C Sharp Interview
C Sharp Interview
C Sharp Interview
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Top C# OOPS Interview Questions and Answers for 2022
1. Define Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the process of binding/combining the data members and
member functions into a single unit.
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implement the implicity.
17. Define the meaning of Explicit Interface Implementation.
It is known as another way of implementing the members of an interface. In th
one, one doesn’t need to specify the interface name of the given members. Th
difficulty with explicit implementation is that the member of the same class ca
be accessed while using a class instance. It can be used only through an
instance of the Interface.
18. What do you mean by Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is known as wrapping, also considered as hiding properties and
methods. It is utilized for hiding the code and data in one unit to cover the dat
from the outside world. For Encapsulation, the best example is Class.
19. What do you understand by the term Abstraction?
Abstraction highlights the showcase of only necessary details to the intended
20. When can one use Abstract Class?
An Abstract class can be used when one has a requirement where the base cl
provides the default implementation of the given metaphors. However, other
methods must be available to override the child classes. In this situation, one
to use abstract classes.
21. What is the type of members one can define in an Abstract Class
One can define static and non-static members, including properties, fields,
indexers, and abstract classes.
22. Can we restrict object creation in C#?
Yes, one can create an Object Creation by using the following methods-
Abstract Class, Static Class, Private or Protected Constructor.
23. Is it possible to inherit Enum in C#?
No, it is impossible to inherit Enum in C# because the Enums are by default
24. Define Constant?
Constant is known as the “const” keyword in C#. These are also known as
immutable values visible at the compile time. It doesn’t change their values at
run time until and unless the application is running.
25. State the types of Design Patterns.
There are three types of Design Patterns-
Constant is known as the “const” keyword in C#. These are also known as
immutable values visible at the compile time. It doesn’t change their values at
run time until and unless the application is running.
25. State the types of Design Patterns.
There are three types of Design Patterns-
Creational Patterns: It deals with the creation of Objects and Classes.
Structural Patterns: It deals with Class and Object Composition.
Behavioral Patterns- It deals with Class and Object Communication.
26. Is it possible to serialize Hashtable?
No, it’s impossible to serialize Hashtable because the .Net Framework restrict
the serialization of any objects that implement the iDictionary Interface.
27. How can one catch multiple exceptions at once in C#?
One can use the condition statement in C# to catch multiple exceptions.
28. Define Accessors.
Accessors are known as the getting and Set portions of a property.
29. Define Property in C#.net.
Properties are known as the members that offer a flexible mechanism to read
write or process the values of private fields. It is a return type function/method
that includes one parameter or none.
30. Define Base keywords.
One uses base keyword to access members of the base class from a derived
Top 85 C# Interview Questions and Answers fo
By Ravikiran A S
Last updated on Jun 23, 2023169273
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et of
Once you understand the syntax, your next step would be to learn about
branching and looping statements. Loops, in particular, help you in creating
programs that require repetitive tasks. This way, you can avoid running the co
several times manually. Conditionals such as If/Else conditions can help in giv
a flow to your program.
3. Functions/Methods and Arrays
Functions and methods allow code to be grouped together in order to perform
specific functions like adding two numbers. If you need a specific operation to
performed multiple times, you can create a simple function and use it as need
Also, whenever you need to store data, arrays will help you.
4. Classes and Objects
Classes and objects are part of OOPS. Classes capture all the related data
together, while objects can help provide the instances in which to gain access
the information stored inside classes.
5. Interfaces and Inheritance
Inheritance can help inherit functions and variables of one or more classes int
another. Interfaces, on the other hand, will let you create classes in the form o
structures in which you can just declare the methods and not have to define
them. When required, you can define the methods in subclasses at a later time
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o be
s to
As such, there are a lot of opportunities for C# developers in the job market. O
average, a C# developers can expect to make approximately $84,243 annually
There are various roles such as Software Engineer, Senior Software Developer
and Software Programmer that candidates can apply for.
C# Interview Questions
Now, let us take a look at the top C# interview questions that you might face!
1. What is C#?
C# is an object-oriented programming language compiled by the .Net framewo
to generate Microsoft Intermediate Language.
Can multiple catch blocks be executed?
No, you cannot execute multiple catch blocks of the same type.
2. What is the difference between static, public, and void?
Public declared variables can be accessed from anywhere in the application.
Static declared variables can be accessed globally without needing to create a
instance of the class. Void is a type modifier which states the method and is
used to specify the return type of a method in C#.
3. What is an object?
An object is a class instance that can be used to access class methods. The
"New" keyword can be used to construct an object.
4. Define Constructors.
A constructor is a member function with the same name as its class. The
constructor is automatically invoked when an object is created. While the clas
being initialized, it constructs all the values of data members.
5. What are Jagged Arrays?
The Array which comprises elements of type array is called Jagged Array. The
elements in Jagged Arrays can be of various dimensions and sizes.
6. What is the difference between out and ref parameters?
When an argument is passed as a ref, it must be initialized before it can be
passed to the method. An out parameter, on the other hand, need not to be
initialized before passing to a method.
7. What is the benefit of ‘using’ statement in C#?
The ‘using’ statement can be used in order to obtain a resource for processing
before automatically disposing it when execution is completed.
ss is
initialized before passing to a method.
7. What is the benefit of ‘using’ statement in C#?
The ‘using’ statement can be used in order to obtain a resource for processing
before automatically disposing it when execution is completed.
8. What is serialization?
In order to transport an object through a network, we would need to convert it
into a stream of bytes. This process is called Serialization.
9. Can “this” command be used within a static method?
No. This is because only static variables/methods can be used in a static
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/* example of an
multiline comment */
12. Explain the four steps involved in the C# code compilation.
Four steps of code compilation in C# include -
• Source code compilation in managed code.
• Newly created code is clubbed with assembly code.
• The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is loaded.
• Assembly execution is done through CLR.
13. Discuss the various methods to pass parameters in a method.
The various methods of passing parameters in a method include -
• Output parameters: Lets the method return more than one value.
• Value parameters: The formal value copies and stores the value of the
actual argument, which enables the manipulation of the formal paramete
without affecting the value of the actual parameter.
• Reference parameters: The memory address of the actual parameter is
stored in the formal argument, which means any change to the formal
parameter would reflect on the actual argument too.
14. Name all the C# access modifiers.
The C# access modifiers are -
• Private Access Modifier - A private attribute or method is one that can on
be accessed from within the class.
• Public Access Modifier - When an attribute or method is declared public,
can be accessed from anywhere in the code.
• Internal Access Modifier - When a property or method is defined as intern
it can only be accessible from the current assembly point of that class.
• Protected Access Modifier - When a user declares a method or attribute
protected, it can only be accessed by members of that class and those w
inherit it.
15. Mention all the advantages of C#.
The following are the advantages of C# -
• C# is component-oriented.
• It is an object-oriented language.
• The syntax is really easy to grasp.
• It is easier to learn.
• C# is part of the framework called .NET
• It is an object-oriented language.
• The syntax is really easy to grasp.
• It is easier to learn.
• C# is part of the framework called .NET
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files, but it is compiled as a single class at runtime, and when a class is forme
all methods from all source files can be accessed using the same object. The
keyword 'partial' denotes this.
24. What is the difference between read-only and constants?
During the time of compilation, constant variables are declared as well as
initialized. It’s not possible to change this particular value later. On the other
hand, read-only is used after a value is assigned at run time.
25. What is an interface class?
An interface class is an abstract class with only public abstract methods. Only
declaration is there in these methods, but not the definition. They must be
implemented in the inherited classes.
26. What are reference types and value types?
A value type holds a data value inside its memory space. Reference type, on th
other hand, keeps the object’s address where the value is stored. It is, essentia
a pointer to a different memory location.
27. What are User Control and Custom Control?
Custom Controls are produced as compiled code. These are easy to use and c
be added to the toolbox. Developers can drag and drop these controls onto th
web forms. User Controls are almost the same as ASP include files. They are
also easy to create. User controls, however, can’t be put in the toolbox. They a
can’t be dragged and dropped from it.
28. What are sealed classes in C#?
When a restriction needs to be placed on the class that needs to be inherited,
sealed classes are created. In order to prevent any derivation from a class, a
sealed modifier is used. Compile-time error occurs when a sealed class is
forcefully specified as a base class.
29. What is method overloading?
Method overloading is the process of generating many methods in the same
class with the same name but distinct signatures. The compiler utilizes overlo
resolution to identify which method to invoke when we compile.
30. What is the difference between Arraylist and Array?
An array only has items of the same type and its size if fixed. Arraylist is simila
but it does not have a fixed size.
31. Is it possible for a private virtual method to be overridden?
30. What is the difference between Arraylist and Array?
An array only has items of the same type and its size if fixed. Arraylist is simila
but it does not have a fixed size.
31. Is it possible for a private virtual method to be overridden?
A private virtual method cannot be overridden as it can’t be accessed outside
32. Describe the accessibility modifier “protected internal”.
Variables or methods that are Protected Internal can be accessed within the
same assembly as well as from the classes which have been derived from the
parent class.
33. What are the differences between System.String and
System.Text.StringBuilder classes?
System.String is absolute. When a string variable’s value is modified, a new
memory is assigned to the new value. The previous memory allocation gets
released. System.StringBuilder, on the other hand, is designed so it can have a
mutable string in which a plethora of operations can be performed without the
need for allocation of a separate memory location for the string that has been
34. What’s the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and
System.Array.Clone() ?
In the Clone() method, a new array object is created, with all the original Array
elements using the CopyTo() method. Essentially, all the elements present in t
existing array get copied into another existing array.
35. How can the Array elements be sorted in descending order?
You can use the Using Sort() methods and then Reverse() method.
36. What’s the difference between an abstract and interface class?
All methods in interfaces have only a declaration but no definition. We can hav
some strong methods in an abstract class. All methods in an interface class a
public. Private methods may exist in an abstract class.
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