A 0427 Carbon Dioxide Measurements in Natural Gas Processing Using Tdlas

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Natural gas is one of the world’s most important sources Acid gas removal, also known as the gas sweetening process,
of energy. In addition to its primary importance as a fuel, is used to purify the natural gas by removal of acid gases
wellhead natural gas is also a source of low molecular weight such as CO2 and H2S. The technology that is widely used
hydrocarbons for petrochemical feed stocks. Although to remove CO2 and H2S from wellhead natural gas involves
natural gas is considered a clean fuel when compared extracting these components into an amine containing liquid
with other fossil fuels, wellhead gas contains dangerous stream. The aqueous stream containing the acids is separated
impurities. Wellhead natural gas contains mainly methane from the natural gas and sent to a sour water stripper unit.
(CH4) together with heavier hydrocarbons, but can also While there are several different technology approaches used
contain problem contaminants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), to remove excess CO2, each requires the measurement of the
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and compounds containing mercury CO2 level before and after the acid gas removal process, as
(Hg). The composition of the natural gas extracted from shown in Figure 1.
producing wells depends on the type, depth, and location of
the underground deposit and the geology of the area.
CO2 is one of the highest-level impurities found in wellhead
natural gas – CO2 concentrations of up to 50% are a reality.
It must be removed to meet pipeline quality BTU standard
specifications for consumer gas and to protect pipelines from
the corrosion that occurs when CO2 and water combine to
form carbonic acid. When the natural gas needs transporting
over a great distance, it is usually converted to liquefied
natural gas (LNG). In an LNG processing plant, cooling the
natural gas to a very low temperature causes excess CO2 to
freeze and it can block the LNG pipelines.
To meet the requirements of US pipeline quality standards
for pipeline natural gas, the amount of CO2 must be present
at less than 2% by molecular volume. The processing of
wellhead natural gas into pipeline quality gas involves
several processes. A block diagram of a typical natural gas
processing plant is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Diagram of a natural gas processing plant

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The Gas Processors Association (GPA) method 2261 GC analyzer are dependent on the accuracy of the certified Traditional absorption spectroscopy involves measuring the selected for CO2 analysis. To compensate for this varying
describes the analysis of natural gas using a gas blend of gases known as calibration gas. A calibration wavelength varying intensity of a source with and without a background interference, analyzer suppliers have developed
chromatograph (GC). A GC analyzer can be used to separate gas blend can be obtained from equipment suppliers or sample present to determine the amount of light absorbed scrubbing techniques.
the components of a natural gas such that each major a source with the appropriate gas mixing equipment. A by a sample. The amount of light absorption is then directly
In an external sample handling system, the sample gas
component can be quantified. A sample is injected into certified analysis report is included with each bottle of related to the concentration of the component of interest
stream is split and the CO2 in one stream is removed with a
the GC analyzer and travels down a hollow tube (column) calibration gas. The concentration of each component in through a calibration process.
scrubber. The analyzer then measures the response with no
packed with an adsorbent using a flowing carrier gas the calibration gas should be similar to the pipeline gas Commercial infrared (IR) absorption-based instruments CO2 present and the stream where it is present, and uses the
(usually N2 or helium). The light components travel down being measured. Condensation of the heavier components consist of a heated pressure regulator to reduce the pipeline scrubbed result to correct the results. This allows an accurate
the column more quickly and are “seen” first by the detector. in the calibration gas will occur if the temperature of the pressure, a gas cell sealed with sapphire windows, detector, measurement of the CO2 when the hydrocarbon composition
Over the next few minutes, all the components exit the calibration gas blend drops below the hydrocarbon dew and associated electronics. Most commercial instruments of the natural gas changes.
column and are measured by the detector. A diagram of the point. The temperature of the gas should never be allowed operate in the near-IR region and are non-dispersive band
Traditional near-IR absorption analysis of CO2 is rapid (about
key components of a GC is shown in Figure 2. to drop below 10°C (50°F), although the actual minimal pass filter-type instruments.
30 seconds) compared with GC. However, this approach
temperature will depend on the composition and pressure
A picture of a gas chromatograph is shown in Figure 3. The A filter-based spectrometer passes a narrow band of near-IR requires a scrubbing cycle and materials used in the scrubbers
of the blend. With some blends, the calibration bottle may
LCD display shows the detector response as a function of “light”. The filter is designed to pass light in a region where must be periodically replaced. Limited-life switching valves
require a heater when used in certain locations.
time. In this example, the natural gas has been separated CO2 absorbs. The hydrocarbon components of natural gas are also required to alternate the measurement between the
into 11 components. Special column-switching techniques While the GC provides an accurate method to measure the have varying degrees of absorption in the region that is process gas before and after scrubbing.
are used in natural gas chromatographs so that all the CO2 content in a natural gas stream, it does have several
“heavy” C6+ components are measured as the first “peak”. drawbacks. The GC approach requires periodic calibrations
This is shown in the example as the C6+ peak. The “lightest” because the separation of the components changes over TUNABLE DIODE LASER ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY (TDLAS)
compound in natural gas sample is N2, followed by CH4, CO2 time as the column adsorbent ages. Eventually the columns
and ethane. must be replaced, requiring a trained technician. The sample
TDLAS (Figure 4) uses a diode laser as a source. Near-IR TDLAS index (GRIN) lenses, with a beam divergence of 1.8 milliradians,
injection and column-switching valves are reliable but have
The area under each of the peaks is proportional to the has gained much attention for use in industrial applications are used to collimate the output of the single-mode fibers and
a finite lifetime before replacement is required. Another
concentration of the compound present in the sample. Like due to three key attributes: specificity for the analyte, high direct the resulting beams through the sample and reference
disadvantage of this approach is the analysis time, typically
most analytical techniques, a calibration gas sample must sensitivity, and fast response. cells. These cells each contain 0.5 mm2 InGaAs-photodiode
around five minutes.
be measured so that the process gas concentrations can detectors, connected to separate input channels of the
Specificity is the result of the extremely high spectral
be properly calculated. The accuracy of the results from a electronics unit.
resolution achievable. Emission bandwidths for tunable
diode lasers are on the order of 10-4 to 10-5 cm-1, enabling the A small portion of the laser source output is split out
isolation of a single rotational-vibrational absorption line of and passes through the reference cell. Data is collected
an analyte species. The ability to rapidly tune the lasers allows simultaneously from both the natural gas stream and the CO2
implementation of techniques like wavelength modulation reference sample, providing real-time confirmation that the
spectroscopy (WMS), which yield dramatic sensitivity laser is locked on the CO2 absorption line.
enhancements over a direct absorption approach. Because
TDLAS is an optical technique, it also offers a very fast
response speed with an analysis time of two seconds. These
qualities make TDLAS very suitable for a variety of process
measurements, such as CO2 in natural gas.
The specificity of TDLAS for an analyte is dependent on
the sample matrix. For many applications, there is an
absorption line for the analyte species that is free of
interference from all other species in the sample matrix.
CO2 measurement is performed with a distributed feedback
laser, which produces an optical power of approximately ten
milliwatts. The output of the laser is coupled into single-mode
optical fiber and connected to a fiber-optic beam splitter.
The splitter is used to divide the optical power for use in the
Figure 2. Gas chromatograph components Figure 3. Control panel of a gas chromatograph Figure 4. Diagram of a TDLAS analyzer
sample and reference measurements. Gradient refractive

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The CO2 reference cell is also used to perform a reliability Repeatability as a degree of agreement between replicate
check on the quantitative measurement of the analyte measurements of the same concentration was expressed
measured in the sample cell. This is accomplished by using in terms of standard deviation of the measurement results.
reference cell data to check the laser output and the proper The standard deviation of the CO2 readings on each of the
operation of the data collection electronics. A mismatch challenges was about 2 ppmv.
between expected and calculated results returns an error. If TDLAS-based technology for CO2 measurements in natural
an error is detected, an alarm is immediately generated. gas stream offers much faster speed of response and lower
Since there are no interferences from the other natural maintenance costs than the GC. TDLAS also provides higher
gas matrix compounds, a background measurement is accuracy and selectivity than infrared photometry.
not required, reducing the complexity of the design. The Additionally, the semiconductor laser used as the light source
simplicity of the design, the precision of the laser wavelength has a MTBF of more than eight years, while real-time verification
and the extremely long life of diode lasers minimize cost algorithms and the internal reference cell provide a continuous
of ownership. Using two lasers in a single analyzer means indication that the analyzer is operating properly.
both CO2 and moisture in natural gas can be measured
The wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) data
simultaneously. A single analyzer can be configured with two
collection eliminates any concentration effects resulting
cells for measurements of CO2 in two different.
from moderate cell contamination, and any major fouling
The AMETEK 5100HD is an extractive-type CO2 analyzer of the analysis cell results in an alarm output. Also, the gas
designed for hot/wet sample analysis. There is no sample cell can be cleaned by plant technicians in less than an hour,
conditioning, just fully integrated handling to transport minimizing down time in case of a condensation-related
the sample. The 5100HD uses a sealed reference cell for system upset.
continuous on-line analyzer verification, and offers high
specificity and sensitivity. It uses a digital implementation of
the WMS, so changing the experimental protocol is simply a
matter of uploading a file.
Sample cell temperature is controlled with accuracy of ±0.1°C
and can be set in the range of 60 to 150°C (140 to 302°F). The
reference cell temperature is maintained at 40°C (10°F) and is
in the main electronics compartment with the laser, isolated
from the heated sample oven.
Figure 5 represents the response of the instrument to a series
of CO2 challenges in the concentration range of 0 to 300 parts
per million by volume (ppmv). The duration of each challenge
was from 10 to 20 minutes. The speed of the response (T90) is
20 seconds at a flow rate of 2L/min. The data acquisition rate
is two seconds per measurement.
Figure 5. Response of the analyzer to a series of CO2 challenges


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© 2019, by AMETEK, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. A-0427 Rev 6 (0619)
One of a family of innovative process analyzer solutions from AMETEK Process Instruments.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

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