Polymers 14 04694
Polymers 14 04694
Polymers 14 04694
Polyoxyethylene Diamine Modification of
Poly(amide-imide)-polyethylene Glycol Exhibits Excellent
Hydrophilicity, Degradability, and Biocompatibility
Ran Yu 1,2 , Chao Xu 2 , Xiaopei Wu 1,2 and Honglian Dai 1,2, *
1 Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory,
Xianhu Hydrogen Valley, Foshan 528200, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing,
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.:+86-13697333860
Abstract: We designed and synthesized the polyoxyethylene diamine (H2 N-PEG-NH2 ) and
poly(amide-imide)-polyethylene glycol (PAI-PEG) copolymers. The physical and chemical properties,
mechanical properties, and in vitro biocompatibility of the materials were characterized. The results
showed that the best elongation at break and recovery were obtained when the amount of PEG
was 5 wt%. With the increase in PEG content, the degradation rate, hydrophilic property, tensile
strength and tensile modulus of the copolymer decreased to a certain extent. The material had the
best thermal stability and mechanical properties when 5 wt% PEG was added. Cytocompatibility
evaluation showed that the addition of PEG could enhance the cell compatibility of the material and
make it potentially suitable for application in bone repair.
change, and the ether bond (R-O-R) in PEG will be distributed on the chain surface,
making it easy to combine with water around the polymer [14]. Its main applications in
biomaterials include increasing membrane permeability and modifying some materials
with poor biocompatibility. PEG with higher molecular weight can be cleared by the kidney,
so it has safe toxicity characteristics and bio-tolerance. Due to the wide range of PEG
molecular weight selection, the range of mechanical and physical properties can be realized
by simply changing the molecular weight and concentration of PEG, and biological activity
can be controlled by introducing specific biological active agents [15]. The activity of the
terminal hydroxyl in polyethylene glycol is relatively low, and a large number of studies
have modified the terminal hydroxyl into more reactive functional groups such as amino
(-NH2 ), carboxyl (-COOH), and ester groups [16,17]. The modified PEG can be used to
further synthesize new polymer materials. With the development of material technology,
in the field of medical materials the single function of a material cannot meet its application
requirements, so more and more studies have been devoted to the preparation of composite
polymers and copolymers.
PAI can provide good mechanical properties and thermal stability for the copolymer,
while PEG can provide excellent hydrophilicity and biocompatibility. To make up for
the lack of hydrophilicity of PAI, PEG was copolymerized with PAI. It was hoped that
PAI-PEG copolymer could have good hydrophilicity, biocompatibility, and suitable me-
chanical properties. In our work, PAI-PEG copolymers were prepared by chemical bonding.
Finally, we tested the cell compatibility of the copolymer to evaluate its potential as a bone
repair material.
ature, then the organic phase solution was washed with HCl (3M). The solid sodium bi-
carbonate was then slowly added to the organic phase to react with the HCl away. The
Polymers 2022, 14, 4694 3 of 14
solution was stirred vigorously until there were no bubbles, then filtered under reduced
pressure to produce a concentrated solution. Excess diethyl ether was slowly added to the
concentrated solution to precipitate a large amount of sediment. After filtration and vac-
the concentrated
uum solution
drying, the white waxy tosolid
product a large amount glycol
polyethylene of sediment. After
p-toluene filtration
sulfonate and
vacuum drying, the
PEG-OTs) was obtained. white waxy solid product polyethylene glycol p-toluene sulfonate
TsO-PEG-OTs wasandobtained.
ammonia water were added to a 150 mL autoclave and sealed at
TsO-PEG-OTs and
140 °C for 6 h, then cooled ammonia
to room water were added
temperature, andtothe
a 150 mL autoclave
aqueous phase wasandextracted
sealed at
140 ◦ C for 6 h, then cooled to room temperature, and the aqueous phase was extracted
with dichloromethane; sodium hydroxide aqueous solution (1M) was added, and the mix-
ture dichloromethane;
left standing aftersodium hydroxide
stirring aqueous
for 4 h. The solution
organic phases(1M)
werewas added, washed
combined, and the
with was left
deionized standing
water to pHafter
= 7,stirring for 4 h. The
and freeze-dried to organic
obtain aphases
white were combined,
powder productwashed
with deionized water to pH = 7, and freeze-dried
PEG-NH2). The reaction process is shown in Figure 1. to obtain a white powder product
(H2 N-PEG-NH2 ). The reaction process is shown in Figure 1.
Figure synthesisofofpolyoxyethylene
Imide Diacid
Sample wt% a PEG2000 (g) ODA (g)
Monomer (g)
S1 0 0 5.97 1.9624
S2 5 1 5.97 1.9
S3 10 2 5.97 1.8
S4 15 3 5.97 1.7
a represents the mass percentage of PEG added.
of 7H on the benzene ring was higher than 6H. Similarly, the electron conjugation effect
of p–π formed by the N atom and the benzene ring was lower than that of the O atom,
so the density of the electron cloud at position 8 on the benzene ring was lower than that
around position 9, and the chemistry displacement value of 8H on benzene ring was higher
than 9H. The proton characteristic peak of polyethylene glycol-CH2 CH2 O- was at 3.51.
Combined with the analysis of the infrared spectrum, it could be concluded that the block
poly(amide imide)-polyethylene glycol copolymer was successfully prepared.
Figure 3. Structural characterization. (A): FTIR spectrum of PEG, TsO-PEG-OTs and H2 N-PEG-NH2 ;
(B): FTIR of S1–S4; (C): 1 H NMR spectrum of PEG, TsO-PEG-OTs, and H2 N-PEG-NH2 ; (D): 1 H NMR
spectrum of S1–S4; (E): S1–S4 surface SEM image. Scale bar = 500 µm.
molecular chain would be restricted by the soft segment molecular chain, which made it
weight to crystallize
at the after forming
same temperature. Tablehydrogen
3 showed bonds between amide
the weightlessness groups.
of the When
samples the
at dif-
PEG content increased
ferent temperatures. from 10% to 15%, these effects changed dramatically, as shown in
Figure 4A; DSC curves of S3 and S4 showed great differences.
analysis spectrum. (A): S1–S4
spectrum. (A): S1–S4 DSC
It can be seen from Figure 4B that at 200 ◦ C, the Tg curves of all the groups began to
drop.3. The
The weightlessness of the
weight loss rate samples
of the at different
S4 group temperatures.
had always been the highest, while the weight
loss rate of the S1 group (T
Mass/% was the lowest, with S2 and S3Mass/%
= 200/℃) in between. A second thermal
(T = 500/℃)
decomposition occurred at 450 ◦ C. At this time, the weight loss rate of S4 was 48.7%, and
S1 7.5 28.8
the weight loss rate of S1 was 28.8%. This may indicate that as the content of the hard
S2 1.8 37.4
segment increased, the thermal decomposition of the soft segment was delayed, and the
S3 the content of the 5.63
higher 40.4
hard segment, the more PAI tended to agglomerate and lose less
S4 8.38
weight at the same temperature. Table 3 showed the weightlessness 48.7 of the samples at
different temperatures.
3.3. In Vitro Degradation Analysis
Table 3. The weightlessness of the samples at different temperatures.
Figure 5A shows the surface morphology changes of S1–S4 after degradation for 1, 7,
14, and 28 days. After degradation
Mass/% (T for 7 days, cracks occurred on
= 200/°C) the surface
Mass/% of S1–S4. The
(T = 500/°C)
cracks became larger with the higher PEG content. Large cracks appeared on the surface
S1 7.5 28.8
of S4 after
S2 28 days of degradation, 1.8and the trend of increasing cracks with 37.4 the increase of
PEG content
S3 was consistent at 7, 14,
5.63 and 28 days, which indicated that
40.4the surface mor-
phology S4of degraded material was 8.38strongly related to the PEG content. 48.7The degradation
data shows (Figure 5B) that the weight loss rate of the material in the initial stage of deg-
radation displayed
3.3. In Vitro a decreasing
Degradation Analysistrend, which means that the mass of the material did not
decrease at the initial stage of degradation, but increased, and tended to degrade normally
Figure 5A shows the surface morphology changes of S1–S4 after degradation for 1, 7,
in the later stage of degradation, which may be related to the material’s adsorption of
14, and 28 days. After degradation for 7 days, cracks occurred on the surface of S1–S4. The
became in PBS.
largerAs shown
with in Figure
the higher PEG 5D,E, in the
content. infrared
Large crackscharacterization
appeared on the ofsurface
the ma-of
terial after287 days
S4 after days of
of degradation,
degradation, and compared with
the trend ofthe undegraded
increasing cracksmaterial,
with theaincrease
of PEG
content was consistent at 7, 14, and 28 days, which indicated that the surfacethe
of crystal water appeared. This may explain why the weight loss rate of material
of degraded during the initial
material stage ofrelated
was strongly degradation,
to the PEGand content.
the quality
degradationdata wasshows
than the mass of crystal water adsorbed by the material. However, the
(Figure 5B) that the weight loss rate of the material in the initial stage of degradationcontent of PEG is
not the only factor affecting the degradation rate of the copolymer. We
displayed a decreasing trend, which means that the mass of the material did not decrease atspeculated that
when the amount
the initial stage ofof PEG was small,
degradation, the hard and
but increased, segment
tendedPAI could tightly
to degrade wrapinthe
normally thesoft
segment, slowing down the degradation rate of the copolymer. With the
stage of degradation, which may be related to the material’s adsorption of crystal water inincrease in PEG
PBS. Asashown
large number
in Figureof5D,E,
PEGinchain segments
the infrared were exposedoftothe
characterization the degradation
material after 7 liquid
days of
environment, which increased the overall degradation rate of the copolymer.
degradation, compared with the undegraded material, a characteristic peak of crystal water
appeared. This may explain why the weight loss rate of the material decreased during
the initial stage of degradation, and the quality of degradation was less than the mass of
crystal water adsorbed by the material. However, the content of PEG is not the only factor
Polymers 2022, 14, 4694 9 of 14
affecting the degradation rate of the copolymer. We speculated that when the amount of
PEG was small, the hard segment PAI could tightly wrap the soft segment, slowing down
the degradation rate of the copolymer. With the increase in PEG content, a large number of
PEG chain segments were exposed to the degradation liquid environment, which increased
the overall degradation rate of the copolymer.
Figure 5. In vitro degradation experiment. (A): SEM surface morphology of S1–S4 degraded in PBS
at 37 ◦ C for 1, 7, 14, and 28 days. (B): residual mass during S1–S4 degradation; (C): during S1–S4
degradation pH value of degradation solution; (D): Infrared characterization chart of S1 without
degradation and degradation for 7 days; (E): Infrared characterization chart of S4 without degradation
and degradation for 7 days.
Polymers 2022, 14, 4694 10 of 14
The experimental data shows that the pH value of the degradation solution of different
samples decreased with the increase in degradation time (Figure 5C), and the change
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16
rate of pH was different with the increase in PEG content, which was related to PEG
degradation products. In the presence of enzyme-catalyzed alcohol dehydrogenase, PEG
is metabolized to carboxylic acid, diacid and hydroxy acid metabolites by oxidation of
The experimental data shows that the pH value of the degradation solution of differ-
its alcohol group [20]. However,
ent samples decreased the
with thepH of the
increase degradation
in degradation timesolution could
(Figure 5C), be change
and the maintained
between 7.0 rateandof7.2
pHwhich was conducive
was different to cell
with the increase growth
in PEG when
content, whichthe amount
was ofPEG
related to 5 wt%
deg- of the
material wasradation
[21,22]. In the presence of enzyme-catalyzed alcohol dehydrogenase, PEG is
metabolized to carboxylic acid, diacid and hydroxy acid metabolites by oxidation of its
3.4. Mechanical group [20].Analysis
Performance However, the pH of the degradation solution could be maintained
between 7.0 and 7.2 which was conducive to cell growth when the amount of 5 wt% of the
Figure material
6A,B reflects
was addedthe[21,22].
tensile strength and tensile modulus of the material. With
the increase of the PEG content, the tensile strength and tensile modulus of the copolymer
both showed3.4. Mechanical Performance Analysis
a downward trend. This might be because the addition of PEG destroyed the
Figure 6A,B reflects the tensile strength and tensile modulus of the material. With the
PAI segment arrangement and reduced its crystallinity. PAI mainly provided mechanical
increase of the PEG content, the tensile strength and tensile modulus of the copolymer
strength for both
the copolymer, and PEG
showed a downward mainly
trend. provided
This might its toughness.
be because the additionTherefore, when PEG
of PEG destroyed
was added, the tensile
the PAI strength
segment and tensile
arrangement modulus
and reduced decreased,
its crystallinity. but theprovided
PAI mainly elongation
mechan-at break
and recovery icalrate increased
strength first and and
for the copolymer, thenPEG decreased with its
mainly provided the addition
toughness. of PEG,when
Therefore, reaching
the maximum PEG was added,
value in thetheS2tensile strength
material and tensile
group (252%modulus decreased,
and 97.5%, but the elongation
respectively, Figureat6B,D),
break and recovery rate increased first and then decreased with the addition of PEG,
while the values of the S1 material group were only 146% and 86%, respectively. When
reaching the maximum value in the S2 material group (252% and 97.5%, respectively, Fig-
the materialurewas stretched,
6B,D), physical
while the values of thecross-linking
S1 material group points would
were only 146% be
andformed between the
86%, respectively.
segments. TheWhen cross-linking
the material was point could
stretched, recover.
physical Therefore,
cross-linking pointswhen
wouldthe external
be formed force was
removed, the thematerial
segments. hadThe cross-linking point could recover.
recovery performance; when Therefore,
the amountwhen the
PEG addedforce was
was removed, the material had recovery performance; when the amount of PEG added
small, the regularity of the crystal region was less damaged, and the corresponding existing
was small, the regularity of the crystal region was less damaged, and the corresponding
physical cross-linking pointcross-linking
existing physical had higher pointrecovery rate. However,
had higher when
recovery rate. the amount
However, when oftheadded
PEG increased,
amount theofcrystallinity was severely
added PEG increased, damaged,
the crystallinity wasthe physical
severely cross-linking
damaged, the physicalpoints
were reduced, and the points
cross-linking recoverability
were reduced,thatandwould otherwisethat
the recoverability have
wouldbeen provided
otherwise naturally
have been
decreased with naturally
it. This was whydecreased
the with it. Thisgroup
material was why the material
reached group reached
the maximum the max-
value in the S2
imum value in the S2 group and then showed a downward trend.
group and then showed a downward trend.
Figure 6. Analysis of mechanical properties of S1–S2; (A) Elastic strength; (B) Elastic modulus; (C)
Elongation at break; (D) Recovery rate.
3 days. From the figure, it could be seen that in all the material groups, the cells stretched
almost in the shape of a pseudo-foot on the surface of the material, which indicated that
the copolymer could provide a biocompatible surface environment for cell adhesion and
growth and good cell adhesion. Figure 8C is a graph of cell viability after co-culture of
S1–S4 and BMSCs. On the first day of co-cultivation, there was no significant difference in
the absorbance between the material group and the control group; on the third day, there
was no significant difference between the absorbance of S1 and the control group, and
the absorbance of the other groups were lower than that of the control group. There was
no significant difference in absorbance between the material group and the control group
on the fifth day. This indicated that all material groups could promote the growth and
proliferation of BMSCs. The results of in vitro biocompatibility tests showed that S1–S4
could promote the adhesion and proliferation of BMSCs in vitro.
Figure 8. (A): Live/dead staining of the BMSCs that were cultured for 5 days on the S1–S4, respec-
tively. (B): CLSM micrographs of the BMSCs adhesive on S1–S4 for 3 days. (C): Cell viabilities of the
BMSCs that were cultured on the S1–S4 for 1, 3, and 5 days, respectively.
Polymers 2022, 14, 4694 13 of 14
4. Conclusions
The main purpose of this study was to prepare a bone repair material with good
mechanical properties and biocompatibility. The PAI-PEG copolymer was successfully
prepared by solution polycondensation. The results showed that the S2 material exhibited
the most excellent physical and chemical properties. In vitro biocompatibility of the S1–S4
showed that all material groups were non-toxic and could support the proliferation and
adhesion of BMSCs. The S2 could potentially be used as bone repair implants in orthopedic
surgery in the future.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.D.; methodology, R.Y., C.X. and X.W.; software, R.Y.;
validation, R.Y.; formal analysis, R.Y.; investigation, R.Y. and C.X.; resources, H.D.; data curation,
H.D.; writing—original draft preparation, R.Y.; writing—review and editing, R.Y., C.X., X.W. and
H.D.; visualization, R.Y. and H.D.; supervision, X.W. and H.D.; project administration, H.D.; funding
acquisition, H.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (32201109 and 51772233), the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation
(2021A1515110557) and Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology
Guangdong Laboratory (XHT2020-008).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Founda-
tion of China (32201109 and 51772233), the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation
(2021A1515110557) and Foshan Xianhu Laboratory of the Advanced Energy Science and Technology
Guangdong Laboratory (XHT2020-008). The experimental studies were carried out using equipment
of Wuhan University of Technology (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Syn-
thesis and Processing, Center for Materials Research and Analysis Wuhan University of Technology).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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