An Exploratory Analysis of Educational
An Exploratory Analysis of Educational
An Exploratory Analysis of Educational
Abstract This exploratory research addresses educational Keywords education, research, graduates, university,
management model for the universities. Its applicability assessment
was successfully verified and validated through survey
data from leading tertiary educational institutions around
the world. The proposed model was developed based on 1. Introduction
the analysis of literature, past theoretical frameworks,
interviews with stakeholders. Model constructs were Education, being part of the service industry, is
identified and confirmed by 493 respondents, characterized differently from the manufacturing
representing university administrators, faculty and staffs, industry, as its product, i.e. knowledge, is intangible.
employers, and graduates. The resulting model was Effective education relies much on its personnel’s
subsequently evaluated for accuracy and validity by knowledge, experience, and ethics. Supply chains are
multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis and the relatively easy to define for manufacturing industries,
structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The study where each participant in the chain receives inputs from a
revealed education development, education assessment, set of suppliers, processes those inputs, and delivers them
research development, and research assessment as four to a different set of customers. With educational
main activities in educational management. Four aspects institutions, one of the primary suppliers of process
of each activity, namely programs establishment, inputs is customers themselves, who provide their bodies,
university culture, faculty capabilities, and facilities were minds, belongings, or knowledge as inputs to the service
investigated at strategic, planning, and operating levels. processes (Sampson, 2000).
The conceptual model for the universities provides a
novel approach for prospective investors or current In educational management, a university works in close
university administrators to review and appraise their collaboration with schools, further education colleges, its
performance toward fulfillment of ultimate goals, i.e. current students, university staff, and employers of its
producing high‐caliber graduates and high‐impact graduates in designing curricula (O’Brien and Kenneth,
research outcomes for the betterment of the society. The 1996) to ensure that the needs of all stakeholders are
research model represents two contributions to the satisfied. Universities are expected to have substantial
society including human resource contribution and external funding commitments for associated faculty
research contribution. lines, evidence of long‐term sustainability, a program of Mamun Habib: An Exploratory Analysis of Educational Management for the Universities 18
Figure 2. Educational Management Model for the Universities
The questionnaire was developed and analyzed to The growing interest of Structural Equation Modeling
determine reliability and validity of the tools. In the scale (SEM) techniques and recognition of their importance in
reliability test, the Cronbach’s alpha value is 0.961, which empirical research are used to test the extent to which the
means the scale is excellent reliable (Ebel, 1951) and could research meets recognized standards for high quality
be used to test the content validity. Validity of the statistical analysis (Strub and et al., 2002; Udomleartprasert
variables was confirmed by experts, as well as and Jungthirapanich, 2003). The interrelationships among
academicians. The researcher applied non‐probability all educational management components are investigated
sampling techniques based on the judgment (purposive) and confirmed by SEM technique.
sampling. This judgment sampling depends on the
personal judgments from all stakeholders of the 4. Model Development
universities. The respondents were asked to indicate the
level of significance using five‐point Likert scale (1 = The researcher identified two major wings including
strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) (Cutler, 1998). The development and assessment for both education and
researcher used interval scale, statistical parametric scale, research in the university. Fig. 2 represents educational
for the survey research questionnaire. management for the universities in four aspects,
including programs establishment, university culture,
The questionnaires were pre‐tested to check the content faculty capabilities, and facilities, are considered for
validity and revised where necessary to ensure the development and assessment in both education and
content validity. In pretest, all the respondents were research part. The final outcomes of the university, i.e.
academicians of different world‐ranking universities. As graduates and research outcomes are delivered to the
our target groups were university administrators, faculty society (Habib and Jungthirapanich, 2010c). In
and staffs from different world ranking universities, educational management, three decision levels, as
employers and graduates, data were gathered through illustrated in Figure 1 are involved in the process of the
emails, and self‐administered. In large‐scale research, the university (Habib and Jungthirapanich, 2008a):
researcher sent the questionnaire to 2356 respondents
through emails those are top management in 1‐2000 Phase 1: Strategic Level
world‐ranking universities. The author distributed 242 Phase 2: Planning Level
questionnaires by self‐administered to university Phase 3: Operating Level
administrators, faculty members, staff, graduates and
employers. Finally, we also randomly distributed 823 Phase 1 – Strategic Level: The strategies for producing
research questionnaires by self‐administered to graduates graduates and research outcomes are formulated for the
of different universities. As a whole, 106 questionnaires development and assessment in both the education and
were received by emails and 387 questionnaires were research wing. The procedure is shown in Figure 3.
received by self‐administered. Finally, 493 questionnaires
were collected from all stakeholders, including experts, Phase 2 – Planning Level: Academic and research plans, as
faculty, staff, graduates and employers, out of 3421 well as quality assessment plans for both education and
respondents. Among them, 174 respondents were experts research are developed in the planning level. There are four
in university administration, faculty, staff, 166 aspects, namely programs establishment, faculty capabilities,
respondents were graduates, and 153 respondents were facilities, and university culture in development and
employers. assessment for both education and research wing. Mamun Habib: An Exploratory Analysis of Educational Management for the Universities 20
among different variables to justify the hypothesis 1 and 2 NFI = 0.880, CFI = 0.891 (NFI and CFI values close to 1
by SEM through AMOS. indicate a very good fit) (Bentler, 1990).
The equation (3), (4), graphics output and above all
.39 statistical discussion on AMOS magnifies that hypotheses
err 25 Sub Group 1
1 and 2 fail to reject and states that there are significant
.49 err 33
Sub Group 2
.94 relationship between education development and
err 26 .70
.42 graduates as well as education assessment and graduates.
.65 Group 1
err 27 Sub Group 3
.39 .63 .97 5.2 Model B: Research Outcomes
err 28 Sub Group 4
The author identified research outcomes as final
.46 Graduates outcomes in the research wing of the university. This part
err 29 Sub Group 5
.68 is divided into two segments including research
.84 .92 development and research assessment. The model B
err 30 Sub Group 6 .74
.47 contains 2 groups, namely group 3 and group 4. Group 3
.69 Group 2
err 31 Sub Group 7 is defined as the research development, which consists of
.44 four subgroups, namely subgroup 9, subgroup 10,
err 32 Sub Group 8 err 34 subgroup 11 and subgroup 12, those are representing
programs establishment, university culture, faculty
Figure 4. AMOS Graphics Output of Model A (Standardized
Estimates) capabilities and facilities respectively.
On the other hand, group 4 stands for the research
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Equations assessment, which consists of four subgroups, namely
subgroup 13, subgroup 14, subgroup 15 and subgroup 16,
F Group 1 = 0.63 f subgroup 1 + 0.70 f subgroup 2 + 0.65 f subgroup 3 + those are representing programs establishment,
0.63 f subgroup 4 (1) university culture, faculty capabilities and facilities
F Group 2 = 0.68 f subgroup 5 + 0.74 f subgroup 6 + 0.69 f subgroup 7 + respectively. Fig. 5 illustrates the inter relationships
0.66 f subgroup 8 (2) among different variables to justify the hypothesis 3 and 4
F Graduates = 0.97 F Group 1 + 0.92 F Group 2 (3) by SEM through AMOS.
From the research findings, equation (1) states that Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Equations
university culture (sub group 2) is the most significant
factor in education development. On the other hand, F Group 3 = 0.60 f subgroup 9 + 0.71 f subgroup 10 + 0.63 f subgroup 11 +
equation (2) represents that university culture (sub group 0.67 f subgroup 12 (5)
6) is highly contributed to education assessment. Finally, F Group 4 = 0.67 f subgroup 13 + 0.72 f subgroup 14 + 0.74 f subgroup 15 +
equation (3) depicts that education development is highly 0.69 f subgroup 16 (6)
contributed to produce quality graduates in the F Research Outcomes = 0.99 F Group 3 + 0.89 F Group 4 (7)
From the research findings, equation (5) states that
F Graduates = 0.97 F Group 1 + 0.92 F Group 2 university culture (sub group 10) is the most significant
= 0.97 [0.63 f subgroup 1 + 0.70 f subgroup 2 + 0.65 factor in research development. On the other hand,
f subgroup 3 + 0.63 f subgroup 4] + 0.92 [0.68 f subgroup 5 + equation (6) represents that faculty capabilities (sub
0.74 f subgroup 6 + 0.69 f subgroup 7 + 0.66 f subgroup 8] group 15) are highly contributed to research assessment.
= 0.61 f subgroup 1 + 0.68 f subgroup 2 + 0.63 f subgroup 3 + Finally, equation (7) depicts that research development is
0.61 f subgroup 4 + 0.63 f subgroup 5 + 0.68 f subgroup 6 + highly contributed to produce research outcomes in the
0.63 f subgroup 7 + 0.61 f subgroup 8 (4) universities.
The above equation shows the significant relationship F Research Outcomes = 0.99 F Group 3 + 0.89 F Group 4
among all factors. University culture at education = 0.99 [0.60 f subgroup 9 + 0.71 f subgroup 10 + 0.63
development and education assessment is highly f subgroup 11 + 0.67 f subgroup12 + 0.89 [0.67 f subgroup
13 + 0.72 f subgroup 14 + 0.74 f subgroup 15 + 0.69 f
contributed to produce the graduates in the universities.
subgroup 16]
Model Fit Index: Chi‐square = 169.792, Degrees of = 0.59 f subgroup 9 + 0.70 f subgroup 10 + 0.62 f subgroup 11 +
freedom =19, Probability level = 0.000, CMIN/DF = 8.936 0.66 f subgroup12 + 0.60 f subgroup 13 + 0.64 f subgroup 14 +
(Ratio of relative chi‐square close to 5 indicates 0.66 f subgroup 15 + 0.61 f subgroup 16 (8)
reasonable fit) (Wheaton and et al., 1997), RMSEA = 0.127, Mamun Habib: An Exploratory Analysis of Educational Management for the Universities 22
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