PSCP Update Proposal
PSCP Update Proposal
PSCP Update Proposal
Update Name: Gleam N’ Glow
Update Aim: Improve the game’s interface by
replacing the older GUIs with newer ones,
make use of the new Roblox highlight feature,
fix bugs, balance the game, add new
content ,improve the tutorial and polish the
Although being based off of SCP:SL, Project SCP
is unique is many ways. The game is different from
other round based SCP breach games but it has
one major flaw. The game is very unpolished with
many bugs, unfinished features and inconsistent
designs across the game.
Suggestions for this update proposal will be
stated along with details.
Bug Fixes
The game has minor and major bugs which both
ruin the game in some way. Here are a few bugs.
Not all are stated as I don’t remember them all
and there are just too many for me to add and
write about
Map Loading Bug
This is a major glitch where some players have
some parts of the map not load for them, this can
cause some issues such as players falling into
unreachable locations, falling into the void until
the map loads or managing to go into keycard
rooms and gain an unfair advantage. (E.g. LCZ
Broken Cu ng Animation
The animation for when users are detained by
handcuffs does not show, instead the player
appears as they are walking without holding an
item. This can cause many issues as the player
may be mistaken for teaming or may be shot as
players do not know they are cuffed.
Broken ViewModels
The view models for a few items are very broken
and cursed.
Balancing Issues
In-game, there are many items that make the
game a bit unfair and unbalanced. This ruins the
experience for people and can cause people to
get upset with the game.
Weapons are an important part of P:SCP
gameplay but there are many issues to it as some
common weapons are extremely powerful.
Weapons like the railgun are quite powerful and
are locked behind a door but an issue is that the
door can broken or it can be easily opened if a
commander card spawn is nearby.
The explosive weapons can be used by players
to camp entire spawn waves which is extremely
These are some suggestions that can be added
to the game, they are up to the developers to
Tutorial Revamp
The current tutorial is terrible, players do not learn
how to properly play the game and you always
see players asking how to play in chat, even
when they have played the tutorial. This is
probably due to the current tutorial being a
The first level could be about the controls of the
game/alliances while the second could be
about learning how to play as an escape class
and so on.
Equipping Animations
Items currently don’t have an equipping
animation and it can be easily abused by
spamming your hot bar. Animations can be short
and last around half a second.
Above My Paygrade No more updates
Escape Artist
SCP-1507 Revamp
Fran lied about updating 1507's model to a new
one which looks scarier. That model should be
used instead. 1507 should also have cracks on it
depending on the % of HP left. 100% will have no
crack, 75% will have slight cracks, 50% with larger
cracks, etc.
1507 currently deals 15 damage and gives a slow
debuff on players, make it so it can ignore armour
and make it so users can't sprint for 5 seconds
after being hit.
Passive Ability
1507 gains +2 speed and +10 damage while
they're within 10 studs of any major SCPs (so no
049-2 or 610s). 1507 can heal if it stands still for 5
seconds. After the 5 seconds, it will start healing 5
HP per second until it reaches 75%, which is the
maximum it can heal to. This SCP's current state is
very vulnerable to grenades and explosive
weapons which makes it's hard-to-hit ability
useless. Grenades are common so it would be
good to make 1507 take 35% less damage from
Credits based on Damage
counted as the killer but other players will get
their respective rewards for the damage they
have done.
This will prevent 106 from instantly recapturing
escaped players
Destroyable props
Every round, the game will have a random
weather or no weather at all. A 50:50 chance for
there to be weather there or not. This can make
gameplay and fights on the surface more
Types of weather
- Cloudy
- Light Rain
- Thunderstorm (Rare)(Includes lightning)(You get
a badge for getting hit)
- Snow
- Snowstorm
- Extreme Fog (Rare)
The skybox can be different and made more
realistic or prettier, the current one is extremely
boring and feels repetitive.
Day/Without weather
Sunset/Without weather
Night/Without weather
Raining Reflections
Reflections can be added to the surface during
rain but this would cause a lot of performance
issues so you could make it into a setting, it would
only appear on reflective materials such as
Link to a tutorial
Indoors Fog
The game currently does not have any sort of
indoors fog which makes the game less scarier
than what it is meant to be and it makes it easier
to snipe. It would also make it so unloaded rooms
don’t show so you see fog instead of the void.
These are some of the ideas that could be
added to the game to improve the game. They
make the game look better and it improves the
quality overall.
Of course, most of these are not expected to be
added as this is only a suggestion. The developers
can choose whether they’d like to add these or
not. They can also be modified to fit the game.