Citation 322524910

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Ayurveda, the science of life, holistic medicine offers a complete solution with

medicines, diet and lifestyle. The radical shift occurred in defining health
encourages the medical fraternity of modern times to look deeply into empirically
evolved ayurvedic techniques for the maintenance of positive health. The recent WHO
report says that 70% of the world population is using herbal medicines for their
primary health care. In last decade the use of herbal medicines increased
Safe and effective prescribing is a basis of proper patient care. Many pocket books
or practical prescriber available for allopathic medicine in market but very few
for Ayurveda. In order to fulfill this I have undertaken this task.
In order to diagnose the disease on the basis of Ayurvedic principles, the
physician should have to work very hard to know the subtle changes occurring inside
the body due to the imbalance of Dosha. To become perfect in Ayurvedic diagnosis,
the physician needs to understand Dosha Vikalpa (Dravyataha-Gunataha-Karmataha
Vriddhi of Dosha), Dhatu Vaishamya (the quantum of vitiation, the status of Dhatu &
Srotas), Agni Sthiti and nature of Ama.
It is essential to get the practical training from the Guru (Teacher) in order to
become perfect in Ayurvedic diagnosis, as evidenced from the Vagbhata’s citation
“The proficiency comes by continuous practice just like the the genuineness of
diamond etc. can’t be known by mere reading ofbooks”.
The fundamental principles for treating any disease are Bio-purification,
Palliative medicine and avoiding the causative factors. Considering this, the
author tried to incorporate these triad principles of treatment.
For every diseases, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, Principles of
Treatment, Panchakarma treatment, Palliative treatment, formulations,
Prescriptions, Yoga therapy, Pathya-Apathya are explained.
I hope the Vaidyas will become efficient by practicing these principles, medicnes,
regime and diet described in this book.. Patil, Vaidya Vasant & Sapra, Umesh &
Gujarathi, Jasmine. (2017). A Guide to Ayurvedic Clinical practice. Ayurveda, the
science of life, holistic medicine offers a complete solution with medicines, diet
and lifestyle. The radical shift occurred in defining health encourages the medical
fraternity of modern times to look deeply into empirically evolved ayurvedic
techniques for the maintenance of positive health. The recent WHO report says that
70% of the world population is using herbal medicines for their primary health
care. In last decade the use of herbal medicines increased tremendously.
Safe and effective prescribing is a basis of proper patient care. Many pocket books
or practical prescriber available for allopathic medicine in market but very few
for Ayurveda. In order to fulfill this I have undertaken this task.
In order to diagnose the disease on the basis of Ayurvedic principles, the
physician should have to work very hard to know the subtle changes occurring inside
the body due to the imbalance of Dosha. To become perfect in Ayurvedic diagnosis,
the physician needs to understand Dosha Vikalpa (Dravyataha-Gunataha-Karmataha
Vriddhi of Dosha), Dhatu Vaishamya (the quantum of vitiation, the status of Dhatu &
Srotas), Agni Sthiti and nature of Ama.
It is essential to get the practical training from the Guru (Teacher) in order to
become perfect in Ayurvedic diagnosis, as evidenced from the Vagbhata’s citation
“The proficiency comes by continuous practice just like the the genuineness of
diamond etc. can’t be known by mere reading ofbooks”.
The fundamental principles for treating any disease are Bio-purification,
Palliative medicine and avoiding the causative factors. Considering this, the
author tried to incorporate these triad principles of treatment.
For every diseases, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, Principles of
Treatment, Panchakarma treatment, Palliative treatment, formulations,
Prescriptions, Yoga therapy, Pathya-Apathya are explained.
I hope the Vaidyas will become efficient by practicing these principles, medicnes,
regime and diet described in this book.

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