
Matrix 5.Theme 3, Core Ideas and Categorization
that I am about to give up because I am uneducated,
and It is quite difficult for me to assist them in their
modules. (JCG-P09)

I am having a hard time, sir, because I have not studied

anything, so it is hard for me to understand the
module's contents... I feel sad because I cannot answer
them. (JCG-P09 & JCG-P10)

Sometimes when I am tired and because I am old and

uneducated. (JCG-P11) Figure 7. .

Yes, because children need to improve in this style of

Setting Priorities through Appropriate Learning
education. I also need more skills to help them with
their studies. It would have been better for a teacher to
The core idea of setting priorities through appropriate
teach them face-to-face because the teachers could
learning was formulated from the significant
adequately explain the content of the modules. (JCG-
statements expressed by the conversational partners.
Having faced difficulties in the modular program, they
Yes, sir, because teaching is difficult because they are were able to look at some ways to cope with those
even more educated than us. Sometimes we also need challenges. The CPs indicated that problem
help finding an answer because we did not go through categorization, coping and facing challenges, finding
the lessons while studying, and I did not go through solutions to the problem, setting priorities, and
modular learning before. (JCG-P13) balancing time helped them acquire appropriate
learning. The CPs indicated that:
Yes, sir, when I am tired from work or housework,
especially since I care for two houses. However, when I was able to cope and face it with courage. Looking
I am feeling okay and able to relax, I continue to take for a way to cope with those challenges, I had a hard
care of my grandson's modules. Even simple guidance time helping answer their modules, but everything was
and telling them to answer their modules is a big help okay because we were together. (JCG-P03)
so that they pay attention to their studies. (JCG-P14)
I endured for my grandson's future. Even though I am
Yes, sir, I had a problem related to daily needs at the having a hard time because I am the only one who
time. I tell them to answer their modules for I have to helps him even though I could not attend school.
solve my problems first. (JCG-P15) (JCG-P04)

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

They were able to continue their education despite the vital to supporting children struggling with learning
pandemic, secondly is that they know how to clean, modules. Their involvement would mean they had
and then they joyfully help me with household chores. shown concern, unity, and cooperation with their
Lastly, we have time to bond with each other as we children's education. However, there were instances
answer their modules. (JCG-P05) when they sought help from their neighbors and
children's classmates. The CPs exerted their effort to
I bravely face it, even if it is complicated. Most help their children and develop connections and bonds
importantly, I prioritized things to be given immediate with other members of the family who exhibited
attention, and I was able to look for a solution to cooperation and oneness. According to them:
address those problems. (JCG-P08)
We are just working together with my son (JCG-P03).
Identifying which tasks are urgent makes it a priority No, we-we are the only ones answering the modules
and balances time because you also need to work hard because I do not have anyone to ask for help, and no
for the family, and you also need time for the children one else helps him but me and Allah. (CP4)
with their studies. (JCG-P09)
There with my eldest son, sir, because he is smart and
I am looking for a solution to the problems that need to intelligent. (JCG-P6) The cooperation and oneness of
be addressed, like what I have gone through. (JCG- everyone leads in answering their modules. (JCG-
P12) P08.)

The core idea setting priorities through appropriate We strengthened our relationship as a family, and we
learning is classified as variant since 7 out of 16 had time to bond. (JCG-P07)
conversational partners articulated this answer.
We work with my eldest son to answer his younger
Praying for God’s Guidance sibling's module. (JCG-P15)

Praying to God and asking for guidance and strength We work hand in hand with my older son and daughter
to overcome the challenges was the positive coping in answering their modules. (JCG-P16)
mechanism of parents. The CP indicated that their
relationship with God was strengthened, providing To my grandson's brother and his father, The oneness
them with guidance and strength to face trials. and unity of our family. (JCG-P14)

Always work hard and pray to Allah (JCG-P04) I am asking the help of my eldest daughter since she
has higher educational attainment. (JCG-P01)
I ask Allah for guidance and help to guide my family
and me through the trials we will face. (JCG-P09) We work with my son and daughter to answer their
younger siblings' modules. (JCG-P11)
I am asking for the help of the Lord to guide my
children (JCG-P11) Even though I have not studied anything, when it
comes to module content, I do not have a hard time
I cope and balance them. Praying to Allah give me the because whenever my grandson asks me something,
strength to overcome trials. (JCG-P14) his father is there to help me. He is the one who will
help my grandson. (JCG-P09)
I ask for the Lord's guidance to guide my actions and
cope with the trials I will face. (JCG-P15) The core idea Harmonious relationship with family
members is classified as Typical since 14 out of 16
I extend my patience and ask Allah for guidance (JCG- conversational partners articulated this answer.
Insights and Realizations
The core idea of praying for God's guidance is
classified as Variant since 6 out of 16 conversational The core ideas and categorization of the theme Insights
partners articulated this answer. and Realizations are presented in Matrix 6. These are
extracted from the CPs' responses as to what they have
Unity and Cooperation within the Family Members learned when they become their children's study
buddies. This theme presents two core ideas: the
A harmonious relationship with the family members is valuing education and the importance of proper time

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

management. lessons we forget are gradually revived. If anything,

we also learned simultaneously as our children
Matrix 6. Theme 4, Core Ideas and Categorization learned. (JCG-P13)

I also learned something daily with my grandson, who

is answering his modules. (JCG-P14)

I learned at least a little at the same time as my

children learned during the pandemic. (JCG-P15)

The core idea Valuing education is classified as

Typical since 14 out of 16 conversational partners
Figure 8. . articulated this answer.

Importance of Proper Time Management

Valuing Education
Time management can efficiently manage one's time
hrough the challenges of modular learning, parents got in a way that helps one finish the required tasks.
insights and realizations that parents and children Parents find some time to help their children answer
should value education. The CPs had indicated their the learning modules. The CPs indicated that they tried
value of education since some had limited education. to find time to assist their children. The CPs said that
CPs indicated that they also learn some lessons when they budget their time to help their children.
they assist their children. Others learned to read and
write and be updated with the current contents of the I worked out a way to budget my time at work and
lesson. They stated that: helped my children answer their modules. It is just a
matter of sacrifice. (JCG-P01)
When I learn even a little of my children's lessons, it
will be the best thing to happen to me as a study buddy I finish my chores here at home first or prioritize the
for my children. (JCG-P01) housework before I take care of them and help them.
I learned to write, read at least a little (JCG-PO2), and
much more. In other words, we both learned. (JCG- As for time management, I am fine with time because I
P3). have enough time for my grandson to study. All I need
is time budgeting. I clean in the morning; then I help
We both learned and realized the value of education. her every night. (JCG-P04)
I plan everything I do and which ones to prioritize.
My grandson's learning was my great experience as a (JCG-P05)
partner in his studies. (JCG-P04)
What I do is budget my time with them. (JCG-P07)
I also learned a little bit, especially since I could not
study. I learned to appreciate. I try to learn their I am sure to budget my time. There is a time for
lesson, too, to help them. (JCG-P05) household chores and time for helping my son and
daughter answer their modules. (JCG-P08)
When ma'am taught me to write my name at school,
even though my hand was shaking while writing, I am I am fine since I manage to budget my time properly,
very thankful for the learning imparted to my child and and we have much time at night to do his modules.
me. (JCG-P09) (JCG-P09)

I also learned at least a little. We are both learning now We are looking for a way to balance the time to get
with my son. (JCG-P10) through the trials I have experienced. (JCG-P13)

I learned the essence of valuing education (JCG-P11), I had no problem because I was planning and
the value of education (JCG-P12), to value education budgeting my time and had time to help them. (JCG-
and the proper guidance of our children. (JCH-P16) P15)

To value knowledge because, in this situation, the I do not have a problem with time management

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

because I have much time for my children to guide sufficient time to oversee their children in their
them, especially in their modules. (JCG-P16) studies. They spare time for their children and assist
them in their studies. They are also given a chance to
There are some difficulties encountered due to the share their knowledge and skills with their children
limited knowledge of parents due to their low level of and with an offered avenue for them to show how they
education. Based on the statement of CP: care about their children (Paco et al., 2021).

There is a time when I need help with my grandson's Learning experiences include the fundamental
studies, especially in answering his modules, because I concepts of being happy to participate in students'
do not know it because I have not studied anything, education, having the chance to learn new things
and I cannot read and understand the lesson. (CP3) together, being able to carry out parental obligations
and responsibilities, and children appreciating their
The core idea Importance of proper time management parents' efforts. The parents' learning experiences are
is classified as a Variant since 9 out of 16 distinctive in that they have witnessed the beneficial
conversational partners articulated the answer. effects of implementation in fostering harmonious
relationships with their kids. They think no one else
would sacrifice themselves for their kids. Therefore,
they must fulfill their duties and obligations as parents
and study partners at home (Milles, 2020). The fact
This provides discussion of the themes from the that each and every CP had something to say on how
analyzed data. This aimed to explore the parents’ lived they have dealt with stress is evidence in favor of this
experiences as study buddies of their children using study.
the learning modules. It examined their experiences,
challenges, coping mechanism, and learnings. A The sense of happiness for involvement in student
Modular Learning Program was implemented as an learning was experienced by 14 conversational
alternative strategy during the Pandemic. The study partners. The parents who served as buddies in the
utilized the qualitative study to gather data from modular learning program exhibited happiness in
parents as buddies in complying with modular learning assisting their children to complete the modular
activities of students. answers to show good academic performance, which
indicates the parents' typical roles of teaching, guiding,
Based on the concept of Bhandari (2020), qualitative and raising children to become vital members of their
research is used to understand how people experience communities.This means that parents are highly
the world. They share some similarities but emphasize engaged in modular learning. They are highly
different aims and perspectives. As such, in-depth preoccupied with supporting and managing their
interviews were conducted with the conversational children's modular learning. Despite the inevitable
partners to provide a clear view of the significant lived challenges, parents feel happier and more involved in
experiences of the parents. The conversational partners having more time with their children's education.
of the study were 16 parents who spontaneously shared
their experiences and described their stories. The This implies that parent’s guidance and support will
narratives were analyzed and categorized into themes inspire the children to study. This implies also that
and core ideas. The main themes of the study are Parents as buddies are exhibiting happiness and
presented as follows. excitement in assisting their children in Modular
Learning to meet the educational requirements. The
Learning Experiences exhibited efforts of parents are appreciated by children
when they help in improving the bond between
From the experiences of the conversational partners on children and their parents.This Study is supported by
the role of parents as study buddies in the the study of (Wang, Zhang, Zhao, Zhang, &
implementation of the Modular Learning Program, the Jiang,2020) stated that during pandemic, DepEd used
essential theme of Learning Experiences emerged. the Alternate Learning Program of Modules to teach
Parents extend the time and support their children. pupils. Conversational partners expressed their joy
They believe that the way the school encourages them when assisting their children in answering the
to participate in their children's education. Even modules. The study's findings indicate that parents and
though it is challenging since it is the first time to children's cooperation in learning educational activities
implement the Modular Learning Program, the parents are intended to strengthen the appreciation of children
still see and perceive its brighter side, providing on the exerted efforts of parents, and it has been

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

recommended that parents be taught interventions on around each other. This attachment allows parents to
how to provide emotional support to children in times perform parental duties and responsibilities and
of uncertainty. become a source of comfort in easing pain and worry
and engage in conversations with their children to help
This study is further supported by the study of the alleviate their anxiety. Parents should be competent to
Philippine Information Agency (2020) study, that the provide emotional support to children at times of
youngsters will be motivated to learn by their parents' uncertainty.
advice and support. This is also supported by the study
of Colombo (2006), reality revealed that in educational This indicates that parental duty begins with the child's
set-ups in terms of modular distance learning, the formal enrollment in school and continues throughout
participation of parents is the missing link in equity. the educational process. Parents should collaborate
However, it is indicated that schools and teachers with administrators, instructors, and educational
cannot simply educate every child independently authorities, as well as actively participate in the
because these children need emotional support from process of constructing educational programs for their
parents and family. children. The physical care of the child is the
responsibility of the parents, as is raising the child in a
Parents expressed that they had the opportunity to
safe and non-violent manner. Parents are responsible
learn new things while helping their children answer
for the physical care of their children, as well as
the learning modules. Parents have discovered a new
ensuring that they are reared in a safe and non-violent
outlet for learning new topics as part of their children's
environment. Teachers are responsible for issues
home learning. During this period, it also serves as a
relating to class and student activities, student needs,
means for parents to master new skills. It is clear, not
instructional materials, expectations, and obligations.
only children but also parents are learning new skills.
If there is an issue with the child's education or the
This is a fantastic opportunity for parents since they
school itself, they should be told by the school
are given the opportunity and chance to learn new
administration or the instructor since parents play a
things that their children and parents may apply in
very vital, critical, and key part in their children's
their daily lives.This means that this core idea of
learning experiences indicated that Modular Learning education. As a result, they must carry out their
Program entails the learners staying at home, and this duties.This finding implies that parents' involvement
has become a challenging routine for the parents since as a buddy in their children's education have a greater
they are the ones who will be teaching their child just chance of succeeding in school and achieving of
to ensure their child's education. educational development.

The implication of the findings indicates that in This supports the statement of Garbe et al. (2020),
Modular Learning as a strategy of distance learning, which emphasized that parents struggle to balance
the learners stay at home, and parents try their best to their work, home, and teaching responsibilities. In the
support their children, especially on the concepts of long run, the parents were able to adjust to the
the modules that are quite complicated.This experience situation, and they were able to handle the situation to
affirms the statement of Manlangit et al. (2020) that perform their duties and responsibilities to their
distance learning necessitates the parents to study with children. In the current pandemic situation, parental
their child for a better learning outcome. They serve as roles can help establish a pleasant learning
home facilitators and para-teachers who facilitate and environment for their children. The ability of parents
guide the students in answering the modular lessons to play many roles at home is critical to maintaining a
they sent during the modular learning.In addition, positive learning environment for their children (Ratih
Luaña (2021) the studies exhibited support to the et al., 2021).
parents and children in complying with the modular
learning program requirements as they learn new Children’s appreciation of parent’s efforts
things together and enumerated suggestions on ways academically prove that parents intend to develop their
how parents can guide their children in answering children for a better future. The parents and children
modules: guiding by explaining, giving examples, collaborate in learning activities, and bonding between
correcting their children's incorrect answers, guiding parents and children increases to spend much more
by 'Googling' the answer, and guiding by directly time together. Such instances allow parents to become
giving the correct answers.The attachment expands a source of comfort in easing pain and worry and
when parents and children work together on engage in conversations with their children to help
educational activities since they can spend more time alleviate their anxiety.

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

This means that children appreciated the efforts of with the content of the learning modules and that the
their parents, who were helping them answer their parent's involvement in the educational process is very
learning modules.This finding implies that parents significant even if they have limited knowledge but
effort serves as the major component of the have tried to cope with the requirements of modular
educational accomplishment of their children in the learning for their children to meet their educational
Modular Learning program. It further implies that the goals.
parents' effort in their children's education is exhibited
by their assistance with the educational requirements This finding supports Dangle and Sumaoang (2020) on
on Modular Learning. The learning experiences of the the implementation of modular distance learning in the
of parents and children exhibited sense of happiness Philippines, which revealed that parents' lack of
for the assistance of parents in educational learning. knowledge to guide their children academically is one
This scenario provided an opportunity for parents and of the main challenges the implementation brings to
children to learn new things. such a learning modality. (Gevero, 2021) similarly,
parents complained that the time allotted to complete
This result supports the statement of Kim (2020) that the module's activities was insufficient because there
parental engagement is a critical factor influencing were so many activities in such a short period. Some
student achievement Castro et al. (2015) added that parents stated that due to a lack of proper education,
parental engagement is the active participation of parents could not provide learners with knowledge that
parents in all aspects of their children’s social, they could utilize to assist their children in completing
emotional, and academic development. This also their learning modules.
supports the statement of Borup et al. (2015); Keaton
and Gilbert (2020) that the level of involvement The different household activities sometimes affect the
changes due to the parents’ abilities and expectations, parents' assistance as a buddy to their children's
differing student needs, and shared responsibility with modules. Home responsibilities are sometimes
teachers. This indicates a positive concept in support prioritized, but parents' involvement in their children's
by the expressed statement of McCartney (2022) education motivates them to consider assistance to
which emphasized that children express how grateful their children as part of their duties and
they are to their parents for their love and sacrifices responsibilities. Household activities require priorities
and sometimes are more in complying with their by parents to cope with the responsibilities of
modular requirements were simple words to thank maintaining typical family situations. Balancing time
messages that come right from the heart are after all for the household and helping the children do their
the parents need to hear to know that everything they modules require proper planning. This finding implies
did for the child was utterly worthy. that despite the parent's significant role in complying
with household activities, but the education of their
Hurdles Encountered children is given more priority for future development.
In addition, parents balance their time doing household
For the hurdles encountered the conversational chores and answering modules with their children.
partners emphasized the hurdles they encountered This result is in line with the statement of Eccles and
which include limited knowledge due to educational Harold (2010) that parental involvement outside the
background, Different household activities, and the classroom is done at home, termed home-based
emotional state of giving up.The reality in the parental involvement, where parents are directly
educational process is that some parents can help their involving themselves related to school work, including
children to comply with the Modular Learning assisting with homework and responding to children's
requirements. However, this depends on the assistance academic choices and academic issues. So to cope
of parents for those who cannot comply fully with the with the modular learning of children, parents balance
modules. Parents with enough educational background their time to help their children and do their household
can exert their knowledge to answer the modules, but responsibilities.There are cases when the result of the
there are cases when compliance with the modular conversational discussion indicates that the
contents is complex if parents have a limited conversational partner articulated all the answers and
educational background. The responses revealed that developed an emotional state of giving up. Sometimes,
limited knowledge due to educational background is parents lose hope in helping their children due to being
also a challenge and a problem in assisting their busy with household chores, jobs, and other
children in their modular learning. responsibilities, tiredness, and difficulty; they develop
perseverance, and some never give up on helping their
This implies that some parents had difficulty dealing children.

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The implication of this finding shows that there are academic work plays into it.In cases of challenges on
cases of emotional crisis that sometimes develop the Modular Compliance, which developed
feeling of giving up but are overcome by spending discouragement, praying to God's guidance is one
time to relax, normalizing the emotional crisis. In option for parents to assist the learners.The difficulties
addition, parents are sometimes experiencing difficulty encountered can be conquered by trusting God's
due to some challenging experiences, which affect guidance. Praying for God's guidance is the strategy to
emotions that sometimes develop discouragement and be guided to conquer difficulties usually experienced
intend to give up.This study is supported by Shaira by children and parents in their studies. This implies
Kaye O. Degamo; Jennylyn E. Sano stated that the that the challenges encountered every day can be
Parents of children with special needs encountered provided with guidance through God’s constant
similar experiences in handling their children’s prayer. Further, the constant prayer of parents for
educational needs during this new normal of God's guidance will help improve children's education.
education. However, parents still try their best to teach Research has shown that parental involvement in their
their children the best way they could. Parents who children’s education improves their educational
struggle to teach their children became more active achievements from early childhood, causes them to
and vigilant in attending the needs of their stay longer in school, and encourages overall positive
children.The statement upholds this situation that development, as emphasized by Lehmann, E., (2020)
parents' feelings towards remote learning are mixed. but strengthened by the trust of parents to God's
Some parents feel more connected to their child's guidance because according to Hebrew 13:6, God will
schoolwork, while others see this as an additional help those who ask help and should not feel afraid. So,
burden (Gevero, 2021). the trust of parents in the help of God exhibited by
constant prayer strengthens parental involvement.
Conquering Difficulties
Unity and cooperation among family members has a
Sometimes, parents lose hope in helping their children great impact on the learning of the students. A
due to being busy with household chores, jobs, and harmonious relationship with family members can
other responsibilities, tiredness, and difficulty; they strengthen compliance with the Modular Learning
develop perseverance, and some never give up on requirements. Family assistance, especially the
helping their children. In times of conflict of priorities parents, can contribute to the output quality.Based on
of parents between the household chores or job and the responses of the conversational partners the
helping the children in their modules, balancing time modular learning program strengthens the family
for housework and helping children in their modules relationship. Each family member shows concern,
need proper planning does setting priorities through unity, and cooperation in helping children with their
appropriate planning important based on the responses learning modules. Parents sometimes ask for help from
of partners' significant statements.This means that their neighbors and children’s classmates.This implies
planning the time to do what is necessary will enhance that every parent has different experiences and
the excellence of learners’ performance. Time situations and in times of deficiencies of the needed
management entails setting aside time for tasks that competence, asking neighbor's help is the adopted
will advance objectives.It implies that having time option. This situation also implies that parents
management will create the best time in helping their significantly contribute to completing the Modular
children in answering their modules at home. requirements.
Furthermore, doing lots of works without time
management neglects tutoring children with their This finding supports the statement of Newman (2019)
module. Moreover, parental involvement, whether in that learning at home provides information and ideas
school or at home, strengthens the bond between to families about how to help students at home with
parents and their children, improves their children’s homework and other curriculum-related activities,
proper behavior, and enhances academic performance. decisions, and planning and the statement of (Wang et
This further implies that proper planning will al., 2020) that when parents and their children spend
minimize conflict of priorities. more time together, it is likely said to be a good bond
where they can have more time working together in a
This is related to the statement of Sheldon, Mussof, child's learning activities. In addition, it states that the
and Philip (2021) that "Maintaining the parent-child more parents are open and have time with their
relationship is so important" and indicated that as children may result in allowing their children to
parents, there is a need to consider the child's understand that they are present in times when they
individual needs, relationship with the child, and how need hope, and comfort, easing their pain and worry.

Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

As suggested by (Zahed, Rezaee, Yazdani, Bagheri, self-concept will not predict academic performance;
and Nabeiei, 2016), it is a highly significant either way, students' academic performance does not
component of parenting associated with the training reflect on their self-concept. Likewise, it should be
and growth of talents, skills, the learning about social noted that the respondents were still in the process of
rules and norms, as well as choices of interests in the searching for their unique identities. Further, students
forms of hobbies that can transform in careers when need extensive educational learning experience from
both are having close relationships and mutual the school and their environment to harness their skills
understanding between parents and children. and develop their self-efficacy.
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Joel Gutierrez
Psych Educ, 2023, 8(4): 426-450, Document ID: 2023PEMJ663, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7868663, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

-considerations.pdf Affiliations and Corresponding Informations

Yousafzai, A., (2020) Low-cost private Schools May not be Able to Corresponding: Joel Gutierrez
Survive the COVID-19 crisis Email: [email protected]
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Zahed, Rezaee, Yazdani, Bagheri, and Nabeiei (2016). The influence Joel Gutierrez:
of parenting style on academic achievement and career path Malamote National High School - Department of

Joel Gutierrez

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