Fertilizer Procolametion 137
Fertilizer Procolametion 137
Fertilizer Procolametion 137
&..Yo/"I\er.Jt ""tlt.ft,rer. tTilh.tI
&oYo&-A'1;JtT ;JltllJ
D'/l&,.riJ. CONTENTS
~. 'h:~lI'l 2. Definitions
f.cj>". "1'}11 1\,1\ ')'C'J.9° fOl/.J)(}mtD. \1t\(r~ nil.,..,.C Unless the context otherwise reqUIres in this
nllU "tp~ tD-il'l' : Proclamation:
ji. """~'M.r" ".,,,.). ".,.h"°:f "~"'1I~'-'" "il4o"1. 1) "Fertilizer" means any man made substance or-
fln.'-"''} '}'I'lo ~1c::f "OOilmT "4oC tD~~ .,.ht\ ganic or inorganic including mixture of fertilizer
,,~ fOl/.a.1.OOC\1Cf1li"., tD~~ \1C(1'} "t\1} flf~ physical mixture of fertilizer and granulated mixture
(}tD. 1P1..7i 4:il (}.Ir'} ~1It\:"'} ; "\1,,,£ ~t\:"'}c; of fertilizer that is added to the soil or to the plant to
tDf. ",}\J,C~'-'" f'J-"tDm f""~'MI ~1It\:"'} supply those elements required in the nutrition of
~l.(J.~I..t\ : ~..,: ililll7i ; "oo~: 'f.l'; tD~~ .f>1i1i plants manure, compost, ash, gypsum or refuse are
n.,.t.'I'C' o-~;t':t:tD-c; 'Ulo- il""TID' "'}..,~ (F,"" not considered as fertilizer materials when they are
l1.tD.". (}flU "tp~ ",}f.""~'MI4:il "~.f>m~~ ; used for commercial purpose in their 'original
~. "~;J Yo" ".,,,:,. n".,~ 'M,r '}..,~ ,,~ f.,.(}"., I..
. condition and under these names;
2) "Dealer" means any person who is engaged in the
[. "(}lD'" ".,,,.-,.. f.,.t.'I'C: (}tD-tD~~ n,n'" f(}tD-~'-'"
business of fertilizer;
OOil:" f"'(}mtD- "\1t\ ~tD-:
".,,,.-,.. fJ\.'-"'f-kl f.1o'P, 3) "Person" means any natural person or juridical
9.' "f.lop, ,r,,":L" ".,~n/"r"
f'l'I..'-'" OOF4oC.,.:f'} ,r,,":L" ""'}~tD-~ ""~'MI
~tD.: 4) "Sub-Standard Fertilizer" means any fertilizer
?j. "f".,~n/'1 '}..,~ Fl.." ".,,,.-,.. ""~'MI ; f""~'MI which does not conform to the quality requirements
~ilt\:" : f".,.c;'M,r t\ ~ ~1It\:" f".,ilOOfJ}'-'" ; of the Ethiopian standards;
n~~" f""h~4ot\ : fOOTCTC; foo"hC; f""~lo'-'"
5) "Fertilizer Business" means a business dealing that
f'}ol~' Fl.. ~tD- : includes import, wholesale, retail, export and
j. "f'f'(lh" ".,.c;n/',r" ".,,,.-,.. n.,.h"°:f "~"'1I~'-'" manufacture of fertilizer, mixture of fertilizer and
f"".tD'l\- f'}'I'lo ~1C ~U.-,..'} t\.lm~ tD~~ t\..,.'}il special mixture of fertilizer;
f".,.-:;.t\ ""'}~tD-~ 'M~ 4:il f"'l.L1.OOlon'-'"""~(}/"r 6) "Adulterated Fertilizer" means a fertilizer that
~tD. : contains any foreign substance the addition of
%. "f"'~\1\1 hlotn.'-"''' ".,,,.-,.. il&..1: : f"Citil "7i;J1: which is likely eliminate or decrease the nutrient
tD~~ (1;r ,,~ .,.40'-"'''' tD~~ "''''~f. "'}f.1c;
"''' content of plants;
n~;JYotD- tD~~ n",,, (}tD- f"'()~ ""~(}/'1 flU
I 7) "Tampered Bag" means a bag which contains
hlotn.'-'" ~tD- ; fertilzer and its stitching, lead sealing or any other
~. ""oo.c;f.lI" ".,,,.-,.. n""~'MI tD-il'l' f0l/.1~ noo"'~
place has been broken and stitched again by the
f"".1"?\ f.,.ht\ ~"'il ~U.-,..~tD-; dealer or any person;
iI' " "9° I..:f" ".,,,.-,.. hOD1.00 /,1 tD- '1'1.. 4:il ".,~ (}/'1 8) "Grade" means available plant nutrient content in a
?':f'} fOl/.IOOC.-,..(}tD-~tD-;
".,,,.-,.. f""~(}/'1 fertilizer expressed in terms of percentage;
I' "f""~'M,r ~ilt\:"" "\1,,,£
9) "Manufacturer" means a person who produces
~ilt\:"c; tDf. ",}\J,C~'-'" f"'"tDm f""~(}/'1
fertilizer from the original raw material;
~il t\:" ~tD- :
"\1,,,£ ~ilt\:"" ".,,,.-,.. n..,1.1' tD~~ 10) "Mixture of fertilizer" means a physical mixture
Iji' "f""~'M,r
,r"011.1' 4:il 0-"'-'" tD~~ ho-"'-'" n"~ flf). of granulated fertilizer;
".,.c;n/"r?':f'} n" \1t\ n".,f.I}":" f0l/.1~ f""~'MI 11) "Physical mixture of fertilizer" means mixture of
~il t\:" ~tD- ; fertilizers made by physical mixing two or more
I~' "tDf. ",}\J,C~'-'" f"'''tDm f".,~n/'1 ~1It\:"" types of fertilizers with or without inert material;
".,,,.-,.. ""~'M,r?':f'} nOl/.4o"1tD- foom'} :"111C 12) "Granulated mixture of fertilizer" means mixture
n"".1'1 n".,f.I}":" f"".1~ f""~'M,r ~1It\:" l1.1f,} of fertilizers made by intimately mixing the
"'}~. ,,~ tDf. "1\J,C~'-'" l1."tD'I' ~'}~ q~~'-'" required amount of fertilizer and granulating them
\1."".\1"'£ "O..,ilC:'-'" f""~Cj 1otD-~tD-: together without involving chemical reaction;
1[' ""'}I),c" ".,,,:,. f"'tD(}~ f:"'}fJ}'-'" oom'} '''tD- 13) "Granule" means a solid fertilizer with the
mll}C (.f>.f>C)""~'M,r ".,,,.-,.. ~tD-; specified particle size;
".,,,.-,.. h.'f.1l1.tD- 001,..,(1
19.' "f""~'MI A~ ~ilt\:"" 14) "Special Mixture of Fertilizer" means any mix-
h,rUtD- ""~'M,r q~~:" tD-6J.b "~hl.. "''''I}C ture offertilizer, outside ofthose fertilizers that the
f'N';J'f. ""'}~tD-~ f".,~n/'1 ~1It\:" ~tD-: Agency hold registering, prepared for experimen-
I?j' "tD.U~ (1n:") ""~'M,r" 0-"'-'" (D~~ tal purposes;
ho-"')' n"~ '}'I'lo ~1c::f'} f,rU ""~'MI l1.lf1 15) "Composite Fertilizer" means a fertilizer which
n"".OOlo'-""I'-'"'Ur. \1."".\1"'£ "O..,ilC::" fOl/.CjlotD.
contains two or more substance and which has a
~tD. :
chemical reaction during manufacturing;
1K' !!~?i &.,Yo(.'/'\";Jt.). ;)1/./" 'h're n~ '~p,e H; <I''}I!!~:i?i '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 2401November, 1998 - Page 901
fIIJ/\.). fIIJ~n~.f mY. 16) "Importer and/or Exporter" means a person who
:r:'k """'00'''''. 'hc.'/cD~9u "h,"
V'le m' r fO?"f"'OOffJ 'he;/m ~«JD mY. m,6J!' imports and/or exports fertilizer;
fO?Ah (am' ~m': 17) "Inspector" means an inspector of fertilizer assig-
UIJ/\')' UlltJ "tp~ ",.,.'" ?;r ned under Article 24 of this Proclamation.
I%' "~\.'''''':h'''e''
001#'1..')'f",001.n ffllJ~()I"f "- '''''L'h.,.c ~m- : 18) "Ethiopian Standards" means fertilizer standards
:r:~~. "f ". ')'f'k,f ,.I..'1,$P":"'"
fIIJ/\:"n"-')'f'k,f 'l't..:,.e; formulated by the quality and Standards Authority
,.I..'1,$P"1' fl/\r'AffJ' f''''';J~ ffllJ~n~,f y.1..'1,1P"f of Ethiopia;
19) "Licensing body" means as the condition requires
'i :,:m' :
"f'O,.f.' ~,:".f.' (a'''1.'' fllJl\:" 'h".""I110' Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Federal
f&.,1ot..A OO'O'r")' f'''I.f.'e; ,~it:"~ Government or the Regional Bureau of Trade and
"- Industry or Bureau of trade and Industry accoun-
O?tit'I:C m~«JD fhAA m~«JD '''m~~1: /\&.,1vt..A
CID'O,r")' flr~ fh".fIIJ f'''I.f.'e; ,~it:"~ O.r.' table to the Federal Government or other ap-
"- propriate Federal or Regional Body;
O)~«JD /\.1\ "O,fHI Y/tm, f&.,1vt..A m~«JD fhAA
20) "Board" means as the condition requires, the
"t1A ~m' :
National Fertilizer Industry Agency Board or the
?}" "(IC.f.'" IP//\')' 'h".""IflO' NIch.t..tf fIIJ~()I"f
".,p,.it,).~ }..:~'(a, m~«JD f"-:"f'k,f f'l't..:,.e; board of Quality and Standards Authority of
j Ethiopia;
'.I..'1,$P"1' 11/\r'AffJ' f1CY.- ~m-
21) "Agency" means the National Fertilizer Industry
?;,fi' "}":~'''-'' IP//\')' fO(Ich.t..tf fIIJ~()I"f ,~it:"~
"- Agency;
}..:~:' "- ~m' : 22) "Authority" means the Quality and Standards
?;'~. "fl/\r'AffJ'" fIIJ/\:" f"-:"f'k,f f'l't..:,.e;
Authority of Ethiopia.
1.1..'1,$P"1'11/\r'AffJ' ~m' ::
3. Scope of Application
r' f"~,KK9U OJ""
The Provisions of this Proclamation shall apply to a
flltJ "tp~ .f.";J1.$P";}"nfllJ~n~,f '''I.f.' r't.. n"'lPfllJt.. person who is engaged in the business of fertilizer.
(aOJ',,~ "'~,KO? ~Ire; /\, ::
hC':A 0-/\')' Competence Assurance Certificate
it /\ .n,<J>:" UIJI..;J 1661. «JD'" h c OJI..
4. The Necessity of Competence Assurance Certificate
fO(LcJ>:"fllJl..;J16li}.f«JDithC OJI.."':" "it~,,1. ~:,.
~" Any person who wants to engage in fertilizer business
fIIJ'~OJ'«JD (am- nfllJ~n/..f '''I.f.' r't.. /\OOlPfllJt..:" h}..~ shall possess a competence assurance certificate of the
, (a,OJ' fO(LcJ>:" fllJl..;J16li}. f«JD{ahc OJI.."':" fllJm-ffJ:"
~'icn;"A ::
5. Conditions Enabling to Engage in the Fertilizer Business
?;. nfllJ.-;n/.,f f'''IY.- r't.. /\OOIPIP/t..:" fOlJ.,fn<l: o-);;J-$P"f Sector
fi' fIIJ'~OJ'«JD (am- nUIJ~n/.,f f'''IY.- r't.. /\OOlPfllJt..:" I) Any person who wants to engage in fertilizer
}..:~, "-OJ' fO?"fcDffJ:':OJ" oo{a~.Cof"1' "t1J..A of h}.. business shall possess competence assurance cer-
1:'(a.OJ' fof1,<J>:"fllJl..;J16li1.f«JDithc OJI.."':" fllJm-ffJ:" tificate, acquired by fulfilling the requirments of the
~'iCn;"A :: Agency.
~. flLtJ ",.,.'" ,o.{a "''''1, (fi) 'h'y''''mn.,. rr'i 2) Notwithstanding sub-Article (1) of this Article
v) fIIJ~n/.,f fO?"fOOC')' flr~ 'h".ln nfllJ«JDl..:" (a) where the applicant is a manufacturer of fer-
r't.. ,,~ n4"1';" ffllJ.lPfIIJ~ fOO-,f of1,<J>:,.e; tilizer, shall have qualified professional em-
",}"f\o;', ,f":':OJ. 1Pt..,,.7f"f ,f/\':" : ployees who have directly engaged in manufac-
/\) fO?"fOOC"'OJ' fIIJ~n/.J' 'l't..:,.e; f'-rl.. ~1C turing.
~II')' 1. I..'1,OJ' fmn.,. /\oorr). oo-ht.. (tt:.,.1i) (b) Where the applicant has established a
fO?,f'.C"I(I-). "f1t..of~ !I\OJ' j oorr, ~'iC laboratory wherein he tests the quality and the
n;"A :: contents of substance of fertilizer he manufac-
/\0(1,<J>.).(II/1..;J1661. «JD{ahc cDl...,.:,. {a/\OIJ."'Cof1 fllJOOAh:F
fi' UlltJ "tp~ ",.,."'. ?; OOIPI..:" NI,<J>:" fllJl..;J16li}. 6. Application for Competence Assurance
-~ 9u{atU: OJI.."")' /\fllJo,,'i'} fO?,"'Co(l fllJooAh:F /\Ilo- 1) Pursuant to Article 5 of this Proclamation an
.,.O,f}C :,.",. ,,~ .,.IJDAof /\}"~',,-m- application to get competence assurance certificate
00:"1..0(1"I\n:" :: shall be in-accordance with the form prepared for
this pupose, and shall be given to the Agency.
~" flLtJ ",.,."'. ,o.it ",.,."'. (fi) 'h'y''''mO.,. rr'i :
fIIJ~n/.,f OJ~9U .f.'.nA:" fIIJ~()I,.f "«JDt.."f hrr~: 2) Notwithstanding sub-Article (1) of this Article the
v) nfllJ«JDI..')'r't.. ,,~ n"''I';J- fO?,lPfIIJ~ 11/\00-1 Agency shall record in the form designed for this
$P";}'" foo-.f ,n.cJ>.).e;"1'/\°;J- : purpose:
/\) ffllJ..fooC"'OJ' fIIJ~n/.,f 'l't..:,.e; (a) Qualification of the professional employees
''1'1.. ~1C
~II')' 1.I..'1,OJ" fmn.,. /\oorr). oo-ht.. (tt:.,.1i) who directly engaged in manufacturing
fO?"f1.C"Ifl-). "(It...r-/. fIIJ**OO-' (b) whether the applicant has established a
laboratory wherein he tests the quality and the
},,:~'''-OJ' /\ILU' ".o,fIC 1111;J:~OJ' :,.", ,,~
content of substance of fertilizer he manufac-
OOOD'''')' ,,/\(1-)' ::
1X' V.n ~1..{'.A ";J{.'} ;JJl.tlJ -P-'I'CH! '~~C If."',} IP.f11i q.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 24thNovember, 1998- Page 902
'to f-f1:J>-rfIIIl.;J16IiJ.9"iltU: ml.4>-r fOlJ.JJith-r~ o-~;t-9'"f 7. Conditions for Refusal of Certificate of Competence
h.:!'}(a.m- nOlJ.h.,.l\-"" 9"h1,f"'-;Y- f-ll."'-r UlJI.;J16IiJ. The Agency shall not grant certificate of competence to a
9"ithC ml.4>-r h,e.(}1'9° : person:
1) Whose previous certificate of competence has been
Ii' 4>'.9° -I1l\" f"nl.m- f-f1:J>-r UlJI.;J16IiJ.9"ithc canceled and the period of cancellation has not
ml.4>')- f.,.(}l.lln-r'l h,,.(}l.lH1-r h1~ qoP-r
j elapsed one year;
2) Who has been convicted of an offense under other
~. ,e.tJ htpJ!- hoPm-fl}-I: n&.-r nUIJ.&;n~11"l~ rt. laws concerning fertilizer business prior to the
If~')- ~R'qP nt'''' ih"l f"'~I.~n-r'l :tofl}i:1 issuance of this Proclamation;
.f A t.L),1. (} j 3) Whose application is incomplete in respect to the
f.' nlltJ htpJ!-' nh14>R' ?; f"'~"1'l--r1 11\""1\; provisions of Article 5 and of this proclamation;
!~. l\IltJ htpJ!- h~~~9° nmfl} ~1-fl oPlPl.-r f"'~I.~ 4) Who has been convicted of an offense under this
n-r'l :tofl}-I:1.f A '''),1. (} :: fertilizer proclamation or any other regulations
thereunder and who hasn't completed his penalty.
~. 9°-rh f-f1:J>-r UlJI.;J16IiJ.9"ithc ml.4>-r itl\UIJ"ll-r
8. Obtaining Duplicate Copy of Certificate of Competence
Ii' f-fl."'-r UlJI.;J16IiJ.
9"ithc ml.4>-I:fm~n-r mf,9" 1) Any person whose certificate of competence is lost
f.,.nl\1i'n-r UlJ1;;:m-9° (}m- l\h.~1{}.m- OR'th-tJ: or deformed, may, on an application to the Agency in
nfllloPAh-r 9"-rh fIIIorf-r ,e."fI\A :: writing, can obtain duplicate copy of such certificate.
~. 9"ithc ml.4>-I: f.,.nl\1i'O-r 9"-rh h1}l(}mm- 2) That such certificate is deformed, the deformed
{}.m,e.:,. f.,.OI\1i'm-1 ,e.oPAl)A :: certificate should be returned.
f.' ntltJ h14>R' 1o-it h14>R' (Ii) oPlPl.-r h.~1{}.m- 3) The Agency subject to provision of sub-Article (1) of
9"ithc ml.4>-I: fm~ oPff.,.,'1 9"-rh h1}l(}1' this Article upon publishing in newspaper notifies
oPmf<l:1 f0lJ.1AR' f ;JfLfl} UlJit;t-m«t.f nhoPA'1~ that the applicant certificate of competence is lost
and requested duplicate copy of such certificate by
m'''1. h1}lmfl} 11'.1.1 Oh1~ me m-it1' "':J>tpOlJ.
the applicant's expense, may grant a duplicate copy
hl\oP:"I.O-1 OUIJI.;J11f n~10- f"'oPl\h.,.m-1 htJ:1
within one month after notification, provided that no
nflllith~A 9"-rh f-fl."'-r UlJI.;J16IiJ.9"ithc ml.4>-r
person has raised an objection to it.
,e.(}mtpA ::
9. Period of Validity
ii' f-f1:J>-r fill I.;J 16IiJ. 9" iltu: m I. 4>-r 01.,. itl\ OIJ.'",e.n -r 'ut A certificate of competence granted under the provisions
ntltJ htpJ!- oPlPl.-r f1'lPm f-f1:J>-r UlJI.;J16IiJ.9"ithc of this Proclamation shall be valid for a period of one
ml.4>-r l\h1~ qoP"" fO'l f,tr'lA :: year.
f-f1:J> -r fill I.;J 16IiJ.9" it hem 11. Suspension or Cancellation of Certificate of Com-
Iii' I. 4>-r itl\ UlJ1~ m f,9" itl\ oP
1) The Agency may suspend or cancel a certificate of
Ii' h.~1{}.m- nOlJ.h"'~-r 9"h1.f"'"f f-fl:J>-r
competence on any of the following grounds:
fIIIl.;J16IiJ.9"ithc ml.4>-r1l\.1"l~ m,e.9" l\.IPC11 (a) That such certificate has been obtained by
,e."fI\A j misrepresentation as to material particulars;
u) f-fl:J>-r fIIIl.;J16IiJ.9"ithc ml.4>-I:1 111m- (b) That such certificate has been passed over to
'''-~ nUIJ:rl\A m,e.9" fU(}-r oPl.~ mf,~ oP"ll\6IiJ. any other person without prior permission of
nUIJ:to1.-I1hff" : the Agency;
l\) h.~1{}. m-1 l).f it~:" ~ f-f1:J>-r UIJ1.;J16IiJ. (c) That such certificate has not been renewed
pursuant to Article 10 of this proclamation;
9"ithc ml.4>-I:1l\lbl\ (}m- '1it"'I\l\~ j
(d) That the fertilizer does not conform to the
tit) nlltJ htpJ!- h14>1, J. n1'~"11m- oPlPl.-r
fill I.;J 16IiJ.
quality requirements of Ethiopian Standards
f-fl.'" -r 9° it hc mI. 4>-1:1 '11\ l)~(} j
on fertilizers;
oP) fIII.&;n~.fm- fh.-rf'k.f fUIJ'&;O~.f ~I.~ (e) That license for fertilizer business dealing has
flft."'- oPit~_C.,."f1 .fl\""l\ hff" j been canceled.
(II') f1"l~ ~."'P,. f'''lPl.lln-r ht'" :: 2) The Agency after having canceled the certificate of
~. h.:!1{}. m- f-fl:J> -r fill I.;J 16IiJ.9" it hc mI.4>-1:1 competence notify to the licensing Authority to
11'1.11f1"l~ ~-:J>~9" h1}l1P1.11 l\~:J>~ (}'IJ.m- cancel the license.
.fl)m-:J>A ::
1Jt Ufi:~1D~.A ~:MT ;J1LIIJ4:'I'C!!! ..,.sC I?i +1.IUfU 'l." FederaINegaritGazeta-No.14 24lhNovember, 1998-Page903
"" Agency.
h'l:/.\ V'it:" SECTION THREE
it" OI/~(MI "ODt.l:" ; "}"'II: ;
Manufacturing, Dealing, Handling
".f.f11'i rc~:" Distribution of Fertilizer
'Ir.. OI/~n&.f it,,01/,../.:" ; ID1. V1C ",.it'l' it"OI/it11):" ~'i 13. Manufacture, Import and Distribution of Fertilizer
it" '" (at.£I,l.:" Any fertilizer manufactured locally or imported and
nV1C ",.it... "'ODC"'''' If~ h~ ",C OD",'"fO?h"'~ stocked, which is ready for distribution and sale:
fO?lPt.Iif!''i "?iIiif!' fll7..+CfI ","}~",.,.. ""I~n&1 ; 1) Shall conform to the requirements of Ethiopian
Ii' fh.:"f-kl1.l1f"~") .f":1." ; ~'i Standards,
g. nV1&-I: ",.it... n""l~(MI~-I: n...;'f>,.. ",. ~"}Jl""/.\ 2) Shall be registered by the Agency for use in the
nh.1:"}it.",. f"'ODU1n f ODIf"} ""n:" IS
country as fertilizer.
I9.' h/.\h" 14. Restriction
Ii' ""I"}~",.,.. (a",. hh.1:")it.",. f fI.4':" ""Il;J1651. 1) No person shall carry on the activity of preparing
,..ithc IDl"':" it"(am""'i h,..ithC IDl.,.-I:"'II..:J- any fertilizer, without certificate and outside of the
",.Iif!'""I"};;:"""}'""'~(MI ""I,..l:" ",.~/.\,.. II terms and conditions of such certificate of
g. ""I"}'"(a",. nh.:"f-k.f 1.l1f ID"'" fh.:"f-kl1.l1f manufacture granted to him by the Agency.
n""l",~n"" 1..tI.nh.1:"}it.",. 1/'\"'ID(a~ ""I"}~""'" 2) No person shall import, manufacture for sale or sell,
""I~(MI : f""l~n&.f 1:-o/.\;'f>ID"'" /.\, 1:-o/.\;'f> offer for sale, or exhibit for sale or distribute any
n.,. (am"" f fI.4':" ""Il;J 1651 ,.. it h C IDl"':" h"'ID fertilizers, mixture or special mixture of fertilizers,
(a).:" 1IC1I~~ ;JC n""l,.it"7"7 u-~:J- h~ which does not conform to the particulars specified
""Iit11)"" : "?iIiif!' ""I,..l:" ID"'" ODif'l' : "?i 1~ in the competence assurance certificate and which
""I;'f>lfl ID"'" "?i.flif!' ""Iitf:" ID"'" "'h4-t./.\ does not conform to the Ethiopian standard and in
",.~/.\,.. II the absence of such standard unless authorized by
the Agency.
r.. ""I"}'" (a",. fO?h.,.I\-""") ODif... ; "?iIiif!' ""I;'f>lfl ;
; 3) No person shall sell, offer for sale, or exhibit for
ID"'" "?iIiif!' "'itf"" ID"'" ""Ih4-L/.\ ""~A'" sale or distribute:
v) "'~(M.f fo?'(a...n:""} it,.. n",itOD(a/'\ (a) Any fertilizer which is an imitation or a
ID"'" nOD.,.I1:"''''U;J1: ""I"}~""r ",~n&l; substitute for another fertilizer under the
,,) f.,.nh" ""I"}~""'" ""I~n&1 ;
name of which it is sold;
tit)fV(a:" ID"'" f,,"""""} "'1/.\ I:CJ::" ID"'" (b) Any fertlizer found to be adulterated,
h.I)"}1 ""I~(MI fO?!ODC:" n""litOD(a/,\ (c) Any fertilizer, label or container whereof
,.. /.\h -I: OD "U"}). f tit (a:" ID"'"
ID"'" ''''''''' bears the name of any individual firm or
f,,"" I:CJ:"" ID"'" h.I)"}1 it,.. flU company purporting to be manufacturer of
""I"}~""'" "'~(M.f the fertilizer, which individual firm or com-
OD) ,../.\h-l: ID"'" OD l"lr"""} 0 tit (a:" f to it O""lit pany does not exist.
OD(a/,\ "itit~ ODl1f fo?'(a... ""I"}~"""}'" (d) Any fertilizer label or container wherof bears
""I~n&1 II any statement which makes a false claim or
9.' ""I"}~""'" (a",. f.,.J.'I'r.' "''-;0&1 h~ ID1. V1C gives misleading information.
",. it 'I' 01/it11):" ",. ~ /.\,.. II 4) No person shall iinport natural fertilizer.
I~' it"""I~(M.f "'if1..1 : it""it"'?fif"'l'i ,../.\h:" "1.t.l"'l 15. Package, Packing and Labeling of Fertilizer
Ii' f"'~(M.f ""Iif1...f hlm.:" it&:"'i nhlm.-I: ",. I) Packaging materials for fertilizer bags and labels
OD1.l"'l I):f",. ,.. /.\h"'~ f h. :"f-k Ilit.,. ?fif"'l'i affixed on bags shall comply with the relevant
,../.\h:" "1.t.l"'l 1.l1f") 1":1.1\- ODIf"} ""I):f",. II Ethiopian standards.
g. nh.:"f-kl1.l1f "'if1..1 h"'1.~11":" ""'u. flf~ 2) Types of fertilizer locally manufactured or impor-
f""l~(MI q,.~:" h",.".1. V1C it.ODtIJID"'" hV1C ted, not in accordance with the Ethiopian standards
it.ODl:" OD.f"lr"" T"it-th iD,.,.. tlJit hlf~ for packaging contained in plastic or tin packages
shall bear necessary informations.
"'if1..1"" .,.t."1..",."} ODl1f flU ODIf"}""n"" II
16. Selling Unpack~d Fertilizer
II' nhlm."" .f/.\:J-if1 "'~(M.f it"ODif'l'
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Proclamation:
flUJ "1f'J: I:"};J"'''~ ~"}1."'mnck If~"" ;
(aq:,. h~l") 1) Fertilizer retailer can maintain one bag of unpacked
Ii' f""l~(MI ~c;t=r.' ~;JI.. n""l"}~""'" fertilizer of each type of fertilizer at anytime, for
~"}~ f""l~n&.f q,.~:,. ""}~"}I: hlm.:" 1/.\:J-if1
""I~(M.f "?iI~ 1\."'1 ,.~,,/.\ II
1~ v.f~ 4..1..t./A ~:MT ;JILIIJ ~1'C l~ ...~C I?; +,lulU 'J.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 24thNovember, 1998 - Page 904
e. "7'~tD-'J" "7.';0~ r n'J"t."fli nhOll'1J..I\~A:" I 2) Any fertilizer manufacturer and importer can sale
I\A ~ ,(-11A:"li I\~U ~ (1n:") "7.';0~1 n'J" t."fli unpacked fertilizer only to manufacturers of mix-
1\(a4.4C.hC?f9»"f 11:F IA;1-if1 "7.';0~1 AJr~ ture of fertilizers, special mixture of fertilizer and
f-"fitAII composite mixture of fertilizers and to large scale
I't. 1.l~ lit'?.it "7.';0~1 hAOIIO",
Ii' ftLU n'P:Eo '(-';J1.9»"f h'1."'mOck 1J"~tD- 17. Selling of sub-Standard Fertilizer
"7'~tD-'J" (atD- "7'~tD-''J'' IA.,.OhA ~1C .." 1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this
hn. ..,.r-kl 1.l~9»"f ",:" IA "7.';0~1 O"7.h.,.A-"" Proclamation, any person, can sell, offer for sale,
1Jo).;1-9»"fOIIO~ : A1iI"fl" "7:"ll1 : OIJhOlJ:f..,.: stock, exhibit for sale or distribute any fertilizer
A1iI"fl" "7ltf"" mf-'J" OIJh4-LA ~"fitA I which, not being an adulterated fertilizer, does not
v) 1.l~ flit'?.ittD- 0IJ.';0~1 hlm."" it~ O.,.f- confirm to the Ethiopian standard, subject to the
.,.A'J" 01-AU fn...,.r-kl 1.l~ lit'?.it f"7.A- condition that:
:J'it""li X 'J"Ah..,. f.,.1.l1 h '1.IJ"~ I (a) the container to such sub-standard fertilizer is
1\) 1.l~ lit'?.it "7.';(MI f"7.omtD- A~A:" conspicuously superscribed in red colour with the
mf-'J" A~ .(-l1A:" 0IJ.';0~1 n'J"t-¥"f: I\hC?f words" "sub-standard" and also with sign "X":
'J"C'J"C .,...,flC : A..,l1Cli o.C-9»"f : AhC?f b) sub-standard fertilizer shall be sold only to the
'J"C'J"C .,.*OIJ"" : A~tiiChi:9»"fli tt",}!"f mixture of or special mixture of fertilizers
11:FflJ"~ h'1.IJ"~ hli I manufacturer, for agricultural research purpose to
lit) 1.l~tD-' lit'?.it 0IJ.';0~1 AOIIo~ hh.1:'''''tD- the Agricultural bureaus, A~icultural research
nh.,..(-tfO L:J''(- f","j ~'1.IJ"~ II
institutes, universities and colleges; and
I' h.1:'''''tD- 1.l~ ,fit'?.A- 0IJ-'C0~1 ffi:.,.?f tD-1f1,,"" (c) sub-standard fertilizer shall be sold upon prior
",,1.C(atD- O'~l ~1~ f-II"" 01110' fOllo65J. 'P ;Jm-'
authorization of the Agency.
~mhliA II
2) the Agency, upon receipt of the test result of sub-
I~' f.,.Ohl\ 0IJ.';0~1' hl\OIJhm1.(- standard fertilizer, shall fix the prices, as per size of
0IJ'~m-'J" 0IJ.';0~1 f.,.Ohl\ OIIIJ"). h"'l;J1m the content of the substance.
h.1:, m- O"7.1mlf)m- 0II0II~1 OIIlPl"" O...:"'J" it~ 18. Disposal of Adulterated Fertilizer
h '.';f-m-A f-m1.';A I:
Any adulterated fertilizer shall be disposed in accor-
Iii' fOlJ.'; 0 ~ 1 n:"C (1""li hC"fl""" dance with the Agency directives.
Ii' "7'~m-'J" nhOll".1. 0IJ.';0~1 f"7.1"0"'" I m1.l1 19. Supply and Distribution of Fertilizer
itf- f"7.11.ChO""'li hm1.l1 OOlJ,lt"" f"7.1~1-1I
1) Any importer of fertilizer is liable to notify the
0"'" f1.tt (a",.'; Ah.1:, m- fOlJltm:" ..,1..;1-
Agency the schedule of purchase, freightage at port
1".1\0"" II
. and transportation of fertilizer from the port.
I' "7'~m-'J" nhOll'L1.,fhOllIf)m-' 0IJ.';0~1 O(amm-
f1.tt (a",.'; OIIlPl"" hm1.l1m1. OlIVA n1C 0IJ~~1I
2) Any importer of fertilizer shall transport fertilizer
nAfI"" II
to the center of the country within the period of
.~ f:Eo'J"itli "fc:Fc- ~;J1.. notified schedule.
r.' "7'~m-'J" nhOll'L1.
f,fllm-' OIJ.';(M,f l\"'m:J'''7. 0"7.LA1m- m:"""li 3) Any importer, wholesaler and retailer shall supply
(1;t" 1\1i1"fl" "7:"l11 nAO"" I: the fertilizer to the consumer at the required time
and place for sale.
s. hAL:J''(- n(alf)~
20. Licensing
Ii. "7 ~ (M,f A"7'J" l"" : A
OIJh 011If)"" : O:Eo'J" it li
o"fc:Fc- AOII~1.(- OIJOIIAh:F AL:J''(- (a'IJ..m- ,.C I) The licensing Authority upon receipt of application
11A..,. n 011 it \1~ ht..1:, m- fl1:J''''' OIJl;J166}. for license to manufacture, import, wholesale and
'J"hhc ml"''''' f.,.(amm- AOIIIJ"). L:J''(- (a'IJ..m- retail of fertilizer, shall ascertain that the applicant
OIJl;J1... nl\O"" II has obtained a competence assurance certificate
!{. f'J"C'J"C "'*"7"" 'J"C'J"C AOIJ\1't'(-li O..,l1Cli P't. from the Agency.
it~ f.,.(aOlJ~ n. ,iih.,.C-"f Ot.lt:fm- hC?f it~ 2) Research institutes and investors that require to
At.lt:fm- n.';Jlil fOlJ.';n~1
~f-H'."f' AOIJil1"''''' import new types of fertilizer for use respectively in
""LA1- hh.1:, m- L:J''(- OIJ..,j""li hAn1flfl:fm- research purposes and in their own farms, shall
h.1:, m- Imlf)m-, 0II0II~1 OIIh.,.A nAfl:fm- :1 obtain permission from the Agency, and shall be
r.' ntlU n,.,.;t ,o-h n,.,.;t (!{) OIIlPl"" L:J''(- subject to the specified directive of the Agency.
,f1jO"'" OIJ.';O~,f A"'it 0IJ'~m-'J" (am- nltAl:: 3) Any person who obtains a permission pursuant to
OIIilm"" mf-'J" OlIO... n~"fA'J" I: sub-Article (2) of this.Article, shall have no right to
pass over or sell the fertilizer to any person.
1K' ill?; ~1..t.&\ ~:Jt-} ;JtLlIJ 4t1'C Hi "'~C !f. +1 !~fjli ~-9" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 240.November, 1998 - Page 905
oli- fl1i\P'AfIJ~ "'''''lCfJ VI\L~:" 21. Duties and Responsibilities of the Authority
'li\P'AfIJ~ noo**"7..f ih.,. f"'()m-:" P'AfIJ"}fJ .,...,I1C Notwithstanding the powers it is vested with under its
establishment proclamation, the Authority, shall have
~ '}.('.'"m nch If If ; f"7.h'" ",,:,. P' A fIJ"}fJ .,...,11C
f.tf~;J-A : the following powers and duties:
1) The Authority on the basis of the essential type of
li- hh.~"}(t.tD- n"7. "'Co(1t\:" f"'~I\1. OI/.&;nt,!qf.~:" fertilizers list provided by the Agency shall carry
1'C1'C 001P1.:" htD-".1. f"7..,n- OI/.&;nt,!9':f"} out inspection on imported fertilizers and certify
f,OOI.'J"t.A ; 'I't.;J-TtD-"} !1.;J..,flJA ; the quality of same;
~- f'ltJ tt'P;Eo tt"}"'''' (o~) ~"}1."'mn.,. Iftf ; fU.,C 2) Notwithstanding to the provisions of Article 22(4)
tD-it'l' OI/.c;
nt,f tt 'J"t.¥"f f"7.! OOCi::" OI/.c;1M! of this Proclamation, ensure that locally manufac-
f'l't.:" 1.1.)ftD-"}fmn.,. oolf~"} !1.;J..,flJA :: tured fertilizer comply to the quality requirement of
the specified standard.
o~- f h.~"} (t.tD-.,...,IlCfJ '/I\L ~:,.
h.~"}(t.tD- (1"'I**"7..f ih.,. f"'()mtD- P'AfIJ"}fJ .,...,I1C 22 Duties and Responsibilities of the Agency
~"}1."'mn.,. If'i. ; Notwithstanding the powers it is vested with under its
li- CD1.0., C tD-it'l' f"7. ., n-:""}'J" If ~ IW.,C tD-it'l' establishment proclamation, the Agency shall:
f"7.ool.i::"") fOIMIM! qf.~"':f f.CDitfJA ; 1) decide the type of fertilizers to be imported or
fOl/.&;nt,! qf,~"':f ntJ1'0(1 OI/it;J-CD<t!~"}-'lCDm- locally manufacured;
2) enable the issuance of the types of fertilizer in
.f1.C;JA ; f,h;J-.,.I\A I f.~flJmt.A ; lIC1M'T
public notification, make follow-up, monitor and
tD-"}'J"nf1.tl.tD- i\11i\P'AfIJ~ f."A~A I
periodically notify same to the Authority;
OI/.&;n t,! : 01/1.11 t\:" I 01/ it 00 fIJ:" ; n;Eo 'J" 1\fJ
f.- OI/'J" I.:"
3) grant, refuse, renew, suspend, cancel competence
n:fc:Fc> 00 j'f'l'"} n.,.oo t\ h.,. fo(1.4>:"01/1.;J"1ili. assurance certificate in matters related to manufac-
f'J"ithC CDI."':" f.(}flJA ; ! ~lJ.A ; !..,.c;A ; ture fertilizer, mixture of fertilizer, import,
f,()Ct, A ; wholesale and retail of fertilizer;
Y. - f.tJ"} tt 'P;Eot\ 01/it~?t'J" f tt. "}it1:h 7i"} (l«~") tt *ch'fP 4) establish a team of inspection, assign inspectors,
tt. "}it1:h.,.c>:f"} f,OO~I1A 1\(It,'''t,9':f") establish, organize and administer laboratories to
!*chOl/A I !1.t.1{A ; !it"'.&;~t.A I fOl/.&;nt,! enforce this proclamation; perform quality control
'I't.:""} f,OOI.'J"t.A I f,~tI]mt.A I and testing activities on fertilizer;
?;- 'P;J"} i\0I/1.;J;J:" itA:" f,"'f.lJ.A I "''''i1t.ce~i:"} 5) design strategies to establish price, follow-up the
f,h;J-.,.I\A ; f,~flJmt.A ; ttii~l\1. Iflf (t.!., enforcement of the strategies and monitor same,
ltD-'J" ooCD()~ itt\"7. .,I1TtD- ~C'J"1{9':f tt'l'"}'" whenever required, study appropriate measures to
t\ oo"}.., P':" 0 lJ.0(1 ,.,.C 11A ; (t. CD()") 'J" .,..., 11t. ce
be taken and initiate ideas of the same to the
government; and follow-up the practicability, upon
~i:"} f,h;J-.,.I\A i
}- OI/.&;nt,! t\f()o(1A lloo~ no.,t,i: tD-it'l' nn<t oom"}
6) follow-up and monitor the supply of fertilizer every
oo:"I.n-"}fJ CD1. hAI\..:f ntD:"i: 001P/.-Q;}.i:"}
cropping season in adequate quantity into the
f,h;J-.,.I\A; f,~flJmt.A i
country and its timely distribution to the regions;
%- f.tJ"} tt'P;Eo t\OI/it~?t'J" P'AfIJ~"} ntD-hAfJ t\ooit 7) may delegate its power and decide upon the
m:"fJ tD-h A fJtD- .,. ~~ "'I. f"'l.lf"} 11TtD-"} V-).;J-9':f conditions on how to exercise the delegation to
t\ooCD()"} f,:fI\A ; enforce this proclamation;
:!;- OI/.&;nt,! ~"}.&;f.j'f'l' (t.;J-.,~ nl\(lt."'c 'J"coot. 8) decide upon suspension of fertilizers from sell
tD-lIl.:" I\f, nooooclt1' tD-lJ.).f.(}flJA ; pursuant to the laboratory test result.
of.- ftt. "}it1:h.,.c .,...,I1CfJ VI\L ~:,. 23. Duties and Responsibilities of the Inspector
tt. "}it1:h"'~ nh.1:"}(t.tD- f"'l.oo1.o(1 Iftf An inspector shall be assigned by the Agency and has
.,...,I1CfJ VI\L~:" f.1f~;J-A ; the following duties and responsibilities:
1) require any manufacturer, importer, wholesale, or
li - n"'I'J"I.:,. ; nh 'J":f:" : n 7i!6f!" 1\f. tDf.'J" n"'l"}
;;:tD-'J" V-).;J- it t\ "'I. .,:-S OI/"};;:tD-"} retail dealer involved in fertilizer business to give
'J" tt 'J" t.:f :
any information in his possession with respect to
ttitoo,lJ.: ;Eo'J"1\~;Jy" : CDf,'J" :fc:Fc> ~;Jy" 001.1{
manufacture, storage and selling of any fertilizer
manufactured or in any manner handled by him;
~- tt..,l1o(1 I1I\TtD- ftt.:"f-k! 1.1.1{9':f n.,..,t\?ttD-
2) draw fertilizer samples according to procedure
001P1.:" fOl/.c;nt,! fJl1D-fJ9':f f,CDit.&;A i nY'it:" described in the relevant Ethiopian standard;
:";Eo ffJl1D-fJ ttCDlJ.()~ 1'ClIC hll;J;Eo'" h~!"}.&;"}.&;. provided that inspector shall prepare sampling
:";Eo ;J C f ;J-j'f.,.fJ A" 'J"Ah:" f.,. 1.1..,I1TtD- details together with. packed and specially labeled
fJl1D-fJ9':f nOl/"'fJ~:" tt"}~ :";Eoi\ ~;J y"tD- : tt"}~ samples in triplicate, and hand over one to the
:";Eo t\ 1\0(1t.:J:C 'J"C 00 t. it.,.;;: tD-"} :"J{ h ()- dealer, send one to the laboratory for analysis and
"''1'1\'' 1\t\tD- htt:.,.;;: 11t\P'AfIJ"} ,"'CI1A i the third to his next higher authority.
.,~ ilfi 4..101.-/.\ .,., Iiif1!i 'J.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 24thNovember, 1998 - Page 906
~;M"" ;JfLlIJ cf!'I'C H! "'~C Hi
r.' "7'}~OJ-9'" "7J;fM.f fULtJ h'P:Eo 1:'};11. oPlPl.:" 3) enter and search any premises where any fertilizer
fl:"hhA oPoPl.i:,} mf,9'" floPoPl.:" I\f, oPII')',} I is manufactured or being manufactured, sold,
oPirm'} I A1iI6f!' oP:"I '} I oPh"7:fi:,} I A1iI6f!" offered for sale, stored, exhibited for sale or
oP:J-fi:,} mf,9'" oPh~4l~'} A"7I.;1.,T flf1:J-OJ- distributed according to the provisions of this
i"":';.y. f,4l:" 7iA : proclamation;
9.' f"7,}~OJ-9'" "7J;fM.f ~t- fllltJ h,}"'''' '}o-il 4) seize or detain fertilizer in respect of which he has
h,}"'''' (r.) fi"UI.U~:"'} ~t-9'"f fl"7..Til v-~:J- reason to believe that a contravention of sub-
oPhe;w).'} : ~fi"he;m" oPII')''} mf,9'" A.he;m'}
Article (3) of this Article has been, is being or is
oP:J-"'J.;..'} f"7...flt9'",} 9'"h'} 1:" l'1;1moPOJ- "7J;fl
/,.fOJ- ~,}J;f,irT "7.,1: f,"fl\AI
about to be committed;
5) pursuant to sub-Article (4) of this Article, the
?;. h. ,}il'bhi"~ fULtJh,}"'''' '}o-il h,}"'''' (9.) oPlPl.:"
I\.,1.OJ-"7J;fMI fl"'v-C;; f1il6f!" "7.,1f "7il:J-m~1 Inspector shall give the stop sale notice in writing to
()T.y. f~.,J;OJ-') 9'"CoPt- OJ-m.:" At..~,}l1.OJ- the person whose stocks have been detained and
.fltOJ-:1> A =- initiate appropriate action and notify the Agency;
J;. "7'}~OJ-9'" f"7J;fMI h9'"t-"f =-
hiloP'lJ. =-
f:Eo9'"I\e; 6) follow-up and monitor every manufacture, impor-
f"fC:F~ ";11.. f1~~ f"7.."1'OJ-'} "7J;fl/,1 hAh"'l)ofl ter, wholesaler and retail dealer of fertilizer of his
f1"7h"7:f:" ()OJ- ()t-1i ~TI.:" ~ '}J;f,4lmC f,h:J- possession, to protect a man-made shortage of
i"I\A f,",lI}mt-A
:: fertilizer through hoarding fertilizer stock.
hC;;A h9'"il:"
A ~ A ~ 1:,) ;11.9'"f
t!9.' f oPi"1) flC .., 1..:J- 24. Duty to Co-operate
fllltJ h'P:Eo oPlPl.:" h. ,}il'bhi"~ i""'I)~'} "7he;m'} Any person, if so required by an Inspector shall be
~'}-\"fA f"7..oPAhi"OJ- "7'}~OJ-9'" ()OJ- foPi"l)flC bound to afford all necessary facilities to him for the
.., 1..:J- h Af1:" ::
purpose of enabling him to exercise his duties under this
t)f;' ilA hn.i::J- h"'t-I.ofl proclamation.
fULtJ h'P:Eo oPlPl.:" f1"7..wilJ;:fOJ- "C9'"1f9'"f :,.C 25. Appeal
fi"()1' "7'}~OJ-9'" ()OJ- :
Any person who is aggrieved by the action taken
Ii' ft..1:')l1.OJ-'} f~t- 1:c7i f1i"oPAhi" At..1:'}l1.OJ-
according to this Proclamation can appeal:
f~t- hoPt-C f1C1: =-
g. fI)A~AII}).'} f~l.- 1:c7i fli"oPAhi" AI)A~ 1) in respect of duties of the Agency, to the
All}). f ~ I.- hoPl.-C f1C1: : hn.i::J- "7:"l.ofl Management Board of the Agency;
f,"fl\A :: 2) in respect of duties of the Authority, to the
Management Board of the Authority.
?;"J;. il A :"11}:"
Ii' If'} .,1ft.. f i"f1hA "7J;fMI m f,9'" 1 A i"oP U.,fl 26. Penalties
"7J;fM.f A1iI6f!" .f"'l.fl mf,9'" firm "7'}~OJ-9'" 1) Any person who intentionally offers for sale or
()w- h~ 'oP:" 1)I\.,()e; hI 'oP:" I)AflAm sales adulterated or unregistered fertilizers will be
f~~t-:" :"1I}:,.e;h.,lC t!?; if.tJ fl"71,}ile; hoflC «1)9. punished with imprisonment from 8 years upto 10
if.tJ 11Af1Am f.,'}Uofl oP"'(;5b f,"'II}A :: years and with fine from Birr 25 thousands up to 35
g. fllt tJ h'P:Eo flh,}'"
'" 1% hi"1.
.,.,., OJ-0J-6f!'f h. :"r-
ti.f') 1.1.1f9'"f .fl\"'-I\ "7J;fMI A1iI6f!" ,"'I.fl
2) Any person who offers for sale or sells sub-
Wf,9'" firm "7'}~OJ-9'" ()OJ-h?; 'oP:" I).uf}e; h%
standard fertilizer in contravention to Article 17 of
'00:" I)Af1Am f~~ t-:" :"1I}:,.e; hoflC t!?; if.tJ
1)1\.,()e; hoflC «1) if.tJ I)Af1Am ,.,'}Uofl oP"'(;5b this proclamation will be punished with imprison-
f,"'1I} A :: ment from 5 years upto 7 years and with fine from
r.' fl1l.m.:" il/,:" 1.1.1fOJ-'}IAmfl.,. oPII')',} ~lm'"
Birr 25 thousands upto 30 thousands.
f1i" m'" ()OJ- hl.m. :,. "7J;fl/,I') A1i16f!" ''''1. f1 3) Any person who knowingly offers for sale or sells
wf,9'" firm "7'}~OJ-9'" ()OJ-hr. 'oP:" 1)I\.,()e; h?; fertilizers in bags which do not comply with the
'00:" I)AflAm f~~t-:" :"1I}:,.e; hoflC I?; if.tJ standard will be punished with imprisonment from
f1"7.f,}ile; hoflC h?;"?; if.tJ fl"7f,flAT f.,'}Uofl 3 years upto 5 years and with fine from Birr 15
00""""b f,"'II}A :: thousands upto 25 thousands.
9.' f1hl.m.i: I\f, f9'"Ah:" h1.t-I.1'e; fhl.m.i: hili" 4) Any person who offers for sale or sells fertilizers in
7iir.., 1.1.1fOJ-') .fAmf1.,.
=- flhl.m.i: OJ-il1' IAOJ-
bags which do not comply with the standard on
f"7J;fM.f hill.:" oPm'} hi"h4lAfl:" 'P;J '''()
labeling and packagingand reduces the required
"7J;(M.f II',} oflA"A1iI6f!" ,"'I.fl mf,9'" firm
1)1\.,()e; hr. 'oP:" content of the bag, will be punished with imprison-
"7'}~OJ-9'" ()OJ- hli 'oP:"
11AnAm f~~ 1.-:,. :"1I}:,.e; hoflC ?; if.tJ 1)1\.,ile; ment from 1 year upto 3 years and with fine from
h.,lC If; if.tJ I)AnAm f.,'}Uofl oP"'(;5b f,"'II}A :: Birr 5 thousands to 15 thousands.
'l~ !!r.% ~Y..t.&\ ~:.It'''' ;JILl" 'h'l'C: H! ..,.&;c:
It. .,., I!!fj{i q.9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 14 24thNovember, 1998 - Page 907
?;. fh.~f.'}(\.lD- h. '}{}'l.'h.,.c w~lJ" IP~."'~ ntLU 5) Any person who prohibits document, when reques-
1\ tp ~(. ou IP I. :r- ,... A Il)'} fi .,..., f1<to'} t\ ou W 1fJ:r- ted by an inspector of the Agency or worker in the
"'litl.;f (\.m~:" t\ou.,.f1nC t..:J>1.~ fAIY., exercises of his power and duties will be punished
"'l'}~lD-lJ" {}lD- hI! ~ou:r- fll,.,~nAT f~,...~.:r- with imprisonment upto 1 year and with fine from
:"Il):"fi h..IC ?; if.u '1" "{}fi hl1C I if.u f1Ant\m Birr 5 thousands upto 10 thousands.
6) A person who deceives or misleads the inspector,
f1'}Ul1 OU.,."'~ ~"'Il)A ::
tampers with an article in a way that a sample of it,
?;. h. '}it'l.'h.,.<to
'} J'''''''' W~lJ" .f:t't\t\ ! f.,.W{}1.
taken or submitted for analysis, incorrectly
fioo-fi W~lJ" t\'J°COU~. f"'{}m fitJDofi n:r-hhA
represents the articles, will be punished with
lJ"c.,:'} ~ ,}.I;~whA .Y'} 11"" .ft.f1 "'l'}~lD-lJ" {}lD-
imprisonment from 1 year upto 3 years and with
hI! ~ou:,- '1"" {}fi hr. ~ou:r- f1Ant\m f~"" ~.:r- fine from Birr 10 thousands upto 15 thousands.
:"Il):"fi h..IC I if.u '1" "{}fi hl1C If; if.u f1Ant\m 7 A person who intentionally break a sealed store will
f1'}Ul1 ou.,.""'" ~"'Il)A :: be punished with imprisonment upto 1 year and with
1: .Y'} f :t'if1 ou ;Jff'} fht...,. "'l'}~lD-lJ" {}lD-~ith fine from Birr 5 thousands upto 10 thousands.
I! ~ou:r- n "7..1.C it f~"" ~.:r- :"Il):r- W~lJ" hl1 C ?; 27. Power to Issue Regulations
if.u '1" "{}fi h.nc I if.u '1Ant\m f1'}Ul1 ou.,.""'"
The council of Ministers shall may issue regulations in
order to implement this Proclamation.
n' 1.'}11 f"'llD-Il):r- ,... All)'}
28. Directives
f"7.. ~ it :r-r.>:f lJ"h C n.:r- ~ U'} 1\ tp:E- t\ "'l it t..1. lJ" 1. '} 11
Inorder to implement this Proclamation the Agency
t\..fWIl) ~:f"A :: may issue directives.
?J~' ouou I,.ftp:f 29. Laws Consistent to this Proclamation
h.:f.'}(\.w- ~U'} 1\tp:E- "''''f1~.'£ t\"'l 1:1..., f"7..l.~ I) As the condition requires, the Investment and
ououl,.ftp:f'} t\..fWIl) ~:f"A :: Commercial Registration and Business Licensing
proclamation will be applicable to a person en-
?Jil' flb""-:;- Ch''''-:;-"'t..~"'l- .,:,.
gaged in fertilizer business.
I!' fh. '}ii'it:r-ou'}:r- ~'}.ltu-lJ" f'}..,J>; lJ"1'1f1fi <k1"rC 2) Other law or customary practice which is consistent
Ch.,..-:;.nO'M(}t,.f '}..,J>; ,...~. n.,.IP"'l~. {}lD-,,~ with this Proclamation shall have effect with
~ '} f. 1\.., f1n- .,. t..~ "7.. ~lYfi ~ a: respect to matters covered by this Proclamation.
~. "'l'}~lD-lJ" lb" Ch'" w~lJ" f.,.t\ou1. 1\1P~.C hlLU
30 Effective Date.,
1\tp:E-;JC f"7..:J>I.,}IYli ilA"'17 n.,.c ntLU1\'P:E- i
n.,.out\hi::r- 1-.I;f":f ,,~ .,.t..~"7...,:r- ~li I.tpA :: This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 24thday
of November, 1998.
c!j. 1\tp:q: f "7..1.fi n:r- 1.11.
~U 1\1f:E- h,.,.I;C I?;"',} Iilr.1li ~'lJ"':f.lJ"C: fl.fi ~lYfiA:: Done at Addis Ababa, this 24thday of November, 1998.