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give jesus a big big big hand clap

and please


you may

be seated


welcome to church god bless you for

being here tonight

just a little housekeeping and we'll get

to the ward

i want to start tonight by saying a very

very big

thank you

and i'll tell you why

it's one thing

to have people

believe in you

and believe in what you do and take you

and whatever you do

very seriously and as a leader when you

find such people

you must be very vocal about

communicating gratitude hallelujah

we've been on

with our

you know search for

a very good property so that we can


our own project as you know

and i decided to just make the


last week sunday


i have been

in simple terms humbled

and even broken by the participation the

response not just from abuja here

literally across the nation


people have

sent in

you know proposed lands to see

i was very humbled when at least two

people in all fairness

i'm sure they are even here who were

willing to literally

stop their project over across of land

to carry it

you know

to give it to hand it over to the

ministry i had to reject it and tell

them no no we're people of conscience

and as much as we love the lord

i think it would be unfair for someone

to be on his project and because of his


for the work just cancel

a project worth billions and billions of

naira but that's to tell you how far

people have gone we've been overwhelmed

by calls emails everyone's saying look

we want to

um check out this land check out this

place you know let me talk to these fct

minister fcda and this is just to say

thank you thank you so so much

the lord bless you

in the name of jesus

second is to thank and

bring a word to those who have been

calling because there are people who

think we have started the building

project already and people have been

calling all over the world wanting to be

part of it we have not started giving

people an opportunity to sow

into the building project where people

of integrity when we're going to start i

will do the announcement myself why am i

saying this so that scammers again

will not take advantage of the sincerity

of the people especially for our global

family you can sow any seed you want to

sow but we have not started sewing

particularly for


building projects and all of that soon

we will start and we will announce the

account we'll be using

and then officially will pray and give

people an opportunity to sow so if you

want to sow

any seed as normal you can go ahead and

do that you know with our account but if

it is particularly

for the building project please be

patient until we make that announcement

and pray it's not so much about the

money it's about participating

in the work of the lord so the prayer

and the declaration is more important

than even the giving are we together

please if anyone i'm saying this now

especially for international community

if anyone calls you in the name of

apostle joshua salman or any staff or

anyone in this ministry asking you to

transfer money to them

and they can take it to the account or

telling you they are part of the finance

department i'm saying it now please know

you are dealing with fraudsters know

that you are dealing with scammers are

we together we will never do that to

call you to say sending money maybe for

prayer or whatever it is it is a lie

hallelujah and then if for any reason i

have to say this

if the lord of course you will always

find this there are people

who have you know been led by the lord

to be to maybe give properties that they

have pending on the blessing of the lord

if for any reason you or anyone you know

is interested in those kinds of things

please do meet the protocol and let me

meet with them directly we don't do

these kinds of things by proxy so

anybody who tells you please just give

me the land documents i

know how to get it across to apostle is

still a thief

even if they are in coinonia

press the name of the lord so i'm saying

it straight to the point so that there

is no confusion about it we have to

we cannot allow the devil to use men to

take advantage of the sincerity of

people are we together praise the name

of the lord so everyone this is god

bless you it is our corporate

responsibility it's not only for joshua

salman you know this now so that if

someone is calling you or calling any of

your loved one and saying

send money or send all of these things

for building projects or some offering

it somewhere this is even the one that

is popular they will tell you there is

an orphanage home somewhere it is not

true it is not true i repeat it is not

true they are scammers

prayer for counseling and they tell you

to send money to some secretary

somewhere and then they will pass the

phone to me that person praying for you

as me is not a sincere person


praise the name of the lord

so i think it's good that we just

put that in place and then finally

this announcement is for those

at the overflow the overflow outside


outside includes anywhere that is not

within the

auditorium inside here outside and you

know by the road as you know we've

exhausted this facility we've done the

best we can to manage people but every

time god brings increase we thank him

but with increase would you need wisdom

to manage

the people so number one those outside

we have put in place and we keep putting

in place adequate security to make sure

that lives and properties are protected

but then we have also

perfected a strategy

to be able to manage those outside


rain comes there is still there are

still two extra

auditoriums here that we did not occupy

we did not put people there so that

whenever it is raining or about to rain

in 10 minutes following the direction of

the protocol

and the security and the ushers we can

convey anyone no matter who to make sure

that they are well seated within these

auditoriums and they don't become

victims of the rain so those outside i

wanted to know that we're responsible

ministry and in as much as you sit

outside provisions have been made so

that if and when rain comes

and meets you there you can be sure that

you will not be drenched outside you

will be very irresponsible

of us as

a ministry to allow you so no matter

what size whether it's a miracle service

whatever it is i can tell you safely

that within 10 minutes theoretically

speaking and in all fairness it should

not be more than 15 or so minutes we

should be able to safely convey everyone

around all you need to do is just obey

the directive of the protocol the

security and the austrian department are

we celebrating jesus again


praise the name of the lord


we are to start a new series tonight but

i've shifted it for next week so that it

will give me room to


and to discuss the things that i want to

share tonight

tonight's message will bring healing

will bring hope will bring true freedom

and would bring deliverance

this is one of the messages that whether

you are a christian you are a muslim you

are a free thinker

you are serious with god you are a

backslider it doesn't matter what

category tonight's message will be most

applicable to your life so i want you to

pay attention and let's trust god to

grant us wisdom in the name of jesus

father give me an encounter by your word

in the name of jesus please lift up your

voice and pray give me an encounter

by your word the lord appeared

in shiloh even by his word

are you praying one minute

lord grant me

access to your word


in the name of jesus christ

in the name of jesus christ


we'll look at three scriptures and then

i'll begin

my teaching ecclesiastes chapter 12.

ecclesiastes chapter 12

we're reading the whole chapter remember

now thy creator in the days of thy youth

while the evil days come not nor the

years draw nigh

when thou shalt say i have no pleasure

in them next verse

while the sun or the light or the moon

or the stars be not darkened nor the

clouds return after the rain

in the day when the keepers of the house

shall tremble and the strong men shall

bow themselves

and the grinder sees because they are

few and those that look out of the

window be darkened verse 4

and the door shall be shot in the street

and the sound of the grinding is low


he shall rise up at the voice of the

bird and all the daughters of music

shall be brought low five

and when they shall be afraid of that

which is high and fear shall be in the

way and the almond tree shall flourish

and the grasshopper shall be a burden

and desire shall fail because man goes

to his long home and the mourners go

about the street the six

or ever the silver cord be loosed or the

golden bowl be broken or the pitcher be

broken at the fountain or the wheel

broken at the system seven

it says then shall the dust return to

the earth as it was and the spirit shall

return unto god who gave it

vanity upon vanities

sayeth the preacher all is vanity verse

and moreover because the preacher was


he still taught the people knowledge

yeah he gave good heed and sought out

and setting all the many proverbs

the preachers sought to find out

acceptable words and that which was

that which was written was upright even

words of truth

verse 11 the words of the wise are as

gods and

as nails fastened by the masters of

assemblies which are given

from one shepherd

and further by this my son be admonished

pay attention now of making many books

there is no end and much study is a

wariness of the flesh


let us hear the conclusion of the whole


fear god

and keep his commandments for this is

the whole


of man

last verse for god shall bring every

walk into judgment


with every secret thing whether it be



it be


the lord help us

in the name of jesus

next verse
proverbs chapter 30

will read

from verse 14


and 16.


chapter 30 will read 14

15 and 16. are you still here

there is a generation whose teeth are as


and their jaw teeth as knives to devote

the poor from of the earth

and the needy from among men

the horse lich had two daughters crying


give there are three things that are

never satisfied yay four things say

not it is

enough what are they number one the


never says enough number two

the bahrain womb

never says enough number three the earth

that is not filled with water

never says enough and number four the

fire that sayeth not

it is enough

father help us and give us understanding

in the name of jesus christ

the assignment of a man of god

is to bring god's people


different dimensions of spiritual

intelligence in a house like this

we are mandated to ensure that believers

are taught the various facets of kingdom

living the first being the knowledge of

god and the knowledge of the things that

pertain unto god

the next being

understanding the mysteries of the

kingdom the principles of the kingdom

that make for an excelling life the

principles that make for empowerment the

principles that make for results because

there is an expression of effective

living that comes

as the power

of personal results but then

in the midst of all these dimensions and

all these pursuits it is also important

to every once in a while

bring in

superior wisdom

that helps people to manage their lives


and that would help people to live lives

of meaning

lives of purpose
lives that at the end of it they would

not regret and wonder what have i lived

my life for hallelujah the subject of

purpose is one that the body of christ

is not

in confusion or in ignorance over

pulpit after pulpit book after book

different people have taught on the

subject of purpose and destiny i

remember many years ago listening to a

very powerful

message by dr miles monroe he preached

that message in south africa

and he spoke about five questions that

every man must ask himself

may not remember the whole

of the questions what i remember

question number one is who am i

i remember him saying every man born of

a woman must within his lifetime be able

to answer that question who am i

i only remember the first and the last


i may not remember the other three there

are five in all the last question

is where am i going to

who am i

and then where am i headed for when i

wake up in the morning

what is the objective behind my pursuit

my drive and all of these things

in school of ministry

there is one of our courses called

personal transformation

and i teach there about the graph of

life helping men

to understand to the brevity of life and

how to live effectively and i've done a

few teachings along that line

um i think if i were not a preacher

and if i were not a christian i probably

would have been a philosopher

i love to think intuitively to think

and look at life

from a logical standpoint and from a

standpoint of value what is life about

why do we wake up in the morning and

sleep late in the night

i have the privilege of traveling a lot

because of my schedules and my

administrations and there are cities i

travel to in this nation and even around

the world i am surprised that people

don't sleep at any time you go to that

city someone is moving and driving and

laughing and selling and smiling in fact

there are regions where the moment it is

night that's why that's when other

people wake up

there's music playing people are

enjoying themselves restaurants are

warming or cooking food are fresh not

even warming one that they had no all

kinds of things there are regions you go

and you hear someone shout in the middle

of the night calling passengers and they

are coming


so i i have seen a bit of the

the interesting thing in life i have

seen people wake up in the morning

and sleep late in the night i've seen


aspire for so many things by reason of

what i do i'm always praying for people

who are trusting god for you know new

heights new levels new dimensions in

life whether it is financially whether

it is in

government and politics academics and

all of that and i am amazed at how our


do not seem to end

so you meet a young boy in say secondary

school and the need of that person and

his desire he's craving his prayer and

even his frustration comes from the

desire to probably finish secondary

school write his exams pass jam and you

see the gentleman depressed and you tell

him what is the source of this

depression and he says this jam i want

to pass it now you ask one who is

already in the higher institution of

learning and his desire is to pass his

exams defend his project and graduate

and then the one who graduates will tell

you i want to go further i'm trying to

secure a scholarship to go for masters

or phd and all of that and you ask a

young man he will tell you my desire now

is to marry her desire now is to marry

you ask the one who is married they tell

you the devil is a liar i must have


are we


then the one who has children their

desires change and they tell you thank

god for girls but i think we need to add

boys to this list and the the same

depression the person had when he was

small has been changing or remaining the

same using different

different needs

and then you ask the one who

um is staying with his parents and his

desire and frustration is i'm no longer

a child i need to get out of this house

then he gets out and smuggles himself to

a small room and after a while his

desire is to have a bigger house then he

gets tired of being a tenant and he will

tell you my new desire the source of

this my frustration and wrinkling my

face is that i want to start building

you ask the one who now has children and

their desire is to have these children

grow and become responsible 10 11 years

later same frustration but now the basis

for that frustration is i didn't realize

having so many children would require so

much money for fees that becomes another

journey later you ask them and they say

i can't imagine that i suffered and went

through this only to give back to a

foolish child this child is 18 years old

and i almost regret giving birth to this

child and remember the same person look

at all the various transitions same


then you ask the one who gets a job and

is happy gives testimony six months

later he said i don't understand this

what kind of failure is this um i i

didn't offend anybody this is an office

i rejoice it came by prophecy i need

promotion same frustration

pay attention

and then you find

one who has gotten the job and the

promotion now the promotion causes

trouble between the couple because now

their salaries are similar and it looks

like the man is saying so now that god

has lifted you another frustration that

has come as a result of that lifting

and then

the frustration would soon change when

they go to the hospital and they say it

looks like there is a lump

or a growth in your body how old are you

i'm 55 was suspecting prostate

all of a sudden

the prostration that was there when he

was young

now returns but a different reason is

the sponsor so i'm going to die

you will think that with all of the

achievements the frustrations should


you would go to the house of a very

wealthy man

and turn left and right

and see everything you desire and aspire

for and yet that man is still looking

for something and you're asking what are

you still looking for and the man will

say something like i can give up all

these things you see for what i am

looking for

and he's still frustrated remember when

he made his first million remember when

he made his first billion

he thought it would give him that peace

and satisfaction and even in the midst

of plenty

remember the first time the man boarded

a flight coming from a background of

penury and poverty he was happy and

smiling now he may probably have his own

private charter or his private jet and

in the midst of it there is still that

frustration how about those who hang and

write letters with billions piled in

their accounts and shoot themselves or

hang themselves as painful as death is

that a state can come in a man's life

where it seems better to die than to


are we still together

how about a young preacher on campus

catching the fire praying for eight

hours praying for nine hours learning

about greek and hebrew as a new

experience and my goodness this

gentleman is now beginning to step into

some kind of dimension of grace now they

invite him for small fellowships and the

power of god is moving this young man is

rediscovering a whole new world about

his destiny happy and excited for a

while then campus days are over

then he desires to start ministry

another frustration comes where do i get

venue where do i get money and then he

starts ministry 30 years later he's

angry frustrated looks back and he does

not even know whether he was called or


what are we really looking for

please i want you to listen to this

message the lord put it in my heart to


for the terrorists

or one who would stand and kill people

and rob a bank and raw people what are

they really looking for

for the preacher who has

a large congregation and yet continues

to pray and say god give me increase


are we really looking for

for the one who has successful children

all graduates all successful all working

and they still have prayer requests what

are they looking for

the one who just made his first billion

in dollars and is still looking for

something still submitting proposals

from state to state nation to nation

region to region fighting and arguing

over wars fighting and arguing over um

contracts what is he looking for

for the man of god who has been in the

faith working with god for 40 years and

he's still fasting and praying what

is he looking for

for one who has seen the power of god

move in his life in on common

unimaginable dimensions what

is he looking for you would thank me for

the message that you are hearing tonight

this message will give your life meaning

it will give your life perspective and

indeed it will give you peace are we

learning the bible says there are four

that never say enough

it is not within their there is nothing

they never attain any state where they

can say i have had enough

i've had the honor and the privilege of

studying very successful people and

successful systems
i didn't want to be a failure myself i

hate failure


and i knew that

for you to succeed in life you would

need knowledge and indeed a lot of it

and so i submitted myself to learning i

still do

and i'm humbled by the things that i've

learned through the years from books

from men from materials and even from my

own experiences

i used to think


the greatest tragedy in life was failure


the worst that can happen to a man in

life is that that man fails fails to

achieve his or her dreams

but i would soon discover

that there is another tragedy that is

greater than failure and it's not death

this discussion is not about those who

are dead

this discussion is about those who are


what is worse than failure i will tell


there is one thing that is worse than

failure is called success without


that success without fulfillment

would bring a greater sting

a greater frustration than even failure

it is possible for a man to be


and never be fulfilled

in my studies and my learning about


and learning about systems learning

about principles of posterity principles

of um stability in the lives of people

and in organizations i have found out

that the subject of fulfillment is one

that many people have downplayed to

their detriment there are many many many

people today who are victims of the

absence of fulfillment even though


the greater tragedy greater than failure

is a life of success

that does not have fulfillment

in genesis chapter 37

when you read from verse 15 the bible

talks about joseph i just want to borrow

a concept there and then i'll begin my


that joseph was sent to go and look for

his brothers
and the bible says and a certain man

found him the hymn being joseph now and

behold the bible says he was wandering

in the field

wandering in the field and the man asked

him saying




he saw him wondering

who is this young man

very visionary but you are wondering in

frustration it seems to me your body

language and your actions suggests to me

that you are looking for something i see

your determination i see your press it

seems you're going back and forth you're

waking up in the morning i see you're

going to have a masters you're going to

have a phd i see your attending

conferences and trainings they suggest

to me that whilst you are wandering

around there is something you are

looking for the question is what


what are you looking for

that has made you travel to us for

trainings travel to canada for trainings

that even in old age you are not ashamed

to go back to school again what

seekers down

what is that that you are looking for

that makes you to hate and detest

failure so much

books upon books you have a library that

is full of them and anything that looks

like useful information you are like a

sponge absorbing anything that seems to

propose a greater life please keep that

scripture there 37 15

a certain man found him

and behold he was wandering in the field

and the man asked him a simple question




as simple as this question is ladies and


you can spend your entire life

trying to search for the answer you

would think you have found the answer

and 10 years added to your life you

would discover what you found was not

really the answer many people have gone

to their graves

unable to answer this question what are

you looking for

what is that which motivates you why are

you doing the things that you are doing

there are people who retire respectfully

speaking from service and they cry and

beg and say retain me again even though

the company and the organization is

saying you've tried you stand for 30 35

years go and rest they say no i don't

want to rest what


when a patient runs around looking for a

doctor traveling from nation to nation




write this down please


the subject of fulfillment


the subject of fulfillment

is one of the pillars

for living an effective life on earth

understanding the subject of fulfillment

is one of the pillars

for living

an effective life

on earth


i took out time to learn the subject of

fulfillment because i do not want to

live a useless life

in as much as you love me in as much as

you believe that i am a man of god sent

from god in as much as you have been

blessed by the privilege of the

investment of grace upon my life do you

know it is possible to live a life

impacting people whilst you are


do you agree with me on that

there have been many people on earth in

the secular and even in church who

killed themselves in the presence of

overwhelming impact

traveling from pillar to post blessing

people while everybody is calling you a

blessing you are dying in total

frustration in fact i will tell you this

psychologists will tell you that some of

the people who are perceived to be the

most successful people are about the

most frustrated people they live lonely

lives they are on drugs they have to

live off therapy after therapy and you

are surprised you go to their offices

and you see awards

day and night

and yet those people can wake up one

morning and literally die of frustration

it means there is something that if we

do not understand we stand a risk of

living a life that is extremely

successful but and in the midst of our


we find out that we live defeated lives

that do not count as far as fulfillment

is concerned for someone shout no way

in the name of jesus christ

i've met very old people i like to see

elderly people especially those who have

done something notable i believe they

have profound wisdom and i can learn

from them and i will tell you the truth

a number of them even in old age in the

course of our discussion have been very

open to tell me apostle

i did this i that i did that i traveled

here i traveled some of them preachers

some of them business people and they

would tell me that there was still a

longing in their hearts that they felt

like they did not do


what is fulfillment please write this


i define



the satisfaction

please write it

i define fulfillment as the satisfaction

that is derived

from knowing

that you have lived your life

effectively fulfillment the satisfaction

and the joy you may want to add

the satisfaction and the joy

that is derived from knowing that you

have lived your life effectively

serving the purposes of god and being a

blessing to humanity


is the satisfaction that is derived from

knowing that you have lived your life


serving the purposes of god and being a

blessing to humanity it's called



i want you to tighten your seat belt and

sit quietly as i teach you something

that i truly believe will revolutionize

your life i have taught a bit on it here

um but then i want to teach this in

detail it was a miracle and it was a

deliverance to my own life from living a

life that was futile filled with only

success without fulfillment i want to

live a life that is both successful and

a life that is fulfilled by every

standard are you ready


there are six fundamental human needs

write it down please there are six

fundamental human cravings they are

modern needs

they are desperate cravings that every

man provided you are alive

it is the craving

that defines the motivation that drives

everything that you do in your life

whether from a spiritual context whether

from an economic context whether from a

sociological context all of us as the

human species are driven essentially by

these six needs but believe me they are

more than needs they are cravings that

literally your sense of fulfillment from

a human standpoint depends on your

having these cravings satisfied that if

at any point in your life

these cravings are not met and

represented in your life it will only

spell utter frustration no matter what

line of work or career whether you are a

preacher an apostle a prophet a

businessman an academician a family man

young old male female educated

uneducated black white it does not

matter this is a reality that is common

to us all


fundamental human cravings human needs

are you ready please write them down

number one

the need for security please write it


every human born of a woman has this

craving from within them

the need to feel secured

physically secured

emotionally secured now these needs vary

based on gender based on age based on

levels of exposure but ultimately all of

us have the same need it is just the

various degrees of these needs that now

define what we call our personality


men will give up anything to feel

secured even if they are not secured

sadly and unfortunately we've had

several things happen across kaduna for

those of you who

are in nigeria here the

mayhem that was unleashed on people it's

unfortunate it's been quite a tragic

two-week especially for that region and

you can imagine so everyone within that

region would crave for security and the

moment you see a military man wearing a

uniform you are happy to see that person

is that true because that person



number two

the second human craving

is the need for variety or dynamism

please write it down

variety or dynamism

this is the reason why

anything that is new especially in the

mass media cells because we like to know


is the breaking news what is the new


people hate boredom it's not it's not

given to the human

species to endure boredom indefinitely

people like things that create variety

that's why people find special moments

and celebrate them that's why you do not

wear the same color of cloth every day

for instance that is the reason why you

you are tired of the house that you've

been living in and you will want to move

to another house is a craving for


companies based on this awareness

reinvent their products reinvent the

packaging of their products and just by

reinventing the packaging of their

products can rise to millions of dollars

and billions of dollars simply because

they satisfy this craving for variety

same product

they don't have to change anything as

far as the product is concerned but they

gave it a presentation that was new and


are we together

number three

the third craving

that is in every human being

is the need for significance write it

down please this is a very serious one

especially to men significance

the concept of respect as we know the

concept of honor we know that is

embedded in most of the masculine gender

if not all

came from the need for significance

when you bow down

and you greet me and say good afternoon

sir why am i excited as you're buying


when you kneel down and say good

afternoon ma

it is it gives people a perception of


are we together now

people crave for significance they pray

for it more than you can ever know

preach preachers

parents young people business people men

women everyone significance

people crave for respect people crave

for honor and people crave for

acknowledgement you know what

acknowledgement is to make sure you are


of the extent of the worth of that

individual and that you can attest to

the fact that that individual is that

valuable it's called acknowledgement

people can go to any length to be


businessmen pastors politicians have

become act enemies for decades simply

because someone's pedigree was

downplayed by not being acknowledged


not acknowledged properly

are we together if i sit on any of these

beautiful seats or i sit on the ground

or i sit on any white chair anywhere

what difference does it make in terms of


in terms of my physical person it may

not necessarily make any difference but

it seems to communicate a sense of

significance a sense of acknowledgement

a sense of respect a sense of honor and

you can't believe how people crave for


in every occasion there is something

called high table



it's still table


now what is the difference between those

who sit there and those who sit

everywhere else

they can even eat the same thing

in every flight there's what is called

first class that's what is called

business class and economy these are

various names that were invented

to help manage and communicate the idea

of significance

are we together

you go to certain places and say this is

a priority route this is a regular route

all these names vvip


you know and all of these things they

are all
they are all

various attempts

please pay attention to what i'm

teaching you


you cannot imagine the degree to which

you crave for significance it's a

craving that many people it would take a

lot of enlightenment to even be aware of

the extent to which you need it


four are you ready for the fourth

the fourth craving

desperate craving

of all humans is love and acceptance

the need to be accepted please underline

that word acceptance

the opposite of acceptance is rejection

and go and ask any psychologist and any

man of god who is serious with god and

they can tell you the the

the severe consequences of being in a

position of


are we together

love and acceptance please look up why

do you think

most people join occult groups

i can tell you go and ask most of these

young people while in secondary school

now unfortunately

i don't mean called like village called

groups the one that you know these guys

that move around and you ask them what

they are looking for they will tell you

i came from a family where nobody

believed in me nobody accepted me and

here is this group and they told me if

they can scar my body and do all kinds

of things i will be accepted and they

will endure such pain provided it will

provide acceptance


people crave

for love

and people crave for acceptance

people have cried because those were

shot at them they were not accepted

people have cried because they did not

give them employment it was not about

the employment or lack of it but that it

was communicated in a way that shows

that you are rejected and they go back

feeling things that have no business

with that job

so is this how my life is going to be


praise the name of the lord

there are sincere men and women who come

seeking counselling from psychology

seeking counselling from men and women

of god and they say look i think i'm a

beautiful lady i think i'm a handsome

man and look at my life nobody has ever

said good morning nobody has ever said

good afternoon what is making them feel

that bad the sense a longing for

acceptance and the pain of rejection is

someone learning



what is the fifth craving of all human


growth and increase

people crave to grow

people crave desperately to grow

every parent wants to see their child or

their children grow every child wants to

grow to become an adult um parents many

of you would see children

a young child who started walking and

doing all kinds of things and if the

mother should leave her dressing space

to that child one day the child is going

to surprise her you will come and you

see the child trying to put eyelashes

trying to put all kinds of things the

child is insisting and say i can't wait

for 18 years it's too long or 15 years

or whatever let me make my attempt now

and the child will paint himself into

all kinds of things

the need and the instinct for growth

how about teenagers you flock them and

say be patient until you are 18 before

you start driving the same car that will

be tired and pack it one day but they

will fight once they are 17 16 you will

have to flock them advise them

make them quote scriptures to stay in

one place and wait for just one more

year before they start driving

the need for growth

the need for growth

the need for growth

especially in africa most people hate

being called children when except is a

very old man who says you're a child but

anybody who is maybe just a few years

older than you if he calls you a child

say look you are older than me but don't

you dare call me a child i'm not a child

because there is something about our

passion for growth

even children now say don't call me a


what are you i'm not an adult but i'm

not a child anyway

everybody say growth

when someone holds a master's

certificate or a phd or another

certification somewhere why are they

happy to celebrate those milestones it

gives them a perception of growth

luke 2 and verse 2 52 even in fact when

you read from verse 49 to 52 jesus


passionate about growth the bible does

not leave us in the dark he went as a

teenager the bible says he was at the

temple learning building his mind

satisfying that need and that craving

for growth and the father and the mother

joseph and mary went around looking for

him when they found him at the temple he

said unto them how is it that he sought

for me

with not

that i must be about my father's

business verse 50.

the bible says and they understood not

the saying which he spoke unto them 51


he went down with them and came to

nazareth and was subject unto them but

his mother kept these things in our

heart 52 popular scripture and jesus

increased say increased

in wisdom he increased in stature

physically he increased in favor with

god and with men everybody say growth

growth is very powerful i do not know

anybody no matter how critical who does

not celebrate any major milestone in his

life people celebrate bad days people

celebrate anniversaries why because it

culminates to growth

as a man of god if you have ten members

and god brings five more you are careful

to celebrate and say thank god for this

the concept of in gathering has come to

stay in the body of christ yes because

we want souls saved but in truth in

addition to that it is the instinct for

growth everything that is alive grows

now not to get you offended there are

children who have medical conditions

that impede their growth in one area or

the other or their overall stature you

find out that you can see a child who is

three years old four years old and then

maybe because of some deformity or some

you know health issue the child cannot

grow properly it is a concern to any

responsible parent

is that true
how many of you have seen children again

respectfully who


maybe they had to repeat certain classes

maybe primary one primary two and the

child is there for three years four

years and you find out that people come

and say what kind of a child are you

you now say your colleagues are in

primary fight for something and you are

still here and the child feels bad

because the child wants to increase the

child wants to grow

so number one security

number two variety

and or dynamism

number three significance

acknowledgement number four love and

acceptance number five growth and

increase are you ready for the last

number six impact and contribution

the sixth craving in all humans

regardless who

is the craving to know that your life is

counting that you are living an

impactful life and you are contributing

towards a cause

let me tell you this this six craving is

so serious

this is one of the root causes of um

violence that is accelerated in many

underdeveloped nations because

most young people are they want to be

part of a course part of something and

because they are idle there's nothing

the moment they see that there is

something that catches the attention of

media everybody wants to be part of it

whether it is election whether it is

whatever it is they want to be part of

anything happening that there is that

that dopamine feeling of relevance that

feeling of knowing that i'm doing

something my life is counting for



there is nobody who does not want his

life to count i can tell you this

in all of the messages and all of this

that people send the most touching for

me is apostle

thank you

i listened to your teaching it changed

my life now i love the lord more now i'm


about the things of the kingdom or your

teaching has brought me knowledge you

know why it gives me joy yes jesus is

glorified but it gives me joy because i

can through that text message it can

give me a basis to say thank god my life

is counting

there is nobody who wants to live as a

known entity to know that your life is

not counting

how many people have resigned from jobs

because they felt that they were being

underutilized they felt there's nothing

i'm doing here i think i'm worth more in

terms of impact than this it's not about

the salary i'm not doing anything i just

sit down and sign documents whether i

come to work or not my salary is there i

don't think i am productive they say but

what is really driving them is the fact

that they want their lives to count

when we acknowledge people

we begin to list some of the things they

have done that has blessed us so swan so

man he has blessed me he's changed my

life as a businessman he's mentored me

as a lecturer as a man of god and you

see the people rejoice and give glory to

god but then you can see that

fulfillment because their lives count


i will tell you why i listed all of

these things

all that we seek for

all that we look for

all that we work for

all that we pray for

is hidden in these six things

believe me when i tell you every single

one prayer request written here during

the miracle service every single desire

that brought you to the house of god no

matter how you'd want to twist it


from a psychological standpoint

is an attempt to draw into your life one

of the six cravings

let me repeat myself

all that we seek for

all that we look for

all that we fight for

all that we work for

and all that we pray for

is hidden

in these six psychological needs

this is very powerful

write this down please

nothing physical

this is a sad news but it's also a

deliverance for someone now nothing

physical or material in itself can ever

give you fulfillment

nothing physical or material in itself

can ever give you fulfillment

what a deliverance what a deliverance

what a deliverance that nothing physical

or nothing material in itself can ever

give you fulfillment

back to my illustration when i started


remember the young boy remember the

married man remember the career person

remember the old man

no wonder in spite of their various

levels of achievements

one thing that still remains in their

life is the need for fulfillment as a

young boy as a student as a graduate as

a married man as a father as a

grandfather as a career person as an

expert as a poor person as a millionaire

as a billionaire as an enlightened

person as a successful man of god the

same thread runs to all of these people

a craving that many do not understand so

watch this

we invented various ways

of trying to fulfill this craving i can

tell you that is the principal cause of

frustration in today's world

is god speaking to someone

the principal cause

of frustration
many people live lives that are

frustrated today

and you will ask them what they are

looking for and they cannot really

articulate what is driving them what are

they looking for

they think they are looking for a car

they think they are looking for a house

or a bigger house they think they are

looking for a husband or a wife they

think they are looking for twins or

triplets please listen very carefully

believe me when i tell you nothing

physical and nothing material has been

authorized by god to give anybody

fulfillment none of it has the power to

give you fulfillment wow

not your certificate

not your marriage

not your children

not the cars you buy

not the titles don't get me wrong i'm

not saying these things are not useful

but i'm interpreting for you the thing

you are really looking for you think it

is a car that you are looking for i'm

giving you an advance notice you will

find that car and only rejoice for a

very short time that's why we enjoy

things that are new and then they stop

giving us fulfillment

remember when you bought the suv

you smiled and gave god glory danced

around it and snapped it it's in your

house but you wanted it to be within

your sight

four months later on is not fixed and

you don't care what changed

you found out that it did not have the

ability you thought it deceived you

jesus you're the cop that won't run dry

treasure of my heart and of my soul

in my weakness you are merciful


redeemer of my past and present wrong


you're the holder of my future days to


this is very powerful

for who is like you lord


man of god

i know you think what you are looking

for is more members you are sincere but

that is not what you are looking for

what seek us now

my dear sister i know you are trusting

god to have children it is your

obsession and it is your prayer lord if

only you will give me children and take

away this shame

you are sincere but let me announce to

you in advance that is truly not what

you are looking for you are only looking

for it because you suspect there is

something in it i am going behind your

physical desires to tell you what you

are really looking for

can i tell you

not knowing this

is the reason why respectfully speaking

many homes are broken and scattered

the man is saying i hate you every time

you fight anybody in your life let me

tell you what you are fighting i don't

care what is the subject matter what you

are really fighting is a violation of

these things

you hate people to the degree to which

they violate your agenda to having one

or more of these six so when the woman

looks at the man and says you are a

stupid man

i regret marrying you a devil from the

pit of hell

shift all that english what is she

saying you have robbed me of an

opportunity to feel secured

you have robbed me of an opportunity to

feel significant you have robbed me of

an opportunity to feel accepted you have


unlimited growth in my life it is a all

of our english is just a way of trying

to express this cry

when a man of god is frustrated and say

lord anoint me what is he saying lord

give me what will take away shame from

my life he's saying now he thinks he's

just one soul saved and he's right

but why does he need the anointing that

he will lock up himself for 40 days

what does the anointing do to him he

knows that when the anointing is there

the sick will be healed

oppressed people will be delivered and

inevitably the lord himself will

increase his

influence so he would have significance

he would have acceptance are you seeing


when you buy a car why do you rejoice i

will tell you you are too smart to

rejoice over a metal it is not the metal

that is giving you joy you think it is

the car that is giving you joy that car

is spelling something to your psychology

significance that car may make a group

now finally accept you what you are

really looking for is not a car i bring

you an interpretation so that will find

rest from this endless mundane pursuit

most people don't know what they are

looking for remember what seekers now

because the professor finds out that

he's still frustrated like the one who

just has ssc

the married man is still frustrated as

the unmarried man the barren woman is

still frustrated as the person with

eight children the bologna is still

frustrated as the one whose business has

died so what are you really

looking for

nigeria lost

at the stadium

now i'm not i'm not a footballer i'm a

patriotic citizen

why did people get angry

people cried like they lost loved ones

what did they really lose

yes thank god for all of the name

but to you what haught you so bad that

you lost your appetite was it really the

ball do you like a round object that


you were hoping

that that result will help to give you a

little dopamine feeling that you are in

an environment that works

and since it did not happen it

reinforced again the fact that you might

truly be a failure

when people are getting married why do

they cry that they don't have money is

money a condition

really for marriage everything is in

place no kick no suit and they are

crying the priest is there your parents

are there why are you really crying i

will tell you because that is a moment

in a lifetime where you can rub off your

significance and force anybody who has

looked down on you to know that this is

a day that is exclusively to me and now

finances wants to bust your tire and you

are angry and say no the devil is a liar

it will lead you to pray it will lead

you to fast

if you receive a transfer of hundred

million naira

now listen listen

say amen

why did you say amen


if i had said if you saw a seed

of one million naira you will not fight

me because sowing is spiritual but you

will not say amen for that kind of

prayer especially if you know you really

have that kind of money unless god

turns it into an instruction and says

you should give that money true true

now but i said you would receive a

hundred million naira now watch this

let's examine it what is a hundred

million naira

a figure written

online that you can read or a piece of

paper no they represent something

that seemed to draw a line through this

psychological needs from security to

variety to acceptance are we together to

significance that is why you really want

the money

when you get a good job why do you

suddenly the person you were saying yes

sir you don't feel a need to say yes sir

again and you are not afraid what


we use different terminologies in our

world level has changed you are from

you know all those kinds of things you

know it but i'm telling you that listen

that's what you are looking for

why are you angry when people forget

your bad day

did they kill you

did they blackmail you so why are you


over something that happens in just 24

hours why do you take it personal that

after 10 years you are still angry and

you transfer that anger to the children

this thing is very serious because there

are many of us who they gave back to us

in the midst of two people's heads being

joined together you don't even know the

story you just know that you arrived and

met fire from both sides

what is the cause of this hatred between


father my family and you don't know

and trace all of that trouble

it is one of these six things

i will never forgive you till jesus


what you are trying to say is you did


that gave me a perception

that was against my desire

for any of these six things now

when you look at me and you see a person

you're a good man i like you what are

you saying
you are saying either through your life

or through your teachings you have been

able to help me achieve this goal of

being and feeling secured creating a

variety in my life sometimes i'm

preaching and i'm very serious and yet

you laugh why are you laughing that one

minute of variety adds spice to the

thing while i'm still serious and

shouting here you are laughing because

you are enjoying what i'm saying



the worship team

they come and stand here and it is true

that they are singing a song about jesus

salvation the cross

and still

they will have to package that song

using variety if they sang what they

sang week before last

next week

by the other week they are singing it

even them don't know it's not blessing

you again even if the whole song is

jesus jesus lamb of god you died for me

it will still not bless you because

there was no variety in it

why do you invite so many music

ministers when is the same person they

are all talking about

you want them to talk about that person

in as many ways

biologists and nutritionists will tell



this food has vitamin c

this one has vitamin c and yet all your

body needs is vitamin c but you will

want to carry the various forms of it

you will not eat orange alone all the

days of your life

and you want to add something else even

though what your body needs is just the

vitamin c for instance you will still

want it to come in another expression

listen to me

let me repeat something i said

that nothing physical

and nothing material in itself can

and will ever give you fulfillment i i

assure you on this

it is the reason why we seem to make it

and yet become frustrated you would

think a man of god having a large

membership and having the power and the

anointing of god and a great grace for

revelation should never have any concern

in his life again unfortunately that is

not so you will think a billionaire and

a millionaire should never have any

concern in his life again unfortunately

that is not so

what sickest

down please look at me

my brother

it is not a car you are looking for

give yourself rest

it is not twins or triplets you're

looking for give yourself rest

it is not another job you are really

looking for

give yourself rest

i can tell you what you are looking for

is a craving for security

what you are looking for is a craving

for dynamism and variety what you are

looking for is a craving


significance and acknowledgement

what you are looking for is a craving

for acceptance and love what you are

looking for is a craving for growth

an increase in advancement

what you are looking for

is an honest opportunity for your life

to at least count

write this down

all physical things that we seek

all physical things that we seek

are only expressions

and conveyors

of a deeper

spiritual and psychological longing i'll

take it again

all physical things

that we seek

are only


and conveyors

of a deeper


and psychological longing

through that car you hope to find

something else

through that marriage you hope to find

something else through the increase you

hope to find something else through the

anointing you hope to find something

else through the political position you

hope to find something else do you know

why i'm helping you

i'm helping you with this teaching so


as you seek to have physical things

around you you will have it at the back

of your mind that nothing in itself that

i have
or ever have will give me what i'm truly

looking for so you can enjoy the

physical blessings by having this


that if it is fulfillment i am looking

for these are not the things that you

give it to me that way you can become

wealthy and wise you can become

exceptional and wise why your wisdom

comes in knowing that none of these

things in themselves

can give me fulfillment

then you start looking for what will

really give you security in a deeper way

what will really give you variety in a

deeper way what will really give you

acceptance in a deeper way look up

please can i tell you this

if you don't answer this question and

trust god to help you

as a husband you will find yourself

beating your wife every day and if they

ask you why are you really beating this

woman you will say she does not cook

well if they probe you you too will say

honestly i don't know why i will tell

you you are you are hurting somebody

because of something you are looking for

and because that is the obvious

scapegoat around you you will land it on

the person using the guise of any story

same thing with wife you can turn and

say my husband is not responsible and

then after you cry and you are done they

say what are you really looking for and

you say i don't know i can tell you what

you are looking for you are looking for

what money cannot give

you are looking for what marriage cannot


you are looking for what employment

cannot give you are looking for what

entrepreneurship cannot give you are

looking for what a designer cannot give

you are looking for what travels across

the globe cannot give

genesis 37 and verse 15. please give it

to us

and a certain man

found you

rigma rolling around life

and a certain man found you with a pile

of enemies on your blacklist and they

say what is all this about

and he said what

are you really looking for

why do you have enemies everywhere you

go from this company you had enemies

from that company you have enemies look

at the kind of person i am i don't allow

anybody insult me what are you really


i have a problem

and i'm here to deal with it so the

obvious is to blame anybody i can blame

can i tell you when you have a problem

with too many people the problem is you

because you interpret life from the lens

of your own limitation

when you have a problem in lagos abuja

london kaduna uk the problem is you

nothing physical

i remember a story of a man whose car

got burned

and the man killed himself

i wonder what you will find out where

you will find out how foolish he was

by killing himself

because the car got burnt now i don't

mean to insult you let me tell you why

the man killed himself because

that car burning seemed to have an

impact on his mind based on the

awareness that my self-worth is tied to

this reality and now that that car has

gone what will my family people think of


can i tell you this if you understand

this message i am teaching you it will

bring you permanent deliverance

you will strive to be successful but you

will know that there is something

greater than success

so you will not postpone your joy till

the day you build the mansion you will

start rejoicing today if they ask you

why you will say i know

that even my 10 years

is not what will give me joy and

fulfillment no

the narrative that most people have and

i say this respectfully the narrative

that most people have especially in

africa unfortunately it's a narrative

that has been sold by social media is

that the moment you have money

remember the one million thing i said

god bless you and you shouted amen

the moment you have money especially

lots of it

your respect

your esteem

everything you have photos of people

with all kinds of priority vehicles

they're around wearing designers the

latest this and there is a craving in

you i must get it anyhow

let me give you an advice before time

there was one who already got it before

you hear what that person said vanity

upon vanity

now you have to understand the person

who the bible says was speaking the

bible did not call him a businessman the

bible called him a preacher

he's saying where you are hoping to get

to i have already gotten there i can

tell you there is nothing there in


this is not a call to a life of

mediocrity and carelessness

it would challenge you to aspire to get

your dreams and your goals but let me

tell you sincerely

as you seek to become all that god has

created you to be i give you an advice

because the world of of the great is

very deceptive

they arrive there and then they sit

and they check to see if that craving

has been satisfied and they find out


that like a drug

who that will satisfy you for a short

time and you are back to yourself that's

why they get angry so all my labor of

doing this and building that i taught

you to give me that sense of

significance and yet it does not give

you anything

what then

satisfies these cravings

if a car cannot really do it

if a house cannot really do it

all of those things carry with

themselves little expressions

we we call them feelings

it's a word that we have invented to

help us relate with the kind of energy

or that that sense of pleasantness that

is derived as a way

of checking one of these six lists


i give you a car key

you rejoice because something comes out

from that car

a feeling that i am successful a feeling

that i am not a failure and when that

feeling comes that's it

one day you will be tired of the same

car you once rejoiced about one day you

will be tired of the same phone you are

now holding and rejoicing about one day

you will be tired of the same hair you

are wearing now that gave you joy one

day you will be tired can you imagine

remember during the inaugural service

here in koinonia remember how we rejoice

over this beautiful place the excellence

the ambiance now we are tired of it and

we are trusting god to go to another


i visited redeemed and i saw the one

kilometer by one kilometer that was


and i thought to myself what was in

baba's heart

when this came then they got fed up and

tired of it then they moved to three


by three kilometer

a father and the lord bishop david where

they got they are building the ark now

remember for a long time he celebrated

the 50 000 capacity sitter

and one day

that thing again

he said let's go for the act i can

assure you by the god of heaven

if christ harris accept age and other


but if christ tarries usually and every

time he blesses people he will tell you

that there is even a greater one coming

why am i teaching you this

because i want you to be both successful

and fulfilled let's define fulfillment


that it is the satisfaction

and the joy that is derived

from knowing that you have lived your

life effectively

serving the purposes of the kingdom and

being a blessing to humanity i've had

the honor and the privilege by the grace

of god

to be around

people who

were diagnosed with terminal diseases or

people who were they literally knew that

they were on their way going i've had

the honor of praying with them i've had

some healed miraculously but in all

fairness there are others that

i prayed and i knew that probably these

people their time was up and at that

time listen carefully we have to borrow

the mindset of a dying man to understand

what fulfillment is about

once you are not a dying man you cannot

really comprehend the wisdom behind

seeking fulfillment you have to borrow

the thinking the last minute of a man

who is alive who is transiting the earth

there is something about that wisdom you

must capture and that is what will help

us tonight

what does a dying man

look for

imagine don't be afraid just imagine

that god told you right now

that by 12

midnight today

okay you will be afraid of going to

heaven but he's coming in any case

whether you are going or he's coming you

people must meet

because i don't want you to say i'm

confessing negatively you know believe

us some the way we think sometimes

but realistically imagine that the lord

told you today

that joshua salman

by 11 55

you are going home question

i know you have investments around the


i know you have all kinds of things i

know you plan to travel next week

i know you even plan to do a lot of

things there there's a tv

interview somewhere

but what will become your

point of focus

with that knowledge just one information

was passed to you

that you have three more hours in this


and that's it

three more hours

wrap up whatever you have to do you have

three hours no prayer will change it

three hours

you are not sickle and it's not going to

be accident you will not be anything

once it's time god knows the many ways

you will pick you so that you don't fear

but you just have three hours

think for a moment what are you going to


remember your home your hometown is more

than three hours so don't even think of

running there think of something wiser

that you would do

three hours

i'm about to share something else with

you and then we'll pray that's why i'm

asking you this question

do you know i will tell you this

i can give you an idea of what will

happen to you

in that moment

i give you a guarantee

nothing else matters

nothing else counts

i'm in the presence


of my maker


when you are right there

you may think of your businesses

you may think of your investments

you may think of your certificates

you may think of your wife you may think

of your husband you may think of your

parents you may think of your children

you may think of your future and your

goals your plans your house under

construction you may think of the person

owing you

and the police case that is still

pending you will think of all of these


and yet you will be surprised that none

of them at that point will be able to

bring you satisfaction

listen carefully

there is only one thing you will be

looking for at that point when you stand

with the consciousness

that i have only three hours

to live

in this life

there is only one thing

you will look for it is called


write it down

john 14

27 the peace of god

please write it down

everybody write it down


when trouble blows

jehovah sees

jehovah knows

he's my peace

jehovah sees


do you know


three hours to end your life

and yet

it is not another degree you

want it is not another political office

you want

three hours it is timing by now it will

be less than the three hours

it is not whether you like it or not

non-negotiable three hours then you will

now have the wisdom to look for what you

would have spent your entire life really

looking for

the thing you are looking for at the

point of death is what you should find

first in your life

and have the privilege of enjoying it

because i will tell you

in that security

in that variety

in that significance

in that acceptance

in that sense of growth

in that sense of achievement

all of them are various ways of saying

the same thing this is one thing you are

looking for


how come you only find it when you are

hours to the end of your life

whereas that is really

what you need even from the start of

your life

and can you imagine that it is available

even before you find any of these things

that you can have it without a car

you can have it without a child

you can have it without a church and yet

we ignore it but when you are about to

go when every other thing fades you find

out that is the real thing

so when

i crave for security what i am really

looking for is peace

when i crave for variety what i'm really

looking for is peace

when i crave for significance

what i'm really looking for is peace

when i crave for acceptance

running away from trouble what i'm

really looking for is peace

when i crave for growth

what i'm really looking for is peace

i know you won't believe it if i tell

you the reason why you are running

around with your cv is that you are

looking for peace you will say apostle

you are wrong i'm looking for a job

you are right in your lifetime

but back to my story few minutes to the

end of your life you would discover that

what you were really looking for was not

a job

that what you are looking for is not

a travel abroad or a second citizenship

when it's all been said and done

there is just one thing that matters

did i leave my life

to live for truth

then i live my life for you

when it's all been said and done

all my treasures will mean nothing

only what i've done for love's reward

will stand the test

of time

lord your mercy is so great

that you look beyond our weakness

and find precious gold in married clay

turning sinner

and i will always sing your praise

here on earth and never after

for you've shown me haven't my true home

when it's all been said

and done

you're my life

when life

john 14

and verse 27

listen to what jesus the wise has to

tell you

dear one who has been given the gift of

life peace

i live with you

my peace

i give to you

not as the world give it

give i unto you he said let not your

heart be troubled

neither let it be afraid i have given

you something the fear that comes as a

result of lack of a job

i don't mean to get you emotional

but everybody who died in the train

that was headed to kaduna by the time

they left abuja they had plans

when they woke up that morning they said

i will return back in the evening and

when i return

honey i'm rushing down to cardona to do

something quickly i just want to check

my building and they did not know

that they had three hours


i know you may not see the wisdom in

what i'm teaching you today i'm not

saying you would die

but i'm giving you wisdom

that is greater than investment


can i tell you this

it is a waste of time to suspend your

pursuit for peace until you find a house

it is a waste of time to suspend your

pursuit for peace until you have

children it is a waste of time to

suspend your pursuit for peace until you

have money

none of those things have the power to

give you peace i can tell you

they may carry with them expressions of

conveniences that may minister security

may minister variety but security


love and acceptance

growth and advancement impact and

contribution as psychological ways of

looking for the same thing


jesus said i've given it to you

i don't give you when you finish your

degree i don't give you when you finish

your masters i don't give you when you

finish your phd i don't give you when

you become a professor i don't give you

when you are 60 years right where you

are before you even start your journey

you can carry the peace of god when you

find a house it's just an added

advantage what peace is there even if

the house goes your peace remain

as god grants you children you are

celebrating the children and dancing but

not without your peace can i tell you no

matter what you lose you did not lose if

what you have left is peace

but no matter what you gain hear me you

really lost if you lost your peace on

the way

many of you stand with that gift of

peace you throw it away to look for a

wife you throw it away to look for a

husband you throw it away to look for a

job you throw it away to look for

ministry increase at the end of it watch

what you have


a name

a private jet

money in your account in various

currencies a political position titles


no peace

where did you keep it

and you find out that you left it

in 1980

you threw it when you began your journey

looking for other things

and at the end of your life you will say

house give me fulfillment and house is

not my assignment


give me fulfillment it is not my

assignment all of them will say my

assignment is only to give you success

once we help you to become successful

our mission is finishing your life what

then gives me fulfillment peace

hear me the only thing that can give you

fulfillment in your life

is the peace that comes with knowing

that you have lived your life


serving the purposes of god

and being a blessing to humanity

philippians chapter 4 and verse 7

philippians chapter 4 and verse 7

and the peace of god

which surpasses all understanding it

says shall keep your heart and your mind

when you read the preceding verse verse

6 it says be anxious for nothing


anxiety nigeria please look at me

there is such anxiety right now i want

to make it

i want to make sure that things work and

i assure you by god god is more

interested in your success than you are

even interested the god that we serve is

more determined


that we have been given a wrong

narrative that things give success and

they also give fulfillment i am here to

tell you by the authority of scripture

and the wisdom of those who have gone

before us that the limit of everything

you ever have in your life is the realm

of success when you pass the realm of

success only one thing is qualified to

pass with you your peace

and if you throw it away looking for the

other tokens of success a root shock

will be waiting for you at the end where

that line is drawn

my peace

i give to you let me tell you this and i

submit to you by the god of heaven

i thank god for everything that he has

done in my life

and i thank god for all of you

and our global family who have

contributed to helping this life

attain some level and some measure of


but i thank god because i learned early

ministry is powerful it reveals jesus

but on his own as an art or an

occupation does not give you peace

i can tell you

traveling around the world i don't care

whether you go with first class business

class private jet it will not give you


the same weather will shake every plane

it doesn't matter where you are seated

the plane is the the space in a first


business class economy if if the weather

shakes it
the whole plane will shake

if that plane crashes everybody there

will crash

now i'm tempted to sing it again there

are thrones

there are kingdoms

there there are mountains and there are


only yeshua

will reign forever

to his kingdom there'll be no air one

more time


there are




please write this down

aside from your relationship with jesus


aside from your family

and aside from

your assignment nothing else is a do or

die affair

write it down

aside from your relationship with jesus

aside from your family

and aside from your assignment

absolutely nothing else is a do or die


listen carefully listen carefully don't

be distracted

aside from your relationship with jesus

aside from your family

aside from your assignment there is

absolutely nothing else in this life

that is a do or die affair

why are you allowing the issue of the

job to kill you

are you that cheap

to give you the power to kill you why

are you allowing the fact that you were

not recognized in an occasion

this thing happened january until now

you have developed you are almost sick


your ego was tongue so

those who left who today

have gone to be with the lord

i imagine them sitting respectfully some

of them are your loved ones i don't mean

to get too emotional but when they sat

in that train

as it started they didn't know the clock

2 started

the same way you are seated here

i'm not trying to be a bearer of bad

news but you are closer today than you

were in the morning

i don't care how long the time is

just know

that when you woke up this morning

you are closer to that moment

believe it cast it say in jesus name i

don't agree save journey i can assure

you by the god of heaven

by the time you wake up tomorrow morning

among the many things that you remember

remember it is minus one day

to that moment

so when you are fighting and dragging

for your ego let wisdom stand in between

to separate you and say there is no time

for this

remember what you should not lose

lose the business but don't lose peace

lose whatever but don't lose peace

remember the wisdom of a dying man

money will not do you much at that time

it does not give fulfillment


as you begin your journey and as you

explore everything you are trying to

explore look up please

there is a kind of desperation many of

you are giving life that will end up

hurting you is an unnecessary

there are the things that matter

the chiefest among them is peace

tie it around you

no matter what happens refuse to let

your peace go

and at the end of your life

you will find out that peace brought you


you will find out that peace brought you


but you will wave them at the gates of


and peace will escort you gallantly into

the realm where only few ever get to is

called the realm of fulfillment you will

stand there with joy knowing you have

lived your life effectively

serving the purposes of the kingdom

and whether he comes to meet you or you

go to meet him you can wave at goodbye

with joy because it's the same peace

that goes with you jesus said my peace

africa hear me

it may look like we've lost everything

nigeria i know the cost of fuel the cost

of diesel i know that terrorism is

everywhere people have lost their homes

people have loved their loved ones and

if i ask you what do you have left i

know you will say nothing let me show

you that in all that you lost you really

did not lose anything because there is

something satan wants to take my message

is to help you to protect it with all

you've had

i may lose my family members

but i have peace

i may not have gotten the job yet

but i have peace

i may not have had ministry expansion

yet but i have peace the gifts of the

spirit may not yet be at work in my life

as a preacher but i have peace someone

shall peace

so listen to me


and psychologists

call it security

and you need to be secured

they call it variety

or dynamism

they call it


your pedigree

they call it love and acceptance that

that craving to be handed a right hand

of fellowship into circles and spheres

they call it growth

and achievement
they call it impact and contribution the

master only calls it one word



when god blesses me with a house

or when god blesses me with whatever

life can offer i enjoy it and i thank

god for it but at the back of my mind i

remind myself that none of these things

these things are expressions of the

mercy and grace of god consolations to

my effective living but never the basis

for it that the reason why my life is

effective is not because of these things

the reason why my life is effective

is that i will at the end of my life

have the peace that comes with knowing

that i spent my life effectively

serving the purposes of the kingdom

and being a blessing to humanity

listen to me


very soon

or later

you will have the opportunity

to stand

before the coughing of someone you know

someone related to you

i pray not you

at least not soon

but you will have a cause to stand

every time you stand there let it remind

you of the message of this preacher

that money

does not give fulfillment

money can create an environment that

gives you efficiency

and redeems time

i do not downplay these things i have

taught you and will continue to teach

you the principles of the kingdom but

there are many people today who have


but no car they will tell you i am a


they have peace but no house they will

tell you i'm a failure they have peace

but they've not gone abroad they will

say i am a failure so says the narrative

of ignorant people come to the world of

wisdom and god tells you no matter what

you have

if peace is the foundation you have

something no matter what you have if you

lost your peace on the way you have


you will keep submitting your prayer


even before the end of the service i'm

going to pray for you and declare that

all the things that need to happen in

your life for all these six things to

happen will happen and provide that you

are engaging the word of god remember my

teaching last week the power of god and

the wisdom of god inevitably you will

have results in your life


please hear me

i have told you here in calinonia i

stand before the god of heaven and i'm

speaking to the whole world

and let me tell you sincerely

you see this walk


i love you passionately with my heart

and for as long as god grabs me breath i

will keep driving and driving to give my

very best

but perhaps i can shut down calino this


if god says so and believe me i will go

and rest the restfulness of a successful


because my success

is not derived in these things

man of god give yourself rest

this headache and high blood pressure

there are people in their 20s their high

blood pressure is as if they are cooking

something inside them and their pressure

is rising and going down you ask them

why they say life i must make it

this must make it is killing people

is good to be excellent to excel

but let us be careful

this is a word of caution

of reading many books there is no end

and much studies awareness to the flesh

here the conclusion of the matter fear

god and keep his commands for this is

the whole duty

of man


if you don't win election don't kill

yourself i'm saying it in advance

don't kill yourself it is not a

do-or-die affair when politics becomes a

do or die affair you will do demonic

things for it

business people is good to prosper but

while you are in that transition

building wealth be patient and find


you can still smile even when your

account is red

my sister i know you are still trusting

god for the child let the naysayers kept

saying are you a man or a woman don't

mind them god will soon answer them in

grand style but in the interim do not

stab yourself from sleep and say oh god

when will you visit me no his peace is

him with you he's called the prince of


are you learning

most times people see the enormous work

that god is doing and you know they feel

that apostle you must be thinking your

head is going left right and center i

said me you are joking you don't know me

i'm busy but i'm not busy doing many



i plan to live a successful and an

effective life


give yourself rest

the real estate company will come

but not by worrying

we're wrapping up

matthew chapter 6.

only yeshua

will reign forever

to your kingdom

there'll be no end


let's begin our reading from verse 25.

everybody please pay attention

i'm about to speak over your life

therefore i say unto you

believers who love jesus

take no thought for your life he's not

saying don't be careless he's not saying

don't be intentional he's not saying be

irresponsible that's not what he's

saying what you shall eat

or what he shall drink or yet for your

body what you shall put on look up

please is not the life more than meat

and the body than raiment

next verse


the fowls of the air for they so not

neither do they reap

nor gather into burns yet your heavenly

father feeded them

are they not more are you not much

better than day


which of you by taking thought look at

this now

the word is worrying

which of you by worrying can add one


to his business

one cubit
worry does not add anything

it only takes away everything

worry is a devorah it will come and take

what is there that you do not know is


you may not have anything but god has

given you health and if you allow worry

worry would take the health that is


you may not have anything but god has

given you quality relationships worry

would take away the relationships and

leave you worse than you are


it says why worry or take a thought for

the raymond

consider the lilies of the field the

bible says how they grow

they toil not neither do they spin next


yet i say unto you that not even solomon

in all his glory is arrayed like one of

these thirty

wherefore if god so clothed the grass of

the field which is today and tomorrow is

cast into the oven shall he not much

more clothe you oh ye of little faith 31

please look up it says therefore take no

thought saying what shall we eat or what

shall we drink or where without shall we

be clothed 32 it says after these things

do the gentiles seek remember our

teaching now what are you seeking the

gentiles seek for these things because

they think in them this is the reason

why most people even when they find them

they are afraid of their results and

they want more

the reason why most people may never be

contented in life is because they want

more than money they feel that by the

time i have all of it

then i'll be satisfied one billion they

are still looking for it and it is not

that there is an assignment tied to it

can i tell you the only thing that

should necessitate your continually

wanting to attract more money

is the building of the lost house

and kingdom assignment no matter how

greedy you are if it is for your

personal comfort there is an exact

arithmetic limit of money that when you

have as a christian you can live as

lavish as you want to live you will

still not exhaust it

if you want more kingdom come must be

the basis for it but if it's just to

fuel your lust and to try to give you

security you are wasting your time


but seek first the kingdom

and his righteousness

and all these things

shall be added to you

please listen to me ladies and gentlemen

the lord gave me this word tonight

because i believe with all my heart that

someone hears someone watching

you are about to kill yourself

you are about to commit suicide because

you think you are a failure

there are others you are not committing


by carrying knife to cut yourself

but your worry is already reducing your

lifespan every day


don't look at the joshua sermons

traveling around and every poster

carrying their faces and allow the devil

lie to you and say you are not doing

anything and you now say look why is it

that people are not placing a demand on

me and you get into a lot of nonsense

that is not in the blueprint of your

prophetic destiny because you are trying

to match up with a narrative that has

been given can i tell you

after service here

many of you are going to go home you

will see many wonderful people enter

their beautiful cast and drive past you

and you may not have a car yet or the

kind of car you would want to be proud

of chances are excellent that in the

presence of all that the wonderful cars

are passing

you may feel angry and start insulting


weaken people they stole our


manage your anger with wisdom it is not

them that is your problem there is a

battle that has no business to do with

that car it is a craving in you to


god already calls you a success

the fact that you can have his peace

is is great success so every other thing

that comes it should only be an added


and not the basis for your joy

i can tell you the truth i am more

comfortable today

than i was 10 years ago than i was 20

years ago but believe me i stand before

the god of heaven

nothing added to my life today has made

me happier now

i know you won't believe it but it is


i found out

that no matter how many beds i have in

my house

all of me only lies down on one side not

even the whole bed

whether it's rectangular or whatever it

is one side there will always be an

empty side

you sit down on the many chairs you have

no matter your size it will be one chair

at a time

you can cut one of your leg and put in

one jeep cut one and put in another one

all of you can only enter one look at me

no matter how greedy you are your hand

will only hold one spoon at a time

even if you eat with the serving spoon

it's still one

that one

i will never teach you mediocrity

but again

i love you too much to allow you

have a miserable quest for things

that will cost you your eternal destiny

and will cost you your peace

anything that wants to take your peace

is not worth it i repeat

anything that wants to begin with your

peace is not worth it

whether politics whatever it is no

parents some of you have children that

are extremely stubborn and are giving

you headache and right now

your concern is not the rehabilitation

of the children your concern is your ego

and your reputation so that you are not

perceived as having lived a failed life

can i encourage you by the grace of god

ignore the naysayers find peace

god knows you have done your best as a


even judas was part of the ones that

jesus walked with and even jesus if you

rated him based on judas you would say

jesus failed

some of you here you've been downsized

you lost your job when you started this

year god spoke so powerfully about the


and by now you've lost your job you are

just sitting down here saying apostle i

don't even know

among the many things you should not

tell yourself is never tell yourself

you're a failure simply because where

you get up and go to every six to five

decided to send you away and you carry

this treasure that you are called

and say you are a failure simply because

nothing around your life

actually makes you a success or a


it is a definition of your perception

especially when it has to do with


if we don't teach this let me tell you

you see this thing called ritual killing

it's only at its infancy you will start

seeing people do unbelievable things

because society has defined a narrative

if i am 25 years old and i cannot buy a

jeep and stay in a mansion i'm a failure

if we sell that narrative let me tell

you the generation coming will surprise

us you will see witchcraft at levels you

have never seen before because the

obsession to show

preach us we have to be careful

respectfully speaking the reason why you

see many people getting under pressure

especially younger ministers going

everywhere to receive laying on of hands

going to one do all kinds of demonic

things do you know why because we have

sold a narrative if there is a crowd

here down to the basement overflow there

are posters everywhere there's the

protocol walking with you apostle joshua

salman you are so successful and a young

man will be watching and saying my life

must be like this i give myself until

now to september and god is saying son

you have peace be patient i'm walking on

you and you say no my colleagues have

gone be careful with this collecting

my colleagues have gone ahead of me they

now have houses i am here your destiny

is not the same god is building and

making something out of you

can i tell you let me give you a kind

advice if you are part of social media

groups that sell some of this nonsense

to you and they start torturing your


how do you can you go out of that thing

go out of it immediately

it's not by force

give yourself peace

don't look at your cloth and say my own

clothes is 500 naira until i start

buying clothes of one million who told

you that show me the verse and the


again i will repeat

i'm not teaching you mediocrity i'm

showing you the pathway to genuine

fulfillment can i tell you

little with peace is much

you don't know the word of peace until

your days are wrapping up

when you are not somebody who has the


limited you may not see how expensive

peace is

i found a reason


i sing

i found a reason

why i sing

i found a reason


i sing

i found a reason



jesus the reason


i sing


jesus the reason


jesus the reason


i sing

jesus the reason


i sing

peace is the reason


i sing

peace is the reason


i sing

peace is the reason


i sing

peace is the reason

why i

know the reason


i say


i know the reason


i sing

i know the reason


i sing

i know the reason

why i am
and i will be still

and know you


my soul be still

all you


when the oceans roar


thunders roar

i will soar with you

above the clouds

father you

my soul beastie


at the end of your life

there are only two things you will be

remembered for

the problems you caused

are the ones you solved

let me repeat it

at the end of your life

there are only two things that you will

be remembered for


the problems you caused

the joy you took out of lives

the mockery

the heads of people you join together

the pain you brought for people or

the fact that you stretched yourself

and did your very best

maybe you did not do everything

but that you did something

i made up my mind

it is not my goal to do everything and

solve everybody's problem in this life

that's a futile venture

but i made up my mind that for as long

as i have breath

i will do the best that i can

to help anyone

and everyone

who can experience jesus in and through

my life

i will do my best

as i travel to the nations and do

everything i need to do

i do it because i love jesus

i do it because i love you however

it is a revelation that i have given


that while i do the many things that i


i will guard the peace of god jealously

it is the one asset i have

not the building

not the clothes

none of those things

you are going to pray we have two prayer

points this night

and then i make an altar call

the first prayer point

listen carefully

the first prayer point

is going to be an answer to genesis 37


wallowing around the field




i tell you what you are going to tell

the lord you are looking for


i confess that i need the cars

and the houses i need the promotion the

visas i confess that i need the

political positions but there is one

thing i'm asking you that above and

beyond these things you give me let me

find fulfillment fulfillment is what i

am really looking for lift your voice

and pray

pray for the grace and the wisdom for

fulfillment more than results and more

than success cry from the depth of your

heart coinonia




please pray




is someone praying

you are the thirst

you are the stream

you are the hunger living deep inside of


you are the food

that satisfies

you are

provision for the journey

of my


life you

are everything

keep praying fulfillment


are everything

you are the thirst

you are the street


you are the hunger leaving deep inside

of me

you are the food

that satisfies

you are
provision for the journey of my life



are everything





pray for fulfillment

at the end of my life

let it not be that i just bought cars

acquired degrees

gave birth to children

made a name

became a veteran politician

became a veteran in the military became

a respected name

became a great man of god with a great



now give me fulfillment oh god the gift

of fulfillment

garnish my destiny

garnish my achievements garnish my

results and my success

with fulfillment the satisfaction

that lives in me


that i am

and would have lived my life effectively

serving the purposes of the kingdom and

being a blessing to humanity

don't be tired praying

you are the thirst

you are the stream


you are the hungry

inside of me


you are the fool


that satisfies


the journey of my life


someone pray

fulfillment oh god

save me from the folly of living a

profitless life just pursuing things at

the expense of a fulfilled life

pursuing names

pursuing titles

at the expense of my peace

no physical thing

no material thing no matter how great

believe me sustain the power to give you


at best

they can be expressions of success

around you and they are important and

god will give you

but none of them can pass the gate of





last prayer point

last prayer point


if all i was talking about was

peace then why did i go the route of


and variety



and love and acceptance

and growth do you know why


even though peace is the highest and the

greatest in truth from a psychological


these are the things that must happen to


listen to me

many of you are depressed today in your

life because you are craving for


many of you

are depressed in your life because you

are craving for variety

many of you

you fight with everybody

because you are closely guarding your

fragile ego

you may not admit it

but that is the reason why you are

enemies to anyone you can't make friends

with people for two weeks you must fight

because you should call me apostle

joshua salman and you said joshua salman

do you know who i am

i interpret for you what you are looking


you are trying to say it took me a lot

to piece together this my ego

don't trip your lies and deflate it

through this honor

love and acceptance there are ladies


respectfully speaking who will say yes

to anything and anyone

provided they they get a sense of


whether the man has 30 wives they will

say yes provide that he will say i love



there are people who want to grow they

will cut corners corners and do anything

our world of fake life and fake living

is because people are looking for growth

stand behind somebody's car and snap and

say it's your car

there are drivers that have snapped in

front of houses of their bosses

i'm not i'm not demeaning what they are

doing what i'm saying they just stood

there snapped

how many people tell lies

respectfully speaking social media

people tell lies

full of lies and nonsense unnecessary


because most people want to at least

feel like they are growing

past us what of the membership we


you can have members as small as part of

this auditorium

and say i had 50 000 people attend the


and 10 000 people were healed 100 people

got up from the wheelchair

and nobody knows

now the lie is unnecessary

it may not be

as a result of insincerity but is that

passion to show we are growing

and finally

who does not want his life to count i do

you do

we all want to know that our lives count

you're going to pray and say father

everything it makes

for these six things to be represented

in my life i pray by your mercy make it

happen for me please go ahead and pray

haven't understood fulfillment

then god is not afraid to make you

successful go ahead and pray lord all

that it takes every physical expression

of security

of dynamism and variety

whatever will help

to enhance my sense of significance

whatever all god

will help to provide that platform for

love and acceptance

whatever will enhance

my perceiving that i am growing

the bible calls it the things that make

for life and godliness please pray from

your death the depth of your heart lord

do not withhold your hand from making it

available for some of you it will mean a

new house all the same

for some of you it will mean a new job

for some of you to mean a miracle of

children for some of you to mean god

granting you access to the nations

provide that you understand that none of

them in themselves give you fulfillment

then he can give you the privilege

of testing of that which makes for


by every standard

everyone that asked receive it lift your

voice and pray

now with this understanding you can ask

for a house

you can ask for a car you can ask for

relationships with this understanding

you can ask for a political position

because your self-worth is not tied to


there are expressions of success

but you know that above and beyond them

your peace is your greatest asset

ask that you will receive

so that your joy might be full someone

is asking

lord do not withhold your hand away from


let me have manifest in my life the

things that make for life and godliness

financial supplies manifestations of

favor open door increases of all kinds

in ministry in life in family in


send them oh god speedily to my life



let me pray for you now

you are the thirst

you are the stream

you are the hungry

inside of me

you are the food

that sun is fought

you are proficient

for the journey of my life


you are the first

you are the street

you are the hunger leaving deep inside

of me

you are the fool

that side satisfies

you are prohibition

for the journey

of my life





regardless the houses and the cars



regardless the positions and the titles


are everywhere

regardless the names and the


you are everything

now listen to me

you are standing here you came to church

you came to

receive and while

you heard me preach

especially when i said if you have three


to the end of your life

do you have that

peace i believe with all my heart that

someone listening to me

whilst i spoke

the holy ghost told you he's speaking to


listen to this preacher

he's probing into whether you have

thrown away your peace or not even

received it

now listen everybody

what i forgot to tell you

is that peace

is not a thing

is the name of a person he is




is more than a feeling


peace is the life of god

in you


you are here

and you need that peace

once you heard me teach

you said this is truly why god brought

me for some of you god has been walking

in you for weeks

maybe you've thrown away church thing

you're not serious


i'm not scaring you but i bring to your

remembrance again

the three-hour talk

that they were actual people not a


who left just about two weeks or a week


and they had plans just like you did

some of them sadly

left without peace

some of them today are rejoicing in a

place so beautiful and great

some of them are joining the cloud of

witnesses as they share these preachers

speaking and as saying as you hear his


if they had a chance to talk to you

they will not tell you hurry up with the


if they had a chance to talk to you some

being your loved ones they will say

listen to this preacher behind the

foolishness of what he's saying is

eternal wisdom

hear me

the prince of peace is calling you


young old rich poor male female

he's calling you and giving you a chance

i know you have a car

but you need peace

i know you have a house

i respect your pedigree and your

achievements you may be inside you may

be outside whether you are having this

peace for the first time or you threw it

away impossible for other things and

you're saying now i know this asset that

the world cannot take i'm going to count

just one two three because of our time

i'd like you to come and stand here and

let the prince of peace reintroduce you

to a kind of peace that is greater than

everything i begin my counting run



are you celebrating them

you are the thirst

you are the street

you are the hunger living



the journey

of my life


are everything

sing it one more time


we have one more minute for you come

there's still space for you

win that war tonight

he will give you houses beyond your


he will give you the things that money

can buy beyond your imagination but

above and beyond it hear me beloved


peace personified calls you

peace is not a senator peace is not a


peace is not a bank manager peace is not

a counselor peace is jesus

he calls you to himself and he gives you


some of you are crying please help that


listen to me

i can tell you

when you find peace

there is absolutely nothing

that can take away

that peace except you let it go

when you have a house plus peace you

have something worth clapping for

when you have a degree plus peace you

have something worth clapping for when

you have children in marriage plus peace

you have something worth clapping for

when you have achievements plus peace

you know why

because only the achievements can be


the peace cannot be taken

not by any system

not by any witchcraft ladies and

gentlemen i salute all of you who are

standing here before me thank you for

your courage and for those who are

following across the globe you are

probably listening in your office

in your home or a group just listening

and while the holy spirit is speaking to

these ones he's also speaking to you

probably you are listening to the

rebroadcast and the holy spirit is

telling you listen to this preacher it

is me speaking through him do not harden

your heart as you hear him speak it's an

opportunity he's given to you to make

your ways right and all the overflows

those who are standing

i want you to know that this is a

sincere don't just come out and

emotionally lift your hands recite a

poem and go back

guard and treasure these that you find

now for the rest of your life and

someday when we stand before jesus we

will hug and greet one another and said

the house remained on earth but the

peace brought you here

the degree remained on earth but the

peace brought you here if you ever leave

this head safely there is one lift that

takes you it is not your house it is not

your degrees it is peace

lift your right hand high above your


a symbol of your surrender

and please say this after me as loud as

you can

and as clear as you can hear me

say lord jesus


i acknowledge you

as my prince of peace

you are the peace

that i have been looking for

right now

i believe

that you died for me

i believe

that you rose again

for my justification

i believe

that i am your child based on my


that jesus

is my savior

my lord

my king

and indeed my peace

i declare

that the power of sin



and the grave

is broken over my life

i receive this gift

of your life

i receive this gift

of peace and i declare

that from now

till forever

you are my god

you are my peace

amen keep your hands lifted dear prince

of peace we thank you

we thank you for your grace we thank you

for your hand we thank you for your


the walkings of your spirit you have

brought these ones tonight because you

are the prince of peace

they have heard your word

and they have come

to receive of that peace that money

cannot buy

jesus based on their confessions and by

the authority of scripture i declare

them recipients of your peace and

recipients of the life of god

i declare by the power of the holy

spirit that your sins are forgiven and

that he gives you a new beginning there

is a restfulness and satisfaction that

you have from today that nothing else

will ever take in your life now

alongside this peace you have received i

pray for you that every other thing you

need that makes for life and for

godliness may god who gives all things

freely may he be benevolent even on your


in the name of jesus the lord bless you

and increase you amen and amen please

look at me god bless you may i please

request that you move towards my right

very quickly there is a counselor waving

his hands here waving their hands they

will just have a minute with you just

give you a gift and some information and

then you'll be back to your seat let's

honor them as they go thank you so much

the lord bless you

the lord bless you

the lord bless you quinone is is the

best you can do for them let's celebrate


the prince of peace


let's celebrate jesus

the shalom of god

i'm about to speak over your life and

then we're done for this service peace

when trouble blows

jehovah sees

jehovah knows

he is my peace

when sorrow needs

jehovah sees


there are two prayers i want to pray for

you and then we are done number one

as i would always do is supernatural

exemption from calamities haven't used

different examples about death and the

rest listen fear not

there is a covering that can come upon

you and keep you secured and immune

first the blood of jesus

that blood upon the lintel that the

spirit of death and the avenger

cannot cross you number two is the name

of the lord that is a strong tower the

bible says the righteous run it into it

and they are saved

are you ready to receive in the name of

jesus i decree and declare over your


the waster

the avenger

and the spirit of death will never come

near your dwelling

again i declare the waster the avenger

and the spirit of death will never come

near your dwelling

in the name of jesus christ

and i pray for you

all that makes for life and godliness

that must be represented in your life in

this season

as consolations to your christian

experience i decree and declare may the

god of peace himself

the lord of peace who would give you

peace by all means may he give you those

things richly to enjoy

hear me

every trouble of your destiny this week

they give up finally over your life

every trouble of your children

trouble of your finances spiritual or

physical they must give up on you this


in the name of jesus

your going out is blessed

your coming in is blessed

in the air you are blessed

on the road you are blessed

by train you are blessed by sea you are


the blessing is a garrison over you

in the name of jesus christ

find favor
find increase

fine live things

find speed

find breakthroughs

find testimonies

find signs and wonders

find increase

but in all of it find

in the name of jesus christ find



that after tonight

go back home with joy

knowing you have found an answer to

genesis 37 15

when life asks you what seekers thou

tell life don't be confused by my

pursuit for money

don't be confused by my pursuit for


all of those things are wonderful they

will only give me success but if you

want me to answer you answer life tell

them i all that i seek i have found in

jesus my peace

in the name of jesus christ

be blessed and honored above all men

and may the peace of god that surpasses

all understanding carries in your heart

and your mind

in the mighty and marvelous name of


amen and amen

after the grace we're going to share the

grace shortly afterwards i wanted to

greet one another and prophesy to them

and tell them


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