(2021) On The Rheological Properties of Multi-Walled
(2021) On The Rheological Properties of Multi-Walled
(2021) On The Rheological Properties of Multi-Walled
Research Article
Li Sun*, Geng Wang, Chunwei Zhang, Qiao Jin, and Yansheng Song
Open Access. © 2021 Li Sun et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
1340 Li Sun et al.
compressibility of STF begins to decrease when the To summarize, MWCNTs have excellent catalytic
applied compressive stress is greater than 4 MPa. adsorption performance, while PVP has great advantages
PVP [23–26] is an amphiphilic polymer with a special in the surface modification of materials and in improving
structure. It can interact both with water and oils. It has the interface properties of composite materials. At present,
film-forming, cohesive, solubilizing effects, and can be some scholars have discussed the effect of the two mate-
used as a polymer surfactant with superior performance. rials on the rheological properties of the STF in the experi-
MWCNT [27–31] is a quantum material whose axial ment. They did not study whether the two can be used in
dimension is in the order of microns and the radial combination to modify the STF to improve its rheological
dimension is in the order of nanometer. It has extremely properties. Therefore, this study will explore the rheolo-
high composite material reinforcement performance. gical properties of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system.
The combination of the above two materials can greatly The experiment determines the shear thickening perfor-
change the surface morphology of the composite mate- mance of the optimal system under steady-state conditions
rial, which is useful to improve the shear thickening by testing the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system with dif-
performance of the composite material. Hashim et al. ferent mixing ratios. Then, the optimal plate spacing of
[32] found that the existence of the Al4C3 phase of the the STF is selected based on the steady-state conditions
MWCNT/aluminum matrix and the physical conditions of the obtained optimal system under different plate spa-
of the MWCNT determine the strength of the interface cings. Based on the above conclusions, the experimental
bond. Ijaz Khan et al. [33] studied asymmetrical peri- modulus relationship under dynamic conditions charac-
staltic flow conical channels constrained by MWCNTs. terizes the rheological properties of the MWCNTs–PVP/
Experiments show that the viscosity of nanomaterials SiO2–STF system under the optimal plate spacing of the
depends on the volume fraction and temperature of nano- rheometer. Finally, the influence of temperature on the rheo-
particles. Zhuang et al. [34] used nitrogen-doped carbon logical properties of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system
nanotube carriers to support nickel nanoparticles to make was explored.
them have the hydrogen oxidizing activity of platinum
group metals. Its catalytic performance has been increased
by 33 times, and the material has shown great potential in
the field of high-performance fuel cell catalysis. Abbasi 2 Experimental study
et al. [35] used TiO2 nanoparticles of different concentra-
tions to attach MWCNTs to explore its rheological proper-
2.1 Materials
ties. The results show that MWCNT–TiO2 exhibits shear
thickening behavior. Liu et al. [36] used PVP to modify
Nanosilica powder with an average particle size of 12 nm
SiO2 and affected its shear thickening effect by changing
was purchased from the Chinese Chemical Company
the interface effect of nano-SiO2, providing a new method for
Reckitt Benckiser. Polyethylene glycol PEG200 was pur-
optimizing SiO2-based STF. Sun et al. [37] used energy spec-
chased from Shandong Yousuo Chemical Technology Co.,
trometer and other methods to microscopically characterize
Ltd, China. Its hydroxyl value is 510–623 mg KOH/g, and
nano-zirconia (ZrO2), nano-silica (SiO2), and ZrO2/SiO2 pow-
it is a stable transparent liquid at room temperature. PVP
ders. And they further explored the rheological properties
(PVP K30 analytical grade) with a pale yellow powder
of ZrO2/SiO2–STF. Li et al. [38] used PVP coating to fill and
appearance was purchased from Xilong Science Co., Ltd.
cover the graphene surface in thermoplastic polyurethane
MWCNTs with a black powder appearance were purchased
(TPU)/graphene nanomaterials. PVP as a dispersant for
from China Hengqiu Nano Reagent Co., Ltd. Its inner dia-
TPU/reduced graphene oxide composite materials can effec-
meter is 2–6 nm, outer diameter is 9–18 nm, and length is
tively enhance the material interface interaction, and the
3–12 μm.
modification effect of PVP coating on the TPU/graphene
nanomatrix can increase the stress in the low modulus region.
Wang et al. [39] studied the use of PVP to modify the surface of
ZnO nanoparticles to improve their interface properties. The 2.2 STF preparation
experimenters used PVP to coat silicon dioxide on the surface
of ZnO, and the two were tightly combined through strong Before preparing the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system, put
hydrogen bonds to form a continuous thin layer. This new the SiO2 particles in a vacuum drying oven for 8 h. During
material can effectively reduce the photocatalytic activity and the preparation process, the experiment should maintain
improves its material durability. a constant temperature water bath environment [40].
Rheological properties of liquid MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF 1341
First, take 200 mL PEG200 and the corresponding mass carried out using the AR2000 rheometer of the American
of MWCNTs powder into the beaker, and mechanically TA Company. The diameter of the test plate rotor was
stir until they become uniform. Second, during the stirr- 30 mm, and the plate spacing was 1 mm. The specific
ing process, SiO2 and PVP powders are gradually added test is as follows: under temperatures of 5, 12.5, 25, 40,
according to the requirements of different mixing ratios and 60°C and a shear rate scanning range of 0.1–1,000/s,
of the MWNT–PVP/SiO2–STF system. Then use an ultra- conduct steady-state rheological tests on the shear thick-
sonic oscillator [41] to continuously shake the container eners with different mixing ratios.
until the mixed nanoparticles are uniformly dispersed in
the PEG200. Finally, put the configured MWCNTs–PVP/
SiO2–STF in a vacuum drying oven at 108°C for 24 h. After
taking it out, a stable MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system can 3 Results and discussion
be obtained.
Connecting device
Rotating shaft
Plate distance
Pile caps
Figure 2: The steady-state rheological properties of the
Figure 1: Schematic of rheometer device. MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system with different mass fraction ratios.
1342 Li Sun et al.
large width and rough surface. The structure of the new effect to enhance the shear thickening performance of
particle is flocculent. When external factors increase the the system. Consider the influence of the parameter range
shear rate of the system, the new MWCNTs–PVP parti- of the peak viscosity rate of the rheological properties of
cles with a flocculent structure are more likely to adsorb the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system. The shear thickening
a large amount of SiO2 particles. Therefore, a new type of performance of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system with
“particle clusters” with a larger number, larger volume, a PVP mass fraction of 0.10% is the most significant.
and more fullness can be formed, which hinders the flow The peak viscosity rate parameter range of the system is
of the STF system, resulting in a decrease in the initial 25.63–187.20/s. At the same time, compared to the system
viscosity of the system and an increase in the peak vis- without PVP, its peak viscosity increased from 118.993 to
cosity. But when the PVP quality score reaches 0.15%, 216.750 Pa s, an increase of 82.15%. It can meet the require-
due to the continuous increase of PVP, the PVP has the ments of maintaining excellent energy consumption of the
same interface effect on both the MWCNTs and the SiO2 STF in a wide range of speeds.
particles. Therefore, when external factors increase the All modified samples showed obvious shear thinning
shear rate of the system, the different molecular groups and shear thickening than MWCNT/SiO2–STF. The reason
covering a large amount of PVP repel each other, and is that PVP has dispersibility for MWCNTs and can increase
the peak viscosity of the system decreases. With the its surface roughness. This makes the number of this new
continuous increase in the PVP mass fraction, the cri- type of “particle clusters” far greater than the number of
tical shear rate of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system agglomerated MWCNTs. When compared with MWCNT/
decreased first and then increased. It further shows the SiO2–STF, the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system has more
process of PVP with different mass fractions adhering to “particle clusters” and smaller average spacing. Therefore,
the MWCNTs and SiO2 particles. The priority and effect the critical shear rate of the latter is lower and the peak
of PVP on the selection of the two different materials of viscosity is larger, which has an obvious shear thickening
MWCNTs and SiO2 are verified from the side. effect.
Table 1 of this test shows that the MWCNTs–PVP/ The scanning electron microscopic experiment was
SiO2–STF system with a PVP mass fraction of 0.15% has carried out on the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2 particles and the
the most obvious shear thickening effect. Compared to MWCNTs/SiO2 particles (Figure 3 shows the mechanism
the STF without PVP, its peak viscosity increased from of action and Figure 4 shows the microscopic morphology).
118.993 to 299.554 Pa s, an increase of 151.74%. At the Explore the material composite relationship and the dis-
same time, its critical shear rate is reduced from 15.85 persion of nanomaterials from a microscopic point of
to 12.59/s, a decrease of 20.57%. The main reason may view. Specific performance: On the one hand, compared to
be that PVP coats the surface of MWCNTs to form an inter- the MWCNTs/SiO2 system in the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF
face layer, which increases the surface area and roughness system, the increase in the PVP content at the beginning
of MWCNTs. PVP disperses the gathered MWCNTs, so that can effectively disperse the agglomerated MWCNTs and
the MWCNTs/SiO2–STF system forms a large number of reduce the initial viscosity. On the other hand, the number
“particle clusters” with uniform and stable dispersion of and unique structure of the “new particle clusters” hinder
the system. At the same time, a large number of particle the flow of the system under external forces and increase
clusters can adsorb more SiO2 particles on the rough the peak viscosity. Therefore, the new system is superior
MWCNTs surface. As the spacing of the particle clusters to the shear thickening performance of the MWCNTs/SiO2
becomes smaller, it is easier to form an agglomeration system. When the mass fraction of PVP increases to 0.15%,
Table 1: The rheological characteristic parameters of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system with different mass fractions of PVP
Percentage composition Critical shear rate (/s) Critical viscosity (Pa.s) Peak viscosity (Pa.s) Peak rate interval
Table 2: The rheological characteristics of the two systems under different plate spacings
STF Clearance distance (mm) Critical shear rate (/s) Critical viscosity (Pa.s) Peak viscosity (Pa.s)
apparent viscosity reduction rate can reach 86.19%. This is MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system increases from 5 to 12.5,
because the temperature rise intensifies the Brownian 25, 40, and 60°C, the corresponding shear thickening
motion of the molecules. The process of forming particle effects are 31.65, 24.64, 19.77, 11.90, and 2.34, respectively.
clusters by molecules is more difficult, resulting in a Its reduction rates are 22.15, 19.76, 39.81, and 80.34%. The
decrease in the viscosity of the system. reason may be that at higher temperatures, the PVP is not
It can be seen from Figures 12 and 13 that the shear conducive to the combination of MWNT and SiO2 particles.
thickening effect of the MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF system In addition, the hydrogen bonding force is weakened at
is greatly affected by temperature changes. The shear high temperatures, which is not conducive to the disper-
thickening coefficient (the ratio of the peak viscosity to sion of particles in polyethylene glycol. Therefore, the
the critical viscosity) decreases with increasing tempera- shear mechanical properties of the system decrease with
ture. For example, when the temperature of the 0.15% the increase in temperature.
Figure 11: The steady-state viscosity-shear rate curves of the Figure 13: The apparent viscosity of the 0.15% MWCNTs–PVP/
MWCNTs/SiO2–STF system at different temperatures. SiO2–STF system changes with temperature.
Rheological properties of liquid MWCNTs–PVP/SiO2–STF 1347
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