Writing at Level 7 Final

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Write cautiously using a formal

method or argument.
academic style What does my
However, this theory does not fully explain Another important aspect of writing at level 7 tutor mean I’m
why … is the consistent use of a suitable cautious not writing at
academic style. Academics avoid expressing level 7?
One of the limitations with this explanation is absolute certainty, so avoid making over
that it does not explain why… generalisations about your own findings or
Perhaps the key disadvantage of this method those of other researchers.
is that … Rather than The data shows … Instead use
The data indicates...
Highlighting inadequacies of previous studies
The author challenges the widely held view Use reporting verbs to indicate degree
that … of certainty
There are a variety of reporting verbs which
writing at level 7
Most studies of X have only been conducted
are used to introduce evidence. It is important
using a small sample…
to choose these carefully as they indicate your
Introducing the critical stance of particular degree of certainty or agreement with the  Writing at level 7
writers original author: carefully select the one with
the appropriate nuance.  Content
The idea that … was first challenged by - key aspects of an argument
Jones (2012)…
Weaker Neutral Stronger  Language
In a recent article, Smith (2014) questions - introducing questions,
the extent to which …
Remember being critical does not only hopes agrees asserts and limitations
mean being negative about previous alleges explores contradicts - cautious academic style
research. You can also positively evaluate intimates concludes refutes
the method, theories and research of writers. - reporting verbs and degree
of certainty
In her thorough examination of (X), Smith Remember that all sources that you use
found that … should be evaluated for: authority, affiliation,
audience, currency, reliability and accuracy.
Manchester Phrasebank: http://
Academic Support
www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/ When proof reading and revising your writing
consider these 3 key aspects: clarity of
Harris 113
WISER workshops: General introduction to
argument, use of language & presentation. [email protected]
dissertation writing. Writing a Literature Review.
 verification skills to determine the or methods, or perhaps to refer to other
What does writing at Level veracity of a statement people’s criticisms of these.
7 mean? Effective use of argument involves these
 reasoning skills to analyse the three key aspects:
In a postgraduate assignment, you inferences made in an argument
should do more than just read and 1) anticipating possible objections to
When critical reading the sources you
report what you have read. You should: your reasons, evidence or interpretation
should also critically evaluate the
Identify and challenge assumptions, of data
existing research. arguments and conclusions
When lecturers give you an assignment 2) showing the reader that you have
Try to read between the lines to see hidden
beginning ‘Analyse’, ‘Comment on…’, or deeper meaning considered these objections
‘Assess…’, ‘Discuss…’, or ‘Examine…’,
they are in fact inviting you to be critical. Distinguish unsupported claims and evaluate 3) using counter-arguments - this
the evidence of supported claims
When reading you need to question how process is known refutation
Weigh up opposing arguments along with
valid you think a researchers’ ideas, the writer’s supporting evidence Be careful when interpreting other’s
comment or theory are to your own essay. research, data or your own findings. It is
You need to question and if appropriate Consider how a researcher's ideas connect also important that you present your
reject some or all of what you have with those of other writers argument in a logical order and that you
read. This type of critical thinking is highly indicate to the reader how your ideas are
Look for bias and hidden agendas connected.
valued in British universities and will gain
you higher marks. Reflect on alternative interpretations
Adapted from Watson & Reissner (2010)
Critical thinking
According to Hugh’s (2000) critical thinking
Content Manchester Phrasebank offers a
comprehensive selection of academic
involves three skills: Look at the learning outcomes and the phrases to use to indicate argument, and
assignment marking criteria as they will counter arguments to the reader.
 interpretive skills to identify the
meaning of a statement influence the structure and content of your
essay. Use these phrases to introduce questions,
problems and limitations regarding theory,
To present an argument that is persuasive to
the reader you will need to consider different
WISER BlackBoard: There are materials and perspectives. You also need to identify WISER Academic Support
information to help you develop your writing in problems with a writer’s arguments
the Postgraduate area. To access these Workshops 1-to-1 tutorials
materials, add WISER to your BlackBoard
WISER workshop: Critical Thinking Assignment checker BlackBoard

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