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Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University

Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.

________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33

Optimization and Metamodeling of Metal Sandwich

Panel Structures
Janis Auzins, Riga Technical University, Janis Janushevskis, Riga Technical University,
Kaspars Kalnins, Riga Technical University, Agrita Kovalska, Riga Technical University

Abstract - The development of new materials and new formulations for different core type all-metal sandwich panels
manufacturing techniques has accelerated during the last several filled with core material or empty, and with symmetric or
years. Laser welding is one of these technologies and it has asymmetric faceplates were recently summarised in [5], [6]
facilitated use of steel sandwich panels. The application of such and [7]. Stiffened panel design often involves optimising for
new structures requires fast optimization procedures to obtain
the geometry of the shell and stiffeners, which frequently
optimal design configuration for a given design case. In order to
obtain recommendations concerning the best configuration, requires remeshing for acceptable accuracy. The numerical
different metamodeling methods where used for approximation, noise introduced from the discretization makes it difficult to
optimization and analysis of different core sandwich panels. use gradient-based optimisation methods and often additional
Application of metamodeling methods for optimization included effort is necessary to comply with design constraints [8].
several steps: 1) design of experiments, 2) numerical experiments Therefore in order to give recommendations concerning the
based on FE calculations, 3) high precision approximations of best configuration for given design, different metamodeling
experimental data using polynomials, locally weighted methods where used for approximation, optimization and
polynomials and kriging, 4) multi-objective optimization using analysis of sandwich panel configurations. Application of
three criterions.
metamodeling methods included several steps: 1) design of
The results of different metamodeling methods and parameter
fitting techniques where compared, with conclusion that kriging experiments, 2) numerical experiments based on FE
gives the best overall approximation results. The metamodel calculations, 3) metamodel creation of FE models using
accuracy was increased by introduction of additional parameter kriging, locally weighted polynomials and partial polynomials,
inverse proportional to the second moment of area of panel cross 4) multi-objective optimization in order to obtain Pareto
section. optimal design set.

Keywords - Metamodeling, Pareto optimization, Sandwich II. SANDWICH PANEL CORE TYPES
panels, Kriging, Numerical Experiments, Design of Experiments.
Currently sandwich panels composed of I-core and V-core
stiffeners are among the most extensively used in
The development of new materials and new manufacturing
techniques has accelerated during the last several years. One
of these new ideas is the laser welding technique. The main
advantages of laser welding are low welding distortions, high
productivity, easy automation and it enables application of the
welding processes in places not accessible with traditional
welders [1]. These have opened new opportunities in the
design of steel sandwich structures. The main benefits of a Fig. 1. I, Z, C, V, Osquare and Ocircle (O) core type sandwich panels
sandwich structure are caused by the high stiffness and
bending strength properties due to the location of the material manufacturing, however other core-stiffener of Z-core, C-core,
as far as possible from the neutral axis of the panels [2]. All- Osquare-core, Ocircle-core types as shown in Figure 1,
continue to retain interest for further investigation.
metal sandwich panels are made by a process of laser welding
of faceplates to core stiffeners. Core stiffeners separate
faceplates from the neutral axis of the panel’s considerably
increasing stiffness with minimal additional weight. For calculation and optimization of sandwich panel strength
It is estimated that application of sandwich panels in 6 input factors were considered [8], [9], as shown in table 1.
shipbuilding can save up to 34% weight and 50% production For practical design tasks usually panel width is given and
costs [1]. not the distance between stiffeners. However if using panel
The structural analysis of sandwich panels with thin flat width B and number of stiffeners ns, additional constrains have
faces was undertaken as early as the 1940’s, particularly for to be met to correctly fit given number of stiffeners for panels
aeronautical applications. The theoretical foundation and of different widths. Therefore the distance between stiffeners
governing differential equations for the analysis of sandwich and number of stiffeners was chosen as design parameters and
panels were presented in detail by [3] and [4]. Design

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.
________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33
Several approximation methods were used for metamodel
Boundary creation of FE models: Polynomial regression [11], locally
Low High weighted polynomials (LWP) [12] and Gaussian process
Panel Length (m) L 3 7 regression or kriging [13], [14].
Panel Height To improve accuracy of metamodels, additional input
h 0.004 0.16
(m) parameter - inverse proportional to the second moment of area
Faceplate thickness was introduced. It is well known that second moment of area
t1 0.002 0.004 is the governing term in deflection calculation of the beams,
Core stiffener therefore addition of this input parameter in the metamodeling
thickness t2 0.0015 0.004 procedure increases the prediction accuracy of the metamodel.
(m) This parameter can be obtained as function of other input
Distance between parameters and is not independent, therefore in optimization
stiffeners s 0.06 0.6 stage additional constraint was introduced to comply with this
(m) relationship.
Number of stiffeners ns 2 6 For estimation of metamodel precision the relative Mean
Square Error was used according to formula:
additional constrain was evaluated during optimization, which
links panel width B, number of stiffeners ns and distance
between stiffeners s:
1 n

n i =1
f i − fˆi ) 2

B = n ⋅ s. (1) RRMSE = 100 = 100 , (3)
( fi − f )

We used 6 factor 500 point sequential samplings optimized
according to Average Mean Square Error criterion [10]. n i =1
Experimental points were divided into two sets each
f i – response value, f i – prediction value for i-th test
containing 250 points. First set was used for approximation as point,
f – mean of response and σ –standard deviation of
training points and second for validation as test points. This response in test points [15].
approach was chosen to obtain better estimations of Metamodel fitting is crucial for creation of accurate
approximation error in order to compare different metamodels and in fact is another global optimization
metamodeling methods and parameter fitting strategies. problem. Metamodel fitting for different methods included
Numerical experiments were carried out using ANSYS determination of covariance function and estimation of
software. Panels where loaded with uniform 3 kPa load and optimal hyper parameters for kriging, bandwidth selection for
additional 1 kN concentrated force in the centre point. These locally weighted polynomials and choice of terms for
loading conditions were chosen according to DNV guidelines polynomials.
[9] for ship deck certification. Creation of kriging model is relatively time consuming. It
Numerical values of the panel’s global deflection, local includes determination of optimal hyper parameters and
deflection - between the stiffeners, stresses and nodal reactions calculation of the inverse of covariance matrix. For kriging
at the sample points of sequential design where calculated. All model we used covariance function in the form of:
responses of FE calculations are summarized in table 2.
 p 
1  x − x ′ 
TABLE 2 k k
cov( x, x ) = ∏ exp −
′   , (4)
k =1 2 θk  
Response Label Units    
where x and x’ are points of experiments and θ and p are
Maximal deformation of
DEF_BOT m hiperparametrs.
bottom plate
For finding of optimal hyper parameter values we used
Length dividend with difference of
top and bottom plate maximal DEF_DIF optimization strategy based on BFGS (Quasi-Newton’s)
deformation method combined with multi start global optimization [15].
Equivalent maximal stresses of top We used relative Leave One Out Cross Validation criterion as
plate metamodels quality criterion according to formula:
Equivalent maximal stresses of

( )
bottom plate 1 n ˆ
∑ f −i − f i

Shear stress SHEARE

Pa n i =1
_CORE CV = 100 (5)
∑ ( fi − f )
Reaction force REACT_Y N 1 n 2 ,
Total mass MASS kg n i =1

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.
________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33
where fˆ−i – prediction value for i-th point, when metamodel creation. Data in table 3 indicate, that kriging gives
approximation is created without using this point. best results, except for response 4 (EQV_BOT). Using all 500
It was possible to save computational time for kriging experimental points for metamodel creation, kriging had
model calculations employing the fact that all responses had considerably better results compared to other methods for all
identical experimental designs and thus covariance matrix, responses, with relative cross validation error in range of 1-
therefore it was possible to calculate inverse of the covariance 4%.
matrix in each optimization step just once for all responses Box plots of approximation errors for all responses of I-
[15]. Core panels are shown in figure 2. It can be seen, that kriging
The RRMSE and CV of metamodel precision of different approximations have best mean, median and standard
methods for I-Core panels are compared in table 3 and it deviation (the dotted line corresponds to mean value and
indicates that precision of obtained metamodels are unbroken line to median) compared to other methods.
acceptable. The lines in bold corresponds to estimation of Similar results where obtained for panels of other core
approximation error in test points, that have not been used for types.
Method Criterion Number. of Number. DEF DEF EQV EQV SHEAR MASS
training of test _BOT _DIF _TOP _BOT CORE
points points
Kriging CV 250 1.08% 2.27% 5.58% 3.32% 5.33% 0.059%

Kriging RRMSE 250 250 1.99% 3.92% 6.61% 5.11% 5.17% 0.08%
Kriging CV 500 1.10% 1.90% 4.51% 2.66% 3.33% 0.015%
Polyn. CV 250 5.56% 10.98% 8.61% 2.82% 7.28% 0.94%7
Polyn. RRMSE 250 250 6.81% 9.04% 8.98% 3.54% 7.67% 0.897%
LWP CV 250 5.52% 6.52% 8.06% 2.49% 7.28% 0.146%
LWP RRMSE 250 250 6.94% 6.94% 9.11% 2.96% 7.67% 0.148%
LWP CV 500 3.49% 4.47% 7.87% 3.12% 6.46% 0.082%

software tool EDAOpt created in Machine and Mechanisms

10 Dynamics Research Laboratory of Riga Technical University

Criterion Label

4 Mass (kg) y7
Length relation to
2 bottom plate -L/Def_Bottom

Production costs (€)
( )
C = 0.7 y 7 + n 5 × 10 5 (t1 + t 2 ) L
− n(500(t1 + t 2 ) + 4)L
Kriging Polynomials LWP

Fig. 2. Approximation error of I-Core responses using 250 training points Functional expression of panel production costs where
taken from [8] and [18]. It consists of material and welding
V. OPTIMIZATION OF I-CORE PANELS EMPLOYING costs, which are function of number of stiffeners, panel length
and faceplate width. The painting, cutting and other costs were
In this paper optimization procedure only for I-Core panels not considered. Production costs were estimated in prices of
will be demonstrated, however optimization of other core 2003 in Euros.
types and other configurations were similar. In the process of optimization panel width B and length L
The multiobjective optimization problems were based on 3 was fixed, assuming that it was defined in project
criterions: panel weight, relative deflection (length relation to specification.
bottom plate deflection) and production costs. Criterions are Optimization constraints were chosen according to DNV
summarized in table 4. Pareto optimal configurations where guidelines [9] for ship deck certification and are summarized
obtained during multiobjective optimization [16] using in Table 5.

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.
________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33
Additional equality constrains that where used during
optimization are:
s = B / ns 1000
, (6)

x 7 = f ( x 2 , x3 , x 4 , x 5 ) 900
, (7) 3 ribs
4 ribs
5 ribs
800 6 ribs
L= 6 m, (8) 2 ribs

Mass (kg)
where B=2 m, f is formula of second moment of area of 700

panel cross-section, and L is constraint for panel length.


TABLE 5 600 1000


500 200
800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Name Label Constraint Units
Costs (€)

Deflection relation to panel

width DEF_DIF ≥ s/200 mm

Equivalent maximal
EQV_TOP ≥ -160e6 Pa
stresses of top plate
Equivalent maximal 900
EQV_BOT ≤ 160e6 Pa
stresses of bottom plate
Mass (kg)

3 ribs
Shear stress SHEAR_ 800 4 ribs
≤ 60e6 Pa 5 ribs
6 ribs
2 ribs

Name Labels Step
Low High 500
Cos 900 1200
ts (€1000
Panel height h 0.004 0.16 Continuous ) 1100
1200 600
Top and 1400 400
200 F_BO
Bottom L/DE
t1 0.002 0.004 0.0005
plate Fig. 3. I-Core Pareto points
Core 0.0005 panel weight by adding supplemental stiffeners. In such case,
stiffener t2 0.0015 0.004
thickness however, production costs increases due to welding costs of
additional stiffeners.
Number of
ns 2 6 1

To obtain Pareto optimal designs of criterions (table 4),

considering optimization constraints (table 5) and equality
constrains (6), (7) and (8) 4 input parameters were varied (h,
t1, t2, n see table 6). It was assumed that parameters t1 and t2
(plate and stiffener thickness) are discrete and can be varied
with step 0.0005 m [18].
The relative RMSE (2) of approximation of different
responses in Pareto optimal points is given in Table 7.
Only one out of 4 variable parameters where continuous
therefore Pareto points formed isolated sets. The 3D charts
from different viewing angles of criterion values and obtained
optimal Pareto points for given optimization case are shown in
Figure 3.
Pareto points in 3D charts of figure 4 indicate that choosing
designs of panels with increased stiffness, increases panel
weight and production costs. However it is possible to reduce Fig. 4. Different core metal sandwich panel optimal solutions

Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.
________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33
In some cases there may be more than one possible optimal quality metamodels. The developed procedure can be used to
solution for given stiffness. For example for deflection of effectively obtain optimal configurations of steel sandwich
L/DEF_BOT=540 there are three optimal solutions as shown structures and reduce production costs.
in table 8. Data in table 8 indicate that first case has less Kriging was the most effective approximation method for
weight and higher costs, but second case more weight, but metamodeling of sandwich panel FE models. The best results
lower costs. In this example weight is reduced, because of kriging metamodels where obtained using cross validation
thinner stiffeners should be used, but costs increases due to criterion and determining covariance function and optimal
thicker plates, that increase welding costs. hyper parameter values for each input factor. The problems
Combined results of optimization of different core sandwich concerning application of kriging are time consuming
panels, are shown in Figure 4. Results in figure 4 indicate, that calculations of the inverse of covariance matrix and estimation
for 6 m long panels with fixed deflection (form 0.75 to 3 cm) of optimal covariance hyper parameter values.
it is effective to use panels with stiffeners of V-Core type. The metamodel precision was considerably improved
This result can be explained with the fact, that V-Core panels introducing additional parameter, which was inverse
have smaller welding costs per vertical stiffener (each core has proportional to the second moment of area of panel cross-
two vertical stiffeners, but needs only 3 welding joints). section.

The metamodel based multi-objective optimization of
different core steel sandwich panels was performed using high
1.94% 7.00% 4.90% 3.83% 5.58% 0.17% 1.05%

h T1 t2 N Mass Costs L/DEF_BOT
0.1447 0.0025 0.0015 6 603.19 980.23 540
0.1589 0.002 0.0025 6 627.86 871.50 540
0.1391 0.0025 0.002 5 622.13 900.49 540

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Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University
Transport and Engineering. Mechanics.
________________________________________________________________________________ Volume 33

Jānis Januševskis, Dr.sc.ing., researcher, Riga Technical University, Institute Agrita Kovaļska, Postgraduate Student, Riga Technical University, Institute
of Mechanics. Address: 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia. Phone of Mechanics. Address: 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga, LV-1006, Latvia. Phone
+371 67089396. E-mail: [email protected] +371 67089396. E-mail: [email protected]

Kaspars Kalniņš, Dr.sc.ing., research associate, Riga Technical University,

Institute of Materials and Structures. Address: 16/20 Azenes Street, Riga, LV-
1048, Latvia. Phone: +371 67089124. E-mail: [email protected]

Jānis Auziņš, Jānis Januševskis, Kaspars Kalniņš, Agrita Kovaļska. Metāla sendviču paneļu konstrukciju metamodelēšana un optimizācija
Jaunu materiālu un ražošanas tehnoloģiju attīstība ir paātrinājusies pēdējos gados. Lāzermetināšanas tehnoloģija ir viena no šādām tehnoloģijām, un tā ir
sekmējusi dažādu metāla sendviču paneļu ražošanu un pielietošanu kuģubūvē. Šādu jaunu konstrukciju pielietošanai ir nepieciešamas ātras optimizācijas
metodes, lai dotajām specifikācijām iegūtu optimālus projektējuma variantus. Lai dotu rekomendācijas optimālu metāla sendviču paneļu projektējuma variantu
izvēlei, šajā darbā tika pielietotas dažādas metamodelēšanas metodes paneļu konstrukciju datoreksperimentu aproksimācijai un optimizācijai. Metamodelēšanas
pielietošana paneļu optimizācijai ietvēra sekojošus etapus: 1) eksperimentu plāna izveide, 2) skaitlisko eksperimentu aprēķinus ar galīgo elementu metodi, 3)
eksperimentu datu aproksimācija, izmantojot kriginga, globālo un lokālo polinomu metodes, 4) daudzkriteriālā optimizācija, lai iegūtu Pareto optimālos
Salīdzināti dažādu metamodelēšanas metožu un to parametru pieskaņošanas varianti, secinot, ka kopumā krigings dod labākos aproksimācijas rezultātus.
Metamodelēšanas precizitāte paaugstināta, ieviešot papildus parametru, kas ir apgriezti proporcionāls paneļa šķēluma inerces momentam.

Янис Аузиньш, Янис Янушевскис, Каспарс Калныньш, Агрита Ковальска. Метамоделирование и оптимизация конструкций стальных
сендвичных панелей
В течение нескольких прошлых лет ускорилось развитие новых материалов и технологий производства. Лазерная сварка - одна из этих технологий,
которая обеспечила широкое использование стальных сендвичных панелей. Применение таких новых структур требует быстрых процедур
оптимизации для получения оптимальной конфигурации конструкций. Для аппроксимации, оптимизации и анализа сендвичных панелей с
различными типами сердечников использовались разные методы метамоделирования. Применение методов метамоделирования для оптимизации
включает несколько шагов: 1) планирование экспериментов, 2) эксперименты, основанные на вычислениях методом КЭ, 3) аппроксимация
экспериментальных данных с высокой точностью, используя глобальные и локальные полиномиальные выражения и метод кригинга, 4)
многокритериальная оптимизация для получения оптимального набора конфигурации Парето.
Сравнение различных методов метамоделирования и определения параметров привело к заключению, что в большинстве случаев кригинг дает
лучшие результаты аппроксимации. Точность метамоделей была увеличена введением дополнительного фактора обратно пропорционального
моменту инерции сечения.


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