2022 07 28 Prac1
2022 07 28 Prac1
2022 07 28 Prac1
(1) Given an electric field (phasor), E(z) = Ex (z)~ax , with solution Ex (z) = E0+ e−jko z + E0− e+jko z . Show that
the solution satisfies the vector wave equation: ∇~ 2E~ + k2 E
~ = 0.
(2) What do each of the ~ax components, E0+ e−jko z and E0− e+jko z , represent? Provide sketches of Ex vs z for
different values of t to aid in your explanation.
(3) For the time harmonic case, use a set of sketches showing the field vector on the xy-plane at z = 0 for
different values of tto identify the polarisation of the following electric fields. The electric field vector is:
~ = [E1~ax + E2~ay ] e−jkz
(a) E2 = 2E1
(b) E2 = E1 e+j 2
(c) E2 = 12 E1 e−j 2
~ = E1 e−jkz ~ax + E2 e−jkz ~ay with E1 and E2 real, calculate the magnetic
(4) Given the forward traveling wave: E
field intensity.
(5) Draw a (180 × 180 × 180) mm vacuum brick in CST, and apply the following excitations. Use E-field and
H-field monitors at f = 1 GHz and f = 2 GHz. Use the time-domain hexahedral solver, without mesh
adaptation, and frequency range 0 − 2 GHz. In each case, view and animate
(a) E-field in x, y and z cut-planes
(b) H-field in x, y and z cut-planes
~ ~
(c) 3D E and H-fields. Play also with the size and number of arrows until you can see clearly what is
happening. Animate the field distributions.
(d) Submission for Q5: 1D plot of the magnitude of the E-field as a function of z, at x = y = 0 and
t = 0 sec., for both f = 1 GHz and f = 2 GHz. Export the field from CST for case (a) below, i.e.
the linearly x-polarised excitation. Import the results to MATLAB and compare this field with the
calculated values. Please submit a concise report showing the results and calculations, as well as your
conclusion and your MATLAB script.