Rifampin Resistance
Rifampin Resistance
Rifampin Resistance
Information is limited about the drug resistance patterns in extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) in Iran. This study aimed to determine the
prevalence of EPTB and to investigate the drug-resistance pattern in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains collected from extrapulmonary samples
at the Tehran regional TB reference laboratory. Extrapulmonary specimens from individuals with suspected TB referred to the TB reference
laboratories in five cities of Iran were collected. Both standard conventional methods (culture and direct smear microscopy) and Xpert MTB/
RIF assay were used for the identification of mycobacteria. Drug susceptibility testing was done using Xpert MTB/RIF. The proportion method
on Lowenstein–Jensen medium was performed for confirmation. Between 2016 and 2020, a total of 12 050 clinical specimens from
individuals with suspected TB were collected, of which 10 380 (86%) were pulmonary specimens and 1670 (14%) were extrapulmonary.
Of the extrapulmonary specimens, 85 (5.0%) were positive for M. tuberculosis, and the remaining 1585 (95.0%) samples were negative by
standard methods. Of 85 M. tuberculosis isolates, drug susceptibility testing was performed for 32 isolates, of which 1 (3.1%, 95% CI
0.0%–9.4%) was rifampin resistant and 31 (96.9%, 95% CI 90.1%–100%) were pan-susceptible. The rifampin-resistant isolate was also
resistant to isoniazid, so was assigned as a multidrug-resistant TB. Our study indicated the frequency of drug-resistance among EPTB in
Iran. Establishing rapid diagnostic methods for detection of drug-resistance in EPTB, performing drug susceptibility testing for all EPTB
cases to provide effective treatment, and continuous monitoring of drug resistance, are suggested for prevention and control of drug
resistance in EPTB in Iran.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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