Summary 1689086671
Summary 1689086671
Summary 1689086671
Particulars Rs. Rs. Rs.
1 Income from Salary (Refer annexure) 6,65,250
Net Salary ( a) 6,65,250
Total Income from Salary 6,65,250
2 Income from House Property 0
3 Income from Business and Profession 0
Presumptive Business Income U/S 44AD 0
Presumptive Business Income U/S 44ADA 0
Speculative Business Income 0
Total Business and Profession Income 0
4 Income from Capital gains 0
Short Term Capital Gain @ slab rate 0
Short Term Capital Gain @ 15% 0
Long Term Capital gain @ 10% 0
Long Term Capital Gain @ 20% 0
Total Capital Gains 0
5 Income from Other sources 4,943
Interest income
Savings bank account 463
Fixed/ recurring deposits 4,480
Dividend 0
Total Income from other sources 4,943
6 Total Headwise Income (1+2+3+4+5) 6,70,193
7 Losses of Current Year Setoff 0
House Property 0
8 Balance After Setoff of Current Year Losses 6,70,193
9 Brought Forward Losses Setoff 0
10 Gross Total Income 6,70,193
11 Income Chargeable to Tax at Special Rate U/S 111A, 112 etc. 0
12 Deductions Under Chapter VI-A 0
13 Total Income (10-12) 6,70,190
14 Income chargeable at Special Rates after adjusting BEL** 0
15 Net Agricultural Income 0
16 Aggregate Income (13-14+15) 6,70,190
17 Losses To be Carried Forward (Refer Annexure) 0
18 Total Tax 29,519
Tax at normal rate - A 29,519
Tax at special rate - B 0
Annexure: Salary
* Income from house property will be first setoff against current years income and balance loss to be carried forward as per
income tax provisions.
** BEL stands for Basic Exemption Limit.