Oral Communication

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Grade 11



“The school that builds character”

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 1
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: The Nature and Process of Communication

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the nature and process of communication;

2. Understand the relationship of the functions of communication to everyday life; and
3. Illustrate the process of communication.

Lesson Proper:

Communication comes in various forms. From the simple

nodding of your head, stretching of hands, raising your
eyebrows up to your daily conversations with your friends
over the phone, constant exchange of text messages, and
regular browsing in social networking sites, these are but
some examples of how humans communicate their thoughts,
feelings, ideas, and insights. These only signify that humans
really engage in communication.

When you exchange ideas with someone or you send

information to others, you do it in two ways. You either use
words to say what you want to say or you express yourself
through gestures
and facial expressions. Since then, people have the inherent need to communicate. Humans are
beings. They live to interact regularly with others. In fact, their
endurance is due to their ability to express themselves and
connect to one another and the world they live in.

When you look back in the history of humankind, you will find
that early man could not speak as you do today. Records show
that people have used various communication techniques such
as the use of symbols, gestures, sounds, drawings, and sign
languages (Littlejohn, 2002 as cited in Amudavalli, n.d.). Words
and languages developed much later in human history.

Over the years, communication has progressed tremendously.

Language developed side by side with technology. Now in the
21st century, we realize the power of communication in
building relationships and the community at large. Hence, we
see the importance of communication.

Nature of Communication

1. Communication is a message understood.

Unless a message is understood, we cannot say that
communication has taken place. Let us send a message to
someone and say, “where came first”. The person who gets this
message would wonder what it means, for the arrangement of
the words does not make any sense. The message is sent but the
receiver does not understand it. Therefore, for communication to
take place, we have to consider two conditions. First, there should
be a clear message. Second, the message must be understood
by the receiver for whom it is meant.

2. Communication is social interaction through

messages. Think of someone telling, “It is very warm today.” In
this case, we are communicating what ‘we experience’. The
weather being warm is what we feel or experience physically.
In this scenario, we are sharing our feeling or experience with
someone else. Thus, we may say that “communication is a
sharing of experience.” In our society, we all interact with
messages. Without interactions, a society cannot survive. Social
interaction is always through messages.
Process of Communication

There are also times when we fail to communicate effectively

which results to misunderstanding or miscommunication. Why do you
think this thing happens? What are the ways to avoid them?

We are sometimes misunderstood due to the level of speech we use

during conversation - by the volume of our voice or the rate of our speech
when we talk with our friends or acquaintances. Sometimes, we are
misunderstood due to the non- verbal actions that we project or
incorporate in our speech during face-to-face communication. Also, when
we send text or chat messages, we are misinterpreted because those
messages are often brief and devoid of emotion.

The Communication Process

(Stimulus) MEDIUM



As seen in the illustration, communication begins when the

speaker or source of communication responds to a stimulus
and decides to encode or transmit it in the form of a message
(or a “code”) through a particular channel or means of

The receiver decodes or interprets the message sent and

responds accordingly based on his interpretation of the

This response comes in the form of a feedback sent to the

original source of communication (sender). As the
transaction continues, the sender and receiver may exchange roles until understanding is achieved.
Barriers/noise to communication sometimes block the transmission of the message thereby
creating misunderstanding.

Through this process, we are able to understand that communication is systematic. In the
advent of technology, the exchange of information and messages in society has advanced and has
been a subject of many studies.
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 2
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Elements, Models, and Functions of Communication

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the elements of communication;

2. Understand the relationship each elements in the models of communication; and
3. Explain why there is a breakdown in communications.

Lesson Proper:
Communication is divided into elements which help us better understand its mechanics or process.

Elements of Communication

1. Speaker – the source of information or message

2. Message – the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by
the speaker in words or in actions
3. Encoding – the process of converting the message into
words, actions, or other forms that the speaker
4. Channel – the medium or the means, such as personal or
non- personal, verbal or nonverbal, in which the
encoded message is conveyed.
5. Decoding – the process of interpreting the encoded
message of the speaker by the receiver.
6. Receiver – the recipient of the message, or someone
who decodes the message.
7. Feedback – the reactions, responses, or information
provided by the receiver.
8. Context – the environment where communication takes place
9. Barrier – the factors that affect the flow of communication.

Models of Communication

1. Shannon-Weaver Model
Known as the mother of all
communication models, the Shannon-
Weaver model (1949) depicts
communication as a linear or one-way
process consisting of five elements: a
source (producer of message); a transmitter
(encoder of message into signals); a channel
(signals adapted for transmission); a
receiver (decoder of message from the
signal); and a destination. This model,
however, has been criticized for missing
one essential element in the
communication process: feedback.
Unlike the Shannon-Weaver Model, which
Without feedback, the speaker will not
is a one-way process, the Transaction Model is a
know whether the receiver understands the
two- way
message or not.
process with the inclusion of feedback as one
2. Transaction Model
element. As shown in Figure 2, this model is more
interactive. There is a collaborative exchange of
messages between communicators with the aim
of understanding each other. It also shows that a
barrier, such as noise, may interfere with the flow
of communication.
3. Aristotle’s Model

Aristotle Model is mainly focused on speaker and speech. It can be broadly divided into 5
primary elements: Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience and Effect.

The Aristotle’s communication

model is revolves around the speaker as the
main concept of this theory is that, speaker
plays the most important role in
communication and it is the only one who
holds the responsibility to influence his/her
audience through public speaking. It is the
speaker’s role to deliver a speech to the
audience. The audience is passive,
influenced by the speech. This makes the
communication process one way, from
speaker to receiver.

4. Schramm’s Model

After learning the Shannon weaver

model, let’s find out about Schramm’s model of
communication which has its roots from the
Shannon weaver model itself.

Wilber Schramm proposed the model of

communication in 1954.

Information is of no use unless and until it

is carefully put into words and conveyed to others.
Encoding plays a very important role because it
initiates the process of communication by
converting the thought into content. When the information reaches the recipient his prime responsibility is
to understand what the speaker intends to convey. Unless and until the second party is able to
understand or decode the information what the sender wants to communicate, the message is
actually of no use.

Functions of Communication

Basically, there are five functions of communication.

These are control, social interaction, motivation, emotional expression, and information dissemination.

1. Control – Communication functions to control behavior.

2. Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to interact with others.
3. Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.
4. Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and
5. Information dissemination – Communication functions to convey information.
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 3
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Features of Effective Communication and Barriers to Effective Communication

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the effective features of communication;

2. Distinguish barriers to effective communication; and

Lesson Proper:

Features of an Effective Communication

In their pioneer book Effective Public Relations, Professors Broom, Cutlip, and Center (2012) list the 7 Cs
of Effective Communication. This list is widely used today, especially in public relations and

1. Completeness. Complete communication is

essential to the quality of the communication
process in general. Hence, communication
should include everything that the receiver
needs to hear for him/ her to respond, react, or
evaluate properly.

2. Conciseness. Conciseness does not mean

keeping the message short, but making it direct
or straight to the point. Insignificant or
redundant information should be eliminated from
the communication that will be sent to the

3. Consideration. To be effective, the speaker

should always consider relevant information
about his/her receiver such as mood,
background, race, preference, education,
status, and needs, among others. By doing so,
he/she can easily build rapport with the

4. Concreteness. Effective communication happens when the message is concrete and supported by
facts, figures, and real-life examples and situations. In this case, the receiver is more connected to the
message conveyed.

5. Courtesy. The speaker shows courtesy in communication by respecting the culture, values, and
beliefs of his/her receivers. Being courteous at all times creates a positive impact on the audience.

6. Clearness. Clearness in communication implies the use of simple and specific words to express ideas.
It is also achieved when the speaker focuses only on a single objective in his/her speech so as not to
confuse the audience.

7. Correctness. Correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience and increases
the credibility and effectiveness of the message.
Barriers to Communication

There are instances when miscommunication and misunderstanding occur because of certain
barriers. To become an effective communicator, you should recognize these barriers that hinder the
communication process. This will enable you to control the situation, reset conditions, and start anew. The
table below presents some barriers to effective communication with corresponding solutions.

Reflect on this:

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the
way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our
communication with others.”

Tony Robbins
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 4
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Intercultural Communication

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Define intercultural communication;

2. Demonstrate effective intercultural communication skills in a speech situation; and
3. Develop appreciation for different cultural perspectives

Lesson Proper:

Definition and Nature of Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication happens when

individuals interact, negotiate, and create
meanings while bringing in their varied cultural
backgrounds (Ting-Toomey, 1999).
For some scholars, intercultural communication
pertains to communication among people from
different nationalities (Gudykunst, 2003). Still,
others look at intercultural communication as
communication that is influenced by different
ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations.

Both interpretations show that intercultural communication takes place when people draw from their
cultural identity to understand values, prejudices, language, attitudes, and relationships (Gudykunst &
Kim, 2003). Moreover, this facet of communication can also be seen as a bargained understanding of
human experiences across diverse societies. Simply put, intercultural communication is the sending and
receiving of messages across languages and cultures.
Sometimes, intercultural communication can flow smoothly and become very interesting for a cross-
cultural group. However, things may not go as planned when
communication is disrupted by cultural collisions.
When you speak, your speech is continuously
accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, and
other body movements that add to what you are
saying in different ways. For example, nodding means
“yes” in the Indian subcontinent, Iran, most of Europe,
Latin America, and North America. However, in
Greece, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Turkey,
Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Albania, nodding indicates
disagreement. Moreover, in the case of Japanese
culture, silence as a form of communication is more
integrated in their customs than in Western languages.
It is therefore important for you to acknowledge and
understand the many communication patterns

The Developmental
Model of Intercultural
The Developmental Model of
Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS)
offers a structure that explores how
people experience cultural
differences. According to Bennett
and Bennett (2004), it has six

1. Denial
2. Defense
3. Minimalization
4. Acceptance
5. Adaptation
6. Integration
present in other cultures.
Once you understand these stages, you may apply it to:

1) Recognize communication behaviors which differ from your own,

2) Take into account what can influence these types of behaviors, and
3) Try to analyze how linguistic and cultural communities differ in terms of
communication behavior and influencing factors (allwood, 1985).

Characteristics of Competent Intercultural Communicators

World Bank (2010) identifies the following traits that define a competent intercultural

1. Flexibility and the ability to tolerate high

levels of uncertainty
2. Reflectiveness or mindfulness
3. Open-mindedness
4. Sensitivity
5. Adaptability
6.Ability to engage in divergent thinking (or
thinking creatively) and systems-level
thinking (or thinking how each one in a
system or organization influences each
7. Politeness

Note that in addition to culture, other elements such as gender, age, social status, and religion
must also be taken into consideration when communicating with others. Refrain from showing bias
when talking to someone by following the tips below.

1. Avoid stereotypes, i.e., generalizations about a certain group.

2. Challenge gender norms; avoid using “he” and “man” to refer to a general group of
people. To remedy this, you may use plural pronouns or rewrite a sentence to avoid using
pronouns. The use of his/her is also acceptable.
3. Do not talk down on younger people and the elderly.
4. Be sensitive to the religious practices of others.
5. Be polite at all times; do not belittle people you perceive to be on a lower social class than you.
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 5
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Types of Speech Context & Speech Styles

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Differentiate types of speech contexts and styles;

2. Explain the importance of effective communication skills; and
3. Practice effective interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills

Lesson Proper:

Types of Speech Context

1. Intrapersonal – This refers to communication that centers on

one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and the
receiver of message. “The message is made up of your
thoughts and feelings. The channel is your brain, which
processes what you are thinking and feeling. There is feedback
in the sense that as you talk to yourself, you discard certain
ideas and replace them with others.”
(Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p 16)

• You spent the night thinking and analyzing why a
student from the other class talked to you on the way
home and you decided it probably meant nothing.
• You felt happy while thinking about how your teacher
appreciated you for submitting your project before the due
date and you reflected on why this was so.

2. Interpersonal – This refers to communication

between and among people and establishes
personal relationship between and among them.
Solomon and Theiss (2013) state that “the inter part
of the word highlights how interpersonal
communication connects people… when you
engage in interpersonal communication, you and
another person become linked together… The
personal part means that your unique qualities as a
person matter during interpersonal
Types of Interpersonal Context:

Dyad Communication – communication that

occurs between two people
• You offered feedback on the speech performance
of your classmate.
• You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling
down. Small Group – This refers to communication that
involves at least three but not more than twelve people
engaging in a face-to-face interaction to achieve a
desired goal. In this type of communication, all
participants can freely share ideas in a loose and open
• You are participating in an organizational meeting
which aims to address the concerns of your fellow
• You are having a discussion with your group mates on
how to finish the assigned tasks.
3. Public – This type refers to communication that requires you to
deliver or send the message before or in front of a group. The
message can be driven by informational or persuasive
purposes. “In public communication, unlike in interpersonal and
small group, the channels are more exaggerated. The voice is
louder and the gestures are more expansive because the
audience is bigger. The speaker might use additional visual
channels such as slides or a Power Point presentation.” (Hybels &
Weaver, 2012, p 19)

• You deliver a graduation speech to your batch.
• You participate in a declamation, oratorical, or debate
contest watched by a number of people.

4. Mass Communication – This refers to

communication that takes place through television,
radio, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards,
internet, and other types of media.
• You are a student journalist articulating your stand
on current issues through the school’s newspaper.

Types of Speech Style

The context dictates and affects the way people communicate, which results in various speech styles.
According to Joos (1968), there are five speech styles. These are (1) intimate, (2) casual, (3)
consultative, (4) formal, and (5) frozen. Each style dictates what appropriate language or vocabulary
should be used or observed.

1. Intimate – This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members
or individuals. The language used in this style may not be shared in public.

2. Casual – This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or the
vernacular language are used.

3. Consultative – This style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable language
is a must in this style. Examples of situations are communication between teachers and
students, employers and employees, doctor and patient, judge and lawyer, or President
and his/her constituents.

4. Formal – This style is used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
Examples are sermons by priests and ministers, State of the Nation Address of the President,
formal speeches, or pronouncements by judges.

5. Frozen – This style is “frozen” in time and remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in
ceremonies. Common examples are the Preamble to the Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, and
Allegiance to country or flag.

Notes and Exercises on Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication

http://faculty.buffalostate.edu/smithrd/UAE%20Communication/Unit4.pd f

Communication Skills Self-Assessment Exercise

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 6-7
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Types of Speech Act

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Define speech acts;

2. Distinguish types of speech act; and
3. Recognize that communicative competence requires understanding of speech acts

Lesson Proper:

Definition of Speech Acts

A speech act is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.

Some of the functions which are carried out using speech acts are offering an apology,
greeting, request, complaint, invitation, compliment, or refusal. A speech act might contain just
one word or several words or sentences. For example, “Thanks” and “Thank you for always
being there for me. I really appreciate it” both show appreciation regardless of the length of
the statement.

Three Types of Speech Act

According to J. L. Austin (1962), a philosopher of language and the developer of the Speech Act
Theory, there are three types of acts in every utterance, given the right circumstances or context.

1. Locutionary act is the actual act of uttering.

2. Illocutionary act is the social function of what is said.

3. Perlocutionary act is the resulting act of what is said. This effect is based on the
particular context in which the speech act was mentioned.

Austin also introduced the concept of performative

utterances: statements which enable the speaker to perform
something just by stating it. In this manner, verbs that execute
the speech act that they intend to effect are called
performatives. A performative utterance said by the right
person under the right circumstances results in a change in the
world. Note that certain conditions have to be met when
making a performative utterance. For example, the phrase “I
now pronounce you husband and wife,” when uttered by an
authorized person such as a judge will have the actual effect of
binding a couple in marriage. However, if the same statement is
uttered to the same couple in the same place by someone who is
not authorized to marry them—as in the case of the
accompanying picture, a robot—then there is no effect
whatsoever because a condition was not met.

Searle’s Classifications of Speech Act

As a response to Austin’s Speech Act Theory, John Searle (1976), a professor from the University
of California, Berkeley, classified illocutionary acts into five distinct categories.

1. Assertive – a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a
proposition. Some examples of an assertive act are suggesting, putting forward, swearing,
boasting, and concluding.

Example: No one makes better pancakes than I do.

2. Directive – a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the addressee perform
an action. Some examples of a directive act are asking, ordering, requesting, inviting, advising,
and begging.

Example: Please close the door.

3. Commissive – a type of illocutionary act which commits the speaker to doing something in the
future. Examples of a commissive act are promising, planning, vowing, and betting.

Example: From now on, I will participate in our group activity.

4. Expressive – a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional
reactions. Some examples of an expressive act are thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and

Example: I am so sorry for not helping out in our group projects and letting you
do all the work.

5. Declaration – a type of illocutionary act which brings a change in the external situation. Simply
put, declarations bring into existence or cause the state of affairs which they refer to. Some
examples of declarations are blessing, firing, baptizing, bidding, passing a sentence, and

Example: You are fired!

By saying that someone is fired, an employer causes or brings about
the person’s unemployment, thus changing his external situation.

Speech Act Exercises I

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Speech Act Exercises II

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 8
SUBJECT: Oral Communication in Context

Lesson 1: Types of Communicative Strategy

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Distinguish various types of communicative strategies;

2. Use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies; and
3. Engage in a communicative situation.

Lesson Proper:
People communicate every day to establish and maintain
relationships, know and understand themselves, and find meaning in
the daily grind. Moreover, since humans are social beings who survive
more effectively through sensible discourses, they are always driven to
learn the skills of creating and sustaining meaningful conversations.
Successful communication requires understanding of the relationship
between words and sentences and the speech acts they represent.
However, a conversation may be complex at times; that is why
some people get lost along the way and misunderstand each other. It is
only when we willingly cooperate and speak in socially approved ways
that we can make a conversation meaningful.

Types of Communicative Strategy

Since engaging in conversation is also

bound by implicit rules, Cohen (1990) states that
strategies must be used to start and maintain a
conversation. Knowing and applying grammar
appropriately is one of the most basic strategies to
maintain a conversation. The following are some
strategies that people use when communicating:

A speaker carries out nomination to collaboratively and productively establish a topic.
Basically, when you employ this strategy, you try to open a topic with the people you are talking to.
Restriction in communication refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker. When
communicating in the classroom, in a meeting, or while hanging out with your friends, you are
typically given specific instructions that you must follow. These instructions confine you as a speaker
and limit what you can say.
Sometimes people are given unequal opportunities to talk because others take much time during
the conversation. Turn-taking pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the
conversational floor. There is a code of behavior behind establishing and sustaining a productive
conversation, but the primary idea is to give all communicators a chance to speak.
Topic Control
Topic control covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in
conversations. For example, in meetings, you may only have a turn to speak after the chairperson
directs you to do so. Contrast this with a casual conversation with friends over lunch or coffee where
you may take
the conversational floor anytime.
Topic Shifting
Topic shifting, as the name suggests, involves moving from one topic to another. In other words, it is
where one part of a conversation ends and where another begins.
Repair refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending that
they may encounter in a conversation. For example, if everybody in the conversation seems to talk
at the same time, give way and appreciate other’s initiative to set the conversation back to its
Termination refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a
conversation. Most of the time, the topic initiator takes responsibility to signal the end of the
discussion as well.

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and understand all the instructions given and write your
answers in one whole yellow pad. Label your yellow pad accordingly and arrange from
Week 1 – Week 8, respectively.

WEEK 1 ACTIVITY: Using a word web, look for WEEK 1 ASSESSMENT:

some other words related/associated In a whole Short Bond Paper, create a
to the word ‘Communication’. Find poster/slogan about the importance of
as many as you can. communication in human activity. Be as
creative as you can.


Creativity (15pts)
Content (15pts):
Visual Impact (10pts):
Originality (10pts):

WEEK 2 ACTIVITY: WEEK 2ASSESSMENT: Using the diagram below,

create an illustration using a communication model using
the elements present in the diagram (10pts)
Go back to page 14 and look for Schramm’s
Model of communication, study the model
carefully and answer the following questions:
1. Schramm (1954) modified the Shannon-
Weaver Model. What has Schramm added to
the Shannon-Weaver Model?

3. How is it different from or similar to the

Transaction Model?

3. List down the elements present in

Schramm’s Model of communication.

Answers must be at least 3-5 sentences.


In a whole Short Bond Paper, create a 1. Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
poster/comic strip illustrating a 2. Effective use of nonverbal
misunderstanding in a communication communication can strengthen your
context. message.
3. How you communicate reflects who you are
Scoring: as a person.
4. One way to help you build credibility
Creativity (15pts) is through effective nonverbal
Content (15pts): communication.
Visual Impact (10pts): 5. There are certain words that are only
Originality (10pts): appropriate at certain times and places.
TOTAL SCORE: 6. To achieve clarity, we must speak the same
language as our listeners.
7. The use of too many fillers can distract your
8. Verbal communication is better than
nonverbal communication.
9. When you talk to others, you should not
assume too quickly that they understand
the message that you convey.
10. When you communicate, choose what
you want to say and how you want to say

In a whole Short Bond Paper, create a poster about Intercultural Communication, related to the
WEEK 5 ACTIVITY: Give one detailed WEEK 5 ASSESSMENT: Identify the type of
example/scenario in each speech context. speech style appropriate for the following
(5pts) situations. Copy and Answer (2 pts)
1. talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
1. Intrapersonal 2. giving last-minute instructions to players
2. Interpersonal (Dyad and Group) 3. delivering campaign speeches
3. Public 4. delivering a speech at the UN Summit
4. Mass Communication 5. delivering news reports
6. talking and laughing about
memorable experiences
7. communicating while playing sports
8. having a one-on-one conversation
with a loved one
9. delivering an oratorical speech
10. leading a prayer before meal
11. reading school policies
12. talking to a superior
13. reading pledge of allegiance to the
14. talking to a stranger
15. inquiring at a hotel
In a whole Short Bond Paper, create a single sentence/statement example Searle’s
storyboard comic strip illustrating three types Classifications of Speech Act (2pts)
of speech act.

Scoring: 1. Assertive

Creativity (15pts) 2. Directive

Content (15pts):
Visual Impact (10pts): 3. Commissive
Originality (10pts):
TOTAL SCORE: 4. Expressive

See page 11 for your example of the 5. Declaration

See page 12 for examples


In one whole short bond paper, create a comic strip among 5 Creativity (15pts)
characters/members (create your own characters) about planning a Content (15pts):
vacation trip (of your own choice) applying different Types of Visual Impact (10pts):
Communicative Strategy in the conversation. Originality (10pts):
Be as creative as you can.

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