Photoshop Day1
Photoshop Day1
Photoshop Day1
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Module 01
Navigation Shortcuts: Suggested resolutions:
100% view: Web or monitor images:
Double-click the Zoom tool. 72 ppi
Zoom in:
Ctrl + Suggested resolutions:
To check image size, click and hold on the status bar (bottom
Zoom out:
of the window) where the file size appears. The box that pops
Ctrl -
up will show your image width and height in pixels and inches,
resolution, and the color mode.
Using Panels:
Change image size or resolution
All panels are stored in the Window menu. Go to the Image menu and choose Image Size. This is a
■■ Separate panels by dragging the tab of the panel. permanent change to your image.
■■ Group panels together by dragging the tab of the panel to
File Size
the tab of any other panel.
View file size by clicking on the arrow in the Status bar and
■■ Stack panels by dragging one panel to the bottom of choose Document Sizes.
another panel.
■■ Save Workspace: Saves panels in custom arrangements
by name. Go to the Window menu > Workspace> Save File Formats:
Workspace. .PSD; Photoshop Document:
■■ Tab: Allows you to hide/show all panels Native format to Photoshop.
■■ Shift + Tab: Hide all panels except Tools and Tool Options.
.TIF; Non-compression Format:
Good for printing.
Using the Tools Panel:
To learn a shortcut or to view the name of a tool, just hover your .EPS; Non-compression Format:
cursor over a tool until a tool tip appears. The letter displayed Good for printing, supports vectors and pixels.
in parenthesis is a keyboard shortcut that can be pressed to
quickly choose a tool. Use .EPS if you used any vector-based features
in Photoshop such as Text layers or Vector
Hidden Tools Shape layers.
To access tools hidden below other tools, click and hold down
(or right-click) on any tool that has a triangle in the bottom right
corner. .JPG; Compression Format:
Good for web use and on screen use, compression for
Tool Options photography, supports using millions of colors, does not support
After choosing a tool, look above your workspace for the Tool transparency.
Options bar. Every tool has settings and options which will
appear in this panel when the tool is selected. .PNG:
Good for high resolution photos, web use, supports, transparency.
Key Concepts: Can be compressed slightly, but not as much as JPGs.
Selection Tools Free Transform to Rotate or Scale:
To rotate or scale areas of your image, select the area, then choose
Magic Wand Tool: Free Transform from the Edit menu, or use Ctrl-T. Choose Enter
Selects by color. Tolerance affects how many colors are actually or double-click on the selection to apply the transformation.
selected. Increase tolerance on the Options bar across the top
to make the Magic Wand select a broader range of colors with Deselect:
each click. Ctrl/Command-D.
Module 02
Using Layers
Open the Layers panel from the Window menu. Working with Layer Effects
Click the eyeball icon to Hide or Show layers. To add a special effect to a layer, such as a drop shadow or outer
glow, select your layer, then click the Layer Effects button at the
Create New Layers by doing any of the following:
bottom of the Layers panel. Choose your effect from the pop-up
■■ Click the New Layer button to create a new blank layer. menu. Choose options and click OK to apply the effect.
■■ Select an area of a photo, and Copy and Paste a selection.
To edit the effect, Double-click the effect name listed below its
Pasting always creates a new layer. layer.
■■ Select part of an image, and choose Ctrl/Cmd-J.
■■ Draw out a text box and it will automatically create a new Layer Opacity
layer. To create transparent effects, select a layer, then vary the
Opacity setting at the top of the Layers panel from 0 to 100%
To Link layers: Opacity. You can also choose Blending Modes, such as Multiply,
Select a layer, then click in the column to the right of the eyeball Screen, or Soft Light, in the list at the top of the panel to create
icon next a layer to link it to the selected layer. Linked layers will transparent effects. Choose Normal to remove any blending
be moved or transformed together. modes from a layer.