Model 201 Continuous Analyzer With PID or FID

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Continuous Monitors for Total VOCs, Total Hydrocarbons, Solvents- (PID/FID) & H2S,SO2, Cl2, CS2,..


Model 201B Rackmount

Model 201B Wallmount

For Stacks, Process, Carbon Bed Breakthrough, Drying Ovens, Leak Detection Environmental & Process Measurement in Chemical, Petrochemical, & Manufacturing Plants


The Model 201-B PID is a flexible and versatile Analyzer. More than three thousand of these photoionization detector (PID) based Analyzers have been sold worldwide for applications ranging from carbon bed breakthrough, leak detection to stack and ambient air monitoring. This is attributed to the rugged and durable design that is characteristic of all PID Analyzers products. Several years ago, we added the flame ionization detector (FID) to the 201 series product line. Other continuous Analyzers in the 200 series include the Model 202 Infrared (IR),the Model 201B fixed wavelength UV-Near IR Photometer, a thermal conductivity detector (TCD), Model 204 and a Model 210 Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzer. The addition of these new Analyzers greatly improves the capability and range of process analyzers from PID.

Applications: PID or FID

Monitoring effluents from chemical, refining, or manufacturing Carbon bed breakthrough Leak detection- from process equipment Non methane Hydrocarbons in Ambient or Stack-FID/Catalyst Drying ovens for removing solvents ncineration THC in ambient or plant ppb levels of VOCs- PID only Remediation site monitoring Intake air in chemical or manufacturing plants- used to control recirculation of air VOCs in water with optional Sparging system (Model 650) for Total VOCs in water at ppm-ppb levels

FeaturesAutomatic Restart- In the event of a power outage, the instrument will automatically restart Low cost of ownership- The long lifetime of the analyzer coupled with the minimal level of maintenance results in a low cost of ownership Wide operating range with no range changing necessary- 16 Bit ADC Push button Automatic calibration; automatically adjusts response Autozero for PID; Automatically injects zero gas & adjusts auto zero for FID PID- lamp out alarm; FID-flame outshuts off hydrogen and provides alarm RS232 digital output; 0-1 VDC analog output Up to 6 dual setpoints that are programmable- can be used to shut down a process, remotely dial a number...

The process of photoionization is initiated by the absorp-tion of a photon of ultraviolet radiation energetic enough to ionize a molecule (RH) by the process shown below: RH + h RH+ + ewhere h represents a photon with an energy the ionization potential of species RH. The ions are collected in an ionization chamber which is adjacent to the lamp and contains an accelerating electrode (biased positively) and a collection electrode where the current is measured. After amplification, the current measured is proportional to concentration. The response measured will be a summation (total) of the hydrocarbons ionized.

FID Description
In the FID, the sample is burned in a hydrogen-air flame and the ions formed from carbon containing compounds are collected by applying a positive potential to the jet and measuring the current at collection electrode just above the flame. After amplification, the current measured is proportional to concentration.

Detectors available: PID & FID Measurement mode: Continuous Zero drift- Automatic compensation; <1% per month Span drift- Auto cal each 24 hours (with contact closure), may require manual set of span: less than 1% every 24 hours Wide range of response- from sub ppm on PID to % on the FID Support gases: PID requires no support gases; FID requires H2 and zero air Readout- 51/2 digit bright red LED smart panel meter Standard output: 1 VDC, RS232 Enclosure:Rack (NEMA 2)Rack: 19" W x 51/4"H x 14"D Weight: 12.2 pounds PID 14 pounds FID Wall (NEMA 4) 23"W x 21"H x 10"D- PID 27"W x 21"H x 10"D- FID Weight: -19 pounds PID - 22 pounds FID Power requirements- 100-240VAC, 1 amp
PID and FID Range PID range - 0.1 to 3,000 ppm (higher levels can be detected via a dilution system hydrocarbons > C4 plus, VOCs, inorganic species such as H2S, NH3, I2, PH3, AsH3, etc. FID Range- 1- 200,000 ppm VOCs (hydrocarbons) only

4-20 mA output; RS485 output, MODBUS, Dual setpoints- Customer Programmable Data acquisition and storage using DataWorks software- runs under Windows or Windows NT on a Pentium PC 2 point, Separate Display of Each Sample Point- ideal for inlet/outlet measurements 4, 8, 16, 32 point sequencer (with contact closure to indicate point being sampled), Three line display- Display of Concentration, Sampling Point & Sample Flow (measured by mass flowmeter) X or Z purged for Zone 1 and Zone 2 respectively

Sampling Systems
One of the most difficult challenges is to deliver a sample stream saturated with water at an elevated temperature to the analyzer without any change in the composition of the VOCs or other compounds to be measured. A photo of our sample conditioning system is shown below. For additional information, please contact PID Analyzers. The system below requires only compressed air for operation and removes all liquid water from the sample. It can be used in a Class I Div 1 area.We also offer heat exchangers and heated sample lines for other types of samples.


NH3, Hg, Ozone, H2S, SO2, Mercaptans, CS2, Cl2, Br2, I2, Aromatics, Aldehydes, Ketones in air, water & process streams

The Model 201 B UV-NIR Absorbance Analyzer is a flexible and versatile non dispersive (ND) Spectroscopic Analyzer. The design is based on ultra stable lamps with single or dual beam optical benches, a detachable sample cell, a photodiode detector and very stable electronics. This Analyzer has a wide dynamic range (from ppb to > percent levels). This rugged and durable design is characteristic of all PID Analyzers products.

FeaturesThe LED meter displays three parameters (concentration (ppb/ppm/ %) , temperature, and pressure) and will provide an output for a single parameter. Easy to operate- In the event of a power outage, the instrument will automatically restart Wide operating range with no range changing necessary- 16 Bit ADC Push button Automatic c a l i b r a t i o n ; automatically adjusts response No span or zero pots; all calibration data stored in RAM Automatic calibration for Absorbance Can be setup to run without a cal gas standard via an absorbance standard UV/Visible/Near IR lamp out alarm Temperature & Pressure correction Digital Outputs: Standard- RS232 OptionalRS485, Device Net Analog Outputs: Standard-0-1 VDC analog output; Optional- 4-20 mA

Principle of Operation
The technique for measuring the concentration depends upon the Lambert Beer Law: I = Io e-kx Where- I is the measured intensity, Io is the incident intensity, k is the absorption coefficient, and x is the pathlength The instrument consists of a UV source, a fixed path length cell (can be varied for the application), an interference filter and an UV detector. This instrument operates in the near UV to near IR region (200-1,500 nm). The types of electronic transitions in this region are electronic and for organic molecules involve sigma electrons (unsaturated compounds). The types of electrons are found in C=C (PI-PI* transitions ) or C=O (NPI* transitions) in organic compounds.


Detectors available: UV-NIR lamps and detectors from 200-1200 nm Measurement mode: Continuous Zero drift- < 0.1%/day Span drift- < 0.1% FS per week Readout- 5 digit LED smart panel meter with 32 bit arithmetric calculation capability Displays- Concentration, T/0C, and P/atm Response time- 20 sec. Flow rate- 0.5-1.5 LPM Operating temperature-15-300 C Standard output: 1 VDC, RS232 (print with a serial printer or print to a PC in hyperterminal) Programmable Voltage Output-Analog outputs (0-1VDC or 4-20 mA) can be programmed from the front panel Enclosure:Rack (NEMA 2)- 19" W x 51/4"H x 14"D; Weight: 12.2 pounds Power requirements- 100-240VAC, 1.5 amps Range- Depends of application Linearity- 1%

UV to NIR Applications
The Analyzer can be configured for the UV with a mercury lamp with/without interference filters, a cold cathode elemental lamp or a deuterium lamp with interferences filters, and/or a tungsten lamp for visible-NIR with interference filters. Using various combinations of lamps/filters and detectors, a number of different applications are available including the following:

Air Aromatics, Amines, Aldehydes, Alcohols and Ketones in stack gases NH3, Cl2, NO, NO2, H2S, SO2, Hg in stack gases or process streams Process Solvent purity Lower explosive limit Water Aromatics, Amines, Aldehydes, Alcohols and Ketones in water Chlorine dioxide, or nitrate, and other ions in water Metal ion chelates in water Additional Enclosures: The UV analyzers are available in a standard 19 rack mount enclosure or a NEMA 4 wall mount enclosure. The latter can be X or Z purged to meet Class 1 Div.1 or 2 electrical requirements.

Sparging System Applies Henrys Law VOCs in water are converted to the gas phase in the Model 650 and measured by a total VOC analyzer Detectors PID, FID, ECD, FPD (S or P) Range From 0.1 ppb (detection limit) to high ppm Measure Total VOCs in Water from ppb Levels Total VOCs are measured with HNU Model 201-B PID or FID Range From 10 ppb (PID) or 50 ppb (FID) to high ppm Fast Response Sparging System response is < 1 minute Easy to Setup and Maintain Auto calibration, simplicity of design and internal diagnostics make this analyzer ideal even for those with minimal instrumention skills

The measurement of low concentrations of organics in water can be accomplished through the application of Henrys Law which states that, at equilibrium, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of a gas in contact with a liquid as given below: Benzene (aq) = K PBenzene where Benzene (aq) is the concentration of benzene in the liquid phase, K is the Henrys Law constant which governs the solubility of gases in water, and P Benzene is the partial pressure of benzene in the gas phase. As a result of the above equation, it can be seen that if the concentration of benzene in the gas phase and at equilibrium is measured, this is related to the concentration of benzene in the dilute aqueous solution by a proportionality constant (K) that can be determined by calibration. This method can be used with Total VOC Analyzers such as the 201s to provide Total VOCs in water. The Sparger can also be used with GCs such as the Model 301 or 501 to provide speciated VOCs in water. A summary is shown below.

-Clean water compliance -Rapid spill detection -Moitoring cooling water -Monitoring process input water -Leaks from process equipment -Efluent from chemical, refining & manufacturing

SPARGER (Continued)

Species measured: PID or FID- totalVOCs (hydrocarbons) in water chlorinated HC) in water Electrical classification: General purpose (see below for options) Response time: 1 min. to 90% response (system only) Liquid sample flow rate: Reproducibility: +/- 5% Sparging gas flow: 1 LPM Zero drift: <2% over 24 hours Span drift: <3% over 24 hours Range: ppb to ppm Detection Limit: 201-B- <10 ppb- PID; < 40 ppb FID Power requirements: 100V, 115V, 220V, 240V Dimensions: Wall- 20"W x 50"H x 16"D Weight: 75 pounds 250 cc/min. (including

Total VOCs (201-B) 19" Enclosed rack version of the 201-B NEMA 4 Wall mounted unit Z purged unit meets class I division II NEC requirementswall mount only X purged unit meets class I division I NEC requirementswall mount only 4-20 ma output Multipoint sequencersequential sampling systems are available for area monitoring for 2 & 4 point with the 201-A, 4 or 8 points with the 301-A; 10,-20 or 30 channels with the 501-A additional information available on request

Data Works is PIDs data collection and logging software that can be used with a wide variety of Sensor or Analyzer outputs such as Ethernet, RS485 & 4-20 mA . The latter two outputs are for long distance transmission of data as shown in Table I below. In-plant installations are typically 420 mA or RS485 because of the long distances involved 1,000-5,000. The software is written in visual C++ as an overlay/ interface for various hardwaredevices. One hardware version used for our Model 201-B, 202, 203, 204, 210, 301B GC, 501 B GC or other manufacturers instruments that have 4-20 mA outputs or an RS485 output. There is a 12 bit ADC on board with 16 digital input/outputs. The latter can be used to control calibration,diagnostics for the PID Analyzers units. Low and high alarm levels and concentration range can be set in the PC. Each day at midnight, a new CSV or text file is created and named (by date). These files can be directly imported into EXCEL. The 4-20 mA output from multiple PID Analyzers instrumentscan be networked as shown below.

Multipoint Sequencer
The 201-B has several mulipoint options The first is a simple 2 point system that can be used to monitor the input and output of a scrubber, carbon bed etc. to determine the efficiency of the system. This 201-B has a two channel display; one for each channel. The second option is a 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 or 32 point system. This system employs a manifold with a needle valve and a 3 way valve for each channel. This version has a three channel display. One channel is for for the concentration, the second is for the channel # and the third is for the sampe flow for that channel. The flow is measured with a mass flow sensor. The setpoint for the flow channel can be set to indicate a low flow or blockage for a channel. An alarm can be programmed for each channel in the system. this system provides an inexpensive alternative to a sensor for each point. The cost of maintaining and/or calibrating this single system is considerably less expensive than maintaining a 16 or 24 sensor system. The multipoint system can be interfaced with DataWorks, a PLC or DCS system that is already at the Plant. Contact PID for additional information on in this area. A three channel display for the multipoint is shown below:


25 Walpole Park South Dr. Walpole, MA 02081 Tel. 1-508-660-5001 USA or Canada 1-800-724-5600 Fax. 1-508-660-5040 Web: E-mail: [email protected] PID Analyzers, UK, 9 Pennington Close, Frodsham Cheshire WA6 7NL Tel/Fax 01928-732-395 Web: E-mail: [email protected] HNU Nordion, Ltd, OY, Atomitie 5 A 3, PL 1, Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358-9-565 7240 Fax +350-9-562 6801 Web: E-mail: [email protected]

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