Tutorial Letter 101/3/2023: Historical Foundations of South African Law
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2023: Historical Foundations of South African Law
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2023: Historical Foundations of South African Law
Semesters 1 and 2
Department of Jurisprudence
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................5
2.1 Purpose ...........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................5
3 CURRICULUM TRANSFORMATION .............................................................................................5
4 CONTACTING THE UNIVERSITY VIA E-MAIL .............................................................................5
4.2 Lecturer(s) .......................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Department ......................................................................................................................................6
4.4 College of Law Information Centre ..................................................................................................7
4.5 University .........................................................................................................................................7
5 RESOURCES ..................................................................................................................................8
5.1 Prescribed book(s) ..........................................................................................................................8
5.2 Recommended book(s) ...................................................................................................................8
5.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)......................................................................................................9
6 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ..................................................................................................9
6.1 The Unisa First-Year Experience Programme...............................................................................10
6.2 Companies falsely advertising Unisa services ..............................................................................11
7 STUDY PLAN ...............................................................................................................................11
8 PRACTICAL WORK .....................................................................................................................11
9 ASSESSMENT ..............................................................................................................................11
9.1 Assessment criteria .......................................................................................................................11
9.2 Assessment plan ...........................................................................................................................12
9.3 Assessment due dates ..................................................................................................................12
9.4 Submission of assessments ..........................................................................................................12
9.5 The assessments ..........................................................................................................................13
9.6 Other assessment methods...........................................................................................................14
9.7 The examination ............................................................................................................................14
10 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY ...........................................................................................................14
10.1 Plagiarism ......................................................................................................................................14
10.2 Cheating ........................................................................................................................................15
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below: .......................................................15
10.4 Academic and Administrative matters ...........................................................................................15
Dear Student
Teaching and learning in an ODeL context involves multiple modes of delivery, ranging from blended
learning to fully online. As a default position, all postgraduate programmes are offered fully online
with no printed study material, while undergraduate programmes are offered in a blended mode of
delivery where printed study material are augmented with online teaching and learning via the
learner management system – myUnisa. In some instances, undergraduate programmes are offered
fully online as well.
Furthermore, our programmes are aligned with the vision, mission and values of the University. As
a result of Unisa's commitment to serve humanity and shape futures, combined with a clear
appreciation of our location on the African continent, Unisa's graduates have distinctive graduate
qualities, which include
• independent, resilient, responsible and caring citizens who are able to fulfil and serve in
multiple roles in their immediate and future local, national and global communities
• having a critical understanding of their location on the African continent with its histories,
challenges and potential in relation to globally diverse contexts
• the ability to critically analyse and evaluate the credibility and usefulness of information and
data from multiple sources in a globalised world with its ever-increasing information and data
flows and competing worldviews
• knowing how to apply their discipline-specific knowledge competently, ethically and creatively
to solve real-life problems
• an awareness of their own learning and developmental needs and future potential.
The module HFL1501 is offered as a blended module. This means that we use a combination of
printed and online material to engage with you and we use myUnisa as our virtual campus. You will
receive a printed copy of the HFL1501 Study Guide and this tutorial letter (Tut Letter 101), but you
must visit the HFL1501 myUnisa module site regularly where you will find all the rest of the
module information, including details on your assessment (assignments and examination).
myUnisa is an online system that is used to administer, document and deliver educational material
to you.
You are encouraged to log onto the module site on myUnisa regularly (that is, at least twice per
week) to stay up to date with any important, and sometimes urgent, information posted there.
The purpose of this module is to provide students with an outline of the origins of the South African
legal system, focussing on the indigenous African, Western and human-rights traditions. It
addresses the contribution made by the liberation movement in problematising apartheid policies
and laws, as well as their contributions in shaping South African law. Aspects of transformative
constitutionalism will be addressed.
2.2 Outcomes
• New applicants who are enquiring about information for the purpose of applying for
• New applicants who do not yet have a myLife e-mail account, because they have been
admitted but not yet registered.
• Where a student requires assistance in resolving myLife e-mail account access
Please be aware that any personal information you publish on public platforms, such as social media
platforms and WhatsApp groups, is not covered by the provisions of Protection of Personal
Information Act 4 of 2013. Any personal information published in the public domain is not considered
private and can, therefore be accessed by external parties with access to such platforms.
4.2 Lecturer(s)
Ms Andrea Bauling
Tel: (012) 433 9518
e-mail: [email protected]
Please note that we do not respond to e-mails after hours, over weekends or on public
PLEASE NOTE: Lecturers cannot assist you with general administrative matters, including
those pertaining to registration, submission of assignments, examination dates/venues or
examination results. Such matters should be addressed to the relevant administrative department(s).
Please see paragraph 4.5 below for the contact details of the relevant departments.
4.3 Department
To contact the University, please dial 080 000 1870. Remember to keep your student number at
hand when contacting the University. The Unisa Student Communication Service Centre will be open
weekdays from 08:00 – 16:00 (South African Standard Time).
Please send all e-mails from your mylife e-mail account. If you send an e-mail directly to a Unisa
e-mail address, insert your student number in the subject line to effect the correct routing to an
advisor for processing. Please check the list carefully and send an enquiry to one e-mail
address only. This will ensure that there is no confusion as to who must respond, thereby preventing
unnecessary delays in the response or the email portrayed as spam. Students should only forward
enquiries to the Registrar and Deputy Registrar in instances where those enquiries could not be
resolved at other levels.
Exam admission [email protected] 012 429 8641
International students [email protected] + 27 12 429 2268
Remarks [email protected] 012 429 8641
Purchase of an exam script [email protected] 012 429 8641
Student account enquiries [email protected] 012 429 2441/4299
General student funding enquiries [email protected] 012 441 5600
Despatch enquiries [email protected]
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments appear on the Unisa website:
Please include your student number in all correspondence with the University.
5.1 Prescribed book(s)
There is no prescribed textbook for HFL1501. This means that you do not have to buy any
additional academic textbooks for HFL1501 and that you only need the Study Guide and your
tutorial letters for this module. You will, however, also need to acquire a copy of the Constitution
of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.1 The Study Guide indicates which sections of the
Constitution are relevant to this module. You may download an electronic copy of the Constitution
either from the Unisa library website, from this module’s myUnisa page (under the link for “Additional
Resources”) or from the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development’s website.
Hardcopies are available at the Unisa library, as well as from specialist booksellers.
It is very important to understand that you will not be able to pass this module if you do not work
through the entire Study Guide. You have to understand the content of the Study Guide as an
integrated whole. Each of the three parts of the study material directly relates to the other parts. In
the take-home examination, you will be expected to illustrate your ability to integrate all the
information found in the study material into logical and informed arguments and answers.
Hereinafter referred to as “the Constitution”.
Recommended guides:
This brochure contains important information and guidelines for successful studies through Unisa.
If you need assistance with regard to the myModules system, you are welcome to use the following
contact details:
You can access and view short videos on topics such as how to view your calendar, how to access
module content, how to view announcements for modules, how to submit assessment and how to
participate in forum activities via the following link: https://dtls-
Registered Unisa students get a free myLife e-mail account. Important information, notices and
updates are sent exclusively to this account. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for your
account to be activated after you have claimed it. Please do this immediately after registering
at Unisa, by following this link: [email protected]
Your myLife account is the only e-mail account recognised by Unisa for official correspondence
with the University, and will remain the official primary e-mail address on record at Unisa. You
remain responsible for the management of this e-mail account.
Many students find the transition from secondary (school) education to tertiary education stressful.
This is also true in the case of students enrolling at Unisa for the first time. Unisa is a dedicated open
distance and e-learning institution, and it is very different from face-to-face/contact institutions. It is
a mega university, and all our programmes are offered through either blended learning or fully online
learning. It is for this reason that we thought it necessary to offer first-time students
additional/extended support to help them seamlessly navigate the Unisa teaching and learning
journey with little difficulty and few barriers. We therefore offer a specialised student support
programme to students enrolling at Unisa for the first time – this is Unisa’s First-Year Experience
(FYE) Programme, designed to provide you with prompt and helpful information about services that
the University offers and about how you can access information. The following FYE services are
currently offered:
• FYE website: All the guides and resources you need in order to navigate through your first
year at Unisa can be accessed using the following link: www.unisa.ac.za/FYE
• FYE e-mails: You will receive regular e-mails to help you stay focused and motivated.
• FYE broadcasts: You will receive e-mails with links to broadcasts on various topics related to
your first-year studies (e.g. videos on how to submit assessments online).
• FYE mailbox: For assistance with queries related to your first year of study, send an e-mail
to [email protected] .
• www.unisa.ac.za
• https://my.unisa.ac.za
• https://www.facebook.com/UniversityOfSouthAfrica
• https://twitter.com/unisa
• https://www.linkedin.com/company/unisa
For information and suggestions regarding general time-management and -planning skills, please
consult the Study@Unisa brochure.
This module is easy to master if you are willing to commit to your studies and to put in some effort.
Plan ahead and make sure to continuously work through the Study Guide throughout the semester.
This module cannot be “crammed” a few days before the due date for the take-home exam.
We strongly urge you to make use of the weekly schedule when working through the study material.
The weekly schedule is available online on the HFL1501 module site under “Additional Resources”;
please access and download it there. The purpose of the weekly schedule is to help you to plan your
studies for the semester. It has been structured to allow you sufficient time to work through the study
material, and also includes time set aside for revision.
There are no practical sessions or assessments for this module.
9.1 Assessment criteria
It is essential that you are able to master all the learning outcomes for this module. These are
provided in the Study Guide on the first page of each learning unit.
9.2 Assessment plan
• To complete this module, you will be required to submit two (2) assignments and to pass one
(1) take-home portfolio examination.
• All information about when and where to submit your assessments will be made available to
you on the HFL1501 myUnisa module site.
• Details regarding the due dates for assessments (assignments and the exam), as well as the
actual assessments themselves, are available on the HFL1501 module site. Please visit the
module site regularly and read all the Announcements posted by your lecturers to stay up to
date with any administrative arrangements and changes affecting this module.
• To gain admission to the examination, you will be required to submit at least one of the two
• Both Assignments 1 and 2 count 50% of your year mark. This means that if you only submit
one assignment, you will still obtain exam admission for this module, but your year mark will
be affected.
• Your year mark counts 20% towards your final mark.
• You will receive examination information via the HFL1501 module site. Please visit the
HFL1501 module site regularly and read all the Announcements posted by your lecturers to
stay up to date with any administrative arrangements and changes affecting this module.
• The take-home examination counts 80% towards your final mark.
• Please read all Announcements posted on the module site to keep up to date with any
important administrative information communicated to you there.
• For this module, we strongly advise you to first work through the online lessons available on
the HFL1501 module site before you attempt to complete your assignments. If you experience
any challenges with continuing from one lesson to the next, please visit the myUnisa
discussion topic dedicated to the lessons for instructions and tips.
• This means that you must submit all your HFL1501 assignments and the take-home
exam online. Only submissions received via the official platform will be accepted by the
• The myUnisa platform can be accessed via https://my.unisa.ac.za. Click on the myModules
2023 button to access the online sites for the modules that you are registered for.
• All the information you need regarding your assignments and the take-home exam will be
available on the HFL1501 module site. Please visit the module site regularly (at least twice a
week!) and read the Announcements posted there by your lecturers to stay up to date with
any important information.
Details on the assignments will be provided in the HFL1501 ASSIGNMENT PACK. This document
will contain the assignment due dates and detailed instructions on how to submit the assignments.
When you access your HFL1501 module site for the semester you are registered for, you will see a
Welcome message posted by your lecturers. Below that, you will find the links to the assessments
that you need to complete. Assessment 1 is an online quiz, consisting of ten randomised multiple-
choice questions on the contents of Part 1 of the Study Guide. Assessment 2 is a written
assignment on the contents of Part 2 of the Study Guide, and your answers must be uploaded as a
PDF document. Please follow the instructions provided on the module site to submit these
assignments. Click on these links on the module site to access the assignment submission links and
9.5.1 Assignment 01
Assignment 1 consists of ten (10) randomised MCQs and covers the contents of Part 1 of the Study
Guide. To complete Assignment 1, please log onto the HFL1501 module site for the semester that
you registered for. The questions for Assignment 1 are not included in this tutorial letter (Tutorial
Letter 101) and are only made available online once the portal for submission has opened. You
must therefore access the quiz online and complete it online where the quiz has been created. This
means that you must study for the assessment BEFORE completing the quiz, as you won’t have
time to find the answers in your Study Guide. Once the portal for submission is open, access the
quiz online and complete it within the time available to you (two hours). More detailed information
on HOW, WHEN and WHERE to submit Assignment 1 can be found in the HFL1501 ASSIGNMENT
PACK, available on the HFL1501 module site under “Additional Resources”.
It is not advisable to use a cell phone to complete Assessment 1. Please use a desktop computer,
tablet or laptop when completing the quiz. Students who use a cell phone find it difficult to navigate
the Online Assessment tool on the small screen and often struggle to navigate between questions
to successfully complete the quizzes. In addition, cell phones are more vulnerable to dropped
internet connections than other devices. If at all possible, please do not use a cell phone for this
assessment type. It you have to make use of a cell phone, please ensure that all other apps on the
device are closed before attempting the quiz.
9.5.2 Assignment 02
Assignment 2 consists of short and long written questions for a total of twenty (20) marks and covers
the contents of Part 2 of the Study Guide. For Assignment 2, please note the due date by which your
answers must be submitted. This will be communicated in the HFL1501 ASSIGNMENT PACK and
via the Announcements forum on the HFL1501 myUnisa site. The HFL1501 ASSIGNMENT
PACK will be available on the module site under “Additional Resources”, and will contain detailed
instructions on HOW, WHERE and WHEN to submit Assignment 2. The HFL1501 ASSIGNMENT
PACK will also contain the questions for Assignment 2. Ensure that you follow the guidelines
provided by your lecturers to complete the assessment. Click on the link to Assignment 2 on the
HFL1501 module site to submit your answers. Before you finalise the upload, double check that you
have selected the correct file for upload. Remember, no marks can be allocated for incorrectly
submitted assignments.
In addition to the two compulsory assignments (see para 9.5 above), the module HFL1501 also
offers students an optional mock quiz to give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the
online platform before you have to submit Assessment 1. The mock quiz is available on the HFL1501
module site, and consists of randomised multiple-choice questions regarding the administrative
arrangements for this module. The mock quiz tests your knowledge of this tutorial letter (Tut Letter
101) and of the information available on the HFL1501 module site. Please note that the mock quiz
is entirely optional and does not count towards your year mark or final mark in any way. It is
simply an additional tool available to those students new to the Unisa online platform who wishes to
familiarise themselves with the online assessment platform before submitting any of the official
assessments for this module.
The HFL1501 exam is an online, take-home exam, which requires you to upload your answers online
as a PDF document.
Examination information and details on the format of the examination will be made available to you
online via the HFL1501 module site. Look out for information that will be shared with you by your
lecturers and for communication from the University.
10.1 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking the words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting them as your
own. It is a form of theft. Plagiarism includes the following forms of academic dishonesty:
• Copying and pasting from any source without acknowledging the source.
• Not including references or deliberately inserting incorrect bibliographic information.
• Paraphrasing without acknowledging the original source of the information.
10.2 Cheating
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Completing assessments on behalf of another student, copying the work of another student
during an assessment, or allowing another student to copy your work.
• Using social media (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram) or other platforms to disseminate
assessment information.
• Submitting corrupt or irrelevant files, this forms part of examination guidelines
• Buying completed answers from so-called “tutors” or internet sites (contract cheating).
10.3 For more information about plagiarism, follow the link below:
Please see paragraph 4.3 above for the contact details of the administrative staff in the Department
of Jurisprudence.
Please visit the HFL1501 module site to view the range of frequently asked questions relevant to
our module. These include questions on the content of the study material, the portfolio examination,
assignment submission, referencing and other general administrative matters. Please read these
questions and answers carefully. Most of the queries we receive have already been answered on
the module site. It is extremely important that you visit the module site regularly to keep up to date
with any changes implemented by the University.
We trust that you will enjoy this module. Please remember that you are welcome to contact us should
you have any questions relating to the content of this module. We wish you success with your
Kind regards
Ms L Wildenboer
Ms A Bauling