Test No 5

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1. Generally the most suitable method of detecting lack of sidewall fusion would be:

a. Ultrasonics.
b. MPI.
c. Radiography.
d. Penetrant inspection.

2. Hot shortness is a term used to indicate:

a. Lamellar tearing.
b. Solidification cracking.
c. Hydrogen cracking.
d. None of the above.

3. Cobalt as an isotope would generally be used on:

a. Thin material.
b. Tee joints.
c. Plate thicknesses greater than 25 mm.
d. All the above.

4. In welding procedure terms, a change in essential variable means:

a. Re-qualification of the weld procedure.

b. Possible changes in the weld's microstructure.
c. Possible changes in the mechanical properties.
d. All the above.

5. Weld symbols placed on a dotted line in accordance with ISO requirements means:

a. Weld on 'arrow' side.

b. Weld on 'other' side.
c. Weld on site.
d. Full penetration required.

6. A welding inspector's main attributes include:

a. Knowledge and experience.

b. Literacy.
c. Honesty and integrity.
d. All the above.

7. Technically, a code of practice is:

a. A standard.
b. A 'set of rules' for the manufacture of a product.
c. Related to welder and weld procedure approval.
d. All the above.
8. The correct term for 'cap height' is:

a. Reinforcement.
b. Cap profile height.
c. Excess weld metal.
d. All the above.

9. A tensile test will assess:

a. Impact values.
b. Stress.
c. Strain.
d. Both b and c.

10. The important point of high temperature steels is that:

a. They can withstand creep failure.

b. They may suffer re-heat cracking problems.
c. They may suffer loss of toughness.
d. All the above.

11. An austenitic stainless steel may suffer:

a. Weld decay.
b. Sensitisation.
c. Solidification cracking.
d. All the above.

12. Carbon equivalent values are useful to determine:

a. Weldability aspects.
b. Crack sensitivity aspects.
c. Typical mechanical properties.
d. All the above.

13. A basic electrode would normally:

a. Have superior mechanical properties.

b. Require baking before use.
c. Not be used on low carbon steels.
d. Both a and b.

14. When referring to TIG welding, the shielding gas could be:

a. Argon and hydrogen.

b. Argon and helium.
c. Argon and nitrogen.
d. All the above.

15. When referring to MIG welding, the shielding gas would be:

a. Argon. c. Argon + 20% carbon dioxide.

b. Argon + 1% oxygen. d. None of the above
16. Submerged arc utilises:

a. Deep penetration characteristic.

b. High deposition rates on DC+.
c. Flat (PA) welding only.
d. None of the above.

17. Ultrasonics would be preferred over radiography due to:

a. Ability to find most defects.

b. Lower skill requirement.
c. Ability to detect laminations.
d. Both a and c.

18. The most serious defect types are:

a. Planar. c. Lack of fusion.

b. Cracks. d. All the above.

19. MMA welding of low alloy steels is more likely to be performed with:

a. Rutile electrodes.
b. Cellulosic electrodes.
c. Iron powder electrodes.
d. Basic hydrogen controlled electrodes.

20. Which of the following defects is more common to welds deposited by CO2 welding than welds
deposited by MMA?

a. Slag inclusions.
b. Excess penetration.
c. Lack of sidewall fusion.
d. Tungsten inclusions.

21. Which defect would you expect to get in TIG welds in non-deoxidised steel?

a. Undercut.
b. Porosity.
c. Tungsten inclusions.
d. Linear misalignment.

22. Which of the following can arise from copper inclusions in a ferritic steel weld?

a. Weld metal cracks.

b. HAZ cracks.
c. Lamellar tearing.
d. Porosity.

23. Which of the following is likely to give the highest impact strength in ferritic weld metal?

a. Cellulosic electrodes.
b. Submerged arc with acid flux.
c. Spray transfer CO2 welding.
d. Basic coated MMA electrodes.
24. You suspect that ferritic steel plates contain cracks in the prepared edges. What NDT method
would you use to check this?

a. Radiography.
b. Magnetic particle inspection.
c. Penetrant inspection.
d. Ultrasonic flaw detection.

25. Which of the following defects would you not expect to find by visual inspection of welds?

a. Linear slag inclusions.

b. Undercut.
c. Overlap.
d. Linear misalignment.

26. Stress relieving is not helpful in which of the following cases?

a. Improving resistance to stress corrosion cracking.

b. Improving dimensional stability after machining.
c. Lowering the peak residual stress.
d. Softening the steel.

27. What is the maximum hardness usually recommended for the heat-affected zone of a medium
strength ferritic steel weld?

a. 100 DP Hv.
b. 350 DP Hv.
c. 500 DP Hv.
d. 750 DP Hv.

28. What effect does mid thickness laminations in steel plate normally have when they are located
within a weld heat affected zone?

a. Cause lamellar tearing.

b. Fuse together to form a bond.
c. Affect the weld metal composition.
d. Cause internal tearing on a micro scale.

29. The permanent backing material for MMA welding of low carbon steel should be made from:

a. Copper.
b. Low carbon steel.
c. QT steel.
d. Cast iron.

30. The overall length of a pipeline can be affected by:

a. Transverse shrinkage.
b. Longitudinal shrinkage.
c. Angular shrinkage.
d. Circumferential shrinkage.

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