James Bond 007 QMANUAL
James Bond 007 QMANUAL
James Bond 007 QMANUAL
James Bond and all indica are the property of ... No copyright infringement is intended.
James Bond: 007 Roleplaying Games is the property of Victory Games. No copyright infringement is intended.
The Q2 Manual is intended for personal use of James Bond games players. If you intend to post elements of the manual, please
give credit where it’s due... Thanks! Scott
Compared to some of the newer systems, Bond looks a little out of place. The use of
various tables is something you don’t see much outside of d20 systems. However, the
idea of damage based on the quality of the shot was first done with this system and is
integrated into most systems (a notable exception being most d20 games,) just the
same as the use of hero points has been nabbed. It was the first system to really allow
you to build the character you wanted; there was no rolling your stats and no class-
based skill choices.
There’s a lot of nostalgia for me in this game system, as I suspect there is for whoever
is reading this right now. Like the movies, the game system is a bit dated, but it’s still
fun. Like the movies, it just needs a bit of modern sensibility applied to it. One way to
do that is to start with new gear. The Q2 Manual has more updated gear in it – modern
weapons, modern vehicles, and modern gadgets. Some are based on the movies (all
of Bond’s rides from the Brosnan period are here,) some are based on actual spy
gadgets available. There’s new rules for body armor, rules for tricking out your
handguns, rules for computer hacking, new car gadget rules take into account
miniaturization and rewrite the space rules from the old Q Manual.
So head on down to see the armorer and pick up the gear for your next mission.
Adventure is waiting...
Scott Rhymer
Albuquerque, NM
The first row of statistics represents .22 LR through .38 special derringers. The second row represents
any of the m agnum , the .45, and 410 shotshell calibers. Note: m ost .45LC derringers are designed to also
shoot the 410 shell.
Q Evaluation:
The derringer is adequate for what it was intended for: an emergency situation at point blank range. At
close range, the derringer is an excellent execution weapon. Q
BERETTA 92SF/93R 9m m
The 92SF – known also as the M9 in the US m ilitary – is a popular sidearm for
police and m ilitary units throughout the world. It is cham bered for 9m m and has
a ported ejection gate to prevent feed jam s. The low recoil and fast rate of fire
m ake this an excellent choice of sidearm .
The 93R is a selective fire version of the Beretta, with a sem i-auto or burst
function; a fold-down handle below the barrel allows the firer a m ore steady
position when using gun. The 93R is used by Italian secret service.
The second line of statistics is for the 93R when on burst; otherwise sem i-auto is the sam e as the
standard 92SF (all variants of the 92 m odel use the upper row of stats.)
Q Evaluation:
An excellent weapon: the Beretta is reasonably powerful, has a high ammunition capacity and rate of fire.
A bit large for covert work, it is still a favorite choice in paramilitary missions where concealment is not an
issue. Many military and police services use this weapon to good effect. Cpt. Michael Roberts
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BREN 10mm
Although no longer in production, the Bren distinguished itself as one of the
finest pistols of the late 20 TH Century. Using the powerful 10m m cartridge, it
com bined the power of the .45ACP and the high-m agazine capacity of the 9m m .
Due to supply problem s, Dorhaus & Dixon was unable to produce enough
m agazines for the weapon and the handgun disappeared.
The Bren was designed on the CZ-75 design and 10m m handguns with
sim ilar accuracy and power are still produced by Tanfoglio of Italy.
The Tanfoglio/EAA W itness series in 10m m and .41 Action Express have the sam e statistics as the Bren
Ten, but only cost about $400. They can fire .40S&W , but the Jam rises to 95+.
Q Evaluation:
The Bren was a noble experiment: a high-capacity, accurate handgun with the hitting power of the .41
magnum cartridge. Despite it’s size – about the same as the Beretta 92 – the Bren was a favored piece of
002. The 10mm round has real potential, but has been supplanted by it’s smaller brother, the .40 S&W . Q
COP .357
This is a backup weapon with som e punch. Although no longer m anufactured,
they are still com m on enough on the used m arket. Four barrels are actuated by
a rotating firing pin (like a derringer). It is loaded by cracking open the breech
and swiveling it down. The COP is an all-around excellent weapon.
Q Evaluation:
The COP is a favorite backup weapon for police officers and is still an issue
weapon for the CIA. It is often preferred over the subcompact Glocks and is
excellent for undercover work. Q
The COP can also fire .38 special am m unition with no hazard, but the DC drops to E.
The Desert Eagle is one of the m ost recognizable handguns in the world today.
Popular with m ovie villains, the handgun is large, intim idating, and very powerful.
The newer versions of the Desert Eagle (after 1994) can be purchased with
interchangeable barrel/breech kits allowing the owner to swap from one caliber
to the next.
The first and prem ier m agnum cartridge autoloader of note, the Desert Eagle
can be had in .357, .41, .44 m agnum , and the .50 Action Express round. The Desert Eagle is a great
hunting/sporting handgun, but by no m eans m eant for covert action. It is found in service only in the Israel
m ilitary.
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DESERT EAGLE (continued)
The first line represents the Desert Eagle in .357 and .41 m agnum , the second .44 m agnum and .50AE.
In real life, the .44 m agnum has better accuracy than the .50AE and rounds cost half the price; but in
gam e term s, the only difference is the victim s of the .50AE receive a -2EF to pain resistance rolls due to
im m ense hydrostatic shock.
Q Evaluation:
Too big, too heavy, and too loud, but bloody fun to shoot. It has the most natural aid of any handgun I’ve
encountered and is perfect for handgun hunting of medium game. Surprisingly, it works well in big and
small hands. For power and accuracy, it is unbeatable, and the aggressive looks have made it popular
with gang types around the world. Q
There are several types of 5.7m m rounds. The standard round halves arm or effects due to high-velocity
of the round. The subsonic rounds (the only ones that a silencer will silence) and the hollow-point
am m unition do not receive this bonus. -1W L to inanim ate objects.
Q Evaluation:
The FiveSeven is the best new handgun on the market. It is only due to the unusual round that Q won’t
issue this weapon. Accuracy, stopping power, and magazine capacity make this handgun second to
none. 007
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FREEDOM ARM S .454 CASULL (continued)
The .454 Casull has a tendency to over-penetrate hum an targets. W hen in a close fight, if there is
another person on the opposite side of the firer, behind the target person or vehicle, roll a d6: on a 1-2, the
person is hit and takes the sam e dam age as the prim ary target. Consider other m ega-m agnum s, like the
.470, etc. to have the sam e characteristics.
Q Evaluation:
The .454 is an incredible round, but is entirely ineffective as a covert weapon. It cannot be silenced –
there is far too much pressure and the round is much too fast. The recoil is intense and even with
magnaporting, the muzzle rises too much to fire more than a shot at a moving target. Despite this, 007
likes to keep one as an anti-vehicular weapon in his issue automobiles. Cpt. Michael Roberts
Fam ous for good reason, these Austrian-m ade pistols are the m ost popular
handgun with law enforcem ent around the world. They are robust and highly
reliable. All Glocks are double-action only and have no active safeties; there is a
trigger safety to prevent m isfires, but it is not effective in the hands of the
Most Glocks com e in three sizes: full-size, a ‘com pact’ version, and a
‘subcom pact’ version. The 9m m full-size version, the 17, has a selective-fire cousin, the 18; the com pact
version of the 9m m is the 19, the sm aller ‘baby Glock’ is the 26. The .40S&W – popular with US police
agencies are the 22 (full-size), 23 (com pact), and 27 (‘baby’); the .45 is 22 (full-size), and com pact 30.
There is a 10m m version, the 20, with a com pact version, and there is the new .357 SIG – m odel 31, 32,
and 33.
The first line represents the m odel 17 and 22; the 22 has two rounds less in the m agazine (AMMO). The
second line is the 19 and 23, and 30 m odels; the .40 has an AMMO of 13, the .45 has nine. The third line
is the m odel 21 .45, which also gives a -2EF on pain resistance to its victim s. The fourth line is the .357
SIG m odel 31 and the 10m m m odel 20.
Q Evaluation:
The Glock is the most popular handgun in the world and police use it nearly everywhere. The weapons
are tough, hard to jam, and not choosy about the quality of ammunition. They are light and the smaller
models excellent for cover work. The .40S&W versions are used by the US Secret Service, DEA, and
CIA. Recent models have seen quality fall off drastically. Q
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The H&K P7 series utilizes a squeeze-activated cocking m echanism in the front
strap of the grip; it is an excellent safety system – if the grip is not squeezed,
the gun cannot be fired. The m echanism also actuates the slide stop after
m agazines are changed, m aking this one of the fastest handguns to reload.
The P7M8 is cham bered for 9m m and is a sm aller, single-stack version of
the P7M13, which is larger, but still highly-concealable. There is a .40S&W
version of the M8, called the M10.
The second line is for the P7M13. For the P7M10, use the first line, but raise the DC to F and lower the
S/R to 2.
Q Evaluation:
The P7M8 is our main issue weapon for covert operations. All operatives train with the P7 and all but 006
have used it in the field. The size, power, and weight, plus the accuracy and robustness prove the
company’s motto: “In a world of compromise, some don’t.” Q
The first line represents the USP full-size in 9m m , .40 has two round sm aller m agazine. The second line
represents the com pact version of the USP in 9m m ; .40 version have two less round in the m agazine.
The third line is the .45 version of the USP and gains a -2EF pain resistance to those hit with the .45
round. The last line is for the SEAL m Mk23: the first ratings are without the lasersight & silencer, the
second with; it gains the sam e -2EF pain resistance m odifier as the standard .45.
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A backup pistol designed for last resort protection. The Kel-Tec is built
with a m inim um of parts, with a heavy-duty plastic receiver including
alum inum trigger assem bly, and SAE4140 steel for the barrel and
slide. The receivers are m olded in black, green, and tan; the slides
are m anufactured in blued steel.
The first row of statistics represents the .32 version of the Kel-Tec, the .380 is second, and he P-11/P-9 is
Q Evaluation:
The Kel-Tec is an excellent self-defense or covert weapon. Small, light, surprisingly accurate at close
ranges, and remarkably reliable, the .32 and .380 have been put in the field with our field operatives from
time to time. CIA’s National Clandestine Service uses unregistered versions in their covert action teams.
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M AUSER ‘BROOM HANDLE’ M 1895 7.65mm (cont.)
The second line represents the shoulder-stock autom atic version of the M1895. Old stripper clip versions
have a RL of 3.
Q Evaluation:
A nice collectors’ item, the Mauser is a fine sporting or plinking weapon, but it’s day is done. W inston
Churchill owned one of these beauties through the W W II period, and 007 has run into the occasional
opponent wielding one. Q
RUGER P-89/P-90
Ruger is best known for their robust revolvers, and their autoloaders have the
sam e tough reliability. The Rugers are sturdy, but large; the low price and
reliability m ake these handguns popular around the world. They are
cham bered for 9m m and .40S&W in the P-89, and in .45ACP for the P-90.
The P-89 was used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in True Lies, but no agency
actually uses this handgun as an issue item .
The second line of statistics is for the .40S&W or .45ACP version of the handgun. The .45 received the
usual -2EF pain resistance to the victim s of the round.
Q Evaluation:
Some American police agencies like this pistol – it is remarkably well-made and tough, but it is much too
heavy and large for real cover use. It is popular mostly with American and Latin American civilians and
toughs. Q
The SIG-Sauer P229 is the used by the US Secret Service and FBI as their
standard-issue sidearm s, and it is a popular law-enforcem ent handgun
throughout the world. The controls: m agazine release, slide stop, and
decocking lever are well-designed and groups for easy access, but lefties will
find it awkward. W orkm anship is top-notch. The P229 uses the .40S&W
round. There is a 9m m version, the P228.
The P228 in 9m m has an AMMO of 15.
Q Evaluation:
The US Secret Service and FBI prefer this weapon, although DEA and the CIA tend toward the Glocks.
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SIG-SAUER P229 (cont.)
Personally, I prefer the SIG line over Glock and Heckler & Koch; they are more comfortable to shoot, look
nicer, and the workmanship is unbeatable. 001
The Stetchkin is the equivalent of the Beretta for the Russian forces. Unlike the
sm aller Makarov, which was a light-weight officer’s sidearm , the Stetchkin was
m ade for the battlefield. Som e versions incorporate a Mauser-like shoulder-
stock/holster that actuates a burst-fire function. It uses the sam e 9m m x17m m
am m unition as the Markarov, but the longer barrel provides m ore velocity,
m aking the round m ore effective.
The second row of statistics is for the shoulder stock burst-function Stetchkin.
Q Evaluation:
Like all Russian arms, the Stetchkin will take any punishment thrown at it and continue to operate
flawlessly. Accuracy is average, and doesn’t much improve with the shoulder stock. The power is slightly
inferior to the 9mm Parabellum round. Mostly used by the military, this weapon turns up quite a bit in the
Balkans and the Eastern European underground. 007
STEYR GB80 9m m
Only produced in the early 1980s, the GB80 rem ains one of the finest
autoloaders available. The weapons was m ade from high-grade steel and is
relatively heavy, but this m eans alm ost no recoil. It uses the 9m m round, packs
18 shots in the m agazine, and has one of the highest controllable rates of fire
for a sem i-autom atic pistol. It is still used in Pakistan as a police and m ilitary
sidearm , and they turn up frequently in used m arkets, still accurate and reliable.
Q Evaluation:
W e’ve included this weapon because it is 003's favored weapon. Although I found it too large for cover
work, she swears by the Steyr. The large magazine capacity and high rate of fire, coupled with the
amazing accuracy have saved her life more than once. Q
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The W itness system is based on the CZ-75 series of pistol.
Manufactured in Brescia, Italy the EAA W itness (or Tanfoglio
TZ-75) is as accurate out of the box as m any tuned com petition
pistols. They com e in an array of calibers and the W itness
allows the barrel/slide/m agazine to be swapped out from .22
long rifle, 9m m Parabellum or Makarov, .38 Super, .40 S&W ,
.45, and the powerful but rare 10m m . The weapons com e in all
steel or with a polym er fram e (these cannot be swapped out.)
The first row of statistics represents the 9m m W itness. The second row represents .40S&W and .38
Super (.38 Super halves arm or protection ratings.) The third ratings are for .45ACP, and the last is for
10m m . The .45 gains a -2EF to pain resistance for victim s of the round.
Q Evaluation:
The TZ-75 is a good, cheap weapons platform. The Italians use these cheap and plentiful weapons for
covert action, since the barrel and slide can quickly be changed out, removing forensics evidence that
could link the agent to a “sanction.” Americans love the 10mm version of the handgun. Q
The m iniature version of the Uzi carbine, the Uzi pistol uses the sam e open-bolt blowback system in 9m m ,
but in a pistol-sized package. The m ain m arket for these guns is the bodyguard and counter-terrorism
circuit, but they are quite popular with the gangs and crim inals of Latin Am erica.
Q Evaluation:
It seems everyone is using these things...gangs, drug-dealers, terrorists...the UZI is the best-known
automatic weapon in the world, with the possible exception of the MP5. I know our DGS agents use these
from time to time and the Israeli settlers are fond of them. 003
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Like the USP and Glock, the P99 uses polym er receivers and tenefrin slides for
this handgun. This autoloader com es in 9m m and .40S&W and has several
handy features: an am bidextrous m agazine release and a slide-m ounted
decocking button. It has adjustable rear sights, com es with a choice of front
sight posts, and a reconfigurable rear strap on the handle, which can be changed
for the size of the users’ hand. The grips are specially designed by an Olym pic
shooter, giving the W alther user incredibly solid hold and control over the
The .40 S&W version has a 13 round m agazine.
Q Evaluation:
007 pestered me into getting him one of these new P99s after using one in the mission against Elliot
Carver. He pronounced it the finest weapon he’d used, so we got a test unit and after some trials, decided
it was one of the best we’d seen in years. The size is a little larger than we like to issue, but it is now
standard for SIS guards, DSG agents, and for paramilitary missions. The standard issue for covert work
remains the P7M8, but the P99 is issued instead to any agent who requests it. Q
The new W alther PPS was first released in 2007 and is directed at the
sam e m arket as their fam ed PPK – covert action or concealed carry.
The 9m m pistol is one of the thinnest on the m arket and is only 6" long,
with a polym er receiver and different m agazines giving the gun between
6 and 8 rounds in the m agazine. Along with the custom izable handles,
the m agazine creates different handle geom etries for the shooter. The
action of the weapon is the sam e partially cocked striker system the P99
uses. It com es in 9m m and .40 S&W .
The PPS is m olded in black, green, and the awful desert tan.
The first row of statistics represents the PPS 9m m , the .40 is second. W ith the 7 or 8 round m agazines,
the gun’s CON changes to -2.
Q Evaluation:
The PPS is the new covert weapon for SIS. The P99 is still carried by several of the 00 section, but more
agents are using that weapon only for situations where combat is expected. The PPS is small enough to
be issued in situations where conflict is possible, but not expected. 002 quickly adopted the weapon for
use in the field. Q
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Standard issue for the British arm y from 1880 to 1955, the W ebley .455
revolver, with it’s distinctive break-top loading system , double-pressure
proofing, and ham m er-m ounted firing pin with rolling block safety m ake
this the strongest, safest, and m ost-reliable revolver ever m ade.
Accuracy and range is average for the size of weapon, due in part to
the short .455 caliber load, but stopping power is good. The trigger pull
on double action is very heavy, but on single action is easy and aids
accuracy. There is no recoil from the round, and the weapon can be
laded faster than a m odern revolver due to the break-open, self-ejecting cylinder.
Victim s of the .455 round receive a -2EF for pain resistance. On 00, the W ebley only suffers a non-fatal
m isfire; they are never rendered inoperative. .455 MK VI revolvers can be converted to .45ACP (requires
the rounds be held in m oon clips and the cylinder shaved down to allow the breech to lock properly. A
.45ACP version of the W ebley gains a +1PM and the DC is G.
Q Evaluation:
W hat can I say? Some things are built to last. W hen I joined the SAS, back in the day, the W ebley was
still being issued. My first was #429047, built in 1918. The finish – as usual for war-era W ebleys – was
spotty, but it fired beautifully, too a beating (we hammered nails, as well as cracked heads in Malaysia,
with the butts of them), and she never let me down. I held onto it long after the Browning 9mm became
the standard. I still shoot it regularly here in the firing range. Q
The second rating is for the 9x18m m Makarov and the 7.62x25m m . The 7.62m m , however, halves the
effectiveness of soft body arm or.
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Q Evaluation:
The South African Ministry of Justice once allowed me to play with one of these shotguns. Accuracy is
adequate, but rate of fire and controllability are excellent. It is a good urban/police weapon. Cpt. Michael
BARRET 52 .50
The Barret 52 is a powerful sniper/ anti-m ateriel rifle designed for the
long-distance, hard-hitting .50 Browning round. The weapon is
necessarily heavy, to com pensate for the powerful cartridge, and
includes an integral biped to soak up som e of the m assive recoil. It is
com m only used by the US Marine Force Recon snipers (designated
M90), US Navy SEALS, and police.
The Barret’s .50 round is ultra-power: arm or or protection from cover is halved at close and m edium
Q Evaluation:
The Americans use this as an anti-materiel or anti-personnel rifle. For sniping work, it is excellent at
extreme ranges, or when cover must be breached. W e prefer the old Parker-Hale .308 or W alther 2000
sniper rifles. Q
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The SS190 round usually halves the protection of body arm or; the subsonic and hollow-point rounds do
not gain this benefit. The subsonic rounds are the only rounds that will fire through the silencer for the
P90, the hollow-points lose the arm or benefit. -1W L to inanim ate objects.
Q Evaluation:
The P90..? Sweet... Col. Jack O’Neill, USAF
It was supposed to be made for cooks and the like, but the muzzle energy, armor penetration, and the
tumbling wound trajectory makes this the perfect special operations submachinegun. W e are beginning to
issue the P90 instead of the MP5, when ammunition interchangeability isn’t an issue. Cpt. Michael
The standard-issue 5.56m m assault rifle for the British forces, the
IW 85A1 is a new-generation battle weapon. It uses a bull-pup
configuration: that is, the m agazine and bolt are behind the handle/trigger
assem bly, m aking it shorter in overall length, while retaining barrel length
and m uzzle energy. The rifle has an attachm ent for a bayonet that includes an integral wire cutter.
Q Evaluation:
the service standard for our armed forces, the Enfield is a robust weapon (despite some complaints about
some substandard parts.) It’s bullpup configuration makes it well-suited for urban engagements. Cpt.
Michael Roberts
Made popular by the 1985 Terminator m ovie, this is a big, bulky 12-
gauge shotgun with real attitude. Unfortunately, the functionality of the
weapon is not as im pressive: it has a convertible pum p-action, or sem i-
autom atic action (activated by a button under the pum p.) Newer
versions lose the folding m etal stock for a pistol grip only or plastic stock.
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FRANCHI SPAS12 (continued)
Q Evaluation:
I tried one of these things and was underwhelmed...the gun was heavy, the pump action was clumsy and
difficult to operate, and it jammed in semi-auto mode on anything other than the heaviest loads. However,
there are some carabinieri who swear by them. 007
The G36 in carbine configuration has ranges of 0-12/40-120. The second set of rankings are for the
m achinegun. The stats for the AG36 can be found in the heavy weapons section.
Q Evaluation:
The SAS are currently evaluating the G36 under the most extreme of conditions...fighting in Afghanistan.
To date, the G36s have functioned flawlessly, and have proven to be more accurate and reliable than any
other assault rifle on the market. Cpt. Michael Roberts
Q Evaluation:
The MP5K is the standard for submachineguns, used by special forces and intelligence communities
throughout the world. The Personal Defense W eapon (PDW ) version of the MP5 replaces the MP5K, and
like its predecessor, it has the accuracy and negligible recoil of the larger MP5s. The new PDW does not
have a full-auto function, but the burst function can be fired fast enough to make up for that. Like all
MP5s, the PDW has attachment points for tactical flashlights, laser sights, and silencer. Q
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A variant of the Heckler & Koch G3 battle rifle, the PSG-1 has been m ade
for sniper use. Cham bered in 7.62m m NATO, the weapon is sem i-
autom atic and includes a special system for quiet, positive bolt action, as
well as the patented H&K polygonal rifling to enhance power and accuracy.
The trigger width is adjustable, as is the stock length and cheek piece, and a biped or tripod is available
for the system .
Q Evaluation:
The PSG-1 is superb weapon, what you would expect from Heckler & Koch. W e like the rifle for sniper
work, although 007 prefers the W alther 2000. Q
The UMP’s .45ACP round gives it’s victim s a -2EF to pain resistance rolls.
Q Evaluation:
W e only just received our first few UMPs about a week before Major Boothroyd’s retirement as Q. He and
I took this light and powerful, top-quality sub-gun for a workout his last weekend. Once again, H&K shows
why ‘there is no compromise.’ Cpt. Michael Roberts
The Stakeout is a short-barreled, pum p-action 12-gauge shotgun with a
handgrip stock. The short barrel gives a wider spread than the usual
shotguns and the handgrip allows for m obility inside closed spaces; an
urban tactical shotgun.
The 37 Stakeout is pretty ordinary for a short tactical shotgun. Other sim ilar shotguns, like the Mossberg
500 or Rem ington 870 would have sim ilar stats.
Q Evaluation:
Nice in tight spaces, the Ithaca really ‘clears a room’, as a CIA officer of my acquaintance said. 007
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The Russian Bizon is a next-generation light subm achinegun for CIS
personnel. It uses a unique, 64-round helical m agazine prem iered by the
Calico guns of the 1980-90s. The lighter 9x18m m round allows perceived
recoil to be substantially lessened, allowing the firer to use autofire in a
m ore-controlled m anner. The stock folds for m ore concealability.
Q Evaluation:
The Bizon is an interesting submachinegun used by the Russian forces. It has not found a market in the
rest of the world; the competition – the MP5 and P90 – are far more reliable. Q
This is the classic 7.62m m sniper rifle used by the Am erican, British, and
Australian forces since the m iddle of last century. It is a bolt-action rifle
based on the original Mauser action, it has an adjustable trigger and a
free-floating barrel to im prove accuracy. The internal m agazine holds four rounds.
Q Evaluation:
The Parker-Hale is still used by the forces of ‘the five’ – the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The US Marines swear by the Parker Hale and make their own version of the rifle at Quantaco to exacting
standards. W e still use the M82 from time-to-time, but have switched over to the PSG-1. Cpt. Michael
A purpose-built weapon, the 2000 is a sniper rifle for the discrim inating shooter.
It com es cham bered for a 7.62m m NATO round, but can also be had in
5.56m m , .300 W eatherby Magnum , and 7.5x55m m Swiss. The rifle is a bolt-
action, with a four-round box m agazine, a set trigger that lowers the trigger pull
to a sixth of the usual weight. A flash suppressor/m uzzle break provides a
quick reacquisition of the target, an ergonom ic thum bhole, adjustable stock
length and cheek piece gives enhanced control, and can be adjusted for left or
right-hand use.
Q Evaluation:
The SIG2000 is popular with police and continental military agencies. W e haven’t issued the SIG,
preferring the PSG-1, but the 2000 is nevertheless a top-quality rifle. Q
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Like the Enfield, the AUG is a bullpup assault rifle – the m agazine and
bolt being behind the handle/trigger assem bly – m ade for the 5.56m m
NATO round. The alum inum alloy bolt and carbon-fiber fram e m ade the
AUG lightweight, tough, and m anageable. It is popular around the world
and used by several m ilitary and police agencies. Take-down and
m aintenance are especially easy, but m agazine release is difficult, placed
behind the m agazine.
The Steyr is also convertible into a carbine with a shorter barrel, or a m achinegun, with a drum
m agazine and biped. A 9m m subm achinegun convertible is also available.
Q Evaluation:
Incredibly tough and durable, the AUG is an all-around superior rifle. The only thing we found we didn’t
like was the magazine catch, placed behind the magazine, which necessitated taking the rifle away from
the shoulder to reload. Otherwise, the accuracy and steady hold made it the best shooting assault rifle
I’ve seen, short of the G36. 007
Designed expressly for sniper use, the W A-2000 is a bullpup configuration
with a fram e that absorbs recoil and noise. The action is behind the pistol
grip and the ejection port can be reconfigured to m ake the rifle
am bidextrous. Standard is a Schm idt & Bender 2.5-10x scope, and a
folding biped. Every attention to im proving accuracy has been thought of:
special guide rails for the am m unition, a caliber specific rifling, flutes to absorb heating and vibration. An
integral silencer can be fitted to the barrel as well, without affecting accuracy or power.
The W alther was only produced in lim ited num bers in the m id-1980s.
Q Evaluation:
007 used this weapon in the retrieval of General Koskov from Czechoslovakia. He reported amazing
accuracy and power, with a firm but not painful recoil. The W A2000 made almost no noise and recovered
the sight picture quickly. W e have 6 of the 150 piece run of this incredible weapon. Q
I have #001 of the W A-2000 in my personal possession. A finer rifle has never been made, even by the
amazing Lazar of Macao... 007
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Q Evaluation:
I had occasion to use the MGL40 in Angola and was impressed by it’s ease of use and superb ability to
cause confusion and collateral damage. 007
The character m ust be able to carry 70 lbs continuously while using this weapon & a stam ina test is
required every 15 m inutes. W hen firing the weapon on full-speed, a STR test vs. EF3 m ust be passed to
m aintain control oft he weapon. The second line of statistics is at the 1000+ rnd/m inute rate of fire.
Q Evaluation:
This weapon is rarely seen, and then near always on a vehicle. The US military experimented with it in
the 1980s and the gun was immortalized in the movie Predator. The XM-214 has rates of fire from 400-
4000 rnd/minute. I saw a demonstration of the weapon, man-portable, by a US Navy SEAL and watched it
turn a jeep they’d given up on into iron filings in seconds. The man firing, while hugely-muscled, was
barely able to control the thing, not due to recoil, but torque. 007
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The AG36 is a lightweight, single-shot grenade launcher designed for use
with the Heckler & Koch battle rifles, or on its own. The AG36 can fire any
40m m grenade m unition.
An AG36 attached to a rifle add a -1 to the draw of the rifle, and that draw is used in com bat. The AG36 is
sim ilar to the M79, M203, and other single shot grenade launchers.
Q Evaluation:
The AG36 functions well and maintains its lock on the parent rifle well. Unlike the American M203, the
AG36 can be used (like the M79) as a weapon on its own. Q
The AMR stands for Anti-Materiel Rifle; the purpose of the weapon is
the destruction of vehicles, em placem ents, and equipm ent at distance.
Using the heavy-hitting 15m m round, the Steyr can punch through
m ost arm ored troop transports, personal body arm or, and concrete
walls with the greatest of ease. It has even penetrated light tank
arm or, creating a spall effect – hot shrapnel.
The AMR uses a weighed carbon-fiber and steel receiver, a free-floating barrel with m uzzle break/flash
suppressor, and a 10x scope with nightsight capability in a protected cowl. It has an integral folding biped
to support the weapon and reduce the enorm ous recoil.
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STEYR AM R (cont.)
The AMR ignores body arm or m odifiers, halves vehicular arm or and cover m odifiers at all ranges. An
attack on a vehicle could injure the inhabitants if m ore than light wound is done. Roll a d6: on a 1 or 2, the
people inside the vehicle take a light wound from spall.
Q Evaluation:
W e have used the AMR in Afghanistan and Iraq. The 15mm round tore through a 2 ½ ton truck like tissue
paper. I put a round through a Russian-made BMP with devastating effects on the people inside. The
noise and recoil has to be experienced to believe. 007
The Mark19 Mod3 is a highly effective battlefield weapon, frequently used on military vehicles. W e have
included this weapon in a few modified lorries for anti-terrorist operations. Q
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The M141 BDM rem oves two DC of arm or protection. (A -4DC arm or system becom es a -2DC.)
W hile hunting al-Qaida in Afghanistan, one of our SAS troopers got to use the M141 against a terrorist
position; he reported the penetration of the weapon was good – if not great. Still, it provides a surface-to-
surface anti-vehicular / anti-bunker weapon. Cpt. Michael Roberts.
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The SCAR features an integral, uninterrupted Picatinny rail on the top of the alum inum receiver, two
rem ovable side rails and a bottom one that can m ount any MIL-STD-1913 com pliant accessories. It has a
polym er lower receiver with an M16 com patible pistol grip, flared m agazine well, and raised area around
m agazine and bolt release buttons. The front sight flips down for unobstructed use of optics and
accessories. The rifle uses a 'tappet' type of closed gas system m uch like the M1 Carbine while the bolt
carrier otherwise resem bles the Stoner 63 or Heckler & Koch G36.
The second rating is for the SCAR-Heavy variant in 7.62m m . All can be fired full-autom atic and can fire
the entire m agazine for a -1PM, but a 3xL dam age.
The boys at Heckler & Koch have created a fantastic weapon for the 21 ST Century. The weapon has
multiple configurations that make it perfect for nearly every battlefield situation. The accuracy, reliability,
and the light weight have created excitement in the US Army for the roll-out of this weapon. Cpt. Michael
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The XM-307 uses an airburst round: the dam age is area based, like a grenade.
The XM-307 is an interesting piece of equipment: high-tech, yet robust and reliable. The new 25mm AB
round is devastating on the battlefield, and different purposed ammunition is in development. Although the
round is smaller and lighter than the traditional 40mm grenade, the 25mm is nearly as effective. Q.
The Auto-Assault 12 is a fully-autom atic shotgun descended
from the Atchison Assault 12 of the Vietnam era and the follow-
on Daewoo USAS12. W hen Atchison went under, A Tennessee
com pany purchased the rights and redesigned the weapon,
using m odern casting processes to create ultra-strong steel for
the barrel supporting 256 0F at the gas port and 150 0 at the
barrel. A glass-fiber nylon stock could take even m ore heat,
m aking the weapon solid and stable for full-autom atic use.
The AA-12 uses an 8-round box m agazine or a 20-round
drum , has the “constant recoil” system Stoner designed for the
M-16/AR-15 – the shotgun doesn’t kick m ore than the M-16.
The plastic and aircraft steel construction functions without lubrication and cleaning, and can fire with a
300rpm rate of fire. It can also use the new FRAG-12 round, a high-explosive round which will blow a
one-inch hole in steel plate and up to four inches of alum inum plating, and also create a two-m eter
casualty radius.
The Atchison’s FRAG-12 rounds do dam age as a grenade in HEAP configuration, the HE rounds half
arm or protection.
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This PBX (plastic bonded explosive) is m olded in 1.25lb (.5kg) blocks. It is also known as RDX or PE4.
Each block can be used to deliver an area dam age of J. The explosion causes nitrogen and carbon oxide
to expand at about 26,000 fps. The blast is im pressive and happens instantaneously. C4 can be
detonated by a blasting cap or electric detonated, but cannot be detonated by fire (it does burn well, if you
need a heat source) and is unlikely to be set off with a shock like a ham m er hit. If need be, however, a
sm all arm s discharge directly against the block would m ost likely set it off.
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A target at m edium or longer range m ay attem pt to avoid the m issile vs. QR of the hit. If the roll is failed,
the m issile hits; if the QR is good or acceptible, the m issile is still tracking and will attem pt another hit next
round. The m issile will attem pt to track its target for 5 rounds before engine burn out.
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Using a fire com bat check, the shooter can try to blind an opponent. Any success will stun them for a
round, plus one round per level of success, and give the shooter tim e to take an aim ing shot.
Black Talon (or Ranger XST) bullets open on im pact to create a circle of tearing edges; this can cause a
perm anent wound channel, by not just hydrostatic shock, but tearing and rending of the flesh. Hydra-
Shok, Cor-bon, and other specialty hollow-point rounds are designed to m axim ize hydrostatic shock.
These rounds add one to the dam age result on anim ate objects (a LW becom es a MW , etc.). Vehicles,
etc. are not effected.
Glasier Safety Slugs add one wound level (a LW becom es a MW ) on a successful hit on a person. Body
arm or or heavy clothing gain an extra -1DC against Glasiers.
These system s raise the S/R of a weapon by 1 (to a lim it of three.)
Against anim ate objects, Mag-Safes add +1DC and +1 W L (i.e. an F DC becom es a G; a MW becom es a
HW .) Against cars, Mag-Safes have -2DC and -1W L, against body arm or, there is an added -1DC and -
1W L. Any weapon using Mag-Safes has +1 their JAM (a 98+ becom es a 97+) and a m isfire (00) is an
autom atic catastrophic failure with a LW to the operator; the gun is rendered useless.
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Used m ostly by professional com petition shooters, recoil com pensators are specially fitted to the barrel of
a handgun (and usually cannot be easily rem oved.) They com bat recoil by reducing m uzzle flip, and
im prove accuracy by lengthening the barrel and increasing m uzzle energy.
Recoil com pensators add +1 to the S/R (no lim it), and a +1PM (up to +3PM), but also add +1 to CON and
a -1 to Draw.
Mostly for rifles and shotguns, or heavy weaponry, Sabot Rounds (or BRI) are designed with a jacket that
breaks away on im pact, absorbing the deceleration and im parting added speed to the rod-like inner
projectile, which does im m ense hydrostatic dam age.
In tank guns or anti-tank rifles, the sabots create intense heating, overpressure, and ‘spall’, or
shrapnel, when the round becom es hypersonic inside a vehicle.
For shotguns and sm all arm s, sabot rounds half the arm or protection of the body arm or, vehicle, or
obstruction guarding the target. For 15m m and higher, the rounds act as an explosive, doing the sam e
dam age to the inhabitants of a vehicle as to the vehicle itself.
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Negates any quality result of a 4 on fragm ent grenades, shotguns with a DC of G or less (shot #5 or
lower), or slug weapons of DC D or lower. Lowers the dam age of edged weapons by one © becom es B.)
No effect to im pact dam age.
Light kevlar arm or without the ceram ic traum a plating. Lower dam age rating by two (F becom es a D.) No
effect of edged or im pact. Exam ple: the Second Chance Deep Cover or Pro-Tech Safety Factor arm ored
Standard kevlar vest without traum a plating worm by police throughout the world. Lowers the dam age
class by two on firearm s, one on edged weapons and im pact dam age. Exam ple: Second Chance Max-
Concealm ent or Safariland Centerline vests.
Standard thickness kevlar vest with traum a plate insert. Lowers the dam age class of firearm s by three
and one wound level (DC F becom es C, a LW becom es a ST.) Provides -2DC to edged weapons and
im pact dam age (on the plate area), but does not protect against falling dam age.
This is a heavy-duty kevlar with insert or ballistic protecting (a riot shield.) Lowers dam age class by four
on attacks, lowers fall dam age by one W L. Run/Swim tim e is 3/4 norm al, -1 to initiative tests. Exam ple:
Point Blank Raincoat/Duster Liner.
Kevlar and plastic arm or vests with ballistic shields, or flexible ceram ic com posite body arm or. Lowers
dam age class by six and absorbs one wound level. -1EF to dexterity, evasion, and -3 to m ountaineering
tests. -1 to initiative, ½ run/swim tim e. Exam ple: Pinnacle SOV-1000.
EOD protection gear. Lowers dam age by six and absorbs two W L (to ST at lowest.) Lowers fall W L by
two. Run/swim is 1/4 norm al, there is a -2EF to all physical and initiative tests (-4 to m ountaineering.)
Chobham tank arm or: lowers dam age by eight (as per Level IV arm or in the original Q Manual). Only for
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leather jackets. All are a PER EF3 to spot and are available up to Level IIIB. The heavier the protection,
the heavier and hotter it is...
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