Iszc 415
Iszc 415
Iszc 415
Course Handout
Instructor : Mehala N
Course Description
Introduction, Applications, issues in data mining, data warehouse, dimensional modeling, Online
Analytical Processing (OLAP), data warehousing to data mining, data mining tasks, association
rules, advanced association rules, classification, different approaches for classification, prediction,
clustering, outlier analysis, mining spatial databases, temporal databases, mining time series and
sequence data, mining world wide web.
The course explores the concepts and techniques of data mining, a promising and flourishing
frontier in database systems. Data Mining is automated extraction of patterns representing
knowledge implicitly stored in large databases, data warehouses, and other massive information
repositories. It is a decision support tool that addresses unique decision support problems that
cannot be solved by other data analysis tools such as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). The
course covers data mining tasks like constructing decision trees, finding association rules,
classification, and clustering. The course is designed to provide students with a broad understanding
in the design and use of data mining algorithms. The course also aims at providing a holistic view of
data mining. It will have database, statistical, algorithmic and application perspectives of data
T1. Tan, Pang-Ning and other “Introduction to Data Mining” Pearson Education, 2006.
Reference Books
R1. Han J & Kamber M, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Elsevier, Second Edition,
R2. Dunhum M.H. & Sridhar S. “Data Mining-Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson
Education, 2006.
IS ZC415 (Course Handout) Second Semester 2013-2014 Page 2
Labs will be based on the various topics of data mining
Lab # Topic Learning Objective
1. Data Pre-processing How to prepare data for mining through aggregation,
discretization, feature selection, transformation etc.
2. Classification How to build a basic classifier such as decision tree, k-nn etc.
3. Adv. Classification How to build other models for classification and how to
compare models etc
4. Association Rule Mining How to generate frequent itemsets? How to apply different
measures for AR mining?
5. Clustering How to construct clusters using different algorithms?
6. Adv. Clustering How to evaluate clusters? How to compare different
algorithms of clustering? How to detect outliers?
Evaluation Scheme:
** Please check the details by January 10, 2014 on LMS Taxila web site.
Closed Book Test: No reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall.
Open Book Exam: Use of any printed / written reference material (books and notebooks) will be permitted inside the
exam hall. Loose sheets of paper will not be permitted. Computers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall.
Use of calculators will be allowed in all exams. No exchange of any material will be allowed.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study
schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online/on demand lectures as per details that
would be put up in the BITS LMS Taxila website and take all the
prescribed components of the evaluation such as Assignment (Course Page on LMS Taxila), Mid
Semester Test and Comprehensive Examination according to the Evaluation Scheme given in the
respective Course Handout. If the student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Examination due
to genuine exigencies, the student must refer to the procedure for applying for Make-up
Test/Examination, which will be available through the Important Information link on the BITS
LMS Taxila website on the date of the Regular Test/Examination.
The Make-up Tests/Exams will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be
announced later.