Moon Weens Last Concert O

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This is the LOB training that is given to people by Apollo11Cadillac under the name
Moonlight Concerto/Moonbeam. His original user name was Moonlight Concerto, before
he was banned from the reddit platform for predatory behavior towards a minor, as well
as the continued harassment and cyber-bullying of others. He now operates as
Apollo11Cadillac, BestCub, and some suspect- the Marsh username moderator of the
Joseph Murphy sub as well.

This information has been given to us throughout the course of the last year from various
“cubs” (cubs are what he called people who were ‘accepted’ into the “training”) who
received “coaching” directly from “Apollo11Cadillac/Moonbeam”, including the VM &
decompression techniques he charged $300+ for. Some people waited years for the
entirety of the training (though he claims this part should only take a few weeks) because
he’d nd a reason to “ban” them for weeks/months, etc. Others, he’d ne, or insist they
needed some kind of other therapy (for more money) before proceeding, and most never
received the full training they paid for because they were continually harassed and banned,
given life threatening advice that if refused to follow would result in ring or them being
blocked by him for whatever incessant reason he felt t. In our humble opinion, after
hearing the accounts of many, it is our belief that the original intention behind the training
program was never to complete training with anyone but to bait them into adding on
more services that required additional ongoing payments, furthering the fraudulent nature
of the “training”.

It is our hope that freely distributing this information further discourages others from
approaching him. Thousands of euros/rupees/dollars have been spent, dozens of peoples
harassed, mistreated, stalked and abused.

We want to thank those victims who have given us the information and permission to
freely share their data and experiences. We especially thank those who have been willing
to share their experiences with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who now has an open
and ongoing case(s) against this person/persons involved in this cyber crime. It is our
belief that he who operates under the name Moonbeam/Apollo may have more charges
standing against him.

If you’d like to include your own experience or if you yourself were also scammed by
Moonbeam for any amount over $900 USD, please feel free to contact the mods or, if you
prefer to stay anonymous, here is the link to le a case:

On a nal note, we apologize in advance for we know many of you will be disappointed by
the true nature of the LOB training as most of this information is already public
information. From our viewpoint, the additional “one on one mentorship” was this
person offering unsolicited & unwarranted advice on matters unrelated to LOB “training”
and the individual’s goal; he often encourage people to make physical changes (insisting it
had something to do with their speci c goal), getting involved with their personal
relationships, academic/career choices, living situations, and much much more. Also, many
people were asked to write books (?) to “aide” them in their LOB goal, each “cub” led to
believe this task was individually attributed to them. Also, “cubs” never spoke amongst
each other, as he apparently also claimed would take place at the beginning of mentorship.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your continued cooperation. If you worked with
this person and nd that we are missing information, please let us know and we will add.

Please note that at the request of those who have given us the information, we have
changed a few words here and there, lest he be able to trace tasks back to speci c

Sincerely & Truthfully Yours

The MODS at JMwarning


Task IA: Ownership of the mind

Welcome to the pride! Let us begin your formal LOB training.

LOB training consists of two phases. The rst phase, lasting about 1 week, will be you
getting trained in the individual methods involved (written/spoken af rmations, self
hypnosis, pre-sleep procedure). The second phase will be putting all of this into a daily
regime that you will follow every day until your mission is completed and you are holding
it in your hand. During this second phase, you will be sending me one email every
weekend to update me on your progress and I will comment accordingly. This will go on
for as long as it takes for you to complete your mission.

Here is your task 1 :
training_t_formal_launch_ rst_task/
Training (T) : Formal Launch - First Task : r/
JosephMurphy - reddit
46 votes, 108 comments. Dear Students, Thank you for joining the LOB
program. There are broadly two missions here for the team - either an ex

Read it very carefully, follow it very strictly and implement this within the next 2 days. Ask
me any questions here over email, and email your results to me as well. 

Added by the sharer: I was advised to do this task daily until you are
able to hold no thought without any breaks for 80-90% of the time.
Only then, could I move on to the next one. I’ve had my fair share of
regular meditation, I found this nearly impossible to hold no thought
for 85% of the 31 minute task (that would be 26-27 minutes straight of
uninterrupted literal no mental thought). So I lied so he’d move me to
the next task. I am not saying this could not be done, but I do think it
would take a lot of practice.



Task 2:
You can stop doing Task 1 now. Task 1 is not a formal part of LOB training.
Its purpose is to demonstrate to you that you're the owner of your mind,
and its controller. The mind is the tool with which you are using the LOB, so
obviously, you need to establish and maintain control over it. And as you have
seen - it is not always that easy, but it is also always doable in relatively short
order as well. 

Now, we come to Task 2.  And you are going to like this one.
training_task_2_af rmations/ 


Implement immediately. Email me with your experiences

after 24 hours.  

Task 3: Pre-sleep procedure

Let's move onto Task 3.  Take a look (including the comments in the thread) :
Training Task 3 : Precursor to Sleep :
JosephMurphy - reddit
It is now time for Task 3. This is an important task - it involves the
minutes just as you fall asleep. This is called the Pre Sleep Procedure..
When you are ready to turn in for the night, I want you to say to yourself
mentally "All my problems are solved.

And execute from tonight.You will practice this for the next 2 nights before
we move to the next task. Report your feelings upon waking to me here
each morning. 

Continue to do task 2 every day at your own time and pace,

until further notice.

Task IV: Self Hypnosis

You are ready to begin learning self hypnosis. This is the key alpha
reprogramming technique that you will use to achieve your
mission objective.

The nightly method, recommended by both Joseph Murphy and Neville

Goddard, works because your brain slips into the alpha state as you are
falling asleep and the alpha state is an ideal state from which the
subconscious mind can be deliberately reprogrammed with new beliefs.

Self hypnosis achieves the same objective, with one key difference.You do
not need to be ready to sleep rst, and you can come out of the state easily
once you're done with your reprogramming at alpha. It is a fast technique
that improves with practice and you can even do it in public - people will just
think you've fallen asleep.You can comfortably do this for up to 5 times each
day, in addition to anything else you are doing.

SH is more versatile and a better skill to master for the long term. I want
you to train in sh for the next two days,  then we evaluate.  

p.s. Continue to do tasks 2 and 3 every day at your own time.

No need to report further. 

Part I:

Hypnotic Induction Training ( do this 10 times within the

rst 24 hours with no programming, and then report. No
back-to-back sessions.)
• Sit or lie down. Mobile phones to airplane mode. Set a countdown
alarm with a soft tone to between 5-10  minutes and activate it. Place
the phone near your hands.
• Relax, breathe deeply in and out a couple times, relaxing the head, face
and abdomen intentionally.
• Say to yourself that you're counting down from 10 to 1, and that you
will be in a deep alpha state when you reach 1.
• Count down from 10 to 6, telling yourself to relax in a low, SLOW,
mental voice (i.e. not out loud). (For beginners and when in noisy
environments, slow down your mental voice even further to compensate.)
• Tell yourself that your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and they
want to close.
• Somewhere in that count sequence, let your eyes close naturally
• Count down from 5 to one, relaxing even more
• Tell yourself your body is getting heavier and heavier. Feel yourself
sinking into the chair or bed. Use the words " deeper and deeper. " 
• When you reach '1', tell yourself that you're at alpha, and are deeply
deeply relaxed.
• Let yourself know that any sounds you hear or any sensations you feel
will simply help relax you even more naturally.
• Stay in this space for what feels like 5 minutes. Just breathe and relax.
Don't think about anything speci c.
• Time to return to beta.
• Say to yourself you're going to count back up from 1 to 10, when you
get to 10 you will be wide awake and refreshed, and you'll feel ne.
• Count upwards slowly. 
• If at any point your eyes feel like opening themselves spontaneously, do
so gently.
• When you get to '10', open your eyes, thank yourself, and either sit/lie
there for a minute before getting up, or just go back to sleep normally.
• If you have set an alarm and you hear it going off during the count up,
gently mute it with your hands, and continue. If you hear this alarm
much earlier while still in alpha, conclude that, mute the phone with
your hands gently, and begin the count up immediately.

Part II: Scene Practice in Beta

The point of running the scenes in sh is to 'feel it real'. you are to feel the
scene as if it is literally happening right now and you are in it right now - like
how you would feel when you dream while asleep. This pre programming
practice will help you with that. 

Run each of the agreed scenes in beta rst with your eyes closed. That
means, don't go into alpha. Just beta (normal waking consciousness). Sit
down. First, run each scene in slow motion, noticing PHYSICAL
DETAILS and deciding what to ignore and what to de ne further,
especially stuff you wouldn't normally especially notice in real life.
Consciously decide whether to ignore or de ne that detail clearly enough
for you to notice it naturally in future without questioning it. Then speed up
the scene abit, but still in slow motion. and do the same thing - notice details
in your ve senses and deliberately decide which to ignore and which to
de ne more precisely. Do this a few more times, then run the scene at
normal life speed. Check to see if you still notice anything you wouldn't
normally notice, and consciously decide what to do about it.

Once the 'cut' is ready, write down the following in a draft email in the
following format : 

Scene 1 : The short 10 second clip. 

Noticements : 

*e should be the least prominent of the 5 in the list. if you have more
noticements than 5, write them all down in the draft rst, look at them, and
then cut them down to the most signi cant 5, properly organised. 

Then, with your eyes closed,  run it at normal speed literally 30 times.You're
checking to see if its solid and stable.
After this is done for scene 1. Then take a short break then do the same
exercise for scene 2. Then another short break, then scene 3.

Set aside at least 30 comfortable minutes to get this done (you might be
nished in 10 but basically this should not be a rush job). Email me with your
report about this once done.Your report must contain all of the
noticements for each of your scenes, in the aforementioned format. 

Do not underestimate the importance of this exercise.

Note from OP: we were instructed to write out our scenes and send them
to him, delineating the 10 second highlight clip, and he approved them or not.

More About Alpha Programming:

When it comes to SH programming, there are two distinct aspects to the experience of
the scene. The rst is the awareness of present moment's physical reality. I.E. virtual reality
as if it is literally happening now. This awareness, is what programs your sm. 

For training purposes, we'll call that No1. 

No2, is the natural emotional reaction to No1, just like how you would react to
physical reality if it occured right now literally. No2 helps you anchor No1 deeper into
your sm, but No2 alone is only fantasising or daydreaming, which as we know, does not
consistently create physical reality. 

No 1 by itself is enough to reprogram the sm. Without no2, no1 would take longer, but
would eventually work as well.  No2 alone is simply fantasizing, or daydreaming, which
does not work well to create physical reality. Without no1, no2 would not work at all.

Do you understand what I have said here???? 

Now, when you're doing each of your scenes,  how is your No 1 in each of them, while in
alpha ? As a percentage of actual physical reality ? If actual physical reality that you
experience right now all around yourself is 100%, what is your % gures for each of your
scenes ?

List it as Scene 1 = x %. Scene 2 = y%, Scene 3 = z%. 

You're right now at home texting with me on your laptop or your phone. This is your
present moment physical reality.You probably have a very minimal emotional reaction to
this physical reality

but if you were, right now, sitting at the top of a mountain about to launch off into skiing,
and have decided to pause and chat with me, your emotional reaction to that physical
reality, would probably be different. 

But in both cases, the No1 sense has to be just as strong, before no2 kicks in. If you
were for example, high on drugs or something, even on the mountain, you wouldn't feel
the No1 properly, and it wouldn't program the sm. 
Do you understand ? 


When you are doing programming, your sm KNOWS, " this cub is doing programming
and is not actually there".  Your sm knows it is not real. This is a negative effect on your
programming's effectiveness. It is impossible to fool the sm that you are not doing
something called programming - the sm is not some dumb thing like the pornstars are
fond of saying 

To counteract this, you need to be at 90% minimum, for your no1 sense. When you do
that, the sm's ability to create physical reality takes over.

And no, it is not the scenes that are the problem. It is your lack of facility with alpha

Which can only be xed with additional practice with each scene.
Goto your current best scene and practice it up until you can consistently do 90% or
better for 3 consecutive sessions (spaced apart by at least 30 minutes of course). Then
consciously notice how you did that, the ways in which you ensured that.You are doing
subtle things to make that happen, and avoiding doing other subtle things that would
screw that up. 
Then goto your next best scene, do the same, notice what is making it work for you, and
then, apply it to your (currently weakest) scene. 

Notice all of this. 

Then apply it to  your weakest scene. 

And practice that. 

This way, you will improve all your scenes very quickly. 

One good way to improve your No1 sense, is to do the beta scene practice a few times,
and then immediately enter sh to do the session. 


You need to practice several times a day, every day from now. Practice with your
strongest scene rst and no other scene. 
Once you've managed to hit 90% THREE TIMES in a row in successive sh sessions (and
these practice sessions can be 20 minutes apart no issue but only because they are pure
practice, normal programming sessions need to be at least 1 hour apart), then the scene
is considered done. 

Then you move onto the next scene. 

Task 4: The Scam Continues*.

The “Hunt”* Begins - Task 4

You have sorted your three visualisations, and their associated 10 second clips.You have practiced written and
spoken af rmations, the pre sleep procedure, and should now be very familiar with self hypnosis.You know how to
do each one correctly. 
It is now time to integrate all of this into a daily routine, and keep this up for the next few days or weeks until you
are holding it in your hands. 

Yes, there is nothing further to it. And this is where many people trip up - a lack of persistence with the
sometimes boring job of programming your sm day after day. So don't. 

Remember Neville Goddard himself took just over two months to complete his rst mission - the famous trip to
Barbados when he was completely broke. He was guided by Abdullah, an Ethiopian sephardic mystic. If someone
told me that they saw him walking on water, I really WOULD NOT be surprised. The old masters were that good. 

Here are your instructions  :

Please ask your clarifying questions, including personal questions, over email to me directly if you have any. 

Post Training Routine:

You've been started on your daily routine. I trust you are keeping to it.

From now on, you need to send me a weekly report every weekend, ideally
at the same time that you can keep every weekend. In this report you will : 

a. Evaluate your daily routine and individual tasks during the past week.
noting problems, solutions and improvements.
b. Ask any questions relating to your training, mission or the LOB,
c. Report any movement in the real world towards your target's

I will respond to each report within two days, and if I don't, you should
remind me by growling at me.[ You growl at me by quoting your report and
sending me the word "growl! ", without the quotes of course. ]

Entitle each report as " Weekly report 1" 2, 3 etc.

LOB missions can be long and boring.You are not allowed to talk about it to
anyone, and this can be dif cult for cubs. You must continuously
observe, evaluate and improve your basic practice itself.  You
will bene t greatly by regular examinations and evaluation of your practice.
Yet it is counterproductive to think about this every day. It will only increase
doubt and negativity. . 

Furthermore, as your understanding of the LOB itself grows as time passes

(which it will), I want to hear about it as well and I will correct you as you go

A weekly report is the perfect interval to get all of this done properly, and
can be kept up over time without issues. 

And, if you have any pressing questions during the week that you don't wish
to wait till the weekend to address, you can email me immediately as well
and I will address them. 

Why do this over the weekend alone ? Well, thats when I curl up over a feast
of cape buffalo and the papers, and read and respond to all the reports from
your cub brothers and sisters. I will read and respond to yours then as well.
It is also a good time when you're naturally relaxed, for you to think about
your training and practice. And anytime during the week if you get negative
thoughts about training itself (and you will), you can tell yourself that you
have an appointment with me this weekend to address it. Make it a promise
to yourself and keep your promise. Those doubtful thoughts will fade away
quickly when you tell them that. 

Finally, if this is not your regular email address, set a mail forward on it right
away to your regular email address, and test the mail forward by
sending yourself an email now. This way, you will not lose any emails
from the pride that may be sent from time to time.

I look forward to reading your reports, and to eventually, reading your

pouncemonial for your mission. 


p.s. What does a lion say to his pride before they go hunting? "Let us prey!"
Vipassana Meditation:

Congratulations to you, for on taking a bold step forward to overhauling your mind, all
the way from its roots; i.e the subconscious mind.  

I want you to practice this form of meditation for  a total of 4 x 15 minutes each day,
starting from right now (you can do at least 2 sessions today) . After 4 days, you will goto
2 x 30 minutes a day. That will stay throughout your 30 day course.

This is called Vipassana Meditation. It is the Buddhists who introduced this to the world.

It is simple and effective technique that builds your effortless concentration, balance,

creativity, insight and whole-mind conscious responses. It is also the ideal setup method
for deep contemplation about anything. It is, in fact, translated as Insight Meditation by
the buddhists.

1. Sit comfortably, either cross legged or normally, and preferably on a chair with a
cushion or something that will not get uncomfortable even after half an hour.You can
recline slightly but this is not recommended for beginners, or when you're exhausted, as
you're liable to fall asleep. Do not lie down.

2. Do the deep breathing prompt:

Inhale to the max, and then inhale some more, feel the pain in your expanded rib cage,
and then when you really cannot inhale any further, exhale quickly in a big wooosh. 

Do this 5 times. This quickly sets the stage for your body and mind.

3. Set your phone's countdown timer for 10 minutes and activate airplane mode.
Maintain deeper breathing.

4. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

5. Put your mind's attention on the sensation of air on your nostrils as your breath
moves in an out of your body. If there are many sensations there, pick one speci cally
and stay with the one speci c sensation you chose to focus on.
6. There will be distracting thoughts aplenty. When you're experiencing the distracting
thought, you will very likely not realise it - you'll be deep into it.You'll only realise it after
the thought has ended. At this point, do not get frustrated, and just turn your attention
back to your nostrils.

7. When you turn your attention back, do it with zero reference to the thought that just
distracted you. Do not entangle yourself in that thought. Do not get angry, or frustrated
that time was wasted, or it happens again and again and again.You attitude must be as
simple as turning your head from left back to center. If you were looking forward, and
your head had turned to the left without you realising you were doing this, you don't
beat yourself up over that.You just turn your head back to centre. And this is the key, the
secret that will stop all the thoughts eventually. When you do not add more energy to
these thoughts - they will subside. It always happens.

8. Eventually, you'll be able to pay effortless attention to your breath. Even when a
thought comes, you'll nd that you can somehow hold the thought AND maintain your
attention on your breath at the same time. Its a weird 'split screen' mode thingy. Of
course, you'll be sending the through on its way - not by talking to it, but by bringing
your attention back to your breath.

9. When you reach the 'split screen' mind, you are very close to the sole purpose of
Vipassana meditation - contemplative consciousness. How do you reach this ? Just keep
watching the breath.

10. When you get there, you will know. It will be like being in an alpha brainwave while
you're fully awake.You can be in a noisy airport or a concert (this happened to me many
years ago) and you'll be able to hear and see everything but your inner state will be
undisturbed somehow.You'll be able to think about what you're thinking about.You'll be
able to choose if you wish to think about something or not.You'll be in Awareness. It is a
very cool place to be.

11. Keep practising VM until you can call up this contemplative consciousness at will at
any time and under any circumstance with or without prior vipassana prep. It will happen

How long does it take to get to number 10?

Nearly 3 weeks for a beginner practising a total of 60 minutes each day with no breaks
in practise days in between. Number 11 usually takes 4-6 weeks.  

Number 11 is easily lost if you don't maintain daily practice, and if you're a normal
person in contemporary life, working, studying, interacting with normal people, not living
in the mountains, the woods, in a monastery on the craggy cliffs of Shambala.

Note from OP: If you have some kind of psychological diagnosis please
consult a mental health professional before starting.

I. Decompression

We will now kill all of your past issues which cause signi cant depression, or which have
held you back with negative beliefs.

This is not LOB but pure psychology. 

First, take out a sheet of blank paper and write down all the issues from your past which
bother you. 

Things your parents said and did, your signi cant other did, you did, or didn't do, etc. All
the way back to your childhood - as long as it creates a signi cant negative emotional
reaction. This even includes beliefs, behaviours and habits that you possess, that you do
not like. 

Just one sentence, no details. Such that when you read that sentence, you instantly
remember the entire issue. 

You should have at least 3 issues, and maybe up to 25. Take at least 30 minutes to write
down this list. Then put it aside for 1 hour, come back to it, cross out stuff that is really
not important to you anymore, and add anything you had previously forgotten about. 

Then, write an intensity number next to each issue, 10 being the most intense
emotionally, and 0 being no emotional reaction. Use a single decimal point in your rating
for each issue. Don't spend too much time trying to gure this out. Just write fairly

Mark out the top 20% of issues according to intensity, with a star.

This is then, called, the list. 

Here are your instructions to kill this list : 

You will have been doing VM for  up to one hour at a stretch now.  

Now set your alarm for 15 minutes. Begin VM.

Then when the alarm rings, open your eyes and read the rst issue in full. 

Then reset the alarm for 10 minutes close your eyes, and go back into the VM space.

To resolve the issue: tell yourself that you resolve this issue now. That whether you
understand it fully or not, it has no sway over your life any longer. There is nothing to
gure out, to understand, to forgive. You just decided that you are done with it.

Keep looking at this issue, and keep telling yourself that you resolve this issue now. Not
like a mantra, and not as a re exive reaction to any waves of emotion which hit you.

Then when the alarm rings, open your eyes again and look at the second issue. Then
reset the alarm (10 mins) and repeat the resolution procedure.

If you are not ready for the next issue after the alarm rings, open your eyes, reset the
alarm (10 mins), close your eyes and go back into your meditative VM space. Decree the
issue to be resolved.

When you decree, it will take time. When you rst look at the issue on your list, it will
bring up emotions and memories. Now, you know how to have them without your inner
resolve being affected. Then when you go into your meditative space, and you issue your
decree, it will pulse throughout your system involving this issue. It will work on it
directly.  You need to feel a sense of peace and completion over the issue. 

When the decree has been implemented through your system for that particular
situation or issue, you will feel a sense of completion.You may or may not feel happy.
That is not the mark of completion. The mark is NOT to have peace, joy, neutrality
although all of those may happen.You may not be happy with that issue. It will just not
bother you emotionally in any important way anymore.  It will no longer impair the

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