Module B
Module B
Module B
Organic compounds
Naming Organic Compounds Many organic compounds are
Based on Bruice’s Organic Chemistry: Chapter 3 possible—there are so many variables
Number of carbons X
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will learn: Different substitution patterns X
1. How to classify organic compounds into families? Number and type of heteroatoms X
2. How to name organic compounds according to IUPAC rules?
Number and placement of single, double, triple
3. How to classify carbon atoms and organic compounds
according to substitution? bonds, combinations X …
1 2
3 4
Functional Groups Survey of Functional Groups
Functional groups in simple and complex We will learn about compound families based on their
molecules react in the same way functional groups in a tour
Tour begins in this course CHEM2441, and CHEM3441 continues and completes
the full survey
“functional group”
This is why you should not take CHEM2441 without CHEM3441
Module B
Compound Nomenclature
Naming Organic Compounds Chemists need to be able to not only draw, but also name all kinds of
molecules for effective communication about chemistry
Based on Bruice’s Organic Chemistry: Chapter 3
IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) has developed
a set of rules for the systematic naming of molecules that give one unique,
unambiguous name for each compound
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will learn:
1. How to classify organic compounds into families?
2. How to name organic compounds according to IUPAC rules?
3. How to classify carbon atoms and organic compounds according to
IUPAC rules apply to functional group families
Nomenclature is just a fancy word for “naming”
Common or Trivial names IUPAC Nomenclature Principles
Historically, before IUPAC nomenclature was
1. Find the major functional groups of the compound—to
invented, many compounds were given “common select appropriate suffix
names”, many of these are still in use 2. Determine which is the longest alkane parent chain/ ring
You would be “cultured” in chemistry to know some 3. Assign priority to the functional groups and substituents
of the names! But they will not be tested 4. Assign numerical order to the parent chain/ ring so that
Acetone groups/substituents get the lowest numbers possible
Ethylene glycol 5. Order them according to alphabetical order to get the
Toluene compound name
Diethyl ether
9 10
Module B
Compound Nomenclature
View videos B1-7 which are a part of this Module, to learn Naming Organic Compounds
about the IUPAC nomenclature rules, and how to apply them Based on Bruice’s Organic Chemistry: Chapter 3
View all of them for review, or select the videos for those
rules you are not familiar with
All students are recommended to at least view Video B7
Check whether you really know and understand how to Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you will learn:
apply the IUPAC rules, by completing the Module B Quiz 1. How to classify organic compounds into families?
2. How to name organic compounds according to IUPAC rules?
If you can pass the Module B Quiz, you should have a good
3. How to classify carbon atoms and organic compounds according to
working knowledge of IUPAC nomenclature
Classifying Substituted Carbons
We can classify types of carbon atoms by their substitution
Where are the Primary Carbons?
* *
How many primary carbon atoms? How many primary carbon atoms? 7
How many quaternary carbon atoms? How many quaternary carbon atoms? 1
Application: Radical bromination is a reaction that Application: Radical bromination is a reaction that
occurs selectively at tertiary hydrogens. How many occurs selectively at tertiary hydrogens. How many
reactive sites are there in this molecule? reactive sites are there in this molecule? 2
15 16
Classifying alkyl groups
Classifying alkyl groups
Alkyl groups are classified according to the alkyl C:
Alkyl groups are classified according to the substitution
at the alkyl carbon, and it does not matter which kind of
Primary Secondary Tertiary substitution
alkyl group alkyl group alkyl group
Eg. both of these are primary alkyl groups:
17 18
bromide bromide
Amines Hydrogen Bonding for Amines
Classification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines
indicates how many R groups are bonded to nitrogen:
Primary amine = N bonded to one R
Secondary amine = N bonded to two R
Tertiary amine= N bonded to three R
Classification rule is same as for carbon atoms
Stronger Weaker No
Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen
bonds bonds bonds
Check that you have achieved these learning outcomes, and can give
NH2 examples to explain and answer each of these questions: