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English Language Article Writing

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The New Year Revolution
Let us guess your resolutions for 2018: eat more important than ever to make sure that
better; exercise; explore a new hobby; exorcise you consider your mental health as much as
a bad habit. Are we close? Statistics show your physical health.
that these are the most common resolutions,
Here are five things you can do to help support
alongside saving money and getting more
your mental health and well-being in 2018:
sleep. The figures also show that only 50%
of people are confident that they can stick to
their resolutions, while 1 in 5 people admit
1. Be kind to yourself.
that their resolutions are overly ambitious Often, resolutions become about making
and potentially unsustainable, according to drastic changes to yourself. Don’t forget to
research by BUPA. evaluate and reflect on the positive and the
successes of your life, the friends and family
Setting targets to improve our lives naturally that make moments special and the things
comes with the territory of New Year and many that you already do that you enjoy.
of them focus on physical improvements, but
one of the most important things people forget 2. Reframe your thinking.
is to make a resolution about their well-being. Sometimes we find ourselves in a cycle of
Have you considered your mental fitness as negativity when we expect the worst and
well as your physical fitness? this can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The fact is that as many as 16 million people When your day isn’t going as planned, give
in the UK experience a mental illness, 1 in 4 yourself three minutes to look at the situation
people are affected by mental illness and the differently and ask yourself ‘if this situation
number of prescriptions related to conditions was going as planned, what would I look
of mental illness have doubled in the last like?’ Imagine yourself calmly and positively.
decade according to the NHS, so it is now

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English Language Article Writing

3. Get the balance right. either from a trusted friend from your
Everyone knows the saying about support network or by visiting your doctor.
‘everything in moderation’, but it is so
Join the New Year Revolution and make
true! There is no point in starting your
sure that one of your resolutions is about
year by hitting the gym five times a week
your mental fitness and well-being.
and only eating protein and veg when
Remember: you are the only person who
it isn’t sustainable. You need to make
will be with you for the rest of your life, so
sure that you are getting a good healthy
make sure you look after you!
balance of food; exercise can be a gym
session, but even a thirty-minute walk or a
swim at your local pool can give your body
the exercise it needs and your mind the
downtime it deserves.

4. Learn to say no.

It is easy to become a people-pleaser and
forget to put ourselves first. But the fact is
that a healthy mind and body go hand in
hand, and sometimes that means that you
need to make sure you aren’t burning the
candle at both ends, taking some time to
relax and unwind, and most importantly,
doing something just for you. Be your own
best friend and make sure you are planning
in time to meet your own personal needs
as well as the needs of others.

5. Seek help if you need it.

Most importantly, if you feel that your
mental health is suffering and that you
are struggling, don’t be afraid to seek help,

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