Buss Loan Detailed Editable Appli Form
Buss Loan Detailed Editable Appli Form
Buss Loan Detailed Editable Appli Form
Name of Applicant
Legal Status Pvt. Ltd. Public Ltd. HUF Registered Partnership Unregistered Partnership Proprietorship Concern
Mobile No.
E-mail ID
Date of Birth
Educational Background
Experience in Industry
Contact Nos.
Details of Shareholding Pattern in Public Ltd. / Pvt. Ltd. / Ltd. and Partnership Firm
Name of Shareholder No. of Shares % Holding Relationship with Promoters
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Details of Associate / Group Company/ies & Firm/s
Name of Company/Firm/ Partnership
Profile of Business
Sales in Last Financial Year
PAT in Last Financial Year
Total Borrowings
Total Networth
Details of Business
Business Profile (Can be also provided as an annexure also)
Name of Customers (Only top 5) Sales in Last FY Average Credit Period % of Last FY sales Name of Contact Person Contact No.
Name of Suppliers (Only top 5) Purchases in Average Credit Period % of Last Name of Contact Person Contact No.
Last FY FY Purchases
Term Loans & Business Loans:
Bank Name
Facility Amount (` Crs.)
O/S as on Latest Date
Repayable in Current FY (` Crs.)
Repayable in Next FY (` Crs.)
Proposed Facility/ies
Fund Based Facility Facility Amount (` Crs.) Tenure
Term Loan Year
Business Installment Loan Year
Working Capital Demand Loan One Year
Line Of Credit One Year
Transaction Banking Facility One Year
Proposed Securities
Fund Based Facility Estimated Value Particulars
2. Provisional Financials (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement) for Last FY with Schedules Yes No
3. CMA data for Current FY and Future Financial Years with company signatory – Only in case of Corporate Loan Yes No
5. ITR returns for Company and ITR Returns for Promoters along with Statement showing
Computation of Income of the Promoters with Acknowledgement from IT Department Yes No
9. RTR to be given for all Term Loans, Car and other Loans availed by the Company Yes No
10. RTR to be taken for Loans greater than ` 5 Lakhs in the name of the Promoters
(only to be taken if no Loan has been taken by the Borrower Entity) Yes No
11. Details of Existing Bank Borrowings – from Banks as well as FIs. Indicate Limit, Outstanding, Overdue,
Repayment Schedule, since when Overdue, Securities, Guarantees etc. and whether the Credit Limits
are under sole Banking or Multiple Banking Arrangement Yes No
12. Copies of Sanction Letters from all Banks and Institutions for Secured as well as Unsecured Loans Yes No
13. List of Property Document held with the Existing Banker / Copy of MOE Yes No
17. (a) Certificate of Incorporation (b) Shop Establishment License, (c) Trade License (any one of them) Yes No
19. PAN Card, Address Proof – Passport Copy, Light Bill, Telephone Bill Yes No
20. Profile / Bio data of Directors (including experience proof, if possible) Yes No
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We also confirm that:
• Our Company is not a BIFR referred Company nor has been declared a defaulter by any Financial Institution / Bank including Reserve Bank of India
or sought financial reconstruction under any law.
• None of our Directors are related to any Director/ Senior Officer of Aditya Birla Group
We, the Borrower and Guarantor(s) confirm that ABFL can disclose the information and data furnished by them to ABFL and also those regarding the
credit facility/ies enjoyed by the Borrower, conduct of accounts and guarantee obligations undertaken by Guarantor(s) to the Credit Information
Bureau (India) Ltd. (“CIBIL”), or RBI or any other agencies specified by RBI who are authorized (India) to seek and publish information, and also to obtain
information from these agencies/authorities/etc. with respect to the Borrower and/or Guarantors, so as to enable ABFL to appraise the Borrower’s
application for grant of such facility/ies.
We hereby irrevocably agree to and consent that ABFL may disclose at any time and share with or in any manner make available to any agencies,
bureaus, affiliate companies, firms, associations, corporate bodies and other persons any information about me/us where such disclosure is
necessary under law or where there is a duty to the public to disclose such information or where the interest or ABFL requires such disclosure.
Additionally, ABFL may disclose such personal and financial information about me/us that is in the public domain.
We hereby agree and consent that ABFL may share/distribute any information including my/our personal information provided by me/us to its
affiliates and subsidiaries including third parties where ABFL deems it necessary. Additionally we consent to ABFL using personal information and
financial information for giving credit report and credit opinions about me/us to other Banks and financial institutions.
We understand and agree that the sanction / disbursement will be on the sole discretion of ABFL only and we shall not make any claim against ABFL
in case this request is rejected or in case no loan is sanctioned or in case no disbursement is made for any reason whatsoever. We further understand
and agree that the charges paid to ABFL towards out of pocket expenses and / or log-in/ processing fees are non refundable and upon the request for
loan facilities being withdrawn by us or being rejected by ABFL for any reason whatsoever in the pre-sanction or post-sanction stage, we will not be
entitled to any refund in part or in full.
We will adhere to terms and conditions governing the sanction of facility and will complete the required documentation at the earliest on sanction of
the loan. We also understand that this request is considered valid until we cancel the same.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Director’s/Authorised Signatory
RM Name
RM Employee ID
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Rate of Interest
Customer would be required to service the loan at pre-defined frequency at the rate set out in the Loan agreement/sanction letter/interest rate
intimation letter
The rate of interest is linked to ABFL Long Term Reference Rate (i.e. ABFL LTRR) or ABFL Short Term Reference Rate (i.e. ABFL STRR) or any other
pre-defined benchmark rate for floating rate lending products of the Lender. The LTRR or STRR or Benchmark rates may change from time to time and
any revision in this rate will have an impact on the interest rate.
• The loan would be secured by immovable or movable property as acceptable to ABFL in its sole discretion..
• ABFL shall have the right to decide, in its sole discretion, the type, manner and the timing of creation of mortgage or any other security; and/or any
additional security to be created by the Borrower for securing the Loan and all other amounts as aforesaid .The Borrower is bound to create such
security and shall duly execute documents evidencing the same as may be required by ABFL
• Loan which is being offered is based on the understanding, that the security is located in India and within ABFL’s approved city limits. Even if the
security is within the specified limits, ABFL may refuse to disburse the loan if the security does not meet ABFL’s credit policies, guidelines and
criteria as deemed fit by it in its sole discretion.
• In case the loan is secured by mortgage of any immovable property/ies , borrower shall procure prior written consent of ABFL before renting out
the mortgaged property/ies or any part thereof or before making any structural alterations in the mortgaged property/ies.
• Repayment should be done as per the amount payable by the Borrower(s) at such period of rests as provided for in the Sanction Letter, to ABFL
comprising of Interest, or as the case may be, principal and Interest calculated on the basis of such period of rests at the Interest Rate applicable
as stated in the Sanction Letter/Loan Agreement and is rounded off to the next rupee.
• Non-payment of any money due on its due date including interest would lead to default as the terms of the facility, ABFL reserves the right to
report the non payment to various credit bureaus. This may have an adverse effect on Borrower’s credit rating and affect your ability to obtain
credit from other Lenders. To avoid any adverse credit history with credit bureaus, customers should ensure timely payment of the amount due
on the loan amount is duly made.
• If an “Event of default” (as defined under the Loan Agreement) happens, Borrower will have to pay default interest or such other rate of interest as
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decided by ABFL. For Default interest rate / charges for non conformance, Please refer to Schedule of Charges for more details.
Prepayment and Foreclosure
• No Pre-closure of the facility allowed in first 12 months from the date of disbursement of Term Loan. The customer can prepay/foreclose the loan
by giving 30 working days prior notice in writing and pay in accordance with the prepayment / foreclose rules of ABFL, along with
prepayment/foreclosure charges if any (Please refer to Schedule of Charges for more details).
• In the event of sale of security, Loan needs to be pre-closed with all dues and charges. Alternatively collateral can be swapped as acceptable to
ABFL with applicable charges.
• The original property documents of the customer submitted to ABFL, would be returned within 15 business days from the date of satisfactorily
closing the loan, as per the conditions of the loan agreement signed by the customer.
Customer shall need to insure all movable and immovable properties proposed to be hypothecated or mortgaged to ABFL before the Loan can be
disbursed.However the choice of Insurer will be lie solely with the Customer. The Customer should provide the copy of insurance policy along with the
other security documents before disbursement.
ABFL has partnerships with various Insurance providers, and customer may choose Credit Insurance / Property Insurance and other product from
our partners.
Customer Service
For any service related issue, Customer can get in touch with ABFL by:
1. Calling ABFL Customer Service Desk on the numbers provided on our website
2. Placing a request online by logging onto www.adityabirlafinance.com
3. Contacting the Relationship Manager (RM) at any of our branches.
• The customer acknowledges the right of ABFL to provide details of the customer’s account to third party agencies for the purpose of availing support
services of any nature by ABFL, without any specific consent or authorisation from the customer or any joint applicants/add-on customers.
• ABFL has the right to recall the loan in the event of the customer failing to submit all/any post disbursal documents.
• ABFL is authorized to disclose from time to time any information relating to the loan to any credit bureau (Existing or Future) approved by
Government of India and Reserve Bank of India without any notice to the borrower. ABFL is also authorized to make inquiries with the Credit
Information Bureau of India (CIBIL) and get the applicant’s Credit Information Report.
• ABFL and its staff would never collect cash from customers or ask for sharing of any passwords. Customer acknowledges that no cash has been
paid to ABFL staff along with loan application and that the application has not been made against promise of any gifts or special waivers.
• The Most Important Terms and Conditions mentioned above are an indicative list of terms and conditions of our loan products. These Terms and
Conditions are further described in our loan agreement under relevant sections / schedules and therefore should be read in conjunction with those
mentioned in the loan agreement and sanction letter or other communications.
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