Auto Lubricants Basics

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Automotive Lubricant Basics

Engine Oils

Engine oil functions

• Lubricate
– Reduce wear
– Reduce friction
• Clean
• Cool
• Seal
• Cushion

Engine Oils Properties

• Correct viscosity for operating temperature range

• Lubricate/protect engine at all loads & temperatures
• Flow and pump readily at low temperatures
• Act as cleaning agent
• Resist oxidation, carbon formation, foaming, corrosion and
• Prevent corrosion of bearing material
• Low volatility

Engine Oils Properties (cont’d)

• Act as carrier for additives

• Protect engine during periods of non-operation
• Seal compatibility
• Shear stability
• Increase fuel economy (C.A.F.E.)
• Reduce emissions, protect emission control components

Engine Oil Additives

• Viscosity index improvers

• Anti-wear agents
• Friction modifiers
• Pour point depressants
• Detergents
• Dispersants
• Anti-oxidants
• Rust and corrosion inhibitors
• Anti-foam agents
• Dyes

Engine Oils
Classification systems
• SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers: SAE has
established viscosity grades

• API - American Petroleum Institute: API established a

guide for consumers indicating levels of
performance for engine oils; “S” and “C”
Service Classifications

• ILSAC – International Lubricant Standardization and

Approval Committee: Represents the needs of the
American and Japanese OEMs including fuel
economy and catalyst compatibility

•GM- Dexos 1 & 2

SAE Engine Oil Viscosity Classification

Cranking Pumping
SAE Kinematic Viscosity, High Shear Viscosity,
Viscosity, Viscosity, o o
Viscosity cSt at 100 C cP min at 150 C
cP max at temp oC cP max at temp
Grade o (ASTM D 445) (ASTM D 5481)
(ASTM D 5293) C (ASTM D 4684)

Minimum Maximum

0W 6200 at –35 60,000 at –40 3.8 --- ---

5W 6600 at –30 60,000 at –35 3.8 --- ---

10W 7000 at –25 60,000 at –30 4.1 --- ---
15W 7000 at –20 60,000 at –25 5.6 --- ---

20W 9500 at –15 60,000 at –20 5.6 --- ---

25W 13,000 at -10 60,000 at –15 9.3 --- ---
20 --- --- 5.6 < 9.3 2.6

30 --- --- 9.3 < 12.5 2.9

40 --- --- 12.5 < 16.3
(0W-40, 5W-40, 10W-40)
40 --- --- 12.5 < 16.3
(15W-40, 20W-40, 25W-40, 40)
50 --- --- 16.3 < 21.9 3.7
60 --- --- 21.9 < 26.1 3.7
Comparison of Single Grade and Multi-grade Engine Oils

Engine Oils

Engine Oil Symbols


Starburst for new car warranty. Low Donut for quality

SAE grades, latest API, Energy levels, SAE grade, and
Conserving Energy Conserving

Engine Oils

API service categories

API Service categories identify gasoline and diesel

engine oil performance levels
“S” designations are for spark-ignited (gasoline engines)
API SN is the current designation
“C” designations are for compression-ignited (diesel)
API CJ-4 is the current designation for 4-stroke
API CF-2 is the current designation for 2-stroke

API service categories
Gasoline Diesel
SA Straight mineral oil CA Light Duty (1940s-50s)
SB Inhibited oil CB Moderate Duty (1949)
SC 1964 Warranty CC Moderate to Severe Duty (1961)
SD 1968 Warranty CD Severe Duty (1965)
SE 1972 Warranty CD-II Severe-Duty Two-Stroke
SF 1980 Warranty CE 1983 Diesel Engine Service
SG 1989 Warranty CF-4 1990 Diesel Engine Service
SH 1993 Warranty CF Indirect-Injected (1994)
SJ 1997 Warranty CF-2 Severe-Duty Two-Stroke (1994)
SL 2001 Warranty CG-4 1994 Severe-Duty
SM 2005 Warranty CH-4 1998 Severe-Duty
SN 2011 Warranty CI-4 2002 Severe Duty
CI-4+ 2005 Severe Duty
CJ-4 2007 Severe Duty

Automatic Transmission Fluids
• DexronIII/Mercon replaced with Super ATF

• 2007 Dexron VI

• 2007 Mercon V

Maintenance tip,
• Follow manufacturers recommendation but only go to a qualified reputable service

Automatic Transmission Fluids

Current fluids
ATF+4 - Most Dodge, Jeep, and Chrysler [5]
Mercon V - Most Ford, Mercury, Lincoln
Mercon LV - Some Ford(DuratecHE),MAZDA in Europe or Asia
Dexron VI - Most GM and Toyota products, some Ford applications
ATF DW-1 - All Honda and Acura (except CVT)
SP-III - All Hyundai, Mitsubishi and Kia (except CVT and dual clutch)
Matic S, Matic K, Matic D - Jatco transmissions, used in Nissan and
Subaru vehicles
Synthetic ATF is available on aftermarket brands, offering better
performance and service life for certain applications (such as frequent
trailer towing).

Automotive Antifreeze
– Ethylene Glycol or Propylene Glycol
– Green (Nitrates/Silicates)
• 2 year life
• SCA Filters
• Abrasive (Water Pump Failures)
– Orange (OAT, Organic Acids)
• Extended Life Coolant
• 7 year life
• Incompatible with some seals
– Hybrids (HOAT Blend)
• Red & Yellow???
• Compatible?
* Ethylene Glycol coolant is a poison and your pets love the taste of it!
Brake Fluid 101

US Standard FMVSS116
Everything you didn’t think you
needed to know about brake fluids.

Brake Fluid 101

US Standard FMVSS116


Ethylene glycol
and polyalkylene
DOT 3 glycol ether 205°C (401°F) 140°C (284°F)

Ethylene glycol
DOT 4 and borate ester 230°C (446°F) 155°C (311°F)

DOT 5 Silicone-based 260°C (500°F) 180°C (356°F)

Polyalkylene glycol
ether and borate
DOT 5.1 ester 270°C (518°F) 191°C (375°F)

Marketing Castrol SRF, DOT4+, DOT 4.1

Brake Fluid Factoids

•DOT 3, 4 and 5.1 can absorb water DOT 5 won't.

•DOT 5 doesn't work well in ABS brake systems.

• Favored in some motorcycles because it doesn’t eat paint.

•DOT 5 can be incompatible with some seal materials.

• DOT 5 has lower Bulk Modulus

Brake fluids should be flushed every two years!

Check your owners manual.

*All are totally incompatible with mineral oil!

••Do not flush with mineral oil products!
Commercial Products

Dry Wet
Brake Fluid Boiling Point Boiling Point Suggested List Price

AP SUPER 600 590°F 410°F $18.00/16.9oz. .

CASTROL SRF 590°F 518°F $69.99/33.8oz.

NEO SUPER DOT 610 610°F 421°F $15.00/12oz.

MOTUL RACING 600 593°F 420°F $15.00/16.9oz.

MOTUL DOT 5.1 509°F 365°F $6.50/16.9oz.

ATE SUPER BLUE 536°F 392°F $11.99/33.8oz

SYNPOWER 503°F 343°F $4.97/16.9oz.

ATE SL 500°F 329°F $7.95/16.9oz.

AP 551 528°F 288°F $12.50/16.9oz.

Hydraulic Clutches
• It’s critical to follow manufacturers recommendation!


DO NOT USE DOT 5.1 fluid in contact with any

type of magnesium components (e.g. gearbox /
clutch components) as a chemical reaction is
caused resulting in gases being generated. This
will then prevent the clutch hydraulics from
working efficiently.



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