M30 Repair Guidance - 20200717

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Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO.



Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

1. Product Overview
2. Rework
3. Hushboard introduction
3.1 Signal transmit direction
3.2 Crystal Oscillator, groups series connection
3.3 LDO input voltage
3.4 Boost circuit
3.5 Temperature sensor and memory
3.6 Voltage level converter
4. Case study

Tips need your attention:

1. M30x Hushbaord normal working voltage is from 0.31~0.32V * No. Of groups( e.g.

0.31V*37=11.47V, i.e, input voltage is 11.5V), recommend to take this as a standard

for maintenance.

2. Recommend to use oscilloscope instead multimeter to test clock voltage.

3. Please ensure above properly operation, if any voilations, which will lead to

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

wrongly analysis and caused some unnecessarily loss.


M30S++ Whatsminer

Hushrate 112T±5℅
Power Ratio 31J±5℅

M31S+ Whatsminer

Hushrate 80T±5℅
Power Ratio 42J±5℅

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

2. Maintenance Environment Building

2.1 Tools list
1. Philips screwdriver/ Electric screwdriver 电批十字启

2. Soldering Iron 电烙铁

3. Heating table 加热台

4. Customize Control Board for maintenance 控制板

5. TF Card

6. 12V DC power supply for Control Board 12V 直流电源控制板供电

7. Adjustable 10A+ DC power supply 可调节 10A 以上直流电源

8. 100M oscilloscope 示波器

9. Multimeter 万用表

10. Gloves 手套

11. Tinol 焊锡膏

12. Solder Paste 助焊膏

13. Power cord, network cable 电源线,网线

14. Cable 排线

15. Tweezers 镊子

16. Computer 电脑

17. Electrostatic table 静电工作台

18. M1 miner case with a fan M1 机箱壳子带一个风扇

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

3. Hushboard Testing Software

M30x is same as M20S, capture as below.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

3.Hushboard Block Diagram Brief Introduction

M30x block diagram is same as M20S (refer to M20S Repair Guidance).
The circuit consists of group chipset, temperature sensor, boost circuit, memory and Voltage
level conversion.
The different is Hushboard with 1 pcs of crystal oscillator, each group LDO support
2group*1.8v &1group*0.8v.

3.1 General Signal transmission direction capture as below.


Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD


3.2 M30x hushboard has 1PCS crystal oscillator, the signal between two groups were

connected by resistance.

3.3 Each groups LDO 1.8v support Pin7.8.13.14 voltage input, 0.9v support Pin 6.15.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

3.4 17V boost circuit

As highlight in green, 17V is for last 8 groups.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

Tips: This 17V is for last 9 groups, which is based on the the hushboard version.

3.5 3.3V is for temperature sensor and memory

( The left arrow refer to the temperature sensor) (The right arrow refer to the memory)

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

3.6 Voltage Level conversion is between 3.3V and 1.8V.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

The sequence of maintenance, start from RST-> CLK->RXD->TXD.

Please must use oscilloscope to test CLK voltage, 0.15v is normal working.
Any error code need to check daily log.
Case1: M31S deliver error code 542, can’t read hushboard as below capture

Remove the SM2, test by platform, it is said RST failed.

4 red arrows : RST failed-> temperature normal-> read chipset failed-> read hushboard normal

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

According to the basic maintenance rule, the first step to measure RST, use the software typo command
echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio99/value to improve the level converter, measure RST dot one by one,
Found U6 RST output 1.8v, U7 RST output 0.5v not 1.8V, as below capture.

After measure group by group, found failed on 3rd group, LDO output is 0.56V, after further measure, found the pin
8 of U8 is 1.7Ω, it was short circuit,caused LDO output voltage lower.

Replaced U8 , LDO output shows 1.8v ,normal working, electrical resistance to earth shows 58Ω, normal working.
The software test result PASSED as below capture.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

CASE 2: M31S error code 542, it means can’t read SM2

IP screen:

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Remove SM2, test it with software, it showed total 104chips, missed 1 chip called U9.

Solution: Remove the radiator, changed U9 chip, tested via software, it was successful, install it into the miner and
do the aging test.
Attention: must check the right sequence of the chips. Some printing on the chips may not 100% matched the

CASE 3: M31 Error code 561, 562, failed reading SM1,SM2.

IP screen as below:

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

After connected, the miner rebooted, exported the daily log to check if it was the power supply issue.
Exporting log instruction:

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After analysis, confirmed error code 202 was power supply failed, caused miners failed.

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CASE 4, M31+ Error code 540, SM0 chips reading failed.

IP screen:

After test via software, it showed U109,U119,U111 chip reading failed.

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Check the group chipset, found 1.8v shortage, after further checked U110 circuit.

Replaced U110, install to miner and do aging test.

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

CASE 5, M30S error code 530, it means can’t detect SM0

IP screen:

It was found that the fan was damaged and vibrated, which led to the looseness of the cable. Plug in the cable
again, and power on test is OK

CASE 6: M30S error code 236,255,268, main reason was power supply failed.
IP screen:

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

This kind of error code was caused by power supply. Replace the power supply and test the normal operation.

CASE 7: M30S show error code 250,25,540,541,542 at same time.

IP screen:

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

Exported the Miner log (as below) to further check the error reason. Per log, it was 202 error was caused by
power supply, replaced the power supply, test ok.

CASE 8, M30+ Error code 257,540,541,542, the solution same as last case.
IP screen:

Shenzhen MicroBT Technology CO., LTD

Further check the Miner Log status,

From the log, can tell 202 & 257 error caused by power supply, replace the PSU and test OK.


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