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2005 GatewayManual

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Owner’s Manual

2005 Serial Bus

with Perfect Pass
for CorrectCraft®
Pleasurecraft GM Engines

rev. A ecr#5365 5/2005
Initial Setup
Selecting the Fuel Tank Size Page 1

General Page 1
Speedometer/Depth Sounder
Speedometer Calibration Page 2
Paddle Wheel Operation Page 3
Depth Sounder Page 4
Canceling Depth Alarms Page 4
Shallow Alarm Page 4
Deep Alarm Page 4
Keel Offset Page 4
Units Page 4
Speedometer Mode Display Sequence- Figure 1 Page 7

Tachometer/Fuel Monitor
General Page 8
Canceling System Alarms Page 8
Engine Hourmeter Page 8
Hours Remaining Page 8
Engine Temperature Page 9
Voltmeter Page 9
Oil Pressure Page 9
Instrument Lighting Page 9
Tachometer Mode Display Sequence - Figure 2 Page 10
LCD Alarm Condition Displays Page 10-11

Installation/Harness wiring guide for PleasureCraft GM Engines

Gateway Page 13
Gateway Harness connections
Figure 3 Typical Power Connections Page 14
Figure 4 Typical Instrument Connections Page 14
Figure 5 PleasureCraft GM Engine ECU Connection Page 15
Figure 6 Transducer and Paddle Wheel Tube Connections Page 15
Figure 7 Miscellaneous Connections Page 16
Figure 8 PerfectPass Connections Page 16
Wire Harness/Connections - Table 1 Page 17
Standard Operating Conditions
Voltage: 12 - 24V System,
10.5 – 28 VDC, (10.5 – 32 V operating, 36 V max operating, 1 Hr.)

Temperature: -40° - 185° F

Humidity: 0% - 98% Rel

Shock Resistant per MIL-STD-202, 50G

Vibration Resistant per SAE J1455

Water and Weather Resistant

Corrosion Resistant per ASTM-B117-73, 48 Hr

System Select from one of the following fuel tank
The system consists of: capacity options:
• One gateway box to interface with
MEFI IV ECU and external senders and 29 gallon
sensors. 30 gallon (default)
• One five inch tachometer / fuel monitor 35 gallon
• One five inch speedometer / depth 39 gallon
sounder 50 gallon
• optional second five inch speedometer
• Various 2” instruments as desired Operation
• voltmeter General
• oil pressure gauge The Faria Serial Bus system is designed to
• engine temperature gauge receive information from the engine ECU
• fuel gauge and various individual sensors throughout
• others as specified the boat. This information is transformed
into digital data which is distributed to analog
Initial Setup and digital instruments via a single cable
The setup function is normally only used for consisting of two shielded, twisted pairs of
a new installation. It is not required to follow conductors.
this procedure every time the instruments are
turned on. Each instrument selects the data which is
applicable and displays it as if it was being
The tachometer is used to initialize the fuel received from the sender directly. One of the
tank size required for the fuel management two pairs of conductors carries the data while
function. Press the ʻMʼ mode button while the other pair of conductors carry the power
the power is turned on, to enter the “setup” for the instruments.
The tachometer and speedometer each have
three push buttons which allow the different
functions of each instrument to be activated.
Following is a description of these functions.

The LCD will show the current fuel tank size

selection. The choices are displayed with
the up or down buttons. After selecting the
closest tank size, press and hold the ʻMʼ mode
button for 3 seconds to save the selected size
and start normal instrument operation.

Page 1
Speedometer / Depth Sounder When finished, press the ʻMʼ mode button
The Serial Bus Speedometer / Depth Sounder to exit the adjustment screen. The operator
provides both the functions of a speedometer has the option of saving or canceling the
and a depth sounder. The analog speedometer adjustment procedure. The options can be
is a stepper motor instrument which looks selected using the “UP” or “DOWN” push
like a standard analog device but which buttons. To save the calibration setting, press
is actually a digital instrument. On small and hold the ʻMʼ mode button for 2 seconds
pointer movements you may occasionally see when the display shows “SAVE”.
the pointer moving in the one third degree
“steps” that represent the accuracy of the

Speedometer Calibration
The analog speedometer displays the speed of
the boat through the water. The speedometer
is calibrated at the factory for normal
installations. As variation has been found in
various installations, the speedometer can be
easily calibrated to a known reference such To exit the adjustment procedure without
as a radar gun or GPS. saving, press and hold the ʻMʼ mode button

When the unit is operating in normal mode

(i.e. speed information on the LCD), push
and hold the ʻMʼ mode button down for 2
seconds will cause the speedometer to go to
for 2 seconds when the display shows “NO
the calibration mode.

The LCD will show “ADJUST”. Multiple runs in opposite directions may be
necessary to compensate for errors due to
water currents.

Run the boat at a constant 30 MPH as

measured by the GPS or radar. Adjust the
speedometer pointer by pressing the “UP”
or “DOWN” arrows until the speedometer
matches the GPS or radar speed.

Page 2
Paddle Wheel Operation Canceling depth alarms
The system is designed to be operated with a A depth alarm warning can be temporarily
paddle wheel for speed sensing. canceled by pressing both “UP” and “DOWN”
arrows on the speedometer, simultaneously.

Depth Sounder After one minute, the alarm will resume

The depth sounder is turned on and off with if the condition that caused the alarm is
the ignition switch. The depth sounder can not corrected. The operator can cancel the
also be turned off at any time, while in depth alarm as many times as necessary, until the
display mode, by pressing and holding the condition is corrected.
ʻMʼ mode button while the depth sounder
counts down a three second delay. The depth alarm warning will replace any
information on the LCD screen. Canceling
the alarm will restore the LCD to the original
display. If not already in the depth mode, this
would be a good time to switch to it (using
The depth display will then indicate “OFF”. the “M” mode button) in order to monitor
water depth.

Press and hold the ʻMʼ mode button to turn

the depth sounder back on. Depth Sounder Alarm Settings
Note: Speedometer display must be in depth
display mode to change settings.

To change the depth sounder alarm settings

the “M” mode button must be held down
until the depth display changes to the alarm
The LCD screen displays the depth sounder settings mode.
data. When there are no alarm conditions, the
water depth is displayed. If the signal is weak
or lost, or there is no transducer connected,
then the display will alternate between the
last known depth and four horizontal bars.
There are four menus in the alarm settings
mode. Pressing and releasing the mode
switch quickly will cycle through the different

Page 3
Shallow alarm
Alarm sounds when water depth equals or
is less than set value. The display will show
“S X.X ” which is the current setting for
the shallow alarm.
Keel offset
Adjust depth sounder to measure depth below
keel or drive instead of sensor. The display
will show “K X.X” which is the current
setting for the keel offset.
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” buttons will
change the shallow setting.

Pressing the “Up” or “Down” buttons will

change the keel offset setting.

Holding the “mode M” button in for 2 seconds

will save the new shallow setting and change
the display back to the normal depth mode.
Set to zero to disable alarm.

Holding the mode button in for 2 seconds will

save the new keel offset setting and change
the display back to the normal depth mode.

Deep alarm
Alarm sounds when water depth equals or is
greater than set value. The display will show
“d XX.X”, which is the current setting for
the deep alarm.
Change the unit of measure.

The display will show “UNIT FT” for feet,

Pressing the “Up” or “Down” buttons will

change the deep setting.

“UNIT FA” for fathoms,

Holding the “mode M” button in for 2

seconds will save the new deep setting and or “UNIT M” for meters.
change the display back to the normal depth
mode. Set to zero to disable alarm.
Page 4
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” buttons will
cycle through the choices.

Pressing and holding the “mode M” button

will save the units shown in the display and
change the display back to the normal depth

Page 5
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Page 6
Speedometer Display Sequence Figure 1

Press M Course GPS
M Boat Speed
Hold Press

M Adjust M GPS Speed

Save Press
M East or West
No Save
Quick Press
M Depth Sounder M Latitude GPS
Hold Quick
Shallow Press
M Alarm Set
M North or South
Alarm Set
Keel Press
M Longitude GPS
Units Note: If GPS is not
available display will
Quick show.
No Signal
M Air Temperature
(optional) Press
Press M Clock
M Water Temperature Hold
M Clock Offset

No Save

Page 7
Tachometer / Fuel Management 10) Manifold temperature sensor
The Serial Bus Tachometer / Fuel Management malfunction
instrument provides both the functions of a 11) Throttle position sensor (TPS)
tachometer and a fuel - engine monitoring malfunction
system. The analog tachometer is a stepper 12) Coolant sensor malfunction
motor instrument which looks like a standard
analog device but which is actually a digital
instrument. On small pointer movements Alarm messages will be displayed on the
you may occasionally see the pointer moving tachometer LCD display. Messages 1-5 will
in the one third degree “steps” that represent also include a flashing red light. All messages
the accuracy of the instrument. will be displayed until either the problem is
corrected or the operator manually cancels
The tachometer LCD screen displays several the warning message.
functions. The displayed data includes
“engine hours”, “time remaining”, “engine Canceling system alarms
temperature”, “oil pressure”, and “system To manually cancel system warning
voltage”, and engine alarm conditions. messages, simultaneously press both the ʻUpʼ
Pressing the “M” mode button will select the and ʻDownʼ buttons on the tachometer.
various functions as shown in the diagram

The “time remaining” display shows how This will disable the warning message
many hours the boat can operate based on temporarily. If the problem is not corrected in
the fuel remaining in the tank and the current 1 minute (5 minutes for low fuel), the warning
fuel usage rate. In order to minimize “false” will be displayed again. The operator can
alarms, the “low fuel” and “low voltage” cancel as often as desired.
alarms only function when the engine is
known to be running based on the presence Engine Hourmeter
of tachometer data. Displays the number of hours that the engine
has been operated. The diplay will show
Several alarm conditions may also be shown “XXXX.XHr”
in the LCD display when needed:

1) Low fuel
2) Low oil pressure
3) High engine temperature
4) Low voltage Hours Remaining
5) Engine RPM reduction due to The “time remaining” display shows how
engine controller command many hours the boat can operate based
6) RPM limit on the fuel remaining in the tank and the
7) Knock sensing system malfunction current fuel usage rate.
8) Ignition system malfunction
9) Manifold pressure sensor (MAP)
Page 8
Engine Temperature
Displays the Coolant Temperature of the
Engine. There are no adjustments available.

Displays the System Voltage. There are no
adjustments available.

Oil Pressure
Displays currant Oil Pressure. There are no
adjustments available.

Instrument Lights
The navigation light switch must be on for the
instrument lights to function. The ʻUpʼ and
ʻDownʼ buttons on the tachometer control the
instrument lighting brightness.

Pressing the ʻUpʼ button increases light


Pressing the ʻDownʼ button decreases light


Page 9
Tachometer Display Sequence

Quick Quick
Press Press
M Hourmeter M Voltmeter

Quick Quick
Press Press
M Hours Remaining M Oil Pressure

M Engine Temperature

Figure 2

LCD Alarm Condition Displays.

Alarm messages will be displayed on the
Tachometer LCD display. All messages
will be displayed until either the problem is
corrected or the operator manually cancels
the warning message. tachometer. This will disable the warning
message temporarily. If the problem is not
Messages will display as a many screens corrected in 1 minute (5 minutes for low
shown sequentially, fuel), the warning will be displayed again.
The operator can cancel as often as desired.
Canceling System Alarms
To manually cancel system warnings
messages, simultaneously press both
the “Up” and “Down” buttons on the
Page 10
Severe Conditions- Includes a Flashing Red Light
Low Battery Voltage (Flashing Red Light)

High Engine Temperature (Flashing Red Light)

Low Oil Pressure (Flashing Red Light)

Low Fuel Level (Flashing Red Light)

RPM Reduction in Progress (Flashing Red Light)

Engine Speed Limiter Active

Knock Detection System Malfunction

Spark Delivery System Malfunction

Manifold Pressure System Malfunction

Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Malfunction

Throttle Position Sensor Malfunction

Coolant Temperature Sensor Malfunction

Page 11
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Page 12
Faria Serial Bus Installation and Wiring Guide (Pleasurecraft Engines)

The system consists of:

• One Gateway box to interface with MEFI IV ECU and external senders and
• One 5” Tachometer with Fuel Monitor
• One 5” Speedometer with Depth Sounder
• One 5” Optional Speedometer
• Various 2” instruments, including but not limited to
• Voltmeter
• Oil Pressure gauge
• Engine Temperature gauge
• Fuel Level gauge
• others as specified.

Installation of the Faria Serial Bus system is accomplished as follows:

Gateway Box
The “gateway” box is the central unit of the system. As all of the senders and other
information source peripherals connect to the “gateway”, the “gateway” box should be
mounted in a protected area in the best location to provide the maximum cabling benefit.

The “gateway” box power cable must be installed to allow connection to “battery positive”
(always on), “battery negative” (ground), and a source of “switched power” which turns on
with the engine ignition switch (see Figure 3 and Table 1).

The “Faria Bus” cable must be routed from the “gateway” box to the instrument panel area
to connect the instruments to the data bus and instrument power (see Figure 4).
The remainder of the connections to the “gateway” box are described below.

The instruments are mounted using the provided back-clamps and mounting hardware. Each
instrument comes with a bus connection cable (12”). The main “Faria Bus” cable from the
“gateway” box is connected to the most convenient instrument using either of the two four
(4) pin connectors provided on the instrument case (*except when a Faria Serial Bus Pilot or
a Faria Speedometer-PerfectPass Cruise instrument is installed, see note below).

Each additional instrument is connected to the previous instrument using one of the 12” bus
connection cables. The cable may be connected to either of the two connectors provided on
the instrument case (see Figure 2).

Page 13
Faria Serial Bus Gateway

Figure 3
Typical Power Connections
P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4

P14 P6 P3 P2

To Air and Water Temp. Sender Grounds Black (2)

Black (4)
Red (1)
Purple (3)

- +

Key Switched

Figure 4
Typical Instrument Connections

Note: To help reduce moisture
in the gauges be sure to install
plug PJ0018 in all open connectors.

P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4
P10 P8 A B

P14 P6 P3 P2

for PerfectPass connections See Table 2.

Page 14
Faria Serial Bus Gateway
Figure 5
Pleasurecraft GM Engine ECU Connections

P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4

P14 P6 P3 P2

Shield (Not Connected)

Shield (A)

MEFI IV Black Black (Data Ground) (B)

Engine ECU White White (Data) (C)

Figure 6
Transducer and Paddle Wheel Connections
(1) Blue Blue
(2) Black Black(shield)

P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
1 2 B A B A
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4

P14 P6 P3 P2

Airmar Transducer
(P14/4) Water temp Brown

(P14/5) Sendor Grnd White

(P14/6) +12 Vdc (Ignition) Red

(P14/1) Sender Ground Bare
(P14/2) PW Sender Input Green Blue

Page 15
Faria Serial Bus Gateway
Figure 7
Miscellaneous Connections GPS NMEA_0183_B_or_-

NMEA_0183 NMEA_0183_A_or_+
Data Input (P1/1) (P1/2)

P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
B A B A 1 2
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4
P10 P8 A B

P14 P6 P3 P2

Instrument Nav. (P11/11) Lt. Blue

Light Dk. Blue Oil
Backlight (P11/3)
Control Switch Pressure
Pink (P11/2)
(P11/12) White
Fuel Air
Tank Temp.
Sender Sender

Figure 8
PerfectPass Connections

P13 P7 P4 P1
P12 P11 P5
B A B A 1 2
6 7 6 7
4 5 5 8 5 8
3 6 4 9 4 9
2 7 3 4 3 10 3 10 C 2 3 2 3
1 8 2 5 2 11 2 11
1 6 1 12 1 12
1 4 1 4
P10 P8 A B

P14 P6 P3 P2

Refer to Table 1
PerfectPass and PerfectPass Instructions

Page 16
Connector Contacts Pin Pin Function Wire Color
P1 2 1 NMEA_0183_A_OR+
2 NMEA_0183_B_OR_-
P2 4 1 Battery Positive (5 amp. max. fuse req’d.) Red
2 Ground (Temp. Sender) Black
3 “Switched Power” from Ignition switch circuit Purple
4 Ground Black
P3 4 All Faria® Bus Data and Instrument Power N/A
P4 2 Not Used (PJ0015)
P5 3 Not Used (PJ0016)
P6 3 MEFI IV Engine ECU N/A
P7 3 Not Used N/A
P8 N/A Not Used
P9 N/A Not Used
P10 N/A Not Used
P11 12 1 Analog Input Ground
Switch 2 Fuel Sender Input Pink
Inputs 3 Navigation Lights Input Dk. Blue
PerfectPass 4 PerfectPass Basic RPM IN Refer to
5 PerfectPass Isolated ground(used only for PerfectPass) PerfectPass
6 PerfectPass VGOV OUT Instructions
7 PerfectPass RQST
8 PerfectPass STAT IN
9 PerfectPass Throttle Position Signal
10 Not Used
11 Oil Pressure Input Light Blue
12 Air Temperature Sender Input White
P12 12 1 PerfectPass +5 Volts Refer to
PerfectPass 2 PerfectPass LCD +V PerfectPass
3 PerfectPass Isolated Ground Instructions
4 PerfectPass Display 9
5 PerfectPass Display 11
6 PerfectPass Display 3
7 PerfectPass Display 19
8 PerfectPass Display 5
9 PerfectPass Display 4
10 PerfectPass Display 12
11 Not Used
12 PerfectPass Isolated Ground
P13 2 1 Depth Sounder Transducer Signal (Airmar Transducer) Blue
2 Depth Sounder Transducer Ground, Sheild (Airmar Transducer) Black
P14 6 1 Sender Ground
2 Paddle Wheel Sender Input
3 Not Used
4 Water Surface Temperature
5 Sender Ground
6 Paddle Wheel Power Out
P15 8 1 PerfectPass Isolated Ground Refer to
PerfectPass 2 PerfectPass 12 Volts PerfectPass
3 PerfectPass SLM Switch In Instructions
4 PerfectPass 12 Volts
5 PerfectPass Timer 1 In
6 PerfectPass Timer 2 In
7 PerfectPass Isolated Ground
8 PerfectPass 12 Volts
Page 17

Page 18
Copyright 2005 by the Thomas G. Faria Corporation, Uncasville CT
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the company.
Faria® is the trademark of the Thomas G. Faria Corporation

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