Irjet V5i4297
Irjet V5i4297
Irjet V5i4297
1Assosciate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Mar Athanasius of College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
2Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Mar Athanasius of College of Engineering, Kothamangalam
ABSTRACT - Engineered cementitious composite (ECC) reinforcement, water leakage, improper joint alignment,
which exhibits ultra-high tensile ductility and fine multiple joint vibration during vehicle passage etc. So, the durability
cracking meets the essential requirements of safety and of expansion joints is a major concern to bridge owners. The
serviceability in developing modern infrastructures. This maintenance cost of bridges is relatively higher than the
paper studies in detail, the defects of expansion joints in initial cost.
bridges and the effect of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers on the
properties of ECC. The flow characteristics, abrasion 3. ECC LINK SLAB CONCEPT
resistance, and density variation of various ECC mixes were
studied. ECC specimens were casted to analyze the behavior of
ECC with varied proportion of fiber in it. Results showed that
the %flow and density decreases as the fiber content increases
where as there is significant increase in the abrasion
resistance. Based on the performance of PVA-ECC, the material
specifications for the implementation of ECC Link Slab
Technology is proposed.
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1339
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Details of the fiber used - PVA REC 15/12mm [1] Naaman AE. High performance fiber reinforced cement
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Length 12 mm concrete structures for the future, Paris, France; 1987, p.
Tensile Strength 1560 MPa
Elongation at break 6.5 % [2] Li VC, Leung CKY. Steady state and multiple cracking of
Young’s Modulus 41 GPa short random fiber composites. J Eng Mech ASCE 1992;
Table -3: Mix-proportion used in ECC specimens
[3] Li VC, Stang H, Krenchel H. Micromechanics of crack
Item Quantity Remarks bridging in fiber reinforced concrete. Mater Struct
Cement (C) 820 C/C = 1 [4] Li VC. Engineered cementitious composites—tailored
Sand (S) 656 S/C = 0.8 composites through micromechanical modeling. In: Banthia
Water (W) 303.4 W/C = 0.37 N, Bentur A, Mufri A, editors. Fiber-reinforced concrete:
Super Plasticizer(SP) 3.28 (SP/C)% = 0.4 present and the future. Montreal, Canada: CanadianSociety
for Civil Engineering; 1998. p. 64–97.
Table -4: Flow characteristics and density variations of
ECC specimens with varied fiber content
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1340