Fsi Anticipating Bank Customer Needs PWC
Fsi Anticipating Bank Customer Needs PWC
Fsi Anticipating Bank Customer Needs PWC
The CEO and the consumer, Contrast that with the to-do list for financial
through the looking glass institution CEOs. They have to worry about
how to remain relevant and keep customers
What do US retail banking consumers want?
loyal in a fiercely competitive environment.
We asked, and they told us. As shown in
They also have to meet ever-changing
Figure 1, the vast majority of people we
regulator expectations and manage
asked considered the following features to
everything from fraud to operational risk. To
be important or very important: responsive
satisfy their customers, they have to find
customer service (86%), competitive pricing
ways to upgrade systems and improve their
(86%), convenient branch locations (81%),
service quality. But they need to do this
online banking offerings (77%), and
without the margins that their trading desks
convenient branch hours (77%).
and consumer fees once offered, while at the
same time competing with upstarts who
typically don’t have to follow the same
capital or compliance rules. That’s a lot of
juggling that consumers don’t want to think
about—or, arguably, care about. Consumers
just “want it to work.”
PwC, “18th Annual Global CEO Survey,” BCM sector results 2015, www.pwc.com/CEOsurvey.
PwC, "2015 PwC Consumer Banking Survey," 2015, www.pwc.com/fsi.
PwC, “Retail Banking 2020: Evolution or Revolution?,” 2014.
PwC, “Making omnichannel work: The ‘to do’ list for banks,” 2015 and PwC 2015 Consumer Survey.
Our survey found that millennial (18-34) Some banks may choose to bet it all on a
customers are about 50% more likely than digital future. Others may carve out a niche
their older counterparts (55+) to trust that emphasizes service over everything else.
companies with a strong track record of Still others are likely to build partnerships
innovation. That’s the future: the mobile with disruptors as part of a model focused
banking, peer-to-peer paying customer who on cooperation. There are many ways to
researches mortgages and IRAs online play, but they all require change and the
instead of in a branch. But the future isn’t knowledge necessary to stay one step ahead
here yet. At present, for example, customers of consumer expectations. Banks that act
still prefer to apply for a mortgage in person. now will be among the winners.
When financial institutions understand what Some of the changes will be externally
their customers really want, banks and visible and will likely be key findings in
consumers both win. And when they apply future consumer survey results. Nearly all
an effective change management program, will also require back-office and strategic
they can show employees and legacy shifts that may not be visible to consumers
customers that the future is filled with but will have tremendous customer impact.
opportunities. All will require a coherent plan to explain
the changes to consumers and employees, so
The way consumers are buying continues to they have a stake in successfully skating to
change, and as technologies morph, there’s the puck together, while allowing banks to
no magic potion that will prevent attrition. stay one step ahead of the competition and
Consumers will almost always consider their customer expectations.
existing provider—but even with good
products offered through the right channel
at a fair price, an incumbent bank may find
that its best isn’t good enough. When you
already serve a customer, though, you’re in
the best position to know what that
customer values most.
A publication of PwC’s
The 2015 Consumer Banking Survey was developed with assistance from PwC’s Financial Services Institute
Research to Insight (r2i).
Marie Carr
Research to Insight (r2i) is PwC’s global center of excellence for market research. For Principal
over 25 years we have undertaken some of the most prestigious and thought
provoking research in Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific. The team offers a full
Cathryn Marsh
suite of market research solutions to deliver insight and analysis that informs
FSI Leader
strategy, drives performance improvement and supports change. Research to Insight
also works closely with the PwC international network to develop cutting-edge
thought leadership. Kristen Grigorescu
Senior Manager
For further information, please visit www.pwc.co.uk/r2i/researchtoinsight.jhtml.
Gregory Filce
Senior Manager
“One step ahead: How banks can anticipate what customers will want next,” PwC, December 2015, www.pwc.com/fsi.
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