Kung 2015
Kung 2015
Kung 2015
3 • JUNE 2015
We examine the asset pricing implications of a production economy whose long-term
growth prospects are endogenously determined by innovation and R&D. In equilib-
rium, R&D endogenously drives a small, persistent component in productivity that
generates long-run uncertainty about economic growth. With recursive preferences,
households fear that persistent downturns in economic growth are accompanied by
low asset valuations and command high-risk premia in asset markets. Empirically,
we find substantial evidence for innovation-driven low-frequency movements in ag-
gregate growth rates and asset market valuations. In short, equilibrium growth is
University of California, Los Angeles. We thank the Acting Editor Dave Backus and two anonymous
referees as well as Hengjie Ai, Ravi Bansal, Gian Luca Clementi, John Coleman, Diego Comin,
Max Croce, Ian Dew-Becker, Bernard Dumas, Lorenzo Garlappi, João Gomes, Francois Gourio,
Leonid Kogan, Lars Lochstoer, Pascal Maenhout, Stavros Panageas, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Adri-
ano Rampini, Norman Schurhoff, Tom Tallarini, Amir Yaron, and Lu Zhang for helpful discussions.
We have also benefited from the comments of seminar participants at Bocconi, Boston University,
Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Duke University, Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, Imperial College, INSEAD, London Business School, London School of Economics, MIT,
Paris School of Economics, UCLA, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, as well as from conference par-
ticipants at Western Finance Association, Society for Economic Dynamics, CEPR Macro Finance
Conference London, European Finance Association, Tel Aviv Finance Conference, Econometric
Society, American Finance Association, and NBER Spring Asset Pricing Meeting.
1 See, for example, Gordon (2010) and Jermann and Quadrini (2004).
2 For example, see Helpman (1998) and Jovanovic and Rousseau (2005).
DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12241
1002 The Journal of FinanceR
3 Here, we build on the seminal work of Romer (1990) and Grossman and Helpman (1991).
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1003
While predictability in growth rates is at the core of the long-run risk model,
empirical evidence regarding this channel is still limited. The model provides
novel theoretical and empirical support for the notion that movements in long-
term growth prospects are a significant source of priced risk in asset markets.
Moreover, our results suggest that extending macroeconomic models to account
for the endogeneity of innovation and long-term growth can make progress
toward an environment that jointly captures the dynamics of aggregate quan-
tities and asset markets. We therefore view stochastic models of endogenous
growth as a useful tool for macrofinance.4
Our paper is related to several strands of literature in asset pricing, economic
growth, and macroeconomics. The economic mechanisms driving the asset pric-
ing implications are similar to those in the consumption-based long-run risks
model of Bansal and Yaron (2004). We contribute to this literature by showing
that predictable movements in growth prospects are an equilibrium outcome
of stochastic models of endogenous growth and by providing novel empirical
evidence identifying economic sources of long-run risks.
A number of recent papers examine the link between technological growth
and asset prices. Garleanu, Panageas, and Yu (2012) model technological
progress as the arrival of large, infrequent technological innovations and
show that the endogenous adoption of these innovations leads to predictable
movements in consumption growth and expected excess returns. Garleanu,
Kogan, and Panageas (2012) examine the implications of the arrival of new
technologies for existing firms and their workers, and show that, in an
overlapping-generations model, innovation creates a systematic risk factor
labeled displacement risk. The asset pricing implications of displacement risk
are further examined in a model of heterogeneous workers and firms in Kogan,
Papanikolaou, and Stoffman (2012). Pástor and Veronesi (2009) explain bubble-
like behavior of stock markets in the 1990s by the arrival of new technologies.
While our model has implications for consumption dynamics and asset re-
turns that are related to these models, our approach is different but complemen-
tary. In the above models of technology adoption, the arrival of new technolo-
gies is assumed to be exogenous. In contrast, we examine the asset pricing and
growth implications of the endogenous creation of new technologies through
R&D, which leads to a distinct set of empirical predictions. Moreover, by em-
bedding a model of endogenous technological progress into a real business cycle
model, our paper provides a straightforward extension of the workhorse model
of modern macroeconomics.
In this respect, the paper is closer to recent attempts to address asset pric-
ing puzzles within versions of the canonical real business cycle model. Start-
ing with the habit-based models of Jermann (1998) and Boldrin, Christiano,
and Fisher (2001), recent examples, such as Tallarini (2000), Campanale, Cas-
tro, and Clementi (2008), Kuehn (2008), Kaltenbrunner and Lochstoer (2010),
4 In a companion paper, Kung (2015) shows that a similar mechanism coupled with imperfect
price adjustment quantitatively rationalizes many aspects of the term structure of interest rates
in a production economy.
1004 The Journal of FinanceR
I. Model
In our baseline framework, we embed a model of industrial innovation in
the tradition of Romer (1990) into a fairly standard macroeconomic model with
convex adjustment costs and Epstein-Zin preferences. In the model, rather than
assuming exogenous technological progress, sustained growth arises through
the accumulation of patented intermediate goods (henceforth, patents) that
facilitate the production of a final consumption good. New patents are created
through innovation, which requires investment in R&D, and can be stored.
Therefore, patents in this model represent an endogenous stock of intangible
We start by describing in detail the production sector and the innovation
process in our economy. We then present the household sector and define the
general equilibrium.
A. Production
The production process involves three sectors. The final consumption good is
produced in a perfectly competitive sector, namely, the final goods sector, using
physical capital, labor, and patents. Stationary shocks drive stochastic fluctua-
tions in the production of the final consumption good. Patents are produced in
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1005
the intangible goods sector, where firms have monopoly power due to product
differentiation. New patents are created by innovation through R&D in the
innovation sector, which is also perfectly competitive.
Absent patents, decreasing returns to physical capital in the production func-
tion would imply that growth ceases in the long run without an exogenous trend
component in the level of technology, which is a standard result from the Solow
growth model. In contrast, in our setup, acquiring patents from the intangible
sector facilitates production for a given stock of physical capital, allowing the
final goods firm to grow and thereby creating demand for individual patents.
That demand is met by the intangible sector, which earns profits from selling
patents to the final goods firm by charging a markup over its marginal costs.
Monopoly power is important as the associated profits provide rents for creat-
ing new patents. The innovation sector sells a newly developed patent to the
intangible sector at the competitive price, which in equilibrium is equal to the
present value of its profits.
Sustained growth is obtained in this economy because the demand for patents
of the final goods firm creates new profit opportunities in the intangible sec-
tor and thus raises the incentives to create new patents through innovation.
These new patents increase the efficiency of physical capital and thereby boost
investment, creating even more demand for patents.
and Xi,t is the quantity of patent i ∈ [0, Nt ]. Also, Nt is the measure of patents
in use at date t, α is the physical capital share, ξ is the intangible capital
share, and 1−ν 1
is the elasticity of substitution between patents with ν < 1. We
interpret Nt as the stock of intangible capital.
We introduce uncertainty into the model by means of an exogenous stochastic
process t affecting the level of output. Importantly, t is assumed to follow a
stationary Markov process by specifying that t = eat and at = ρat−1 + t , with
t ∼ N(0, σ 2 ) and ρ < 1. While t resembles labor-augmenting technology, it
does not represent measured productivity in our setting, as we discuss in more
detail below. Because of the stationarity of the forcing process, sustained growth
arises endogenously from the development of new patents. We describe how
new patents are developed by innovation below.
1006 The Journal of FinanceR
The value Vi,t of owning exclusive rights to produce patent i is equal to the
present discounted value of the current and future monopoly profits, so that
Vi,t = i,t + (1 − φ)Et [Mt+1 Vi,t+1 ], (7)
It α1 It 1
5 We specify
(·) as in Jermann (1998),
Kt ≡ ζ Kt + α2 . Here, 1−ζ represents the elas-
ticity of the investment rate with respect to Tobin’s Q. The parameters α1 and α2 are set so that
there are no adjustment costs in the deterministic steady state.
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1007
where φ is the probability that a patent becomes obsolete. This asset price
is important in our model, as it provides the payoff to creating new patents
through innovation as we describe next. This highlights the importance of
monopoly power, as the associated profits provide the rents to innovation.
where St denotes R&D expenditures (in terms of the final goods) and ϑt rep-
resents the productivity of the innovation sector, which is taken as exogenous
by the R&D sector. In a similar spirit as Comin and Gertler (2006), we assume
that this technology coefficient involves an externality effect
χ · Nt
ϑt = 1−η η
, (9)
St Nt
where χ > 0 is a scale parameter and η ∈ [0, 1] is the elasticity of new patents
with respect to R&D. This specification posits that concepts already discovered
make it easier to come up with new ideas, ∂ϑ/∂ N > 0, thus capturing posi-
tive spillovers of the aggregate stock of intangible capital as in Romer (1990),
and that R&D investment has decreasing marginal returns, ∂ϑ/∂ S < 0, cap-
turing a congestion effect that raises the cost of developing new products as the
aggregate level of R&D increases.6
B. Household
The household sector is standard. The representative household has Epstein-
Zin preferences defined over consumption:
Ut = (1 − β)Ctθ + β(Et [Ut+1 ]) 1−γ
, (10)
6 Similarly, this congestion externality can be thought of as giving rise to adjustment costs to
investment in intangible capital, that is, R&D. Below, we will see that the optimality condition for
R&D is ϑ1t = Et [Mt+1 Vt+1 ], equating the marginal cost of creating a new patent with its marginal
benefit. Absent the congestion externality, this boils down to 1 = Et [Mt+1 Vt+1 ], a result analogous
to Q-theory, in which case the absence of adjustment cost fixes marginal Q at unity.
1008 The Journal of FinanceR
long-run growth prospects. We assume that ψ > γ1 , so that the agent has a
preference for early resolution of uncertainty and dislikes uncertainty about
long-run growth rates.
The household maximizes utility by participating in financial markets and
by supplying labor. Specifically, the household can take positions Zt in the
stock market, which pays an aggregate dividend Dt , and in the bond market
Bt . Accordingly, the budget constraint of the household is
where Qt is the stock price, r f ,t is the risk-free rate, Wt is the wage, and Lt
denotes hours worked.
We assume that stocks are claims to all the production sectors, namely, the
final good sector, the intangible sector, and the innovation sector. Accordingly,
we define the aggregate dividend as the net payout from the production sector,
Dt = Dt + i,t di − St . (12)
= Et [Mt+1 ]. (15)
1 + rt
In equilibrium, the representative agent holds the entire supply of equities,
while bonds are in zero net supply. The former is normalized to one (i.e.,
Zt = 1 ∀t).
Since the agent has no disutility for labor, she will supply her entire endow-
ment, which we normalize to unity, so that Lt ≡ 1.
The final good firm’s optimality conditions are mostly standard. Denoting
by qt =
1 the shadow value of physical capital, the first-order condition for
investment in physical capital is
1 Yt+1 It+1
1 = Et Mt+1 α(1 − ξ ) + qt+1 (1 − δ) − + qt+1
t+1 . (16)
qt Kt+1 Kt+1
On the other hand, the final goods firm’s demand for patent i is determined by
ξν −1
1−ξ Nt
Pi,t = Ktα (t Lt )1−α ξ ν
Xi,t di Xi,t , (17)
where it takes the price Pi,t as given. In fact, Pi,t is set by the monopolistically
competitive producer of patent i. In a symmetric equilibrium, the monopolisti-
cally competitive characterization of the intangible goods sector à la Dixit and
Stiglitz (1977) implies
Xi,t ≡ Xt and Pi,t ≡ Pt = . (18)
That is, each patent producer charges a markup 1ν > 1 over unit marginal cost,
so that its profits are
i,t ≡ t = − 1 Xt , (19)
1−ξ ξν −1 1−ξ
which says that the expected sales revenues equal costs, or equivalently, at the
margin, ϑ1t = Et [Mt+1 Vt+1 ]. By pinning down the amount of R&D investment,
this condition is crucial in this model, as it ultimately determines the equilib-
rium growth rate of the economy. Importantly, the procyclicality of profits will
be reflected in the dynamics of R&D.
1010 The Journal of FinanceR
Yt = Ct + It + Nt Xt + St , (21)
1− 1ν
= Ct + It + Nt Gt + St , (22)
1− 1
where the last equality exploits the optimality conditions and the term Nt ν Gt
captures the costs of patent production. Given that ν < 1, reflecting monopolis-
tic competition, it follows that a growing intangible capital stock increases the
efficiency of patent production, as the costs fall with Nt growing.
Dt = Dt + t Nt − St . (23)
Defining the stock market value to be the discounted sum of future aggre-
gate dividends and exploiting the optimality conditions, this value can be
rewritten as
Qt = qt Kt+1 + Nt (Vt − t )
+ Et Mt+i+1 Vt+i+1 (Nt+i+1 − (1 − φ)Nt+i ) − St+i+1 , (24)
similar to Comin, Gertler, and Santacreu (2009). Thus, the stock market value
consists of (i) the current market value of the installed capital stock (first
term), (ii) the market value of currently used patents (second term), and (iii)
the market value of patents to be developed in the future (third term). There-
fore, the stock market values intangible capital and the option value of future
intangibles in addition to the tangible capital stock.
A. Endogenous Productivity
To start, it is convenient to represent the aggregate production function in
our benchmark model in a form that permits straightforward comparison with
specifications commonly used in macroeconomic models. Using the equilibrium
conditions, final output can be rewritten as
ξ ν −ξ
Yt = (ξ ν ) 1−ξ Ktα (t Lt )1−α Nt 1−ξ . (25)
B. Growth Cycles
Expression (26) highlights the importance of the accumulation of patents for
productivity growth in the economy. The payoff to the creation of a new patent
is its value, Vt . Naturally, the growth rate of intangible capital Nt+1 ≡ NNt+1
reflects patent values and thus in equilibrium we have
Nt+1 = (1 − φ) + Et χ Mt+1 Vt+1 1−η . (27)
This relationship, linking the growth rate of intangible capital to patent values,
is central for the model and helps illustrate the main mechanisms determining
7 Without that restriction, the economy will exhibit either decreasing or increasing returns to
scale, so that growth rates either go to zero or will diverge in the long run. While positive growth
would still obtain along the transition path in both cases, we impose the restriction to obtain
positive growth in a stationary environment as does the bulk of the endogenous growth literature.
8 Similar decompositions can be found in Ethier (1982), Comin and Gertler (2006), and others.
1012 The Journal of FinanceR
⎡ ⎤ 1−η
Nt+1 = (1 − φ) + Et ⎣χ η Mt+ j|t (1 − φ) j−1 t+ j ⎦
, (28)
where Mt+ j|t ≡ sj Mt+s|t is the j-step ahead stochastic discount factor and
Mt|t ≡ 1. The equilibrium growth rate is therefore tied to discounted future
profits on patents. We thus suggestively identify two major channels driving
equilibrium growth, a profit channel and a discount factor channel.
The profit channel implies that the dynamics of the growth rate of the
intangible capital stock reflect the dynamics of profits. Given t = 1ν −
1−ξ ξν −1 1−ξ
1 ξ ν Ktα (t Lt )1−α Nt , profit dynamics mirror the level of the forcing
process t , and hence are procyclical and persistent. Accordingly, expression
(28) suggests that the growth rate of intangible capital is procyclical and per-
sistent. We label these cyclical movements of the equilibrium growth rate as
growth cycles.
Figure 1 illustrates these dynamics. The figure displays the impulse re-
sponses of quantities in the intangible sector to a productivity shock. Impor-
tantly, after a positive shock, monopoly profits rise persistently. Intuitively, a
positive shock in the final goods sector raises the demand Xt for patents, which
translates directly into higher profits in the intangible sector. This raises the
value of a patent, which triggers a prolonged increase in R&D and the growth
rate of intangible capital. Finally, persistent R&D dynamics lead to a persistent
expected productivity growth component.
The discount factor channel, on the other hand, points to the relevance of
risk considerations for equilibrium growth dynamics, which can be seen in
equation (17). With recursive preferences, the stochastic discount factor is sen-
sitive to the entire intertemporal distribution of risk. Thus, a higher degree of
predictability in consumption growth translates into a more volatile stochas-
tic discount factor, and a more variable discount factor is reflected in a more
volatile equilibrium growth rate. This feedback channel between the discount
factor and endogenous growth dynamics implies a long-run growth amplifica-
tion mechanism that generates quantitatively significant long-run risks.
Figure 1. Endogenous growth mechanism. This figure plots impulse response functions in
the benchmark model for the exogenous component of technology a, monopoly profits π , market
value of patents v, R&D intensity s − n, R&D stock growth n, and expected productivity growth
E[z] to a positive productivity shock ( > 0).
Zin (2007, 2010), Favilukis and Lin (2013a, 2013b)). Our model thus gives an
equilibrium interpretation to this channel.
Given the mean-reversion of t , the growth rate is negatively autocorrelated.
However, if ρ is sufficiently close to one, the growth rate of t is close to i.i.d.
and we may write
Et log Zt+1 ≈ (1 − α)χ . (29)
Figure 2. Empirical R&D intensity. This figure plots the annual R&D intensity, defined as the
ratio of private business R&D investment to the stock of R&D, from 1953 to 2008. The data are
from the National Science Foundation and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
models. We thus contrast the asset pricing implications of growth cycles and
business cycles.
One way to interpret the differences between our model and the real business
cycle framework is that the trend component of the productivity process, Nt ,
is endogenous and fluctuates in our setup, while it is exogenous and typically
deterministic in real business cycle models. Through this channel, transitory
shocks have permanent and persistent effects in our model. This is important
from an asset pricing perspective, as Alvarez and Jermann (2005) show that,
in an economy exclusively driven by transitory shocks, the term premium is
the highest risk premium.
A. Calibration
Our benchmark model requires that we specify 13 parameters: three for
preferences, seven relating to the final goods production technology, and three
for the innovation technology. We focus on long-run growth cycles to help us
determine key parameters. Note that we measure long-run growth cycles as
movements at frequencies between 100 and 200 quarters that we isolate using a
bandpass filter. In particular, we target the average growth rate of the economy
and the growth cycle volatilities σ GC of output, consumption, investment, and
R&D intensity. Table I summarizes our parameter choices.
To construct our targets, we need to find empirical measures of innovation
and R&D intensity, N . Our empirical series for St measures private business
9 While there is no exactly corresponding model with exogenous growth, we find our choice
natural as it facilitates comparison. The main conclusions are robust across a broad spectrum of
exogenous growth models. Extensive robustness checks with other exogenous growth specifications
are available from the authors on request.
1016 The Journal of FinanceR
Table I
This table reports the benchmark quarterly calibration used for the benchmark growth cycle and
business cycle models.
R&D investment and comes from the National Science Foundation. The Bu-
reau of Labor Statistics (BLS) constructs the R&D stock by accumulating R&D
expenditures and allowing for depreciation, much in the same way as the phys-
ical capital stock is constructed. We thus use the R&D stock as our empirical
counterpart for Nt to be consistent with the accumulation process in (8). For
consistency, we use the same depreciation rate φ in our calibration as the BLS
uses in its calculations. The R&D stock can be interpreted as measuring the
economic benefits of R&D that spill over from the innovating firm to other
firms. We provide further details on the data sources in Appendix A.
We start by discussing the less standard parameters. We set χ , which is a
pure scaling parameter, to match the average growth rate of the U.S. economy
in our sample. We pick η, the elasticity of new patents with respect to R&D,
to match the growth cycle volatility of R&D intensity. This parameter can be
thought of as an adjustment cost parameter for R&D. Furthermore, our choice
of η is within the range of panel and cross-sectional estimates from Griliches
(1990). Analogously, we set ζ to match the growth cycle volatility of investment.
We choose σ , the volatility of the exogenous component of productivity, to match
the growth cycle volatility of output. Finally, we choose ρ to be consistent
with the autocorrelation of R&D intensity. This puts further discipline on the
importance of movements in innovation as a source of long-run productivity
risk, as becomes apparent in expression (29).
The choices of the remaining parameters follow the literature. Recursive
preferences have been used extensively in recent work in asset pricing. We
follow this literature and set preference parameters to standard values that
are also supported empirically. The elasticity of intertemporal substitution ψ
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1017
is set to 1.85 and the coefficient of relative risk aversion γ is set to 10.10 An
elasticity of intertemporal substitution larger than one is consistent with the
notion that an increase in uncertainty lowers the price-dividend ratio. Note
that, in this parametrization, ψ > γ1 , which implies that the agent dislikes
shocks to expected growth rates. The subjective discount factor β is set to an
annualized value of 0.984 so as to be consistent with the level of the risk-free
In the final goods sector, α is set to 0.35 to match the average capital share
and the depreciation rate of capital δ is set to 0.02 to match the average capital
investment rate, which are standard in the macroeconomic literature. The
parameter ξ is set to 0.5 to accord with the choice in Comin and Gertler (2006).
The inverse markup parameter in the intangible sector ν is set to 0.6 to be
consistent with the balanced growth restriction. While markups are generally
difficult to measure, and especially so on intangible capital, varying the param-
eter around a reasonable range does not change our key quantitative results.11
Since we interpret the variety of patents as the stock of R&D, as discussed, we
can interpret φ as the depreciation rate of the R&D stock. Hence, we set φ to
0.0375, which corresponds to an annualized depreciation rate of 15%, which is
a standard value and assumed by the BLS in the R&D stock calculations.
We calibrate the real business cycle model to facilitate direct comparison
with our benchmark model. To do so, we set a trend growth parameter μ
equal to 1.90% to match average output growth, and we adjust the volatility
of the forcing process to match the volatility of consumption growth in the
benchmark model. The remaining parameter choices are identical to those of
the benchmark model.
10 The choice of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is consistent with the estimation
evidence in Fernandez-Villaverde et al. (2012), while Bansal, Kiku, and Yaron (2013) use Euler
conditions and a GMM estimator to provide empirical support for these parameter values.
11 Competition has an effect on the equity premium in the model, as reducing the markup
lowers the volatility of cash flows, which leads to a smaller risk premium. On the other hand, the
quantitative effects in the present specification are small.
1018 The Journal of FinanceR
Table II
Determinants of Steady-State Growth
This table reports comparative statics analysis of the deterministic steady-state growth rate yss
from the benchmark growth cycle model. Panel A reports the impact of varying preferences pa-
rameters (around the benchmark calibration) on the steady-state growth rate. Panel B reports
the impact of varying technological parameters (around the benchmark calibration) on the steady-
steady growth rate.
We begin with the preference parameters (top panel). A higher value for the
time-preference parameter β implies that the agent values the future more rel-
ative to the present. Hence, the agent is willing to defer consumption and invest
more, which leads to higher growth. An increase in the intertemporal elasticity
of substitution ψ means that the agent is less concerned about smoothing the
consumption path and therefore leads to higher growth. Since we are analyzing
the deterministic steady-state, the coefficient of relative risk aversion does not
affect trend growth.12
On the technology side, increasing the patent share ξ leads to a reallocation of
resources from physical capital to intangible capital. As intangible capital has
a higher depreciation rate than physical capital, this reduces production effi-
ciency and therefore lowers growth. Increasing the parameter that determines
the average markup ν has two opposing effects. First, increasing the markup,
holding all else equal, increases monopoly profits in the intermediate sector.
12 Note that, in the stochastic steady-state, higher risk aversion will increase the precautionary
savings motive of the agent and raise the average growth rate.
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1019
Table III
Macro Moments
This table presents annualized macroeconomic moments from the data, the benchmark growth
cycle model and the business cycle model. Panel A reports the average long-run growth rate and
volatilities of low-frequency components of output growth y, consumption growth c, physical
investment growth i, and R&D intensity S/N. The low-frequency components are obtained using
the bandpass filter from Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003) and isolating frequencies between 100
and 200 quarters. Panel B reports short-run volatilities of output growth y, consumption growth
c, physical investment growth i, R&D expenditures growth s, and productivity growth z.
Panel C reports first autocorrelations for these macro growth rates and for Tobin’s Q. The model
statistics correspond to population moments.
Panel C: Autocorrelation
Second, a higher markup depresses the demand for intermediate goods inputs,
which reduces monopoly profits. In our benchmark calibration, the second effect
dominates, and therefore a higher average markup lowers steady-state growth.
A higher scale parameter χ directly raises the level of productivity in the R&D
sector and therefore increases growth. A higher η increases the marginal re-
turns to R&D, which raises growth. Increasing the obsolescence rate of the
R&D stock φ reduces the returns to R&D and therefore growth declines. Anal-
ogously, a higher depreciation rate of physical capital stock δ lowers growth.
13 Similarly, we abstract from endogenous movements in the labor supply, as those drive a large
Table IV
Asset Pricing Implications
This table reports the asset pricing implications for the benchmark growth cycle model, a high
volatility calibration of the growth cycle model, and the business cycle model. More specifically,
the volatility calibration corresponds to calibrating the volatility parameter σ in the growth cycle
model to match consumption volatility in the post–Great Depression sample (1930 to 2008). Also,
the scale parameter χ and the subjective discount factor β are adjusted to match the average
output growth rate and risk-free rate from the benchmark model, while all of the other parameters
are kept the same as the benchmark calibration. Panel A reports the means of the risk-free rate r f ,
the risk premium on the aggregate stock market E[rm ∗ − r ], the risk premium on physical capital
E[rd∗ − r f ], and the spread between physical capital and intangible capital E[rd∗ − ric∗ ]. Panel B
reports the standard deviation of these returns. The risk premiums are levered following Boldrin,
Christiano, and Fisher (2001). The model statistics correspond to population moments.
Growth Cycle—
Growth Cycle Volatility Calibration Business Cycle
Panel A: Mean
the business cycle specification, which are radically different. These differences
are inherently linked to the presence of growth cycles in our benchmark econ-
omy. Growth cycles and persistent uncertainty about expected growth prospects
are akin to long-run risks, and give rise to both long-run consumption risks and
long-run cash flow risks.
Our benchmark model generates a low and smooth risk-free rate, while in
the business cycle model the risk-free rate is counterfactually high. Intuitively,
in the presence of long-run consumption risks, agents with a preference for
early resolution of uncertainty save for persistent low-growth episodes, low-
ering the equilibrium interest rate. In contrast, in the business cycle model
expected growth prospects are roughly constant, so that agents want to borrow
against their future income, which can only be prevented by a prohibitively
high equilibrium interest rate as documented in the table.
The presence of long-run cash flow risks, on the other hand, renders stocks
risky. Consistent with the multisector structure of our benchmark model, the
stock market is a claim to the net payout from production. Quantitatively, the
benchmark model generates a sizeable excess return on the aggregate stock
market of close to 3%, with a volatility close to 5%.
1022 The Journal of FinanceR
Table V
Properties of Consumption Growth and the Stochastic Discount
Factor (SDF)
This table reports statistics for consumption growth dynamics (Panel A), expected consumption
dynamics (Panel B), and SDF dynamics (Panel C). Panel A reports the annualized volatility and
first autocorrelation of consumption growth and the annualized volatility of expected consumption
growth for the data, the benchmark growth cycle model, and the business cycle model. In Panel B,
we fit the the expected consumption growth process Et [ct+1 ] from the growth cycle and business
cycle models to an AR(1) process xt = ρx xt−1 + σx x,t , where x,t ∼ N(0, 1), and compare it to the
exogenous expected consumption growth component from Bansal and Yaron (2004). We report the
persistence parameter ρx and the annualized volatility parameter σ˜x from the fitted AR(1) process,
the relative volatility of expected consumption growth and realized consumption growth, and
the correlation between expected consumption growth and realized consumption growth. Panel C
reports the maximal Sharpe ratio and the one-period mean entropy as defined in Backus, Chernov,
and Zin (2014) for the growth cycle and business cycle models. The model statistics correspond to
population moments.
consumption growth is highly persistent and quite volatile in our model, close
to the exogenous parameterization in Bansal and Yaron (2004). In particular,
our process is slightly more persistent but slightly less volatile than their
specification. In other words, there is a fair amount of persistent uncertainty
about growth prospects in consumption, or long-run risks.
Our benchmark model thus exhibits quantitatively significant endogenous
long-run risks in consumption. This is in sharp contrast to the companion
business cycle specification, which, as noted before, counterfactually exhibits
near-i.i.d. consumption growth and therefore minimal time-variation in ex-
pected consumption growth. On the other hand, both model specifications ex-
hibit the same amount of short-run risks, as measured by the volatility of
realized consumption growth. Note that, in contrast to the exogenous specifi-
cation in Bansal and Yaron (2004), where innovations to consumption growth
and expected consumption growth are uncorrelated, in our model long- and
short-run risks are endogenously positively correlated. Bad news for the short
run are thus bad news for the long run, reinforcing the endogenous risks in our
The presence of endogenous long-run risks in consumption has important
implications for the stochastic discount factor, and especially measures of its
volatility and dispersion. In Panel C, we report results for two such mea-
sures, namely, the maximal Sharpe ratio, σ (Mt )/E(Mt ), and the mean entropy,
E log Et Mt+1 − E log Mt+1 , following Backus, Chernov, and Zin (2014). Rela-
tive to both measures, the benchmark model generates much higher volatility
and dispersion than the business cycle specification. In terms of the maxi-
mal Sharpe ratio, sometimes referred to as the price of risk, it is instructive
to keep the implied value with power utility in mind. In that case, with the
calibrated consumption volatility and risk aversion, the Sharpe ratio would
be 0.145
10 × 1.45%. Deviations from that value reflect the dynamics of
expected consumption growth captured by the continuation utility term in
Epstein-Zin preferences. In the business cycle model, consumption growth
exhibits slight negative autocorrelation, so that innovations to consumption
growth and expected consumption growth tend to hedge each other, leading
to a low price of risk. The opposite obtains in the benchmark model, resulting
in a higher price of risk than the business cycle model. More importantly, the
volatility of expected consumption growth is much lower in the real business
cycle model.
The presence of long-run risks can also be characterized by inspecting the
autocorrelation function for consumption growth and observing persistence.
Figure 3 plots the first 10 autocorrelations for annual consumption growth from
the benchmark model, the business cycle model, and the data. The benchmark
model generates a sizeable first autocorrelation as in the data, but slightly
more persistence at longer horizons. Importantly, the consumption dynamics
from our model are broadly consistent with the data. In contrast, the business
cycle model generates virtually no persistence in consumption growth.
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1025
Figure 3. Consumption growth autocorrelations. This figure plots the first 10 autocorrela-
tions of consumption growth. The line with circular markers plots the autocorrelations from the
data for the 1953 to 2008 sample period. The line with the triangular markers plots the short-
sample autocorrelations from the growth cycle model. The line with the square-like markers plots
the short-sample autocorrelations from the business cycle model. From the models, we average
across 100 simulations that are equivalent in length to the data sample. The dashed lines repre-
sent the lower and upper boundaries of the 95% confidence interval.
14 In a recent paper, Favilukis and Lin (2013b) make progress on this front by explicitly account-
ing for wage rigidity, leverage, as well as nonconvexities in investment adjustment costs.
1026 The Journal of FinanceR
Table VI
Properties of Dividend Growth and the P/D Ratio
This table reports statistics for dividend growth dynamics (Panel A), expected dividend dynamics
(Panel B), and price-dividend ratio dynamics (Panel C). Panel A reports the annualized volatility
and first autocorrelation of dividend growth and the annualized volatility of expected dividend
growth for the data, the benchmark growth cycle model, and the business cycle model. In Panel
B, we fit the expected dividend growth process Et [ct+1 ] from the growth cycle and business
cycle models to an AR(1) process xt = ρx xt−1 + σx x,t , where x,t ∼ N(0, 1), and compare it to the
exogenous expected dividend growth component from Bansal and Yaron (2004). We report the
persistence parameter ρx and the annualized volatility parameter σ˜x from the fitted AR(1) process,
the relative volatility of expected dividend growth and realized dividend growth, and the correlation
between expected dividend growth and realized dividend growth. Panel C reports the annualized
volatility of the log price-dividend ratio, the annualized volatility of the low-frequency component
of the log price-dividend ratio, and the first autocorrelation of the log price-dividend ratio for the
data and the growth cycle and business cycle models. The low-frequency component is obtained
using the bandpass filter from Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003) and isolating frequencies between
100 and 200 quarters. The model statistics correspond to population moments.
Table VII
Properties of Innovation and Productivity
This table reports statistics for variables pertaining to innovation and productivity from the data
and the benchmark growth cycle model. Panel A reports volatilities and first autocorrelations
of innovation-related measures (R&D expenditure growth s, R&D stock growth n, and R&D
intensity S/N) and productivity growth z. Panel B reports the annual persistence and standard
deviation of the expected growth rate component of productivity growth. The data estimates are
taken from Croce (2014), where the expected growth rate component of productivity x̃t−1 is a latent
variable that is assumed to follow an AR(1). In contrast, in the growth cycle model the expected
growth rate component is the growth rate of the variety of intermediate goods nt , an endogenous
structural variable of the model. The model statistics correspond to population moments.
hedging consumption risks and reduce risk premia on equity. This effect is
alleviated in our model due to strongly procyclical aggregate profits Nt t on
patents. Moreover, in the model, aggregate profit growth exhibits a substantial
amount of low-frequency variation itself, with the volatility of its conditional
mean equal to 0.42%. Accounting for profits thus helps the benchmark model
capture more realistic cash flow risks. However, while the model generates sub-
stantial low-frequency variation in profits, it underestimates the total volatility
of profits. We view matching cash flow dynamics accurately as an interesting
and important extension for future work.
More realistic cash flow dynamics also affect valuation ratios, as documented
in Panel C of Table VI. In particular, endogenous long-run risks capture roughly
half of the empirical volatility of price-dividend ratios.
Panel A documents that the model is broadly consistent with volatilities and
autocorrelations of R&D investment, the stock of R&D, and R&D intensity
in the data. Crucially, in line with its empirical counterpart, R&D intensity
is a persistent process and we match its annual autocorrelation of 0.93. Not
surprisingly, such persistence is reflected in a positive autocorrelation of pro-
ductivity growth in the model, close to the value in the data. Moreover, the
model predicts considerable uncertainty about future productivity growth as
measured by the volatility of its conditional mean.
These results suggest quantitatively significant long-run productivity risks
driven by empirically plausible movements in R&D intensity. More formally,
uncovering the persistent component in productivity growth as a latent variable
in the data (as in Croce (2014)) yields an annual persistence coefficient of 0.93
for the expected growth rate of productivity, while our model closely matches
this number with a persistence coefficient of 0.95. Moreover, the volatilities of
expected productivity growth rates in the data and in the model roughly match.
Note that, in contrast to our benchmark model, the business cycle specification
implies that productivity growth is essentially i.i.d., which is inconsistent with
empirical evidence.
Qualitatively, the model predicts that R&D intensity should closely track
productivity growth. Figure 4 depicts these patterns in the model, using a
simulated sample path, as well as in the data. The plots highlight the small
but persistent component in productivity growth induced by equilibrium R&D
activity. In our general equilibrium model, this persistent component shows
up in consumption growth as well, as the figure also illustrates. Empirically,
therefore, we expect R&D intensity to forecast productivity and consumption
growth. We test this prediction in Section III.G.
B.4. Comovement
Our model also has realistic implications for comovement between prices
and quantities at lower frequencies. In the following, we identify low-frequency
movements in growth rates using a bandpass filter that isolates movements at
frequencies between 100 and 200 quarters.
Figure 5 reveals the close match between the price-dividend ratio and pro-
ductivity growth in the data and the benchmark model at low frequencies.
This evidence strongly suggests the presence of slow productivity-driven move-
ments in asset market valuations in the data. In the model, these movements
are driven by variation in expected cash flows, induced by time-variation in
R&D intensity. This is because the benchmark model generates little time-
variation in risk premia. While there is evidence for time-variation in expected
cash flows as discussed above, time-variation in price-dividend ratios is often
related to time-varying risk premia. In an extension, we augment our model
with stochastic volatility in the exogenous shock and find that it replicates the
predictability evidence well.
At lower frequencies we also find strong cross-correlations between stock
returns and consumption growth. This is displayed in Figure 6, indicating the
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1029
Figure 4. Growth rates and R&D intensity. The top left panel plots demeaned log consumption
growth ct (thin line) and R&D intensity Nt−1 (thick line) from the growth cycle model, while the
bottom left panel shows the same plot for the data. The top right panel plots demeaned log output
growth yt (thin line) and R&D intensity Nt−1 (thick line) from the growth cycle model, while the
bottom right panel shows the same plot for the data.
lag-lead structure between returns and consumption growth. In the data and at
low frequencies, returns lead consumption growth by several quarters and the
lead correlations die away more slowly relative to the lag correlations. In other
words, lower-frequency movements in returns contain important information
regarding long-run movements in future growth. In contrast to the business
cycle specification, the benchmark model replicates this feature of the data
quite well. This important divergence between the two models is due to the
endogenous predictable component in productivity growth, which is absent in
the business cycle model. In sum, the benchmark model is able reconcile to the
long-term relationship between returns and growth quite well.
C. Empirical Evidence
Time-varying growth prospects in consumption are at the core of the long-
run risks literature following Bansal and Yaron (2004). However, the empirical
1030 The Journal of FinanceR
Table VIII
Consumption Growth Forecasts
This table presents short-sample annual consumption growth forecasting regressions from the
data and from the benchmark growth cycle model for horizons (k) of one to five years. In
Panel A, log consumption growth is projected on log R&D intensity, ct,t+1 + · · · + ct+k−1,t+k =
α + β(s − n)t + νt,t+k. In Panel B, log consumption growth is projected on log R&D stock growth,
ct,t+1 + · · · + ct+k−1,t+k = α + βnt + νt,t+k. The regressions are estimated via OLS with Newey-
West standard errors with k − 1 lags and overlapping annual observations. The estimates from the
model regression are averaged across 100 simulations that are equivalent in length to the data
Horizon (Years)
1 2 3 4 5
increasing with horizon, and statistically significant. The R2 s are between 0.07
and 0.2, and are monotonically increasing with horizon. Less surprisingly, we
find a similar pattern in our model simulations. For completeness, Panel B re-
ports results from projecting future consumption growth on a related measure
of innovation, namely, the growth rate of the log R&D stock, log Nt+1 − log Nt .
A similar pattern obtains. In the data, R&D stock growth forecasts consump-
tion growth over horizons of one to five years with statistically significant and
positive slope coefficients and sizeable R2 s, in line with our model. These regres-
sions give empirical support for the notion of innovation-driven low-frequency
variation in consumption growth, consistent with the implications of our bench-
mark model.
In the model, just as changing growth expectations in consumption reflect
movements in innovative activity, so too do changing productivity and output
growth expectations. Therefore, we expect measures of innovation to forecast
productivity and output growth. In Table IX, we provide empirical evidence
supporting these predictions. The table documents that in the data both R&D
intensity and R&D stock growth forecast productivity and output growth over
1032 The Journal of FinanceR
Table IX
Output and Productivity Growth Forecasts
This table presents annual output and productivity growth forecasting regressions from the data
and from the benchmark growth cycle model for horizons (k) of one to five years. In the top two
panels, log output growth is projected on log R&D intensity, yt,t+1 + · · · + yt+k−1,t+k = α + β(s −
n)t + νt,t+k (Panel A) and on log R&D stock growth, yt,t+1 + · · · + yt+k−1,t+k = α + βnt + νt,t+k
(Panel B). In the bottom two panels, log productivity growth is projected on log R&D intensity,
zt,t+1 + · · · + zt+k−1,t+k = α + β(s − n)t + νt,t+k (Panel C) and on log R&D stock growth, zt,t+1 +
· · · + zt+k−1,t+k = α + βnt + νt,t+k (Panel D). The regressions are estimated via OLS with Newey-
West standard errors with k − 1 lags and overlapping annual observations. The estimates from the
model regression correspond to population estimates.
Horizon (Years)
1 2 3 4 5
several years significantly, with R2 s that are increasing with horizon. Qualita-
tively, the model replicates these patterns well.
Taken together, we find evidence that aggregate growth rates, including
consumption, are indeed time-varying and predictable by innovation-related
measures over longer horizons, just as predicted by the benchmark model.
Innovation, Growth, and Asset Prices 1033
The model thus helps identify economic sources of long-run risks in the
IV. Conclusion
This paper provides a quantitative analysis of a production economy whose
long-term growth prospects are endogenously determined by innovation and
R&D. By integrating innovation and R&D into a real business cycle model
with recursive preferences, our model constitutes a straightforward extension
of the workhorse model of modern macroeconomics. In sharp contrast to the
latter, however, our baseline model jointly rationalizes key features of asset
returns and long-run macroeconomic performance in the data.
In the model, favorable economic conditions boost innovation and the de-
velopment of new technologies. Since technological progress fosters long-run
economic growth, endogenous innovation generates a powerful propagation
mechanism for shocks reflected in persistent variation in long-term growth
prospects. With recursive preferences, innovations to expected growth are
priced and lead to high-risk premia in asset markets, as agents fear that per-
sistent slowdowns in growth coincide with low asset valuations. Formally, we
show that R&D drives an endogenous predictable component in measured pro-
ductivity, which gives an innovation-based explanation of long-run productivity
risk in the data.
Our model thus allows us to empirically identify economic sources of long-
run risks. Indeed, we document novel empirical evidence that measures of
innovation have significant predictive power for aggregate growth rates at
longer horizons.
Initial submission: April 22, 2012; Final version received: September 1, 2014
Acting Editor: David Backus
Appendix A: Equilibrium
In this section, we collect all the equations that determine the symmetric
equilibrium in our economy.
A symmetric equilibrium in the model is defined as an exogenous
stochastic sequence, {t = exp(at )}∞ t=0 , an initial condition {K0 , N0 } for
the endogenous state variables, a sequence of endogenous variables,
{Ct , Ut , Mt , Yt , Wt , qt , It ,
t , Xt , t , Vt , St }∞ ∞
t=0 , and laws of motion {Kt+1 , Nt+1 }t=0
such that
α1 It ζ
t = + α2 ,
ζ Kt
ζ −1
t = α1 ,
t = − 1 Xt ,
Vt = t + (1 − φ)Et [Mt+1 Vt+1 ],
Nt+1 = ϑt St + (1 − φ)Nt ,
χ · Nt
ϑt = 1−η η
St Nt
St = Et [Mt+1 Vt+1 ](Nt+1 − (1 − φ)Nt ),
Ct = Yt − It − Nt Xt − St .
Appendix B: Data
Annual and quarterly data for consumption, capital investment, and GDP
are from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Annual data on private business
R&D investment are from the survey conducted by The National Science Foun-
dation. Annual data on the stock of private business R&D are from the BLS.
Annual productivity data come from the BLS and are measured as multifactor
productivity in the private nonfarm business sector. Quarterly data on divi-
dends are obtained from the BLS. The sample period is 1953 to 2008, since
R&D data are only available during that time period. Consumption is mea-
sured as expenditures on nondurable goods and services. Capital investment is
measured as private fixed investment. Output is measured as GDP. Dividends
are measured as net corporate dividends. The nominal variables are converted
to real terms using the consumer price index (CPI), which is obtained from the
Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP).
Monthly nominal return and yield data are from CRSP. The real market
return is constructed by taking the nominal value-weighted return on the New
York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange and deflating it using the
CPI. The real risk-free rate is constructed by using the nominal average one-
month yields on Treasury bills and taking out expected inflation.15 Aggregate
market and book values of assets are from the Flow of Funds account. Price-
dividend ratio data are from Robert Shiller’s webpage:
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