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Estimation Liwa

Tender No:
Project: Water Distrubution Network In Liwa Schemes (74,11,112 and Al Zahiyah) In Liwa Wilayat
Description Unit Qty
1 Permission and Noc LS 1
Site Office (Contractor/Engineer) including internet,water
2 Month 12
and electricity
3 Office Asset (Printer,Fax,Computer, Laptop) LS 1
4 Accommndation for the Engineer's Staff Month 12
6 Factory Accepatance Test LS 1
7 Project Board LS 1
8 Insurance CAR & Third party LS 1
9 Advance and Performance Bond charges LS 1

1 DN 300mm DI pipe m 2,474
2 DN 400mm DI Pipe m 823
3 DN 315mm HDPE Pipe m 3,460
4 DN 225mm HDPE Pipe m 6,202
5 DN180mm HDPE Pipe m 4,087
6 DN110mm HDPE pipe m 103,394
7 DN32mm HDPE Pipe m 25,433
8 HDPE Fittings all pipe laying LS 1
9 DN 300mm DI 45 Deg Nos 4
10 DI Reduced TEE 300x225 (Al Flanged) Nos 2
11 DI ReduceedTEE 300x315(Al Flanged) Nos 2
12 DI surface box class D400 nr 81
13 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 250 x 250 x 80) nr 2
14 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 2
15 DN 250 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 4
16 DN 315 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 4
18 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 200 x 200 x 80) nr 4
19 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 4
20 DN 200 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 8
21 DN 225 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 8
23 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 150 x 150 x 80) nr 3
24 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 3
25 DN 150 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 6
26 DN 180 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 6
28 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 100 x 100 x 80) nr 69
29 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 69
30 DN 100 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 138
31 DN 110 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 138
33 315 mm x 315 mm x 110 mm DN Tee nr 2
n Liwa
Date :09-05-2022
Rev - 0
In Liwa Wilayat Tender Value:
Unit Rate Amount Remarks

( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 1,000.000) ( 12,000.000)
( 5,000.000) ( 5,000.000)
( 450.000) ( 5,400.000)
( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 1,500.000) ( 1,500.000)
( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 3,000.000) ( 3,000.000)
Total Amount ( 38,900.000) 2%

33.970 ( 84,041.780)
47.900 ( 39,421.700)
20.410 ( 70,618.600)
10.510 ( 65,183.020)
6.730 ( 27,505.510)
2.500 ( 258,485.000)
0.220 ( 5,595.260)
20000.000 ( 20,000.000)
60.000 ( 240.000)
85.000 ( 170.000)
85.000 ( 170.000)
22.867 ( 1,852.227)
90.000 ( 180.000)
67.208 ( 134.416)
172.032 ( 688.128)
216.344 ( 865.376)
79.245 ( 316.980)
67.208 ( 268.832)
128.899 ( 1,031.192)
102.112 ( 816.896)
57.678 ( 173.034)
67.208 ( 201.624)
93.289 ( 559.734)
70.550 ( 423.300)
41.127 ( 2,837.763)
67.208 ( 4,637.352)
60.688 ( 8,374.944)
25.066 ( 3,459.108)
70.531 ( 141.062)
34 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 2
35 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 2
36 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 2
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
37 nr 2
site conditions)
38 DN225x110 mm DI TEE nr 3
39 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 3
40 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 3
41 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 3
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
42 nr 3
site conditions)
43 DN 180
44 180 mm x 180 mm x 110 mm DN Tee nr 2
45 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 2
46 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 2
47 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 2
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
48 nr 2
site conditions)
49 DN110 mm Equal Tee nr 52
50 DN110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 52
51 DN100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 52
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
53 nr 52
site conditions)
54 DN 180 Stub flange nr 4
55 DN 150 Flanged spigot piece, L=400 mm nr 4
56 DN 150 x 100 Socket reducer nr 4
57 DN 100 Spigot pipe L=1,000 mm nr 4
58 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 4
DN 100 Flanged spigot pipe with thrust flange L=1,200
59 nr 4
60 DN 100 x 80 DI flanged tee nr 2
61 DN 100 x 80 DI flanged tee nr 4
62 DN 100 Basket strainer nr 2
63 DN 100 Dismantling joint nr 2
64 DN 80 Flange adapter nr 4
65 DN 80 Flanged spigot pipe length to suite site conditions nr 4
66 DN 80 Flanged 90 degree bend nr 4
67 DN 80 Flanged pipe L=600 mm nr 2
68 DN 80 Basket strainer nr 2
69 DN 80 Dismantling joint nr 2
70 DN 80 Flanged pipe length to suite site conditions nr 2
71 Pressure transmitter nr 4
72 Data logger nr 2
73 DN 150 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 4
75 DN 180 Flange adapter with backup ring nr 2
76 DN 150 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 2
77 DN 150 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 1
78 Pressure transducer nr 1
4.101 ( 8.202)
60.688 ( 121.376)
35.465 ( 70.930)
84.261 ( 168.522)
80.000 ( 240.000)
4.101 ( 12.303)
60.688 ( 182.064)
35.465 ( 106.395)
84.261 ( 252.783)

22.143 ( 44.286)
4.101 ( 8.202)
60.688 ( 121.376)
35.465 ( 70.930)
84.261 ( 168.522)
10.000 ( 520.000)
4.101 ( 213.252)
60.688 ( 3,155.776)
84.261 ( 4,381.572)
33.505 ( 134.020)
49.654 ( 198.616)
33.102 ( 132.408)
47.146 ( 188.584)
35.465 ( 141.860)
83.759 ( 335.036)
50.657 ( 101.314)
50.657 ( 202.628)
0.000 ( -  )
68.713 ( 137.426)
26.582 ( 106.328)
56.174 ( 224.696)
27.585 ( 110.340)
45.140 ( 90.280)
129.000 ( 258.000)
60.688 ( 121.376)
67.208 ( 134.416)
300.000 ( 1,200.000)
900.000 ( 1,800.000)
27.859 ( 111.436)
70.550 ( 141.100)
182.603 ( 365.206)
1900.000 ( 1,900.000)
200.000 ( 200.000)
79 Data logger nr 1
80 DN 150 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 1
81 DN 150 Dismantling joint nr 1
82 DN 225
83 DN 225 Flange adapter with backup ring nr 4
84 DN 200 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 4
85 DN 200 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 2
86 Pressure transducer nr 2
87 Data logger nr 2
88 DN 200 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 2
89 DN 200 Dismantling joint nr 2
91 DN 400 Flange adapter nr 2
92 DN 400/250 Double flanged tapper nr 2
93 DN 250 Flange adapter nr 4
94 DN 250 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 6
95 DN 250 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 3
96 DN 250 Double flanged pipe nr 3
97 Pressure transducer nr 3
98 Data logger nr 3
99 DN 250 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 3
100 DN 250 Dismantling joint nr 3
102 Pressure transducer nr 3
103 Data logger nr 3
104 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 3
106 DI surface box class D400 nr 81
107 DN 315 Flange Adaptor nr 4
108 DN 315 Stub Flange nr 4
110 DN 225 Flange Adaptor nr 5
111 DN 225 Stub Flange nr 5
113 DN 180 Flange Adaptor nr 2
114 DN 180 Stub Flange nr 2
116 DN 110 Flange Adaptor nr 70
117 DN 110 Stub Flange nr 70
119 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 4
121 Supply pillar type fire hydrant DN 100, nr 192
123 DN100mm Gate Valve nr 192
124 DN100mm Duckfoot Bend nr 192
125 Telescopic Surface box nr 192
DN100mm DI D/F pipe various size(min 500mm to
126 nr 192
127 DN110mm Stub With Backing Ring nr 192
128 DN110mm Flange Adopter System 2000 nr 192
129 DN 250 Supply of Gate valve nr 4
130 DN 200 Supply of Gate valve nr 5
131 DN 150 Supply of Gate valve nr 2
132 DN 100 Supply of Gate valve nr 70
600.000 ( 600.000)
27.859 ( 27.859)
106.831 ( 106.831)
( -  )
102.112 ( 408.448)
249.271 ( 997.084)
2200.000 ( 4,400.000)
300.000 ( 600.000)
600.000 ( 1,200.000)
35.476 ( 70.952)
139.431 ( 278.862)
205.135 ( 410.270)
223.191 ( 446.382)
113.351 ( 453.404)
332.027 ( 1,992.162)
2300.000 ( 6,900.000)
299.928 ( 899.784)
300.000 ( 900.000)
600.000 ( 1,800.000)
35.476 ( 106.428)
255.290 ( 765.870)
300.000 ( 900.000)
800.000 ( 2,400.000)
27.859 ( 83.577)
22.867 ( 1,852.227)
49.000 ( 196.000)
120.044 ( 480.176)
18.290 ( 91.450)
54.292 ( 271.460)
70.550 ( 141.100)
16.150 ( 32.300)
25.066 ( 1,754.620)
18.885 ( 1,321.950)
41.000 ( 164.000)
465.000 ( 89,280.000)
70.000 ( 13,440.000)
30.000 ( 5,760.000)
25.000 ( 4,800.000)
40.000 ( 7,680.000)
19.000 ( 3,648.000)
25.000 ( 4,800.000)
508.515 ( 2,034.060)
175.351 ( 876.755)
119.375 ( 238.750)
69.331 ( 4,853.170)
133 DN 80 Butterfly Valve nr 78
134 DN 80 Double Orifice Kinetic Air valve nr 78
135 DN 25 mm pressure gauge with ball valve nr 2
136 DN 50 Air release valve with isolation ball valve nr 2
137 DN 100 Butterfly valve (flanged) gear operated nr 4
138 DN 100 Full port pressure reducing valve nr 2
139 DN 80 Wedge gate valve (flanged) hand wheel operated nr 4
140 DN 80 Full port pressure reducing valve nr 2
141 DN 150 Gate valve nr 2
142 DN 200 Gate valve nr 4
143 DN 250 Gate valve nr 6
145 House Connection Saddle 315/32 nr 32
146 House Connection Saddle 225/32 nr 95
147 House Connection Saddle 180/32 nr 61
148 House Connection Saddle 110/32 nr 1,888
150 1/2" Y Strainer nr 2,076
151 1/2" Brass Nipple nr 2,076
152 20mm x1/2" Brass Transition nr 2,076
153 1/2" Locable valve nr 2,076
154 32/20 EF Reducer nr 2,076
155 63/32 EF Reducer nr 32
156 Marker Tape m 145,873
157 Marker Post and Plate Nos 1,334
158 Bedding Material Cum 35,000
160 1000g polythene Roll 15
161 PCC Cum 46
162 RCC Cum 876
163 Plywood- (6 Repetition) Nos 413
164 White wood Nos 2,045
165 Bitumen Paint Drum 15
166 Gravel Cum 8
167 600mm DI Manhole Nos 151
168 MS Grill 500x300 Nos 59
169 Stone pitching 150mm Sqm 38
170 Steel Kg 73,500
171 Concrete reinstatement Cum 117
173 Safety Barrier Nos 800
174 Safety Sign board Nos 300
175 Tools and Tackles Item 1
176 Unforeseen materials LS 1

2.5% kept for contingency

Net Total
Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of
1 m 5,860
concrete inter locking blocks; DN not exceeding 300 mm
50.000 ( 3,900.000)
278.000 ( 21,684.000)
50.000 ( 100.000)
53.888 ( 107.776)
355.160 ( 1,420.640)
137.781 ( 275.562)
62.812 ( 251.248)
417.280 ( 834.560)
119.375 ( 238.750)
182.367 ( 729.468)
429.316 ( 2,575.896)
36.600 ( 1,171.200)
27.600 ( 2,622.000)
25.600 ( 1,561.600)
17.600 ( 33,228.800)
1.300 ( 2,698.800)
0.500 ( 1,038.000)
2.400 ( 4,982.400)
3.800 ( 7,888.800)
2.400 ( 4,982.400)
30.000 ( 960.000)
0.200 ( 29,174.600)
18.000 ( 24,012.000)
3.000 ( 105,000.000)
22.000 ( 330.000)
19.000 ( 866.543)
22.000 ( 19,281.317)
15.800 ( 6,525.400)
1.900 ( 3,885.500)
90.000 ( 1,350.000)
5.000 ( 38.220)
60.000 ( 9,060.000)
15.000 ( 885.000)
3.000 ( 114.165)
0.360 ( 26,459.979)
21.000 ( 2,457.000)
15.000 ( 12,000.000)
6.000 ( 1,800.000)
4000.000 ( 4,000.000)
12000.000 ( 12,000.000)
Total Amount ( 1,139,529.953)
2.5% kept for contingency ( 28,488.249)
Net Total ( 1,168,018.202) 63%

3.000 ( 17,580.000)
Reinstatement of soft landscape; DN not exceeding 300
2 m 1,170
3 Reinstatement of landscaping; DN not exceeding 300 mm m 1,170
Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of
4 m 2,930
Stone pitching works
5 Asphalt Reinstatement upto 300mm m 523
By approved open cut methDN under existing roads for
6 m 19
300 - 900 mm(Provisional Quantity)
7 Thrust boring from 200 mm to 400mm Sleeve m 21
9 SCADA Network Item 1
10 Lab Test for Concrete and FDD LS 1
11 Sub Contrating for Pipe laying and House Connection LS 1


1 Backhoe loader - 11 Nos for 10 Month Hrs 31,900
2 Excavator Hrs 870
3 Tipper 18m3 - 1 Nos Hrs 1,160
4 SUV for PM&CM - 2 Nos Month 12
5 Pickup 3 Nos for foreman and Engineer Month 12
6 Bus for Trnnsportation with Omani Driver Month 12
Small Tools(Generator,Butt fusion Welding machine
7 LS 12
800mm,Roller Compacotr,Survey machine etc..)
8 Water tanker Trip 1,500


1 Project Manager Months 12
2 Document Controller Months 12
3 Site Engineer-2 Nos Months 12
4 QA/QC Engineer Months 12
5 HSE Officer Months 12
6 Planning Engineer Months 12
7 Draftsman Months 12
8 Surveyor Months 12
9 Foreman - 3Nos Months 12
10 Welder/Fitter/Plumber Hrs 17,400
11 Mason/Carpenter/Steel fitter Hrs 20,880
12 Unskilled workers Hrs 65,000
13 Divisional Head Months 12
14 PRO Months 12
15 Draftsman cum GIS analyst Months 12
16 Supporting Staff from HO Months 12

1 Emergency requirements accidents and damages of utilities LS 1
2 Unforceen/Contingency LS 1

Net Dry Cost

11.000 ( 12,870.000)
11.000 ( 12,870.000)
13.000 ( 38,090.000)
30.000 ( 15,690.000)
30.000 ( 570.000)
120.000 ( 2,520.000)
1200.000 ( 1,200.000)
5000.000 ( 5,000.000)
25000.000 ( 25,000.000)
Total Amount ( 131,390.000) 7%

5.000 ( 159,500.000)
12.000 ( 10,440.000)
5.500 ( 6,380.000)
650.000 ( 7,800.000)
900.000 ( 10,800.000)
850.000 ( 10,200.000)
1,000.000 ( 12,000.000)
7.000 ( 10,500.000) 1458.73
Total Amount ( 227,620.000) 12%

1,200.000 ( 14,400.000)
350.000 ( 4,200.000)
1,000.000 ( 12,000.000)
750.000 ( 9,000.000)
700.000 ( 8,400.000)
700.000 ( 8,400.000)
400.000 ( 4,800.000)
400.000 ( 4,800.000)
1,050.000 ( 12,600.000) 4%
1.300 ( 22,620.000)
1.300 ( 27,144.000)
1.200 ( 78,000.000) 7%
800.000 ( 9,600.000)
400.000 ( 4,800.000)
600.000 ( 7,200.000)
1,500.000 ( 18,000.000) 2%
Total Amount ( 245,964.000) 13%

( 10,000.000) ( 10,000.000)
( 20,000.000) ( 20,000.000)
Total Amount ( 30,000.000)
Net Dry Cost ( 1,841,892.202)
Gross Proft 20%
Net Contract value

1 Preliminaries
Gross Proft 20% ( 368,378.440)
Net Contract value ( 2,210,270.643)
A House Connection 315/32 nr 32

B House Connection 225/32 nr 95

C House Connection 180/32 nr 61

E House Connection 110/32 nr 1,888

Si No Description
1 DN 400 Surface box Missing in qty as per my enquiry al rouba quoted for 334 Nos
2 Al rouba valves quotation Missing item 5
3 Al rouba valves quotation Missing item 9
4 Al rouba valves quotation Missing item 13
5 225 Flange Adaptor Price is missing in al rouba quotation
6 Al rouba valves quotation
7 Al rouba valves quotation Missing item 46 to 60

Machinery Diesel
JCB OMR 4.00/Hr OMR 8.00/Day 40
Excavator OMR 8.00/Hr OMR 40.00/Day

Presure transducer
Presure transmitter
H- Strainer
Conference room 24 1
RE 17.5 1
OWWSC Representative 24.5 1
Er Room 21 1
Inspector office 21 1
Document storage 10.5 1
Male toilet for RE 4 1
Male toilet for owwsc representative 4 1
Female toilet 4 1
Kitchen 8.75 1
Shaded Carports
Bends (HDPE)

1 OD 110 22.5 Degree Bend nr 18

2 OD 110 11.25 Degree Bend nr 3

3 OD 110 45 Degree Bend nr 94

4 OD 110 90 Degree Bend nr 95

5 OD 110 End cap nr 58

6 OD 180 45 Degree bend nr 1

7 OD 225 45 Degree bend nr 1

8 OD 225 90 Degree bend nr 3

9 OD 315 22.5 Degree bend nr 1

10 OD 315 45 Degree bend nr 2

11 OD 315 90 Degree bend nr 5

12 OD 315 Endcap nr 1


1 Reducer Tee 110 - 180 nr 25

2 Reducer Tee 110 - 225 nr 32

3 Reducer Tee 110 - 315 nr 15

4 Reducer Tee 180 - 225 nr 2

5 Reducer Tee 225 - 315 nr 3

6 OD 315 Equal Tee nr 1

7 OD 225 Equal Tee nr 5

8 OD 180 Equal Tee nr 5

9 OD 110 Equal Tee nr 301

Estimation Liwa
Tender No:
Project: Water Distrubution Network In Liwa Schemes (74,11,112 and Al Zahiyah) In Liwa Wilayat
Description Unit Qty
1 Permission and Noc LS 1
Site Office (Contractor/Engineer) including internet,water
2 Month 12
and electricity
3 Office Asset (Printer,Fax,Computer, Laptop) LS 1
4 Accommndation for the Engineer's Staff Month 12
6 Factory Accepatance Test LS 1
7 Project Board LS 1
8 Insurance CAR & Third party LS 1
9 Advance and Performance Bond charges LS 1
10 Accommndation for PCT + stock yard Month 12
11 Project manager Month 12
12 Document Controller Month 12
14 Site Engineer-2 Nos Months 12
15 QA/QC Engineer Months 12
16 HSE Officer Months 12
17 Planning Engineer Months 12
18 Draftsman cum GIS analyst Months 12
19 Surveyor Months 12
20 Foreman - 3Nos Months 12
21 SUV for PM&CM - 2 Nos Month 12
22 Pickup 3 Nos for foreman and Engineer Month 12
23 Bus for Trnnsportation with Omani Driver Month 12

1 DN 300mm DI pipe m 2,474
2 DN 400mm DI Pipe m 823
3 DN 315mm HDPE Pipe m 3,460
4 DN 225mm HDPE Pipe m 6,202
5 DN180mm HDPE Pipe m 4,087
6 DN110mm HDPE pipe m 103,394
7 DN32mm HDPE Pipe m 25,433
Addition 2% of price difference in market

8 HDPE Fittings all pipe laying LS 1
9 DN 300mm DI 45 Deg Nos 4
10 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 3
11 DN 250 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 4
n Liwa
Date :01-06-2022
Rev - 1
In Liwa Wilayat Tender Value:

Unit Rate Amount Remarks

( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 1,000.000) ( 12,000.000)
( 5,000.000) ( 5,000.000)
( 500.000) ( 6,000.000)
( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 1,500.000) ( 1,500.000)
( 4,000.000) ( 4,000.000)
( 3,000.000) ( 3,000.000)
( 1,751.000) ( 21,012.000)
( 1,200.000) ( 14,400.000)
( 450.000) ( 5,400.000)
( 1,200.000) ( 14,400.000) 6000
( 600.000) ( 7,200.000) 7200
( 600.000) ( 7,200.000)
( 700.000) ( 8,400.000)
( 600.000) ( 7,200.000)
( 400.000) ( 4,800.000)
( 1,050.000) ( 12,600.000)
( 650.000) ( 7,800.000)
( 900.000) ( 10,800.000)
( 850.000) ( 10,200.000)
Total Amount ( 170,912.000)

37.133 ( 91,867.042)
49.500 ( 40,738.500)
20.310 ( 70,272.600)
10.410 ( 64,562.820)
6.630 ( 27,096.810)
2.370 ( 245,043.780)
0.220 ( 5,595.260)
( 10,903.54)
( 556,080.35)

12000.000 ( 12,000.000) ( 5,085.000)

60.000 ( 240.000)
4.101 ( 12.303)
172.032 ( 688.128)
11 DN 150 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 6
12 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 200 x 200 x 80) nr 4
12 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 4
13 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 3
13 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 2
14 DN 200 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 8
14 DI Reduced TEE 300x225 (Al Flanged) Nos 2
15 DI ReduceedTEE 300x315(Al Flanged) Nos 2
15 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 150 x 150 x 80) nr 3
16 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 250 x 250 x 80) nr 2
16 DI Double socket flanged branch tee (DN 100 x 100 x 80) nr 69
17 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 69
17 DN 100 DI Flanged Spigot piece L=1000 mm nr 138
18 DN 110 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 138
18 315 mm x 315 mm x 110 mm DN Tee nr 2
19 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 2
19 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 2
20 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 2
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
20 nr 2
site conditions)
21 DN225x110 mm DI TEE nr 3
21 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 3
22 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 3
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
23 nr 3
site conditions)
24 180 mm x 180 mm x 110 mm DN Tee nr 2
25 DN 110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 2
26 DN 100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 2
27 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 2
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
28 nr 2
site conditions)
29 DN110 mm Equal Tee nr 52
30 DN110 HDPE bend 45 degrees nr 52
31 DN100 DI Flanged spigot pipe L=1000 mm nr 52
32 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 52
DN 100 DI Spigot pipe with thrust flange (length to suit
33 nr 52
site conditions)
34 DN 180 Stub flange nr 4
35 DN 150 Flanged spigot piece, L=400 mm nr 4
36 DN 150 x 100 Socket reducer nr 4
37 DN 100 Spigot pipe L=1,000 mm nr 4
38 DN 100 Flexible coupling nr 4
DN 100 Flanged spigot pipe with thrust flange L=1,200
39 nr 4
40 DN 100 x 80 DI flanged tee nr 2
41 DN 100 x 80 DI flanged tee nr 4
42 DN 80 Flange adapter nr 4
93.289 ( 559.734)
90.000 ( 360.000)
67.208 ( 268.832)
67.208 ( 201.624)
67.208 ( 134.416)
128.899 ( 1,031.192)
85.000 ( 170.000)
85.000 ( 170.000)
57.670 ( 173.010)
90.000 ( 180.000)
41.100 ( 2,835.900)
67.208 ( 4,637.352)
55.000 ( 7,590.000)
25.000 ( 3,450.000)
70.530 ( 141.060)
4.101 ( 8.202)
60.688 ( 121.376)
35.465 ( 70.930)
84.261 ( 168.522)
80.000 ( 240.000)
60.688 ( 182.064)
35.465 ( 106.395)
84.261 ( 252.783)
22.144 ( 44.288)
4.101 ( 8.202)
60.688 ( 121.376)
35.465 ( 70.930)
84.261 ( 168.522)
10.000 ( 520.000)
4.101 ( 213.252)
60.688 ( 3,155.776)
55.850 ( 2,904.200)
84.261 ( 4,381.572)
33.505 ( 134.020)
49.654 ( 198.616)
33.102 ( 132.408)
47.146 ( 188.584)
35.465 ( 141.860)
83.759 ( 335.036)
50.657 ( 101.314)
50.657 ( 202.628)
26.582 ( 106.328)
43 DN 80 Flanged 90 degree bend nr 4
44 DN 80 Flanged pipe L=600 mm nr 2
45 DN 150 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 2
46 DN 200 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 4
47 DN 250 Double flanged pipe nr 3
48 DN 250 Dismantling joint nr 3
49 DN 200 Dismantling joint nr 2
50 DN 150 Dismantling joint nr 1
51 DN 100 Dismantling joint nr 2
52 DN 80 Dismantling joint nr 2
53 DN 80 Flanged pipe length to suite site conditions nr 2
54 DN 80 Flanged spigot pipe length to suite site conditions nr 4
55 DN 250 Double flanged pipe with anchor flange nr 6
56 DN 400/250 Double flanged tapper nr 2
57 DN 250 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 3
58 DN 200 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 2
59 DN 150 Electromagnetic flow meter (battery operated) nr 1
60 Pressure transducer nr 19
61 Data logger nr 11
62 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 3
63 DN 150 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 5
64 DN 200 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 2
65 DN 250 Clamp / Tapping saddle nr 3
66 DN 400 Flange adapter nr 2
67 DN 315 Flange Adaptor nr 4
68 DN 250 Flange adapter nr 4
69 DN 225 Flange adapter with backup ring nr 9
70 DN 225 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 8
71 DN 180 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 10
72 DN 110 Flange Adaptor nr 262
73 DN 315 DI/HDPE Flange Adapter Restrained nr 4
74 DN 315 Stub Flange nr 4
75 DN 225 Stub Flange nr 5
76 DN 180 Stub Flange nr 2
77 DN 110 Stub Flange nr 70
78 DN 80 Double flanged pipe (As per site condition) nr 4
79 DI surface box class D400 nr 162
B.3)Fire hydrant
79 Supply pillar type fire hydrant DN 100, nr 192
78 DN110mm Stub With Backing Ring nr 192
80 DN100mm Duckfoot Bend nr 192
DN100mm DI D/F pipe various size(min 500mm to
81 nr 192
80 Telescopic Surface box nr 192
84 DN 250 Gate valve nr 4
27.585 ( 110.340)
45.140 ( 90.280)
182.600 ( 365.200)
249.271 ( 997.084)
299.928 ( 899.784)
255.290 ( 765.870)
139.431 ( 278.862)
106.830 ( 106.830)
68.713 ( 137.426)
60.688 ( 121.376)
67.208 ( 134.416)
56.174 ( 224.696)
332.027 ( 1,992.162)
223.191 ( 446.382)
2300.000 ( 6,900.000)
2200.000 ( 4,400.000)
1900.000 ( 1,900.000)
300.000 ( 5,700.000)
600.000 ( 6,600.000)
27.859 ( 83.577)
27.859 ( 139.295)
35.470 ( 70.940)
35.476 ( 106.428)
205.135 ( 410.270)
49.000 ( 196.000)
113.351 ( 453.404)
102.112 ( 919.008)
102.112 ( 816.896)
70.550 ( 705.500)
24.500 ( 6,419.000)
216.344 ( 865.376)
120.044 ( 480.176)
54.292 ( 271.460)
16.150 ( 32.300)
18.880 ( 1,321.600)
41.000 ( 164.000)
25.000 ( 4,050.000)

465.000 ( 89,280.000) 78720

19.000 ( 3,648.000)
30.000 ( 5,760.000)
40.000 ( 7,680.000)
25.000 ( 4,800.000)

508.515 ( 2,034.060)
89250 10530
85 DN 200 Supply of Gate valve nr 5
86 DN 150 Gate valve nr 2
86 DN100mm Gate Valve nr 262
87 DN 250 Gate valve nr 6
87 DN 200 Gate valve nr 4
88 DN 150 Gate valve nr 2
#REF! DN 80 Butterfly Valve nr 78
89 DN 100 Butterfly valve (flanged) gear operated nr 4
90 DN 80 Double Orifice Kinetic Air valve nr 78
90 DN 25 mm pressure gauge with ball valve nr 2
91 DN 50 Air release valve with isolation ball valve nr 2
91 DN 100 Full port pressure reducing valve nr 2
92 DN 80 Wedge gate valve (flanged) hand wheel operated nr 4
92 DN 80 Full port pressure reducing valve nr 2
93 DN 100 Basket strainer nr 2
93 DN 80 Basket strainer nr 2
94 House connection
94 House Connection Saddle 315/32 nr 32
95 House Connection Saddle 225/32 nr 95
95 House Connection Saddle 180/32 nr 61
96 House Connection Saddle 110/32 nr 1,888
96 Other Materials
97 1/2" Y Strainer nr 2,076
97 1/2" Brass Nipple nr 2,076
98 20mm x1/2" Brass Transition nr 2,076
98 1/2" Locable valve nr 2,076
99 32/20 EF Reducer nr 2,076
99 63/32 EF Reducer nr 32
100 Marker Tape m 145,873
100 Marker Post and Plate Nos 1,334
101 Bedding Material Cum 35,000
Chamber Materials
Pressure Reducing chamber Nr 2
Pressure monitoring chamber Nr 3
Air release chamber Nr 78
Flow meter Chamber Nr 6
Wash out Chamber Nr 59
1 1000g polythene Roll 15
2 PCC Cum 46
3 RCC Cum 876
4 Plywood- (6 Repetition) Nos 413
5 White wood Nos 2,045
6 Bitumen Paint Drum 15
7 Gravel Cum 8
8 600mm DI Manhole Nos 151
9 MS Grill 500x300 Nos 59
175.351 ( 876.755)
119.375 ( 238.750)
69.900 ( 18,313.800)
429.316 ( 2,575.896)
182.367 ( 729.468)
119.375 ( 238.750)
50.000 ( 3,900.000)
355.160 ( 1,420.640)
278.000 ( 21,684.000)
50.000 ( 100.000)
53.888 ( 107.776)
137.781 ( 275.562)
62.812 ( 251.248)
417.280 ( 834.560)
100.000 ( 200.000)
129.000 ( 258.000)
( -  )
36.600 ( 1,171.200)
27.600 ( 2,622.000)
25.600 ( 1,561.600)
17.600 ( 33,228.800)

1.300 ( 2,698.800)
0.500 ( 1,038.000)
3.350 ( 6,954.600)
3.750 ( 7,785.000)
2.300 ( 4,774.800)
30.000 ( 960.000)
0.200 ( 29,174.600)
18.000 ( 24,012.000)
3.000 ( 105,000.000)

22.000 ( 330.000)
19.000 ( 866.543)
22.000 ( 19,281.317)
15.800 ( 6,525.400)
1.870 ( 3,824.150)
90.000 ( 1,350.000)
5.000 ( 38.220)
60.000 ( 9,060.000)
15.000 ( 885.000)
10 Stone pitching 150mm Sqm 38
11 Steel ton 80
12 Concrete reinstatement Cum 117
13 Safety Barrier Nos 750
14 Safety Sign board Nos 300
15 Tools and Tackles Item 1
16 Unforeseen materials LS 1

Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of
1 m 5,860
concrete inter locking blocks; DN not exceeding 300 mm
Reinstatement of soft landscape; DN not exceeding 300
2 m 1,170
3 Reinstatement of landscaping; DN not exceeding 300 mm m 1,170
Breaking up, temporary and permanent reinstatement of
4 m 2,930
Stone pitching works
5 Asphalt Reinstatement upto 300mm m 523
By approved open cut methDN under existing roads for
6 m 19
300 - 900 mm(Provisional Quantity)
7 Future road By approved open cut method m 540
8 Thrust boring from 200 mm to 400mm Sleeve m 21
9 SCADA Network Item 1
10 Lab Test for Concrete and FDD LS 1
11 Sub Contrating for Pipe laying and House Connection LS 1
12 Connection point Nr 12
13 Disinfection LS 1


1 Backhoe loader - 11 Nos for 10 Month Hrs 31,900
2 Excavator Hrs 870
3 Tipper 18m3 - 1 Nos Hrs 1,160
Small Tools(Generator,Butt fusion Welding machine
24 LS 1
800mm,Roller Compacotr,Survey machine etc..)
8 Water tanker Trip 1,400


21 Welder/Fitter/Plumber Hrs 24,435
22 Mason/Carpenter/Steel fitter Hrs 20,880
23 Unskilled workers Hrs 73,305

1 Emergency requirements accidents and damages of utilities LS 1
2 Unforseen/Contingency LS 1

Net Dry Cost

OH + Proffit @ 21%

Contigency 10%
3.000 ( 114.165)
350.000 ( 28,000.000)
21.000 ( 2,457.000)
15.000 ( 11,250.000)
6.000 ( 1,800.000)
4000.000 ( 4,000.000)
10000.000 ( 10,000.000)
Total Amount ( 584,769.133)

3.000 ( 17,580.000)

11.000 ( 12,870.000)
11.000 ( 12,870.000)
13.000 ( 38,090.000)
30.000 ( 15,690.000)
30.000 ( 570.000)
32.000 ( 17,280.000)
120.000 ( 2,520.000)
1800.000 ( 1,800.000)
5000.000 ( 5,000.000)
22000.000 ( 22,000.000)
900.000 ( 10,800.000)
2,000.000 ( 2,000.000) 1458.73
Total Amount ( 159,070.000)

5.000 ( 159,500.000)
12.000 ( 10,440.000)
5.500 ( 6,380.000)
10,000.000 ( 10,000.000)
7.000 ( 9,800.000) 1458.73
Total Amount ( 196,120.000)

1.200 ( 29,322.000) 24310 145000 2900

1.200 ( 25,056.000) 2900
1.000 ( 73,305.000)
Total Amount ( 127,683.000)

( 8,000.000) ( 8,000.000)
( 10,000.000) ( 10,000.000)
Total Amount ( 18,000.000)
Net Dry Cost ( 1,812,634.481)
( 380,653.241)
( 2,193,287.722)
( 202,237.572)
13.2 38280
33 95700
( 2,395,525.294)
Si No Description Amount %
1 Preliminaries ( 170,912.000) 9.43%
2 Pipes ( 556,080.348) 30.68%
3 Fittings ( 98,798.673) 5.45%
4 Fire Hydrant ( 111,168.000) 6.13%
5 Valves ( 54,039.265) 2.98%
6 Other materials ( 158,186.600) 8.73%
7 House Connection ( 62,794.800) 3.46%
8 Chamber ( 99,781.795) 5.50%
9 Subcontractor ( 159,070.000) 8.78%
10 Plant and Machinery ( 196,120.000) 10.82%
12 Labour salary ( 127,683.000) 7.04%
13 Misc/Unforeseen ( 18,000.000) 0.99%
Total Amount ( 1,812,634.481) 100.00%
OH & Profit 21% ( 380,653.241)
Contigency excl. Prelims ( 164,172.248)
Total Amount ( 2,357,459.970)

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