(Organic Natural Products) General Introduction:: Carbohydrates Glucose
(Organic Natural Products) General Introduction:: Carbohydrates Glucose
(Organic Natural Products) General Introduction:: Carbohydrates Glucose
General Introduction:
Carbohydrates like sugar, starch, cellulose, etc. provide us three basic needs of life —
Ribose and deoxyribose (aldopentoses) are the components of hereditary material nucleic
acid ( RNA∧DNA ). Carbohydrates are also important to the economy many countries. Table sugar,
for example, is one of the most important commercial commodities. In addition some commodities
of daily use are paper, photographic films, plastics, lacquers, etc. derived from carbohydrate
materials, as semisynthetic plastics.
Definition of Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates were originally defined as the compounds of C , H∧O with later two
elements ( H∧O ) in the ratio 2 :1 (water composition), having empirical formula C n ( H 2 O )m, hence
named as hydrates of carbon. For example, glucose and fructose, C 6 H 12 O6 [i.e. C 6 ( H 2 O )6 ];
sucrose C 12 H 22 O 11 [i.e. C 12 ( H 2 O ) 11], etc. However, the word carbohydrate is a misnomer, as some
members do not obey above definition (e.g. Rhamnose C 6 H 12 O5 , rhamnoheptose C 7 H 14 O 6, etc.),
whereas some other compounds like formaldehyde ( C H 2 O), lactic acid (C 3 H 6 O 3 ≡ C3 ( H 2 O ) 3),
etc. are not carbohydrates but obey empirical formula C n ( H 2 O )m .
The carbonyl group, however, does not occur in free from but forms intramolecular
hemiacetal or acetal linkages with – OH group(s). Further, they contain more than one asymmetric
C - atoms. Hence carbohydrates are defined as —
Carbohydrates are the polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or compounds which give these
on hydrolysis and contain at least one asymmetric C - atom.
The name carbohydrate is still retained because of its simplicity and historical background.
They are often called saccharides (Latin, saccharum meaning sugar) because of the sweet taste of
simple members.
Classification of Carbohydrates:
1) Monosaccharides,
2) Oligosaccharides, and
3) Polysaccharides
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Monosaccharides: Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates because they cannot
be further hydrolyzed into simpler sugars. Depending upon whether the carbohydrates contain an
aldehydes or a keto- group (free or potential), they may be —
1) Aldoses or
2) Ketoses
Depending upon the number of C - atoms present in the monosaccharides can be further
subdivided into —
a) Triose,
b) Tetrose,
c) Pentoses, or
d) Hexoses
Polysaccharides: Carbohydrates, those on hydrolysis yields more than four (in fact
hundreds or even thousands) monosaccharide units are termed as polysaccharides. These are
classified as homo polysaccharides∨hetero polysaccharides, depending upon whether they give
only one kind or more than one kind of monosaccharide units on hydrolysis. For example,
Homo polysaccharides : Starch and Cellulose — these on hydrolysis yields only one
kind of monosaccharide (Glucose, C 6 H 12 O6 ).
( C 6 H 10 O5 )n +n H 2 O ⟶ nC 6 H 12 O6
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Hetero polysaccharides : α - Haparin and Hyaluronic acid — these on hydrolysis
yields more than one kind of monosaccharide.
Sugars and Non-Sugars: All the mono - and di - saccharides are called sugars as they
possesses sweet taste and soluble in water. In contrast, polysaccharides are non-sugars,
amorphous in nature and insoluble in water.
The terms reducing and non-reducing carbohydrates/ sugars are commonly used in
carbohydrate chemistry. Carbohydrates that can reduce Fehling solution or Tollen’s reagent are
termed as reducing carbohydrates, while the others which do not reduce these reagents are called
non-reducing carbohydrates. All monosaccharides and most of the disaccharides (except sucrose)
are reducing carbohydrates.
These forms of glyceraldehyde are very important in carbohydrate chemistry, as the more
complex sugars may be considered to be originated from them. The sugars whose bottom structure
terminate in the same configuration as D -glyceraldehyde are designated as D - sugars and those
having terminal structure similar to L-glyceraldehyde (irrespective of optical rotation) are
designated as L- sugars.
Its isomeric Ketotriose (dihydroxy acetone) is optically inactive due to the lack of
asymmetric C - atom.
The Fischer convention can be illustrated by assigning configurations to the following six
stereoisomeric aldopentoses out of the eight (23=8) optically form.
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Important Note: The designation D∧L has no concern (relation) with optical rotation as
D - configuration may have (+¿ ) or (−¿) specific rotation and it is also true for L- forms. This is
based only on the position (in relation to glyceraldehyde) of the lower OH group attached to
bottom asymmetric carbon atom.
Monosaccharides — Glucose:
Though monosaccharides contains 3 ¿ 10 C - atoms, only pentoses and hexoses are the
important members containing 5∧6 C - atoms respectively.
Glucose, the most important and abundant monosaccharides, occurs free in honey, ripe
grapes (hence the name ‘grape sugar’), most sweet fruits, blood and urine of animals. In the
combined form, it is present in many glycosides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
(2) Manufacture:
Glucose is manufactured from starch by hydrolysis with hot dilute mineral acids. The actual
reaction is very complicated and involves the following three steps —
2 ( C6 H 10 O5 ) n H 2 O 2 ( C 6 H 10 O5 ) n H 2 On H 2 O n C 12 H 22 O11 n H 2 O/ H ⊕ 2 n C 6 H 12 O6
→ → →
Starch Dextrin Maltose Glucose
On complete hydrolysis, product is neutralized with chalk and the mixture is filtered. The
filtrate is decolourized with animal charcoal and concentrated in vaccum pans. Glucose crystallizes
out and can be purified from the crude product by recrystallization from alcohol.
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2) It also forms monohydrate, mp=118 ℃ ,
3) It is readily soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol but insoluble in ether,
4) It is optically active,
5) Freshly prepared solution of glucose is dextrorotatory, [ α ] D =+ 112° (since, the
optical rotation is + ve, hence the name dextrose), and
6) It is about three-forth as sweet as cane-sugar (sucrose). //
(4 ) Uses of Glucose:
Both the structures were elucidated from the various established chemical analysis.
The open chain structure for glucose ( I ) was given by Baeyer form the following
observations —
These shows the presence of one carbonyl group in the glucose, so the partial structure for
glucose is C 5 H 12 O5 (C=O).
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Mild oxidation of glucose with bromine water or sodium hypobromite gives a monobasic
acid, gluconic acid, C 5 H 11 O5 (COOH ), containing the same number of C - atoms as in glucose.
Therefore, the carbonyl group present in glucose must be an aldehyde group. The nature of the
carbonyl group as an aldehyde also follows from the formation of heptanoic acid by the hydrolysis of
the cyanohydrine of glucose followed by vigorous reduction with hydroiodic acid. Thus, the partial
structure for glucose can be written as C 5 H 12 O5 (CHO).
The arrangement of the 6 C - atoms in glucose has been shown to be in a straight chain. The
– CHO group must be in the terminal position. One of the 5−OH groups is present as −C H 2 OH
group, and this should be in a terminal position.
( f ) Open Chain Structure: The disposition of the remaining four H - atoms and four – OH
groups follows from the fact that the glucose does not dehydrate easily, to fulfil this criteria, glucose
must not contain C ¿ groups and a corresponding additional number of −C H 2 groups. On the basis
of these observations, Baeyer in 1870 proposed the following open chain formula for glucose.
This open chain structure satisfactorily explains all the above reactions as shown below —
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The open-chain structure of glucose as an aldohexose is further confirmed by the fact that
glucose consumes 5 moles of periodic acid ( HI O 4 ) to form 1 mole of formaldehyde and 5 moles of
formic acid. Thus, —
C 6 H 12 O6 +5 HI O4 ⟶ HCH=O+5 HCOOH + HI O3
Glucose Periodic acid Formaldehyde Iodic acid
This oxidative cleavage by HI O 4 for vicinal – OH groups can explain the open chain
structure for glucose as follows —
( g) Stereochemistry: There are four different asymmetric C - atoms (C ) in the open-chain
structure ( I ) of glucose. Therefore, the possible stereoisomeric structures would be 24 =16 , i.e. 8 -
pairs of enantiomers. There would be no meso compounds because two ends are dissimilar.
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(h ) Limitations of Open chain Structure of Glucose: The open chain structure (II) for
glucose can explain most of the reactions of glucose, but failed to explain the following properties —
(ii) Isomeric forms: Glucose exists in two stereoisomeric forms (α - and β -). The ordinary
glucose (α - form) obtained by crystallization from alcohol water has mp=146 ℃ and sp . rotation
[ α ] D =+ 112° in fresh aqueous solution. On the other hand, when glucose is crystallized from
pyridine solution a new form β - glucose is obtained which has mp=150 ℃ and sp . rotation
[ α ] D =+ 19°
(iii ) Mutarotation: It has been observed that the specific rotation of an aqueous solution of
α - D ¿- glucose gradually falls from¿+112 ° ¿+ 52.7 °, whereas in β - D ¿- glucose gradually increases
from¿+19 ° ¿+52.7 °. Thus, α - and β - glucose gives an equilibrium mixture with a constant specific
rotation. Such change in specific rotation to give equilibrium value is known as mutarotation.
From the above mentioned limitations of the open-chain structure for glucose [ D ¿-], it is
inferred that the aldehyde group is not free in glucose. Thus, a hemiacetal ring structure formed
from open chain structure by the mutual intramolecular interaction of aldehyde group and – OH
group of position-5 was proposed. This cyclic hemiacetal structure ( A ) generates a new chiral
centre at C -1. This can give two possible structures; one with – OH at right is termed as α - D ¿-
glucose ( A ) and other with – OH at left ( B) is β - D ¿- glucose. This pair of diastereomers which
differ in configuration at C -1 only are known as anomers and the carbon C -1 is known as anomeric
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Structures A∧B explain the formation of glycosides (cyclic ethers) and resistance to
undergo addition reaction with sodium bisulphite. The phenomenon of mutarotation given by
anomers (α - and β - forms) can also be explained, as each anomer is a hemiacetal (hemiacetal is
formed by the reaction of – OH group with −CHO ) and readily hydrolyzed to give the open chain
Thus, an equilibrium mixture contains both anomers ( A∧B ) and small amount of open
chain structure. This phenomenon is known as Mutarotation.
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Mechanism of Mutarotation: Lowry in 1925 suggested that since water is an amphiprotic
solvent (acts as an acid as well as a base), it helps in simultaneous addition and elimination of
proton. The following concerted mechanism, showing 3 rd order kinetics is believed to take place.
The presence of small amount of the open-chain aldehyde form in the equilibrium mixture
of the two anomers can explain the reactions like osazone formation, reaction of Fehling’s solution
and Tollen’s reagents. As the equilibrium is disturbed by conversion of the open-chain form into
these derivatives, therefore, more of the open-chain forms in the equilibrium mixture will results to
push the reactions. The aldehyde reactions like Schiff’s test, bisulphite addition, etc. are easily
reversible and the concentration of the open-chain structure in the equilibrium mixture is too law
(less than 0.5 % ) for satisfactory results. Therefore, it does not give Schiff’s test, bisulphite addition.
The two methyl D - glucosides are also anomers. These are stable in aqueous solution and
do not undergo mutarotation. These are stable to alkali and do not hydrolyse to open chain form by
the alkali present in Fehling’s or Tollen’s reagents. Hence, these are non-reducing.
(a ) Ring Size: We have assumed that the ring structures of D ¿- glucose is to be six –
membered oxygen heterocycles pyran (hence, the name pyranose structure also) involving C - 1 and
C - 5 carbon atoms. The cyclization at C - 1 and C - 4 carbon atoms gives a 5- membered furanose
ring structure, and it has to be considered, because it has the same order of stability as that of 6 -
membered ring (pyranose) in accordance to Baeyer strain theory.
The following experimental facts have established the six – membered pyranose ring
structure for D ¿- glucose rather than 5- membered furanose ring structure for D ¿- glucose.
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Hence, the 6 - membered pyranose ring structure is the common ring for β - D - glucoside
and β - D - glucose which can account for the formation of both final products of oxidative cleavage.
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These two chair conformational structures have pyranose ring structures, and hence glucose
is also known as glucopyranose. When the H - atom of – OH group of C - 1 is replaced by methyl
group, it gives corresponding α - and β - methyl glucoside or methyl glucopyranoside.
HOC H 2 ¿
Glucose Glucose phenylhydrazone
With excess phenylhydrazine, the reaction is somewhat more complicated. Three moles of
phenylhydrazine are consumed for each mole of the glucose to form glucosazone, a yellow
crystalline solid containing two phenylhydrazine residues per molecule. For example, —
[Important —
Osazone Formation: Osazone formation is a general reaction given by all α -
hydroxycarbonyl (aldehydes or ketone) compounds (which may not be a carbohydrate). Thus, —
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It was suggested that the 2 nd molecule of phenylhydrazine oxidise the 2 °- alcoholic group
adjacent to the aldehyde to a keto group that reacts with the 3rd molecule of phenylhydrazine. It is
not clear how phenylhydrazine (a strong reducing agent) acts as an oxidising agent. It is believed
that that, this reaction involves rearrangement of phenylhydrazone to a H - bonded intermediate
known as Amadori rearrangement. This intermediate loses a molecule of aniline to give an imino
ketone which react further with phenylhydrazine to give the final product glucosazone.
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The Stereochemical significance of this reaction has been used in determining the
stereochemistry of D - (−¿ ) - fructose.
Concentrated alkalis convert glucose into brown resins. Dilute alkalis, however, bring
extensive isomerisation and even decomposition, presumably via monosaccharide with an enediol
structure. Thus, —
It is possibly due to this reversible isomerisation that ketoses (e.g. fructose) give positive
tests with alkaline oxidising agents like Fehling, Benedict and Tollen’s reagents although they
contain a keto group rather than an aldehyde group (simple ketones do not respond to these tests).
(c ) Action of Acids: Dilute acids have particularly no effect on glucose, but hot strong acids
leads to complex reactions involving dihydro-cyclization, etc. 5- Hydroxymethyl furfural, initially
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formed, transformed by hot acids into laevulinic acid and large amount of dark, insoluble
condensation product known as humins is formed. Thus, —
These furfurals give characteristic colour reactions with polyhydric phenols like resorcinol,
phloroglucinol, etc. This reaction is used to distinguish hexoses from pentoses.
HOC H 2 ¿
Glucose Periodic acid Formaldehyde Formic acid Iodic acid
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Application: This reaction has a great potential for structure determination of glycols and in
carbohydrate research for structure determination of vic .−OH groups present.
Glucose reacts with methyl alcohol in presence of anhydrous HCl to form methyl glucoside
which exists in two stereoisomeric forms viz. α - and β - [This reaction has already been discussed in
the ring structure of glucose under the heading transformation of the hemiacetal form of glucose
into an acetal].
The general reaction of aldohexoses in which methyl alcohol can be replaced by other
alcohols or hydroxy compounds can be written as —
( f ) Fermentation of Glucose: Glucose, in the presence of the enzyme zymase (e.g. yeast)
undergoes fermentation to form ethyl alcohol and release carbon dioxide. Thus, —
C 6 H 12 O6 Zymase 2 C 2 H 5 OH +C O2 ↑
Glucose Ethyl alcohol
This reaction forms the basis of the manufacture of ethyl alcohol from molasses.
The End
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