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Group A :
The Theory of Equations (Vol. I) Burnside and Panton. Higher Algebra Barnard and Child. Higher Algebra Kurosh (Mir).
Module I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Modern Algebra Surjeet Singh & Zameruddin. First Course in Abstract Algebra Fraleigh. Topics in Algebra Hernstein. Test book of algebra Leadership Project Committee (University of Bombay). Elements of Abstract Algebra Sharma, Gokhroo, saini (Jaipur Publishing House, S.M.S. Highway, Jaipur - 3). Abstract Algebra N. P. Chaudhuri (Tata Mc.Graw Hill).
Module IV 1. 2.
Group A :
Module II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Co-ordinate Geometry S. L. Loney. Co-ordinate Geometry of Three Dimensions Robert J. T. Bell. Elementary Treatise on Conic sections C. Smith. Solid Analytic Geometry C. smith. Higher Geometry Efimov.
Module III Group A , Module VI Group A Module VII Group A, Module IX & Module XIII Group A : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Basic Real & Abstract Analysis Randolph J. P. (Academic Press). A First Course in Real Analysis M. H. Protter & G. B. Morrey (Springer Verlag, NBHM). A Course of Analysis Phillips. Problems in Mathematical Analysis B. P. Demidovich (Mir). Problems in Mathematical Analysis Berman (Mir). Differential & Integral Calculus (Vol. I & II) Courant & John. Calculus of One Variable Maron (CBS Publication). Introduction to Real Analysis Bartle & Sherbert (John Wiley & Sons.) Mathematical Analysis Parzynski. Introduction to Real Variable Theory Saxena & Shah (Prentice Hall Publication).
Real Analysis Ravi Prakash & Siri Wasan (Tata McGraw Hill). Mathematical Analysis Shantinarayan (S. Chand & Co.). Theory & Applications of Infinite Series Dr. K. Knopp. Advanced Calculus David Widder (Prentice Hall). Charles Chapman Pugh: Real mathematical analysis; Springer; New York; 2002 Sterling K. Berberian: A First Course in Real Analysis; Springer; New York; 1994 Steven G. Krantz: Real Analysis and Foundations; Chapman and Hall/CRC; . 2004 Stephen Abbott: Understanding Analysis; Springer; New York, 2002 T. M. Apostol: Mathematical Analysis, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1957 W. Ruddin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976 J. F. Randolhp: Basic Real and Abstract Analysis, Academic Press; New York, 1968 Robert G Bartle, Donald R Sherbert: Introduction to real analysis; John Wiley Singapore; 1994 Integral Calculus Shanti Narayan & P. K. Mittal (S. Chand & Co. Ltd.) Integral Calculus H. S. Dhami (New Age International) Integral Calculus B. C. Das & B. N. Mukherjee (U. N. Dhur) Differential & Integral Calculus (Vols. I & II) Courant & John. Differential & Integral Calculus (Vol. I) N. Piskunov (CBS Publishers & Distributors)
Module VII : 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Differential Calculus Shantinarayan. Integral Calculus Shantinarayan. An elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus J. Edwards (Radha Publishing House). Advanced Calculus David V. Widder (Prentice Hall) Real Analysis Ravi Prakash & Siri Wasan (Tata McGraw Hill) A Course of Analysis E. G. Phillips (Cambridge University Press) Differential Calculus Shanti Naryaan (S. Chand & Co. Ltd.) An elementary treatise on the Differential Calculus J. Edwards (Radha Publishing House) Differential Calculus H. S. Dhami (New Age International) Differential & Integral Calculus (Vols. I & II) Courant & John. Differential & Integral Calculus (Vol. I) N. Piskunov (CBS Publishers & Distributors)
Module II Group C , Module IV Group B , Module XI Group A : 1. 2. Vector Analysis Louis Brand. Vector Analysis Barry Spain.
3. 4.
Vector & Tensor Analysis Spiegel (Schaum). Elementary Vector Analysis C. E. Weatherburn (Vol. I & II).
Module V Group B : 1. 2. 3. Linear Programming : Method and Application S. I. Gass. Linear Programming G. Hadley. An Introduction to Linear Programming & Theory of Games S. Vajda.
Module VI Group B : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Differential Equations Lester R. Ford (McGraw Hill). Differential Equations S. L. Ross (John Wiley). Differential Equations H. T. H. Piaggio. A Text Book of Ordinary Differential Equations Kiseleyev, Makarenko & Krasnov (Mir). Differential Equations H. B. Phillips (John Wiley & Sons). Differential Equations with Application & Programs S. Balachanda Rao, H. R. Anuradha (University Press). Text Book of Ordinary Differential Equations (2nd Ed.) S. G. Deo, V. Lakshmikantham & V. Raghavendra (Tata McGraw Hill). An Elementary Course in Partial Differential Equation T. Amarnath (Narosa). An Introductory Course on Ordinary Differential Equation D. A. Murray.
Module VIII Group C & Module XI Group C : 1. An Elementary Treatise on the Dynamics of a Particle & of Rigid bodies S. L. Loney (Macmillan).
Module XV : 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6 The elements of probability theory and some of its applications - H. Cramer. An introduction to probability theory and its applications (Vol. 1) W. Feller. Mathematical methods of statistics H. Cramer. Theory of probability B. V. Gnedenko. Mathematical probability J. V. Uspensky. Programming with FORTRAN 77 A Structured approach R. S. Dhaliwal, S. K. Agarwal, S. K. Gupta (Wiley Eastern Limited/New Age International Ltd.). Structured FORTRAN 77 for engineers and scientists D. M. Etter (The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc.). Programming and Computing with FORTRAN 77/90 P. S. Grover (Allied Publishers).
7. 8.
Programming with FORTRAN including structured FORTRAN - Seymour Lipschutz and Arthur Poe (Schaums Outline Series). FORTRAN 77 and numerical methods C. Xavier (Wiley Eastern limited). Numerical methods E. Balagurusamy (Tata McGraw Hill). Let us C Y. Kanetkar (BPB Publications). Programming in C V. Krishnamoorthy and K. R. Radhakrishnan (Tata Mcgraw Hill). C by example : Noel Kalicharan (Cambridge University Press). Programming in ANSI C E. Balagurusamy (Tata McGraw Hill). Introduction to numerical analysis F. B. Hilderbrand (TMH Edition). Numerical Analysis J. Scarborough. Introduction to numerical analysis Carl Erik Froberg (Addison Wesley Publishing). Numerical methods for science and engineering R. G. Stanton (Prentice Hall).
Module XII Group A : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vector Analysis Spiegel (Schaum). Vector Calculus C. E. Weatherburn. Analytical Statics S. L. Loney Dynamics of Particle and of Rigid Bodies S. L. Loney. Hydrostatics A. S. Ramsay.
Module X : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 . 1966 Advanced Calculus David Widder (Prentice Hall) Elementary Treatise on Laplace Transform B. Sen (World Press). Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics H. S. Carslaw. J. C. Jaeger. Graph Theory and its Applications Gross, Jonathan and Yellen, Jay (CRC Prss, USA, 1999). Graph Theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science Deo, Narsingh (Prentice Hall, 2000). Graph Theory Harary Grank (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. 1972). Tensor Calculus Barry Spain Vector Analysis and Tensor Calculus(Schaum Series) Spiegel. P. K. Jain and K. Ahmad: Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House; New Delhi; 1996 R. V. Churchill and J.W.Brown: Complex Variables and Applications; Mcgraw-Hill; New York; 1996 J. B. Conway: Functions of One Complex Variables; Narosa Publishing; New Delhi; 1973973 S. Ponnusamy: Foundations of Complex Analysis; Narosa; New Delhi; 1995 L. V. Ahlfors: Complex Analysis: an introduction to the theory of analytic . . . functions of one complex variable; McGraw-Hill; New York;