A 12-Bit Multichannel ADC For Pixel Detectors in Particle
A 12-Bit Multichannel ADC For Pixel Detectors in Particle
A 12-Bit Multichannel ADC For Pixel Detectors in Particle
Technological Sciences
• RESEARCH PAPER • May 2010 Vol.53 No.5: 1208–1214
doi: 10.1007/s11431-010-0129-x
Received September 14, 2009; accepted February 9, 2010; published online April 15, 2010
Modern pixel detectors in nuclear and particle physics experiments and also in nuclear imaging, starve for highly integrated
application specified integrated circuit (ASIC), whereas in China the study of ASIC still stays far away from practical applica-
tion. The lack of ASIC strictly limits the research and development of domestic high energy physics field. A 12-bit multichan-
nel ADC designed for high density readout is introduced as a major candidate for solution. A precise model is discussed and
the simulation fully agrees with the model, which indicates a key principle of design. Design is performed according to the
given rule, and novel layout techniques are carried out. Measurement results in all aspects are also obtained, showing an excel-
lent real performance, which satisfies the practical requirement.
application specified integrated circuit, high density readout, Wilkinson ADC, multi-channel ADC
Citation: Wei W, Wang Z, Zhao J W. A 12-bit multichannel ADC for pixel detectors in particle physics and nuclear imaging. Sci China Tech Sci, 2010, 53:
12081214, doi: 10.1007/s11431-010-0129-x
© Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 tech.scichina.com www.springerlink.com
WEI Wei, et al. Sci China Tech Sci May (2010) Vol.53 No.5 1209
at an exponential speed rather than linear, some can even detectors and back end is the analog-to-digital conversion.
reach several ten thousands [3], calling badly for high density Compared with analog, digital transmission is lower in
readout. Due to the non-negligible size, traditional discrete power consuming and less prone to couple noise caused by
electronics can hardly compete for the task. Methods have electromagnetic interference (EMI) and ground disturbance.
been tried in every way to apply discrete components to the Additionally, with a memory and serial interface, as few as
PCB readout array as a temporary substitute of ASIC, includ- three wires can successively transfer data up to Mega bits.
ing directly connected fly wires [2], delay-line readout [4], Thanks to ADC, real-time analog signal can be processed in
multilayer PCB connection with high density socket [5], and time and restored in RAM, thus rewards the advantage of
so on. However, all the prototype experiments expect high digital transmission.
density readout ASICs for future upgrade as in ref. [3]. With Further discussion for GEM and many other pixel detec-
ASIC, a chip in tiny size, embedded with preamplifier, shaper, tors is that, due to the high density collecting pads, room on
peak holder, and even ADC, can be directly bonded to the collecting PCB is so limited that commercial ADCs can
backside of PCB readout array, shrink the interconnecting hardly make room for existence, not to mention that the
length and hence decrease noise and crosstalk. Dozens or up channels of those ADCs are always far from enough. The
to several hundreds of detector channels can be dealt with idea of the introduced ADC came out from the well-known
altogether, but read out through fewer than ten connecting Wilkinson ADC, which can convert all channels at one time
wires, thus effectively enhance the performance and accuracy, but stays small in size, thus dense integration is possible.
and save budget and space. The dotted frame in Figure 1 is the block schematics of
the parallel multichannel ADC, showing the interface be-
tween detector end and digital output. Outputs of preampli-
2 Analysis of structure fiers and shapers feed into ADC. Desired amplitude of
shaper output is then held by a peak holder or sampler. Af-
One critical problem to limit the interconnection between ter peak detecting, the held voltage is sent to the negative
input of a comparator, which is one per channel. A common Table 1, the large area cost strictly prevents the integration
ramp wave is then ready to start from baseline and sent to with front end in a single chip. Besides, concerning detector
all the positive inputs of comparators. In the meantime, a channels M as many as 128 or even more [7], the mono-
counter also starts to count for the time duration and its ADC will consequently turn the same time every round. As
counting value feeds to all the individual latches. All the a result, the single-run time will increase to MT as a consid-
held amplitude will be compared with the up growing ramp erable amount, whereas the conversion time of the Wil-
voltage. When the running ramp exceeds the held level of a kinson’s scheme always remains the same with no impact of
peak holder, the corresponding comparator will fire and channels. In this case, the mono-ADC actually takes no su-
trigger the latch, which registers the time stamp and be- periority of speed over Wilkinson’s, or even worse if con-
comes the converted value of the held voltage. The ramp cerning about the resolution and complexity. That is why
will keep growing until the conversion of all channels is Wilkinson ADC is the most popular scheme or even the
completed. Finally, the ramp will be reset and wait for the only choice for integrated multichannel A/D conversion,
next event. In this first prototype, only single channel ver- despite that there is rare use in discrete implements.
sion of sample-and-hold module is designed, so that major Thanks to Switched-Capacitor Array (SCA) [8] or say
concern can be focused on ADC, which is the key part for Analog Memory, fast pulse shape can be sampled with ultra
final performance. high frequency and then buffered in this memory. ADC will
Assume the held amplitude is Ai and the slope of ramp is then do the conversion with no time limit and hence become
S = V0/t0, in which V0 and t0 refer to the full-scale and its deadtimeless. With SCA, Wilkinson ADC can even work
conversion time respectively, the crossing-threshold time t for the ultra fast wave digitizer with sampling speed up to
of this channel will be t = Ai/S. Suppose T is the period of giga hertz [8]. As shown in refs. [7–9], Wilkinson ADC has
clock, the digital output will be t/T = Ait0/(V0T). been widely used in various ASICs, making it an ideal start
According to this working flow, total conversion time of for ASIC study. As mentioned above, in order not to in-
this ADC in a single event is proportional to the maximum crease the complexity, SCA is not included in this first pro-
of the held peak, since the ramp is linear. In the worst case, totype but is ready to be included in the next generation.
this will be 2NT whereas in most other types of ADC, the
value is always fixed to one T or several Ts, showing its
inherent disadvantage of speed. On the other hand, as will 3 Modeling and simulation
be discussed later, the final resolution almost depends only
on the linearity of the ramp generator, which makes it easy Since the principle of comparator and gray counter is quite
to achieve an excellent resolution as good as 12 bits. How- straight and classical [10], only the ramp generator will be
ever, for other types of ADC, much greater efforts must be discussed below. Figure 2 shows a more detailed model of
made even with the target of 10 bits. What is more, the in- that, where two reset switches are omitted.
tegration characteristic of ramp offers a natural low-pass To be analyzed in frequency domain, all the stimulant
filter against noise, which is welcome in high energy phys- and response are described by using Laplace Transform.
ics. Finally, the smallest size among commonly used ADCs, Both the current source and the amplifier are modeled with
such as Flash ADC, Pipeline ADC, and Successive Ap- non-ideal effect, including dominant pole and internal re-
proximation ADC (SARADC), gives another crucial priori- sistance shown as Rds, Rin, and Ro. As working in a pulse-
ty to Wilkinson ADC in multichannel application. Table 1 reset way, the input source is modeled as a step to be I(s) =
gives an evaluation of those frequently used ADCs in high Ic/s. According to the figure, the amplifier is described with
energy physics. Some performance is summarized from the its dominant pole in transfer function: As = A0/(1+s/p0).
specification of commercial ADCs [6]. Therefore, the output response is obtained by using Ohm’s
Being widely used in discrete electronics, another com- Law, where no feedback assumption such as virtual ground
petitive scheme for multichannel A/D conversion may be a is made. In this way, the impact caused by the amplifier’s
fast ADC combined with an analog multiplexer. Although finite gain can also be taken into account.
this scheme seems much more time-effective according to
case, therefore eq. (5) can be further simplified by second Figure 5 is the layout of the ASIC, including a ramp
order approximation as shown in eq. (6): generator, a comparator, a track-holder, a gray counter, and
a voltage reference (bandgap). Additional components are
error(t ) (2 RI Ct t 2 ) / (2 RI CT T 2 ) t / T . (6) also inside the chip, including a core prober, power-on setup,
Then it is easy to calculate the maximum value. The re- and ESD protection together with bonding pads. The chip
sult shows, exactly at t = 0.5T, the error goes to its maxi- was designed on Chartered 0.35 µm CMOS 2P4M process,
mum value, which is and the area was 1.8 mm×1.1 mm. Since 12 bits are often
more than enough for many experiments, optional resolu-
INL T / (8RI C 4T ) T / (8 A0 RdsC 4T ) . (7) tion was designed in order to decrease the conversion time.
Adapted for three resolutions of 12-bit, 10-bit, and 8-bit
Eq. (7) shows perfect meet with the simulation, from modes, the slew rate of ramp should also change corre-
which larger A0 always decreases INL. Precondition (3) spondingly to fully utilize the dynamic range.
should also be emphasized. When it cannot satisfy eq. (3), The current source was designed by using a voltage ref-
dominant pole also affects INL. However, after it goes to a erence and a voltage-to-current transformer. Off-chip ze-
high frequency, complex response from eq. (1) degenerates ro-temperature coefficient resistor is required, so that the
to eq. (4) with no influence from bandwidth. Furthermore, zero coefficient achieved by the bandgap reference will not
to satisfy INL < 1.22×104, lower limit of A0 can be deter- lose over internal resistors or MOSFET.
mined by eq. (6), where for an integration time of 81.92 μs Comparator is also carefully designed. Since it should
(12 bits, 50 MHz clock frequency, which is the most typical settle down within one clock period, the comparator actual-
case), the gain should always be larger than 1678. Again, ly requires large bandwidth although the overall ADC
the curve “A0 = 1000” in Figure 3 falls out of the range and seems rather slow. Large gain is also needed for 12-bit res-
shows agreement with the deduction. For longer integration olution. Finally, critical tradeoffs have been made among
time, larger gain is necessary to ensure the accuracy. How- the gain, the speed, and the power consumption.
ever, in fast ramp application such as Time-to-Digital Con- The gray counter is designed as a pure gray scheme
vertor’s ramp as short as 100 ns, bandwidth is more im- without common binary-to-gray decoder. In this way, big
portant than gain. glitch noise generated by simultaneous binary switching
will be eliminated and the internal environment will be
much more quiet.
4 ASIC design and layout The layout is a full mixed-signal task. The floorplan is
well arranged to keep the noisy counter far away from the
An ASIC is designed according to the model and the simu- sensitive analog core. Dual guard rings are also adequately
lation result. General presentation is given in this paper. placed around every module, so as to block the noise charge
and reduce the latch-up risk. To further isolate the noise, ing Matlab. Three major measurements were carried out
independent power supplies are planned for different mod- concerning the interest of high energy physics, which are
ules but expected to be connected together on PCB. Besides noise, INL, and DNL measurements. For reference, a con-
those common methods, substrate separating is also used as trol experiment was also performed by an 18-bit ADC
an overall consideration to all the NMOS. The idea is to (AD7678) with good linearity.
introduce an independent power net to the substrate connec- Figure 7 shows a noise measurement result. The input
tion of NMOS, rather than connect it with source end in the was set to a DC level at about mid-scale and over 10000
common way. Although not fully isolated, this method pro- counts were taken. Statistic gives a standard deviation of
vides a shortcut to ground for noise charge, so that substrate 0.78 LSB and a count range of 5 LSBs, where 56.6×0.78
coupling from digital part is suppressed since signal path is agrees for the 99.7% possibility of Gaussian distribution. As
different. will be shown later, with a dynamic range of over 1.4 V, the
root-mean-square (RMS) noise equals to 268 μV.
Linearity measurement was performed by a ramp step
5 Measurement input generated by the 16-bit DAC. In order to minimize the
influence from noise and DNL, repeated conversions were
The measurement environment is based on ALTERA DE2 performed while the DAC output stayed static. Figure 8
development board, where a Cyclone II 2C35 FPGA is in- shows both the linearity and dynamic range.
cluded. A daughter board is also designed with the ADC In Figure 8, the DAC ramp value has already been trans-
under test and a source DAC. lated into voltage, showing a dynamic range from 1.2 V to
Figure 6 shows the block schematics of the test bench. 2.6 V. By least square fitting, the error between ADC
The chip communicates with the FPGA by an 80-pin pro- counts and the best-fit line was calculated. The residual
grammable IO socket and a flat cable. An 18-bit DAC shows an INL less than ±1 LSB (0.024%). Compared with
(DAC8831) and a waveform generator (Agilent 33250A) some reported measurement results [7, 9, 12], this chip
were used to generate the input waveform. Thanks to a Nios achieved a comparable performance of linearity.
II embedded processor in Cyclone II, DAQ interface to a DNL measurement was also performed by using sine-
PC was accomplished without heavy code. Data were first histogram method. The result in Figure 9 shows a typical
read and buffered in a large SDRAM, and then piped out to DNL of ±0.5 LSB.
PC via USB port at a lower speed. Finally, raw data were All the major measurement results are summarized in
post-processed by decoding algorithm programmed by us- Table 2. Two additional resolutions are included. Other tests