احمد فتحى-2
احمد فتحى-2
احمد فتحى-2
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم والصالة والسالم على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا
محمد وعلي آله وصحبه أجمعين ثم اما بعد الحمد هلل حمدا يليق بجالل
وجهه وعظيم سلطانه والشكر له علي توفيقه وامتنانه تم بحمد هلل جمع
أكبر قدر ممكن من االسئلة المتوقعه مرفقا بها اإلجابة لمحتوي obstetric
and gynecological nursingولقد الحظت توفيقا عظيما وسهولة ويسرا
و هو وهللا ما أراه اال مصداقا لقول رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم وهللا
في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه
40- Select all the risk factors below that increases a woman’s
risk for developing preeclampsia:
a. Nulligravida
b. Primigravida
c. BMI 34
d. Pregnant with twins
e. Maternal history of preeclampsia
f. Age: 25-years-old
g. History of Lupus and Diabetes
The answers are: B, C, D, E, and G
46- A client in the family planning clinic asks the nurse about
the most likely time for her to conceive. The nurse explains
that conception is most likely to occur when:
a. Estrogen levels are low.
b. Luteinizing hormone is high.
c. The endometrial lining is thin.
d. The progesterone level is low.
Answers is B
47- A client with diabetes asks the nurse for advice regarding
methods of birth control. Which method of birth control is
most suitable for the client with diabetes?
a. Intrauterine device
b. Oral contraceptives
c. Diaphragm
d. Contraceptive sponge
The answers is C
54- A 22-year-old nulligravid client tells the nurse that she and
her husband have been considering using condoms for
family planning. Which of the following instructions would
the nurse include about the use of condoms as a method for
family planning?
a. Using a spermicide with the condom offers added protection
against pregnancy.
b. Natural skin condoms protect against sexually transmitted
c. The typical failure rate for couples using condoms is about 25%.
d. Condom users frequently report penile gland sensitivity.
Answer: A
68- A client LMP began July 5. Her EDD should be which of the
a. January 2
b. March 28
c. April 12
d. October 12
Answers is C
89- For the client who is using oral contraceptives, the nurse
informs the client about the need to take the pill at the
same time each day to accomplish which of the following?
a. Decrease the incidence of nausea.
b. Maintain hormonal levels.
c. Reduce side effects.
d. Prevent drug interactions.
Answers is B
91- For which of the following clients would the nurse expect
that an intrauterine device would not be recommended?
a. Woman over age 35
b. Nulliparous woman
c. Promiscuous young adult
d. Postpartum client
Answers is C
95- A nurse is reviewing the record of a client who has just been
told that a pregnancy test is positive. The physician has
documented the presence of a Goodell’s sign. The nurse
determines this sign indicates:
a. A softening of the cervix.
b. A soft blowing sound that corresponds to the maternal pulse
during auscultation of the uterus.
c. The presence of hCG in the urine.
d. The presence of fetal movement.
Answers is A
100- The cervix is covered with a layer of skin like cells on its
outer surface called the:
a. Ectocervix
b. Vagina
c. The mons cervix
d. The pubis
Answers is A
103- The breast lies over a muscle of the chest known as the:
a. Deltoid muscle
b. Trapezius muscle
c. Pectoral muscle
d. Sternum
Answers is C
120- How much bone loss does a woman have in the first 5
years of menopause?
a. 10% over the 5-year period
b. 5% over the 5-year period
c. About 20% over 5 to 7 years
d. 1% to 2% a year
Answers is C