Cent Pum
Cent Pum
Cent Pum
A pump is a hydraulic machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
or pressure energy.
A centrifugal pump is also known as a Rotodynamic pump or dynamic pressure pump. It
works on the principle of centrifugal force. In this type of pump the liquid is subjected to
whirling motion by the rotating impeller which is made of a number of backward curved
vanes. The liquid enters this impeller at its center or the eye and gets discharged into the
casing enclosing the outer edge of the impeller. The rise in the pressure head at any
point/outlet of the impeller is Proportional to the square of the tangential velocity of the
liquid at that point (i.e, α ) . Hence at the outlet of the impeller where the radius is
more the rise In pressure head will be more and the liquid will be discharged at the outlet
with a high pressure head. Due to this high pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to a
higher level. Generally centrifugal pumps are made of the radial flow type only. But
there are also axial flow or propeller pumps which are particularly adopted for low heads.
Advantages of centrifugal pumps:-
1. Its initial cost is low
2. Efficiency is high.
3. Discharge is uniform and continuous
4. Installation and maintenance is easy.
5. It can run at high speeds,without the risk of separation of flow
6.According to specific speed
a) Low specific speed or radial flow impeller pump
b) Shrouded impeller
c) Medium specific speed or mixed flow impeller pump
c) High specific speed or axial flow type or propeller pump.
7. According to head (H)
• Low head if H<15m
• Medium head if 15<H<40m
• High head if H>40m
In the case of a volute pump a spiral casing is provided around
the impeller. The water which leaves the vanes is directed to flow in the volute chamber
circumferentially. The area of the volute chamber gradually increases in the direction
flow. Thereby the velocity reduces and hence the pressure increases. As the water reaches
the delivery pipe a considerable part of kinetic energy is converted into pressure energy.
However, the eddies are not completely avoided , therefore some loss of energy takes
place due to the continually increasing quantity of water through the volute chamber.
In the case of a diffuser pump the guide wheel containing a series of guide vanes or
diffuser is the additional component. The diffuser blades which provides gradually
enlarging passages surround the impeller periphery. They serve to augment the process of
pressure built up that is normally achieved in the volute casing. Diffuser pumps are also
called turbine pumps in view of their resemblance to a reaction turbine.
Multistage pumps and vertical shaft deep-well pumps fall under this category.
Centrifugal pumps can normally develop pressures upto 1000kpa (100m). If higher
pressures are required there are three options.a) Increase of impeller diameter.
b)Increase of Rpm. c)Use of two or more impellers in series.
The pump looks clumsy in option (a). The impeller material is heavily stressed in option
(b) The third choice is the best and is generally adopted, the impellers which are usually
of the same size are mounted on the same shaft. The unit is called a multistage pump. It
discharges the same quantity of fluid as a single stage pump but the head developed is
high. There are centrifugal pumps upto 54 stages. However, generally not more than 10
stages are required. In the case of the double suction impeller, two impellers are set back
to back. The two suction eyes together reduce the intake. The two suction eyes together
reduce the intake velocity reduce the risk of cavitations. Mixed flow type double suction
axial flow pumps besides are capable of developing higher heads. For convenience of
operation and maintenance, horizontal shaft settings are the preferred setups for
centrifugal pumps. The exceptions are deep-well turbine pumps and axial flow pumps,
these have vertical shafts. Restricted space conditions usually require a vertical shaft
setting. Centrifugal impellers usually have vanes fitted between the shroudes or plate.
The crown plate has the suction eye and the base plate is mounted on a sleeve which
is keyed to the shaft. An impeller without the crown plate is called the non-clog or semi-
open impeller. In an open impeller both crown plate and the base plate are absent.
Only clear liquids, can be safely pumped by a shrouded impeller pump. The semi-open
impeller is useful for pumping liquids containing suspended solids, such as sewage,
molasses or paper pulp. The open-vane impeller pump is employed for dredging
operations in harbours and rivers. Shrouded and semi open impellers may be made of cast
iron Or cast steel. Open vane impellers are usually made of forged steel. If the liquid
pumped are corrosive, brass, bronze or gun metal are the best materials for making the
A radial flow impeller has small specific speeds (300 to 1000) & is suitable for
discharging relatively small quantities of flow against high heads. The direction of flow
at exit of the impeller is radial. The mixed flow type of impellers has a high specific
speed (2500 to 5000), has large inlet diameter D and impeller width B to handle relatively
large discharges against medium heads. The axial flow type or propeller impellers have
the highest speed range (5000 to 10,000). They are capable of pumping large discharges
against small heads. The specific speed of radial pump will be 10<Ns<80, Axial pump
100<Ns<450, Mixed flow pump 80<Ns<160.
Components of a centrifugal pump
The main components of a centrifugal pump are:
i) Impeller ii) Casing iii) Suction pipe iv) Foot valve with strainer, v) Delivery pipe vi)
Delivery valve.
Impeller is the rotating component of the pump. It is made up of a series of curved
vanes. The impeller is mounted on the shaft connecting an electric motor.
Casing is an air tight chamber surrounding the impeller. The shape of the casing is
designed in such a way that the kinetic energy of the impeller is gradually changed to
potential energy. This is achieved by gradually increasing the area of cross section in the
direction of flow.
Suction pipe It is the pipe connecting the pump to the sump, from where the liquid has to
be lifted up.
Foot valve with strainer the foot valve is a non-return valve which permits the flow of
the liquid from the sump towards the pump. In other words the foot valve opens only in
the upward direction.
The strainer is a mesh surrounding the valve, it prevents the entry of debris and silt into
the pump.
Delivery pipe is a pipe connected to the pump to the overhead tank.
Delivery valve is a valve which can regulate the flow of liquid from the pump.
Priming of a centrifugal pump
Priming is the process of filling the suction pipe, casing of the pump and the delivery
pipe upto the delivery valve with the liquid to be pumped.
If priming is not done the pump cannot deliver the liquid due to the fact that the
head generated by the Impeller will be in terms of meters of air which will be very small
(because specific weight of air is very much smaller than that of water).
Priming of a centrifugal pump can be done by any one of the following methods:
i) Priming with suction/vacuum pump.
ii) Priming with a jet pump.
iii) Priming with separator.
iv) Automatic or self priming.
Heads on a centrifugal pump:
Suction head (hs): it is the vertical distance between the liquid level
in the sump and the centre line of the pump. It is expressed as meters.
Delivery head (hd): It is the vertical distance between the centre line of the pump and
the liquid level in the overhead tank or the supply point. It is expressed in meters.
Static head (Hs): It is the vertical difference between the liquid levels
In the overhead tank and the sump, when the pump is not working. It is expressed as
Therefore, HS= (hs+ hd)
Friction head (hf): It is the sum of the head loss due to the friction in the suction and
delivery pipes. The friction loss in both the pipes is calculated using the Darcy’s
equation, hf=(fLV2/2gD).
Total head (H): It is the sum of the static head Hs, friction head (hf) and the velocity
head in the delivery pipe (Vd 2/2g). Where, Vd=velocity in the delivery pipe.
Hm hs hd h f (1)
Manometric head(Hm): It is the total head developed by the pump. This head is slightly
less than the head generated by the impeller due to some losses in the pump
Vs 2 Vd2
Hm H
2g 2g
Cause Remedial Measures
2) Head more than design head Reduce the head or change the
b) Low head & higher discharge Reduce the discharge
D=Diameter of the impeller at outlet
U1 = Tangential velocity of the impeller at inlet πD1N/60
U2= tangential velocity of the impeller at outlet πD2N/60
V1=absolute velocity of the liquid at inlet
V2= absolute velocity of the liquid at outlet.
Vf1 & Vf2 are the velocities of flow at inlet and outlet.
Vr1 & Vr2 Relative velocities at inlet and outlet
Vw 2 whirl velocity at outlet
angle made by V1 with respect to the motion of the vane
blade angle at inlet
= blade angle at outlet
For a series of curved vanes the force exerted can be determined using the impulse
momentum equation Work=force x distance.
similarly the work done/sec/unit weight of the liquid striking the
vane= (Vw 2u2 Vw 1u1 )
But for a centrifugal pump Vω1 0
Vw 2u2
Work done/sec/unit weight
And the work done/sec Vw 2u2 (4)
Where Q=volume of liquid flowing per second = Area x velocity of
flow Q πD2B2 Vf2 (5)
In eq (5), B2 is the width of the impeller at the outlet.
Vf2=Constant velocity of flow through the impeller. Generally k=1 is considered.
1.A centrifugal pump running at 800 Rpm is working against a total head of 20.2 m. the
external diameter of the impeller is 480mm and outlet width 60mm. If the valve angle at
outlet is 40 and manometric efficiency is 70% determine
a)Absolute velocity of water leaving
b) Flow velocity at outlet The valve.
c) Angle made by the absolute velocity at outlet with the direction of motion at outlet.
d) Rate of flow through the pump.
D N x0.48 x800
Soln: velocity of valve at outlet u 2 2 20.1m / s
60 60
gHm 9.81x 20.2
manometric efficiency nmano , 0.70 , Vw2 14.08m / s
Vw2u 2 Vw2 x 20.1
Vf 2
From the outlet velocity triangle tan
u 2 Vw2
Vf 2 tan 40 0 x(20.1 14.08) 5.05m / s
Absolute velocity of water leaving the valve V2 is given by
V2 Vf 22 Vw22 5.052 14.082 14.96m / s
Angle made by the absolute velocity at outlet with the direction of motion is given by
Vf 5.05
tan 2 0.3586 19.7 0
Vw2 14.08
Rate of flow through the pump Q D2 B2Vf 2 x0.48 x0.06 x5.05 0.457 m3 / s
2. A centrifugal pump impeller having external and internal diameter 480mm and
240mm respectively is running at 100 Rpm. The rate of flow through the pump is 0.0576
m3/s and velocity of flow is constant and equal to 2.4m/s. the diameter of the section and
delivery pipes are 180mm and 120mm respectively and section and delivery heads are
6.2m(abs) and 30.2m(abs) of water respectively. If the power required to drive the pump
is 23.3KW and the outlet vane angle is 45 determine. a) inlet vane angle b) Overall
efficiency c) manometric efficiency of the pump
rQHm 9.81x0.05 xHm
Overall efficiency n0 n0 0.02387 Hm (1)
P 23.3
p V2 p V 2
but , Hm Z 2 2 2 Z1 1 1
r 2g r 2 g
4Q 4 x0.0567
where, V2 Vd 2 5.01m / s
d d x0.12 2
4Q 4 x0.0567
where, V2 Vs 2 2.23m / s
d s x0.182
let Z1 Z 2 i.e pump inlet and outlet are at same level.
p1 p2
hs 6.2m(abs ) hd 30.2m(abs )
r r
5.012 2.232
Hm 30.2 6.2 25.03m
2 x 9 . 81 2 x 9 . 81
n0 , overall efficiency of pump
D N x0.48 x1000
Velocity of the impeller at outlet u 2 2 25.13m / s
60 60
Vf 2 2 .4
From the outlet velocity triangle tan , tan 450 ,
u 2 Vw2 25.13 Vw2
Vw2 22.73m / s
gHm 9.81x 25.03
Manometric efficiency nmano 0.43 43%
Vw2u 2 22.73 x 25.13
4. The impeller of a centrifugal pump is of 300mm diameter and 50mm width at the
periphery and has blades whose tip angle incline backwards 60 from the radius. The
pump deliveries 17m3/min of water and the impeller rotates at 1000
Rpm. Assuming that the pump is design to admit radically. calculate
d) Lift of the pump. Take mechanical=95% and hydraulic efficiency=75%
Vw2 12.24
Torque exerted by the impeller on water
rQ 9.81x0.2833 0 .3
T (Vw2 R2 ) x(12.24 x ) 0.52 KN m
g 9.81 2
2NT 2x1000 x0.52
Shaft power (P) impeller or rotor power 54.45 KW
60 60
impeller power 54.45
But, mechanical efficiency nmech i.e, 0.95 P 57.31KW
shaft power P
Lift of the pump
Impeller power=r(Q+q)H
Where r=sp wt of water=9.81 KN/m3
H =ideal head=(theoretical head-hyd losses)
Q=leakage of water m3/s
Neglecting leakages q we have
Or h =19.59m
Actual head or lift
We know, hydraulic efficiency nh
ideal head
Actual hft nh xideal head ( H i ) 0.70 x19.59 13.71m of water
5. The following data relate to a centrifugal pump. Diameter of the impeller at inlet &
outlet =180mm and 360mm respectively. width of impeller at inlet and outlet=144mm &
72mm respectively. rate of flow through the pump=17.28lps. Speed of the impeller =
1500 Rpm. Vane angle at outlet=45 water enters the impeller radially at inlet neglecting
losses through the impeller. Find the pressure rise in the impeller.
Q 0.01728
Soln: velocity of flow at inlet Vf1
D1 B1 x0.18 x0.0144
Q 0.01728
Velocity of flow at outlet Vf 2 2.12m / s
D2 B2 x0.36 x0.0072
D N x0.36 x1500
Tangential velocity of impeller at outlet u 2 2 28.27 m / s
60 60
Pressure rise in the impeller is given by the equation
Vf12 u22 Vf 22 cos ec 2
2 x9.81
2.12 2 28.27 2 2.12 2 x cos ec 2 450
6. A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of 1800 lpm,to a height of 20m,
Through a 0.1m, dia, 80m. long pipe. Find the power required to drive the pump, if the
overall efficiency is 65%, and Darcy’s friction factor=0.02.
7. A centrifugal pump is required to deliver 280 ltrs of water per second against a head
of 16m, when running at 800rpm. If the blades of the impeller are radial at inlet and
velocity of flow is constant and equal to 2m/sec, find the proportions of the pump.
Assume overall efficiency as 80% and ratio of breadth to diameter at outlet as 0.1
D2 0.67 m(diameter of the impeller at outlet )
B2 0.1x0.67 0.067 m 6.7cm (Width of the impeller at outlet).
gHm 9.81x16
nmano 0 .8
Vw2u 2 Vw2u 2
D N x0.67 x800
Vw2u2 196.2 (i ) but u 2 2 28.1m / s
60 60
From eq (i) Vw2 x 2.81 196.2 or Vw2 6.99m / s
Vf 2 2
From the outlet velocity triangle tan 0.0947
u2 Vw2 28.1 6.99
Vf 2
5.410 (Blade angle at outlet) tan 2 0.286 16 0
Vw2 6.99
8. The following data refer to a centrifugal pump static head = 40m, suction height 5m,
dia of suction and delivery pipes = 0.1m, loss of head in suction pipe = 2m, loss of head
in delivery pipe = 8m, impeller dia at outlet =0.4m, impeller breadth at outlet
25mm.blades occupy 10% of the outlet area, speed 1200rpm. Exit angle of blade = 1500
with the tangent, Manometric efficiency = 80%, overall efficiency = 70%. Find the
power required to drive the pump and what pressures will be indicated by the gauges
mounted on the suction and delivery sides.
9. Following data were obtained from a centrifugal pump in a laboratory. Pressure gauge
reading on the suction side 15cm of mercury, pressure gauge reading on the delivery side
170kN/m2. quantity of water raised by the pump =7.5kN/min. vertical height difference
between the gauges =500mm. Total input to the pump = 6.5kw.Find the efficiency of the
10. The internal and external diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal pump are 40cms
and 80cms respectively. The pump is running at 1200rpm. The vane angles at inlet and
outlet are 200 and 300 respectively. Water enters the impeller radially and velocity of
flow is constant. Determine the workdone by the impeller per kN of water.
11. The impeller of a centrifugal pump runs at 90 Rpm and has vaves inclined at 120 to
the direction of motion at exit. If the manometric head is 20m and manometric efficiency
is 75% Vane angles at inlet. Take the velocity of flow as 2.5m/s, throughout and the
diameter of the impeller at exit as twice that at inlet.
a) Diameter of the impeller at exit.
Soln: From the definition of manometric efficiency mano gHm / Vw2u2
9.81x 20
Vw2u 2 261.6 (i )
Vf 2 2 .5
From the outlet velocity triangle (u 2 Vw2 ) 0
1.44 Vw2 (u2 1.44)
tan 60 tan 60 0
Substituting the value Vw2 , (u2 1.44)u2 261.6 16.9m / s but u 2 2
60 x16.9
D2 3.59m / s
u 16.9
further u1 2 8.45m / s
2 2
Vf1 2.5
From the inlet velocity triangle tan 0.2959
u1 8.45
16.480 ( Inlet Vane Angle)
12. A centrifugal pump delivers 250lps against a head of 20m. When the impeller rotates
at 1500rpm. If the mano metric efficiency is 75% and the loss of head in the pump is
0.033V22, where V2 is the absolute velocity at exit. The diameter of the impeller
a) The blade angle at exit
Take the width of the impeller at exit as 0.4D where D is the diameter of the impeller
D N xDx1500 Q 0.25 0.199
Soln: u 2 2 78.5 D Vf1
60 60 DB xDx0.4 D D2
From the definition of manometric efficiency nmano
Vw2u 2
Vw u Hm 20
2 2 26.7
g nmano 0.75
But, manometric head=(workdone the impeller –losses in the pump)
0.033V22 26.7 20 V2 14.25m / s
From eq (i) and (ii)
Vw x78.5 D 3.34
2 26.7 or Vw2
9.81 D
From the outlet velocity triangle Vf 22 Vw22 V12
2 2
0.199 3.34
Solving by trial and error D=0.242 m
0.199 0.199
u2 78.5 D 78.5 x0.242 19m / s Vf 2 3 .4 m / s
D2 0.242 2
3.34 3.34 Vf 2 3 .4
Vw2 13.8m / s tan 0.654
D 0.242 u2 Vw2 19 13.8
33.20 (outlet vane angle)
13. A centrifugal pump lifts water against a static head of 40m. The section and delivery
pipes are each 15cm in diameter. The head loss in the section and delivery pipes are
respectively 2.20m and 7.5m. The impeller is 40cm in diameter and 2.5cm wide at the
month. It revolves at 1200Rpm and the vane angle at exit is 30. if the manometric
efficiency is 80%. Calculate the discharge.
Soln: x0.152 xVs Q Vs = velocity in the section pipe
Vs 56.6Q (i ) (D2 B2 )Vf 2 Q (x0.4 x0.025)Vf 2 Q Vf 2 31.8Q (ii )
From eq (a) and (b) Vf 2 0.56Vs (iii )
D N x0.4 x1200
now u 2 2 25.1m / s
60 60
Vs 2 Vs 2 Vs 2
H m (hs hd ) hf s hf d H m 40 2.2 7.5 H m 49.7 (iv)
2g 2g 2g
Vw2u 2
Vs 2
0.8 9.81x 49.7
/ 25.1 0.56Vs x cot 30 x 25.1
Vs2 39Vs 33 0
Vs 0.83m / s (velocity in the sec tion pipe)
&Q 0.0147 m3 / s ( Disch arg e)
14. A centrifugal pump has a total lift of 15m and is placed 2m above the water level in
the sump. The velocity of water in the delivery pipe is 2m/s. If the radial velocity of flow
through the wheel is 3m/s and tangent to the vane at exit makes an angle of 60 find (a)
the velocity of water at exit (b) the guide vane angle © the pressure at the impeller exit.
Neglect friction and other losses.
Vd 2 22
Soln: total head 15 15 15.20m
2g 19.62
Vf 2 3
From the outlet velocity triangle Vw2 u 2 0
u2 (u2 1.73)
tan 60 3
Vw2u2 (u 1.73)u 2
now, Hm i.e 2 15.2 u2 13.12m / s
g 9.81
Vw2 (13.12 1.73) 11.39m / s
Vf 2 3
V2 Vw22 Vf 22 11.39 2 32 11.78 tan 0.263
Vw2 11.39
14.750 (guide vane angle at exist)
Applying bernoulli’s equation to points on the sump water surface and impeller exit,
p V2
taking datum at the sump level. 2 2 2 0 0 Hm
r 2g
p2 11.782
15.2 2 =6.13m of water (gauge)
r 19.62
15. The axis of a centrifugal pump is 2.5m above the water level in the sump and the
static lift from the pump centre is 35m. The friction losses in the section and delivery
Pipes are of 15cm diameter. The impeller is 30cm diameter and 2cm wide at outlet and its
speed is 1800 Rpm. The blade angle at exit is 30. calculate the shaft power to be supplied
and the discharge delivered. Take n mano=75% and n o=70%. If the guages are
connected to the section and delivery sides of the pump determine the pressure indicated
by these guages.
D N x0.3 x1800
u2 2 28.3m / s
60 60
Vw2 (u2 Vf 2 cot 30 0 ) (28.3 1.732Vf 2 ) Vf 2 53Q
x0.3 x0.02
Vd 2 Vd 2
Vw2 28.3 1.732 x53Q (28.3 92Q) H m 2.5 35 1 8 (46.5 )
2g 2g
Vw u
H m 46.5 163Q 2 H m nmano x 2 2
0.75 x(28.3 92Q ) x 28.3
46.5 163Q 2
Solving the quadratic equation Q=0.0725 m3/s
rQHm 9.81x0.0725 x(46.5 163 x0.07252 )
shaft power = = 48.12 KW
n0 0.70
Pressure at the exit is given by P1 ( Ps rHm) 42.77 (46.5 163 x0.07252 ) x9.81
P1 421.8 KN / m 2
16. A centrifugal pump is required to handle a slurry consisting of sand and water
(s=1.08). If the Quantity of slurry to be pumped is 250lps against a head of 15m. Find
the power required by the pump, taking its overall efficiency as 70%. Find also the
pressure developed by the pump.
rQH (1.08 x9.81) x0.25 x15
Soln: power required 56.76 KW
n0 0.70
Pressure developed rH=9.81x1.08x15 159 Kpa or KN / m 2
17. Design centrifugal pump impeller for the following conditions, speed=800Rpm, head
=8m hydraulic efficiency =88%, overall efficiency=80% shaft input =20KW, peripheral
coefficient=1.15 ratio of inlet to outlet diameter=0.6, ratio of width to diameter at
outlet=0.15, flow area blocked by vanes=6%, find to be pumped is gasoline of specific
Soln: u2 K u 2 gHm 1.15 x 19.62 x8 14.4m / s
u1 0.6u2 0.6 x14.4 8.64m / s
60u 2 60 x14.4
outer diameter D2 0.344m =34.4cm
N x800
D1 0.6 D1 0.6 x34.4
Inlet or eye diameter
D1 20.6cm
B2 0.15 D2 0.15 x34.4 5.16cm
9.81x0.8 xQx8
Shaft power 0 .8
Q 0.255m3 / s
Q 0.255
Vf1 Vf 2
KD2 B2 0.94 xx0.344 x0.0516
4.86m / s
gHm 9.81x8
Vw2 6.19m / s
nhu 2 0.88 x14.4
Vf 4.86
From the inlet velocity triangle tan 1 1 tan 1 29.4
u1 8.64
Vf 2 4.86
From the outlet velocity triangle tan 1 tan 1 30.6
18. Determine the manometric and overall efficiencies of a centrifugal pump from the
following data. Head =22m discharge=160lps liquid pumped=brine of specific
gravity=1.18 speed=1200 Rpm diameter=30cm, width=5cm shaft power=55KW, vane
angle at outlet =35
D N x0.3 x1200 Q 0.16
u2 2 18.85m / s Vf 2 3 .4 m / s
60 60 D2 B2 x0.3 x0.05
From the outlet velocity triangle
Vf 3 .4
Vw2 (u 2 2 ) (18.85 ) 14m / s
tan tan 350
gHm 9.81x 22
nmano 0.818 81.8%
Vw2u 2 14 x18.85
rQHm 1.18 x9.81x0.16 x 22
overall efficiency n0 0.741 74.1%
shaft power 55
Minimum speed for starting a centrifugal pump.
When a centrifugal pump is started , Will start delivering liquid only if the pressure rise
in the impeller is more than or equal to the manometric head (H mano). In other words,
there will be no flow of liquid until the speed of the pump is such that the required
centrifugal head caused by the centrifugal force or rotating water when the impeller is
u2 u2
rotating, but there is no flow i.e flow will commence only if 2 1 H m
u u
2 2
For minimum starting speed, we must have 2 1 H m
gHm gHm
We know nmano nmano
Vw2u 2 Vw2u 2
u1 1 , u 2 2 (3)
60 60
Substituting eqn (2) & (3) in eq (1)
1 D2 N D1 N Vw D N
2 2
nmano x 2 x 2
2 g 60 60 g 60
Dividing both the sides by
60 g
N 2
And simplifying
D2 D12 nmano xVw2 D2
120nmano xVw2 xD2
N N min
( D2
1. The impeller of a centrifugal pump is 1.0m in diameter and 0.1m wide. It delivers
2m3/s of water through a height of 45m while running at 600 Rpm. If the blades are
curved backward and the outlet angle is 30 calculate the manometric efficiency and the
power required to run the pump. Estimate the minimum speed to start the pump if the
impeller diameter at inlet is 0.6m
Soln: from continuity equation Q D2 B2Vf 2
Vf 2 velocity of flow at outlet 6.37 m / s
D N x0.6 x600
u1 1 18.85m / s
60 60
D N x1x600
u2 2 31.42m / s
60 60
Vf 2
From the outlet velocity triangle tan
u 2 Vw2
tan 30 0 orVw2 20.38m / s
31.42 Vw2
gHm 9.81x 45
Manometric efficiency nmano 0.689
Vw2u 2 20.38 x31.42
Power given to the liquid=rQHm=9.81x2x45=882.9KW
Minimum starting speed
120Vw2 D2 nmano 120 x 20.38 x1x0.689
N min 838 RPm 840 Rpm
( D2 D1 ) (12 0.6 2 )
2 2
2. The diameters of the impeller of a centrifugal pump at inlet and outlet are 40cm and
80cm respectively. Determine the minimum starting Speed if it works against a head of
u2 u2
Soln: for minimum starting speed 2 1 Hm
1 2 D22 N 2 2 D12 N 2
i.e, Hm
2 g 60 2 60 2
2 xN 2
2 x9.81 60 2
0.82 0.4 2 25
Solving for N, N=610.5Rpm (Min starting speed)
When a centrifugal pump consist of two or more impellers the pump is know as a
multistage centrifugal pump.
The important functions of a multistage centrifugal pump are;
(i) To produce high head (pumps in series)
(ii) To deliver or discharge large quantities of a liquid (pumps in parallel)
Pumps in parallel: it is an arrangement made by mounting a number of impellers on the
shaft of a motor as shown. Such an arrangement is useful when the liquid has to be
pumped to large heights keeping the discharge constant. If, Hm is the head developed by
one impeller n= number of impellers. Then, nxHm= total head developed by the pump
Q=discharge through the pump.
Pumps in parallel: it is an arrangement made by connecting a number of pumps in
parallel as shown. Such an arrangement is useful when a large quantity of liquid is to be
pumped to a particular height.
If Q=discharge from one pump
N=identical number pumps.
Then, nxQ= total discharge delivered by the pump Hm is the head developed by the
1.A three stage centrifugal pump has an impeller of 40cm diameter and 2.5cm thickness
at outlet. The vanes are curved back at the outlet at 30 and reduce the circumfarential area
by 15% the manometric efficiency is 85%and overall efficiency is 75% determine the
head generated by the pump when running at 1200 Rpm and discharging 0.06m 3/s. find
the power required to drive the pump.
2. Find the number of impellers and the diameter of each impeller required for a
multistage centrifugal pump to lift 80lps of water against a total head of 225m. Assume
speed=1500Rpm, approximate specific speed=600 peripheral Coefficient=0.96 and
overall efficiency=80% what is the shaft input required
Soln: specific speed N s 3
H m4
1500 x 80 3
Hm 63m (head per stage)
number of stages 3.57 or 4
Diameter of each impeller K u H m
x0.96 x 63 0.432m
rQHm 9.81x0.08 x 225
shaft input 220.7 KW
n0 0 .8
Specific speed (Ns)
The specific speed of a centrifugal pump is defined as the speed of a geometrically
similar pump which would deliver unit quantity (1m 3/s) against a unit head (1m). It is
denoted by Ns.
Specific speed is a characterstic of pumps which can be used as a basis for comparing the
performance of different pumps.
Expression for specific speed(Ns)
From continuity equation Q=Area x velocity of flow DBxV f i.e ,
Where, D & B are diameter and width of pump impeller.
but B D
QD 2Vf (ii )
Tangential velocity u is given by
u or uDN (iii )
also V f K 2 gHm or Vf Hm --(iv)
Comparing eq (iii) and (iv) uVf H m (v)
or DN Hm D (vi)
Substituting the value of D from eq (vi) in eq (ii) Q x Hm
3 3
Hm 2 Hm 2
i.e Q 2
or Q K (vii )
N N2
In order to eliminate the value of K substitute Q=1m 3/s, H=1m and N=Ns in eq(vii)
1 Kx 2 or K N s2 (viii )
Substituting K N s2 in eq(vii)
or N s (ix )
Hm 2
QN 2
Hm 4
The range of specific speeds Ns for different types of pumps are:
Radial flow = 10 to 30(slow speed)
Radial flow = 30 to 50 (Medium speed)
Radial flow = 50 to 80 (high speed)
Mixed flow = 80 to 160 (screw type)
Propeller type = 160 to 500 (or axial flow)
1.Calculate the specific speed of a centrifugal pump running at 1000 Rpm. The diameter
of the impeller is 30 cm and its width 6cm. The pump delivers 120lps with a manometric
efficiency of 85%. The effective outlet blade angle is 30. neglect the thickness of blades.
D2 N x0.3 x1000
Soln: u 2 15.7 m / s
60 60
Q 0.12
Vf1 2.12m / s
area of flow x0.3 x0.06
From the outlet velocity triangle
Vf 2.12
Vw2 u2 2 15.7 12.03m / s
tan tan 30 0
gHm 9.81xHm
From the definition of manometric efficiency nmano 0.85
Vw2u 2 12.03 x15.7
Hm 16.36 m / s
N Q 1000 x 0.12
Specific speed N s 3
3 42.6
Hm 4 (16.36) 4
Performance of centrifugal pumps:
a. Main characteristic.
b. Operating characteristics
c. Constant efficiency or Muschel characteristic.
d. Constant head an constant discharge curves.
Main Characteristic: the pump is operated a particular constant speed, discharge is
varied by adjusting the delivery valve. Manometric head Hm and the shaft power P are
measured for each discharge. The overall efficiency is then calculated. The curves are
plotted between Hm & Q, P & Q, & Q. A set of similar curves are plotted by running
the pump at different speeds. They will be as shown.
b. Operating characteristic: The curves are obtained by running the pump at the design
speed, which is also the driving speed of the motor. The design discharge and head are
obtained from the corresponding Curves, where the efficiency is maximum as shown.
c. Constant efficiency curves: The constant efficiency curves are obtained from the
main characteristic curves. The line of maximum efficiency is obtained by joining the
points of the maximum curvature of the constant efficiency lines. These curves are useful
in Determining the range of operation of a pump.
d. Constant head and constant discharge curves: If the pump has a variable speed, the
plots between Q and N and that between Hm and N may be obtained by varying the
speed. In the first case Hm is kept constant & in the second Q is kept contant.
Model testing of centrifugal pumps: Models of centrifugal pumps are usually tested to
predict the performance of prototypes. The discharge (Q) delivered by a centrifugal pump
depends upon the Manometric head (Hm), impeller dia (D), power (P), speed (N),
viscosity ( μ ), density (P) and acceleration due to gravity (g).
Q H m , D, P, N , , p, g
Q hH P
By dimensions analysis, it can be shown that 3
2 m2 , , 5 3
Hence, for completely dynamic similarly to exist between the pump model and its
prototype, assuming that g,P & are the same in the model & the proto type.
Q Q H m Hm
ND 3 ND 3 ; N 2 D 2 N 2 D 2 m
P m
1 1 P P
ND 2 ND 3 ; D 5 N 3 D 5 N 3 m
P m P
1 1
As long as the flow in the model is turbulent ND 2 ND 2 can be
ignored (i.e equality of Reynold’s number). Moreover, the specific speed of the model
should be equal to that of the prototype. i.e. 3
m 4 P H 4 m m
1) A half scale model of a centrifugal pump runs at 7000Rpm and has an impeller of
15cm, diameter. If it delivers 0.04 cumes of water under a head of 40m. Calculate the
speed and the head of the prototype assuming the same efficiency, what is the specific
speed of the pump if the discharge in the prototype is 0.08m3/sec
N m Dm
P P x m
N m Qm DP
0.08 1
or N P 7000 X x 1750 Rpm
0.04 2
H m m 2
2 2 2 2
N P DP N m Dm N m Dm 1750
N Q 1750 X 0.08
Specific Speed N S 88
3 3
Hm 4
2. Two geometrically similar pumps are running at the same speed of 1000Rpm. One
pump has an impeller diameter of 300mm and lifts water at the rate of 0.02m3/s against a
head of 15m. Determine the head and impeller diameter of the other pump to deliver half
the discharge.
H 34 H 34
m m 2
1000 x 0.02 1000 x 0.01
15 H m 4 2
3 3
H m 2 9.45m
Hm Hm
DN 1 DN 2
15 9.45
i.e. D2 0.238M 238mm
0.3 x1000 D2 x 1000
Cavitation begins to appear in centrifugal pumps when the pressure at the section falls
below the vapour pressure of the liquid. The cavitation in a pump can be noted by a
sudden drop in efficiency head and power requirement.
The harmful effects of cavtation are:
a) Pitting and erosion of surfaceSudden drop in head, efficiency and power delivered
to the fluid.
b) Noise and vibration produced by the collapse of bubbles.
The factors which facilitate outlet of Cavtation are as follows:
a) Restricted section b) High runner speed
b) Too high specific speed for optimum design parameters
c) Too high temperature of the following liquid.