Manuel Lopes Lima PHD Thesis Final
Manuel Lopes Lima PHD Thesis Final
Manuel Lopes Lima PHD Thesis Final
systematics and
ecology to advance
the conservation of
freshwater mussels
(Bivalvia: Unionida)
Manuel Peixoto de Magalhães Lopes Lima
Doutoramento em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução
Departamento de Biologia
Pedro Beja
CIBIO/InBIO, Laboratório Associado, Universidade do Porto
Ana Filipa Filipe
CIBIO/InBIO, Laboratório Associado, Universidade do Porto
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
This dissertation would not be possible without the help of my family that was supportive in so
many ways to my “lunacy” in pursuing such an “extraordinary” research field such as biology
and conservation of molluscs. I would like to thank to my supervisors for the help and critical
analyses on the development of the thesis and to all of the members of the “Brave Mussel
Warriors” team that cooperated and worked with me in so many hours of field and laboratory
work, as well as in the writing and elaboration of the manuscripts. Additionally, this work would
not be possible without the participation of all the co-authors of the manuscripts.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The world is currently experiencing a biodiversity crisis, with many species facing the risk of
extinction. This is particularly true for those in freshwater habitats, which are isolated between
land and sea, and generally more exposed to human activities. Therefore, many freshwater
groups of animals are now threatened with extinction and requiring urgent conservation
measures. However, most current conservation efforts remain directed to charismatic
terrestrial vertebrates, like mammals and birds. Although invertebrates dominate on Earth both
in species richness and biomass, knowledge about these taxa is scarce and many groups
need urgent conservation attention. This is the case of freshwater bivalves of the Unionida
order, also known as freshwater mussels (FM). These bivalves are strictly freshwater
inhabitants and originally dominated many freshwater habitats across the planet. They are
important for the aquatic ecosystem functioning, playing key ecological roles and providing
important ecosystem services to humans. They are also very interesting from the biological
point of view, having a series of interesting traits that allow them to live in running water, like
internal fertilization and parental care of their larvae. Especially, they have a unique life cycle
in which FM larvae need to attach to a host (generally a fish) until adulthood, for nutrition but
mainly for upstream dispersion. Another interesting feature is their rare form of mitochondrial
inheritance, also called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), where the males inherit
mitochondria from both parents. Male M- and female F-type mitochondrial lineages are highly
divergent and are remarkable for the study of mtDNA evolution.
The overarching goal of this dissertation is to advance the conservation biology of
freshwater mussels by combining research on phylogeny, systematics and ecology, showing
how the integration of multiple research fields has practical implications to preserve highly
endangered taxa. Specifically, the dissertation aims to: (i) understand the geographical
diversity and conservation status patterns of freshwater bivalves, disclosing their main threats,
and needs for conservation and research; (ii) highlight and discuss the importance of basic
biological studies for the conservation of freshwater mussels; and (iii) accurately define species
and integrate evolutionary patterns into conservation planning.
In Chapter 1, I start by introducing the global decline of biodiversity, focusing primarily
on freshwater taxa and especially on the target taxonomic group of the dissertation, the
freshwater mussels (FM). Then, their high ecological and economic importance are
highlighted, as well as their unique biological features. I also discuss the importance of
integrating basic research on species biology, taxonomy and phylogenetic patterns for
conservation. Finally, the chapter presents the general and specific objectives of the thesis.
In Chapter 2, the geographical diversity patterns of freshwater bivalves were revised
and their conservation status, threats, and the main needs for conservation and research are
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
analysed and discussed. Chapter 2 reveals that among the several freshwater bivalve groups
analysed, the most threatened by far are FMs, which support the main focus of the following
chapters. We show that freshwater mussel diversity is geographically heterogeneous with two
main hotspots of diversity, the Mississippi basin and associated basins in central North
America, and the Indotropical rivers in Southeast Asia. The main global threats are associated
with habitat degradation, while the most mentioned research needs globally refer to the need
to collect baseline information on distribution, taxonomy, abundance, life-history traits, and
threats. In terms of the needed conservation measures, protection and management of
freshwater habitats are the most cited
The lack of baseline biological information identified in Chapter 2 is then addressed in
Chapter 3, which provides a baseline study on the Iberian dolphin mussel Unio delphinus.
Chapter 3 highlights the importance of basic biological studies for conservation planning and
the potential use of biological traits as environmental indicators. For this, the distribution,
growth, host-fish range and reproductive cycle of this species are described and discussed.
Unio delphinus occupies the western Iberian River basins and, contrary to other well-known
European FM species, is found to grow fast and to be short-lived. Their larvae may attach to
most co-occurring fish species, but only native species were effective hosts. Based on these
results, we reassessed its conservation status and provide recommendations on key
conservation measures.
In Chapters 4-8 the phylogenetic relationships among important groups of FMs are
estimated and analysed, thereby addressing the need to accurately define conservation and
management units, and to include evolutionary patterns in conservation planning. In Chapters
4 and 6, we estimated with a small number of molecular markers, the most comprehensive
phylogenies so far for the most representative families of FMs in the northern hemisphere, the
species-rich Unionidae and the threatened Margaritiferidae. The systematics and taxonomy
within these families are updated with the help of an exhaustive search for diagnostic and
synapomorphic, ecological and morphological characters. The distribution of the main groups
inside those families is mapped and their biogeographic patterns discussed.
Chapter 5 focuses on a contentious group of North American species, that were
originally lumped in a single genus, i.e. Quadrula sensu lato. We estimated its phylogeny and
used molecular species delineation methods complemented by the assessment of ecological,
morphological, and anatomical traits to revise the systematics and taxonomy of these species.
Then we provide conservation guidance based on these results.
In Chapters 7 and 8, we updated the phylogenies within the Unionidae, this time with
a multi-locus approach using whole mitogenomes. Given that many groups of FMs lack
morphological diagnostic characters, it is important to develop new features that help us to
characterize the main evolutionary history of FMs. The mitochondrial genome gene
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
arrangement is generally very conserved across taxa and eventual shifts in this order are rare
in many taxa. In chapters 7 and 8 we also explored the use of mitogenome orders to be used
as diagnostic of the higher-order taxonomic groups within FMs.
The present dissertation brings important advances in the basic biology, phylogeny,
biogeography, and conservation of FMs globally. It presents more clear evolutionary
relationships and biogeographical patterns among the main FM groups and highlights the
biodiversity hotspots or areas where their levels of extinction risk, and species richness and
genetic diversity are higher. Finally, this dissertation identifies the main knowledge gaps and
threats for FM species to guide future research and conservation actions.
Biogeography, Bivalvia, Conservation, Distribution, Doubly uniparental inheritance,
Freshwater mussels, Growth, Host fish, Macroevolution, Mollusca, Phylogeny, Reproductive
cycle, Species delineation, Taxonomic classification, Unio delphinus.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
A biodiversidade mundial está atualmente em crise, com muitas espécies em risco de
extinção. Isto é particularmente verdadeiro para os organismos que habitam ambientes de
água-doce, pois encontram-se isolados entre o mar e a terra e geralmente mais expostos às
atividades humanas. Devido a esta situação, muitos grupos de animais dulçaquícolas estão
agora ameaçados de extinção sendo necessárias medidas urgentes para a sua conservação.
No entanto, a maioria dos esforços de conservação são geralmente direcionados para as
espécies de vertebrados mais carismáticas, tais como os mamíferos e as aves. Embora na
Terra os invertebrados sejam dominantes, tanto em número de espécies quanto em biomassa,
o conhecimento sobre estes grupos é escasso e muitos deles precisam de atenção urgente
no que respeita à sua conservação. Este é o caso dos bivalves de água-doce da ordem
Unionida, também conhecidos como mexilhões de água-doce (MAD). Este grupo de bivalves
ocorre apenas em água-doce e devido às suas elevadas abundâncias originais foram durante
muito tempo um dos grupos taxonómicos dominantes em habitats de água-doce de todo o
planeta. Os MAD são importantes para o funcionamento dos ecossistemas aquáticos pois
desempenham papéis ecológicos cruciais e fornecem importantes serviços ecossistémicos
aos seres humanos. Os MAD são também muito interessantes sob o ponto de vista biológico.
Eles apresentam uma série de características interessantes que lhes permitem viver em água
corrente, tais como a fertilização interna e cuidados parentais das suas larvas mas
especialmente, um ciclo de vida único no qual as suas larvas precisam de se ligar a um
hospedeiro (geralmente um peixe) até à idade adulta, para a sua nutrição, mas principalmente
para dispersão a montante. Outra característica interessante dos MAD é que possuem uma
forma rara de herança mitocondrial, também chamada herança duplamente uniparental, onde
os machos herdam as mitocôndrias de ambos os pais. Essas linhagens mitocondriais
herdadas dos pais (tipo M) e das mães (tipo F) são altamente divergentes e são muito
interessantes para o estudo da evolução do ADN mitocondrial.
O objetivo principal desta dissertação é aumentar o conhecimento atual para a
conservação de mexilhões de água-doce, combinando filogenia, sistemática e ecologia e
mostrar como a integração destes vários campos de investigação tem implicações
importantes na preservação de organismos em risco de extinção. Especificamente, a presente
dissertação visa: (i) representar geograficamente os padrões de diversidade e estatutos de
conservação dos bivalves de água-doce, revelando as suas principais ameaças e
necessidades de conservação e investigação; (ii) destacar e discutir a importância de estudos
biológicos básicos para a conservação de mexilhões de água-doce; e (iii) integrar
metodologias de delimitação de espécies e padrões evolutivos na planificação de ações de
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
representativas de MAD do hemisfério norte, a familia Unionidae que tem a maior riqueza de
espécies, e a Margaritiferidae que contem o maior número de espécies ameaçadas. A
sistemática e a taxonomia dessas famílias foi também atualizada com a ajuda de uma
investigação exaustiva aos seus caracteres diagnósticos e sinapomórficos, ecológicos e
morfológicos. A distribuição dos principais grupos dentro dessas famílias foi também mapeada
e os seus padrões biogeográficos discutidos.
O Capítulo 5 concentra-se num grupo polémico de espécies norte-americanas,
originalmente agrupadas num único género, ou seja, Quadrula sensu lato. Estimamos a sua
filogenia e revemos a sistemática e taxonomia dessas espécies usando métodos moleculares
de delimitação de espécies, complementados pela avaliação de características ecológicas,
morfológicas e anatómicas. Em seguida, fornecemos orientações para a sua conservação
com base nesses resultados.
Nos Capítulos 7 e 8, atualizamos as filogenias dentro dos Unionidae, desta vez com
uma abordagem com vários loci usando mitogenomas inteiros. Dado que muitos grupos de
MAD carecem de caracteres-diagnóstico morfológicos, é importante desenvolver outros
caracteres que nos ajudem a descrever a sua história evolutiva. A ordem em que os genes
estão dispostos no genoma mitocondrial é geralmente muito conservado entre muitos grupos
taxonómicos sendo que eventuais mudanças nessa ordem são geralmente raras. Nos
Capítulos 7 e 8, exploramos então o uso das ordens genéticas dos mitogenomas como
diagnóstico dos principais grupos taxonómicos de MAD.
A presente dissertação providencia importantes avanços para a biologia básica,
filogenia, biogeografia e conservação de MAD a nível global. Clarifica as relações evolutivas
e os padrões biogeográficos entre os principais grupos de MAD, destacando os seus
‘hotspots’ de diversidade. Por fim, esta dissertação identifica as principais lacunas no
conhecimento e as ameaças para as espécies de MAD de forma a orientar ações futuras de
investigação e conservação.
Biogeografia, Bivalvia, Conservação, Ciclo reprodutivo, Classificação taxonómica,
Crescimento, Delimitação de espécies, Distribuição, Filogenia, Herança duplamente uni
parental, Macroevolução, Mexilhões de água-doce, Moluscos, Peixe hospedeiro, Unio
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table of Contents
Paper 1. Conservation of freshwater bivalves at the global scale: diversity, threats and
research needs. Lopes-Lima M, Burlakova LE, Karatayev AY, Mehler K, Seddon M,
Sousa R. Hydrobiologia 810, 1-14 (2018).
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-017-3486-7 19
Paper 2. Setting the stage for new ecological indicator species: a holistic case study
on the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793. Lopes-Lima
M, Hinzmann M, Varandas S, Froufe F, Reis J, Moreira C, Araujo S, Miranda F,
Gonçalves DV, Beja P, Sousa R, Teixeira A. Ecological Indicators 111, 105987 (2020).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105987 42
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Paper 4. Revisiting the North American freshwater mussel genus Quadrula sensu lato
(Bivalvia Unionidae): Phylogeny, taxonomy and species delineation. Lopes-Lima M,
Burlakova L, Karatayev A, Gomes-Dos-Santos A, Zieritz A, Froufe E, Bogan AE.
Zoologica Scripta 48, 313-336 (2019).
DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12344 149
Figure 1. Size of the world human population over the last 12,000 years. Adapted from
Roser et al (2019). 1
Figure 2. Changes of Gross domestic product (GDP), domestic material consumption,
and extraction of living biomass (trillion USD at 2010 value) for groups of
countries at distinct development levels. Adapted from IPBES (2019). 2
Figure 3. Evolution of the Living Planet Index (LPI) over the last decades. LPI is a
measure of the state of the world's biological diversity based on population
trends of species from terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. Adapted from
WWF (2016). 3
Figure 4. Current extinction risk in different species groups.
Adapted from IPBES (2019). 4
Figure 5. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Unionidae and
Margaritiferidae. Adapted from Lopes-Lima et al (2017a, 2018). 5
Figure 6. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Iridinidae and Mulleriidae.
Adapted from Bogan (2008). 5
Figure 7. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Hyriidae and Etheriidae.
Adapted from Bogan (2008). 6
Figure 1. Global diversity of freshwater bivalves divided by families. The total number of
species in brackets. 21
Figure 2. Diversity by ecoregions. A All freshwater bivalves; B Unionida; C Sphaeriidae;
D Cyrenidae + remaining freshwater bivalve groups. Ecoregions adapted from
Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag (2010): NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA
Palaearctic, AF Afrotropical, IN Indotropical, AU Australasian. Glaciated and
desert areas void of mussels in grey. 22
Figure 3. Diversity by ecoregions. A All freshwater bivalves; B Unionida; C Sphaeriidae;
D Cyrenidae + remaining freshwater bivalve groups. Ecoregion subdivisions
adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag (2010): NA Nearctic, NT
xiv FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1. Map showing the known distribution records of Unio delphinus (white circles),
sampling sites for growth and sex-ratio (all red markers), and sampling site for
the evaluation of reproductive cycle (red square). Both maps are represented
using the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) projection. 48
Figure 2. A - Size-at-age measurements of shell length; B - size as a function of bivalve
age, modelled by the von Bertalanffy growth function. 52
Figure 3. Histological sections from female gonads of Unio delphinus stained with
Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). A - General aspect of female gonads (fa)
organized in acini, in September the acini showing gonads at all development
stages of oogenesis, with several mature oocytes (m) (scale bar 100 μm). B -
Female acinus in September with a predominance of earlier stages of
oogenesis: oogonia (o), previtellogenic oocytes (pvo), pedunculated oocytes
(po), and the germinal epithelium (ge) are visible surrounding the germinative
cells (scale bar 50 μm). C - Female acini in May also presented different
development oogenesis stages, dominantly the earlier previtellogenic oocytes
(pvo) surrounded by the germinative epithelium (scale bar 100 μm). D - Detail
of female acinus in September showing pedunculated oocytes (po) with stalk
(s) visible and mature oocyte in the lumen (l) (scale bar 50 μm). E - Mature
acinus in September, full of mature oocytes (m) in the centre surrounded by
earlier stages and germinative cells (scale bar 100 μm). F - Mature female acini
with mature oocytes (m) released into the lumen (l), and muscle tissue (ms)
(scale bar 100 μm). G - Female acinus in October with only a few mature
oocytes (m) already in the lumen (l), one showing two nucleoli (n) in the nuclei,
presenting still some early stages of oocytes and with several yellow bodies
(yb), indicating early signs of degeneration (scale bar 50 μm). H - Degenerative
female acinus (dfa), surrounded by an undifferentiated epithelium, but still
presenting some stages of oocyte development (scale bar 100 μm). 53
Figure 4. Histological sections from male gonads of Unio delphinus stained with
Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). A - General aspect of male gonads (ma)
organized in acini in January, with the acini showing gonads at all development
stages of spermatogenesis, full with mature spermatozoa (s) in the lumen, with
visible muscle tissue (ms) and portions of the ciliated gonoduct (cg) (scale bar
200 μm). B - Partial male acini in January, with male reproductive cells at
different spermatogenesis stages and germinative epithelium (ge) visible, in the
centre the ciliated gonoduct (cg) is full of mature spermatozoa (s) (scale bar 20
μm). C and D - Details of male acinus in October, where is possible to identify
different development spermatogenesis stages, dominantly the earlier
xvi FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1. Map of all sampling sites for the present study; both tissue and shell materials
in red; only shell materials in white. 151
Figure 2. Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)
gene fragment. The values above and below the nodes indicate Bayesian
posterior probability (bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood bootstrap values
(bs), respectively. Values over 95% are represented by an asterisk, and those
<50% are not shown for clarity. 159
Figure 3. Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1
(ND1) gene fragment. The values above and below the nodes indicate Bayesian
posterior probability (bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood bootstrap values
(bs), respectively. Values over 95% are represented by an asterisk, values
below 50% are not shown for clarity. 160
Figure 4. Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1
(ND1) and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene fragments concatenated dataset.
The values above and below the nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probability
(bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood bootstrap values (bs), respectively.
Values over 95% are represented by an asterisk, values below 50% are not
shown for clarity. 161
Figure 5. Haplotype (TCS) networks and uncollapsed Quadrula clade from Figures 2 and
3, showing the relationships of nominal species within the Quadrula quadrula
group for (a) cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and (b) NADH dehydrogenase
subunit 1 (ND1). 163
Figure 6. Shell outline principal component scores for the first two PC axes obtained from
18 Fourier coefficients of (a) all true species (recognized by molecular species
delineation methods; see results) of Cyclonaias, including a maximum of 50
specimens per species; (b) all nominal species of Cyclonaias pustulosa; (c) only
Cyclonaias kieneriana and Cyclonaias asperata; (d) all nominal species of
Quadrula; (e) all true species (recognized by molecular species delineation
methods; see results) of Theliderma; and (f) only Theliderma metanevra and
Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Synthetic shell outlines of “extreme” morphotypes
are displayed with the anterior margin facing to the left and the dorsal margin to
the top of the page. 170
Figure 7. Distribution maps of (a) nominal species Cyclonaias asperata and Cyclonaias
kieneriana before the present study and (b) of Cyclonaias kieneriana as
proposed in the present study. 177
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 8. Distribution maps of (a) Cyclonaias petrina before Burlakova et al (2018) and
(b) of C. petrina and Cyclonaias necki after Burlakova et al (2018) and Johnson
et al (2018) findings also supported by the present study. 178
Figure 9. Distribution maps of (a) nominal species within the Cyclonaias pustulosa group
and (b) of C. pustulosa and Cyclonaias succissa as confirmed by Johnson et al
(2018) and the present study. 179
Figure 10. Distribution maps of (a) nominal species within the Quadrula quadrula group
and (b) of Quadrula quadrula as proposed in the present study. 181
Figure 11. Distribution maps of (a) Theliderma metanevra before the present study and (b)
after the present study divided in T. metanevra and
Theliderma johnsoni n. sp 182
Table 1. List of newly sequenced specimens for Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)
and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) datasets; nominal taxa, new
identification, site, main basin, and COI and ND1 Haplotype number and
Genbank references. 152
Table 2. List of morphological, anatomical and behavioural characters of Cyclonaias,
Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia as recognized in the present study.
Table 3. Results of repeatability clade analysis (RCA) of main clades corresponding to
the preferred topology. 158
Table 4. Pairwise genetic distance matrixes of nominal quadruline species of the genera
Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia, using the original nominal
taxa. 164
Table 5. Results of molecular species delineation methods. 166
Table 6. Pairwise genetic distance matrixes of quadruline species of the genera
Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia, as recognized in the present
study. 167
Table 7. Historical classification of species formerly assigned to Quadrula.
* extinct. 175
Supplementary Table 1. List of museum lots analysed for the morphometry: taxon, original
identification, new identification, and lot catalogue number. BSGLC (SUNY
Buffalo State College Great Lakes Centre); NCSM (North Carolina Museum of
Natural Sciences). 189
Supplementary Table 2. List of specimens included in the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit
I (COI) dataset; Haplotypes, GenBank references, original identification, new
identification, voucher specimen, and respective study. BSGLC (SUNY Buffalo
State College Great Lakes Centre); FLMNH (Florida Museum of Natural
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
implemented in BEAST 1.8.4 and obtained for the complete data set of
mitochondrial and nuclear sequences (nine partitions: three codons of COI +
16S rRNA + 18S rDNA + 28S rDNA + three codons of H3). Bars indicate 95%
confidence intervals of the estimated divergence times between lineages (Ma).
Black numbers near nodes are mean ages (Ma). Stratigraphic chart according
to the International Commission on Stratigraphy (2015). 308
Figure 4. Simplified scheme of origin and expansion routes inferred across clades of the
Margaritiferidae. The black numbers show the mean age of putative expansion
events obtained from the multi-locus fossil-calibrated phylogenetic model (see
Fig. 3 for details). Circles indicate the putative places of origin of the family and
several clades. The map was created using ESRI ArcGIS 10 software
(; the topographic base of the map was created with ESRI
Data and Maps. 310
Figure 5. Semilogarithmic lineage-through-time (LTT) median plots of chronograms
estimated from 108,004 post-burn-in Bayesian trees for the primary
Margaritiferidae clades, including Gibbosula, Cumberlandia + Pseudunio,
Margaritifera, and the entire family. The grey filling indicates 95% confidence
intervals. 311
Figure 6. Distribution map of the Margaritiferidae. 315
Table 1. Comparison of Margaritiferidae classifications. Fossil genera excluded. (S)
1 2
synonym. Superscripts: under tribe Heudeanini; under subfamily
3 4
Pseudodontinae; under tribe Margaritiferini; under tribe Leguminaiini. 281
Table 2. Characters used to define and diagnose Margaritiferidae. papillae present
only; 2 hinge teeth reduced. 283
Table 3. List of specimens analysed, GenBank references, specimen number, locations,
and museum voucher references. *not generated from a single individual. IEBR
- Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam; MNCN - Museo
Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain; NCFM - Nanchang Freshwater
Mollusc Collection, Nanchang University, Jiangxi Province, China; IEPN -
Russian Museum of Biodiversity Hotspots; MCZ - Museum of Comparative
Zoology, Harvard University, USA; UAUC - University of Alabama Unionid
Collection, USA; BivAToL - Bivalve Tree of Life Project, USA. 290
Table 4. Biological and ecological characters. (Gln) glochidial size index. Superscripts:
unknown; Rrivers; Llakes. 294
Table 5. Results of Repeatability Clade Analysis (RCA) of main clades corresponding to
the preferred topology. High support values (BI posterior probability ≥ 95%, and
ML bootstrap support ≥ 70%) are highlighted in bold. 300
xxii FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1. Diagrams of the five distinct gene orders detected in Unionida. In the female F-
type lineage, three gene orders are depicted: Unionidae F-type 1 (UF1),
Unionidae F-type 2 (UF2) and Margaritiferidae F-type 1 (MF1). In the male M-
type lineage, two gene arrangements are shown: Unionidae M-type 1 (UM1)
and Margaritiferidae M-type 1 (MM1). Continuous lines indicate different
locations of genes between mitogenomes. Grey box highlights the gene
rearrangement region between UF1 and UF2. Yellow boxes indicate the main
differences in gene arrangement between female and male mitogenomes, tRNA
(H) location and rearrangement of ATP8-tRNA(D) region. 365
Figure 2. Phylogenetic (BI-NUC) tree of Unionida estimated from 14 concatenated
individual mtDNA gene sequences (12 protein-coding and 2 rRNA genes).
Values for branch support are represented in the following order: (1) Bayesian
posterior probabilities (PP) for BI-NUC tree, (2) Bayesian PP for BI-AA tree, (3)
ML bootstrap support (BS) values for ML-NUC and (4) ML BS values for ML-AA
tree. Maximum support values (PP = 1, BS = 100) are represented by asterisks.
All five distinct detected gene orders are mapped on the phylogeny branches
(see Fig. 1 for gene order codes). 366
vondembuschiana. Genes positioned inside the circle are encoded on the heavy
strand, and genes outside the circle are encoded on the light strand. Colour
codes: Small and large ribosomal RNAs (red), transfer RNAs (purple), FORF F-
specific open reading frame (yellow), MORF M-specific open reading frame
(yellow), PCGs genes (green). 382
Figure 2. Diagrams of the four distinct gene orders known in Unionidae to date. In the F-
type, three gene orders are depicted: UF1, UF2, and UF3. In the male M-type
lineage, the only Unionidae gene arrangement is shown: M-type 1 (UM1). Blue
boxes highlight the gene rearrangement region from UF1 to UF2 (Box A) and
from UF2 to UF3 (Box B). Small and large ribosomal RNAs and transfer RNAs
are depicted by one letter of the amino acid code; Arrow colour codes, follow
Fig. 1. 384
Figure 3. Phylogenetic (BI-NUC) tree of Unionida estimated from 14 concatenated
individual mtDNA gene sequences (12 protein-coding and 2 rRNA genes).
Values for branch support are represented in the following order: (1) Bayesian
posterior probabilities (PP) for BI-NUC tree, (2) Bayesian PP for BI-AA tree, (3)
ML bootstrap support (BS) values for ML-NUC and (4) ML BS values for ML-AA
tree. Maximum support values (PP = 1, BS = 100) are represented by asterisks.
Gonideinae subfamily and tribes are highlighted. For details see text. GenBank
codes in Table 1. 385
Figure 4. Phylogenetic (BI-NUC) tree of Unionida estimated from 28 concatenated
individual mtDNA gene sequences (24 protein-coding and 4 rRNA genes) of the
first combined Female + Male concatenated data set. Maximum branch support
values (BI-NUC/BI-AA PP = 1; ML-NUC/ML-AA BS = 100) are represented by
asterisks, while # represents the only non-supported branch by ML-AA tree.
Gonideinae subfamily and tribes are highlighted.
GenBank codes in Table 1. 386
Figure 5. Unionidae F-haplotype phylogenetic sub-tree (BI-NUC) used to infer the most
parsimonious putative ancestral gene orders and gene rearrangements
mapped as MF1, UF1, UF2, and UF3 (see text for details). Margaritiferidae and
all subfamily nodes were collapsed for visual purposes. 387
Figure 6. Time-calibrated mitogenomic phylogeny, an example of the three-level
classification scheme (subfamilies, tribes, and subtribes) and evolution of the
mitochondrial gene order in the Unionoidea. Fossil-calibrated ultrametric
chronogram of the Unionoidea calculated under a lognormal relaxed clock
model and a Yule process speciation implemented in BEAST and obtained for
the complete mitogenome data set. The outgroup sample is not shown. Bars
FCUP xxv
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
List of Abbreviations
16S 16S ribosomal RNA gene
28S 28S ribosomal RNA gene
AF Afrotropical
AU Australasia
BI Bayesian Inference
BIC Bayesian information criterion
COI Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DUI Doubly uniparental inheritance
FM Freshwater mussel
GIS Geographic Information System
H3 Histone H3 gene
IN Indotropical
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
MCMC Markov-Chain Monte Carlo
ML Maximum Likelihood
mtDNA mitochondrial DNA
NA Nearctic
ND1 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1
nt nucleotides
NT Neotropical
PA Palaearctic
xxviii FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
General introduction
Never in the world, so many humans used so many natural resources (Figs. 1 & 2). The
exponential human growth over the last 2,000 years is coupled with the increase of
consumptive biological resources per capita, resulting in increasing anthropogenic changes to
natural environments (Sala et al 2000; IPBES 2019), as the major threat to biodiversity and
ecosystem functioning (McKee et al 2003; McShane et al 2011). These impacts have already
caused an extensive contraction of genetic, species and ecological diversity, with gene erosion
and eradication, species extirpations and extinctions, and loss and irreversible transformation
or destruction of many habitats around the globe (Butchart et al 2012; Ceballos et al 2015;
Miraldo et al 2016; IPBES 2019). Therefore, we are living under a biodiversity crisis with
unprecedented severity, since human life on Earth (Barnosky et al 2011). The extinction rates
are far higher than baseline values and closer to those during major extinction events, and we
are potentially experiencing the sixth mass extinction event (Barnosky et al 2011; Pievani
Figure 1. Size of the world human population over the last 12,000 years. Adapted from Roser
et al (2019).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 2. Changes of Gross domestic product (GDP), domestic material consumption, and
extraction of living biomass (trillion USD at 2010 value) for groups of countries at distinct
development levels. Adapted from IPBES (2019).
Diversity patterns are not homogeneous across the terrestrial, marine and freshwater realms
(Dawson 2012). Although freshwater habitats only hold 0.01% of the global water volume and
cover around 0.8% of the Earth’s surface, they have a disproportionate species richness when
compared with their terrestrial and marine counterparts (Collen et al 2014). For instance, they
contain 40% of all fish species and a quarter of the global number of vertebrates (Dudgeon et
al 2006). Freshwater habitats are, however, among the most threatened at the global level
(Strayer & Dudgeon 2010; Vörösmarty et al 2010), given that they are rare, isolated by land
and seawater, and generally located downhill of human settlements and therefore exposed to
all kinds of runoff and human wastes (Strayer 2006). Freshwater water bodies have also been
intensively modified for human purposes; for example, many rivers have been intubated,
channelized and re-directed, and lakes dried or redesigned (Strayer & Dudgeon 2010). Water
level, flow, and substrate have been exhaustively impacted by thousands of physical barriers
such as dams, weirs, and floodgates, concrete embankments to prevent the overflow, and
extraction of sands, gravels and other inert materials (Strayer 2006; Reid et al 2019).
Therefore, freshwater habitats are suffering much higher biodiversity declines than those on
marine or terrestrial realms (Dudgeon et al 2006; Reid et al 2019). This pattern can also be
seen using the Living Planet Index developed by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF),
where the freshwater species index dropped more sharply between 1970 and 2012 than the
index for the marine or terrestrial populations (Fig. 3; WWF 2016).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 3. Evolution of the Living Planet Index (LPI) over the last decades. LPI is a measure of
the state of the world's biological diversity based on population trends of species from
terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. Adapted from WWF (2016).
Freshwater bivalves of the Unionida order, also known as Freshwater Mussels (FMs),
freshwater clams or naiads, belong to an old (>200 Mya), big monophyletic group of molluscs
that are strictly freshwater inhabitants and, for this reason, have a series of interesting
adaptations to allow them to survive under constant flow (Strayer 2008; Haag 2012). Contrary
to marine bivalves, FMs exhibit internal fertilization, parental care and, more interestingly, their
specialized larvae (glochidia) need to attach to a host (mostly freshwater fish) for dispersion
and nutrition until they metamorphose into juveniles and drop into the substrate (Graf &
Cummings 2006; Barnhart 2008). Freshwater mussels play key ecological roles (e.g. water
filtration, energy, and nutrient cycling, providing bioturbation or sediment mixing), and provide
valuable ecosystem services to humans (e.g. increasing water transparency, source of protein,
pearls and shell materials) (Howard & Cuffey 2006). This group of mussels has a wide
distribution and they often dominate many freshwater habitats regarding both the number of
individuals and biomass (Vaughn 2018). Unfortunately, FMs, like many other freshwater taxa,
have suffered a massive global defaunation over the last centuries (Dirzo et al 2004; Lopes-
Lima et al 2014) and are currently one of the most imperilled groups in the world (Fig. 4;
Lydeard et al 2004; Ferreira-Rodriguez et al 2019).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 4. Current extinction risk in different species groups. Adapted from IPBES (2019).
This is further exacerbated by the fact that to complete their life cycle, these mussels are
dependent on freshwater fish, which have also shown strong declines globally (Modesto et al
2017). Therefore, decline and extinction estimates of affiliate species such as FMs need to be
recalibrated by taking the host species fluctuations and extinctions into account (Koh et al
2004). Based on the current IUCN Red List and if data deficient species are as threatened as
non-data deficient species, 43% of all assessed FM species are currently threatened, with
13.2% being Critically Endangered and 6.3% already Extinct (Fig. 4; IUCN 2019). This situation
has caused a substantial increase in research and conservation action dedicated to FMs since
the emergence of ecological values during the 1970s (Haag 2012; Lopes-Lima et al 2014).
These research and conservation efforts have been, however, concentrated in a handful of the
more charismatic species (e.g., Margaritifera margaritifera and Unio crassus in Europe, and
Cumberlandia monodonta in North America), and in more economically developed regions
such as North America and Europe (Lopes-Lima et al 2014). Species in other parts of the world
are still poorly known and their conservation status poorly evaluated (Lopes-Lima et al 2014;
Ferreira-Rodriguez et al 2019).
Six families are currently recognized within Unionida based on morphological
characters (Graf & Cummings 2007; Bogan 2008). Two of them are present in the northern
hemisphere (Fig. 5): the Unionidae, which is by far the most speciose family of the order, with
around 600 species, and the Margaritiferidae, which has a much lower species richness but
with most species being at risk of extinction (IUCN 2019).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 5. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae.
Adapted from Lopes-Lima et al (2017a, 2018).
Two of the families are present mainly in the southern hemisphere not crossing continental
boundaries (Fig. 6), i.e. the Mulleriidae occurring in South America, and the Iridinidae in Africa.
Figure 6. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Iridinidae and Mulleriidae. Adapted
from Bogan (2008).
From the remaining two families, the Hyriidae is found in both South America and Australia,
while the Etheriidae was originally thought to be composed by less than ten species in South
America, Africa, and Asia, but due to recent revaluation is now considered restricted to Africa
(Fig. 7; Bogan 2008).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 7. Global distribution map of the freshwater families Hyriidae and Etheriidae. Adapted
from Bogan (2008).
Although several phylogenetic studies have been developed over the last decades (e.g.,
Bogan & Hoeh 2000; Graf & Cummings 2006, 2007; Whelan et al 2011), the phylogeny within
the order is far from stabilized and limited phylogenetic consensus has emerged, especially
regarding to the early evolution of the Unionida (Graf 2013). Phylogenetic patterns within the
families are also poorly understood due to the lack of sequenced taxa and limited robustness
of available phylogenetic analyses (Huff et al 2004; Whelan et al 2011).
al 2014). Additionally, more extrinsic factors like the identification and availability of the fish
host range, the main habitat requirements, and the sensitivity and responses to environmental
stressors like habitat degradation and pollution, are requiring urgent research (Modestro et al
2017; Ferreira Rodriguez et al 2019). This lack of baseline biological data is hindering
conservation efforts. For instance, the lack of knowledge on habitat requirements and
sensitivity to habitat degradation does not allow us to understand how riverine or lacustrine
habitats should be accurately rehabilitated to improve the status of FM populations. Also, the
lack of knowledge on traits involved in the reproductive cycle, such as reproduction timing
(fertilization, spawning, and larvae discharge), age of maturity, fertility, and host fish usage
slows down the implementation of captive propagation programs, necessary for reintroduction
and reinforcement of depleted populations (Patterson et al 2018). Species' baseline data are
not only important for species-focused conservation and research. Meta-analyses and
modelling studies on a wide spatial scale, depend on this type of data for designing bioregions,
prioritizing areas for conservation and evaluating threats and other environmental factors
affecting taxonomic groups, species assemblages and entire ecosystems (Kindsvater et al
Given that resources dedicated to conservation are limited, a careful selection of conservation
targets is required (Moilanen & Arponen 2011). Species are globally considered the essential
conservation units by policies and conservation status assessments (Fitzpatrick et al 2015).
Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly define species boundaries, which is not always an easy
task, especially in FMs (Chong et al 2016; Inoue et al 2018). FMs’ species delineation is many
times difficult due to the lack of clear morphological diagnostic characters, high shell plasticity
and morphological convergence among related species (Froufe et al 2016). For this reason,
molecular analyses have been increasingly used to define species boundaries in these
organisms (e.g. Chong et al 2016; Pfeiffer et al 2016; Inoue et al 2018). However, the molecular
delimitation of cryptic species is fundamentally questioned by the continuous and dynamic
nature of speciation (Chenuil et al 2019). There have been multiple ways and concepts on how
to define species (revised in De Queiroz 2007) but, since the last decades of the 20 th century,
we have mostly used a reproductive isolation approach or the biological species concept (Mayr
1982), which is not always easy to demonstrate. However, many scientists are now
increasingly using the monophyletic isolated lineages approach supported by multiple
arguments or the unified species concept (De Queiroz 2005, 2007) which is easier to
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
characterize and easier to validate molecularly. Over the last decade, several analytical
approaches on DNA sequences have been developed to identify species and define species
boundaries (Luo et al 2018). Many of them relied on a standardized segment of the
mitochondrial genome (a region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI with around 600
nucleotides) (Hubert & Hanner 2015). The choice of COI over other mitochondrial or nuclear
markers as the main molecular tag or barcode for each species, is due to several reasons: it
has a high discrimination resolution, is generally easy to amplify even from small amounts or
from degraded tissue, and standard protocols are available for amplification in a wide range of
taxa (Hebert et al 2003). More recently, methods applied to coalescent trees are being
increasingly applied not only to COI or single genes, but to multiple nuclear and mitochondrial
markers (Luo et al 2018). The identification of these molecular operational taxonomic units or
MOTUs allows scientists to identify and investigate hidden cryptic diversity and for species
recognition to advance faster than in classical morphological approaches (Kekkonen & Hebert
Conservation targets and prioritization should also include the evolutionary history
captured by specific sets of species or higher taxa, i.e. their phylogenetic diversity patterns
(Winter et al 2013). For example, phylogenetically unique taxa are generally of higher priority
for conservation; furthermore, metrics have already been developed to include phylogenetic
diversity in species rankings for conservation attention, such as the Evolutionarily Distinct and
Globally Endangered (EDGE) program developed by the London Zoological Society (Redding
& Mooers 2006; Isaac et al 2007).
1.5 Objectives
The overall goal of this dissertation is to advance the conservation biology of freshwater
mussels by combining research on phylogeny, systematics and ecology, showing how the
integration of multiple research fields has practical implications to preserve highly endangered
taxa. The specific objectives of this thesis are:
2. To reveal the main gaps of knowledge, conservation and research needs of FMs, using
data from the IUCN Red List database.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
5. To test the use of molecular data to define important freshwater mussel taxa for
conservation, estimating the phylogenetic patterns and potential molecular operational
taxonomic units.
The dissertation was organised in nine chapters, which together address the general and
specific objectives of the thesis listed in the previous section. The dissertation includes a
general Introduction (Chapter 1) and a General Discussion (Chapter 9), together with seven
chapters that correspond to seven scientific papers already published in international peer-
reviewed journals. Chapter 2 presents a review on the diversity, conservation status and
knowledge gaps. Two of these main gaps are the lack of knowledge about basic biological
traits and systematics clarification that are then addressed in Chapter 3 and Chapters 4-8,
respectively. Below, the main contents of each chapter included in the thesis are summarised.
Chapter 1 is an introduction to the main issues related to the dissertation theme. It
starts by describing the global decline of biodiversity and then focus on the target taxonomic
group of the dissertation – the freshwater mussels (FM) –, discussing its ecological and
economic importance, but also its threatened status and conservation concern. Subsequently,
the importance of basic biological research, taxonomy, and phylogenetic patterns for
conservation are highlighted.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
systematics framework for the classification of the Unionidae was also proposed using the
mitogenome phylogenetic results.
Chapter 9, presents the main conclusions of the dissertation, discussing the main
findings, highlighting the major shortcomings and caveats of the studies, and proposing future
pathways for research and conservation.
1.7 References
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Freshwater bivalves’ conservation, diversity, and
Paper I
Conservation of freshwater bivalves at the global scale: diversity, threats
and research needs.
Lopes-Lima M, Burlakova LE, Karatayev AY, Mehler K, Seddon M, Sousa R
Article published in Hydrobiologia 810, 1-14 (2018).
DOI: 10.1007/s10750-017-3486-7
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Campus Agrário de
Vairão, Vairão, Portugal
CIIMAR/CIMAR-Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, Terminal de
Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Avenida General Norton de Matos, S/N, 4450-208 Matosinhos, Portugal
SSC/IUCN-Mollusc Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, International Union for Conservation of
Nature, c/o The David Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom
Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222, USA
CBMA - Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Minho, Campus
Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Corresponding author: M. Lopes-Lima; e-mail: [email protected]
Bivalves are ubiquitous members of freshwater ecosystems and responsible for important
functions and services. The present paper revises freshwater bivalve diversity, conservation
status and threats at the global scale and discusses future research needs and management
actions. The diversity patterns are uneven across the globe with hotspots in the interior basin
in the United States of America (USA), Central America, Indian subcontinent and Southeast
Asia. Freshwater bivalves are affected by multiple threats that vary across the globe; however,
pollution and natural system (habitat) modifications being consistently found as the most
impacting. Freshwater bivalves are among the most threatened groups in the world with 40%
of the species being near threatened, threatened or extinct, and among them the order
Unionida is the most endangered. We suggest that global cooperation between scientists,
managers, politicians and the general public, and application of new technologies (new
generation sequencing and remote sensing, among others) will strengthen the quality of
studies on the natural history and conservation of freshwater bivalves. Finally, we introduce
the articles published in this special issue of Hydrobiologia under the scope of the Second
International Meeting on Biology and Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves held in 2015 in
Buffalo, New York, USA.
Bivalvia, Unionida, Venerida, IUCN Red List, Freshwater mussels, Conservation
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened on the planet facing unprecedented
pressures related to the increase of human population and socioeconomic development
(Dudgeon et al 2006; Vörösmarty et al 2010). Increasing anthropogenic pressure worldwide
results in habitat loss, habitat modification and fragmentation, overexploitation of natural
resources (including water), pollution, the introduction of invasive alien species (IAS) and
climate change (Malmqvist & Rundle 2002; Strayer & Dudgeon 2010). The biodiversity crisis
is one of the major consequences of steeply rising human demands, and among the animals
with high extinction rates are freshwater bivalves (FBs) (Lydeard et al 2004; Strayer et al 2004;
Régnier et al 2009; Lopes-Lima et al 2014, 2017a). The future survival of FBs is highly impaired
and considering the large suite of ecosystem services they provide (Vaughn 2017) scientists,
managers, politicians, and the general public need to strengthen their cooperation to conserve
these species.
Whereas over the last years multiple studies have been published concerning the
biology, ecology, and conservation of FBs, most of them were carried out in North America
and Europe (Lopes-Lima et al 2014). Consequently, a great ignorance about basic aspects
(e.g. distribution, diversity, abundance, population structure, and life cycle) concerning species
inhabiting South America, Africa, and Asia persists and much more information is needed for
these continents.
In the present paper, we compile data on FB diversity patterns, conservation status and
threats from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) database using a
species list adapted from Graf & Cummings (2017) and mapped them in ecoregions adapted
from Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag (2010). We also briefly discuss research needs and
urgent management actions that may help conserve these animals and introduce the articles
published in this special issue resulting from the Second International Meeting on Biology and
Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves held in 2015 in Buffalo, United States of America (USA).
to contain important invasive alien species (IAS) such as the quagga mussel Dreissena
bugensis Andrusov, 1897 and the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771), is also
included in the order Venerida. The remaining handful of FB species are scattered among
other essentially marine orders or families within the order Venerida (Fig. 1).
Figure 1 Global diversity of freshwater bivalves divided by families. The total number of
species in brackets.
Freshwater bivalves are present in all continents except in glaciated (except few sphaeriid
species) and desert areas, but the diversity patterns are not evenly distributed (Fig. 2). The
diversity is higher in the Nearctic (NA), Neotropics (NT) and Indotropics (IN) with ≈25% species
being found in each ecoregion. The Palaearctic (PA) and Afrotropics (AF) have a lower
diversity (≈10%) with Australasia (AU) being the poorest ecoregion (≈5%) (Fig. 2A). There are
also distinct distribution patterns across the main taxonomic groups. The Unionida is similar to
the general pattern for all FBs, with 33% of the species inhabiting the NA and 6% inhabiting
the PA (Fig. 2B). The distribution of pea clams is completely distinct with the hotspots of
diversity being the NT (31%) and the PA (22%), while the remaining diversity is scattered
among the other continents (Fig. 2C). Sphaeriids are also the only FB species that can live at
the higher latitudes of the Arctic, such as the islands of Iceland, Greenland, Baffin, Svalbard
and Novaya Zemlya (Schiøtte & Warén 1992; Bespalaya et al 2017). Finally, for Cyrenidae
and a few other remaining species, the major diversity hotspot is in the IN that contains almost
70% of such species, followed by the PA (18%), while other ecoregions have a much lower
diversity (Fig. 2D).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Diversity at an ecoregion scale is also not distributed evenly (Fig. 3). Within NA, the species
diversity is generally higher in the interior basins, while in the NT the diversity is higher in
Central America and the Orinoco, Amazon and Paraguay River basins (Fig. 3A). In the AF, the
Congo River basin is richer in Unionida species (Fig. 3B), and the Nile and Eastern African
River basins have a higher sphaeriid diversity (Fig. 3C). While the Western Palaearctic is quite
diverse in sphaeriids and dreissenids, Laurasia has a higher diversity in the IN, from the Hindu
to the Amur River basin (Figs. 3A, C and D). Within IN, the diversity of sphaeriids is higher in
the Indian subcontinent, while in the Unionida and the remaining groups the diversity is higher
in Indochina and Sundaland (Fig. 3). In AU, a higher number of species is found in the East
(Fig. 3).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Although specific diversity of FBs is similar in NA, NT and IN, there is a higher taxonomic
diversity in the IN than in NA and NT. In the IN there are representative species of 5 orders
and 10 families compared to the 2 orders and 4 families in the NA and 3 orders and 8 families
in the NT (Fig. 4). Even within the most species-rich FB family, the Unionidae, the IN exhibits
a much higher taxonomic diversity than all the other ecoregions, with representatives of all
subfamilies of Unionidae occurring there, except for the NA Ambleminae.
We would like to stress that diversity patterns described above may be underestimated
and may change substantially as a result of ongoing and future surveys in the less studied
regions of Southeast Asia, Africa, NT, and AU. For example, Bolotov et al (2017) studying the
FBs of a poorly known and remote basin (Sittaung) in Myanmar described two new genera
and seven new species. Also, even in Europe and NA, which are the most well-studied regions,
the knowledge of the diversity of Unionida is still undergoing considerable changes (e.g. Froufe
et al 2016a,b, 2017; Araujo et al 2017; Lopes-Lima et al 2017a; Williams et al 2017; Smith et
al 2018).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 4 Taxonomic composition and diversity of freshwater bivalves in each ecoregion. The
total number of species in brackets.
Thus, a higher percentage of large and more conspicuous unionids has been assessed
compared to other FB groups (Fig. 5, top). Some ecoregions (e.g. NA, AF, PA and IN) have a
high percentage of species evaluated, while species from AU and especially NT have a very
low Red List coverage (Fig. 5, bottom part). The percentage of threatened and near-threatened
Unionida species is higher in NA (67%) and PA (52%) than in other ecoregions, with the lowest
percentage (19%) in the IN (Fig. 5, bottom). This does not necessarily mean that fewer species
are threatened in the IN, since this ecoregion has a much higher percentage of data deficient
species, reflecting the lower level of knowledge and data on the threats available for IN
species. On the other hand, almost half of the species have been assessed as of ‘‘least
concern’’ in the AF, which might indicate a more favourable status of freshwater mussels in
this ecoregion.
Figure 5 Map of IUCN Red List conservation status for Unionida freshwater mussels by
ecoregions (bottom of the figure) and global conservation status for freshwater bivalves and
each major freshwater bivalve group (top of the figure). Ecoregion subdivisions adapted from
Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag (2010): NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA Palaearctic, AF
Afrotropical, IN Indotropical, AU Australasian. On the scale bar: NE Not evaluated by the IUCN
Red List; and the IUCN Red List categories: DD data deficient, LC least concern, NT near
threatened, VU vulnerable, EN endangered, CR critically endangered, CR (PE) critically
endangered probably extinct, EX extinct.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The IUCN Red List assessments are based on a set of five criteria: (A) population size
reduction, (B) small geographic range, (C) small population size plus decline, (D) very small or
restricted populations and (E) a quantitative analysis of extinction probability (IUCN 2012).
Most of the near-threatened and threatened FB species have been assessed using criteria A
and B and to a much lesser extent using criteria C and D (Fig. 6). Since criterion E needs
comprehensive data on a wide range of features (e.g. demography, life history, habitat
requirements, threats and management options), no FB species was ever evaluated using this
criterion (Fig. 6). Most FB species have been assessed based on their population size
reduction and geographic range contraction compared to a few species with very small
distribution ranges. It is difficult to assign a threatened status using criterion D for most FB
species due to their generally large distribution ranges.
The global pattern is similar in all ecoregions, except the NT and AF (Fig. 6). While the
NT pattern may not be very representative of the ecoregion due to the few assessed species,
in AF it reflects the poor knowledge about the population size and trends. This is due to the
lack of research that is being done in the AF, where survey and monitoring studies are almost
non-existent (Lopes-Lima et al 2014; Sousa et al 2016, 2017).
Figure 6 IUCN Red List criteria used for the assessment of freshwater bivalve species by
ecoregions. Ecoregion subdivisions adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag (2010):
AF Afrotropical, AU Australasian, IN Indotropical, NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA Palaearctic.
IUCN Red List criteria: A population size reduction, B geographic range, C small population
size and decline, D very small or restricted populations.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Freshwater bivalves are affected by multiple threats that range from natural system
modifications to degradation, pollution, introduction of IAS, exploitation and human
disturbance. Within the assessed FB species for the IUCN Red List, pollution is still the most
recorded global threat comprising 42% of all threats (Fig. 7). Natural system (habitat)
modifications such as the construction of dams and channels are the second most cited threat
(20%), followed by urban development, exploitation, agriculture, climate change, mining, and
IAS, together representing less than 10%. Other disturbances such as transport, recreational
activities and geological events only play a minor role.
The relative percentage of recorded threats is generally similar across the main
ecoregions with a few notable exceptions. For instance, in the NA and PA species seem to be
less threatened by climate change than the tropical and southern hemisphere ecoregions.
Conversely, in the more developed areas of the NA and the PA, habitat modifications seem to
negatively affect more species in these ecoregions than in the AF and IN. Exploitation is a
much more detrimental threat in the IN than elsewhere (Fig. 7). Harvesting of mussels for
human consumption in East and Southeast Asia is a major economic activity; for example, in
Vietnam, it may reach up to 50,000 tons per year in each major basin (Köhler et al 2012).
Furthermore, the ratio of agriculture-related threats is higher in AU and PA, mainly due to water
diversion and extraction.
Figure 7 Main threats for freshwater bivalves recorded from the IUCN Red List database by
ecoregions. Ecoregion subdivisions were adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag
(2010): NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA Palaearctic, AF Afrotropical, IN Indotropical, AU
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 8 Research needs for freshwater bivalves recorded from the IUCN Red List database
by ecoregions. A All assessed species in the IUCN Red List; B data-deficient species in the
IUCN Red List. Ecoregion subdivisions adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) and Haag
(2010): NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA Palaearctic, AF Afrotropical, IN Indotropical, AU
Australasian. DD data-deficient species in the IUCN Red List.
Due to the high risk of extinction, many species urgently need worldwide conservation actions.
Land and water protection was found to be the top conservation measure globally and
throughout all ecoregions, but especially for IN species (Fig. 9). Land and water management
is also shown to be one of the top priorities for FB conservation, particularly in the PA and AF
ecoregions (Fig. 9). Other types of conservation actions showed quite distinct patterns among
ecoregions. For example, stronger legislation is likely required for the AF, PA, NA, and AU, but
law enforcement needs to be enhanced only in the AF and PA ecoregions. Moreover,
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
increasing awareness of the general public about the importance of conserving FB is quite
essential for the PA and particularly in the IN. Special interest in species ex-situ propagation
and reintroduction programs is exhibited for the NA, emphasising the vast knowledge already
accumulated for many species in the ecoregion (Fig. 9).
Figure 9 Conservation needs for freshwater bivalves extracted from the IUCN Red List
database by ecoregions. Ecoregion subdivisions adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) and
Haag (2010): NA Nearctic, NT Neotropical, PA Palaearctic, AF Afrotropical, IN Indotropical,
AU Australasian.
Although many research gaps and conservation needs have been identified in the last years,
many recent technological advances can provide us with new insights that are needed for FB
research. For example, new remote sensing techniques like underwater video and side-scan
sonars may help survey FB populations and identify more favourable habitats (Powers et al
2014; Mehler et al 2016). The use of drones in semi-arid regions can aid in tracking and
identifying the remaining pools after droughts where mussels take refuge. These technologies
and the use of environmental DNA analyses may help gathering basic biological and ecological
data on distribution and abundance, which are still missing for many species (Stoeckle et al
2016). More powerful genetics and morphometric tools are also increasingly available, for
instance, new statistical tools for species delimitation using molecular and/or other types of
data such as morphometry and anatomical traits (e.g. Froufe et al 2016b; Pfeiffer et al 2016).
These tools are particularly important because many species present hidden cryptic diversity
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
engagement with local communities and stakeholders (e.g. providing training and lifelong
learning opportunities like workshops for public, better information dissemination and
accessibility of collaborative research even integrating participants from civil society into
surveys and research projects), publications and additions to national collections.
We thank the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Koen Martens for his help and support and the
coordinator of Springer Journals Editorial Office, Deepan Selvaraj, for his hard work and
assistance in the editorial process of this Special Issue. This work was supported by FCT-
Foundation for Science and Technology, Project 3599-Promote the Scientific Production and
Technological Development and Thematic 3599-PPCDT by FEDER as part of the project
FRESHCO: multiple implications of invasive species on Freshwater Mussel co-extinction
processes (Contract: PTDC/AGRFOR/1627/2014). FCT also supported MLL under Grant
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Froufe E, McGowan S. 2016. Factors driving changes in freshwater mussel (Bivalvia,
Unionida) diversity and distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. Science of the Total Environment
571, 1069-1078.
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Lima M, Pfeiffer JM, Sousa R, Do TV, Vikhrev I, Zanatta DT. 2017. Diversity, biogeography
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Hydrobiologia 810, 29-44.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Basic biological traits of Unio delphinus
Paper II
Setting the stage for new ecological indicator species: A holistic case study
on the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793.
Lopes-Lima M, Hinzmann M, Varandas S, Froufe F, Reis J, Moreira C, Araujo S, Miranda F,
Gonçalves DV, Beja P, Sousa R, Teixeira A
Article published in Ecological Indicators 111, 105987 (2020).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105987
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Setting the stage for new ecological indicator species: A holistic case study
on the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793.
CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Campus Agrario de
Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal
CIIMAR/CIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto
de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n, 4450-208 Matosinhos, Portugal
IUCN SSC Mollusc Specialist Group, c/o IUCN, David Attenborough Building, Pembroke St., Cambridge, United
CITAB-UTAD - Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences, University of
Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Forestry Department, Apartado 1013, 5001-811Vila Real, Portugal
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Campo
Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto (ICBAS/UP), Rua Jorge Viterbo Ferreira
228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
CIMO-ESA-IPB - Mountain Research Centre, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Campus de
Santa Apolonia, Apartado 1172, 5301-854 Bragança, Portugal
CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
Universidade de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal
CBMA - Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Minho, Campus
Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Corresponding author: M. Lopes-Lima; e-mail: [email protected]
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Due to their sensitivity and dramatic declines, freshwater mussels are prime targets for
conservation and environmental monitoring. For this, however, information is needed on life
history and ecological traits, which is lacking in many taxa, including threatened species.
Species recently described or recognized as valid are of particular concern, due to the shortage
of even basic knowledge. A case in point is the recently recognized and Near Threatened
dolphin freshwater mussel Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793, which is endemic to the western
Iberian Peninsula and has suffered marked population declines. To overcome information gaps
for U. delphinus, we carried out a holistic biological study across the species range, aiming to:
i) estimate the area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) based on updated
distribution data taken from the literature and recent surveys; ii) estimate growth patterns from
biometrical (shell dimensions and growth annuli) measurements taken on specimens from
seven populations; iii) estimate sex ratios from gonad tissue biopsies collected on specimens
from eight populations; iv) estimate gametogenesis through histological examination of gonad
and gill tissues collected monthly for a year, from a single population; and v) determine host
species from infestation trials of glochidia with co-occurring fish species. We estimated an
EOO of 706 km2 and an AOO of 61 km2, which together with data on declines assigns the
species to the Endangered category using IUCN criteria. Unio delphinus was found to grow
faster and to be shorter-lived (up to 11 years, maturity at around 2 years old) than other
European freshwater mussels. Growth and life span are similar across the range in lotic
habitats, but different from that in lentic habitats. The larvae of U. delphinus may attach to most
co-occurring fish species, but only native species were effective hosts. Native cyprinids,
especially those from the genus Squalius, seem to be the primary hosts. Overall, the
information provided contributes to a better conservation status assessment, selection of
conservation and rehabilitation areas, guidance for the establishment of propagation programs
and better timing for specimens’ manipulation including monitoring and possible translocations.
The framework presented here highlights the importance of basic biological studies to define
good ecological and physiological status.
Conservation, Unionida, Life-history traits, Growth, Host-fish
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The definition and requirements of ecological indicators have been subject to some debate
and confusion, but indicator species are undoubtedly important components for ecosystem
quality assessments (Heink and Kowarik 2010). A highly cited review by Carignan and Villard
(2002) identified two ideal general qualities for indicator species: negative association with
human disturbance, and habitat specialisation. Additional characteristics were described from
previous studies (Noss et al 1997): the potential as an early warning system, the discrimination
of the cause of change, the range of responses, and the cost-effectiveness of the survey.
Potential indicator species are often at the same time keystone, area-limited ‘umbrella’,
dispersal-limited, resource-limited, process-limited, or flagship species (Carignan and Villard
2002; Lambeck 1997; Noss et al 1997). However, even when matching all these criteria, there
is still a need for several disparate indicators, since each species reacts to disturbances at
different degrees and scales (Carignan and Villard 2002). Finally, for a species to be useful as
an ecological indicator, it needs first and foremost to be very well studied, so that survey data
allows distinguishing actual disturbance signals from variations that may be unrelated to the
deterioration of ecological integrity (Carignan and Villard 2002).
The bivalves of the Unionida order, also known as freshwater mussels, are key
elements of aquatic ecosystems (Lopes-Lima et al 2014, 2018). They play ecologically
important roles such as bioturbation or sediment mixing, nutrient cycling and energy transfer
from the water column to the bottom, among other processes (Vaughn 2018). However, this
faunal group, like most others in freshwater ecosystems, has been declining dramatically over
the last decades, with several species extinctions and many extirpations being reported
(Lopes-Lima et al 2014, 2018). Freshwater mussels are very sensitive to human activities, but
other intrinsic features increase the probability of extirpation or extinction. For instance, these
organisms generally have a slow metabolism, taking at least a year to reach sexual maturity
(Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). Also, they have a complex life cycle where larvae (glochidia) need
to attach to specific fish hosts (Modesto et al 2018). Given their important ecological role, but
also high sensitivity to habitat, water, and sediment quality, some freshwater mussel species
simultaneously fulfil criteria for indicator, flagship, and umbrella species, making them
important targets for environmental monitoring and conservation (Geist 2010; Lopes-Lima et
al 2017a). Like some freshwater mussel species (e.g. Margaritifera margaritifera), umbrella
species conservation strategies are directed towards wide home range species protecting
other sympatric species (Geist 2010). This is due to the high sensitivity of freshwater mussels
to environmental factors that can arise at different spatial scales, not only local but also regional
such as the land-use and geological influence over the whole catchment area (Strayer et al
2004). Freshwater mussels are also highly valued for their rarity, beauty and interesting
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
behaviour (Strayer 2017), which added to their tight interspecific relationships and frequently
high cultural value make them suitable ‘flagship species’ to raise support for freshwater habitat
conservation (Caro 2010). Due to their unique and crucial roles in ecosystem functioning, and
the high biomass in many habitats, they can also be considered ecosystem engineers, given
their large physical effects on the ecosystem (Gutierrez et al 2003).
In Europe, 20 freshwater mussel species are currently recognized (Froufe et al
2016a,b, 2017; Lopes-Lima et al 2017a; Araujo et al 2018). Species richness is higher in
central Europe but southern Europe presents a higher level of endemism and restricted-range
species (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). This is the case of the dolphin freshwater mussel Unio
delphinus Spengler, 1793, which was considered a subspecies of the widespread and more
common European Unio pictorum until its recent recognition as a valid distinct species (Araujo
et al 2009). Unio delphinus has suffered a 30% range decline over the last decades, mainly
due to habitat degradation, including pollution and changes in the hydrologic regime due to the
presence of dams or other infrastructures, poor river management and water shortage (Araujo
2011). The Iberian Peninsula, as most of the regions within the Mediterranean biodiversity
hotspot (Myers et al 2000), is suffering from water scarcity exacerbated by climate change and
associated instability (Robson et al 2013; Cid et al 2017). Similar negative impacts were
observed on the Iberian populations of other freshwater mussel species (Sousa et al 2012,
Invasive species are also pointed as one of the main threats to freshwater mussels
(Sousa et al 2014). Introduced predators like mammals, fish, and crayfish are known to
consume freshwater mussels and may cause local declines (Meira et al 2019; Sousa et al
2018, 2019). Zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha and the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea
can reach high densities in their invasive ranges and may outcompete native mussels,
reducing their fitness and growth and increasing mortality rates (Sousa et al 2011; Bodis et al
2014; Lopes-Lima et al 2017a; Ferreira-Rodriguez et al 2019; Modesto et al 2019). Given that
native mussels seem to depend on specific, and usually native fish host species to complete
their life cycle, changes in the fish fauna can also have deep implications on the mussel
populations (Douda et al 2013; Modesto et al 2018).
Over the last decades, there has been a rising awareness about the need to conserve
freshwater ecosystems and taxa, accompanied by the increase of dedicated conservation
funds, mainly in Europe and North America (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a, 2018). This has also
boosted research on freshwater mussel conservation (Lopes-Lima et al 2014). However, in
Europe, the majority of studies were concentrated on a small number of species present on
the European Union (EU) Habitats Directive, disregarding most of the other freshwater
mussels, especially those that were only recognized after the inception of that EU policy
(Lopes-Lima et al 2018), as is the case for U. delphinus. On the other hand, most recent
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
guidelines (IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee 2019) but, in our opinion, it
overestimates the AOO for linear distributed species such as freshwater mussels. Therefore,
we used another method to estimate AOO which better represents the known area occupied
by the taxon. This method to estimate AOO was first used by Gomes-dos-Santos et al (2019)
and consists in multiplying the mean width of the river by a longitudinal (along the river) 2 km
buffer, for each record point and then tallying up the number of records. The mean river width
was obtained per basin as the average of six equidistant points within the species range. As
for EOO, the first method used was the least convex polygon, as the smallest polygon in which
no internal angle exceeds 180 degrees and which contains all the sites of occurrence, as
suggested by the IUCN guidelines (IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee 2019). However,
since most of the species EOO is on land we feel that the terrestrial range should not be
accounted for, and therefore we used also a second alternative method recently published by
Gomes-dos-Santos et al (2019). This method consisted in multiplying the mean river width by
the sum of the river length between species distribution records in each basin.
Live specimens (n ≥ 30 per population) of U. delphinus with varied sizes were collected from
eight populations on Atlantic Iberian river basins (Sabor River: 41.239625, -6.967942; Douro
River: 41.152612, -7.765184; Mira Lagoon: 40.441897, -8.756483; Barrinha Lagoon:
40.450047, -8.797069; Mondego River: 40.204369, -8.361042; Ponsul River: 39.778456, -
7.432322; Guadiana River: 38.831016, -7.085385; and Vascão River: 37.516950, -7.579433)
(Fig. 1), chosen to represent a wide range of latitudes and habitats. All sites contain well-
established and healthy populations of U. delphinus and display a good ecological and
chemical status (Reis 2006; Oliveira et al 2007; SNIRH 2019) and never suffered from known
acute events of pollution.
The shells and growth rings of all specimens were measured (see below Section 2.3
for further details) for seven of these eight populations (excluding the Ponsul River population).
For the seasonal sexual development and determination of the age of maturity, 10 specimens
of U. delphinus were collected from the Sabor River population each month for one year (Fig.
1). The mussels were transported in a refrigerated box and processed within 24 h. The mussels
were anesthetized as described in Hinzmann et al (2013) and euthanized for histological
inspection (see below Section 2.4 for further details). To minimize eventual negative impacts,
the number of animals sacrificed was kept to a minimum.
Gonad tissue biopsies were collected for seven of these eight populations, (excluding
the River Douro Population). All specimens measured and biopsied (see below Section 2.5 for
further details), were then returned to their original locations.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
For the host compatibility experiments, 14 native and 6 non-native fish species,
representing the most common fish taxa with an overlapping distribution with U. delphinus
(Oliveira et al 2007; Lopes-Lima et al 2017a) were collected by electrofishing. For the same
experiment, six gravid mussels were collected from the Douro River population and
transported to the laboratory (see below further details about hosts in Section 2.6).
Figure 1 Map showing the known distribution records of Unio delphinus (white circles),
sampling sites for growth and sex-ratio (all red markers), and sampling site for the evaluation
of reproductive cycle (red square). Both maps are represented using the World Geodetic
System 84 (WGS84) projection.
Shell dimensions (length, width, and height) and the annuli or growth rings were measured
from each individual following Aldridge (1999). Individuals with shell abnormalities, incomplete
annuli, and eroded shell umbos were excluded from the analysis. The length of the annuli
dimensions was used to produce length-age plots for each population. Growth curves were
constructed using the Von Bertalanffy equation (Bauer 1992; Aldridge 1999).
The Equation was used in the form: Lt + m = cLt + d
Lt is the shell length at time t;
Lt + m is the shell length at time t + m;
m is the measurement collection interval (1 year in the present case, i.e. m = 1);
c = e-km being k the growth constant defining the rate at which the asymptotic length is
d = L∞ (1 - c), being L∞ the asymptotic length.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
For each population, the longest mussel length was used to calculate the maximum
age at each site, using the following formula t m = -1/k.ln[1 - (Lm/L∞)] (Ziuganov et al 1994).
Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVA) implemented in PAST 3.25 (Hammer et al 2001)
were then used to compare growth models.
Fish hosts
Experiments assessing the infestation capability of U. delphinus glochidia with native and non-
native fish species were conducted in July 2018. Extraction of the glochidia and infestation
trials followed the methodology described in Douda et al (2013) with a minimal bath volume of
0.5 L per fish individual containing a mean ± SD of 1489 ± 150 viable glochidia, added to each
tank. All fish were then separated by species in 40 L tanks (up to 3 fish per tank) to monitor
the developmental success of U. delphinus glochidia. A 3-mm net was used on the bottom of
each tank to avoid juvenile predation by fish. The tanks were part of a recirculation system
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
kept at 20 °C. Fish were fed daily with commercial fish food. Each tank was siphoned daily into
filters (mesh size 100 μm), that were examined for the presence of glochidia and juvenile
mussels. The proportion of successfully transformed juveniles (transformation rate) was
calculated following Douda et al (2013), using the recorded number of juveniles and the initial
number of attached glochidia (determined by the number of dead glochidia + viable juveniles
counted from each tank post infestation). The cumulative number of degree-days was
calculated by the sum of daily temperatures (all at 20 °C by controlled temperature) during
glochidia attachment. This was determined by multiplying the daily temperature by the number
of days during fish infestation. Five days after the last juvenile was recovered, we considered
each trial (N = 56) to be complete. Fish were then checked for residual attached glochidia.
Unio delphinus populations were recorded in most Atlantic basins of the Iberian Peninsula,
from the Ulla River in the north to the La Vega River basin in the south, near Gibraltar. It also
occurs in few Mediterranean coastal basins east of Gibraltar until the Guadalhorce River basin
near Malaga (Fig. 1; Appendix 1). The estimated EOO varies between 706 (multiplying the
mean river width by the river length within the extremes of the species distribution in each
basin) and 344,641 (using the minimum convex polygon EOO estimates) km 2. The AOO varies
between 61 and 2,000 km2 using the mean width of the river along the hydrographic network
or 2 × 2 km grid overlay methods, respectively.
Table 1
Growth parameters for Iberian Unio delphinus populations. L∞ is calculated from the Wolford equation, L max is the maximum observed length in
the field. The maximum age was estimated from Lmax
As for the maximum age, populations from the larger rivers, i.e. Douro and Guadiana, attained
the longest longevities (≈11 years) followed by the lagoon populations (≈9 years) and finally
by populations colonizing smaller rivers (≈7-8 years) (Table 1). ANCOVA show significant
differences in growth among all populations (F = 9.4, p < 0.01). No significant differences in
growth were detected when considering separately lagoon (ANCOVA, F = 0.07, p > 0.1) and
river (ANCOVA, F = 1.71, p > 0.1) populations.
Reproductive cycle
The general structure of the gonads of Unio delphinus
The gonads of U. delphinus fill most of the foot tissue surrounding the digestive tract. This
species is strictly dioecious, as no case of hermaphroditism was detected. Macroscopically,
gonad tissue presents sex-specific appearance and coloration. The gonad tissues of females
are dark-yellow/orange and are denser and granular, due to the presence of mature oocytes
(Fig. 3). The male gonad tissues have a lighter yellow coloration and were more fluid in terms
of consistency (Fig. 4). The microscopic organization of the gonads consists of highly branched
cell clusters (acini) surrounded by connective and muscular tissue. These acini were found full
of gametes throughout the year, independent of sex.
Female individuals presented follicles with reproductive cells in all development stages
throughout the year and the reproductive cycle is biannual, continuous and uninterrupted.
However, the prevalence of the different stages of development varies seasonally (see GDI
sub-section below). The oogenesis was mainly divided into five continuous stages, according
to the maturation stage of the gamete cell: oogonia, previtellogenic oocytes, early oocytes,
oocytes and mature oocytes (Fig. 3).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 3 Histological sections from female gonads of Unio delphinus stained with Hematoxylin
and Eosin (H&E). A - General aspect of female gonads (fa) organized in acini, in September
the acini showing gonads at all development stages of oogenesis, with several mature oocytes
(m) (scale bar 100 μm). B - Female acinus in September with a predominance of earlier stages
of oogenesis: oogonia (o), previtellogenic oocytes (pvo), pedunculated oocytes (po), and the
germinal epithelium (ge) are visible surrounding the germinative cells (scale bar 50 μm). C -
Female acini in May also presented different development oogenesis stages, dominantly the
earlier previtellogenic oocytes (pvo) surrounded by the germinative epithelium (scale bar 100
μm). D - Detail of female acinus in September showing pedunculated oocytes (po) with stalk
(s) visible and mature oocyte in the lumen (l) (scale bar 50 μm). E - Mature acinus in
September, full of mature oocytes (m) in the centre surrounded by earlier stages and
germinative cells (scale bar 100 μm). F - Mature female acini with mature oocytes (m) released
into the lumen (l), and muscle tissue (ms) (scale bar 100 μm). G - Female acinus in October
with only a few mature oocytes (m) already in the lumen (l), one showing two nucleoli (n) in the
nuclei, presenting still some early stages of oocytes and with several yellow bodies (yb),
indicating early signs of degeneration (scale bar 50 μm). H - Degenerative female acinus (dfa),
surrounded by an undifferentiated epithelium, but still presenting some stages of oocyte
development (scale bar 100 μm).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Oogonia represent the first stage of the gamete development (Fig. 3B), corresponding to the
smallest and rounder cells, located radially along the follicle next to the epithelial cells, with a
diameter between 10 and 13 μm. The nucleus is not visible due to the disperse chromatin and
the intense pink coloration is due to the cytoplasm acidophilic properties. This stage was rare
or inexistent during the peak of maturation and release of mature oocytes (corresponding to
stage 4 of the GDI, described below). In the next stage, previtellogenic oocyte (Fig. 3A and C),
the size of the cells increased, and the nucleus can sometimes be differentiated.
Previtellogenic oocytes still present a very acidophilic cytoplasm, and the size of the cells
varied between 13 and 18 μm. These cells can be found in the periphery or slightly internal
position in the follicle. The vitellogenic oocytes or early oocytes are bigger (20 - 30 μm cell
diameter) than the previous stage, but the main difference is the presence of one or more
(usually two) nucleolus in the nucleus and their localization that is more internal into the lumen
of the follicle. However, early oocytes can still be linked to the germinal epithelium by a
peduncle or stalk, as pedunculated oocytes (Fig. 3B and D). In the following stage, the oocytes,
the shape of the cells become more irregular (Fig. 3A, D, E, and F), at this stage the cell length
can vary between 50 and 60 μm, the nucleus and the nucleoli are visible in a central position,
in some sections is possible to see many vesicles of reserve substances inside the cytoplasm.
Finally, the mature oocytes or eggs can reach up to 100 μm length (cell diameter usually
between 70 and 90 μm: Fig. 3A, D, E, and F). The aspect of these cells is more diffuse,
presenting an acidophilic cytoplasm. The nucleus of mature oocytes is more difficult to observe
in section, but when visible it is smaller and with more basophilic characteristics than the
cytoplasm (Fig. 3G). At this stage, the gametes are concentrated in the lumen and fill the follicle
(Fig. 3D, F, and G), giving little space for the other cell stages. It was also possible to observe
some mature oocytes already in the ciliated gonoduct (not shown). After the major release
events, it is possible to observe a few mature oocytes in the lumen; however, the acini show
degenerative signs, being the integrity of the epithelium compromised (Fig. 3H).
The process of maturation of the gamete cells is here described in four stages, although they
occur simultaneously: spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa, which
corresponds to the mobile mature phase of the gametes (Fig. 4). The maturation of the cells
in the male follicle is concentric, with the early stages located more in the periphery and the
mature spermatozoa filling the centre of the lumen (Fig. 4A and E). Each cell stage shows a
tendency to aggregate in clusters, especially the spermatocytes and the spermatids (Fig. 4C).
In the case of spermatids, they were frequently found under the shape of morulae, where
groups of 3-12 cells could be found together (Fig. 4C, D and E). Spermatogonia are the first
stage of maturation of the male gametes (Fig. 4C and D). It corresponds to the larger cells with
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
a diameter between 6 and 9 μm and a more irregular shape. They were less frequently found
in the sections. These cells were usually found in the periphery of the follicle, with lighter
basophilic coloration. The interior of the spermatogonia is filled by the nucleus, with condensed
chromatin. The spermatogonia then pass to a second stage, the spermatocyte, through mitotic
division (Fig. 4C and D). With a spherical shape, smaller size, and a diameter between 4 and
6 μm, spermatocytes present dense chromatin that almost fills the whole cell, being the nuclear
membrane hardly visible. These cells develop by meiosis into spermatids which are even
smaller and rounder cells (3-4 μm diameter) (Fig. 4C and D). Spermatids are darkly marked
with the dye, highly basophilic, and present a polyhedral shape and homogenous dark nucleus.
These cells usually have a more internal distribution than the previous ones, and they are
frequently organized in morulae, where clusters of 3 to more than 12 spermatids can be found.
The spermatids develop then into the final stage of maturation, i.e. the spermatozoa (Fig. 4A,
B, E, and F). Spermatozoa were present throughout the year (except in two organisms from
August), but with the prevalence of the different development stages, varying seasonally (see
GDI section below). In fresh samples the flagella were visible, and its activity registered. These
cells present a rod shape in which the body length was approximately 3-5 μm and the flagella
10-20 μm. The spermatozoa with an oval shape had a very basophilic coloration, the cell
diameter varies between 2.0 and 2.5 μm. In many sections, it was possible to observe the
concentration of spermatozoa in the male ciliated gonoduct, ready for spawning (Fig. 4B).
Associated with the reproductive cells it was always possible to observe the presence of
several yellow-brownish bodies or granules in the follicles (Fig. 4C, D and E).
Following the reproductive cycle, it was possible to differentiate five different stages. Often the
same organism presented follicles in different stages, making difficult the representation of cell
maturation through time, which varied among individuals and seasons (Table 2).Stage 1 (early
active) and Stage 2 (late active) correspond in average terms to the initial stages of gametes
development, occurring in very short periods and almost simultaneously, just after the last
stage of development, i.e. stage 5 (resorption) (Table 2). Stage 3 (mature) corresponds to the
phase when gametes reach the maximum maturation. It occurred in two distinct periods, from
January to May and in October (Table 2). This stage is also when follicles reach their maximum
capacity, being full of mature oocytes, awaiting spawning. Stage 4 (spawned) is reached when
many of the mature oocytes were already released (but some can still be found inside the
follicles or the gonoduct).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 4 Histological sections from male gonads of Unio delphinus stained with Hematoxylin
and Eosin (H&E). A - General aspect of male gonads (ma) organized in acini in January, with
the acini showing gonads at all development stages of spermatogenesis, full with mature
spermatozoa (s) in the lumen, with visible muscle tissue (ms) and portions of the ciliated
gonoduct (cg) (scale bar 200 μm). B - Partial male acini in January, with male reproductive
cells at different spermatogenesis stages and germinative epithelium (ge) visible, in the centre
the ciliated gonoduct (cg) is full of mature spermatozoa (s) (scale bar 20 μm). C and D - Details
of male acinus in October, where is possible to identify different development spermatogenesis
stages, dominantly the earlier spermatogonia (sg), spermatocytes (sc), spermatids (st), sperm
morulae (sm) and the last stage spermatozoa (s), not so abundant (scale bar 10 μm). E -
Degenerative male acinus (dma) in August, at the beginning of the post-spawning period,
lumen with already some free spaces, presenting some yellow bodies (yb) and surrounded by
an undifferentiated epithelium, still presenting all stages of spermatozoa development (scale
bar 100 μm). F - Mature spermatozoa (s) in March, few sperm morulae (sm) and other
development stages (scale bar 10 μm).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Two peaks of maturation were registered during this stage, one larger from March to July and
a shorter one from November to December (Table 2). Stage 5 (resorption) closely follows the
previous stage, and it is characterized by the presence of empty, destroyed or degenerating
follicles with some yellow bodies present (Table 2). In this last stage, the presence of some
follicles already with gametes in the early stages and some free mature oocytes may also
occur. This stage was dominant in August but occurred from May to September and from
November to December. We only identified some organisms being exclusively in this stage
during September and October (Table 2). Although the gametogenic activity never ceases
completely, there is a decrease in activity during these months (Table 2).
Table 2
Monthly values of all identified Gonadal Development Index (GDI) stages in the male and
female gonads, and presence/absence of eggs and larvae (glochidia) in the marsupium of Unio
delphinus. See text for details on GDI.
Month Female gonad (♀) Male gonad (♂) Gills (♀)
stages stages
January 2, 3 4, 5 empty
February 2, 3 4, 5 empty
March 3, 4 3, 4, 5 empty
April 3, 4 3, 4, 5 eggs (rare)
May 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 eggs, glochidia
June 4, 5, 1, 2 2, 3, 4 eggs, glochidia
July 4, 5, 1, 2 2, 3, 4 eggs, glochidia
August 5, 1, 2 4, 5 glochidia
September 5, 1, 2 1, 2 eggs (residual)
October 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 eggs (residual)
November 4, 5 3, 4, 5 empty
December 4, 5 3, 4, 5 empty
Due to the extreme variation among contemporaneously sampled individuals and even across
follicles of the same individual, the distinction of the several spermatogenesis stages was more
difficult than for oogenesis. Similarly, as females, all male individuals present mature follicles
with gametes in a continuous cycle. Stage 1 (early active). Given that we never observed a
complete cessation of the reproductive cycle, follicles containing only early stages of male
gametes (spermatogonia and spermatocytes) were never found isolated in this stage. Follicles
from this stage were rarely found in organisms that presented also follicles at stage 5 or in
others that were already in stage 2 or 3 (April to May and September to October). Stage 2 (late
active) corresponds to the period were all stages of maturation of the male gametes are
present, except the mature spermatozoa that can be absent or rare. This stage was only
detected in September and October. Stage 3 (mature) is characterized by the presence of all
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
maturation stages in the male follicles, the follicles are full of mature spermatozoa that fill the
lumen. This stage occurred from March to May and from October to November, preceding
spawning. It is characterized by an abundant presence of mature spermatozoa, but also by the
high quantity of all the other stages (more in the periphery) and some yellow bodies. During
this period some free spermatozoa may already be observed in the gonoduct. Stage 4
(spawned) occurred practically throughout the year from January to August (with peaks in
March, May, and June) and from November to December. This stage is characterized by a
decreasing presence of spermatozoa in the follicles and an increase of the other cell
development stages, mainly spermatocytes and spermatids organized in morulae. During this
phase, the gonoduct is full of spermatozoa and the follicles presented empty spaces inside,
but no degenerative follicles were observed. Stage 5 (resorption) is almost inexistent, due to
the continuity of the cycle, occurring only in few organisms in January, March, August,
November, and December. This stage is characterized by the presence of empty follicles or in
degeneration in the male reproductive tissue, by fewer reproductive cells and by the abundant
presence of yellow bodies. There is a decrease in the number of follicles in the tissue, with
some follicles already presenting the early maturation stages of male gametes.
Unio delphinus females only use the outer pair of the female gills as a brooding chamber, or
marsupium, for glochidia (Fig. 5A-5E). The species only kept glochidia in the marsupium during
short periods (2-3 weeks) and may, therefore, be classified as tachytictic (short term brooders).
When the gills are filled only with eggs, they began to swell, and their coloration is intense
yellow (Fig. 5D). The brooding gills then become lighter and whitish as eggs mature into
glochidia (Fig. 5B and 5E). Eggs were detected from April to July, with two peaks, one in April
and one in June. Glochidia were detected from May to August, with two discharge peaks (May
and August). The organization of the eggs in the marsupial gill is in small conglutinates with a
feather shape (Fig. 5D). These conglutinates are generally composed of a variable content of
eggs and/or glochidia that may change throughout the cycle. When glochidia become
dominant before discharge, conglutinates become more diffuse and less evident.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 5 Histological sections from marsupial female gills of Unio delphinus, without and with
glochidia stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) (A and B); stereoscope images from the
gills (C and D) and free glochidia (E). A - Histological section from marsupial female gill in
April, devoid of offspring (scale bar 500 μm). B - Histological section from marsupial female
gills in July, full of mature glochidia (g) (scale bar 500 μm). C - Marsupial gill at stereoscope,
in March (scale bar 1 mm). D - Detail of gravid gill and feather-like conglutinate full of eggs
(Fs) (scale bar 1 mm). E - Mature glochidia at the microscope, in June (scale bar 200 μm).
Table 3
Sex distribution of selected Iberian populations of Unio delphinus
Population ♀% ♂%
Sabor River 47.2 52.8
Barrinha Lagoon 44.4 55.6
Mira Lagoon 50.0 50.0
Mondego River 47.4 52.6
Tejo River 48.6 51.4
Guadiana River 40.6 59.4
Vascão River 48.5 51.5
The infestation trials showed that U. delphinus glochidia attach mainly to native cyprinids and
the native brown trout Salmo trutta fario (Table 4; Fig. 6A). Conversely, glochidia were not as
successful in attaching to non-native species, which showed in general much lower infestation
rates (Table 4; Fig. 6A).
Unio delphinus glochidia successfully developed in 11 out of 14 native species tested (79%)
(Table 4; Fig. 6B). In contrast, non-native fish species never produced any viable juvenile
(Table 4; Fig. 6B). The glochidia transformation rates ranged from 0% for the native Southern
Iberian spined-loach Cobitis paludica, the European eel Anguilla Anguilla, the flathead grey
mullet Mugil cephalus and all non-native species, to 48.8% for the Northern Iberian chub
Squalius carolitertii (Table 4; Fig. 7). Fully developed juveniles were collected from the tanks
between 10 and 22 days post infestation, with the sum of daily temperatures during
metamorphosis ranging from 240 to 440 degree-days (Table 4; Fig. 7).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 4
Fish species studied and host compatibility test results, including the number and mean (±SD) length of fish per species, mea n initial number of
attached glochidia, mean number of viable juveniles produced and transformation rate ‘Transformation rate’ indicates the proportion of Unio
delphinus glochidia that successfully developed into juvenile mussels.
CENTRARCHIDAE Lepomis gibbosus 13 83.8 ± 10.2 103.8 0.0 -
Micropterus salmoides 3 123.3 ± 7.6 37.7 0.0 -
CYPRINIDAE Gobio lozanoi 6 75.8 ± 10.2 31.3 0.0 -
ESOCIDAE Esox lucius 3 171.6 ± 12.6 54.7 0.0 -
ICTALURIDAE Ameiurus melas 3 103.5 ± 6.1 5.2 0.0 -
POECILIIDAE Gambusia holbrooki 13 32.7 ± 3.9 3.1 0.0 -
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 6 A - Mean glochidial infestation (i.e. the number of glochidia per fish and mm of fish)
in all fish species; B - Effective transformation of glochidia into juveniles (i.e. the number of
juveniles produced per fish and mm of fish) in all fish species.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 7 Glochidial transformation rate and attachment periods (shown in bars) per fish host
This study describes for the first time the main life-history traits of the Iberian dolphin freshwater
mussel U. delphinus. This information is vital to increase the basic knowledge about the biology
and ecology of this species, and it may be used for mainstreaming this species as a valuable
environmental indicator and to develop conservation management programs for its
Unio delphinus is widely distributed in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, mainly in its
larger river basins, i.e. Minho, Douro, Tejo, Guadiana, and Guadalquivir (Fig. 1). This
distribution is extended to some smaller river basins north of the Minho and east of the
Guadalquivir. Populations south of the Tejo River basin are highly threatened due to habitat
degradation and fragmentation, and water shortage. As previously described (Gomes-dos-
Santos et al 2019), estimates of EOO and AOO are largely dependent on the method used.
The larger estimates of AOO using the 2 × 2 km grid would allow the species to be listed as
Vulnerable using the B criterion but we follow the suggested method of Gomes-dos-Santos et
al (2019), using the mean length of the river as the best estimation method, that places the
species as Endangered (Appendix 2).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
maximum longevity and age of maturity, the mean generation length of U. delphinus is about
5-6 years.
Fish hosts
As in all freshwater mussels, the life cycle of the Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel includes a
parasitic stage, in which the larvae (glochidia) need to attach to fish to continue their
development and metamorphose into a young juvenile (Modesto et al 2018). Therefore, it is
crucial to understand the dynamic interactions between freshwater mussels and their fish
hosts. Our study shows that U. delphinus glochidia may attach to all fish species on the trials
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
(Fig. 6; Table 4). However, it attached preferentially to native fish species, with the attachment
rates to non-native species being much lower. Furthermore, the effective transformation rate
of glochidia into juveniles only occurred in 10 cyprinid and 1 salmonid native fish species.
Transformation rates were especially high in all fish species from the genus Squalius, followed
by Luciobarbus, Salmo and Pseudochondrostoma species. This indicates a strong co-
evolutionary relationship of U. delphinus with native co-occurring fish and especially with
Squalius species. This link of the freshwater mussel genus Unio with cyprinids and especially
Squalius species has been previously reported (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). For example, except
for the more divergent Unio tumidus, all European Unio species seem to use at least one
species of Squalius as hosts (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). Furthermore, Squalius cephalus seems
to be the main host in some U. crassus populations (Taeubert et al 2012) and the Southern
Iberian U. tumidiformis is only able to metamorphose in Squalius species (Reis et al 2014).
The attachment period did not seem to vary much across the effective host species, occurring
between 12 and 22 days post attachment at a constant temperature of 20 °C with the sum of
daily temperatures during metamorphosis ranging from 240 to 440 degree-days (Fig. 7; Table
4). This speed of transformation seems to be lower than the southern Iberian U. tumidiformis
(Reis et al 2014) and more like that reported to the more closely related species the Eastern
Iberian Unio mancus (Araujo et al 2005).
season to minimize the impact on reproduction, and never during spring/summer where
manipulation and transportation stress may lead to reduced reproductive intensity and ejection
or abortion of larval content. Potential translocations should consider that enough time should
be given to specimens to settle before the heavy torrential floods that generally occur from
October onward, especially in the intermittent rivers in the South. Knowledge about the fish
hosts is also crucial for the future of the species. As already reported in other Mediterranean
species (e.g. Unio foucauldianus; Benaissa et al 2019), especially those with restricted ranges
in southern Europe or North Africa, U. delphinus seems to be unable to transform in any of the
non-native species. This turns the on-going biotic homogenization of the Iberian fish fauna due
to the constant introduction of new non-native fish species in Iberian freshwater habitats
(Clavero et al 2011, 2013; Anastacio et al 2019), one of the major threats to this mussel
species. Furthermore, species like Lepomis gibbosus and Micropterus salmoides are now
major components of many Iberian freshwaters. These fish are piscivorous and very
aggressive, making nests at the banks, where U. delphinus generally aggregates (Authors
pers. obs.). These invasive species maintain other native fish species far from the banks,
potentially decreasing attachment success of U. delphinus larvae. Conversely, most larvae will
attach to the non-native fish that will act as ecological sinks. The laboratory host fish studies
here developed should be complemented with future field experiments to test which fish
species are serving as the effective hosts and to better estimate the impact of invasive species.
Unio delphinus possesses many of the requirements for indicator species (Carignan &
Villard 2002), and here we provide a solid and comprehensive ecological and developmental
data baseline that will allow developing its potential even further. Besides its inherent
conservation importance, information on the growth patterns and life-history traits here
described should now be optimized for use as ecological indicators. This could be achieved,
for instance, by comparing populations exposed to distinct disturbance types and levels. More
comprehensive surveys of U. delphinus populations and varying compositions of co-occurring
fish species could help to develop standardized metrics to assess the status and integrity of
fish communities. Given that this mussel is unable to reproduce in most invasive fish, its decline
or local extirpation can be a direct effect of the decline, extirpation or changes in the fish fauna.
This already occurred in Lake Banyoles (Spain), where despite good abiotic conditions, all
native fish are now extirpated and replaced by many other non-native species, with freshwater
mussel populations declining and disappearing soon after (Garcia-Berthou et al 2000; Araujo
et al 2015).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Although the study of life-history traits has now become old-fashioned and generally
considered of local/regional interest or purely descriptive, conservation efforts are strongly
hindered by the lack of this basic knowledge. Furthermore, many recent studies, e.g. state of
the art modelling exercises and multispecies biological and biogeographical meta-analyses,
that are attracting a lot of scientific attention, strongly rely on these basic biological data. The
present study makes practical considerations about the conservation of a declining freshwater
species endemic to one of the global biodiversity hotspots and highlights the need to go back
to the basics and to promote the study of life-history traits of poorly studied taxa, especially
those of conservation concern.
This work was supported by Portuguese FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology,
Projects FRESHCO: Multiple implications of invasive species on Freshwater Mussel co-
extinction processes (PTDC/AGR-FOR/1627/2014-04/SAICT/2015), MUSSELFLOW: Host-
dependent evolution, ecology and conservation of freshwater mussels under varying
hydrological conditions: consequences of climate change (PTDC/BIA-EVL/29199/2017), and
ConBiomics: The missing approach for the Conservation of freshwater Bivalves Project N°
NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-030286, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and the
European Union through the ERDF. FCT also supported MLL under the grant
(SFRH/BD/115728/2016), CM under the grant (SFRH/BD/111133/2015) and through Strategic
Funding UID/Multi/04423/2019. PB was supported by EDP Biodiversity Chair.
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Scientific Name
Unio delphinus Spengler, 1793
Common Name
Iberian dolphin freshwater mussel
Taxonomic Notes
Unio populations from northwest Iberia were thought to belong to the widespread and more
common European Unio pictorum and the species name Unio delphinus its junior synonym,
until its recent recognition as a valid distinct species (Araujo et al 2009; Lopes-Lima et al 2017).
Unio populations from Morocco, previously thought to be U. delphinus, belong to a separate
species, the Moroccan endemic Unio foucauldianus Pallary, 1936 (Froufe et al 2016).
The species has been declining significantly up to 30% over the last three generations, being
this reported decline not enough to place the species in one of the threatened categories using
criterion A (Araujo 2009). However, the species is severely fragmented with an estimated Area
of Occupancy (AOO) of 61.45 Km2 and exhibiting an observed continuing decline in terms of
habitat, area of occupancy and number of populations. Therefore, the species is here listed as
Endangered B2ab(ii,iii,iv).
Geographic Range
Unio delphinus populations have been recorded in most Atlantic basins of the Iberian
Peninsula, from the Ulla river in the north to the Guadalquivir in the south and then east to the
La Vega River basin near Gibraltar. It also occurs in few Mediterranean coastal basins east of
Gibraltar until the Guadalhorce River basin near Malaga. Many populations have been recently
extirpated due to dam construction in the Douro and Guadiana basins. Populations on the
south have been disappearing due to decreased water levels.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Urban pollution, mainly in the coastal areas, has been the main cause of extirpation until the
beginning of the 21st century. The species has been threatened by habitat loss and
fragmentation due to the construction of dams and impoundments that continue to the present.
In the south of Portugal and Spain, water shortage is the main threat due to the increasing
demand for agriculture and urban purposes. This situation is further exacerbated by global
warming scenarios that will likely induce irreversible trends of desertification. Given that U.
delphinus seems to be unable to use non-native fish species as hosts, biotic homogenization
and fish introductions may become a major threat to the species, soon.
Conservation Actions
This species would benefit from the restoration and maintenance of ecological flows in dams,
wastewater treatment, river rehabilitation, and whole catchment management. The species
should benefit from propagation programs for reintroduction in restored habitats.
Research Needs
Long term surveys are needed to monitor the population trends of the most important
populations. Reproduction and ex-situ culture studies are needed for eventual propagation
Araujo R, Reis J, Machordom A, Toledo C, Madeira MJ, Gómez I, Velasco JC, Barea JM,
Ondina P. 2009. Las náyades de la península Ibérica. Iberus 27, 7-72.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Araujo R. 2011. Unio delphinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011:
Phylogeny of the family Unionidae
Paper III
Phylogeny of the most species-rich freshwater bivalve family (Bivalvia:
Unionida: Unionidae): Defining modern subfamilies and tribes
Lopes-Lima M, Froufe E, Do VT, Ghamizi M, Mock KE, Kebapçi Ü, Klishko O, Kovitvadhi S,
Kovitvadhi U, Paulo OS, Pfeiffer JM, Raley M, Riccardi N, Şereflişan H, Sousa R, Teixeira A,
Varandas S, Wu X, Zanatta DT, Zieritz A, Bogan AE
Article published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106, 174-191 (2017).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.08.021
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Manuel Lopes-Lima1,2,*,+, Elsa Froufe2,+, Van Tu Do3, Mohamed Ghamizi4, Karen E. Mock5,
Ümit Kebapçı6, Olga Klishko7, Satit Kovitvadhi8, Uthaiwan Kovitvadhi9, Octávio S. Paulo10,
John M. Pfeiffer III11, Morgan Raley12, Nicoletta Riccardi13, Hülya Şereflişan14, Ronaldo
Sousa2,15, Amílcar Teixeira16, Simone Varandas17, Xiaoping Wu18, David T. Zanatta19,
Alexandra Zieritz20, Arthur E. Bogan21,+
CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Campus Agrário de
Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal
CIIMAR/CIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto
de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n, 4450-208 Matosinhos, Portugal
Department of Aquatic Ecology, Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Marrakech, Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences, Semlalia, B.P. 2390
Marrakech, Morocco
Ecology Center and Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA
Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch, Chita
672014, Russia
Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University,
Bangkok 10600, Thailand
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Computational Biology and Population Genomics Group, cE3c - Centre for Ecology Evolution and Environmental
Changes, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
HydroGENomics, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA
CNR - Institute for Ecosystems Studies, Verbania Pallanza (VB), Italy
Faculty of Marine Sciences and Technology, Ískenderun Technical University, 31200 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey
CBMA - Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology, Department of Biology, University of Minho, Campus
Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
CIMO/ESA/IPB - Mountain Research Centre, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Campus
de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172, 5301-854 Bragança, Portugal
CITAB/UTAD - Centre for Research and Technology of Agro-Environment and Biological Sciences, University of
Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Forestry Department, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal
School of Life Sciences, Center for Watershed Ecology, Institute of Life Science, Nanchang University, Nanchang
330031, People’s Republic of China
Biology Department, Institute for Great Lakes Research, Central Michigan University, Biosciences Bldg. 2408,
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA
School of Geography, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih, Malaysia
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Research Laboratory, North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, MSC 1626, Raleigh, NC 27699-1626,
These authors contributed equally to the paper.
Corresponding author: M. Lopes-Lima; e-mail: [email protected]
Freshwater mussels of the order Unionida are key elements of freshwater habitats and are
responsible for important ecological functions and services. Unfortunately, these bivalves are
among the most threatened freshwater taxa in the world. However, conservation planning and
management are hindered by taxonomic problems and a lack of detailed ecological data. This
highlights the urgent need for advances in the areas of systematics and evolutionary
relationships within the Unionida. This study presents the most comprehensive phylogeny to
date of the larger Unionida family, i.e. the Unionidae. The phylogeny is based on a combined
dataset of 1032 bp (COI + 28S) of 70 species in 46 genera, with 7 of these genera being
sequenced for the first time. The resulting phylogeny divided the Unionidae into 6 supported
subfamilies and 18 tribes, three of which are here named for the first time (i.e. Chamberlainiini
nomen novum, Cristariini nomen novum, and Lanceolariini nomen novum). Molecular analyses
were complemented by investigations of selected morphological, anatomical and behavioural
characters used in traditional phylogenetic studies. No single morphological, anatomical or
behavioural character was diagnostic at the subfamily level and few were useful at the tribe
level. However, within subfamilies, many tribes can be recognized based on a subset of these
characters. The geographical distribution of each of the subfamilies and tribes is also
presented. The present study provides important advances in the systematics of these
extraordinary taxa with implications for future ecological and conservation studies.
Mollusca, Systematics, Freshwater mussels, Taxonomy, Classification
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Understanding phylogenetic diversity is crucial for conservation prioritization of freshwater
mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida), which are among the most threatened freshwater taxa in the
world (Lydeard et al 2004; IUCN 2015). Due to their ecological and economic importance,
interesting biological traits (e.g. a parasitic life with the reproductive dependence on a host fish
and a particular form of mitochondrial inheritance called double uniparental inheritance; Hoeh
et al 1996, 2002a ; Breton et al 2007; Barnhart et al 2008), scientific research on Unionida has
grown in recent years (Haag 2012; Lopes-Lima et al 2014). However, taxon-based
conservation efforts focused on the Unionidae are hindered by various phylogenetic and
taxonomic uncertainties (e.g. Inoue et al 2014; Pfeiffer et al 2015), and many species,
especially those outside of North America and Western Europe, have been assigned a Data
Deficient status by the IUCN (Bogan & Roe 2008; Kohler et al 2012; IUCN 2015). The
Unionidae is by far the most species-rich family within the order Unionida, with 620 species in
142 genera (Bogan & Roe 2008) widely distributed across the freshwater ecosystems of
Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. The first classification of the global Unionidae fauna
was attempted by Lea (1836, 1838, 1852, 1870), and later updated by Simpson (1900, 1914).
These works, in which the marsupium (i.e. the gill structure where the eggs and larvae are
brooded), anatomy, larvae type, and umbo sculpture were used as key classification
characters, divided the Unionidae into two subfamilies, Unioninae and Hyriinae (Table 1).
Subsequently, A.E. Ortmann performed a series of studies on North American taxa including
additional anatomical classification characters and divided the Unionidae into three
subfamilies: Unioninae, Anodontinae, and Lampsilinae (Table 1: Ortmann 1910, 1911, 1912,
1919, 1921; Ortmann & Walker 1922). In discussing his classification, Ortmann (1912) noted
the inadequacy of shell characters to define families and subfamilies due to widespread
convergences in shell morphology; a problem that was further discussed by Prashad (1931).
Apart from regional works (e.g. Frierson 1927; Iredale 1934; Haas 1940), little progress was
made on Unionidae classification until the middle of the twentieth century, when Modell and
Haas published their comprehensive classification systems (Table 1: Modell 1942, 1949, 1964;
Haas 1969a,b). Both Haas and Modell classification systems used a set of morphological and
anatomical characters but relied heavily on shell morphology. Haas (1969a,b) classified the
Unionidae into six subfamilies. One of these, i.e. the Hyriinae, combined species from South
America and Australasia and would later be recognized as a distinct family. Modell (1942,
1949, 1964) developed a more complex and inflated classification system, which organized
the Unionidae genera in distinct families and multiple subfamilies. Both authors’ use of highly
variable conchological characters for classification above the genus level led to incoherent
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 1
Historical classification systems of the subfamilies and tribes now included in the Unionidae. (Blue) subfamilies; (red) tribes; (nn) nomen novum;
(*) regional study; (?) rank uncertain.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 1 (cont.)
Graf & Cummings (2007) Bieler et al (2010) Whelan et al (2011) Carter et al (2011) This Study
Nevertheless, the work by Haas has been widely recognized as the more reliable in terms of
representing generic and sub-generic distinctiveness and is considered fundamental in
establishing the main genera of the Unionida and in particular, the Unionidae (Roe & Hoeh
2003). Concurrent with the work of Haas (1969a,b) and Modell (1942, 1949, 1964), an even
more inflated classification scheme was proposed by Starobogatov (1970) and Zatravkin &
Bogatov (1987), who relied on conchological differences and focused on the curvature of the
frontal section of the valves. This system is merely typological and was disregarded by most
of the western school malacologists (see Graf 2007) and emergent Russian studies (Klishko
et al 2014; Bolotov et al 2015).
A comprehensive molecular phylogenetic study of the Unionidae has not been
attempted to date, primarily due to the difficulties in developing a dataset of enough
geographical and species coverage. The first classification system using a phylogenetic
framework was published by Heard & Guckert (1970; Table 1) for the North American Unionida
fauna. Disregarding shell characters, these authors used a broad anatomical and reproductive
behaviour character set within a phylogenetic context. Their analyses resulted in the division
of the North American Unionidae into two families and several subfamilies. The subsequent
development of powerful molecular and statistical tools, providing a basis for more objective
approaches, has led to the publication of several studies on unionid phylogeny (e.g. Davis et
al 1977, 1981; Davis & Fuller 1981; Davis 1983, 1984; Hoeh et al 1998, 2001, 2002b, 2009;
Roe & Hoeh 2003; Campbell et al 2005; Graf & Cummings 2006; Zanatta & Murphy 2006;
Whelan et al 2011; Campbell & Lydeard 2012a,b; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013, 2015). In many of these
studies, unionid genera or species that had been identified by morphological characters were
not consistent with those revealed through molecular phylogenetic analyses (e.g. Nagel &
Badino 2001; Roe & Hoeh 2003; Campbell & Lydeard 2012a,b). Although the vast majority of
these molecular studies have focused almost exclusively on North American and European
taxa, geographic and taxonomic sampling has recently increased, particularly in Africa
(Whelan et al 2011; Graf 2013; Elderkin et al 2016) and Asia (Huang et al 2002; Zhou et al
2007; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013, 2015; Zieritz et al 2016).
Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have achieved considerable progress in
describing the main divisions within the Unionidae (Graf & Cummings 2006; Whelan et al 2011;
Campbell & Lydeard 2012a, 2012b; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013, 2015). The status of the North
American Ambleminae with four recognized tribes has been recently confirmed (Table 1:
Campbell et al 2005; Campbell & Lydeard 2012a,b). Studies including species from Africa and
the Indotropics examined the subfamily Parreysiinae in detail and recognized several
subfamilies (Table 1: Whelan et al 2011; Pfeiffer & Graf 2015). Despite the considerable recent
progress (Huang et al 2002; Zhou et al 2007; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013, 2015), the vast majority of
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
unionid genera from the Eastern Palearctic and the Indotropics have never been analysed in
a modern phylogenetic framework.
Based on bibliographical research, the classification of the Unionidae was recently
reviewed, establishing the currently accepted subdivisions of the Unionidae (Carter et al 2011;
Table 1). This classification divided the family into six subfamilies: the Ambleminae with a North
and Central American distribution; the Parreysiinae with a disjunct distribution primarily in Sub-
Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent; the Modellnaiinae with a single species from
Thailand; the Rectidentinae with a Southeast Asian distribution; and two subfamilies, the
Unioninae and Gonideinae, distributed through most of Asia, Europe, North Africa and west
coast of North America.
To increase the success of ongoing and future management efforts and to inform
conservation priorities more effectively, a better understanding of the evolutionary history of
freshwater mussels is necessary. Our objective herein is to improve the understanding of
unionid phylogeny through analysis of a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial molecular
markers from a wide coverage of genera. In detail, this study aims to: (i) resolve the main
phylogenetic relationships within the Unionidae; (ii) discuss the systematics, taxonomy, and
distribution of the recovered unionid subdivisions (subfamilies and tribes); and (iii) compare
the obtained classification with those based on morphological characters.
RNA (28S-RD1.3f and 28S-rD4b; Whiting 2002) were described in Froufe et al (2014).
Annealing temperatures of 48 ºC were used for COI (LCO1490 + HCO2198) and 28S; and 50
ºC for COI (LCO22me2 + HCO700dy2). Amplified DNA templates were purified and
sequenced by the commercial company Macrogen using the same primers.
Phylogenetic analyses
Two concatenated (COI + 28S) data sets were assembled, the Palaeoheterodonta dataset
with representatives from each of the families of the Palaeoheterodonta (Appendix A) and, to
decrease the number of poorly aligned positions of the 28S, the Unionidae dataset with only
representatives of the Unionidae (Appendix B). Both datasets were aligned using the stand-
alone version of GUIDANCE (version 1.5, Penn et al 2010) with the MAFFT multiple sequence
alignment algorithm (version 7, Katoh & Standley 2013). The following GUIDANCE parameters
were used: GUIDANCE score algorithm; 100 bootstrap replicates; a
sequence cut-off score of 0.0 (no sequence removal); a column cut off score of 0.0 (no columns
removal); global pair alignment. Incongruence Length Difference (ILD) tests were performed
to investigate incongruence between them (Farris et al 1994).
The best-fit models of nucleotide substitution under the corrected Akaike Information
Criterion were selected using JModelTest 2.1.8 (Darriba et al 2012) for each partition, of the
subsequent analyses.
For the Palaeoheterodonta dataset (Appendix A), a single scheme with 4 partitions was
applied, model GTR + I + G was optimal for the first and third COI codon positions and the
whole 28S, while model F81 was optimal for the second COI codon positions. For the
Unionidae dataset (Appendix B) more comprehensive analyses were executed including two
distinct partitioning schemes; the first with two partitions corresponding to each gene fragment
(COI and 28S) and the second with four partitions corresponding to the three codon positions
of COI and one for 28S. For the scheme with 2 partitions, model GTR + I + G was optimal for
both. For the scheme with 4 partitions, model GTR + I + G was optimal for the first COI codon
positions and the 28S, while model F81 was optimal for the second COI codon positions.
Finally, model GTR + G was optimal for the third positions of COI.
Two different analyses were then performed on all partitioned schemes of the
concatenated datasets using Bayesian Inference (BI) (BI2: 2 partitions, BI4: four partitions)
and Maximum Likelihood analyses (ML) (ML2: 2 partitions, ML4: 4 partitions). BI analyses were
performed in MrBayes v3.2.5 (Ronquist et al 2012) using the previously selected models.
Analyses were initiated with program-generated trees and four Markov chains with default
incremental heating.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 2
Specimens analysed. Uunkonwn country; *not generated from a single individual. Taxonomy follows Table 3.
Taxon COI 28S Country Reference voucher specimen)
Alasmidonta marginata Say, 1818 AF156502 AF400688 USA Graf & Foighil 2000; Graf & Cummings 2006
Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) KX822632 KX822588 Russia This study
Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758) KX822633 KX822589 Italy This study
Anodonta nuttalliana Lea, 1838 KX822634 KX822590 USA This study
Lasmigona compressa (Lea, 1829) AF156503 DQ191414 USA Graf & Foighil 2000; Graf & Cummings 2006
Pseudanodonta complanata (Rossmässler, 1835) KX822661 KX822617 Ukraine This study
Pyganodon grandis (Say, 1829)* AF231734 AF305384 USA Bogan & Hoeh 2000; Graf & Foighil 2000
Simpsonaias ambigua (Say, 1825) KX822666 KX822622 USA This study (NCSM30607)
Strophitus undulatus (Say, 1817)* AF156505 DQ191415 USA Graf & Foighil 2000; Graf & Cummings 2006
Anemina arcaeformis (Heude, 1877) KF667530 KX822587 China An et al 2016; this study
Cristaria plicata (Leach, 1814) KX822637 KX822594 Russia This study
Pletholophus tenuis (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833) KX822658 KX822614 Vietnam This study (NCSM84924)
Sinanodonta lucida (Heude, 1877) KX822667 KX822624 China This study
Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) KX822668 KX822625 Vietnam This study (NCSM84916)
Arconaia lanceolata (Lea, 1856) NC_023955 KX822591 China Wang et al 2016; this study
Lanceolaria gladiola (Heude, 1877) KX822648 KX822605 China This study
Lanceolaria grayana (Lea, 1834) KX822649 KX822606 China This study
Lanceolaria grayii (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833) KX822650 KX822607 Vietnam This study (NCSM84945)
Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788* KC703878 KC703644 France Prié & Puillandre 2014
Unio gibbus Spengler, 1793 KX822671 KX822629 Morocco This study
Unio pictorum (Linnaeus, 1758) KC429109 KC429447 (Europe) Sharma et al 2013
Unio tumidus Philipsson, 1788 KX822672 KX822630 Ukraine This study
incertae sedis (UNIONINAE)
Aculamprotula tortuosa (Lea, 1865) KX822631 KX822586 China This study
Cuneopsis heudei (Heude, 1874) KX822638 KX822595 China This study
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Distribution maps were constructed using data available from the IUCN database (IUCN 2015),
the Mussel Project website (Graf and Cummings 2016), the North Carolina Museum of Natural
Sciences database (NCMNS 2016), and additional reference works (Zhadin 1938; Haas
1969a,b; Moskvicheva 1973a,b; Brandt 1974; Ðang et al 1980; Clarke 1981; Zatravkin &
Bogatov 1987; Subba Rao 1989; Bogatov & Starobogatov 1992; Howells et al 1996; Klishko
2001, 2003; Prozorova & Bogatov 2006; Cyr et al 2007; Vinarski et al 2007; Kondo 2008;
Nedeau et al 2009; Bogatov 2012; Doucet-Beaupré et al 2012; He & Zhuang 2013). Because
distribution data were gathered and compiled from very distinct sources, ranging from
georeferenced data points, hydrographic basins and geographical regions or countries, the
distributions on the maps are represented with various patterns (e.g. political borders or
hydrographic basins).
phylogeny within Unionidae by the inclusion of samples from a wide coverage of genera and
geographic distribution.
On both of the following (COI + 28S) datasets, no indels were observed in the COI
alignments and no stop codons were found after translating the sequences to amino acids.
The ILD tests found no significant phylogenetic conflict between the COI and 28S for the
Palaeoheterodonta (p = 0.95) and the Unionidae (p = 0.94) datasets. The Palaeoheterodonta
dataset (COI + 28S) included 81 species in 55 genera, with a total of 1,091 bp (COI: 597 bp,
28S: 494 bp). Since the same topology in the supported nodes was obtained in the resulting
phylogenetic trees, the BI4 (Bayesian Inference with 4 partitions, see methods) topology is
here presented in Fig. 1. These analyses revealed the monophyly of the Unionidae in all
analyses with six supported subfamilies supported by the BI analysis (Anodontinae, Unioninae,
Rectidentinae, Gonideinae, Ambleminae, and Parreysiinae) showing the Parreysiinae as a
sister clade to all the other Unionidae.
The dataset including only Unionidae taxa spanned 70 species in 46 genera, with a
total of 1,032 bp (COI: 597 bp; 28S: 435 bp) aligned nucleotides. All resulting phylogenetic
trees yielded the same topology up to the tribal level, being the BI4 (Bayesian Inference with
4 partitions, see methods) topology presented. Both BI topologies were generally associated
with higher bootstrap support levels than ML topologies. Furthermore, the BI4 topology
resulted in slightly higher bootstrap values than the BI2 topology, presumably due to distinct
COI mutation rates.
The Unionidae is divided into two major clades, which are well supported in all analyses
and partition schemes, i.e. Anodontinae + Unioninae and Rectidentinae + Gonideinae +
Ambleminae (Fig. 2). At the subfamily level most clades are supported by the Bayesian
analyses, with the Rectidentinae also being supported by both ML analyses (Fig. 2). At the
tribal level, the same trend is observed, with all four analyses supporting Contradentini,
Rectidentini, Chamberlainiini, Lamprotulini, with the remaining tribes being supported mostly
by BI analyses only.
The subfamily Anodontinae is divided into three tribes (i.e. Anodontini, Cristariini nomen
novum and Lanceolariini nomen novum), and the subfamily Unioninae is not well resolved,
with Unionini being the only supported tribe. Available tribe names for the currently
unsupported group (sister to the Unionini) include Acuticostinae Starobogatov, 1967 and
Nodulariinae Starobogatov and Zatravkin, 1987. The subfamily Rectidentinae is sister to
Gonideinae + Ambleminae and encompasses two tribes (i.e. Contradentini and Rectidentini).
Both Gonideinae and Ambleminae are divided into four tribes each (see Fig. 2).
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree of the Palaeoheterodonta obtained by Bayesian Inference (BI) and
Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of the first combined (COI + 28S) dataset. Support values
above the branches are posterior probabilities (BI4) and bootstrap support (ML4) below. An
asterisk (*) indicates nodes with P ≥ 95% posterior probability or bootstrap support. Posterior
probability (percentage) or bootstrap support with P < 50% were omitted for clarity. All
subfamily nodes were collapsed for visual purposes.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 2 Phylogenetic tree of the Unionidae obtained by Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses of the second combined
(COI + 28S) dataset. Support values above the branches are posterior probabilities (BI4/BI2) and bootstrap support (ML4/ML2) below. An asterisk
(*) indicates nodes with P ≥ 95% posterior probability or bootstrap support. Posterior probability or bootstrap support with P < 50% were omitted
for clarity.
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
In summary, our molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed a division of the Unionidae into 6
subfamilies and 18 tribes, three of which are named here for the first time. Revisions on the
subfamilial and tribal classification within the Unionidae are discussed here along with several
lower-level phylogenetic and taxonomic considerations.
To complement the present molecular analyses, seven morphological, anatomical and
behavioural characters commonly used in traditional classifications of the Unionidae are
summarized for each taxon in Table C1.
Glochidial shape is diagnostic in dividing the Anodontinae + Unioninae (triangular) and
Rectidentinae + Gonideinae + Ambleminae (bilaterally asymmetrical or semi-elliptical) clades
(Table C1). No single morpho-behavioural character analysed herein is diagnostic of
subfamilies within these clades. However, within subfamilies, certain tribes are characterized
by unique diagnostic characters. Within Anodontinae, four characteristics (shell shape, hinge
structure, glochidial size and brooding period) separate the Lanceolariini from the Anodontini
+ Cristariini. Additionally, all taxa within the Lanceolariini analysed are characterized by
nodulous umbo sculpture, although this morphological character is highly variable within all
other subfamilies and tribes (Table C1). Within Rectidentinae, glochidial shape is diagnostic in
separating the Contradentini (bilaterally asymmetrical) and Rectidentini (semi-elliptical).
Among the four tribes in Gonideinae, the Chamberlainiini taxa are unique in exhibiting
ectobranchous marsupia (Table C1).
Classification system
Based on the present results, a new classification of the Unionidae is presented, including the
description of three new tribes: Cristariini Lopes-Lima, Bogan and Froufe 2016; Lanceolariini
Froufe, Lopes-Lima and Bogan 2016; and Chamberlainiini Bogan, Froufe and Lopes-Lima
2016 (Table 3).
100 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 3
Classification of the Unionidae based on the present analyses. (*) Not included in the present
ANODONTINAE Rafinesque, 1820
Anodontini Rafinesque, 1820
+ Alasmidontini Rafinesque, 1820
+ Strophitini Starobogatov, 1970
+ Pseudanodontini Starobogatov, 1970
+ Brachanodonini Bogatov, Sayenko & Starobogatov, 2002
*Arcidens Simpson, 1900 [+ Arkansia Ortmann & Walker 1912]
Alasmidonta Say, 1818
Anodonta Lamarck, 1799
*Anodontoides Simpson in F.C Baker, 1898
Lasmigona Rafinesque, 1831
Pseudanodonta Bourguignat, 1876
Pyganodon Crosse & Fischer, 1894
Simpsonaias, Frierson, 1914
Strophitus Rafinesque, 1820
*Utterbackia F.C. Baker, 1927
Cristariini Lopes-Lima, Bogan & Froufe, Nom. Nov.
Anemina Haas, 1969
Cristaria Schumacher, 1817
Pletholophus Simpson, 1900
Sinanodonta Modell, 1945
Lanceolariini Froufe, Lopes-Lima & Bogan, Nom. Nov.
Arconaia Conrad, 1865
Lanceolaria Conrad, 1853
ANODONTINAE (incertae sedis)
*Pegias Simpson, 1900
*Simpsonella Cockerell, 1903
UNIONINAE Rafinesque, 1820
+ Cafferiinae Modell, 1942
Unionini Rafinesque, 1820
+ Cafferiini Modell, 1942
Unio Philipsson in Retzius, 1788
UNIONINAE (incertae sedis)
Aculamprotula Wu, Liang, Wang & Ouyang, 1998
*Acuticosta Simpson, 1900
Cuneopsis Simpson, 1900
*Inversiunio Habe, 1991
*Lepidodesma Simpson, 1896
Nodularia Conrad, 1853
*Rhombuniopsis Haas, 1920
Schistodesmus Simpson, 1900
+ Hyriopsinae Modell, 1942
Contradentini Modell, 1942
+ Physunioini Starobogatov, 1970
Contradens Haas, 1913
Physunio Simpson, 1900
Trapezoideus Simpson, 1900
Rectidentini Modell, 1942
+ Limnoscaphini Lindholm, 1932
Ensidens Frierson, 1911
FCUP 101
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Type Species: Cristaria tuberculata Schumacher, 1817; junior synonym of Dipsas plicata
Leach, 1815.
Comments: The Cristariini includes one supported clade composed by the genera Anemina,
Cristaria, Pletholophus and Sinanodonta (Fig. 2; Table 3). The type genus Cristaria is not
monophyletic in the current analyses and since Cristaria plicata is the type species, Cristaria
tenuis is here reassigned to Pletholophus Simpson, 1900 following Simpson (1900, 1914),
Ðang et al (1980), and He & Zhuang (2013). Many species have been assigned to
Sinanodonta, primarily by the Russian school of nomenclature (Haas 1969a; Graf 2007), but
the validity of these placements should be tested using molecular tools. Sinanodonta lucida
was first described as Anodonta lucida and then assigned to Sinanodonta (Ðang et al 1980)
but both generic attributions are still being used (e.g. Huang et al 2013; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013).
Additionally, recent studies based on morphological data consider S. lucida as a synonym of
S. woodiana (Graf & Cummings 2016; He & Zhuang 2013). Due to the high genetic distance
between these two taxa (12.3%; COI uncorrected p-distance), Sinanodonta woodiana and
Sinanodonta lucida are here recognized as two distinct species. Finally, as mentioned above,
Anodonta beringiana, although not included in the present analysis, should be placed within
the Cristariini though its generic assignment remains to be investigated.
Diagnosis: Shell is usually thin, of elliptical to oval shape, with or without a posterior dorsal
wing. Umbo rather low, sculpture usually consisting of pseudo-concentric folds that are nearly
parallel to growth lines. Periostracum is usually rayed. Hinge is lacking in Anemina and
Sinanodonta but reduced lamellar lateral and pseudocardinal teeth may be present in Cristaria
and Pletholophus.
Distribution: The native range of Cristariini spans from Indochina to China, Korea, Japan, the
Sakhalin Island, Amur Basin, Kamchatka and Chukotka Peninsulas (in Russia) to the Aleutians
and the Pacific Coastal Region of North America, where it may be found as far south as Oregon
(Fig. 3).
Lanceolaria, giving support for the monotypic status of Lanceolariini with Lanceolaria as the
single genus.
Diagnosis: Shell is rather thick, of elongate or lanceolate shape and in some taxa, with
anteroposterior torsion. Umbo is low and positioned near the anterior end. Umbo sculpture is
strictly nodulous and usually restricted to the umbo area but in some cases more widespread.
Pseudocardinal teeth are well developed and long; lateral teeth are straight and thick.
Distribution: Lanceolariini are restricted to Far East Asia, from the Amur River basin (Russia)
to Japan, Korea, the Pacific basins of China and Vietnam (Fig. 3).
hooked, triangular and of medium size. The brooding type is tachytictic or short term (Table
C1). The Unioninae is one of the most widely distributed tribes, covering almost all of Europe
and Northwest Africa, as well as Vietnam, China, Far East Russia, Korea, Japan, and the
Sakhalin Island. Besides, two Unio species have disjunct distributions, i.e. Unio abyssinicus in
the Horn of Africa and Unio caffer in South Africa (Fig. 4).
Distribution: The tribe has essentially a western Palearctic distribution, extending from
Western Europe to European Russia and the Caspian basin. Also, three disjunct distributions
are known, i.e. one in the Transbaikal region in Russia and two others in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Fig. 4).
tetragenous in Hyriopsis and tetragenous in Ensidens and Rectidens (Table C1). The semi-
elliptical unhooked shape of Rectidentini glochidia distinguishes this tribe from the
Contradentini. However, semi elliptical unhooked glochidia are also present in other
subfamilies (i.e. Gonideinae and Ambleminae, Modellnaiinae, and Parreysiinae).
Distribution: Although the distribution of the Rectidentini significantly overlaps with that of the
Contradentini, its range excludes Bangladesh and the Islands of Sulawesi and Sumatra (Fig.
The second clade is composed of two tribes, i.e. the Gonideini and the Pseudodontini, and
one isolated species, i.e. Solenaia triangularis (Fig. 2). No single morphological character is
useful to diagnose the subfamily. All the studied genera have medium-sized semi-elliptical
unhooked glochidia and are tachytictic, though the marsupium location varies among tribes
(i.e. ectobranchous or tetragenous; Table C1). The Gonideinae has a scattered distribution in
the Northern Hemisphere, being present in restricted regions of the Palearctic, Indotropics and
Western Nearctic (Fig. 6).
116 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Considering the high levels of the decline of freshwater mussel species worldwide, an
understanding of the phylogenetic diversity is crucial for determining conservation priorities,
especially in poorly explored regions such as Central America and the Indotropics.
Conservation strategies should strive not only to maximize the current levels of biological
diversity but also to include phylogenetic patterns to maximize future levels of biodiversity.
Furthermore, due to the increasing development and biotic homogenization in tropical areas
(e.g. Malaysia and Indonesia) with dramatic negative implications on freshwater habitats,
conservation and management efforts targeting freshwater taxa are urgently needed.
The present study is an important contribution to the definition of freshwater mussel
diversity patterns, especially in the Indotropical and East Asian countries. Here, a phylogeny
of the Unionidae is presented with the greatest generic and geographic coverage to date,
based on a dataset comprising 70 species in 46 genera, 7 of these genera being sequenced
for the first time. Furthermore, it includes 57 species from 35 genera, thereby tripling the
number of analysed taxa from Anodontinae, Unioninae, Rectidentinae, and Gonideinae.
Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed the presence of 6 subfamilies in the Unionidae,
divided into 18 tribes, 3 of which are described here for the first time. Although we compiled
seven characters traditionally used in Unionidae systematics, no single one was found to be
diagnostic at the subfamily level and few were useful at the tribe level (e.g. larval morphology
for Contradentini). However, within subfamilies, many tribes can be characterized based on a
subset of these characters.
Representing a major international collaborative effort, this study provides important
advances in the systematics of these extraordinary taxa with implications for ecological and
conservation studies (e.g. assessment of conservation status and distribution).
Financial support was provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
(FCT) under grants to EF (SFRH/BPD/108445/2015) and MLL (SFRH/BD/115728/2016); the
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology under grant number IEBR.CBT.TS07/2015 for
the Vietnamese field research; the Central Michigan University Poyang Lake Research
Investment Fund and the Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research
Director’s Open Fund of Jiangxi Normal University for procurement of and analysis of some
Chinese specimens. The authors wish to thank: Jamie Smith, Collection manager of Molluscs,
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina, for all of her efforts to
ship tissue samples to be used in this project; the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Reservation for providing access to specimens of A. nuttalliana.
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Whiting MF. 2002. Mecoptera is paraphyletic: multiple genes and phylogeny of Mecoptera and
Siphonaptera. Zoologica Scripta 31, 93-104.
Zanatta DT, Murphy RW. 2006. The evolution of active host-attraction strategies in the
freshwater mussel tribe Lampsilini (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 41, 195-208.
Zanatta DT, Ngo A, Lindell J. 2007. Reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships among
Anodonta, Pyganodon, and Utterbackia (Bivalvia: Unionoida) using mutation coding of
allozyme data. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 156, 211-216.
FCUP 129
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Zatravkin MN, Bogatov VV. 1987. Large Bivalve Molluscs of Freshwater and Brackish Waters
of the USSR Far East. DVO RAN USSR, Vladivostok, Russia.
Zhadin VI. 1938. Family Unionidae. Fauna of USSR. Mollusca, Vol. 4. AS USSR, Moscow and
St.Petersburg, Russia.
Zhou C-H, Ouyang S, Wu X-P, Li M. 2007. Phylogeny of the genus Lamprotula Unionidae in
China based on mitochondrial DNA sequences of 16S rRNA and ND1 genes. Acta Zoologica
Sinica 53, 1024-1030 (in Chinese).
Zieritz A, Sartori AF, Bogan AE, Aldridge DC. 2015. Reconstructing the evolution of umbonal
sculptures in the Unionida. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 53,
Zieritz A, Lopes-Lima M, Bogan AE, Sousa R, Walton S, Rahim KAA, Wilson J- J, Ng P-Y,
Froufe E, McGowan S. 2016. Factors driving changes in freshwater mussel (Bivalvia,
Unionida) diversity and distribution in Peninsular Malaysia. Science of the Total Environment
571, 1069-1078.
Further Reading
Bogan AE. 2008. Global diversity of freshwater mussels (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in freshwater.
Hydrobiologia 595, 139-147.
Bogatov VV, Sayenko EM. 2002. On the structure and systematic position of the genus
Sinanodonta (Bivalvia, Unionidae). Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society
Bouchet P, Rocroi J, Bieler R, Carter JG, Coan EV. 2010. Nomenclator of bivalve families.
Malacologia 52, 1-184.
Cek Ş, Sereflişan H. 2011. The gametogenic cycle of Leguminaia wheatleyi (Lea, 1862) in lake
Gölbaşı, Turkey (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology A - Ecological
Genetics and Physiology 315, 30-40.
130 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Clarke AH. 1985. The Tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Anodontinae), Part II: Lasmigona and
Simpsonaias. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, District of Columbia.
Jeong KH, Min BJ, Chung PR. 1993. An anatomical and ultrastructural study of the glochidium
of Anodonta arcaeformis. Malacological Review 26, 71-79.
FCUP 131
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Kennedy TB, Haag WR. 2005. Using morphometrics to identify glochidia from a diverse
freshwater mussel community. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24, 880-
Khalloufi N, Boumaïza M. 2009. First record and biology of Unio gibbus Spengler, 1793 in
Tunisia. Biologia 64, 1178-1183.
King TL, Eackles MS, Gjetvaj B, Hoeh WR. 1999. Intraspecific phylogeography of Lasmigona
subviridis (Bivalvia: Unionidae): conservation implications of range discontinuity. Molecular
Ecology 8, S65-S78.
Kondo T. 1987. Breeding seasons of seven species of unionid mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
in a small creek. Venus 46, 227-236.
Kovitvadhi S, Kovitvadhi U. 2013. Effects of rearing density and sub-sand filters on growth
performance of juvenile freshwater mussels (Chamberlainia hainesiana) reared under
recirculating system conditions. Science Asia 39, 139-149.
Lima P, Monteiro SM, Sousa M, Machado J. 2012. A histological study of oogenesis in the
freshwater mussel Anodonta cygnea (Linnaeus, 1758) in Mira Lagoon, Portugal. Malacologia
55, 251-261.
Liu H-P, Mitton JB, Wu S-K. 1996. Paternal mitochondrial DNA differentiation far exceeds
maternal mitochondrial DNA and allozyme differentiation in the freshwater mussel, Anodonta
grandis grandis. Evolution 50, 952-957.
Mcivor AL, Aldridge DC. 2007. The reproductive biology of the depressed river mussel,
Pseudanodonta complanata (Bivalvia: Unionidae), with implications for its conservation.
Journal of Molluscan Studies 73, 259-266.
Nagel K-O, Castagnolo L, Cencetti E, Moro GA. 2007. Notes on reproduction, growth and
habitat of Microcondylaea bonellii (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Torrente Versa (Italy).
Mollusca 25, 41-49.
O’Brien C, Nez D, Wolf D, Box JB. 2013. Reproductive Biology of Anodonta californiensis,
Gonidea angulata, and Margaritifera falcata (Bivalvia: Unionoida) in the Middle Fork John Day
River, Oregon. Northwest Science 87, 59-72.
132 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Panha S. 1990. The site survey and the study on reproductive cycles of freshwater pearl
mussels in the central part of Thailand. Venus 49, 240-257.
Sayenko EM. 2012. New data on glochidia morphology of the freshwater mussel Pronodularia
japanensis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Honshu Island, Japan. Bulletin of the Russian Far East
Malacological Society 15/16, 128-133.
Wächtler K, Dreher-Mansur MC., Richter T. 2001. Larval Types and Early Postlarval Biology
in Naiads (Unionoida). In Bauer G, Wächtler K (eds), Ecology and Evolution of the Freshwater
Mussels Unionoida, pp. 3-125. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
FCUP 133
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Wang Y-N, Zhang G-R, Wei, K-J, Gardner JPA. 2015. Reproductive traits of the threatened
freshwater mussel Solenaia oleivora (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the middle Yangtze River.
Journal of Molluscan Studies 81, 522-526.
Williams JD, Bogan AE, Garner JT. 2008. Freshwater Mussels of Alabama and the Mobile
Basin in Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa.
Supplementary Material
Appendix A
Concatenated (COI + 28S) FASTA file of the Palaeoheterodonta dataset.
Appendix B
Concatenated (COI + 28S) FASTA file of the Unionidae dataset.
Table C1
List of morphological, anatomical and behavioral characters used in traditional phylogenetic and systematic analyses of Unionida. (Gln) Glochidial
size index; (Pse) Pseudocardinal teeth; (Lat) Lateral teeth; (L) Left valve; (R) Right valve. (*) Reported as bilaterally asymmetrical but see
discussion in Pfeiffer & Graf (2015) (mostly likely unhooked like other Pseudodon species). Umbo sculpture classification follows Zieritz et al
Brooding Marsupium
Taxon Glochidia shape Gln
Period anatomy
ANODONTINAE medium/large various ectobranchous
ANODONTINI large bradytictic ectobranchous
triangular large
Alasmidonta marginata bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.115)
triangular large
Anodonta anatina bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.122)
triangular large
Anodonta nuttalliana bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.092)
triangular large
Anodonta cygnea bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.096)
asymmetric large
Lasmigona compressa bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.092)
triangular large
Pseudanodonta complanata bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.099)
triangular large
Pyganodon grandis bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.141)
triangular medium
Simpsonaias ambigua bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.0645)
triangular large ectobranchous
Strophitus undulatus bradytictic
(hooked) (0.104) (anterior sections)
CRISTARIINI large various ectobranchous
136 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
triangular large
Anemina arcaeformis bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.126)
triangular large
Cristaria plicata bradytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.080)
triangular large
Pletholophus tenuis unknown unknown
(hooked) (0.072)
triangular large
Sinanodonta lucida unknown ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.190)
triangular large
Sinanodonta woodiana tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.156)
LANCEOLARIINI medium tachytictic ectobranchous
triangular medium
Arconaia lanceolata tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.037)
triangular medium
Lanceolaria gladiola tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.041)
triangular medium
Lanceolaria grayana tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.032)
triangular medium
Unio tumidus tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.042)
incertae sedis (UNIONINAE)
triangular medium
Aculamprotula tortuosa tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.059)
triangular medium
Cuneopsis heudei tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.054)
triangular medium
Cuneopsis pisciculus tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.044)
triangular medium
Cuneopsis rufescens tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.054)
triangular medium
Nodularia douglasiae tachytictic ectobranchous
(hooked) (0.043)
Contradens contradens unknown bradytictic ectobranchous
Ensidens ingallsianus unknown bradytictic tetragenous
Hyriopsis bialata medium (0.040) tachytictic ectobranchous
semi-elliptical medium
Hyriopsis desowitzi tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.025)
semi-elliptical medium
Hyriopsis myersiana bradytictic ectobranchous
(unhooked) (0.040)
Rectidens sumatrensis unknown unknown tetragenous
semi-elliptical ectobranchous;
GONIDEINAE medium tachytictic
(unhooked) tetragenous
CHAMBERLAINIINI medium various ectobranchous
semi-elliptical medium
Chamberlainia hainesiana bradytictic ectobranchous
(unhooked) (0.043)
semi-elliptical medium
Sinohyriopsis cumingii tachytictic ectobranchous
(unhooked) (0.049)
LAMPROTULINI medium tachytictic tetragenous
semi-elliptical medium
Lamprotula caveata tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.036)
semi-elliptical medium
Lamprotula leai tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.036)
FCUP 139
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
semi-elliptical medium
Potomida littoralis tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.036)
semi-elliptical medium
Pronodularia japanensis tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.040)
GONIDEINI medium tachytictic tetragenous
semi-elliptical medium
Gonidea angulata tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.036)
Leguminaia wheatleyi unknown unknown unknown
semi-elliptical medium
Microcondylaea bonellii tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.021)
Solenaia carinata unknown unknown unknown
Solenaia oleivora unknown unknown tachytictic tetragenous
PSEUDODONTINI unknown unknown tetragenous
semi-elliptical medium
Pilsbryoconcha exilis unknown tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.024)
semi-elliptical medium
Pseudodon cambodjensis* bradytictic unknown
(unhooked) (0.050)
Pseudodon cummingii unknown unknown tetragenous
140 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
semi-elliptical small
Quadrula verrucosa tachytictic tetragenous
(unhooked) (0.010)
FCUP 141
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table C1 (cont.)
Brandt 1974;
Ortmann 1916;
ovate, Pse: 1L, 1R;
Hyriopsis myersiana nodulous Panha 1990;
with wings Lat 2L, 1R
Panha & Eongprakornkeaw
1995; Uthaiwan et al 2001
double-looped, Pse: 2L, 2R (thin); Heard 1977;
Rectidens sumatrensis elongate
pseudo-concentric Lat: 1L, 2R Thiele 1934
GONIDEINAE various various various
CHAMBERLAINIINI posterior various various
Brandt 1974;
Kovitvadhi & Kovitvadhi 2013;
ovate, Pse: 2L (short, thick), 1R;
Chamberlainia hainesiana nodulous Panha 1993;
with wings Lat: 2L (small), 1R (strong)
Panha & Eongprakornkeaw
ovate, Pse: 2L, 2R; He & Zhuang 2013;
Sinohyriopsis cumingii pseudo-concentric
with wings Lat: 2L, 1R Wu et al 1999
LAMPROTULINI ovate various various, strong teeth
Pse: 2L, 1R; He & Zhuang 2013;
Lamprotula caveata ovate unknown
Lat: 2L, 1R Wu et al 1999
double-looped, Pse: 2L, 2R;
Lamprotula leai ovate He & Zhuang 2013
nodulous Lat: 2L, 1R
Cek & Sereflişan 2011;
w-shaped, Pse: 2L, 1R (thick);
Potomida littoralis ovate Şereflişan et al 2009;
double-looped Lat: 2L, 1R
Simpson 1914
Pse: 2L, 1R; Kondo 1982, 2008;
Pronodularia japanensis ovate nodulous,
Lat: 2L, 1R Sayenko 2012
GONIDEINI various absent or vestigial teeth
Heard 1974;
Pse: 1L, 1R (small);
Gonidea angulata trapezoidal pseudo-concentric Ortmann 1916;
Lat: absent
O’Brien et al 2013
146 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Paper IV
Revisiting the North American freshwater mussel genus Quadrula sensu
lato (Bivalvia Unionidae): Phylogeny, taxonomy and species delineation
Lopes-Lima M
Burlakova L, Karatayev A, Gomes-Dos-Santos A, Zieritz A, Froufe E, Bogan AE
Article published in Zoologica Scripta 48, 313-336 (2019).
DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12344
FCUP 149
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
CIBIO/InBIO - Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, University of Porto, Vairão, Portugal
Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, New York
CIIMAR/CIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, Terminal de
Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Matosinhos, Portugal
School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Semenyih,
Research Laboratory, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina
Corresponding author: M. Lopes-Lima; e-mail: [email protected]
Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) have suffered strong declines over the last century.
High morphological plasticity of Unionidae causes disturbances in their systematics and
taxonomy, hampering conservation efforts. Species that have historically been placed under
the North American genus Quadrula have suffered from numerous taxonomic and species
delineation problems since its inception. Four genera are presently recognized within Quadrula
sensu lato, that is, Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia, but their phylogenetic
basis remains incompletely tested. In the present study, we reconstructed several two-marker
(mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I - COI and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 - ND1)
phylogenies with newly collected specimens and all previously available sequences covering
most species within this group. We then delineated the species within the group using an
integrative approach with the application of molecular statistical methods, morphometric
(Fourier Shape) analyses and geographic distribution data. Four clades corresponding to these
genera were consistently recovered in all phylogenies. To validate the generic status of these
clades, molecular analyses were complemented with morphological, anatomical and
ecological data compiled from the literature. Several revisions are here proposed to the current
systematics and taxonomy of these genera, including the synonymization of Cyclonaias
asperata under Cyclonaias kieneriana; the inclusion of Quadrula apiculata and Quadrula
rumphiana under Quadrula quadrula; the placement of Quadrula nobilis under Tritogonia; and
finally the separation of the Mobile River basin populations of Theliderma metanevra as a new
species, that is, Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. The conservation implications of the proposed
changes are then discussed.
150 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Conservation programs and strategies are largely based on species as conservation units,
making species delineation extremely important as a basic conservation tool (Prié et al 2012).
However, taxon-based conservation strategies dedicated to the freshwater mussel family
Unionidae, one of the world's most endangered taxa, are hindered by phylogenetic and
taxonomic uncertainties (Lopes-Lima et al 2017). This is especially true within the most
species-rich Unionidae subfamily, the North American Ambleminae. Across the most recent
systematics studies, the Ambleminae is divided into five tribes (Pfeiffer et al 2019). However,
polyphyly and inappropriate species boundaries have been revealed in some of these tribes,
including the Quadrulini (Lydeard et al 2000; Serb et al 2003; Pfeiffer et al 2016). The
quadruline freshwater mussels are distinctive animals producing thick quadrate shells, some
of which are heavily sculptured. Shell morphology is highly variable within some species from
this group, hindering unambiguous species identification or generic assignment. As shell
morphology has been the original basis for Quadrulini systematics and taxonomy to date, the
systematics and composition of this tribe have suffered a series of changes since its first
description in the early 1900s (see Supporting Information Appendix S1 for an extensive
taxonomic history of the Quadrulini). From the beginning of the 20th century, species that had
been historically placed within the genus Quadrula sensu lato have been divided into four main
species groups, that is, the Quadrula sensu stricto, the pustulosa, the metanevra and the
Tritogonia species groups (Supporting Information Appendix S1). A molecular phylogeny of
these taxa by Serb et al (2003) largely confirmed these groupings and recovered four clades:
Quadrula sensu stricto, the pustulosa species group, the metanevra species group and a fourth
clade including Tritogonia verrucosa and Quadrula nobilis. Although these four clades are
commonly referred to as genera in regional checklists (Parmalee & Bogan 1998; Williams et
al 2008; Howells 2013) the molecular, morphological and ecological evidence supporting these
groups remains limited.
The present study is focused on re-examining the phylogeny, systematics and
taxonomy of Quadrula sensu lato, here defined as including the species from the genera
Quadrula, Theliderma, Cyclonaias and Tritogonia (Williams et al 2017). In detail, this study
aims to: (a) estimate the phylogenetic relationships of specimens collected in Texas with all
published Quadrulini sequences, using a two-marker approach (COI and ND1); (b) perform a
comparative shell morphometry evaluation to complement the molecular results; (c) define
species boundaries with a taxonomic revision of all analysed taxa; (d) test the four classical
generic constructs and their evolutionary significance; and (e) describe the conservation
implications of the obtained results.
FCUP 151
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1 Map of all sampling sites for the present study; both tissue and shell materials in red;
only shell materials in white
Table 1.
List of newly sequenced specimens for Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) datasets; nominal taxa,
new identification, site, main basin, and COI and ND1 Haplotype number and Genbank references.
ND1 was amplified using the PCR conditions and primers (Leu-uurF and LoGlyR) of Serb et
al (2003). Sequences were obtained with the BigDye sequencing protocol (Applied Biosystems
3730xl) by Macrogen Inc., Korea. Forward and reverse sequences were edited and assembled
using ChromasPro 1.7.4 (Technelysium, Tewantin, Australia). All new sequences have been
deposited in GenBank (Table 1 and Supporting Information Tables S2 and S3). Three datasets
were constructed as follows: one for COI, another for ND1 and a third concatenating COI and
ND1. The COI and ND1 datasets included all newly sequenced individuals and all Quadrulini
sequences available in the GenBank database for each gene (Supporting Information Tables
S2-S4). The COI + ND1 dataset included all individuals sequenced for both COI and ND1 plus
GenBank Quadrulini specimens with sequences available for the two genes (Supporting
Information Table S4). For each of the three datasets, sequences of additional specimens were
downloaded from Genbank and/or newly sequenced as outgroup (details in Supporting
Information Tables S2-S4). The three datasets were aligned with the MAFFT multiple
sequence alignment algorithm (Katoh & Standley 2013). Each gene alignment was then
restricted to its unique haplotypes, retrieved using DnaSP v5.1.0.1 (Librado & Rozas 2009).
Phylogenetic analyses were then performed on the three datasets using Bayesian
inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML). For the BI analyses, the best-fit models of
nucleotide substitution were selected using JModelTest 2.1.10 (Darriba et al 2012) under the
Bayesian information criterion. For each gene dataset, a three partition scheme was applied,
one per gene codon, with the following selected models: COI (GTR + I + G, HKY, HKY + G),
and ND1 (HKY + G, HKY + G, GTR + I + G). For the COI + ND1 dataset, a six-partition scheme
was applied for the three codons of both COI and ND1 with the same models selected for the
individual gene datasets. BI analyses were performed in MrBayes v3.2.6 (Ronquist et al 2012)
implemented in CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al 2010). BI analyses were initiated with
program-generated trees and four Markov chains with default incremental heating. Two
independent runs of 30 × 10 6 generations were sampled at intervals of 1,000 generations
producing a total of 30,000 trees. Burn-in was determined upon the convergence of log-
likelihood and parameter values using Tracer 1.6 (Rambaut et al 2014).
For the ML analyses, the same partitioning scheme was applied for each dataset with
the same model (GTR + G) for all partitions, and sequences were then analysed in RaxML
8.2.10 HPC Black Box (Stamatakis 2014) with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. Haplotype networks
were calculated using TCS 1.21 (Clement et al 2000) with a threshold of 95%.
first two are distance-based, that is, the BIN system implemented in BOLD (Ratnasingham &
Hebert 2013) and the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) (Puillandre et al 2012). For
the BINs system, the COI dataset without the outgroups was analysed with the Cluster
Sequences tool implemented in BOLD 4 ( (Ratnasingham & Hebert
2013). The ABGD species delineation tool was applied to all three datasets without outgroup
using its online version ( with the
default settings and the Kimura-2-parameter distance matrix (Puillandre et al 2012).
Two tree-based molecular species delineation methods were applied to all datasets,
that is, the single threshold Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent (GMYC) model (Fujisawa &
Barraclough 2013) and the Bayesian implementation of the Poisson Tree Processes model
(bPTP) (Zhang et al 2013). For the GMYC method, a Bayesian ultrametric phylogenetic tree
was first generated in BEAST 2.4.6 (Bouckaert et al 2014) with the previously selected models
for each partition and four independent runs of 20 × 10 6 Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
generations, sampled every 1 × 10 3 generations. Convergence of the parameters was
evaluated using Tracer 1.6 software (Rambaut et al 2014). The consensus tree was annotated
using TreeAnnotator 2.4.6 (Bouckaert et al 2014). The consensus tree was loaded into the R
software package “Species Limits by Threshold Statistics” (Ezard et al 2009) in R 3.2.0 (R
Core Group available at and analysed using the single threshold
model. For the bPTP, the BI phylogenetic trees previously obtained were used as input trees
in the bPTP webserver ( with 1 × 106 iterations of MCMC and 20% burn-
in. Finally, a 95% statistical parsimony connection limit was used, by using TCS 1.21 (Clement
et al 2000). Sequence divergences (uncorrected p-distance) were assessed using MEGA 7
(Kumar et al 2016).
For a detailed analysis of inter- and intraspecific variation in shell shape within the quadruline
genera Cyclonaias, Quadrula, and Theliderma, we used Fourier Shape Analysis, as developed
and explained by Crampton & Haines (1996). This method decomposes xy-coordinates of a
shell outline into several harmonics, each of which is in turn explained by two Fourier
coefficients. Xy-coordinates of the sagittal shell outline of 1,222 specimens from BSGLC and
NCMS collections (739 specimens of Cyclonaias spp., 254 specimens of Quadrula spp. and
229 specimens of Theliderma spp.; Supporting Information Table S1) were obtained from
digital photographs using the program IMAGEJ (Rasband 2008) and subjected to fast Fourier
transformation using the program HANGLE, applying a smoothing normalization of 3 to
eliminate high-frequency pixel noise. A preliminary analysis indicated that the first 10
harmonics described the outlines with sufficiently high precision. Discarding of the first
harmonic, which does not contain any shape information, resulted in a set of 18 Fourier
156 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
coefficients per individual. Outlines of all specimens within each of the three genera were then
rotated to maximum overlap by program HTREE, resulting in the final set of 18 Fourier
coefficients per individual.
For visual examination of variation in shell shape within and between true and nominal
species, principal component analysis was performed on the 18 Fourier coefficients of (a) all
true species (recognized by the molecular species delineation methods, see results) of
Cyclonaias, including a maximum of 50 specimens per species; (b) all nominal species of
Cyclonaias pustulosa; (c) only Cyclonaias kieneriana and Cyclonaias kleiniana; (d) all nominal
species of Quadrula; (e) all true species (recognized by the molecular species delineation
methods, see results) of Theliderma; and (f) only Theliderma metanevra and Theliderma
johnsoni n. sp. (see Supporting Information Appendix S2 for a detailed description of T.
johnsoni n. sp.). Synthetic outlines of extreme and average shell shapes were drawn using
program HCURVE as explained in Crampton & Haines (1996).
We assessed the rate of accurate identification of true and nominal species based on
shell shape using linear discriminant analysis (LDA) on the 18 Fourier coefficients. To test for
statistically significant differences in sagittal shell shape between species, multivariate
analyses of variance (MANOVA) were run on the 18 Fourier coefficients. Pairwise Hotelling's
post hoc tests were performed to identify significant differences between each pair of
true/nominal species. Statistical analyses were performed in PAST v.3 (Hammer & Harper
List of morphological, anatomical and behavioural characters of Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia as recognized in the present
Alignments and phylogenetic analyses
The COI dataset spanned 582 nucleotides (nt) and included 289 unique haplotypes (232
polymorphic and 192 parsimony informative sites). The ND1 dataset covered 619 bp with 339
unique haplotypes (297 polymorphic and 257 parsimony informative sites). Finally, the
combined COI + ND1 dataset was 1,192 nt long and included 325 individual sequences (501
polymorphic and 427 parsimony informative sites). No insertions or deletions and no stop
codons were observed in any of the datasets after translating all sequences to amino acids.
The results of the BI and ML phylogenetic analyses for the three datasets presented
similar topologies (Table 3), thus only BI phylogenetic trees are shown in Figs. 2-4. In the COI
phylogeny, the Quadrulini clade is monophyletic and well supported in the BI analyses. Within
the Quadrulini clade, the Megalonaias + Uniomerus clade is sister to a clade including three
well-supported subclades corresponding to the genera Quadrula, Tritogonia, and Theliderma,
and a clade including all Cyclonaias sequences (Fig. 2).
Results of repeatability clade analysis (RCA) of main clades corresponding to the preferred
Clades Analyses COI + ND1 COI ND1
BI 100 100
ML 74 55
BI 100 100 100
Quadrula sensu lato
ML 98 93 90
BI 100 95 98
ML 83 35 68
BI 100 100 100
Quadrula s.s.
ML 100 99 99
BI 100 100 89
ML 100 99 72
BI 100 100 100
ML 100 98 87
BI 65 97
C. infucata + C. kleiniana + C. kieneriana
ML 55 37
BI 99 99 100
C. petrina + C. nodulata + C. necki
ML 84 51 96
BI 100 100 89
C. pustulosa group
ML 99 64 45
Notes. In bold values higher than 95% (Bayesian Inference) and 70% (Maximum Likelihood).
The ND1 phylogeny recovered similar phylogenetic patterns to that obtained with COI.
However, in these analyses, the Quadrulini is not monophyletic, with the remaining
Ambleminae tribe clades, that is, Amblemini, Pleurobemini and Lampsilini clustering within the
Quadrulini tribe clade (Fig. 3).
FCUP 159
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 2 Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene fragment. The values above and below the nodes
indicate Bayesian posterior probability (bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood bootstrap values (bs), respectively. Values o ver 95% are
represented by an asterisk, and those <50% are not shown for clarity
160 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 3 Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) gene fragment. The values above and below the
nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probability (bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood bootstrap values (bs), respectively. Values over 95% are
represented by an asterisk, values below 50% are not shown for clarity
FCUP 161
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 4 Bayesian consensus tree inferred from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene fragments
concatenated dataset. The values above and below the nodes indicate Bayesian posterior probability (bpp) percentage and maximum likelihood
bootstrap values (bs), respectively. Values over 95% are represented by an asterisk, values below 50% are not shown for clarity
162 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The Uniomerus clade is sister to a clade containing the four remaining Quadrulini genera (i.e.
Quadrula, Tritogonia, Theliderma, and Cyclonaias; Fig. 3). While Cyclonaias, Quadrula and
Tritogonia are well supported, Theliderma has a low support value (Fig. 3). The COI + ND1
phylogeny shows Quadrulini as monophyletic with Uniomerus being sister to a clade
comprising four well-supported clades (Quadrula, Tritogonia, Theliderma, and Cyclonaias; Fig.
Within Cyclonaias, the clade labelled C. pustulosa includes specimens originally identified as
Cyclonaias aurea, Cyclonaias houstonensis, Cyclonaias mortoni, C. pustulosa, and
Cyclonaias refulgens.
All sequences from the nominal species Quadrula quadrula, Quadrula apiculata, and Quadrula
rumphiana cluster within the Q. quadrula clade in all phylogenies (Figs. 2-4). However, both
nominal species Q. apiculata and Q. rumphiana were found to be nested within Q. quadrula
(Figs. 2-4). Both the COI and ND1 95% threshold haplotype networks of the Q. quadrula clade
reveal a low number of mutations among the nominal taxa Q. quadrula, Q. apiculata and Q.
rumphiana (Figs. 5a,b).
Not many COI sequences of Theliderma are represented in the COI dataset, and therefore in
the COI and COI + ND1 phylogenies (Figs. 2 and 4). Nevertheless, in these phylogenies two
distinct clades were obtained in sequences from specimens of T. metanevra: one
corresponding to specimens from the Tennessee basin, and the other with specimens from
the Mobile basin (Figs. 2 and 4). The ND1 phylogeny is better represented with all species
recognized to date except for Theliderma stapes (Fig. 3).
The sequences of specimens originally identified as Q. nobilis cluster together with those from
T. verrucosa in all phylogenies forming a well-supported clade here assigned to Tritogonia
(Figs. 2-4).
FCUP 163
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 5 Haplotype (TCS) networks and uncollapsed Quadrula clade from Figures 2 and 3,
showing the relationships of nominal species within the Quadrula quadrula group for (a)
cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and (b) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1)
Pairwise uncorrected p-distance values among six of the nominal Cyclonaias species, C.
pustulosa, C. aurea, C. houstonensis, C. mortoni, and C. refulgens were low (≤2% for both
COI and ND1: Table 4).
Of the 14 putative Cyclonaias species, only nine were recognized as MOTUs based on
a consensus of all species delineation methods, applied on the COI, ND1, and COI + ND1
datasets (Table 5). The pairwise uncorrected p-distance between these recognized Cyclonaias
MOTUs varied between 2.8% (COI)/3.1% (ND1) and 11.2% (COI)/10.2% (ND1; Table 6). The
uncorrected p-distance within each of the recognized MOTUs was ≤1.2% for COI and ≤1.6%
for ND1 (Table 6).
164 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 4
Pairwise genetic distance matrixes of nominal quadruline species of the genera Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and Tritogonia, using the
original nominal taxa
C. houstonensis
C. kieneriana
C. pustulosa
C. kleiniana
C. nodulata
C. asperata
C. infucata
C. mortoni
C. petrina
C. aurea
C. necki
C. asperata 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.082 0.094 0.093 0.102 0.094 0.082 0.082 0.078 0.086
C. kieneriana ---- ---- 0.081 0.094 0.089 0.101 0.093 0.081 0.082 0.077 0.085
C. kleiniana 0.012 0.011 0.080 ---- 0.035 0.099 0.094 0.099 0.083 0.085 0.083 0.090
C. infucata 0.006 0.007 0.082 ---- 0.032 0.097 0.092 0.097 0.087 0.090 0.085 0.092
C. nodulata 0.006 0.009 0.077 ---- 0.088 0.083 0.038 0.040 0.063 0.063 0.064 0.062
C. petrina 0.007 0.006 0.076 ---- 0.095 0.090 0.028 0.047 0.063 0.062 0.064 0.061
C. necki 0.007 0.007 0.077 ---- 0.094 0.084 0.041 0.039 0.064 0.067 0.066 0.066
C. pustulosa 0.010 0.011 0.076 ---- 0.092 0.085 0.052 0.053 0.051 0.017 0.012 0.019
C. aurea 0.011 0.012 0.078 ---- 0.092 0.083 0.050 0.051 0.051 0.014 0.018 0.020
C. houstonensis 0.007 0.008 0.075 ---- 0.088 0.081 0.058 0.059 0.055 0.014 0.017 0.020
C. mortoni 0.013 0.012 0.075 ---- 0.086 0.079 0.052 0.054 0.055 0.020 0.019 0.020
C. refulgens 0.015 0.010 0.074 ---- 0.091 0.084 0.052 0.052 0.052 0.014 0.014 0.017 0.020
C. succissa 0.011 0.011 0.081 ---- 0.094 0.085 0.048 0.044 0.054 0.036 0.033 0.041 0.037
C. tuberculata 0.006 0.006 0.078 ---- 0.088 0.090 0.050 0.056 0.062 0.058 0.056 0.064 0.055
Q. quadrula 0.014 0.012 0.112 ---- 0.110 0.103 0.096 0.097 0.098 0.108 0.104 0.112 0.109
Q. apiculata ---- 0.018 0.105 ---- 0.096 0.096 0.093 0.089 0.095 0.100 0.099 0.103 0.100
Q. rumphiana ---- 0.010 0.105 ---- 0.099 0.095 0.093 0.089 0.095 0.097 0.092 0.100 0.097
T. cylindrica ---- 0.010 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. intermedia ---- 0.003 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. metanevra 0.017 0.021 0.091 ---- 0.092 0.096 0.094 0.093 0.090 0.084 0.087 0.086 0.088
T. sparsa ---- 0.002 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. verrucosa 0.007 0.008 0.096 ---- 0.105 0.093 0.102 0.104 0.098 0.105 0.107 0.104 0.105
T. nobilis 0.009 0.011 0.105 ---- 0.118 0.107 0.108 0.101 0.106 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.106
FCUP 165
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 4 (cont.)
Between Groups
C. tuberculata
Q. rumphiana
T. intermedia
T. metanevra
T. verrucosa
T. cylindrica
C. refulgens
Q. apiculata
Q. quadrula
C. succissa
T. nobilis
T. sparsa
C. asperata 0.080 0.083 0.094 0.101 0.107 0.114 0.112 0.143 0.111 0.105 0.114 0.115
C. kieneriana 0.079 0.083 0.096 0.101 0.109 0.111 0.116 0.143 0.111 0.106 0.111 0.114
C. kleiniana 0.084 0.092 0.088 0.109 0.116 0.121 0.110 0.143 0.117 0.105 0.112 0.123
C. infucata 0.088 0.095 0.093 0.108 0.110 0.117 0.115 0.139 0.116 0.110 0.107 0.125
C. nodulata 0.059 0.064 0.055 0.123 0.129 0.134 0.129 0.144 0.121 0.113 0.118 0.126
C. petrina 0.058 0.064 0.065 0.127 0.131 0.136 0.125 0.140 0.121 0.110 0.122 0.130
C. necki 0.062 0.070 0.059 0.127 0.131 0.134 0.127 0.147 0.126 0.115 0.116 0.126
C. pustulosa 0.012 0.033 0.054 0.108 0.112 0.116 0.121 0.136 0.115 0.106 0.105 0.119
C. aurea 0.014 0.031 0.051 0.107 0.111 0.115 0.118 0.136 0.119 0.107 0.106 0.118
C. houstonensis 0.013 0.029 0.052 0.103 0.107 0.111 0.116 0.134 0.114 0.105 0.101 0.118
C. mortoni 0.017 0.030 0.050 0.111 0.115 0.119 0.126 0.137 0.118 0.107 0.106 0.118
C. refulgens 0.027 0.049 0.108 0.113 0.116 0.120 0.137 0.116 0.106 0.104 0.116
C. succissa 0.035 0.053 0.109 0.113 0.122 0.124 0.144 0.126 0.113 0.110 0.119
C. tuberculata 0.058 0.053 0.115 0.117 0.120 0.127 0.146 0.126 0.113 0.116 0.121
Q. quadrula 0.108 0.100 0.098 0.017 0.027 0.104 0.139 0.116 0.108 0.109 0.105
Q. apiculata 0.100 0.092 0.085 0.034 0.020 0.109 0.143 0.117 0.112 0.111 0.107
Q. rumphiana 0.097 0.088 0.084 0.034 0.015 0.112 0.145 0.119 0.117 0.110 0.116
T. cylindrica ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.106 0.086 0.079 0.122 0.126
T. intermedia ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.081 0.073 0.135 0.137
T. metanevra 0.088 0.095 0.083 0.101 0.090 0.096 0.040 0.115 0.126
T. sparsa ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.105 0.106
T. verrucosa 0.106 0.100 0.098 0.114 0.116 ---- ---- 0.116 ---- 0.096 0.093
T. nobilis 0.102 0.099 0.114 0.110 0.116 ---- ---- 0.114 ---- 0.114 0.085
166 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 5
Results of molecular species delineation methods
C. asperata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. kieneriana - - - - - ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - ✓
C. infucata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. kleiniana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. nodulata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. petrina ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. necki ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. pustulosa ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. aurea
C. houstonensis ✓
C. mortoni ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. refulgens
C. succissa ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
C. tuberculata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Quadrula ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Q. quadrula 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Q. quadrula 2 ✓ ✓ ✓
Q. quadrula 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Q. apiculata ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Q. rumphiana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T. cylindrica - - - - - ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - ✓
T. intermedia - - - - - ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - ✓
T. metanevra ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T. johnsoni n. sp. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T. sparsa - - - - - ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - ✓
Tritogonia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T. verrucosa ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
T. nobilis ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Notes. ✓: recognized as a molecular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU); : not recognized as a MOTU; -: not
FCUP 167
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Table 6
Pairwise genetic distance matrixes of quadruline species of the genera Cyclonaias, Quadrula,
Theliderma, and Tritogonia, as recognized in the present study
C. kieneriana
C. pustulosa
C. kleiniana
C. nodulata
C. infucata
C. petrina
C. necki
C. kieneriana 0.012 0.012 0.094 0.082 0.093 0.102 0.094 0.082
C. infucata 0.006 0.007 0.082 0.035 0.097 0.092 0.097 0.089
C. kleiniana 0.012 0.011 0.080 0.032 0.099 0.094 0.099 0.085
C. nodulata 0.006 0.009 0.077 0.083 0.088 0.038 0.04 0.063
C. petrina 0.007 0.006 0.076 0.090 0.095 0.028 0.047 0.062
C. necki 0.007 0.007 0.077 0.084 0.094 0.041 0.039 0.065
C. pustulosa 0.016 0.016 0.076 0.082 0.089 0.052 0.053 0.052
C. succissa 0.011 0.011 0.081 0.085 0.094 0.048 0.044 0.054 0.036
C. tuberculata 0.006 0.006 0.078 0.090 0.088 0.050 0.056 0.062 0.057
Q. quadrula 0.017 0.019 0.112 0.103 0.109 0.096 0.096 0.098 0.107
T. cylindrica ---- 0.010 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. intermedia ---- 0.003 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. metanevra 0.009 0.005 0.090 0.095 0.091 0.093 0.094 0.090 0.086
T. johnsoni ---- 0.002 0.093 0.099 0.096 0.095 0.092 0.088 0.088
T. sparsa ---- 0.002 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
T. verrucosa 0.007 0.008 0.096 0.093 0.105 0.102 0.104 0.098 0.105
T. nobilis 0.009 0.011 0.105 0.107 0.118 0.108 0.101 0.106 0.103
Between groups
C. tuberculata
T. metanevra
T. intermedia
T. verrucosa
T. cylindrica
Q. quadrula
C. succissa
T. johnsoni
T. sparsa
T. nobilis
C. kieneriana 0.083 0.095 0.107 0.112 0.143 0.111 0.111 0.105 0.114 0.115
C. infucata 0.095 0.093 0.112 0.115 0.139 0.117 0.115 0.110 0.107 0.125
C. kleiniana 0.092 0.088 0.115 0.110 0.143 0.118 0.116 0.105 0.112 0.123
C. nodulata 0.064 0.055 0.128 0.129 0.144 0.123 0.117 0.113 0.118 0.126
C. petrina 0.064 0.065 0.131 0.125 0.14 0.125 0.114 0.110 0.122 0.130
C. necki 0.07 0.059 0.13 0.127 0.147 0.129 0.12 0.115 0.116 0.126
C. pustulosa 0.031 0.052 0.112 0.121 0.136 0.119 0.112 0.106 0.105 0.118
C. succissa 0.053 0.114 0.124 0.144 0.129 0.118 0.113 0.11 0.119
C. tuberculata 0.053 0.117 0.127 0.146 0.126 0.126 0.113 0.116 0.121
Q. quadrula 0.100 0.097 0.108 0.141 0.122 0.109 0.112 0.110 0.110
T. cylindrica ---- ---- ---- 0.106 0.088 0.082 0.079 0.122 0.126
T. intermedia ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.084 0.076 0.073 0.135 0.137
T. metanevra 0.096 0.083 0.102 ---- ---- 0.035 0.042 0.117 0.129
T. johnsoni 0.094 0.085 0.094 ---- ---- 0.032 0.036 0.109 0.121
T. sparsa ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.105 0.106
T. verrucosa 0.100 0.098 0.114 ---- ---- 0.096 0.097 ---- 0.093
T. nobilis 0.099 0.114 0.110 ---- ---- 0.115 0.107 ---- 0.085
168 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The pairwise uncorrected p-distance among all nominal Quadrula species varied from 1.4%
(COI)/1.7% (ND1) to 3.4% (COI)/2.7% (ND1; Table 4). Considering the three datasets, only a
single MOTU was consensually recognized for the Quadrula genus (Table 5) with a within the
p-distance value of 1.7% for COI and 1.9% for ND1 (Table 6).
The pairwise uncorrected p-distance among all the nominal Theliderma species ranged
between 4.0% and 10.6% for ND1(Table 4). The higher within p-distance recorded value was
reached for T. metanevra, 1.7% for COI and 2.1% for ND1 (Table 4).
All originally described Theliderma species are here recognized as MOTUs with T.
metanevra being further divided into two distinct MOTUs, that is, T. metanevra for specimens
from the Tennessee River basin and T. johnsoni n. sp. from the Mobile River basin (Table 5).
The p-distance values among the recognized Theliderma MOTUs varied between 3.5% and
10.1% for ND1 (Table 6). The p-distance within each of the recognized MOTUs was ≤0.9% for
ND1 (Table 6).
Our analyses revealed a complete consensus of two individual MOTUs within the Tritogonia
genus (Table 5). The two recognized MOTUs T. verrucosa and Tritogonia nobilis exhibited
high interspecific p-distance divergence, 8.5% (COI)/9.3% (ND1), and low intraspecific p-
distance <0.9% for COI and <1.1% ND1 (Table 6).
Linear discriminant analysis on the 18 Fourier coefficients extracted through Fourier Shape
Analysis for all Cyclonaias species recognized in this study assigned 75% of individuals to the
correct species (Fig. 6a). Species that are particularly difficult to separate by shell shape are
C. kieneriana and C. pustulosa (16% misidentifications), and Cyclonaias infucata and C.
kleiniana (10%). Also, most true species differed significantly from each other in their shell
shape as approximated by 18 Fourier coefficients, except for C. infucata and C. kleiniana
(MANOVA, pairwise Hotelling's test p = 0.742), and C. infucata and Cyclonaias necki
(MANOVA, pairwise Hotelling's test p = 0.138).
The proportion of C. pustulosa specimens correctly identified to the original nominal
species within the C. pustulosa complex exceeded that of Cyclonaias specimens correctly
identified to species level (see above), with 80% correct identifications (Fig. 6b). All nominal
FCUP 169
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
species differed significantly from each other in their shell shape as approximated by 18 Fourier
coefficients (MANOVA, pairwise Hotelling's tests p < 0.05).
Using only the nominal species C. kieneriana and Cyclonaias asperata, the Fourier
coefficients differed significantly between C. kieneriana and its synonym C. asperata
(MANOVA: F18,82 = 2.094, p = 0.013), and 95% of specimens were classified correctly based
on shell shape through LDA (Fig. 6c).
Fourier coefficients differed significantly between the nominal species of Quadrula (MANOVA,
pairwise Hotelling's tests p < 0.05; Fig. 6c). Seventy-six percent of specimens were assigned
to the correct nominal species, with 21% and 11% of misidentifications between Q. apiculata
versus Q. quadrula and Q. rumphiana, respectively.
Within the genus Theliderma, 91% of specimens were identified to the correct species (as they
are here recognized) by LDA of Fourier coefficients (Fig. 6e). Theliderma cylindrica,
characterized by its typical elongated-rectangular shape, was 100% correctly identified.
Considerable difficulties in separation by shell shape were present for Theliderma sparsa
versus T. johnsoni n. sp. (21% misidentifications) and T. metanevra (13%), respectively. Most
true Theliderma species pairs differed significantly from each other in their shell shape except
for T. sparsa versus T. johnsoni n. sp. (MANOVA, pairwise Hotelling's test: p = 0.525), T.
sparsa versus T. metanevra (p = 0.227) and T. stapes and T. johnsoni n. sp. (p = 0.427; p-
value could not be computed for the pair T. sparsa vs. T. stapes due to low replicate number).
When including the whole Theliderma dataset in LDA, only 5% of specimens of the pair
T. metanevra/T. johnsoni n. sp. were assigned to the wrong clade (Fig. 6e). When using only
the T. metanevra dataset, 11% of specimens were misidentified (Fig. 6f), though Fourier
coefficients were significantly different between the two species (MANOVA: F18,46 = 3.097, p =
Figure 6 Shell outline principal component scores for the first two PC axes obtained from 18
Fourier coefficients of (a) all true species (recognized by molecular species delineation
methods; see results) of Cyclonaias, including a maximum of 50 specimens per species; (b)
all nominal species of Cyclonaias pustulosa; (c) only Cyclonaias kieneriana and Cyclonaias
asperata; (d) all nominal species of Quadrula; (e) all true species (recognized by molecular
species delineation methods; see results) of Theliderma; and (f) only Theliderma metanevra
and Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Synthetic shell outlines of “extreme” morphotypes are
displayed with the anterior margin facing to the left and the dorsal margin to the top of the page
Quadrula and Tritogonia glochidial size index are ten times smaller than in Cyclonaias and
Theliderma (Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5). Quadrula and Tritogonia also seem to
share similar morphological and behavioural patterns of the mantle displays, also known as
mantle magazines. While Quadrula and Tritogonia seem to exhibit large mantle displays with
a non-reflexive glochidia release strategy when disturbed, Cyclonaias and Theliderma mantle
displays are small and more inconspicuous and immediately expel their glochidial content
when physically disturbed (Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5). However, some caution
must be taken when interpreting this data since mantle displays were only studied in a small
number of species.
Within Quadrula s.l. some of the analysed characters are exclusive and can be used to
recognize some of the classically recognized genera Cyclonaias, Quadrula, Theliderma, and
Tritogonia (Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5).
The presence of dark chevrons imprinted in the periostracum of shells is a trait that is
exclusive of Theliderma species and can be used to recognize the genus within Quadrulini
(Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5).
The stomate-shaped morphology of the mantle displays seems to be a diagnostic
character for Cyclonaias, but laboratory studies on C. asperata (= C. kieneriana) did not
observe any mantle display for this species (Haag & Staton 2003).
Theliderma hosts are mainly composed of small cyprinids while catfishes are the main
hosts of the other three Quadrula s.l. genera (Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5). The
mantle displays and glochidia of Theliderma are smaller than those of Cyclonaias (Table 2;
Supporting Information Table S5).
Tritogonia verrucosa and T. nobilis are sexually dimorphic in shell shape, a trait that is
unique within the Quadrulini and therefore diagnostic of the genus (Table 2; Supporting
Information Table S5). Also, the mantle display mechanism of T. verrucosa, which involves the
mantle to completely cover both the incurrent and excurrent aperture, is very distinct from
those of all the other Quadrula s.l. species (Supporting Information Table S5). However, this
trait needs to be verified for T. nobilis to be considered diagnostic of the genus.
172 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Phylogenetic relationships within Quadrula and generic support
The three BI and ML phylogenies (COI, ND1, and COI + ND1) obtained in the present study
revealed a well-supported Quadrula sensu lato clade subdivided into four clades (mainly in the
BI analyses), corresponding to the genera Quadrula, Cyclonaias, Theliderma, and Tritogonia
(Figs. 2-4; Table 3). Furthermore, taxa in these clades exhibit coherent combinations of traits
that in our opinion support the validity of their generic status as recently recognized by Williams
et al (2017) (Figs. 2-4; Tables 3 and 5, Supporting Information Table S5).
The current molecular phylogenies cannot strongly support any suprageneric
relationships (probably due to insufficient genetic marker representation) within Quadrula s.l.
However, the morphological and ecological data here presented suggest common evolutionary
origins for the genera Quadrula and Tritogonia, and for Cyclonaias and Theliderma (Table 2;
Supporting Information Table S5). While Quadrula and Tritogonia include large reflexive
mantle displays, miniaturized shell glochidia, and marked shell sulci, Cyclonaias and
Theliderma species have small non-reflexive mantle displays, larger glochidia, and absent or
shallow shell sulci (Table 2; Supporting Information Table S5).
The series of traits shared by Quadrula and Tritogonia are likely associated with
maximizing attachment success to their main hosts, the catfishes (Table 2). These traits
include large conspicuous mantle displays that do not respond to mechanical disturbance (but
probably to another type of stimulus, for example, chemical, that might capitalize on the acute
olfactory sense of their hosts) and miniaturized glochidia. Tritogonia species are the only
Quadrula s.l. species that exhibit marked shell sexual dimorphism. This is probably a result of
the presence of mantle displays that completely cover the incurrent and excurrent apertures
of females, resulting in a distortion of their shells (Table 2, Supporting Information Table S5).
On the other hand, a specialization in attracting small cyprinids and percids seems to have
driven reproductive behaviour and morphology in Theliderma towards females that are
generally completely buried with only the mantle display being visible (Sietman et al 2012).
The displays of Theliderma are also more conspicuously displayed during the day favouring
the visual predatory habits of cyprinids, which contrasts with the other three Quadrula s.l.
genera who are generally displaying at night when feeding activity in catfishes is highest (Hove
et al 2011). Theliderma species are unique within Quadrulini in the production of mucoid
conglutinates (Haag 2012) and by presenting dark chevrons in the shells periostracum (Table
2; Supporting Information Table S5). The glochidia of Theliderma are also much bigger than
those of Tritogonia and Quadrula and more similar in size to most of the other species within
the Ambleminae (Table 2; Barnhart et al 2008). The large size of Theliderma glochidia can be
related to the much lower fecundity of this genus when compared with the other Quadrula s.l.
FCUP 173
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
genera (Haag 2012). Cyclonaias presents a set of reproductive features that are like those in
Theliderma species. However, glochidial size in Cyclonaias is always larger than in
Theliderma, and Cyclonaias exhibit a prevalence of catfish hosts rather than cyprinids and
percids (Table 2). Adaptation to catfish hosts again is likely associated with the unique
stomate-shaped mantle displays exhibited by Cyclonaias species (Table 2). The miniaturized
glochidia shared by Quadrula and Tritogonia probably represent a derivation from the more
primitive glochidial size of most amblemines (Barnhart et al 2008). On the other hand,
preference for and related adaptations to catfish hosts seem to be ancestral for the Quadrulini,
while preference for small cyprinids and percids in Theliderma is probably the derived state. A
more robust multi-marker molecular approach is needed to get a clearer view of the
evolutionary aspects of these interesting adaptations and to resolve the suprageneric
relationships among Quadrula s.l. genera.
Phylogeny and systematics implications within the four Quadrula sensu lato genera
The present results confirm the results of a recent study on this genus (Johnson et al 2018)
recognizing nine of the 14 Cyclonaias species listed by Williams et al (2017) as valid species
(Table 7). However, we here consider C. asperata as a synonym of C. kieneriana due to the
residual genetic divergence between these two taxa (ND1 p-distance <1%) and the fact that
C. kieneriana (Lea, 1852) has priority over C. asperata (Lea, 1861). In contrast, Williams et al
(2017) recognized both species based on their morphological distinctiveness and the fact that
molecular evidence for synonymy was based on only one marker (ND1) from a single
specimen. However, ND1 is a highly representative marker of overall mtDNA evolution in
unionoid mussels (Fonseca et al 2016). Besides, the divergence between C. asperata and C.
kieneriana sequences was very low. As a result, both ND1 (BI and ML) analyses were unable
to resolve both species’ phylogenies, and all ND1 species delineation methods were unable to
separate the two species (Table 5), indicating that C. asperata should be synonymized under
C. kieneriana. The morphometry results supported the distinct morphology of the two nominal
species but very few C. kieneriana shells (n = 4) were available, preventing a comprehensive
analysis (Fig. 6c). Although C. asperata has been reported from a much wider geographic
range than C. kieneriana, both species are sympatric in the whole range of C. kieneriana
suggesting that specimens previously described as C. kieneriana are smooth forms of the
same species (Fig. 7).
Until recently, Cyclonaias archeri has been considered a subspecies of C. asperata
(Turgeon et al 1998). However, since no sequences, tissues or shell specimens of C. archeri
174 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
were available for this study, we rely on Williams et al (2008, 2017) and recognize this species
as separate from C. asperata, based on its distinct morphology.
Cyclonaias necki has recently been separated from Cyclonaias petrina based on
molecular data (COI) and morphology (Burlakova et al 2018; Johnson et al 2018). The specific
rank of C. necki is here confirmed by all species delineation methods used on each of the
datasets (Table 5). The shell shape is also significantly different between C. petrina and C.
necki (Fig. 6a), confirming observations of Burlakova et al (2018) and Johnson et al (2018)
that C. necki shells are thinner, more compressed and more rectangular with a more distinct
and prominent posterior ridge. Distribution ranges of the two species are exclusive, with C.
necki being present only in the San Antonio/Guadalupe River basins, while C. petrina is
restricted to the Colorado basin (Fig. 8; Burlakova et al 2018).
The present paper confirms the inclusion of four nominal species, that is, C. aurea, C.
houstonensis, C. mortoni, C. refulgens, within C. pustulosa (Table 7) and Cyclonaias succissa,
as a related but distinct species, as proposed by Johnson et al (2018). None of the phylogenies
resolved them as monophyletic, and p-distance values among these taxa were very low (Table
4). All nominal species here synonymized with C. pustulosa have distinct and exclusive
geographic distributions (Fig. 9). The molecular results suggest that C. pustulosa is divided
into several morphotypes each in a distinct geographic area. These morphotypes are visible
in the morphometry results and explain why these populations used to be considered distinct
species (Fig. 7b).
The remaining Cyclonaias species recognized in the present study, that is, C. infucata,
C. kleiniana, C. kieneriana, Cyclonaias nodulata, and Cyclonaias tuberculata, were always
retrieved as well supported, divergent clades (Figs. 2-4), and recognized by all species
delineation methods (Table 5). Furthermore, the shell shape is different among all these latter
species, except for the pair C. infucata and C. kleiniana, which might be explained by their
closer genetic relationship (Figs. 2-4; Table 6).
FCUP 175
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 7
Historical classification of species formerly assigned to Quadrula. * extinct.
Haas (1969a) Graf & Cummings (2007) Bogan (2013)
Quadrula (Quadrula) q. quadrula Quadrula quadrula Quadrula quadrula
Quadrula (Quadrula) q. apiculata Quadrula apiculata Quadrula apiculata
Quadrula (Quadrula) q. rumphiana Quadrula rumphiana Quadrula rumphiana
Quadrula (Pustulosa) couchiana Amphinaias couchiana Quadrula couchiana
Quadrula (s.s.) quadrula fragosa Quadrula fragosa Quadrula fragosa
Quadrula (Pustulosa) p. keineriana Quadrula kieneriana
Quadrula (Pustulosa) p. pernodosa Amphinaias asperata Quadrula asperata
Fusconaia succissa succissa Quicucina infucata Quadrula infucata
Quincuncina securiformis kleiniana Quadrula kleiniana
Quadrula (Pustulosa) archeri Amphinaias archeri
Quadrula (Pustulosa) nodulata Amphinaias nodulata Quadrula nodulata
Quadrula (Pustulosa) petrina Amphinaias petrina Quadrula petrina
Table 7 (cont.)
Williams et al (2017) This study
Figure 7 Distribution maps of (a) nominal species Cyclonaias asperata and Cyclonaias
kieneriana before the present study and (b) of C. kieneriana as proposed in the present study
178 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 8 Distribution maps of (a) Cyclonaias petrina before Burlakova et al (2018) and (b) of
C. petrina and Cyclonaias necki after Burlakova et al (2018) and Johnson et al (2018) findings
also supported by the present study
FCUP 179
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 9 Distribution maps of (a) nominal species within the Cyclonaias pustulosa group and
(b) of C. pustulosa and Cyclonaias succissa as confirmed by Johnson et al (2018) and the
present study
In the absence of genetic data and shell materials for Quadrula couchiana and Quadrula
fragosa, the first being most likely extinct (Williams et al 2017) and the second on the verge of
extinction (Sietman 2003), we make no considerations about their systematics and accept both
as valid within the Quadrula genus following Williams et al (2017).
We here synonymize Q. apiculata and Q. rumphiana under Q. quadrula. Although only
a small number of sequences were available for Q. apiculata and Q. rumphiana, the level of
divergence among these three nominal species is low for both markers (Table 4). Furthermore,
in all phylogenies, Q. quadrula is paraphyletic, with Q. apiculata and Q. rumphiana falling inside
the clade (Figs. 2-4). The level of divergence between these three nominal taxa is lower than
180 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
the divergence between the distinct clades of COI within Q. quadrula sensu stricto identified
by Mathias et al (2018) and also retrieved here in the COI phylogeny and haplotype network
(Figs. 2 and 6a). A specific rank for each of these divergent clades was rejected in that study
due to the existence of gene-flow among them as shown by their microsatellite dataset
(Mathias et al 2018).
The nominal species Q. apiculata, Q. rumphiana and Q. quadrula sensu stricto
presented distinct shell shapes but only 76% of specimens were assigned to the correct
nominal species (Fig. 6d). The slightly distinct shell morphology again suggests that distinct
nominal species were assigned to regional forms despite the relative overlap in the distribution
range of Q. apiculata with both Q. quadrula and Q. rumphiana (Fig. 10) that may also be related
to the considerable overlap among shell shape forms (Fig. 6d).
Only two shells and no genetic material were available for T. stapes, since the species is very
endangered and possibly extinct (NatureServe 2018). Until new evidence emerges, we,
therefore, accept it as valid within the Theliderma genus following Williams et al (2017). Based
on the molecular phylogenies and all species delineation methods, we recognize five additional
species within Theliderma, that is, T. cylindrica, Theliderma intermedia, T. metanevra, T.
johnsoni n. sp., and T. sparsa (Figs. 2-4; Tables 1 and 5). The nominal species T. metanevra
is here divided into two distinct species, the T. metanevra sensu stricto with a Mississippi basin
distribution and T. johnsoni n. sp. distributed within the Mobile basin (Fig. 11). The two species
show high genetic divergence (3.2% for COI and 3.5% for ND1; Table 6). They also differ
morphologically, presenting distinct shell shape with only 5%-11% of specimens being
misidentified by Fourier analysis (Fig. 6e,f) as well as other morphological features (see
Supporting Information Appendix S2).
FCUP 181
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 10 Distribution maps of (a) nominal species within the Quadrula quadrula group and
(b) of Quadrula quadrula as proposed in the present study
The position of T. nobilis could not be resolved in a previous single marker approach (Serb et
al 2003) but in the present study, all phylogenies reveal a well-supported clade comprising T.
nobilis and T. verrucosa. We, therefore, move the nominal species Q. nobilis into Tritogonia
as T. nobilis. Until the end of the 20th century, T. nobilis was not recognized by most authors
as a separate species from Q. Quadrula (Williams et al 2008). However, its placement under
Tritogonia is not new as Simpson (1914) already used this designation. Both T. nobilis and T.
verrucosa exhibit marked sexual dimorphism (Simpson, 1914; Williams et al 2008), which is a
synapomorphy of the genera within the Quadrulini.
182 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 11 Distribution maps of (a) Theliderma metanevra before the present study and (b)
after the present study divided in T. metanevra and Theliderma johnsoni n. sp
Conservation implications
As C. asperata is here synonymized under C. kieneriana, future conservation status
assessment of C. kieneriana should include the distribution of C. asperata sensu stricto (Fig.
7), which would be expected to decrease the extinction risk of the species under the currently
recognized systematics. The separation of C. necki from C. petrina will likely increase the
extinction risk of both species as their distributions are even smaller than previously believed
(Fig. 8) but see Johnson et al (2018) for detailed conservation implications. In contrast, the
secure conservation status of C. pustulosa (Supporting Information Table S6) is here
FCUP 183
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
strengthened by the inclusion of the nominal taxa C. aurea, C. houstonensis, C. mortoni and
C. refulgens (Fig. 9; Table 7). However, due to their genetic uniqueness, the populations from
Eastern Texas (originally identified as C. mortoni) should be managed independently.
Synonymization of the nominal species Q. rumphiana and Q. apiculata under Q. quadrula does
not affect the conservation status of Q. quadrula due to the wide distribution areas and low
extinction risk of the three forms. That said, subtler potential genetic differences between
populations originally assigned to these species are likely to be revealed in future studies
applying faster-evolving markers.
The conservation status of T. metanevra is currently considered as secure mainly based on
the species’ wide distribution range. However, considering that the Mobile basin populations
represent a separate species (Fig. 11), i.e. T. johnsoni n. sp., the conservation statuses of T.
metanevra and T. johnsoni n. sp. need to be re-assessed separately, and the two species need
to be managed independently.
We would like to thank the Editor Dr. Per Ericson and the two reviewers Dr. Ivan Bolotov and
Dr. John Pfeiffer for the help in a funding for Texas surveys was provided by the US Fish and
Wildlife Service State Wildlife Grant Program through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
(Contracts: T-15-P/2004-2006; 434301/2006-2007; 187549/2008-2010; 407709/2011-2012),
and by the Texas Water Development Board (Contract: 0604830631/2006-2007) to AYK and
LEB. Molecular analyses were developed under ConBiomics: the missing approach for the
Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves Project No NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030286, co-
financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union through the ERDF, and
by FCT through national funds. FCT also supported MLL under Grant
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Supplementary Materials
Supplementary Table 1
List of museum lots analysed for the morphometry: taxon, original identification, new identification, and lot catalogue numbe r. BSGLC (SUNY
Buffalo State College Great Lakes Center); NCSM (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences).
NCSM: 6402.1, 6402.1, 6402.2, 6402.3, 6402.4, 6402.5, 6402.6, 6402.7, 6402.8, 6500.1,
6500.2, 6500.3, 6500.4, 6500.5, 6906.1, 6906.2, 6954.1, 6954.2, 6954.3, 6957.1, 6957.2,
6959.1, 6959.2, 6959.3, 27227, 48047, 61191.1, 61191.2, 61191.3, 61191.4, 61191.5,
61191.6, 61191.7, 61191.8, 61192.1, 61192.2, 61192.3, 61192.4, 61193.1, 61193.1,
61193.11, 61193.12, 61193.2, 61193.5, 61193.6, 61193.7, 61193.8, 61193.9, 61259.14,
T. cylindrica T. cylindrica 61259.15, 61259.2, 61259.21, 61259.28, 61259.3, 61259.33, 61259.36, 61259.5,
61259.6, 61270.1, 61270.1, 61270.13, 61270.2, 61270.3, 61270.4, 61270.6, 61270.7,
61270.8, 61270.9, 61274.1, 61274.2, 61275.2, 61275.3, 61275.4, 61275.6, 61288.1,
61288.2, 61290.1, 62994.1, 62994.2, 62994.3, 62994.4, 85056.1, 85056.2, 85056.3,
88455.11, 88455.14, 88455.15, 88455.16, 88455.2, 88455.24, 88455.3, 88455.6,
88455.8, 88458.1, 88458.2, 88464.1, 88502
NCSM: 6338.1, 6338.2, 6338.3, 6338.4, 6338.5, 6338.6, 6338.7, 6338.8, 6338.9, 6899.1,
6899.2, 6900.1, 6900.2, 6900.3, 6900.4, 6900.5, 7616.1, 7616.2, 7616.3, 7616.4, 7616.5,
7616.6, 8850.3, 8850.4, 30512, 33715.1, 33715.2, 33716, 40857, 40914.1, 40914.2,
T. intermedia T. intermedia
41039, 43683.2, 47044.2, 48445.1, 48445.2, 48980.1, 63220.1, 63221.1, 63221.2,
63221.3, 63223, 63224.1, 63224.2, 63224.3, 63225.1, 63225.2, 63225.3, 63226.1,
NCSM: 7098.1, 7098.2, 7098.3, 7098.4, 7098.5, 7103, 7106.1, 7106.11, 7106.12,
T. metanevra
T. johnsoni 7106.3, 7106.4, 7106.5, 7106.6, 7106.7, 7106.8, 26976, 27153.1, 27153.2, 33714,
(Mobile basin)
33719, 33722, 46889.1, 46889.2
NCSM: 4412.1, 4412.2, 4606, 5972, 6080, 7100.1, 7100.2, 7101, 7102, 7104, 7105.1,
10765.1, 10765.2, 27428, 28995.1, 28995.2, 30298.1, 30298.2, 30298.3, 30522.1,
T. metanevra T. metanevra
30522.2, 30522.3, 30522.4, 30522.5, 33718, 44361, 44776, 45824, 45841.1, 45841.2,
(Tennessee basin)
47051.1, 48447, 63145.2, 63145.4, 88505, 88517.1, 88517.2, 88523.1, 88523.2,
100604.1, 100604.2
NCSM: 6919, 6334.1, 6334.2, 6920, 10188.6, 10188.7, 30916, 40915.1, 40915.2,
T. sparsa T. sparsa
40915.3, 40919, 48362.1, 48362.2, 88695
T. stapes T. stapes NCSM: 101849.1, 101849.2
FCUP 193
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 2
List of specimens included in the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) dataset; Haplotypes, GenBank references, original identification, new
identification, voucher specimen, and respective study. BSGLC (SUNY Buffalo State College Great Lakes Center); FLMNH (Florida Museum of
Natural History); NCSM (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences); UA (University of Alabama); UAUC (University of Alabama Unionid
Collection); UAM (Auburn University Museum).
3 AF232805 Quincucina infucata Cyclonaias infucata UAUC919-926 Lydeard et al 2000
4 AF232806 Quincucina infucata Cyclonaias infucata UAUC605 Lydeard et al 2000
5 AF232807 Quincucina infucata Cyclonaias infucata UAUC561 Lydeard et al 2000
257 MH633610 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QkleOch001 Johnson et al 2018
262 MH633615 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi007 Johnson et al 2018
262 MH633621 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi015 Johnson et al 2018
263 MH633616 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli009 Johnson et al 2018
264 MH633617 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli010 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633618 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli011 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633620 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi014 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633623 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi017 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633625 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi020 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633627 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch022 Johnson et al 2018
265 MH633647 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli034 Johnson et al 2018
267 MH633622 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi016 Johnson et al 2018
268 MH633624 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi019 Johnson et al 2018
269 MH633626 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch021 Johnson et al 2018
270 MH633628 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch024 Johnson et al 2018
271 MH633629 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch026 Johnson et al 2018
194 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Bogan AE. Hoeh WR. 2000. On becoming cemented: evolutionary relationships among the genera in the freshwater bivalve family E theriidae
(Bivalvia: Unionoida). Geological Society, London, Special Publications 177, 159-168.
Boyer SL, Howe AA, Juergens NW, Hove MC. 2011. A DNA-barcoding approach to identifying juvenile freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
recovered from naturally infested fishes. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, 182-194.
Breton S, Beaupre HD, Stewart DT, Piontkivska H, Karmakar M, Bogan AE, Blier PU, Hoeh WR. 2009. Comparative mitochondrial genomics of
freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: gender-specific open reading frames and putative origins
of replication. Genetics 183, 1575-1589.
Breton S, Stewart DT, Shepardson SP, Trdan RJ, Bogan AE, Chapman EG, Ruminas AJ, Piontkivska H, Hoeh WR. 2011. Novel protein genes
in animal mtDNA: A new sex determination system in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)? Molecular Biology and Evolution 28, 1645-1659.
Burlakova L, Karatayev A, Froufe E, Bogan AE, Lopes-Lima M. 2018. A new freshwater bivalve species of the genus Cyclonaias from Texas
(Unionidae: Ambleminae: Quadrulini). The Nautilus 132, 45-50.
Campbell DC, Serb JM, Buhay JE, Roe, KJ, Minton RL, Lydeard C. 2005. Phylogeny of North American amblemines (Bivalvia, Uniono ida):
prodigious polyphyly proves pervasive across genera. Invertebrate Biology 124, 131-164.
Campbell DC, Lydeard C. 2012. Molecular systematics of Fusconaia (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Ambleminae). American Malacological Bulletin 30, 1-
214 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Chapman EG, Piontkivska H, Walker JM, Stewart DT, Curole JP, Hoeh WR. 2008. Extreme primary and secondary protein structure variability in
the chimeric male-transmitted cytochrome c oxidase subunit II protein in freshwater mussels: evidence for an elevated amino acid substitution
rate in the face of domain-specific purifying selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 165.
Elderkin CL, Christian AD, Vaughn CC, Metcalfe-Smith JL, Berg DJ. 2006. Population genetics of the freshwater mussel, Amblema plicata (Say
1817) (Bivalvia: Unionidae): Evidence of high dispersal and post-glacial colonization. Conservation Genetics 8, 355-372.
Feng L, Zhang X, Zhao G-F. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of the scaleshell Leptodea leptodon (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Conservation
Genetics Resources 8, 443-445.
Graf DL, Foighil DÓ. 2000. The Evolution of Brooding Characters among the Freshwater Pearly Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea) of North America.
Journal Molluscan Studies 66, 157-170.
Graf DL, Cummings KS. 2006. Palaeoheterodont diversity (Mollusca: Trigonioida + Unionoida): What we know and what we wish we knew about
freshwater mussel evolution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 148, 343-394.
Guerra D, Plazzi F, Stewart DT, Bogan AE, Hoeh WR, Breton S. 2017. Evolution of sex-dependent mtDNA transmission in freshwater mussels
(Bivalvia: Unionida). Scientific Reports 7, 1551.
Johnson NA, Smith CH, Pfeiffer JM, Randklev CR, Williams JD, Austin JD. 2018. Integrative taxonomy resolves taxonomic uncertainty for
freshwater mussels being considered for protection under the US Endangered Species Act. Scientific Reports 8, 15892.
Lydeard C, Minton RL, Williams JD. 2000. Prodigious polyphyly in imperilled freshwater pearly-mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae): a phylogenetic test
of species and generic designations. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 177, 145-158.
FCUP 215
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Mathias PT, Hoffman JR, Wilson CC, Zanatta DT. 2018. Signature of postglacial colonization on contemporary genetic structure and diversity of
Quadrula quadrula (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Hydrobiologia 810, 207-225.
McCartney MA, Bogan AE, Sommer KM, Wilbur AE. 2016. Phylogenetic Analysis of Lake Waccamaw Endemic Freshwater Mussel Species.
American Malacological Bulletin 34, 109-120.
Pfeiffer III JM, Johnson NA, Randklev CR, Howells RG, Williams JD. 2016. Generic reclassification and species boundaries in the rediscovered
freshwater mussel “Quadrula” mitchelli (Simpson in Dall, 1896). Conservation Genetics 17, 279-292.
Serb JM, Lydeard C. 2003. Complete mtDNA sequence of the North American freshwater mussel, Lampsilis ornata (Unionidae): an examination
of the evolution and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial genome organization in Bivalvia (Mollusca). Molecular Biology and Evolution 20, 1854-
216 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 3
List of specimens included in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) dataset; Haplotypes, GenBank references, original identification, new
identification, and voucher/specimen and respective study. BSGLC (SUNY Buffalo State College Great Lakes Center); NCSM (North Carolina
Museum of Natural Sciences); UA (University of Alabama); UAUC (University of Alabama Unionid Collection).
51 AY158810 Quincuncina infucata Cyclonaias infucata QiNfu2 Serb et al 2003
53 AY655121 Quincuncina infucata Cyclonaias infucata UAUC3283 Campbell & Lydeard 2012
307 MH633562 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QkleOch001 Johnson et al 2018
312 MH633567 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi007 Johnson et al 2018
313 MH633568 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli009 Johnson et al 2018
313 MH633602 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi031 Johnson et al 2018
314 MH633569 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli010 Johnson et al 2018
314 MH633603 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi032 Johnson et al 2018
315 MH633570 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli011 Johnson et al 2018
317 MH633572 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi014 Johnson et al 2018
317 MH633578 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch021 Johnson et al 2018
318 MH633573 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi015 Johnson et al 2018
318 MH633574 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi016 Johnson et al 2018
318 MH633575 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi017 Johnson et al 2018
318 MH633577 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi020 Johnson et al 2018
319 MH633576 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi019 Johnson et al 2018
320 MH633579 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch022 Johnson et al 2018
321 MH633580 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch024 Johnson et al 2018
322 MH633581 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfOch026 Johnson et al 2018
323 MH633582 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi028 Johnson et al 2018
334 MH633599 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfFli034 Johnson et al 2018
336 MH633601 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi030 Johnson et al 2018
337 MH633604 Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata QinfChi033 Johnson et al 2018
7 AY158757 Cyclonaias asperata Cyclonaias kieneriana aspe792 Serb et al 2003
8 AY158758 Cyclonaias asperata Cyclonaias kieneriana aspe784 Serb et al 2003
FCUP 217
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Boyer SL, Howe AA, Juergens NW, Hove MC. 2011. A DNA-barcoding approach to identifying juvenile freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
recovered from naturally infested fishes. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, 182-194.
Breton S, Beaupre HD, Stewart DT, Piontkivska H, Karmakar M, Bogan AE, Blier PU, Hoeh WR. 2009. Comparative mitochondrial genomics of
freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: gender-specific open reading frames and putative origins
of replication. Genetics 183, 1575-1589.
Breton S, Stewart DT, Shepardson SP, Trdan RJ, Bogan AE, Chapman EG, Ruminas AJ, Piontkivska H, Hoeh WR. 2011. Novel protein genes
in animal mtDNA: A new sex determination system in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)? Molecular Biology and Evolution 28, 1645-1659.
Campbell DC, Serb JM, Buhay JE, Roe KJ, Minton RL, Lydeard C. 2005. Phylogeny of North American amblemines (Bivalvia, Unionoida):
prodigious polyphyly proves pervasive across genera. Invertebrate Biology 124, 131-164.
Campbell DC, Lydeard C. 2012. Molecular systematics of Fusconaia (Bivalvia: Unionidae: Ambleminae). American Malacological Bulletin 30, 1-
234 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Feng L, Zhang X, Zhao G-F. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of the scaleshell Leptodea leptodon (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Conservation
Genetics Resources 8, 443-445.
Johnson NA, Smith CH, Pfeiffer JM, Randklev CR, Williams JD, Austin JD. 2018. Integrative taxonomy resolves taxonomic uncerta inty for
freshwater mussels being considered for protection under the US Endangered Species Act. Scientific Reports 8, 15892.
Henley WF, Grobler PJ, Neves RJ. 2006. Non-Invasive Method to Obtain DNA from Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Journal of Shellfish
Research 25, 975-977.
Serb JM, Buhay JE, Lydeard C. 2003. Molecular systematics of the North American freshwater bivalve genus Quadrula (Unionidae: Ambleminae)
based on mitochondrial ND1 sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28, 1-11.
Szumowski SC, Boyer SL, Hornbach DJ, Hove MC. 2012. Genetic Diversity of Two Common Freshwater Mussel Species, Lampsilis cardium and
Quadrula pustulosa (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in a Large Federally Protected Waterway (St. Croix River, Minnesota/Wisconsin, U.S.A.). American
Malacological Bulletin 30, 59-72.
FCUP 235
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 4
List of specimens included in the concatenated Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) + NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) data set; codes,
original identification, new identification, and Genbank references.
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata AF232806 AY655121
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633615 MH633567
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633620 MH633572
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633621 MH633573
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633622 MH633574
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633623 MH633575
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633625 MH633577
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633624 MH633576
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633630 MH633582
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633649 MH633601
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633650 MH633602
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633651 MH633603
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633652 MH633604
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633616 MH633568
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633617 MH633569
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633618 MH633570
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633647 MH633599
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633626 MH633578
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633627 MH633579
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633628 MH633580
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633629 MH633581
Cyclonaias infucata Cyclonaias infucata MH633610 MH633562
236 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 5
List of morphological, anatomical and behavioural characters analysed on specimens of Quadrula s.l.. GLN - mean glochidial size index. * only
observed in laboratory conditions. Superscripts 1 occasionally, 2 shallow
Shell sulcus
Mantle displays
shape Location
Morphology Size
Quadrula NO NO YES quadrate/rectangular Conical (knob-like) Large Excurrent
1. Q. quadrula NO NO YES quadrate ----- ----- -----
+ Q. apiculata NO NO YES quadrate/rectangular ----- ----- -----
+ Q. rumphiana NO NO YES quadrate ----- ----- -----
2. Q. couchiana NO NO YES ----- ----- -----
3. Q. fragosa NO NO YES quadrate Conical (knob-like) Large Excurrent
Cyclonaias NO NO NO round/oval/quadrate stomate-shaped Small Excurrent
1. C. kieneriana NO NO NO oval/triangular ----- ----- -----
+ C. asperata NO NO NO round/triangular No modification* ----- -----
2. C. infucata NO NO NO rectangular/triangular ----- ----- -----
3. C. kleiniana NO NO NO ----- ----- -----
4. C. archeri NO NO NO quadrate ----- ----- -----
5. C. nodulata NO NO NO round/quadrate ----- ----- -----
6. C. petrina NO NO NO quadrate ----- ----- -----
7. C. necki NO NO NO oval/quadrate ----- ----- -----
8. C. pustulosa NO NO NO round/quadrate stomate-shaped Small Excurrent
252 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Taxa Hosts GLN References
Quadrula NO Ictaluridae (67%), Centrarchidae (33%) 0.005-0.009
Howard & Anson 1922
1. Q. quadrula NO Ictaluridae (50%), Centrarchidae (50%) 0.007 Schwebach et al 2002
Barnhart et al 2008
Parmalee & Bogan 1998
+ Q. apiculata ----- ----- 0.005
Barnhart et al 2008
+ Q. rumphiana ----- ----- 0.007 Barnhart et al 2008
2. Q. couchiana ----- ----- -----
Steingraber et al 2004
Barnhart et al .2008
3. Q. fragosa NO Ictaluridae 0.009
Hove et al 2012
Sietman et al 2012
Ictaluridae (71%), Centrarchidae (24%),
Cyclonaias YES 0.05-0.09
Acipenseridae (5%)
1. C. kieneriana ----- ----- -----
Barnhart et al 2008
+ C. asperata ----- Ictaluridae 0.07
Haag & Staton 2003
2. C. infucata ----- ----- 0.07 Williams et al 2008
3. C. kleiniana ----- ----- 0.07 Williams et al 2014
4. C. archeri ----- ----- -----
Coker et al 1921
Surber 1913
5. C. nodulata ----- Ictaluridae (33%), Centrarchidae (67%) 0.05 Howard 1914
Parmalee & Bogan 1998
Barnhart et al 2008
6. C. petrina ----- ----- -----
7. C. necki ----- ----- -----
254 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Barnhart MC, Haag WR, Roston WN. 2008. Adaptations to host infection and larval parasitism in Unionoida. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society 27, 370-394.
Coker RE, Shira AF, Clark HW, Howard AD. 1921. Natural history and propagation of fresh-water mussels. Bulletin of the United States Bureau
of Fisheries 37, 78-181.
Crownhart A, Sietman B, Hove M, Rudh N. 2006. Quadrula metanevra glochidia metamorphose on select minnow species. Ellipsaria 8, 6-7.
Haag WR, Staton JL, Leann Staton J. 2003. Variation in fecundity and other reproductive traits in freshwater mussels. Freshwater Biology 48,
Hove M, Engleking R, Evers E, Peteler M, Peterson E. 1994. Cyclonaias tuberculata host suitability tests. Triannual Unionid Report 5.
Hove MC, Sietman BE, Bakelaar JE, Bury JA, Heath DJ, Pepi VE, Kurth J, Davis JM, Hornbach DJ, Kapuscinski AR. 2011. Early Life History and
Distribution of Pistolgrip (Tritogonia verrucosa (Rafinesque, 1820)) in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The American Midland Naturalist 165, 338-354.
Hove MC, Steingraeber MT, Newton TJ, Heath DJ, Nelson CL, Bury JA, Kurth JE, Bartsch MR, Thorpe WS, McGill MR, Hornbach DJ. 2012. Early
Life History of the Winged Mapleleaf Mussel (Quadrula fragosa). American Malacological Bulletin 30, 47-57.
Howard AD. 1913. The Catfish as a Host for Fresh-Water Mussels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 42, 65-70.
Howard AD. 1914. Experiments in propagation of freshwater mussels of the Quadrula group. Govt. print. off., Washington, USA.
256 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Howard AD, Anson BJ. 1922. Phases in the Parasitism of the Unionidae. The Journal of Parasitology 9, 68.
Howells RG, Neck RW, Murray HD. 1996. Freshwater Mussels of Texas. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Inland Fisheries Division, Austin,
Texas, USA.
Howells RG. 1997. New fish hosts for nine freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in Texas. Texas Journal of Science 49, 255-258.
Parmalee PW, Bogan AE. 1998. Freshwater mussels of Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
Schwebach M, Schriever D, Kanodia V, Dillo, N, Hove M, McGill M, Nelson C, Thomas J, Kapuscinski A. 2002. Channel catfish is a suitable host
species for mapleleaf glochidia. Ellipsaria 4, 12-13.
Sietman BE, Davis JM, Hove MC. 2012. Mantle display and glochidia release behaviors of five quadruline freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia:
Unionidae). American Malacological Bulletin 30, 39-46.
Steingraeber M, Hove M, Bartsch M, Hornbach D, Nelson C, Newton T, Kalas J, Kapuscinski A, Simonsen E. 2004. Two fish species identified
as hosts for Winged Mapleleaf (Quadrula fragosa). Ellipsaria 6, 7-8.
Surber T. 1913. Notes on the natural hosts of fresh-water mussels. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 32, 101-116.
Watters GT, Menker T, Smith B, Harraman K, Kuehnl K. 2006. Host identifications or confirmations. Ellipsaria 8, 8.
Watters GT, Gibson T, Kelly B. 2009. Host identifications or confirmations. Ellipsaria 11, 19.
FCUP 257
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Williams JD, Bogan AE, Garner JT. 2008. Freshwater mussels of Alabama and the Mobile basin in Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The
University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, USA
Williams JD, Butler RS, Warren GL, Johnson NA. 2014. Freshwater mussels of Florida. The University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, USA.
Yeager B, Neves RJ. 1986. Reproductive cycle and fish hosts of the rabbit’s foot mussel, Quadrula cylindrica strigillata (Mollusca: Unionidae) in
the upper Tennessee River drainage. American Midland Naturalist 116, 329-340.
Yeager BL, Saylor CF. 1995. Fish hosts for four species of freshwater mussels (Pelecypoda: Unionidae) in the upper Tennessee River drainage.
American Midland Naturalist 133,1-6.
258 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 6
Species assigned Quadrula sensu lato according to the last comprehensive checklist of the United States (Williams et al 2017), conservation
status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and by NaturServe, and legal protection status in the United States
Cyclonaias Pilsbry in Ortmann and Walker, 1922
Cyclonaias archeri (Frierson, 1905) Tallapoosa Orb T1 - Critically Imperilled petitioned under review
Cyclonaias asperata (Lea, 1861) Alabama Orb NT G4 - Apparently Secure
Cyclonaias aurea (Lea, 1859) Golden Orb NT G1 - Critically Imperilled petitioned candidate
Cyclonaias houstonensis (Lea, 1859) Smooth Pimpleback NT G2 - Imperilled petitioned candidate
Cyclonaias infucata (Conrad, 1834) Sculptured Pigtoe NT G3 - Vulnerable
Cyclonaias kieneriana (Lea, 1852) Coosa Orb G3 - Vulnerable
Cyclonaias kleiniana (Lea, 1852) Florida Mapleleaf G2 - Imperilled not listed
Cyclonaias mortoni (Conrad, 1835) Western Pimpleback T3 - Vulnerable
Cyclonaias nodulata (Rafinesque, 1820) Wartyback LC G4 - Apparently Secure
Cyclonaias petrina (Gould, 1855) Texas Pimpleback G2 - Imperilled petitioned candidate
Cyclonaias pustulosa (Lea, 1831) Pimpleback LC G5 - Secure
Cyclonaias refulgens (Lea, 1868) Purple Pimpleback NT G3 - Vulnerable
Cyclonaias succissa (Lea, 1852) Purple Pigtoe LC G3 - Vulnerable
Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1820) Purple Wartyback NT G5 - Secure
Rafinesque (1820) erected the subgenus Obliquaria (Quadrula) Rafinesque, 1820 and
included eight species but did not designate a type species. Lea (1836, 1838, 1852, 1870)
ignored Quadrula in his four editions of the Synopsis of Unio.
Theliderma Swainson, 1840 was introduced as a subgenus with seven species and no
type species designated. Simpson (1900) subsequently designated Unio lachrymosa Lea,
1828 (=quadrula Rafinesque, 1820) as the type of Theliderma, thus making Theliderma a junior
synonym of Quadrula. However, Simpson (1900) overlooked the prior designation of
metanevra Rafinesque, 1820 as the type species of Theliderma by Gray (1847). Subsequently,
Quadrula, Tritogonia Agassiz, 1852, Orthonymus Agassiz, 1852 and Rotundaria Rafinesque,
1820 were recognized by Agassiz (1852). To add to the confusion, Simpson (1900) used
metanevra as the type species of Quadrula. Later, Simpson (1900, 1914) recognized Quadrula
as a valid genus with Q. metanevra as the type species and placed Quadrula in the Unioninae
Rafinesque, 1820.
The subfamily Quadrulinae was erected by Ihering (1901) in remarks reviewing Simpson’s
(1900) Synopsis. Ihering divided the Unionidae Rafinesque, 1820 into Unioninae, Quadrulinae
Ihering, 1901 and Lampsilinae Ihering, 1901. Ihering in his definition of Quadrulinae included
Quadrula, Pleurobema Rafinesque, 1819, Obovaria Rafinesque, 1819, Cyprogenia Agassiz,
1852, Obliquaria Rafinesque, 1820 and Dromus Simpson, 1900 (Table 1).
Ortmann (1910, 1911, 1912, 1919) and Walker (1918) followed Simpson (1900) and
maintained Quadrula in the Unioninae. Hannibal (1912) recognized Quadrulinae von Ihering
(1901) for Quadrula.
Ortmann & Walker (1922) sorted out some of the confusion surrounding some unionid
names and relied on H.A. Pilsbry as an outside arbiter. They provided a concise history of the
changes in the usage and the type species of Quadrula which had changed from metanevra
to quadrula with the new taxonomic rules regarding absolute tautonymy. Ortmann & Walker
(1922) recognized Quadrula with Quadrula quadrula as the type species and included six
species, remarked that recognition of Tritogonia was a purely taxonomic question. Cyclonaias
Pilsbry in Ortmann & Walker (1922) was erected for Obliquaria tuberculata Rafinesque, 1820.
Since Ortmann & Walker (1922) assumed the type of Theliderma was quadrula, the next
available name for the species group, including metanevra and Unio cylindricus Say, 1817,
was Orthonymus Agassiz, 1852. However, since Gray (1847) designated metanevra as the
type of Theliderma, this is the earliest available name for this species group.
Frierson (1927) placed Quadrula in the Unioninae, recognizing 10 subgenera in
Quadrula including Quadrula, Tritogonia, Bullata Frierson, 1927, Quincuncina Ortmann in
Ortmann & Walker 1922, Orthonymus, and Cyclonaias. The subgenus Bullata Frierson, 1927
FCUP 261
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
was erected for the Q. pustulosa species group. Frierson (1927) in the printed errata,
recognized Bullata Frierson, 1927 non Jousseaume, 1875 [Gastropoda] was preoccupied and
coined Pustulosa Frierson, 1927 as the replacement name.
Graf & Cummings (2007) followed Haas (1969b) and Starobogatov (1970) in
recognizing Amphinaias Crosse and Fischer in Fischer & Crosse, 1894 with Unio couchiana
Lea, 1860 as the type species. Amphinaias was interpreted to include the taxa in the Quadrula
pustulosa group. This action cannot be accepted as the shell shape of Amphinaias couchiana
is more consistent with the Quadrula quadrula group and Amphinaias is considered a junior
synonym of Quadrula (Williams et al 2017).
Considering Unio pustulosa Lea, 1831 and tuberculata Rafinesque, 1820 are found in
the same clade (see Campbell & Lydeard 2012), the generic name Pustulosa Frierson, 1927
is a junior synonym of Cyclonaias Pilsbry in Ortmann & Walker 1922 (see Williams et al 2017).
Expanding his work on central American taxa, Haas (1929) placed taxa in the Unionidae and
divided the taxa among the subfamilies Lampsilinae, Anodontinae Rafinesque, 1820,
Unioninae, and Quadrulinae. Haas (1929) placed species he assigned to Crenodonta Schülter,
1838 and Rotundaria, but did not describe or erect the subfamily. There was no designation of
a type genus, however, he commented, he was putting the genus Rotundaria in the
Quadrulinae. He provided no discussion of other genera included in the subfamily.
Modell (1942) was the first to clarify which genera might be considered to belong to the
subfamily Quadrulinae Haas, 1929, not the subfamily concept of Ihering (1901) (Table 1).
Haas (1969a) defined the subfamily Quadrulinae Haas, 1929 and included 17 genera
(Table 1). Five genera are Asian, one is European and two are Central American in distribution.
They all have thick shells, often with some pustules and/or plications. This publication was
followed in the same year by the section on Unionoida in the Treatise of Invertebrate
Paleontology (Haas 1969b) where once again, Haas claimed authorship of Quadrulinae.
Modern genera included in the Quadrulinae are the same except that two genera were moved
to subgenera of Amblema Rafinesque, 1820 and one subgenus of Quadrula was changed,
Amphinaias (Table 1).
Starobogatov (1970) treated the Quadrulini as belonging to the Quadrulinae, but placed
it in the Amblemidae Rafinesque, 1820. His concept of the Quadrulinae included three tribes:
Parreysiini Henderson, 1935 [primarily the subcontinent of India], Lamprotulini Modell, 1942
[Asia and southeast Asia] and Quadrulini [North and Central America]. These taxa are well
sculptured, with the Lamprotulini and Quadrulini having sculptured, thick shells often with
pustules and some plications. Only the taxa assigned to the Quadrulini are listed in Table 1.
Arguably, the first phylogenetic analysis of the Unionoidea was presented by Heard & Guckert
(1971). They divided the Unionoidea into the Margaritiferidae Henderson, 1929, Amblemidae
and the Unionidae. Amblemidae was divided among three subfamilies, Ambleminae
262 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Rafinesque, 1820, Gonideinae Ortmann, 1916 and a new subfamily Megalonaiadinae Heard
& Guckert, 1970. The Amblemidae included the Ambleminae with Quadrulinae Ihering, 1901
as a junior synonym. This subfamily included Amblema Rafinesque, 1820, Elliptoideus
Frierson, 1927, Fusconaia Simpson, 1900, Plectomerus Conrad, 1853, Quadrula, Quincuncina
and Tritogonia Agassiz, 1852.
Graf & Cummings (2007), Bouchet & Rocroi (2010) and Carter et al (2013) correctly used
Quadrulini Ihering, 1901 and included seven genera (Table 1).
Modern molecular work on the unionid fauna has determined that the taxa in the
Quadrulinae are assigned to the Ambleminae, a subfamily restricted to North America
(Campbell & Lydeard 2012). Graf & Cummings (2007) listed eight genera in the Quadrulini.
Asian taxa that historically have been placed in the Quadrulinae (Table 1), have recently been
moved to other subfamilies and/or the Margaritiferidae (Lopes-Lima et al 2017, 2018; Huang
et al 2018; Zieritz et al 2018).
Graf & Cummings (2007) provided a synthesis of published information. (Table 1)
Williams et al (2017) provided the latest revised list of the unionid fauna of the United States
and Canada and listed taxa assigned to the Quadrulini in six genera (Table 1). Graf &
Cummings (2018) have updated the website that now matches Williams et al (2017),
recognizing six genera in the Quadrulini (Table 1).
This study focused on Quadrula sensu lato and recognized four genera in what had been
originally a single genus (Table 1). Currently, two species in this tribe are presumed extinct:
Theliderma stapes (Lea, 1831) and Quadrula couchiana. (Williams et al 2008; Howells 2013).
Agassiz L. 1852. Ueber die Gattungen unter den nordamerikanischen Najaden. Archiv für
Naturgeschichte 18, 41-52.
Bouchet P, Rocroi J-P. 2010. Nomenclator of Bivalve Families; with a classification of bivalve
families by Bieler R, Carter JG, Coan EV. Malacologia 52, 1-184.
Carter JG, Altaba CR, Anderson LC, Araujo R, Biakov AS, Bogan AE, Campbell DC, Campbell
M, Jin-Hua C, Cope JCW, Delvene G, Dijkstra HH, Zong-jie F, Gardner RN, Gavrilova VA,
Goncharova IA, Harries PJ, Hartman JH, Hautmann M, Hoeh WR, Hylleberg J, Bao-Yu J,
Johnston P, Kirkendale L, Kleemann K, Koppka J, Kříž J, Machado D, Malchus N, Márquez-
FCUP 263
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Aliaga A, Masse J-P, McRoberts CA, Middelfart PU, Mitchell S, Nevesskaja LA, Ozer S, Pojeta
JJ, Polubotko IV, Pons JM, Popov S, Sánchez T, Sartori AF, Scott RW, Sey II, Signorelli JH,
Silantiev VV, Skelton PW, Steuber T, Waterhouse JB, Wingard GL, Yancey T. 2011. A
synoptical classification of the Bivalvia (Mollusca). Paleontological Contributions 4, 1-47.
Conrad TA. 1853. A synopsis of the family of Naïades of North America, with notes, and a
table of some of the genera and sub-genera of the family, according to their geographical
distribution, and descriptions of genera and sub-genera. Proceedings of the Academy of
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 6, 243-269.
Fischer PH, Crosse H. 1894. Études sur les mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles du Mexique et
du Guatemala. In Fischer PH, Crosse H (eds), Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans
l’Amérique Centrale. Reserches Zoologiques pour server à l’histoire de la faune de l’Amerique
Centrale et du Mexique. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, France.
Frierson L. 1927. A classified and annotated checklist of the North American naiades. Baylor
University Press, Waco, Texas, USA.
Graf DL, Cummings KS. 2007. Review of the systematics and global diversity of freshwater
mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida). Journal of Molluscan Studies 73, 291-314.
Graf DL, Cummings KS. 2018. The MUSSEL Project Database. Available at (accessed 31 Dez 2018).
Gray JE. 1847. A list of the genera of recent Mollusca, their synonyms and types. Proceedings
of the Zoological Society of London 15, 129-219.
Haas F. 1969a. Superfamilia Unionacea. Das Tierrich, vol. 88. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
Hannibal H. 1912. A synopsis of the recent and Tertiary freshwater Mollusca of the Californian
Province, based upon an ontogenetic classification. Proceedings of the Malacological Society
of London 10, 112-211.
Heard WH, Guckert RH. 1970. A re-evaluation of the recent Unionacea (Pelecypoda) of North
America. Malacologia 10, 333-355.
Howells RG. 2013. Field Guide to Texas Freshwater Mussels. BioStudies, Kerrville, Texas,
Huang X-C, Wu R-W, An C-T, Xie G-L, Su J-H, Ouyang S, Zhou C-H, Wu X-P. 2018.
Reclassification of Lamprotula rochechouartii as Margaritifera rochechouartii comb. nov.
(Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae) revealed by time-calibrated multi-locus phylogenetic analyses and
mitochondrial phylogenomics of Unionoida. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 120, 297-
Ihering H von. 1901. The Unionidae of North America. The Nautilus 15, 37-39, 50-53.
Lea I. 1828. Description of six new species of the genus Unio, embracing the anatomy of the
oviduct of one of them, together with some anatomical observations on the genus.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 3 (New Series), 259-273.
Lea I. 1831. Observations on the naïades, and descriptions of new species of that and other
families. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 4 (New Series), 63-121.
Lea I. 1836. A synopsis of the family of Naïades. Cary, Lea and Blanchard, Philadelphia; John
Miller, London, UK.
FCUP 265
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Lea I. 1838. A synopsis of the family of Naïades. Second edition, enlarged and improved.
Philadelphia, USA.
Lea I. 1852. A synopsis of the family of naïades. Third edition, greatly enlarged and improved.
Blanchard and Lea, Philadelphia, USA.
Lea I. 1860. Descriptions of three new species of Uniones from Mexico. Proceedings of the
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12, 305-306.
Lea I. 1870. A synopsis of the family Unionidae. Fourth edition, very greatly enlarged and
improved. Henry C Lea, Philadelphia, USA.
Lopes-Lima M, Bolotov IN, Do VT, Aldridge DC, Fonseca MM, Gan HM, Gofarov MY,
Kondakov AV, Prié V, Sousa R, Varandas S, Vikhrev IV, Teixeira A, Wu R-W, Wu X-P, Zieritz
A, Froufe E, Bogan AE. 2018. Expansion and systematics redefinition of the most threatened
freshwater mussel family, the Margaritiferidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127,
Modell H. 1942. Das natürliche system der Najaden. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 74, 161-191.
Ortmann AE. 1910. A new system of the Unionidae. The Nautilus 23, 114-120.
Ortmann AE. 1911. A monograph of the najades of Pennsylvania. Parts I and II. Memoirs of
the Carnegie Museum 4, 279-347.
Ortmann AE. 1912. Notes upon the families and genera of the najades. Annals of the Carnegie
Museum 8, 222-365.
Ortmann AE. 1916. The anatomical structure of Gonidea angulata (Lea). The Nautilus 30, 50-
266 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Ortmann AE. 1919. A monograph of the naiades of Pennsylvania. Part III: systematic account
of the genera and species. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum 8, 1-384.
Rafinesque CS. 1820. Monographie des coquilles bivalves fluviatiles de la Rivière Ohio,
contenant douze genres et soixante-huit espèces. Annales Générales des Sciences
Physiques a Bruxelles 5, 287-322.
Say T. 1817. Article Conchology. In Nicholson W (ed), American Edition of the British
Encyclopedia or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Comprising an Accurate and Popular View
of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge. Volume 2. First edition. Samuel A.
Mitchel and Horace Ames, Philadelphia, USA.
Simpson CT. 1900. Synopsis of the Naiades: or pearly fresh-water mussels. Proceedings of
the United States National Museum 22, 501-1044.
Simpson CT. 1914. A Descriptive catalogue of the Naiades, or pearly fresh-water mussels.
Parts I-III. Bryant Walker, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Starobogatov YI. 1970. Mollusk fauna and zoogeographical partitioning of continental water
reservoirs of the world. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Zoologischeskii Instituti Nauka, Leningrad,
Swainson W. 1840. A Treatise on Malacology or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-
fish. Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, UK.
Walker B. 1918. A synopsis of the classification of the fresh-water Mollusca of North America,
north of Mexico, and a catalog of the more recently described species, with notes.
Miscellaneous Publication No. 6, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, USA.
FCUP 267
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Williams JD, Bogan AE, Garner JT. 2008. Freshwater mussels of Alabama and the Mobile
Basin in Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. University Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, USA.
Williams JD, Bogan AE, Butler RSS, Cummings K, Garner JT, Harris JL, Johnson NA, Watters
TG. 2017. A revised list of the freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionida) of the United
States and Canada. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 20, 33-58.
Zieritz A, Bogan AE, Froufe E, Klishko O, Kondo T, Kovitvadhi U, Kovitvadhi S, Lee JH, Lopes-
Lima M, Pfeiffer JM, Sousa R, Do VT, Vikhrev I, Zanatta DT. 2018. Diversity, biogeography
and conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) in East and Southeast Asia.
Hydrobiologia 810, 29-44.
268 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figures 1 (left) and 2 (right). Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Holotype NCSM 30474, shell length
70.4 mm.
Paratypes: NCSM 7098, (10 valves, 5 pair), Tombigbee River at US 82, [2 air miles] W [centre]
of Columbus, [Columbus South Quad.]. geographic coordinates (WGS84; 33.49342, -
88.46031), 3 September 1978; NCSM 7103, (1 valve), Tombigbee River at US 82[US 45], [2
air] miles W [centre] of Columbus, [Columbus South Quad.], geographic coordinates (WGS84;
33.49342, 88.46031), 27 May 1978; NCSM 7106 (Figs. 3-4), (22 dry valves, 11 pair),
Tombigbee River [Columbus Lake], ca. 0.5 miles above MS 50 crossing, 7.4 air miles NW
[centre] of Columbus, [Columbus North Quad.], geographic coordinates (WGS84; 33.59106,
88.48238), 3 September 1978; NCSM 46889 (Figs. 5-6), (4 dry valves, 2 pair), Tombigbee
River, about 9.5 [air] miles S [centre] of Columbus, 14 [air] miles ENE [centre] of Crawford,
[Trinity Quad.]; geographic coordinates (WGS84; 33.36083, -88.38111), July 1972.; NCSM
FCUP 269
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
33722, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Alabama River (ARM 30.4), [ca. 3.7 air miles ESE centre town of
Carlton], [Carlton Quad.]. geographic coordinates (WGS84: 31.33167, - 87.78389), 30 July
1996; NCSM 26976, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Cahaba River, upstream of AL 14, right descending
bank, [1.24 air miles NW centre Sprott], Sprott Quad. geographic coordinates (WGS84:
32.68700, -87.23883), 16 May 2001. NCSM 27153 (Figs. 7, 8), (4 dry valves, 2 pair), Cahaba
River, 1.5 [air] miles NNE [centre] of Heiberger, just E of CR 47, [Walter C Givhan Bridge],
[Heiberger Quad.], geographic coordinates (WGS84: 32.77631, - 87.27242), 19 September
1990. NCSM 33714, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Cahaba River, 2.0 [air] miles NNW [centre] Sprott,
[Sprott Quad.], geographic coordinates (WGS84: 32.70699, -87.23769), 13 June 1993; NCSM
33719, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Cahaba River, at first gravel bar below Walton Creek, [ca. 2.78
air miles SSE centre Harrisburg], [Harrisburg Quad.]; geographic coordinates (WGS84;
32.83972, -87.20361), 15 October 1993.
Figures 3 (left) and 4 (right). Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Paratype NCSM 7106.10, shell length:
41.5 mm.
Figures 5 (left) and 6 (right). Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Paratype NCSM 46889.1, shell length:
46.6 mm.
270 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figures 7 (left) and 8 (right). Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Paratype NCSM 27153.2, shell length:
Description: Shell's length reaches about 100 mm, thick, quite inflated. Shell outline is
quadrate to rhomboidal, anterior shell margin broadly rounded, dorsal shell margin straight
posterior to the umbo, ventral shell margin broadly-rounded and slightly emarginate anterior to
the posterior ridge, posterior margin straight to emarginate, posterior ridge is narrow and
elevated dorsally, becoming broader posterior ventrally, lacking any large knobs on the ridge
but may have marked growth lines. Posterior slope rather steep, becoming flattened posterior
ventrally with an emargination at the posterior ventral margin of the posterior ridge, posterior
slope usually covered with short plications, but no pustules, extending from posterior ridge to
FCUP 271
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
the posterior margin. Umbo is narrow and raised dorsally, elevated above the hinge line, umbo
sculpture unknown. Periostracum yellowish, greenish-brown to brown or black, becoming
darker with age, this species may have green marks on the younger shell but not chevrons
and older shells a uniform colour. Shell surface with pustules or elongate pustules covering
disk of shell from the posterior ridge to anterior shell margin in younger specimens, becoming
restricted to the disk near the posterior ridge and in large shells, pustules disappear completely.
Pseudocardinal tooth large and single in right valve, often with a small blade-like tooth anterior
to the main tooth and followed posteriorly by a less prominent denticle posterior to the large
tooth, two large pseudocardinal teeth in left valve. Lateral teeth are short with a single heavy
tooth in the right valve and a pair in the left valve. Interdental area flat and wide. Anterior
adductor muscle scar is deep and smooth, pedal protractor muscle scar posterior and slightly
ventral to anterior adductor muscle scar, separate from the adductor muscle scar, somewhat
deep and smooth, anterior pedal retractor muscle scar located posterior dorsal margin of
anterior adductor muscle scar and etched into the base of the pseudocardinal tooth, posterior
adductor muscle scar shallow and faint, posterior pedal retractor muscle scar faint, may merge
on dorsal edge of posterior adductor muscle scar. Pallial line distant from the ventral margin
on the anterior portion of the shell, well impressed anteriorly becoming faint posteriorly, umbo
cavity deep and open, nacre colour white.
Other Material Examined: Mobile Bay Basin, Tombigbee River. Mississippi, Lowndes
County: NCSM 7103, (length 1 dry left valve), Tombigbee River at US 82[US 45], [2 air] miles
Comparison with Similar Species: Theliderma johnsoni n. sp., resembles the shells of
Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820) and Q. apiculata (Say, 1829) [= Q. quadrula] which
have pustules on the posterior ridge lacking in T. johnsoni n. sp., but has a pronounced distinct
poster ridge lacking in these two species of Quadrula while T. johnsoni n. sp. lacks pustules.
Quadrula rumphiana (Lea, 1852) [= Q. quadrula] has a well-defined posterior ridge without
pustules but has a sulcus anterior to the posterior ridge and has pustules in the sulcus and on
the shell disk. Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. lacks the sulcus anterior to the posterior ridge found
in Q. apiculata, Q. quadrula and Q. rumphiana. Theliderma stapes (Lea, 1831) posterior ridge
is smooth but the posterior slope is shorter and steeper than T. johnsoni n. sp.
Distribution: Currently known from the Mobile Bay basin including the Alabama, Cahaba and
Coosa rivers occurring across eastern Mississippi, Alabama and north-western Georgia (See
Williams et al 2008). The distribution of the Mobile Basin populations was reported as restricted
272 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
to the basin typically below the Fall Line in riverine reaches in the Alabama, Tombigbee and
Cahaba rivers, while it extended up the Coosa River basin to Georgia (Williams et al 2008).
Habitat and Biology: Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. is found living from headwaters in the Coosa
River Basin and below the Fall line in the Tombigbee, Cahaba and Alabama rivers. It lives in
flowing waters and inhabits substrates with varying mixtures of gravel and sand.
Quadrula apiculata
Mobile Bay Basin, Alabama River Drainage, Alabama River, Alabama, Monroe County:
NCSM 33694, (8 dry valves, 4 pair), Alabama River, ARM 82.5, [at Haines Island], [5.23 air miles
W centre Franklin], [Franklin Quad.]. 31.72417 N - 87.49973 W, 31 July 1996.
Pearl River Basin, Pearl River Drainage, Mississippi, Pearl River County:
NCSM 33700, (12 dry valves, 6 pair), East Pearl River, Moores Bayou, near Icebox Slough,
[2.32 air miles W centre of Industrial], [Industrial Quad.]. 30.56943 N - 89.80167 W, 21-22
August 1995.
Quadrula quadrula
Mississippi River Basin, Arkansas River Drainage, Neosho River, Kansas, Woodson
NCSM 28981, (4 dry valves, 2 pair), Neosho River, below low head dam, on exposed bars and
in the channel, in Neosho Falls, [point estimated 0.32 air miles ENE centre town of Neosho
Falls], [Neosho Falls Quad.]. 38.0076 N -95.552 W, 10 October 2003.
Mississippi River Basin, Ohio River Drainage, Ohio River, Kentucky, McCracken
NCSM 7112, (2 dry valves, 1 pair) Ohio River, ca. 4 [air] miles above [NW centre] Paducah,
[Paducah West Quad.]. 37.12126 N - 88.65439 W, 1980.
Mississippi River Basin, Ohio River Drainage, Tennessee River, Alabama, Limestone
NCSM 6186, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Tennessee River, TRM 306, Decatur Boat Harbour, [point
estimated 1.86 air miles S centre Whiteside], [Decatur Quad.]. 34.60722 N - 86.95805 W, 2
February 2000.
Quadrula rumphiana
Mobile Bay Basin, Alabama River Drainage, Coosa River, Conasauga River, Georgia,
Murry-Whitfield County line:
NCSM 6888, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Conasauga River at County Route 2, [point estimated at the
town of Beaverdale], [Beaverdale Quad.]. 34.92127 N -84.84189 W, date collected unknown.
Mobile Bay Basin, Alabama River Drainage, Tombigbee River Drainage, Sipsey River,
Alabama, Greene-Pickens County line:
NCSM 6139, (4 dry valves, 2 pair), Sipsey River, 0.5 kilometres downstream of bridge and
railroad, along the right descending side of the river, [6.19 air miles S centre Aliceville],
[Aliceville South Quad.]. 33.04139 N -88.13778 W, 8 June 1999.
Mobile Bay Basin, Alabama River Drainage, Tombigbee River Drainage, Alabama,
Lowndes County:
NCSM 6886, (8 dry valves, 2 pair, 2 right and 2 left valves), Tombigbee River at [US 82/US
274 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
45], [2 air] miles W [centre] of Columbus, [Columbus South Quad.]. 33.49342 N -88.46031 W,
27 May 1978.
Theliderma metanevra
Mississippi River Basin, Tennessee River Drainage, Tennessee River, Alabama, Colbert
NCSM 6080, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Tennessee River, TRM 249.0, tail end of 3rd island of the
Buck Island complex, ca. 100 m. from the island, [point estimated 2.4 air miles ENE centre
Pride], [Pride Quad.]. 34.73222 N -87.77861 W, 11 August 1999.
Mississippi River Basin, Black River Drainage, Black River, Missouri, Wayne County:
NCSM 48442, (2 dry valves, 1 pair), Black River, [point estimated at CR 417 crossing, 1.01 air
miles S centre] Williamsville, [Williamsville Quad.]. 36.95672 N -90.54997 W, 4 July 1971.
Theliderma stapes
Mobile Bay Basin: Alabama River Drainage, Tombigbee River, Alabama, Pickens
NCSM 101849, (4 dry valves, 2 pair), Tombigbee River, [point estimated 6.15 air miles S centre
Pickensville], River Mile 324.4, Memphis Landing, [Pickensville Quad.]. 33.13987 N 88.2858
W, 24 October 1976
FCUP 275
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 1
Measurements of Theliderma johnsoni n. sp. Type series.
Gray JE. 1854. A revision of the arrangement of the families of bivalve shells (Conchifera). The
Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 2) 13, 408-418.
Ihering H von. 1901. The Unionidae of North America. The Nautilus 15, 37-39, 50-53.
Lea I. 1831. Observations on the naïades, and descriptions of new species of that and other
families. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 4 (New Series), 63-121.
Lea I. 1852. Descriptions of new species of the family Unionidae. Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society (New Series) (Part 2) 10, 253-294.
276 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Linnaeus C. 1758. Systema Naturae. Edition X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae,
secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis.
Tomus I. Edtio decima, reformata.) Holmiae.
Rafinesque CS. 1820. Monographie des coquilles bivalves fluviatiles de la Rivière Ohio,
contenant douze genres et soixante-huit espèces. Annales Générales des Sciences
Physiques à Bruxelles 5, 287-322.
Say T. 1829. Descriptions of some new terrestrial and fluviatile shells of North America. The
Disseminator of Useful Knowledge; containing hints to the youth of the United States, from the
School of Industry, New Harmony, Indiana, USA.
Swainson W. 1840. A Treatise on Malacology or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-
fish. Printed for Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, London, UK.
Williams JD, Warren Jr. ML, Cummings KS, Harris JL, Neves RJ. 1993. Conservation status
of the freshwater mussels of the United States and Canada. Fisheries 18, 6-22.
Williams JD, Bogan AE, Garner JT. 2008. Freshwater mussels of Alabama and the Mobile
Basin in Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, USA.
FCUP 277
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Phylogeny of the family Margaritiferidae
Paper V
Expansion and systematics redefinition of the most threatened freshwater
mussel family, the Margaritiferidae
Lopes-Lima M, Bolotov IN, Tu DV, Aldridge DC, Fonseca MM, Gan HM, Gofarov MY,
Kondakov AV, Prié V, Sousa R, Varandas S, Vikhrev IV, Teixeira A, Wu R-W, Wu X, Zieritz A,
Froufe E, Bogan AE
Article published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 127, 98-118 (2018).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.04.041
278 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Two Unionida (freshwater mussel) families are present in the Northern Hemisphere; the
Margaritiferidae, representing the most threatened family, and the Unionidae, which include
FCUP 279
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
several genera of unresolved taxonomic placement. The recent reassignment of the poorly
studied Lamprotula rochechouartii from the Unionidae to the Margaritiferidae motivated a new
search for other potential species of margaritiferids from members of Gibbosula and
Lamprotula. Based on molecular and morphological analyses conducted on newly collected
specimens from Vietnam, we here assign Gibbosula crassa to the Margaritiferidae.
Additionally, we reanalysed all diagnostic characteristics of the Margaritiferidae and examined
museum specimens of Lamprotula and Gibbosula. As a result, two additional species are also
moved to the Margaritiferidae, i.e. Gibbosula confragosa and Gibbosula polysticta. We
performed a robust five marker phylogeny with all available margaritiferid species and discuss
the taxonomy within the family. The present phylogeny reveals the division of Margaritiferidae
into four ancient clades with distinct morphological, biogeographical and ecological
characteristics that justify the division of the Margaritiferidae into two subfamilies (Gibbosulinae
and Margaritiferinae) and four genera (Gibbosula, Cumberlandia, Margaritifera, and
Pseudunio). The systematics of the Margaritiferidae family is redefined as well as their
distribution, potential origin, and main biogeographic patterns.
Unionida, Margaritifera, Lamprotula, Gibbosula, Phylogeny, Bivalvia
280 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Unionida freshwater mussels: diversity and conservation status
The Unionida is the only strictly freshwater order of bivalves (Bogan 2008). It is an old and
widespread order with approximately 800 described species in 180 genera (Bogan 2008). Six
families are currently recognized within Unionida, but only the Unionidae and the
Margaritiferidae are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere (Bogan 2008). While the
Unionidae is extremely diverse (> 600 species), until the present study, only 12 species in one
genus scattered across North America, Europe, North Africa, and Asia had been recognized
within the Margaritiferidae (Bolotov et al 2016; Araujo et al 2017). Additionally, both families
are declining globally and are highly endangered, especially the Margaritiferidae, where all
species assessed with enough data present a near-threatened or threatened conservation
status (IUCN 2018).
Table 1
Comparison of Margaritiferidae classifications. Fossil genera excluded. (S) synonym. Superscripts: 1 Under tribe Heudeanini; 2 under subfamily
Pseudodontinae; 3 under tribe Margaritiferini; 4 under tribe Leguminaiini
Starobogatov (1970)
Starobogatov (1995)
Bolotov et al (2016)
Araujo et al (2017)
Henderson (1929)
Huff et al (2004)
Ortmann (1910)
Morrison (1975)
Frierson (1927)
Haas (1969a,b)
Modell (1942)
Modell (1949)
Modell (1964)
Thiele (1934)
Smith (2001)
Boss (1982)
This study
Margaritanidae ✓ ✓
Margaritaninae ✓ ✓
Margaritana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(Margaritana) ✓ ✓
Margaritiferidae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Margaritiferinae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Margaritifera ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(Margaritifera) ✓ ✓
Margaritanopsis s ✓ ✓ ✓1 ✓ ✓ s s
(Margaritanopsis) ✓ ✓
Cumberlandia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓3 ✓ ✓ s s s ✓
(Cumberlandia) ✓
Potomida ✓
Pseudunio s ✓3 ✓ ✓ s ✓
(Pseudunio) ✓ ✓
Dahurinaia s ✓1 ✓ s s s
Gibbosula ✓ ✓
Ptychorhynchus ✓ ✓1 ✓1 ✓
Schalienaia ✓3 ✓ s
282 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Starobogatov (1970)
Starobogatov (1995)
Bolotov et al (2016)
Araujo et al (2017)
Henderson (1929)
Huff et al (2004)
Ortmann (1910)
Morrison (1975)
Haas (1969a,b)
Frierson (1927)
Modell (1942)
Modell (1949)
Modell (1964)
Thiele (1934)
Smith (2001)
Boss (1982)
This study
Cucumerunioninae ✓ ✓ ✓
Cucumerunio ✓ ✓
Virgus ✓ ✓
Heudeaninae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Heudeana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Schepmania ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ctenodesma ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pseudodontinae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Pseudodon ✓ ✓ ✓
Monodontina ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Nasus ✓ ✓ ✓
Compsopseudodon ✓ ✓
Obovalis ✓ ✓ ✓
Pseudodontopsis ✓ ✓ ✓4
Leguminaia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓4
Microcondylaea ✓ ✓ ✓4
Leptanodonta ✓ ✓ ✓4
Gonidea ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Arcidopsinae ✓
Arcidopsis ✓
Trapezoideus ✓
Solenaia ✓2 ✓
FCUP 283
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 2
Characters used to define and diagnose Margaritiferidae. 1 papillae present only; 2 hinge teeth reduced.
Ortmann Ortmann Thiele Modell
(1910) (1911a, b) (1934) (1942, 1949, 1964)
1. Diaphragm incomplete formed by gills ✓ ✓
2. Anterior end of inner gills distant from palps ✓ ✓
3. Branchial and anal siphons/apertures ill-defined not closed ✓
4. Supra anal not separate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
5. Incurrent aperture with bifid or arborescent papillae ✓1 Elongate, unaffected (1949)
6. Gills no water tubes ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
7. Gills irregular scattered interlamellar connections ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
8. Gills not fused with mantle posteriorly ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
9. Marsupium in all four gills ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
10. Tachytictic
11. Glochidia semilunate, hookless, irregular small teeth ✓ ✓ ✓ (1949)
12. Pedal elevators inconspicuous
13. Anus located dorsal edge posterior adductor muscle
14. Shell elongated ✓ ✓
15. Umbo low ✓
16. Shell mostly compressed
17. Shell with numerous folds/sculpture including pustules some
18. Frequently concave ventral margin
19. Shell with nacre
20. Umbo sculpture angular un-joined chevron-like hooks ✓
21. Umbo sculpture weak concentric ✓ ✓
22. Maximum shell length
23. Umbo cavity shallow
24. Periostracum heavy, blackish ✓ (1911c)
25. Shell aragonite
26. Posterior lateral teeth tend to be reduced ✓2 ✓
27. Mantle attachment scars
28. Conchiolin one layer
29. Complete hinge teeth present ✓
284 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 2 (cont.)
Graf &
Haas Heard & Guckert Boss Smith Araujo
Character Cummings
(1969a,b) (1971) (1982) (2001) et al (2017)
1. Diaphragm incomplete formed by gills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ On mantle
2. Anterior end of inner gills distant from palps ✓
3. Branchial and anal siphons/apertures ill-defined not closed ✓ ✓ ✓
4. Supra anal not separate ✓ ✓ ✓
5. Incurrent aperture with bifid or arborescent papillae ✓ ✓
6. Gills no water tubes ✓ ✓ ✓
7. Gills irregular scattered interlamellar connections ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8. Gills not fused with mantle posteriorly ✓ ✓ ✓
9. Marsupium in all four gills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
10. Tachytictic ✓ ✓
11. Glochidia semi-lunate, hookless, irregular small teeth ✓ ✓
12. Pedal elevators inconspicuous ✓ ✓
13. Anus located dorsal edge posterior adductor muscle ✓ ✓
14. Shell elongated ✓
15. Umbo low
16. Shell mostly compressed ✓ ✓ ✓
17. Shell with numerous folds/sculpture including pustules
18. Frequently concave ventral margin ✓ ✓
19. Shell with nacre ✓
20. Umbo sculpture angular un-joined chevron-like hooks ✓ ✓
21. Umbo sculpture weak concentric
22. Maximum shell length 150mm 200mm
23. Umbo cavity shallow ✓ ✓
24. Periostracum heavy, blackish ✓ ✓
25. Shell aragonite ✓
26. Posterior lateral teeth tend to be reduced ✓ ✓
27. Mantle attachment scars ✓ ✓ ✓
28. Conchiolin one layer ✓ ✓
29. Complete hinge teeth present ✓
FCUP 285
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
In this fundamental work, the family Margaritiferidae was recognized with nine taxa (five
species and four subspecies) under a single genus, Margaritifera, divided into four subgenera:
Margaritifera, Cumberlandia, Margaritanopsis, and Pseudunio.
During the same period, alternative classifications were published (Modell 1942, 1949,
1964; Starobogatov 1970, 1995; Bogatov et al 2003) based only on few conchological
characters that proposed a much larger number of taxa in the Margaritiferidae (Table 1). These
studies were controversial and subsequently ignored by most malacologists (e.g. Boss 1982;
Smith 2001, Graf & Cummings 2007). Since the beginning of this century, the family
Margaritiferidae has been consistently restricted to around 12 species (Smith 2001; Huff et al
2004; Graf & Cummings 2006). Smith (2001), based on morphological characters only, divided
the Margaritiferidae into three genera: Pseudunio, Margaritifera, and Margaritanopsis. Soon
after, a molecular phylogenetic analysis was published using both nuclear and mitochondrial
markers on seven Margaritiferidae species (Huff et al 2004). Although these phylogenetic
analyses presented three clear clades, these did not agree with the genera previously defined
by Smith (2001), causing Huff et al (2004) to conclude that the generic name Margaritifera
should be considered for all species. In subsequent phylogenetic studies, the Margaritiferidae
has been presented consistently as monophyletic, with a marked genetic structure and divided
into three to four major clades; however, most authors have chosen not to discuss its generic
assignment keeping Margaritifera as the single genus (Huff et al 2004; Graf & Cummings 2007;
Araujo et al 2017). Nevertheless, many North American researchers continued to recognize
Cumberlandia as a valid genus (e.g. Watters et al 2009; Haag 2012).
Recently, two comprehensive five loci molecular phylogenies on the Margaritiferidae
documented several well-supported divergent clades. Bolotov et al (2016) recognized only
three main clades, assigning them as subgenera (Margaritanopsis, Margaritifera, and
Pseudunio) of Margaritifera, resembling the previous classification by Haas (1969a). Shortly
afterward, Araujo et al (2017) described five major divergent clades within the Margaritiferidae
but kept them under the same genus (Margaritifera).
unclear (Bolotov et al 2016; Araujo et al 2017). The phylogenetic models placed the origin of
the Margaritiferidae in the mid-Cretaceous (Bolotov et al 2016) or even in the Late Triassic
(Araujo et al 2017). The strong temporal discordance between these fossil-calibrated
phylogenies together with significant topological differences and low support values in several
deep nodes suggest that both studies need additional taxon samples. Inclusion of Pseudunio
homsensis from the Orontes River in Turkey, that had been missing from the previous
phylogenetic studies (Bolotov et al 2016; Araujo et al 2017), did not help to obtain a fully
resolved evolutionary reconstruction for the family, as it appears to be a close relative of P.
auricularius (Vikhrev et al 2017). Additionally, previous analyses also lacked Margaritiferidae
taxa from eastern China (i.e. between the Indo-China Peninsula and the Amur River; Smith
2001; Bolotov et al 2015, 2016). As has already been noted (Smith 2001; Bolotov et al 2015),
the inclusion of newly discovered species from this vast range disjunction is crucial for
developing a comprehensive understanding of the biogeography of the Margaritiferidae.
Huang et al (2017) added molecular sequences of Gibbosula rochechouartii to the data set of
Araujo et al (2017) and calculated an updated fossil-calibrated phylogeny placing the origin of
the Margaritiferidae crown group in the Late Cretaceous but were not able to obtain a well-
resolved biogeographic reconstruction.
A large number of fossil specimens assigned to the Margaritiferidae has been
recovered in Europe, Middle Asia, China, Mongolia, Siberia, Japan, North America, and Africa
(e.g. Henderson 1935; Modell 1957; Martinson 1982; Ma 1996; Fang et al 2009; Van Damme
et al 2015; Bolotov et al 2016; Araujo et al 2017). However, recent phylogenetic models were
calculated using a limited set of fossil calibrations because the true phylogenetic affinities of
many fossil taxa remain unclear due to high conchological variability (Bolotov et al 2016; Araujo
et al 2017; Huang et al 2017). The high taxonomic diversity of fossil margaritiferids disagrees
with the limited number of extant taxa and likely reflects a lack of critical revisions in systematic
palaeontology rather than multiple extinction events (Schneider & Prieto 2011; Bolotov et al
2016; Araujo et al 2017). Slow substitution rates in the Margaritiferidae (Bolotov et al 2016)
allow us to expect rather delayed diversification processes within the family, although the
diversification rates in margaritiferids have never been tested to date.
under Gibbosula (i.e. as Gibbosula crassa) within the Unionidae by Simpson (1900). A few
years later, another specimen was found in southern China and described as a new species,
i.e. Unio (Quadrula) mansuyi Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1908. Simpson (1914) placed this
species under Quadrula and did not associate it with G. crassa. A third specimen was
described in 1928 and added to Gibbosula (i.e. Gibbosula confragosa Frierson, 1928) based
on conchological similarities with G. crassa. In his comprehensive classification of the
Unionida, Haas (1969a,b) considered that Gibbosula had been superfluously created by
Simpson and listed it as a synonym of Lamprotula, inside the Unionidae. Additionally, Haas
(1969a) listed Dautzenberg & Fischer's species Unio mansuyi as a synonym of Lamprotula
Simpson (1914) was the first to notice that G. crassa presented some typical
margaritiferid conchological features (i.e. mantle attachment scars), but due to other distinct
characters (e.g. heavy shell, well-developed teeth, and deep umbo cavity), it was retained
within the Unionidae. Later, Morrison (1975) also noted that Gibbosula had the same
characters now known to characterize the Margaritiferidae. However, this information was
overlooked by most malacologists who continued to follow Haas (1969a) and kept G. crassa
and G. confragosa under Lamprotula (e.g. Prozorova et al 2005; Graf & Cummings 2007).
Finally, some authors recently described conchological differences between the two Gibbosula
species and Lamprotula and recognized Gibbosula as a separate genus within Unionidae (He
& Zhuang 2013; Graf & Cummings 2018). Furthermore, based on conchological similarities, a
third species of Gibbosula was recently described, i.e. Gibbosula nanningensis (Qian et al
The genus Lamprotula was recently revealed to be polyphyletic and divided into
Lamprotula s.s. and Aculamprotula (Zhou et al 2007; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013). These authors also
noted that all species of Lamprotula should be comprehensively analysed to clarify their status
and relationships. For instance, based on molecular analyses, Lamprotula rochechouartii has
been moved to Margaritiferidae (Huang et al 2017). Also, morphological and molecular
characteristics of six specimens of G. crassa collected from Bang River, Cao Bang Province,
Vietnam in 2016, suggested that the species did not belong to the Unionidae but to the
Margaritiferidae (Bogan & Do 2016). The reassignment of these two Asian species (i.e. L.
rochechouartii and G. crassa) from the Unionidae to the Margaritiferidae raises the question
of whether there are other overlooked species of Margaritiferidae within this group. To address
this issue, the congeneric G. confragosa and L. rochechouartii shell types were here analysed
as well as other types of Lamprotula sp. for potentially misplaced margaritiferids.
Under these considerations, the present study aimed to: (i) perform a detailed
morphological characterization of collected G. crassa specimens, and available museum
specimens of all Margaritiferidae, Lamprotula, and Gibbosula; (ii) sequence and characterize
288 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
the whole F-type mitogenome of G. crassa; (iii) produce a robust phylogeny of the
Margaritiferidae using five (nuclear and mitochondrial) markers and discuss the systematics
and taxonomy within the family; (iv) compare anatomical, conchological and ecological
characters within and among all retrieved clades; and (v) describe the potential origin and
ancient radiations of the Margaritiferidae and detect the most probable ancestral geographic
areas based on a new multi-locus fossil-calibrated phylogenetic model, using the most
complete sampling of taxa to date and an expanded calibration dataset.
Phylogenetic analyses
Individual alignments were performed for each of the five markers: COI - 654 nt, 16S - 475 nt,
18S - 1778 nt, 28S - 307 nt, and H3 - 327 nt. Each alignment was constructed with up to two
FCUP 289
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 3
List of specimens analysed, GenBank references, specimen number, locations, and museum voucher references. *not generated from a single
Taxon Specimen COI 16S 18S 28S H3
Gibbosula crassa 1 MH293546 MH293536 MH293539 MH293542 MH293549
Gibbosula crassa 2 MH293547 MH293537 MH293540 MH293543 MH293550
Gibbosula laosensis 1 KU763224 KU763193 KU763255 KU763298 KU763342
Gibbosula laosensis 2 KU763225 KU763194 KU763256 KU763299 KU763343
Gibbosula rochechouartii 1 MF072498 MF072505 MF072519 MF072512 MF072526
Gibbosula rochechouartii 2 MF072502 MF072509 MF072523 MF072516 MF072530
Cumberlandia monodonta 1 AY579131 AY579089 AY579105 AY579121 AY579144
Cumberlandia monodonta 2 MH293545 MH293535 MH293538 MH293541 MH293548
Margaritifera dahurica 1 KJ161516 KJ943526 KT343730 KT343738 AY579133
Margaritifera dahurica* 2 KJ161520 KJ943527 KJ943531 MH293544 MH293551
Margaritifera falcata 1 AY579128 AY579085 AY579101 AY579117 AY579141
Margaritifera falcata 2 AY579127 AY579084 AY579100 AY579116 AY579140
Margaritifera hembeli 1 KU763218 KU763189 KU763250 KU763293 KU763336
Margaritifera hembeli 2 KU763219 KU763190 KU763251 KU763294 KU763337
Margaritifera laevis KU763222 KU763192 KU763253 KU763296 KU763340
Margaritifera margaritifera 1 KU763227 KU763196 KU763258 KU763301 KU763345
Margaritifera margaritifera 2 AF303342 AF303301 KU763274 KU763317 KU763360
Margaritifera marrianae KU763243 KU763214 KU763283 KU763326 KU763369
Margaritifera middendorffi 1 AY579124 AY579081 AY579092 AY579108 AY579134
Margaritifera middendorffi 2 KJ161547 KJ943528 KT343726 KT343735 MH293552
Pseudunio auricularius 1 AY579125 AY579083 AY579097 AY579113 AY579137
Pseudunio auricularius 2 AF303309 AF303274 KU763247 KU763290 KU763333
Pseudunio homsensis KX550090 KX550092 KX550088 KX550086 MH293553
Pseudunio marocanus 1 EU429678 EU429689 KU763281 KU763324 KU763367
FCUP 291
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 3 (cont.)
Lampsilis cardium Illinois, USA BivAToL-421
Potomida littoralis Cadiz, Spain MNCN-N706
Unio pictorum Thames River, UK BivAToL-204
Hyridella australis New South Wales, Australia BivAToL-378
Triplodon corrugatus Peru BivAToL-380
Velesunio ambiguus New South Wales, Australia BivAToL-379
Anodontites elongata Peru BivAToL-323
Lamproscapha ensiformis Peru BivAToL-382
Etheria elliptica Zambia BivAToL-401
Aspatharia pfeifferiana Chambeshi River, Zambia BivAToL-330
Chambardia wahlbergi Zambia BivAToL-405
Mutela hargeri Zambia BivAToL-401
Neotrigonia lamarckii North Stradbroke Island, Australia BivAToL-97
Neotrigonia margaritacea Tasmania, Australia
294 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 4
Biological and ecological characters. (Gln) glochidial size índex. Superscripts: U unknown; R rivers; L lakes.
G. crassa mediumR moderate-strong
G. laosensis headwaters moderate-strong
G. rochechouartii rivers-floodplain slow-Moderate
G. polysticta rivers-floodplainL slow-Moderate
C. monodonta Hiodontidae 0.004 medium-large moderate-strong
M. dahurica Salmonidae 0.006 headwaters -large moderate-strong
M. falcata Salmonidae 0.006 headwatersR-largeR moderate-strong
M. hembeli Esocidae headwaters moderate
M. laevis Salmonidae 0.004 headwaters -large moderate-strong
M. margaritifera Salmonidae 0.005 headwaters -large moderate-strong
M. marrianae Esocidae 0.002 headwatersR slow-moderate
M. middendorffi Salmonidae 0.006 headwaters -large slow-moderate
P. auricularius Acipenseridae, Blenniidae, Gasterosteidae 0.018 moderate-strong
U U middle-lower
P. homsensis slow-moderate
U U middle-lower
P. marocanus moderate-strong
FCUP 295
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 4 (cont.)
distribution constraints were excluded from the input matrix as follows: Southeast Asia -
western North America (AC), Southeast Asia - eastern North America (AD), Southeast Asia -
Mediterranean Region (AE), Southeast Asia - Europe (AF), East Asia - eastern North America
(BD), western North America - Mediterranean Region (CE), and western North America -
Europe (CF). Geographic areas were assigned to the species as follows: Southeast Asia -
Gibbosula laosensis, East Asia - G. crassa, G. rochechouartii, Margaritifera dahurica, M.
laevis, and M. middendorffi, western North America - M. falcata, eastern North America -
Cumberlandia monodonta, Margaritifera marrianae, and M. hembeli, and Mediterranean
Region - P. auricularius, P. homsensis, and Pseudunio marocanus. Considering the broad
trans-Atlantic distribution of Margaritifera margaritifera, we assigned the ‘DEF’ range
for this species. The S-DIVA models were calculated with the following parameters: max
areas=2; allow reconstruction with max reconstructions=100; max reconstructions for final
tree=1000; and allowing extinctions. The DEC and S-DEC analyses were run with default
settings and max areas=2. In addition to the evaluations obtained from each analysis
separately, we used generalized results of all three modelling approaches, which were
combined using an algorithm implemented in RASP v. 3.2.
Mitogenome characteristics
The length of the newly sequenced female mitogenome haplotype of G. crassa (16,196 nt) is
within the typical range of Unionida. It includes the 13 protein-coding genes, the gender-
specific ORF described for all Unionida mitogenomes with DUI system, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA)
and 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes (Supplementary Fig. 1).
Phylogenetic analyses
The datasets included combinations of individual alignments (COI: 654 nt, 16S: 471 nt, 18S:
1778 nt, 28S: 309 nt, H3: 327 nt). No indels were observed and no stop codons were found
after translating the sequences to amino acids in both COI and H3 datasets. All saturation tests
showed significantly lower values of ISS than ISS.C (a critical value determined from
computational simulation) indicating that the evaluated datasets (COI and H3) are not site
saturated and are useful for phylogenetic comparisons. The resulting BI and ML trees of the
concatenated (COI + 16S + 18S+ 28S + H3) datasets generated the same topology within the
ingroup, being presented the topology of the BI with 9 partitions (Fig. 1). Except for the
Iridinidae, paraphyletic in all analyses, all Unionida families are represented by well-supported
monophyletic clades, including the Margaritiferidae (Fig. 1: Table 5). Within the
Margaritiferidae, four well-supported clades can be found, identified here as Gibbosula,
Cumberlandia, Margaritifera, and Pseudunio (Fig. 1; Table 5). In detail, a first division occurs
between a Gibbosula clade (G. rochechouartii + G. crassa + G. laosensis) that is well-
supported in the BI analysis and a clade encompassing all remaining species (Fig. 1; Table 5).
This latter clade is further divided into the Cumberlandia clade (C. monodonta) + the Pseudunio
clade (P. auricularius + P. homsensis + P. marocanus) and the Margaritifera clade (M.
margaritifera, M. dahurica, M. falcata, M. hembeli, M. laevis, M. marrianae, and M.
middendorffi) (Fig. 1; Table 5). The Margaritifera clade is further subdivided in the clade (M.
margaritifera + M. dahurica) sister to the “Pacific” clade (M. falcata + (M. hembeli + M. laevis
+ M. marrianae + M. middendorffi) (Fig. 1; Table 5).
Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree of the Palaeoheterodonta obtained by Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of the combined
(COI [3 codons] + 16S + 18S + 28S + H3 [3 codons]) dataset. Support values above the branches are posterior probabilities and bootstrap support
below. Numbers after species names refer to specimen numbers (see Table 3).
300 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 5.
Results of Repeatability Clade Analysis (RCA) of main clades corresponding to the preferred topology.
Combined dataset mtDNA
Clades Analyses COI3 + 16S + 18S COI + 16S + 18S +
COI3 + 16S COI + 16S COI3 COI 16S
+ 28S + H33 28S + H3
BI 100 99 100 100 100 99 58
ML 76 84 90 93 58 78 24
BI 100 100 - - 96 83 -
‘Pacific clade’
ML 86 85 - - 62 61 -
BI 97 99 95 89 - - 78
ML 74 64 65 - 52 - 61
BI 100 100 100 100 96 75 64
ML 95 93 78 84 - 79 42
Pseudunio BI 96 99 - - 50 - -
+Cumberlandia ML 38 47 - 50 - 39 -
BI 100 100 100 100 100 100 72
ML 100 100 95 100 94 94 74
BI 100 100 100 100 80 55 99
ML 100 100 97 99 - 69 81
Etheriidae + BI 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Mulleriidae +
ML 100 100 100 100 100 100 94
BI 100 100 55 93 76 98 97
ML 97 98 76 75 70 72 63
FCUP 301
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 5 (cont.)
Analyses 18S + 28S + H33 18S + 28S + H3 18S 28S H33 H3
BI - - - - - -
ML - - - 37 - -
BI 100 100 100 - - -
‘Pacific clade’
ML 37 - 98 - - -
BI 98 99 60 85 - -
ML - - 40 57 - -
BI 100 100 70 - - -
ML 68 - - - - -
BI 90 91 93 - - -
Pseudunio + Cumberlandia
ML - - 62 - - -
BI 100 100 100 100 - -
ML 100 100 100 100 - -
BI 100 100 100 100 - -
ML 99 99 99 95 - -
BI 100 100 100 100 100 100
Etheriidae + Mulleriidae + Iridinidae
ML 100 100 100 91 98 97
BI 100 100 84 - 100 100
ML 93 93 - - 82 91
302 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Graf & Cummings (2006) listed five morphological synapomorphies for Margaritiferidae,
characters: 7 - gills irregular scattered interlamellar connections; 8 - gills not fused with mantle
posterior; 12 - pedal elevator muscle scars inconspicuous; 13 - anus located dorsal edge of
posterior adductor muscle; and 27 - mantle attachment scars (Table 2). However, only three
historically recognized characters, i.e. characters 7, 13 and 27, are synapomorphies of the
Margaritiferidae since all other characters can be found in other members of the Unionida,
outside the Margaritiferidae. In this study, we identified a new synapomorphy for the
Margaritiferidae, i.e. papillae on the external surface of the excurrent aperture. Also, two
molecular characters are also synapomorphic, i.e. the F- and M- mitogenome gene orders
(Lopes-Lima et al 2017b).
Inspection of the conchological features revealed a few similarities across all species
(Table 6). Mantle attachment scars were found consistently in all analysed specimens and
nacre colour was generally white with the only exceptions being the purple nacre of M. falcata
and M. laevis, and the peach colour in the umbonal region of G. laosensis (Table 6).
Interestingly, most of the inspected characters were distinct and consistent with the four clades
retrieved with the phylogenetic analyses (i.e. Gibbosula, Cumberlandia, Margaritifera, and
Pseudunio; Table 6). While thin shells are typical for Cumberlandia, thin to medium thick shells
can be found in all species of Margaritifera. Except for G. laosensis, the remaining species
belonging to Pseudunio and Gibbosula have ponderous, thick shells. All species within
Cumberlandia, Margaritifera, and Pseudunio have shallow and open umbo cavities (e.g. Fig.
2). Conversely, all species of Gibbosula have deep, compressed umbo cavities (e.g. Fig. 2),
except for G. laosensis (Table 6). Pseudocardinal teeth are also distinct among the clades
(Fig. 2); while Gibbosula and Pseudunio species present large teeth (again except for G.
laosensis), Margaritifera presents peg-like smaller teeth, and those in Cumberlandia are
reduced (Fig. 2). The lateral teeth are consistently well-developed in most species across the
clades, with a few exceptions (Table 6). However, the lateral teeth of species within Pseudunio
and Gibbosula present vertical striations (except for P. auricularius), while this character is
absent or visible only on the posterior end of laterals of Cumberlandia and Margaritifera
species. Shell surface sculpture is also distinct across the genera (Table 6). Species within
Cumberlandia, Pseudunio and Margaritifera are generally smooth, without any sculpture, the
only exceptions being M. hembeli and M. marrianae, which present plications on the posterior
slope and onto the posterior disk. A distinct pattern can be seen in Gibbosula, where all
species, except G. laosensis, are strongly sculptured with pustules, plications or both (Table
FCUP 303
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 6.
Analysed conchological characters of Margaritiferidae species. Superscripts: 1 W-shaped pustules on umbo and onto disk; 2 plications on posterior
slope, posterior disk; 3 plications on the posterior slope, pustules on umbo and disk.
Shell thickness Mantle attachment scars Umbo pocket Pseudocardinal teeth Lateral teeth
G. confragosa thick present deep open large well-developed
G. crassa thick present deep compressed large well-developed
G. laosensis medium present shallow open peg-like Reduced
G. polysticta thick present deep compressed large well-developed
G. rochechouartii thick present deep compressed large well-developed
C. monodonta thin present shallow open reduced reduced
M. dahurica medium present shallow open peg-like reduced
M. falcata thin-medium present shallow open peg-like well-developed
M. hembeli medium present shallow open peg-like well-developed
M. laevis medium few shallow open peg-like Reduced
M. margaritifera thin-medium present shallow open peg-like well-developed
M. marrianae thin-medium present shallow open peg-like well-developed
M. middendorffi medium present shallow open peg-like well-developed
P. auricularius thick present shallow open large well-developed
P. homsensis thick few shallow open large well-developed
P. marocanus thick present shallow open large well-developed
304 FCUP
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Table 6 (cont.)
Lateral teeth sculpture Umbo sculpture Nacre colour Ventral margin Shell shape
G. confragosa reduced unknown white slight convex oval yes1
G. crassa yes unknown white slight convex rectangular yes2
white, peach
G. laosensis yes unknown slight concave elongate no
umbo area
G. polysticta yes unknown white convex oval yes2
G. rochechouartii yes unknown white straight convex rectangular yes3
C. monodonta no Concentric bars white concave elongate no
M. dahurica no unknown white straight elongate no
M. falcata no unknown purple straight slight concave elongate no
M. hembeli posterior end unknown white straight slight concave elongate yes2
M. laevis posterior end unknown white straight slight concave elongate no
M. margaritifera no Concentric bars white straight slight concave elongate no
Concentric almost
M. marrianae posterior end white straight elongate yes2
double looped1
M. middendorffi posterior end unknown white straight elongate no
P. auricularius no concentric bars white concave elongate oval no
P. homsensis yes unknown white straight concave elongate oval no
P. marocanus yes concentric bars white straight concave elongate oval no
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Table 7.
Anatomical characters. *Not analysed for anatomy.
Incurrent Excurrent Gill Gill Labial Foot muscle
Papillae Anal position Diaphragm
aperture aperture attachment structure Palp pigmented
G. confragosa* ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
G. crassa arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
G. laosensis arborescent crenulated ----- Posterior dorsal anterior Interrupted falcate yes ridge
G. polysticta* ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
G. rochechouartii arborescent crenulated ----- posterior dorsal unknown interrupted unk. yes ridge
C. monodonta arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. dahurica arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. falcata arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. hembeli arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. laevis arborescent crenulated ----- Posterior dorsal anterior Interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. margaritifera arborescent crenulated no Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. marrianae arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
M. middendorffi arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
P. auricularius arborescent crenulated ----- Posterior dorsal anterior Interrupted falcate yes ridge
P. homsensis arborescent crenulated ----- Posterior dorsal anterior interrupted falcate yes ridge
P. marocanus arborescent crenulated yes Posterior dorsal anterior Interrupted falcate yes ridge
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Figure 2 Hinge plate and umbo cavity of Margaritiferidae. A - Gibbosula crassa (NCSM
102194.2), B - Cumberlandia monodonta (NCSM 55359.18), C - Margaritifera margaritifera,
(NCSM 5771.1) D - Pseudunio auricularius (NCSM 44514.2). t - pseudocardinal teeth, u -
umbo cavities.
Shell shape is also distinct among the four clades: species within Gibbosula present a typically
convex ventral margin and a variable shell shape; Cumberlandia have a concave ventral
margin and elongated shape; Margaritifera shells are elongated and typically straight to slightly
concave ventral margin; and finally Pseudunio shells are elongated-oval with a straight to
concave ventral margin (Table 6). The umbo in most of the examined shells was eroded and
therefore hindered a proper analysis of its sculpture. Nevertheless, concentric bars in the umbo
were present in all species, where this feature was visible (Table 6). All the soft body
anatomical traits were similar in all analysed species (Table 7).
The ecological and other biological characters analysed here also corroborate the
existence of four genera (Table 4). The host fishes of Margaritifera species belong exclusively
to the Salmonidae and the closely related Esocidae, while the hosts for Pseudunio and
Cumberlandia do not belong to these fish families (Table 4). Cumberlandia uses two species
of Hiodontidae, while members of three unrelated families of fish are found to be suitable for
P. auricularius (Table 4). As for the other two species of Pseudunio, no hosts have yet been
identified but no salmonid species occur sympatrically within their current known distribution
(Table 4). The fish hosts for Gibbosula species are all unknown, although at least for the
Southeast Asian taxa (G. laosensis and G. crassa) do certainly not include Salmonidae, since
this family does not occur in this area (Table 4). The glochidia size of P. auricularius is much
larger than those of Margaritifera and Cumberlandia. Since the glochidia of the other two
Pseudunio and all Gibbosula species are undescribed, its utility for systematics still needs to
be confirmed (Table 4). The habitat preferences are also distinct among the genera. While
Margaritifera species prefer oligotrophic soft-water rivers and are more prevalent in
headwaters, Pseudunio generally inhabits the middle to lower sections of moderate to hard-
water mesotrophic rivers. Cumberlandia seems to occur in habitats like those of Pseudunio
(Table 4). However, contrary to all the other genera it is mostly found in a very particular
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microhabitat, i.e. under large flat rocks or in rock crevices (Table 4). Gibbosula seems to be
much more plastic in its habitat preferences (Table 4) although the ecological features of most
species need to be more thoroughly studied.
Figure 3 Fossil-calibrated ultrametric chronogram of the Margaritiferidae calculated under a lognormal relaxed clock model and a Yule process
speciation implemented in BEAST 1.8.4 and obtained for the complete data set of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences (nine partitions: three
codons of COI + 16S rRNA + 18S rDNA + 28S rDNA + three codons of H3). Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals of the estimated divergence
times between lineages (Ma). Black numbers near nodes are mean ages (Ma). Stratigraphic chart according to the International Commission on
Stratigraphy 2015.
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Table 8.
The most probable ancestral areas of the primary clades within Margaritiferidae inferred from three different statistical modelling approaches.
High support values (probability≥70%) are highlighted in bold. *Mediterranean + Eastern North America.
Probability of ancestral areas (%)
Clades Ancestral areas Combined
Margaritiferidae E. Asia + Mediterranean Dispersal 58.3 53.3 53.4 55.0
Gibbosulinae (Gibbosula) E. Asia Dispersal 100.0 67.6 68.2 78.6
G. laosensis - G. crassa E. Asia + SE. Asia Vicariance 100.0 71.2 68.6 79.9
Margaritiferinae (Margaritifera +
E. Asia + Mediterranean Vicariance 41.7 73.4 71.0 62.0
Pseudunio + Cumberlandia)
Margaritifera E. Asia Dispersal 65.0 49.1 43.1 52.4
Dispersal +
M. dahurica - M. margaritifera E. Asia + Europe 50.0 81.4 79.9 70.4
M. falcata - M. laevis (Pacific
E. Asia + W. North America Vicariance 100.0 81.4 76.7 86.0
M. laevis - M. middendorffi E. Asia Dispersal 97.3 63.2 67.3 49.2
Dispersal +
M. middendorffi - M. hembeli E. Asia + W. North America 33.3 66.0 63.8 54.4
W. North America + E. North Dispersal +
M. hembeli - M. marrianae 33.3 40.5 41.9 38.2
America Extinction
Dispersal +
Pseudunio + Cumberlandia Mediterranean 100.0* 64.6 70.5 45.0
Pseudunio Mediterranean Intra-area radiation 100.0 100.0 99.7 99.9
P. auricularius - P. homsensis Mediterranean Intra-area radiation 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
310 FCUP
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Figure 4 Simplified scheme of origin and expansion routes inferred across clades of the
Margaritiferidae. The black numbers show the mean age of putative expansion events
obtained from the multi-locus fossil-calibrated phylogenetic model (see Fig. 3 for details).
Circles indicate the putative places of origin of the family and several clades. The map was
created using ESRI ArcGIS 10 software (; the topographic base of the
map was created with ESRI Data and Maps.
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Diversification rates
The lineage-through-time modelling suggests extremely slow diversification rates in the
Margaritiferidae (Fig. 5). The constant-rate test suggests that all clades diversified under the
pure-birth (constant) model (Supplementary Table 5).
Definition of the Margaritiferidae
Since the first definition of the Margaritiferidae by Ortmann, its supposed diagnostic characters
have varied considerably (Table 2). Graf & Cummings (2006), based on a molecular (COI +
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28S) and morphological phylogeny, revised margaritiferid synapomorphies noting that there
was no previous consensus on characters diagnosing the family Margaritiferidae. These
authors retained only five morphological synapomorphies, two conchological (characters 12
and 27, Table 2) and three anatomical (characters 7, 8, and 13, Table 2) characters. All other
analysed characters were considered plesiomorphic (Graf & Cummings 2006). The main
synapomorphies of the family were again re-evaluated by Araujo et al (2017) (Table 2). They
rejected Graf & Cummings (2006) character 12 and considered character 27 as the only
conchological synapomorphy for the Margaritiferidae. These authors retained anatomical
characters 7, 8, and 13, but were not able to fully evaluate the anal position in all taxa (see
Table 2). Other characters previously used to characterize Margaritiferidae were found in other
genera of the Unionidae (Table 2). Finally, a recent mitogenomics study provided the F- and
M- type gene-orders of the Margaritiferidae as two additional synapomorphic diagnostic
characters (Lopes-Lima et al 2017b).
In the present study, 29 analysed characters were common to all margaritiferid species
and therefore can be used to diagnose the family (Table 2). However, only six, i.e. characters
7, 13, and 27 (Table 2), the papillae on the external surface of the excurrent aperture, plus
both mitogenome orders are synapomorphies of the Margaritiferidae. All the other characters
can be found on other members of the Unionida and Neotrigonia, outside the Margaritiferidae.
Expansion of Margaritiferidae
Based on morphological and molecular evidence, the family Margaritiferidae is here expanded
to 16 species and separated into two subfamilies (i.e. Margaritiferinae and Gibbosulinae) and
four genera (i.e. Pseudunio, Cumberlandia, Margaritifera, and Gibbosula) (Fig. 1; Table 9;
Supplementary Table 6).
Until recently, two different species of Gibbosula used to be recognized. Firstly, the
type species G. crassa was described by Wood (1815) from a specimen collected in an
unknown location in China. Since then, only a few specimens of G. crassa or its synonym Unio
mansuyi have been collected, almost a hundred years ago, in the Bang River, Pearl/Zhu River
basin, either in China or Vietnam. During recent surveys, the species was rediscovered but
seems to be quite rare and restricted to the middle stretches of Bang River in Cao Bang
Province, Vietnam. The second previously recognized species within Gibbosula is G.
confragosa, described by Frierson from a single specimen, collected in an uncertain location
in north China. Although Prozorova et al (2005) stated that this species was present in the
Yangtze and other Eastern Chinese basins, there is no current evidence of its occurrence in
the Yangtze basin.
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Table 9
Margaritiferidae systematics and taxonomy.
Margaritiferidae Henderson, 1929
Since G. confragosa original description, only one specimen has been collected and described,
i.e. a specimen from Lake Baiyangdian, Hai River basin, Hebei province, northern China,
previously incorrectly labelled as U. microstictus (He & Zhuang 2013). Besides the shell
surface sculpture differences, the disjunct distribution of G. confragosa suggests a distinct
specific rank. The newly found specimens and shells of G. crassa from Vietnam, here analysed
in detail, feature the characteristics diagnostic and synapomorphies of the Margaritiferidae
(Tables 6 and 7). Additionally, the F-type whole mitogenome sequence of one of the specimens
collected revealed the typical gene order of the Margaritiferidae (Supplementary Fig. 1), which
is unique to this family (Lopes-Lima et al 2017b). The phylogenetic analyses also confirm the
inclusion of G. crassa in the Margaritiferidae family, forming a well-supported clade (BI only)
with G. laosensis and G. rochechouartii. The shells of G. confragosa and G. polysticta present
mantle attachment scars exclusive to the Margaritiferidae and were therefore included in the
Margaritiferidae (Fig. 1; Table 6) and assigned to Gibbosula due to similarities in shell
characteristics with the type species, G. crassa (Table 6). An additional Gibbosula species was
314 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Margaritiferidae Henderson, 1929 (Ortmann, 1910)
Type genus: Margaritifera Schumacher, 1816
Type species: Mya margaritifera Linnaeus, 1758
Type Locality: “Habitat in totius orbis arctici cataractis” [Arctic habitat in the entire world
cataracts] (Linnaeus, 1758).
Comments: This family was split from the Unionidae and four more species were moved from
the Unionidae, refining the definition of the family and the variation in shell shape, anatomy
and geographic distribution.
Diagnosis: Shell shape varies from elongated to rectangular or oval, shell thickness varies
from thin to very thick. The posterior ridge of the shell varies from low and rounded to well-
developed and posterior slope with or without plications, maximum shell length about 200 mm.
Umbo sculpture presents angular un-joined chevron-like hooks but Zieritz et al (2015) have
referred to this sculpture as double looped. Periostracum colour varies from a dark green to
typically black. Lateral teeth vary from vestigial to well-defined with vertical sculptures on all or
the posterior portion of the teeth. Pseudocardinal teeth vary from peg-like in both valves to
thick and massive. Umbo pocket varies from shallow and open to deep and compressed (Fig.
2). Lateral mantle attachment scars are present in varying numbers inside of the pallial line.
Nacre varies from white to purple. Mantle free around edges of the animal. Apertures open
without any mantle fusions to separate the incurrent, excurrent or supra-anal apertures.
Branchial and supra-branchial areas not separated posteriorly by gills, but by a diaphragm
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comprised of a ridge of mantle tissue. Incurrent aperture with arborescent papillae and in at
least one species has simple papillae on the external side of incurrent aperture mantle surface
typically along the length of the aperture. Excurrent aperture smooth or crenulated, lacking
papillae, external side of excurrent aperture mantle surface typically has small papillae along
the length of the aperture. Gills attached to the visceral mass only anteriorly. Labial palps
falcate in outline. Interlamellar gill connections are “irregularly scattered or forming irregular
oblique row, or incomplete septa which run obliquely to the direction of the gill filaments” (Heard
& Guckert 1970). Gills lack water tubes. Marsupium occupies all four gills. Muscular section of
the food pigmented either dark red or black. Anus is located on the posterior dorsal margin of
the posterior adductor muscle. This family is a short term brooder or tachytictic. Most species
are dioecious with only a few listed as hermaphroditic or having hermaphroditic populations.
Fish hosts, when known, are Salmonidae, Esocidae, Acipenseridae, Blenniidae,
Gasterosteidae, and Hiodontidae, with each margaritiferid genus being restricted to a single or
few host fish families. Female and male mitochondrial genome orders are unique for
Margaritiferidae and different from Unionidae.
Distribution: The family is found in North America north of Mexico, Western and Northern
Europe, western North Africa in Morocco, western Middle-East in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon,
Southeast Asia and north to eastern Russia and Japan (Fig. 6).
smooth in G. laosensis. Shell surface is smooth, with plications or covered with pustules of
various shapes. Lateral teeth are typically well developed except for the reduced teeth in G.
laosensis and have vertical striations. Pseudocardinal teeth are usually large and well
developed (Fig. 2), except in G. laosensis where they are peg-like. Umbo cavity deep and
compressed (Fig. 2) or open and shallow as in G. laosensis. Nacre colour is typically white.
Fish hosts are unknown (Table 4).
Distribution: Species assigned to Gibbosula occur in rivers of northern Thailand, Laos, central
Myanmar, western Vietnam, northern Vietnam in the headwaters of Pearl River system,
tributaries of the Yangtze River basin in southern China, and north China (Fig. 6).
probable MRCA of Margaritiferidae and Unionidae (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). Huang et
al (2017) assigned †Shifangella as a stem calibration for the Margaritiferidae and placed the
origin of the family crown group in the Late Cretaceous that is close to the dating of Bolotov et
al (2016).
The divergence between Gibbosulinae and Margaritiferinae in the Late Jurassic
represented the earliest split within the Margaritiferidae. The Gibbosulinae, a local clade of
East Asian origin, diversified during the Late Cretaceous possibly via connections between the
paleo-river systems of East and Southeast Asia. We suggest that †Gibbosula tibetica (Gu,
1976) comb. nov. from the Late Cretaceous deposits of the Tibetan Plateau could be
considered the earliest known fossil member of the Gibbosulinae (Supplementary Tables 3
and 4). Whilst Bolotov et al (2016) hypothesized that G. laosensis clustered with C. monodonta,
this was not confirmed in our phylogeny. This discrepancy can be explained by the absence
of other members of the Gibbosulinae in the reconstruction by Bolotov et al (2016). The
external resemblance between G. laosensis and C. monodonta that was a subject of long-term
discussion (Walker 1910; Smith 2001; Bolotov et al 2016) is surely a result of morphological
convergence. Interestingly, both clades (Gibbosulinae and Pseudunio + Cumberlandia)
include species with narrow, elongated shells (G. laosensis and C. monodonta) as well as
broad, rounded shells (G. crassa, G. rochechouartii, P. homsensis).
The Margaritiferinae MRCA had a continuous range from East Asia to the
Mediterranean Region in the Late Jurassic, which was most likely facilitated by host fish
dispersal within a continuous paleo-river system or along the Tethys coastal line (Hou and Li
2017). The earliest history of this clade is well documented via fossil records from Jurassic
deposits of North Africa and Europe (Delvene et al 2013, 2016; Van Damme et al 2015). †
“Margaritifera” crosthwaitei (Newton, 1909) from the Late Jurassic deposits of Egypt and
†Asturianaia soudanensis (Van Damme & Bogan, 2015) comb. nov. from the Middle to Late
Jurassic deposits of Niger are the earliest fossil members from North Africa that could be
assigned to this clade (Van Damme et al 2015). Fossils identified as “Margaritifera” cf.
valdensis (Mantell, 1844) are known from the Late Jurassic deposits of Spain (Delvene et al
2013, 2016). Three additional Late Jurassic margaritiferid species were recently described
from Spain: †Asturianaia colunghensis Delvene, Munt, Piñuela & García-Ramos, 2016, †A.
lastrensis Delvene, Munt, Piñuela & García-Ramos, 2016 and †“Margaritifera” lagriega
Delvene, Munt, Piñuela & García-Ramos, 2016 (Delvene et al 2016).
The MRCA of Pseudunio + Cumberlandia clade most likely originated in the
Mediterranean Region and dispersed to eastern North America with a subsequent vicariant
event in the Early Cretaceous. †Paraheudeana idubedae (Palacios & Sánchez, 1885) from the
Early Cretaceous deposits of Spain appears to be the earliest known member of the crown
group of this clade (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). The evolutionary history of Pseudunio
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was associated with the intra-Mediterranean radiation from the mid-Eocene to mid-Miocene.
Our results support the assumption of Bolotov et al (2016) that the split between P. auricularius
and P. marocanus was well before the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). Additionally, the new
model indicates that the split between P. auricularius and P. homsensis most likely preceded
this paleogeographic event. In contrast, the divergence between Unio species in Morocco and
Iberia was coincident with the MSC (Froufe et al 2016). The earliest fossils resembling the
extant Cumberlandia are known from the Early Cretaceous deposits in North Africa: †C.
rhazensis (Mongin, 1968) comb. nov. and †C. saharica (Mongin, 1968) comb. nov. (Van
Damme et al 2015).
Margaritifera is the most widespread and diverse group of recent margaritiferids. This
clade most likely originated in East Asia in the Late Cretaceous. The earliest fossils that may
belong to this clade are known from the mid-Cretaceous deposits of Mongolia: †Margaritifera
elongata (Martinson, 1982) comb. nov., †M. sainshandensis (Martinson, 1982) comb. nov. and
†M. glabra (Kolesnikov, 1956) comb. nov. (Supplementary Table 3). However, the first two
species together with nine additional fossil taxa from Mongolia were considered synonyms of
†Unio longus (Zhu, 1976) from China (Sha et al 2006). A detailed discussion of the fossil taxa
taxonomy is beyond the scope of the present investigation, but it should be mentioned that
Sha et al (2006) provided their revision without studies of the type series of the synonymized
species. Our reconstruction of the diversification patterns within this clade is largely congruent
with the multiple trans-Beringian exchange model developed by Bolotov et al (2015, 2016) and
is supported by numerous fossil records (Supplementary Table 3). An expanded sampling of
species from the ‘Pacific’ clade (M. falcata, M. laevis, M. middendorffi, M. hembeli, and M.
marrianae) indicates the possibility of an extinction event that closes the gap between East
Asian M. middendorffi and its relatives from southeastern North America, i.e. M. hembeli and
M. marrianae. Previously, Bolotov et al (2016) suggested that an additional Margaritifera
species could be within this gap following the hypothesis of Taylor (1988) regarding vicariate
forms of Margaritiferidae on both sides of the Pacific. However, Taylor’s unnamed taxon is a
morphological form of M. falcata, which differs by nacre colour (white with salmon spots) but
is not genetically different from the typical violet-nacre form (our unpubl. data). The new fossil-
calibrated model also supports the hypothesis that the Mekong and Yangtze unionoid faunas
must have developed as independent radiations during the entire Cenozoic (Schneider et al
2013; Bolotov et al 2017a,b) because G. laosensis (Mekong River basin) and G. crassa (Pearl
River basin) split ~65 Ma ago, and the G. laosensis + G. crassa subclade diverged from G.
rochechouartii (Yangtze) ~103 Ma ago. The two largest paleo-Mekong radiations in the
Unionidae most likely originated in the Early Cenozoic (mean age=51-55 Ma) or even pre-
Cenozoic (mean age=65-71 Ma) (Bolotov et al 2017a,b). These results are following the
concept of long-lived (ancient) rivers, suggesting that several large rivers on Earth may have
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
existed for long-term periods comparable with geological epochs (Bolotov et al 2017a). The
present results highlight that the placement of several Jurassic and Early Cretaceous
margaritiferid species within the genus Margaritifera (e.g. Delvene et al 2013, 2016; Van
Damme et al 2015) needs to be revised because these taxa most likely represent ancestral
fossil lineages that are not directly associated with the crown group of the latter genus despite
their morphological similarity. The description of two fossil species from the same deposit
based on small conchological differences, a common procedure in systematic palaeontology
(e.g. Delvene et al 2016), most likely leads to the overestimation of the actual diversity of fossil
taxa, e.g. Margaritiferidae, because the sympatric occurrence of several closely related
species is an unusual phenomenon. The co-occurrence of M. laevis and M. middendorffi in
several rivers of Japan, South Kuriles and Sakhalin Island (Bolotov et al 2015, 2016; Araujo et
al 2017) is the only example of such a secondary sympatry known to date, whereas distribution
ranges of the other species reflect a drainage-dependent allopatric speciation model without
clear secondary contact zones. This evolutionary pattern suggests a limited number of
ancestral fossil lineages not only by the single confirmed extinction event but also by the slow
substitution and diversification rates within the family. Modelling results suggest delayed
diversification rates in the Margaritiferidae (Fig. 5 and Supplementary Table 5) that are
consistent with findings for the Indo-Chinese Unionidae, which also reveal slow diversification
rates (Bolotov et al 2017a). Indeed, the rates in margaritiferids are ∼2.5 times slower compared
with the Unionidae (Bolotov et al 2016). These results may be associated with slower rates of
molecular evolution in the Margaritiferidae, which support the hypothesis of a possible link
between delayed diversification and slow molecular evolution in freshwater mussels (Bolotov
et al 2017a), although this enigmatic pattern requires further investigation.
The current study supports the increase of extant margaritiferid species to 16 and suggests
their division into two subfamilies and four genera. Since a better understanding of
phylogenetic diversity is central for determining conservation priorities (Lopes-Lima et al
2017c, 2018), the results reported here may be important in the definition of future
management strategies devoted to the conservation of margaritiferid species. The inclusion of
G. crassa, G. polysticta, G. rochechouartii, and G. confragosa in the Margaritiferidae, confirms
the family as the most threatened among unionoids (IUCN 2018). The first three mentioned
species have a threatened status (IUCN 2018), while G. confragosa has never been evaluated
(IUCN 2018). All four “new” margaritiferids seem to have small distribution ranges and are
affected by multiple impacts (IUCN 2018). Further studies on the Margaritiferidae should
include basic ecological and physiological research, collecting data on distribution, abundance,
324 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
habitat preferences, host fish identification, and reproductive cycles, as well as a phylogenomic
approach to complement the current phylogenetic evaluation. Finally, a complete revision of
numerous fossil margaritiferid taxa is necessary for the future development of reliable
phylogenetic, phylogenomic and biogeographic reconstructions.
The authors would like to thank the editor Dr. Perez-Losada and two anonymous reviewers for
their valuable suggestions and comments. M. Caballer MNHN e-RECOLNAT (ANR-11-INBS-
0004) and Ms. Virginie Heros, molluscs, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris are
acknowledged for the photographs of the types of Unio mansuyi, Unio rochechouartii, and Unio
affinis used in this paper and their assistance with specimens in their collection. Ms. Krasimira
(Kasey) Seizova, Drexel University Co-op student working in the Malacology Department,
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia took the photographs of the
type specimen of Gibbosula confragosa. These pictures were taken for the ANSP type project
and used with the permission of Dr. Gary Rosenberg. Pictures of the NCSM specimen of
Gibbosula crassa were taken by Ms. Raquel Fagundo and Ms. Joanna Cox; those of the
Margaritiferid hinge plates were taken by Macauley Whiting, all in the Non-Molluscan
Invertebrate Unit, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC with permission
of Dr. Bronwyn Williams. Jeffrey T. Garner, Florence, Alabama assisted with the USNM
ledgers. He Jing, Shell Discoveries and ConchBooks are acknowledged for the permission to
reproduce the figures from Qian et al 2015 for the description of Gibbosula nanningensis. This
work was supported by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, Project 3599 - Promote
the Scientific Production and Technological Development and Thematic 3599-PPCDT by
FEDER as part of the project FRESHCO: Multiple implications of invasive species on
Freshwater Mussel co-extinction processes (contract: PTDC/AGRFOR/1627/2014). FCT also
supported MLL (SFRH/BD/115728/2016) and EF (SFRH/BPD/108445/2015). The Russian
Ministry of Education and Science (project no. 6.2343.2017/4.6), the Federal Agency for
Scientific Organizations (project no. 0409-2015-0143), the Presidium of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (scientific program no. 52), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR
(project no. 17-45-290066) supported INB, MYG, AVK, and IVV. The Nagao Natural
Environment Foundation (NEF) supported for VTD research project “The study of Unionoida
biodiversity and conservation status in Bang and Ky Cung River basins in Northeast Vietnam”.
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Dillwyn LW. 1817. A descriptive catalogue of recent shells, arranged according to the Linnaean
method, with particular attention to the synonymy. Printed for John and Arthur Arch, Cornhill,
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diversity, distribution and conservation status. Freshwater Mollusks Biology and Conservation
21, 1-18.
Graf DL. 2010. Funeral for the Nouvelle École -iana generic names introduced for freshwater
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340 FCUP
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Supplementary material
Supplementary Figure 1 Gene map of the F-type mitochondrial genome of Gibbosula crassa.
Genes positioned inside the circle are encoded on the heavy strand, and genes outside the
circle are encoded on the light strand. Colour codes: small and large ribosomal RNAs (red),
transfer RNAs (purple); F-specific open reading frame (yellow); protein-coding genes (green).
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Supplementary Figure 2 Historical biogeography of the Margaritiferidae inferred from three different statistical modelling approaches, including
(A) the combined results of SDIVA, DEC, and S-DEC; (B) S-DIVA; (C) DEC; and (D) S-DEC, calculated under a lognormal relaxed clock model
and a Yule process speciation implemented in BEAST 1.8.4 and obtained for the complete data set of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences (nine
partitions: three codons of COI + 16S rRNA + 18S rDNA + 28S rDNA + three codons of H3). Pie chaps near nodes indicate probabilities of certain
ancestral areas. Colour circles on the tip nodes indicate the range of each species. Black numbers near nodes are BPP values inferred from
FCUP 343
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Supplementary Table 1.
Specimens examined for conchological and anatomical features. ANSP - Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA,
USA; MNHN - Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; NHMUK - Natural History Museum, London, UK; NCFM - Nanchang
Freshwater Mollusk Collection, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China; NCSM - North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences,
Raleigh, NC, USA; RMBH - Russian Museum of Biodiversity Hotspots, Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Arkhangelsk, Russia.
Taxa Conchological Anatomical
Gibbosula confragosa ANSP 145237 -----
Gibbosula crassa MNHN-IM-2000-1743, 33100, 33101; NCSM 102193, 102194 NCSM 102193, 102194
Gibbosula laosensis NCSM 83059 RMBH biv0136/3
Gibbosula polysticta MNHN MP 3387 MNHN MP 3387
Gibbosula rochechouartii NCSM 6468, NCFM 092142 NCFM 092142
Cumberlandia monodonta NCSM 28549, 33041, 55345, 55350, 55359 NCSM 30377, 34969, 87784, 100543
Margaritifera dahurica NCSM 27972 RMBH biv0165/2; NCSM 27972
Margaritifera falcata NCSM 48386, 48393 NCSM 27974, 29455, 41056, 41059
Margaritifera hembeli NCSM 28946, 45395 NCSM 100550
Margaritifera laevis NCSM 102192 RMBH d0078/9
Margaritifera margaritifera NCSM 5771,7329 NCSM 28288, 28944, 83212
Margaritifera marrianae NCSM 33045, 62914, 62915 NCSM 30343, 30371, 46348
Margaritifera middendorffi
NCSM 48955 RMBH biv0167/1; NCSM 48955
+ M. togakushiensis
Pseudunio auricularius NCSM 44514 MNHN-IM-2013-62643
Pseudunio homsensis RMBH biv0176 RMBH biv0176; NHMUK 1936.10.3
Pseudunio marocanus NCSM 85240, 102909, 102910 NCSM 1012909, 102910
344 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 2.
Best-fit models of nucleotide substitution for each partition based on Bayesian Information
Criteria (BIC) using JMODELTEST 2.1.10 (Darriba et al 2012) for the Bayesian inference
Partition Model
COI codon 1 GTR + G + I
COI codon 2 F81 + G
COI codon 3 HKY + G
16S GTR + G + I
18S GTR + G + I
28S GTR + G + I
H3 K80 + G
H3 codon 1 JC
H3 codon 2 JC
H3 codon 3 K80 + G
FCUP 345
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 3.
List of characteristic examples of fossil records supporting the primary phylogenetic clades of freshwater bivalves identified in the present study.
Ancestral genera
Clades [dating following our fossil-calibrated
[stratigraphic dating]
Unionida Crown [near Permian - Triassic boundary] †Silesunio Skawina & Dzik, 2011 [early Late
Margaritiferidae + Unionidae Crown [Late Triassic] †Shifangella Liu & Luo, 1981 [Late Triassic]
Margaritiferidae Crown [Middle Jurassic] †Palaeomargaritifera Ma, 1984 stat. res.
[Middle Jurassic]
Gibbosulinae (Gibbosula) Crown [mid-Cretaceous] Gibbosula Simpson, 1900 [mid-Cretaceous]
G. laosensis - G. crassa n/a Gibbosula Simpson, 1900
Margaritiferinae Stem/Crown [Middle to Late Jurassic] †”Margaritifera” [Late Jurassic]
(Margaritifera + Pseudunio + Cumberlandia)
Pseudunio + Cumberlandia Stem [Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous] †Asturianaia Delvene, Munt, Piñuela &
García-Ramos, 2016 [Late Jurassic]
Crown [Early Cretaceous] †Paraheudeana Starobogatov, 1970
?†Protelliptio Russell, 1934 [Early
taxonomic changes. Considering our new data on the extremely low diversification rates in the Margaritiferidae, high diversity of fossil species
may be an artifact caused by shell shape variability. **Fossil calibrations (see Supplementary Table 4 for details). n/a - not available.
Araujo R, Schneider S, Roe KJ, Erpenbeck D, Machordom A. 2017. The origin and phylogeny of Margaritiferidae (Bivalvia, Unionoida): a synthesis
of molecular and fossil data. Zoologica Scripta 46, 289-307.
Bolotov IN, Vikhrev IV, Bespalaya YV, Gofarov MY, Kondakov AV, Konopleva ES, Bolotov NN, Lyubas AA. 2016. Multi-locus fossil-calibrated
phylogeny, biogeography and a subgeneric revision of the Margaritiferidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
103, 104-121.
Delvene G, Munt MC, Piñuela L, García-Ramos JC. 2016. New Unionida (Bivalvia) from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Asturias, Spain, and
their palaeobiogeographical implications. Papers in Palaeontology 2, 265-285.
Fang ZJ, Chen JH, Chen CZ, Sha JG, Lan X, Wen SX. 2009. Supraspecific taxa of the Bivalvia first named, described, and published in China
(1927-2007). University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (New Series) 17, 1-157.
Henderson J. 1935. Fossil non-marine mollusca of North America. Geological Society of America Special Papers 3, 1-290.
Ma Q. 1996. Revision of Mesozoic Margaritiferidae in China and their development. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 35, 408-429.
Martinson GG. 1982. Late Cretaceous Molluscs of Mongolia. Nauka Publ., Moscow, 82 pp.
Modell VH. 1957. Die fossilen Najaden Nordamerikas. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 86, 183-200.
348 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Schneider S, Prieto J. 2011. First record of an autochthonous community of fluviatile freshwater molluscs from the Middle/Late Miocene Upper
Freshwater Molasse (southern Germany). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 140, 1-18.
Skawina A, Dzik J. 2011. Umbonal musculature and relationships of the Late Triassic filibranch unionoid bivalves. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society 163, 863-883.
Van Damme D, Bogan AE, Dierick M. 2015. A revision of the Mesozoic naiads (Unionoida) of Africa and the biogeographic implications. Earth-
Science Reviews 147, 141-200.
FCUP 349
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 4. List of fossil calibrations that were used in BEAST analyses
MRCA Description Reference
Hard minimum age: 230 Ma, †Silesunio parvus Skawina & Dzik (2011) (Unionida:
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: Elongated shell of small size does not exceed
50 mm and generalized morphology, with juvenile stage bearing concentric ribs parallel
with the mantle margin (Skawina & Dzik 2011). Umbonal muscles tend to disperse over
the anterior slope of the beaks. The Silesunionidae is a prospective earliest member of
the order Unionida (Skawina & Dzik 2011).
Present study:
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Lacustrine grey claystone and red finely grained
Calibration 1 Unionida New crown
mudstone bed within red-coloured fluviatile series of Late Carnian calcareous
mudstones, Krasiejów, Opole Silesia, southern Poland (Skawina & Dzik 2011).
Absolute age estimate: Late Carnian, 230 Ma, based on stratigraphy; 95% soft upper
bound 273 Ma based on the age of †Lyroschizodus orbicularis Newell & Boyd 1975
(Trigoniida: Trigoniidae), the earliest known member of Trigoniidae (Newell & Boyd
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 11.6, MRCA: Unio pictorum -
Velesunio ambiguus.
Hard minimum age: 201 Ma, †Shifangella margaritiferiformis Liu & Luo, 1981 in Liu
(1981) (Unionida: unnamed ancestral family).
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: Shell thin, large to very large; transversely
elongate, ventral margin concave; elongate-oval to Margaritifera-shaped; equivalve,
inequilateral; moderately to rather inflated. Posterior ridge strong, edge-form (Fang et
al 2009). Umbonal region compressively flattened; beaks broad, not projecting or
slightly rising above hinge margin, prosogyrous, situated rather anteriorly. Surface
Present study:
Margaritiferidae ornamented with regularly spaced concentric rings and growth lines, but with regular
Calibration 2 New crown
+ Unionidae concentric rings only in preadult specimens; lunule absent; escutcheon developed,
relatively wide; ligament opisthodetic. Hinge plate narrow, with unionid dentition, but
teeth fine and smooth, parallel to hinge margin. Anterior adductor scar shallow,
rounded, accompanied by a pedal scar at the upper posterior side. The genus was
considered a member of Margaritiferidae (Fang et al 2009), but it seems to be rather a
prospective ancestral lineage of both families.
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Second Member, Wuzhongshan Formation, Upper
Triassic, Jinhe, Shifang, Sichuan, southwestern China (Fang et al 2009).
350 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
MRCA Description Reference
Absolute age estimate: Triassic/Jurassic boundary, 201 Ma, based on stratigraphy;
95% soft upper bound 230 Ma based on calibration 2.
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 7.9, MRCA: Margaritifera
marrianae - Potomida littoralis.
Hard minimum age: 168 Ma, †Palaeomargaritifera guangyuanensis (Ma, 1984) comb.
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: Shell large; greatly elongate, with largest shell
about 120 mm long and 44 mm high; length about 2.7 times as long as height; shell
width about one-fifth as long as height; anterior margin rounded; posterodorsal margin
nearly straight, obliquely passing into rounded posterior margin; posteroventral end
prominently protracting backward; ventral margin long, with wide, shallow sinus; umbo
broad and low, positioned at about two-ninths shell length from anterior; posterior
ridge obtuse (Fang et al 2009). Shell flat, surface with irregular commarginal lines.
Present study:
Anterior pseudocardinal teeth strong, two in left valve and one in right valve; posterior
Calibration 3 Margaritiferidae New stem
lateral lamellar teeth, one in left valve and seemingly two in right valve; anterior
adductor scar deep, elongate-oval, with arborescent-like striations; upper pedal scar
deeper, lower one isolated and shallower; posterior adductor scar also shallow (Fang
et al 2009). It seems to be a prospective stem lineage of extant Margaritiferidae.
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Third Member, Guangyuan Group, Middle Jurassic,
Nanshan, Guangyuan, Sichuan, southwestern China (Fang et al 2009).
Absolute age estimate: Bajocian/Bathonian boundary, 168 Ma, based on stratigraphy;
95% soft upper bound 201 Ma based on calibration 3.
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 9, MRCA: Gibbosula crassa -
Margaritifera hembeli.
Hard minimum age: 129 Ma, †Paraheudeana idubedae (Palacios & Sánchez, 1885).
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: The assignation of this species to the genus
is based on the shell shape, notable mantle attachment scars on the inner side of the
valve and the arborescent rugosity of the muscle adductor scars (Delvene & Araujo Present study:
Pseudunio +
Calibration 4 2009; Van Damme et al 2015). It seems to be a prospective crown lineage of the New crown
extant Pseudunio + Cumberlandia clade. calibration
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Hauterivian-Barremian Urbión Group, Valdehierro
and Valdemadera sites, La Rioja Province, Cameros Basin, Spain (Delvene & Araujo
FCUP 351
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
MRCA Description Reference
Absolute age estimate: Hauterivian/Barremian boundary, 129 Ma, based on
stratigraphy; 95% soft upper bound 168 Ma based on calibration 4.
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 7.8, MRCA: Pseudunio
homsensis - Cumberlandia monodonta.
Absolute age estimate: 46 Ma; 95% soft upper bound 92 Ma (twice the age of the
M. falcata - M. Bolotov et al (2016):
Calibration 5 fossil). Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 12.5, MRCA:
laevis Crown calibration
Margaritifera falcata - M. laevis.
M. Absolute age estimate: 34 Ma; 95% soft upper bound 68 Ma (twice the age of the
Bolotov et al (2016):
Calibration 6 margaritifera - fossil). Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 9.3, MRCA:
Crown calibration
M. dahurica Margaritifera margaritifera - M. dahurica.
Absolute age estimate: 35 Ma; 95% soft upper bound 70 Ma (twice the age of the
P. auricularius - Araujo et al (2017):
Calibration 7 fossil). Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 9.5, MRCA:
P. marocanus Crown calibration
Pseudunio auricularius - P. marocanus.
Hard minimum age: 86 Ma, † Gibbosula tibetica (Gu, 1976) comb. nov.
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: The species differs by thick shell, massive
hinge plate, well-developed pseudocardinal teeth, and the arborescent rugosity of the
muscle adductor scars (Ma 1996; Data Base of Paleontological Fossils of Nanjing
Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: lot nos.
30963, 30964, 30965, 30967, 30968, and 30969). It seems to be a crown lineage of Present study:
Calibration 8 Gibbosula the extant Gibbosula. New crown
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Late Cretaceous Shigatse Group, Zhaxilin village, calibration
Shigatse Region, Tibet, China.
Absolute age estimate: Coniacian/Santonian boundary, 86 Ma, based on stratigraphy;
95% soft upper bound 168 Ma based on calibration 4.
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 22.3, MRCA: Gibbosula
rochechouartii - G. laosensis.
Araujo R, Schneider S, Roe KJ, Erpenbeck D, Machordom A. 2017. The origin and phylogeny of Margaritiferidae (Bivalvia, Unionoida): a synthesis
of molecular and fossil data. Zoologica Scripta 46, 289-307.
352 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Bolotov IN, Vikhrev IV, Bespalaya YV, Gofarov MY, Kondakov AV, Konopleva ES, Bolotov NN, Lyubas AA. 2016. Multi-locus fossil-calibrated
phylogeny, biogeography and a subgeneric revision of the Margaritiferidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
103, 104-121.
Delvene G, Munt MC, Piñuela L., García-Ramos JC. 2016. New Unionida (Bivalvia) from the Kimmeridgian (Late Jurassic) of Asturias, Spain,
and their palaeobiogeographical implications. Papers in Palaeontology 2, 265-285.
Fang ZJ, Chen JH, Chen CZ, Sha JG, Lan X, Wen SX. 2009. Supraspecific taxa of the Bivalvia first named, described, and published in China
(1927-2007). University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (New Series) 17, 1-157.
Gu ZW, Huang BY, Chen CZ, Wen S, Ma Q, Lan X, Xu J, Liu L, Wang D, Qui R, Huang Z, Zhang Z, Chen J, Wu P. 1976. Fossil Lamellibranchiata
of China. Science Press, Beijing, China.
Liu X-Z. 1981. On some newly discovered non-marine pelecypods from the Late Triassic Wuzhongshan Formation in Sichuan Basin. Bulletin of
the Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences 2, 121-136.
Ma Q-H. 1984. Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Lamellibranchiata from Sichuan Basin. In Editorial group on Continental Mesozoic Stratigraphy and
Palaeontology of Sichuan Basin (eds), Continental Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Palaeontology in Sichuan Basin of China. People’s Publishing
House of Sichuan, Chengdu, China.
Ma Q. 1996. Revision of Mesozoic Margaritiferidae in China and their development. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 35, 408-429.
Newell ND, Boyd DW. 1975. Parallel evolution in early trigonacean bivalves. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 154, 55-162.
FCUP 353
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Palacios P, Sánchez R, 1885. La formación Wealdense en las provincias de Soria y Logroño. Boletín de la Comisión del Mapa Geológico de
España 12, 1-32.
Skawina A, Dzik J. 2011. Umbonal musculature and relationships of the Late Triassic filibranch unionoid bivalves. Zoological Journal of the
Linnean Society 163, 863-883.
Van Damme D, Bogan AE, Dierick M. 2015. A revision of the Mesozoic naiads (Unionoida) of Africa and the biogeographic implications. Earth-
Science Reviews 147, 141-200.
354 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Supplementary Table 5.
Diversification rate statistics for the Margaritiferidae and Unionidae clades.
Paradis’s test of diversification with three survival models The constant-rates test
LRT p-value Beta parameter
Clade Div. rate Selected model (by Gamma p-value
(constant rate model of the Weibull
(delta ± s.e.) AIC) statistic (two-sided)
vs. Weibull model) model (± s.e.)
Margaritiferidae 0.014±0.004 0.096 1.488±0.322 Weibull (variable rate -0.628 0.530
through time)
Gibbosula 0.012±0.008 0.037* 5.250±2.097 Weibull (variable rate -0.767 0.443
through time)
Pseudunio + 0.015±0.009 0.703 1.203±0.566 Constant rate 0.945 0.345
Margaritifera 0.023±0.009 0.042* 2.135±0.618 Weibull (variable rate -0.838 0.402
through time)
Rectidentinae** 0.037±0.008 0.013* 1.603±0.256 Weibull (variable rate -1.612 0.107
through time)
Rectidentini**,M 0.036±0.011 0.018* 2.744±0.573 Weibull (variable rate -2.306 0.021*
through time)
ContradentiniM 0.047±0.014 0.102 1.520±0.345 Constant rate -0.747 0.455
Bolotov IN, Kondakov AV, Vikhrev IV, Aksenova OV, Bespalaya YV Gofarov MY, Kolosova YS, Konopleva ES, Spitsyn VM, Tanmuangpak K &
Tumpeesuwan S. 2017. Ancient river inference explains exceptional Oriental freshwater mussel radiations. Scientific Reports 7, 2135.
FCUP 355
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Supplementary Table 6
Margaritiferidae generic names, authorities, and type species.
Genus name and authority Type species
Gibbosula Simpson, 1900 Mya crassa Wood, 1815
+Margaritanopsis Haas, 1910b1 Unio laosensis Lea, 1863
+(Odhnerella) Modell, 1964 Unio rochechouartii Heude, 1875
Cumberlandia Ortmann, 1912 Unio monodonta Say, 1829
Margaritifera Schumacher 18162 Mya margaritifera Linn., 17582
+Margaritana Schumacher, 18172 Mya margaritifera Linn., 17582
+Damaris “Leach” Swainson, 1823 Mya margaritifera Linn., 1758
+Damalis Leech, 1847 non Fabricius, 1805 Mya margaritifera Linn., 1758
+Baphia Mörch, 1853 non Gray, 1847 Mya margaritifera Linn., 1758
+Margaritiferana Fagot, 1893 Unio elongata Lamarck, 1819 = Mya margaritifera Linn., 1758
+Kurilinaia Bogatov & Zatravkin, 1988 Dahurinaia kurilensis Zatravkin & Starobogatov, 1984 = M. laevis
+Dahurinaia Starobogatov, 1970 Unio dahuricus Middendorff, 1850
+Schalienaia Starobogatov, 1970 Unio hembeli Conrad, 1838
+Baryana Locard, 18893 [nomen nudum] Unio baryus “Bourg.” Locard, 1889 [nomen nudum]
Pseudunio Haas, 1910a Unio sinuata Lamarck, 1819 = U. auricularius Spengler, 1793
+Potamida Agassiz, 1846, non Brongniart, 1810 Unio sinuata Lamarck, 1819 = U. auricularius Spengler, 1793
+Potodoma Haas, 1969b, non Meigen, 1800 Unio sinuata Lamarck, 1819 = U. auricularius Spengler, 1793
The date of publication for Margaritanopsis Haas has been used as 1912 (e.g. Haas 1969a; Smith 2001) and Haas 1969b and Graf & Cummings
(2017) used 1910. The correct date of publication is based on the first publication of the generic name in association with a species name that
occurs on Plate 12, figures 1-2 of Haas (1910) published in Lieferung 546, dated 1910 and signature 5, dated 13 August 1910 (see Bogan 2015).
The text description of Margaritanopsis appears on pages 121-122 which was published in Lieferung 559, dated 1912 and signature 16 dated 13
February 1912 (see Bogan 2015).
Spelling of Margaritifera and its type species, suppression of the generic name Margaritana and the use of Margaritiferidae have been stabilized
by the ICZN Opinion 495 [1957].
Baryana Locard, 1889 (Locard 1889:18) erected the group of Baryana “Bourguignat” in the genus Unio and declared the type of the group as”
Le type de ce groupe est l’Unio baryus Bourg. de l’Euphrate.” Unio baryus is the type species by original designation. The work is credited by
356 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Locard to a Bourguignat manuscript. Unio baryus Bourg. in Locard is a manuscript name and is a nomen nudum. Graf (2010) noted Unio sinuata
Lamarck, 1819 was the only other included species and observed this genus is invalid and a nomen dubium. Baryana has been used with Unio
sinuata Lamarck as the type species in error, which would make it a senior synonym of Pseudunio Haas 1910 (Graf & Cummings 2017). Vinarski
& Kantor (2016) include Baryana as a synonym of Margaritifera without comment on its nomenclatural status. All generic names were checked
against the database of Neave (2018).
Agassiz L. 1846. Nomenclatoris zoologici. Index universalis, continens nomina systematic classium, ordinum, familiarum et generum animalium
omnium. Jent et Gassmann, Soloduri, Switzerland.
Bogan AE. 2015. Determining the date of publication for Contradens Haas and Uniandra Haas (Bivalvia: Unionidae). The Nautilus 129, 175-178.
Bogatov VV, Zatravkin MN. 1988. New species of the order Unioniformes (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from the south of the Soviet Far E ast. Trudy
Zoologicheskogo instituta 187, 155-168.
Conrad TA. 1853. A synopsis of the family of Naïades of North America, with notes, and a table of some of the genera and sub-genera of the
family, according to their geographical distribution, and descriptions of genera and sub-genera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia 6, 243-269.
Fagot P. 1893. Histoire malacologique des Pyrénées Françaises et Espagnoles. Bulletin de la Société Ramond 28, 247-262.
Graf DL. 2010. Funeral for the Nouvelle École -iana generic names introduced for freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida).
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 159, 1-23.
Graf DL. Cummings KS. 2018. The MUSSEL Project Database. Available at (accessed 4 Jan 18).
FCUP 357
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Gray JE. 1847. A list of the genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 15, 129-206.
Haas F. 1910a. Pseudunio, neues Genus für Unio sinuatus Lam. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 42, 181-183.
Haas F. 1910b-1920. Die Unioniden. Neubearbeitung und Fortsetzung der Küsterschen und Clessinschen Monographien von Unio und Anodonta.
In Küster HC (ed), Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz 9, 1-344.
Haas F. 1969. Superfamilia Unionacea. Das Tierrich, 88. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.
Haas F. 1969b. Superfamily Unionacea. In Moore RC (ed), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part N, Volume 1, Mollusca 6. Bivalvia, pp.
N411-N470. Geological Society of America, The University of Kansas, Kansas, USA.
ICZN. 1957. Opinion 495. Designation under the plenary powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus
“Unio” Philipsson, 1788 (Class Pelecypoda) and validation under the same powers of the family-group name “Margaritiferidae” Haas, 1940.
Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 17, 287-322.
Lamarck JBPA. 1819. Les nayades. In Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertébres Vol. 6, pp. 67-100. Paris.
Lea I. 1863. Description of a new species of Unio and a Monocondylaea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15,
Leach WE. 1847. The classification of the British Mollusca. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 1) 20, 267-273.
358 FCUP
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Linnaeus C. 1758. Systema Naturae. Edition X. (Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species cum
characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Edtio decima, reformata.) Holmiae.
Locard A. 1889. Catalogue des espèces Française appartenant aux genres Margaritana et Unio connues jusqu’a ce jour. Contribution a la Frauna
Malacologique Française, vol. 13, Pitrat aine, Imprimeus, Lyon, France.
Middendorff AT. 1850. Beschreibung einiger Mollusken-arten, nebsteinem Blicke auf der geographischen Character de Land- und Süsswasser-
Mollusken Nord-Asiens. Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg 9, 108-112.
Mörch OAL. 1852-1853. Catalogus conchyliorum quae reliquit D. Alphonso D’Aguirra & Gadea, Comes de Yoldi, regis daniae cubiculariorum
princeps, ordinis dannebrogici in prima classe & ordinis caroli tertii eques. Hafniae, Typis Ludovici Kleini, Copenhagen, Danmark.
Neave 2018. Neave Nomenclator zoologicus. Available at (accessed 4 Jan 2018).
Ortmann AE. 1912. Cumberlandia, a new genus of naiades. The Nautilus 26, 13-14.
Say T. 1829. Descriptions of some new terrestrial and fluviatile shells of North America. The disseminator of useful knowledge; containing hints
to the youth of the United States, from the School of Industry, New Harmony, Indiana, USA
Schumacher CF. 1815 (1816). Afhandling over conchyliologiske Systemer, og om nogle toskallende Conchylier. Oversigt over det Kongelige
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Schumacher CF. 1817. Essai d’un nouveau système des habitations des vers testacés avec XXII planches. De l’Imprimerie de Mr. le directeur
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Simpson CT. 1900. Synopsis of the Naiades: or pearly fresh-water mussels. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 22, 501-1044.
Smith DG. 2001. Systematics and Distribution of the Recent Margaritiferidae. In Bauer G, Wächtler K (eds), Ecology and Evolution of the
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Spengler L. 1793. Beskrivelse over et nyt Slægt af de toskallede Konkylier, forhen af mig kaldet Chaena, saa og over det Linnéiske Slægt Mya,
hvilket nøiere bestemmes, og inddeles i tvende Slægter. Skrivter af Natur-historie-Selskabet 3, 16-69.
Starobogatov YI. 1970. Mollusk fauna and zoogeographical partitioning of continental water reservoirs of the world. Zoologischeskii Instituti Nauka,
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Swainson W. 1823. Zoological illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the
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Vinarski MN, Kantor Y. 2016. Analytical catalogue of fresh and brackish water molluscs of Russia and adjacent countries. A.N. Severtsov Institute
of Ecology and Evolution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
Wood W. 1815. General conchology: or a description of shells arranged according to the Linnean system and illustrated with plates drawn and
coloured from nature. Vol. 1. John Booth, London, UK.
Zatravkin MN. Starobogatov YI. 1984. New species of the superfamily Unionoidea (Bivalvia, Unioniformes) from the Soviet Far East.
Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 63, 1785-1791.
360 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The unique mitogenomes of Margaritiferidae
Paper VI
The first Margaritiferidae male (M-type) mitogenome: mitochondrial gene
order as a potential character for determining higher-order phylogeny
within Unionida (Bivalvia)
Lopes-Lima M, Fonseca M, Aldridge Dc, Bogan A, Gan Hm, Ghamizi M, Sousa R, Teixeira
A, Varandas S, Zanatta D, Zieritz A, Froufe E
Article published in Journal of Molluscan Studies 83, 249-252 (2017).
DOI: 10.1093/mollus/eyx009
FCUP 361
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The unionid family Margaritiferidae, comprising 12 extant species, is widely distributed across
the northern hemisphere in North America, Europe and Asia (Bolotov et al 2016). Most species
in this family have dramatically declined over the last century, with nine of the 12 species
assessed as threatened in the most recent IUCN Red List (IUCN 2016). Among these is the
Moroccan pearl mussel Margaritifera marocana (Pallary, 1918), considered one of the 100
most threatened species on the planet (Baillie & Butcher 2012). This species is now restricted
to two small streams in the Oum Er Rbia and Sebou basins and conservation measures are
urgently needed (Sousa et al 2016). Beyond the conservation concern, Unionida are also
biologically interesting. They present an unusual mechanism of mitochondrial inheritance
called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), in which all individuals have the typical maternally
transmitted mtDNA (F-type), but the males possess in their germ cells a paternally inherited
mtDNA instead (M-type) (Zouros et al 1994; Breton et al 2009). So far, DUI has been observed
in over 100 species from four bivalve orders (Gusman, Azuelos & Breton 2017), including three
families within Unionida, i.e. Unionidae, Hyriidae and Margaritiferidae (Walker et al 2006).
However, to date, no whole M-type mitogenome has been published for any species belonging
to the last two of these families.
The gene arrangement within mitogenomes is highly conserved in many taxonomic
groups. For example, most vertebrates share the same gene order (Pereira 2000). In other
faunal groups, like Bivalvia, the mitochondrial genome arrangement is more variable, although
not many distinct gene orders have been described so far (Serb & Lydeard 2003). Still, in
unionoids, mitogenome rearrangements seem to be rare events that are unlikely to be
homoplastic. In this context, the mitogenome gene order might be used as an additional
character for phylogenetic inference. However, its utility for the Unionida phylogeny has never
been tested.
The order Unionida has 6 recognized families with around 800 species (Lopes-Lima et
al 2014), but the phylogenetic relationships among these families are still not fully resolved
(Graf 2013). This lack of coherence among studies has been consistently attributed to the low
number of molecular markers used and insufficient taxon sampling (Bogan & Roe 2008; Graf
2013; Fonseca et al 2016).
Under the above-mentioned assumptions, the aims of the present study are to (1)
sequence and analyse the whole M- and F-type mitogenomes of M. marocana, (2) infer the
phylogenetic relationships among Unionoidea species using all both the F- and M-type mtDNA
sequences publicly available and (3) determine the gene order of all analysed mitogenomes
and evaluate its phylogenetic utility.
FCUP 363
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
haplotype within Unionida. The sequenced haplotypes include the 13 PCGs typically found in
metazoan mitochondrial genomes, the sex-specific ORF described for all Unionida
mitogenomes with DUI system (Breton et al 2009, 2011a) and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and
two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. The M-type genome is the largest sequenced to date within
the Unionida. M-type genomes are generally larger than F-type genomes due to the larger size
of the PCG COX2 and M-ORF in M-type genomes compared with COX2 and F-ORF in F-type
genomes (Breton et al 2009). Four intergenic regions were identified in the M. marocana M-
type genome between the following gene pairs: NAD3-tRNA (A) 106 nt, tRNA(H)-tRNA(Q) 411
nt, ND4L-tRNA(D) 255 nt and tRNA(D)-ATP8 498 nt. These regions were analysed to search
for the M-ORF. The results of the blast search (Altschul et al 1997) retrieved a significant hit
with another Margaritiferidae M-ORF (Margaritifera monodonta, E-value = 4e-34) and a Fickett
test score of 1.201 (Fickett 1982; a score > 0.95 means the sequence is probably coding),
suggesting that the M-ORF is located in the region between the genes ND4L and tRNA(D).
The M-type mitogenome of M. marocana presents a novel gene order within Unionida (Fig. 1).
The F-type mitogenome gene order is the same as already observed for the two previously
available Margaritiferidae F-type mitogenomes (Breton et al 2011b; Yang et al 2015). All the
phylogenies inferred in this study support the reciprocal monophyly of both (Unionidae +
Margaritiferidae) F- and M-type lineages (Fig. 2 shows the topology of the BI-NUC tree; all
other phylogenetic trees figures supplied on request). Additionally, the monophyly of Unionidae
(both F- and M-type), Margaritiferidae (F-type) and all represented Unionidae subfamilies are
well supported in all inferred mtDNA trees, except for the Unioninae, for which monophyly was
only well supported in the BINUC tree. The remaining phylogenetic trees (BI-AA, ML-NUC, and
ML-AA) showed conflicting results regarding the position of the clade comprising Arconaia
lanceolata and Lanceolaria grayana (Fig. 2). These conflicting results have also been found in
previous studies where different mitogenome phylogenetic methodologies revealed distinct
tree topologies (Huang et al 2013; Fonseca et al 2016). Five distinct mtDNA gene orders have
been detected in the present dataset, three in the F-type lineage and two in the M-type lineage.
In the F-type lineage, gene order UF1 is shared by the Unionidae subfamilies Anodontinae,
Ambleminae, and Unioninae, whereas gene orders UF2 and MF1 are found in the represented
species of the subfamily Gonideinae and the family Margaritiferidae, respectively (Figs 1, 2).
In the female lineage, there is only a difference between UF1 and MF1 in the location of
tRNA(E) (Fig. 1). The gene order of UF2 is more distinct and might have resulted from a
tandem duplication of the gene region between COX2 and tRNA(W) followed by random
deletion of segments of the duplicated gene region (Doucet-Beaupré et al 2010). Between the
M and F mitogenomes, the differences are in the location of tRNA(H) and the inversion of the
ATP8-tRNA(D) region. An additional distinct location of tRNA(S1) is also found in margaritiferid
M mitogenomes (Fig. 1).
FCUP 365
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 1 Diagrams of the five distinct gene orders detected in Unionida. In the female F-type lineage, three gene orders are depicted: Unionidae
F-type 1 (UF1), Unionidae F-type 2 (UF2) and Margaritiferidae F-type 1 (MF1). In the male M-type lineage, two gene arrangements are shown:
Unionidae M-type 1 (UM1) and Margaritiferidae M-type 1 (MM1). Continuous lines indicate different locations of genes between mitogenomes.
Grey box highlights the gene rearrangement region between UF1 and UF2. Yellow boxes indicate the main differences in gene arrangement
between female and male mitogenomes, tRNA (H) location and rearrangement of ATP8-tRNA(D) region.
366 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 2 Phylogenetic (BI-NUC) tree of Unionida estimated from 14 concatenated individual mtDNA gene sequences (12 protein-coding and 2
rRNA genes). Values for branch support are represented in the following order: (1) Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) for BI-NUC tree, (2)
Bayesian PP for BI-AA tree, (3) ML bootstrap support (BS) values for ML-NUC and (4) ML BS values for ML-AA tree. Maximum support values
(PP = 1, BS = 100) are represented by asterisks. All five distinct detected gene orders are mapped on the phylogeny branches (see Fig. 1 for
gene order codes).
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Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Mapping gene orders over the inferred mtDNA phylogeny suggests that UF1 might be
ancestral within Unionidae and UF2 derived in the ancestral lineage of the Gonideinae.
However, these hypotheses have limited support, because no mitogenome sequences, and
therefore no gene order information, are available for three of the seven presently recognized
unionid subfamilies. Future inclusion of mtDNA gene orders of these currently unrepresented
subfamilies could change the inference of the ancestral and derived mtDNA gene orders within
Unionidae. In the M-type, only one gene arrangement per family is obtained: UM1 for the
Unionidae and MM1 for the Margaritiferidae. Since the Unionida are a very old order (Graf &
Cummings 2007), and as a consequence of the several distinct mitogenome gene
arrangements already found, it is likely that as novel mitogenomes from additional unionoid
families and subfamilies become available, the corresponding gene orders might be useful to
resolve their phylogenetic relationships within the order.
This work was partially supported by the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
under project ‘Biodiversity and conservation of the critically endangered freshwater mussels in
Morocco: ecogeographic, genetic and physiological information’ (Reference 15256799), by the
IUCN SOS Save Our Species fund under project ‘Breeding the most endangered bivalve on
Earth: Margaritifera marocana’ (Ref. 2015B-015) and by the Portuguese Foundation for
Science and Technology (FCT) under grants SFRH/BPD/70654/2010 (MMF),
SFRH/BPD/108445/2015 (EF), and SFRH/BD/115728/2016 (MLL).
Altschul S, Madden TL, Schäffer AA, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Miller W, Lipman DJ. 1997. Gapped
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Baillie JEM, Butcher ER. 2012. Priceless or Worthless? The World's Most Threatened Species.
Zoological Society of London, London, UK.
Bogan AE, Roe KJ. 2008. Freshwater bivalve (Unioniformes) diversity, systematics, and
evolution: status and future directions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
27, 349-369.
Bolotov IN, Vikhrev IV, Bespalaya YV, Gofarov MY, Kondakov AV, Konopleva ES, Bolotov NN,
Lyubas AA. 2016. Multi-locus fossil-calibrated phylogeny, biogeography and a subgeneric
368 FCUP
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Breton S, Beaupre HD, Stewart DT, Piontkivska H, Karmakar M, Bogan AE, Blier PU, Hoeh
WR. 2009. Comparative mitochondrial genomics of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)
with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: gender-specific open reading frames and
putative origins of replication. Genetics 183, 1575-1589.
Breton S, Ghiselli F, Passamonti M, Milani L, Stewart DT, Hoeh WR. 2011a. Evidence for a
fourteenth mtDNA-encoded protein in the female-transmitted mtDNA of marine mussels
(Bivalvia: Mytilidae). PLoS One 6, e19365.
Breton S, Stewart DT, Shepardson S, Trdan RJ, Bogan AE, Chapman EG, Ruminas AJ,
Piontkivska H, Hoeh WR. 2011b. Novel protein genes in animal mtDNA: a new sex
determination system in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)? Molecular Biology and
Evolution 28, 1645-1659.
Doucet-Beaupré H, Breton S, Chapman EG, Blier PU, Bogan AE, Stewart DT, Hoeh WR. 2010.
Mitochondrial phylogenomics of the Bivalvia (Mollusca): searching for the origin and
mitogenomic correlates of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology
10, 50.
Fickett JW. 1982. Recognition of protein coding regions in DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids
Research 10, 5303-5318.
Fonseca MM, Lopes-Lima M, Eackles MS, King TL, Froufe E. 2016. The female and male
mitochondrial genomes of Unio delphinus and the phylogeny of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:
Unionida). Mitochondrial DNA B Resources 1, 954-957.
Froufe E, Gan HM, Lee YP, Carneiro J, Varandas S, Teixeira A, Zieritz A, Sousa R, Lopes-
Lima M. 2016. The male and female complete mitochondrial genome sequences of the
endangered freshwater mussel Potomida littoralis (Cuvier, 1798) (Bivalvia : Unionidae).
Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27, 3571-3572.
Graf DL. 2013. Patterns of freshwater bivalve global diversity and the state of phylogenetic
studies on the Unionoida, Sphaeriidae, and Cyrenidae*. American Malacological Bulletin 31,
FCUP 369
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Gan HM, Schultz MB, Austin CM. 2014. Integrated shotgun sequencing and bioinformatics
pipeline allows ultra-fast mitogenome recovery and confirms substantial gene rearrangements
in Australian freshwater crayfishes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14, 19.
Graf DL, Cummings KS. 2007. Review of the systematics and global diversity of freshwater
mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida). Journal of Molluscan Studies 73, 291-314.
Huang XC, Rong J, Liu Y, Zhang MH, Wan Y, Ouyang S, Zhou CH, Wu XP. 2013. The
complete maternally and paternally inherited mitochondrial genomes of the endangered
freshwater mussel Solenaia carinatus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) and implications for Unionidae
Taxonomy. PLoS One 8, e84352.
IUCN. 2016. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2016-2. Available at (accessed 01 Nov 2016).
Katoh K, Standley DM. 2013. MAFFT multiple sequence alignment software version 7:
improvements in performance and usability. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30, 772-780.
Penn O, Privman E, Ashkenazy H, Landan G, Graur D, Pupko T. 2010. Guidance: a web server
for assessing alignment confidence scores. Nucleic Acids Research 38, W23-W28.
Pereira SL. 2000. Mitochondrial genome organization and vertebrate phylogenetics. Genetics
and Molecular Biology 23, 745-752.
Ronquist F, Teslenko M, Van Der Mark P, Ayres DL, Darling A, Höhna S, Larget B, Liu L,
Suchard MA, Huelsenbeck JP. 2012. MrBayes 3.2: Efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference
and model choice across a large model space. Systematic Biology 61, 539-542.
Schwarz, G. 1978. Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics 6, 461-464.
370 FCUP
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Serb JM. Lydeard C. 2003. Complete mtDNA sequence of the North American freshwater
mussel, Lampsilis ornata (Unionidae): an examination of the evolution and phylogenetic utility
of mitochondrial genome organization in Bivalvia (Mollusca). Molecular Biology and Evolution
20, 1854-1866.
Stamatakis A. 2014. RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of
large phylogenies. Bioinformatics 30, 1312-1313.
Walker JM, Curole JP, Wade DE, Chapman EG, Bogan AE, Watters GT, Hoeh WR. 2006.
Taxonomic distribution and phylogenetic utility of gender-associated mitochondrial genomes
in the Unionoida (Bivalvia). Malacologia 48, 265-282.
Yang S, Mi Z, Tao G, Liu X, Wei M, Wang H. 2015. The complete mitochondrial genome
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Zouros E, Ball AO, Saavedra C, Freeman KR. 1994. An unusual type of mitochondrial DNA
inheritance in the blue mussel Mytilus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91,
FCUP 371
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Evolution of mitogenome rearrangements in
freshwater mussels
Paper VII
Mesozoic mitogenome rearrangements and freshwater mussel (Bivalvia:
Unionoidea) macroevolution
Froufe F, Bolotov I, Aldridge DC, Bogan AE, Breton S, Gan HM, Kovitvadhi U, Kovitvadhi S,
Riccardi N, Secci-Petretto G, Sousa R, Teixeira A, Varandas S, Zanatta D, Zieritz A, Fonseca
MM, Lopes-Lima M
Article published in Heredity 124, 182-196 (2020).
DOI: 10.1038/s41437-019-0242-y
372 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Using a new fossil-calibrated mitogenome-based approach, we identified macroevolutionary
shifts in mitochondrial gene order among the freshwater mussels (Unionoidea). We show that
the early Mesozoic divergence of the two Unionoidea clades, Margaritiferidae and Unionidae,
was accompanied by a synchronous split in the gene arrangement in the female mitogenome
FCUP 373
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
(i.e. gene orders MF1 and UF1). Our results suggest that this macroevolutionary jump was
completed within a relatively short time interval (95% HPD 201-226 Ma) that coincided with the
Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction. Both gene orders have persisted within these clades for
~200 Ma. The monophyly of the so-called “problematic” Gonideinae taxa was supported by all
the inferred phylogenies in this study using, for the first time, the M- and F-type mitogenomes
either singly or combined. Within Gonideinae, two additional splits in the gene order (UF1 to
UF2, UF2 to UF3) occurred in the Mesozoic and have persisted for ~150 and ~100 Ma,
respectively. Finally, the mitogenomic results suggest ancient connections between freshwater
basins of East Asia and Europe near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, probably via a
continuous paleo-river system or along the Tethys coastal line, which are well supported by at
least three independent but almost synchronous divergence events.
374 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The tempo, timing, and mode of evolution have attracted considerable debate among
evolutionary biologists. Here we use a new approach using mitogenome rearrangements to
investigate changes at the geological time scale in the speciose and imperilled freshwater
In many taxonomic groups, the gene arrangement within mitogenomes is highly
conserved, e.g. many vertebrate groups share the same gene order (Pereira 2000). Other
faunal groups, such as the Bivalvia, exhibit several different mitochondrial gene arrangements
(e.g. Yuan et al 2012), which are the result of different mechanisms such as tandem duplication
followed by gene loss (Boore 2000). Although local homoplastic arrangements have been
identified in some invertebrate groups (e.g. Flook & Rowel 1995; Dowton & Austin 1999),
complete gene orders generally remain unique and represent signatures with diagnostic value
(Basso et al 2017), providing a powerful signal for inferring ancient evolutionary relationships
(Boore 2000).
Among freshwater mussels of the order Unionida, which spans about 900 species and
represents the major bivalve radiation in the freshwater environment (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a,
2018a), five mitogenome rearrangements have been described so far (Lopes-Lima et al
2017b). Within the superfamily Unionoidea (Margaritiferidae + Unionidae), the mitochondria
are furthermore unusual in that two highly divergent mtDNA molecules exist in males (Female
or F- and Male or M-type) as a result of Doubly Uniparental Inheritance (DUI) (Zouros et al
1994; Breton et al 2009). This contrasts with most animal taxa, which inherit their mtDNA
exclusively through the maternal lineage and thus exhibit only F-type mtDNA. In Unionoidea
males, M-type mtDNA is restricted to the gonadal tissue inherited from the paternal lineage,
and F-type mtDNA is present in all somatic tissues transmitted from the maternal lineage and
also in female gonadal tissue (Breton et al 2009; Froufe et al 2016; Fonseca et al 2016; Lopes-
Lima et al 2017b).
In recent decades, complete mitochondrial genome sequences have been published
for a wide range of taxa, enabling reconstruction of shallow and deep phylogenies in both
vertebrates and invertebrates (e.g. Jacobsen et al 2014; Liu et al 2016). However, the number
of available mitogenomes for Unionida is low, particularly for M-type genomes (Froufe et al
2016; Fonseca et al 2016; Lopes-Lima et al 2017b; Huang et al 2019). A further shortcoming
is that published mitogenomes are restricted to only a few higher Unionida taxa, with no
mitogenomes being available for several families and subfamilies. In fact, of the six recognized
Unionida families (Lopes-Lima et al 2014), published mitogenomes are essentially restricted
to the Unionoidea (Unionidae + Margaritiferidae) with a distribution predominantly within the
Northern Hemisphere. While some studies have questioned the monophyly of the Unionoidea
FCUP 375
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
(e.g. Combosch et al 2017; Whelan et al 2011) the most comprehensive recent studies, using
either full mitogenomes (Huang et al 2019; Wu et al 2019) or hundreds of nuclear loci (Pfeiffer
et al 2019) support its monophyletic status. Moreover, mitogenome-based Unionida
phylogenies reconstructed to date have been based on either F- or M-type mitogenomes
(Froufe et al 2016; Fonseca et al 2016; Lopes-Lima et al 2017b). Although in these studies the
highly divergent F- and M-type mitogenomes recovered identical phylogenies, concatenated
phylogenetic analyses of M- and F-type datasets would be expected to recover a more robust
The Unionidae is the most species-rich Unionida family, comprising 620 species in
several subfamilies and distributed widely (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). However, phylogenetic
relationships within and between Unionidae subfamilies are still contentious and different
phylogenies have been resolved with different analysed markers (e.g. Lopes-Lima et al 2017a;
Bolotov et al 2017a).
One of the least studied Unionidae subfamilies, the Gonideinae, has a scattered
distribution in the Northern Hemisphere (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a). Species in this subfamily
have suffered major declines, and half of the assessed Gonideinae species are currently listed
as Near Threatened or Threatened (IUCN 2019). Moreover, 70% of recognized Gonideinae
species have either never been assessed or are listed as Data Deficient by the IUCN Red List
(IUCN 2019), indicating an urgent need for research into this family’s diversity, distribution, and
Another outcome of the general lack of data on Gonideinae is their unresolved
phylogeny. Monophyly of this sub-family is disputed. The first molecular study to include the
so-called “problematic” Gonideinae taxa (Graf 2002) only examined the type species, i.e.
Gonidea angulata (Lea 1838). Subsequent studies included several additional Gonideinae
taxa but the clade Gonideinae was never recovered as monophyletic (Graf & Cummings 2006;
Whelan et al 2011; Pfeiffer & Graf 2013). More recently, multi-marker and mitogenomic
approaches have consistently recovered Gonideinae as monophyletic (Huang et al 2013;
Pfeiffer & Graf 2015; Fonseca et al 2016; Froufe et al 2016; Lopes-Lima et al 2017a,b). Bolotov
et al (2017a,b) subsequently elevated one of the four Gonideinae tribes established by Lopes-
Lima et al (2017a), i.e. Pseudodontini, to the subfamily level (i.e. Pseudodontinae).
A good understanding of the evolutionary biogeography of the Gonideinae can be
fundamental for reconstructing patterns of connections of freshwater systems through space
and time on a global scale. Our knowledge in this respect is still far from complete. The first
biogeographic scenarios developed using Unionida data (e.g. Starobogatov 1970; Banarescu
1991) proved highly inaccurate, as they were mostly descriptive and based solely on the (dis-
)similarity between unionid faunas. Furthermore, these scenarios were generated at a time
when unionid taxonomy was poorly resolved and included numerous paraphyletic higher-order
376 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
taxa as well as nominal taxa, determined by shell shape rather than reliable indicators of true
biological species (e.g. Bolotov et al 2017a; Konopleva et al 2017). Modern paleontology-
based models seem to be much more reliable. Based on the fossil record from Vietnam,
Schneider et al (2013) developed the hypothesis of the independent development of Unionida
faunas in the Yangtze and Mekong basins, at least during the entire Cenozoic. Also, Van
Damme et al (2015) showed that the African Early Cretaceous Unionida are representatives
of Asian/Eurasian taxa with the lack of Gondwanan elements, while the African Jurassic
assemblages are distinctly related to those in Eurasia.
Recently, a first statistical biogeographic model for the Unionidae at the global level
indicated that the Unionidae most likely originated in Southeast and East Asia in the Jurassic,
with the earliest expansions into North America and Africa (since the Albian), following the
colonization of Europe and India (Bolotov et al 2017a). However, the Jurassic fossil record of
western North America (for a review see Watters 2001) and Africa (Van Damme et al 2015)
indicate that these continents were colonized before the Cretaceous. Additionally, two species-
rich monophyletic mussel radiations with an early Cenozoic or even pre-Cenozoic origin were
discovered within the paleo-Mekong catchment (Bolotov et al 2017a,b). These findings
revealed that the largest river systems (e.g. the Mekong, Yangtze, and Mississippi) may
represent ancient evolutionary hotspots of freshwater mussels (Scholz & Glaubrecht 2004;
Wesselingh 2007).
Based on the most comprehensive data set of mitogenomes sampled to date, including
eight newly sequenced mitogenomes, this paper aims to improve our understanding of the
higher-order phylogeny and classification of Unionidae by the following: (1) testing the
monophyly of the poorly known Gonideinae subfamily using both full F- and M- mitogenomes
and, for the first time, mitogenomes concatenated; (2) estimating macroevolutionary patterns
in freshwater mussels of the Unionidae using, for the first time, a fossil-calibrated mitogenomic
approach; (3) estimating the timing of major divergence events and comparing them to those
of mitogenome rearrangements; and (4) developing an updated integrative approach to the
systematics of Unionidae, based on the mitogenomic results. This will allow the reconstruction
of the potential origin and ancient radiations of the Unionidae and detect the most probable
ancestral areas.
Sampling, DNA extractions, sequencing, assembly, and annotation
One male specimen of Chamberlainia hainesiana, Microcondylaea bonellii, Pilsbryoconcha
exilis and Monodontina vondembuschiana were dissected for the sampling of gonadal (to
recover M-type mtDNA) and mantle (to recover F-type mtDNA) tissues. DNA extractions
FCUP 377
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
followed Froufe et al (2016). The complete M- and F-type mitogenome sequencing and
assemblage followed Gan et al (2014), while annotations were performed using MITOS (Bernt
et al 2013). The final limits of tRNA genes were rechecked with ARWEN (Laslett & Canbäck
2008). All F- and M-mitogenomes have been deposited in the GenBank database under the
accession numbers MK994770-MK994777 and were visualized using GenomeVx (Conant &
Wolfe 2008).
DNA (NUC) and amino acid (AA) sequences of all mtDNA protein-coding genes (PCG),
except ATP8 and the gender-specific open reading frames (M-ORF, H-ORF, and F-ORF;
Breton et al 2011), were used in the phylogenetic analyses. The sequences of each gene were
aligned using MAFFT software (version 7.304, Katoh & Standley 2013) and trimmed with
GUIDANCE2 (Sela et al 2015; see Froufe et al (2016) for the parameters used).
The gene alignments were then concatenated, resulting in two alignments with the
following length: 13,449 aligned nucleotide positions and 3,870 aligned amino acid positions +
1,889 aligned nucleotide positions from the rRNA genes. The optimal partitioning scheme for
each alignment was selected using PartitionFinder v. 2.1.1 software (Lanfear et al 2016) under
the greedy algorithm with proportional branch lengths across partitions. The best substitution
models of DNA and protein evolution for each partition were selected under the BIC ranking
method (Schwarz 1978). The codon positions of the protein-coding genes and each rRNA were
defined as the initial data blocks for the partitioning schemes search.
An additional data set was also created, concatenating both F- and M-type gene
alignments, with the following length: 26,780 aligned nucleotide positions and 7,661 aligned
amino acid positions + 3,797 aligned nucleotide positions from the rRNA genes. This alignment
included 45 Unionida species plus Mytilus galloprovincialis as an outgroup (Table 1) using the
same partitioning method and model selection as described above.
Phylogenetic analyses
All phylogenetic analyses were performed using both Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian
Inference (BI) methods. ML analyses were performed using RAxML (v. 8.0.0, Stamatakis
2014) with 100 rapid bootstrap replicates and 20 ML searches. The BI was applied using
MrBayes v. 3.2.7a (Ronquist et al 2012) with two independent runs (10 7 generations with a
sampling frequency of 1 tree for every 100 generations), each with four chains (3 hot and 1
cold). All runs reached convergence (average standard deviation of split frequencies below
0.01). The posterior distribution of trees was summarized in a 50% majority-rule consensus
tree (burn-in of 25%).
378 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Table 1
List of specimens analysed (based on Lopes-Lima et al 2017a,b), GenBank references, and country
Lampsilis ornata LamOrn NC_005335 - USA
Leptodea leptodon LepLeo NC_028522 - China (Introduced)
Potamilus alatus PotAla KU559011 KU559010 China (Introduced)
Quadrula quadrula QuaQua NC_013658 FJ809751 USA
Toxolasma parvum TaxPar NC_015483 - USA
Venustaconcha ellipsiformis VenEll FJ809753 NC_013659 USA
Chamberlainia hainesiana ChaHai MK994770 MK994771 Thailand
Sinohyriopsis cumingii SinCum NC_011763 KC150028 China
Sinohyriopsis schlegelii SinSch NC_015110 - China (Introduced)
Microcondylaea bonellii MicBon MK994772 MK994773 Italy
Ptychorhynchus pfisteri PtyPfi KY067440 - China
Solenaia carinata SolCar NC_023250 KC848655 China
Solenaia oleivora SolOle NC_022701 - China
Lamprotula leai LamLea NC_023346 - China
Lamprotula scripta LamScr NC_030258 - China
Potomida littoralis PotLit NC_030073 KT247375 Portugal
Pronodularia japanensis ProJap AB055625 AB055624 Japan
Pilsbryoconcha exilis PilExi MK994776 MK994777 Malaysia
Monodontina vondembuschiana PseVon MK994774 MK994775 Malaysia
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Mitogenome characteristics and gene arrangements
All eight sequenced haplotypes include the 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) typically found in
metazoan mitochondrial genomes, the sex-specific ORF described for all Unionida
mitogenomes with DUI system (Breton et al 2009, 2011) and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) and two
FCUP 381
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes (Fig. 1). As expected, the length of the four newly sequenced
M-type mitogenomes is larger than the corresponding F-type (Breton et al 2009), ranging from
16,267 bp in P. exilis to 17,465 bp in C. hainesiana, while the F-type ranged from 16,020 bp in
M. bonellii to 16,746 bp in C. hainesiana (Table 2). The A + T content, and GC and AT skews
are similar in all sequenced species in both F- and M- mtDNA types, averaging around 60%,
37 (+) and -0.23 (+), respectively (Table 2).
The gene arrangements of Microcondylaea bonellii, P. exilis, and Monodontina
vondembuschiana are identical to all Gonideinae mitogenomes available on GenBank (2018),
named UF2 (Lopes-Lima et al 2017b). However, C. hainesiana has a new and distinct gene
arrangement, here named UF3 (Fig. 2).
Phylogenetic analyses
All the phylogenies inferred in this study that are based on M and F mitogenomes alone (i.e.
not combined) support the monophyly of Gonideinae (Fig. 3). Moreover, the four tribes
Chamberlainiini, Gonideini, Lamprotulini, and Pilsbryoconchini, are also monophyletic in both
M- and F-type trees (Fig. 3). The same results were obtained when using for the first time the
M and F mitogenomes combined, despite the lower number of species (Fig. 4). The only
unsupported result on the topology is seen in the relationship among the tribes Gonideini,
Pilsbryoconchini and Lamprotulini in the ML AA data set (Fig. 4).
Table 2
Main structural features of the female (above) and male (below) transmitted mitochondrial genomes of Gonideinae species
Chamberlainiini Gonideini
Lamprotulini Pilsbryoconchini
♀ L. leai L. scripta P. littoralis P. japanensis P. exilis M. vondembuschiana
Tot. size (pb) 16,530 16,250 15,789 16,826 16,168 16,028
A+T% 60.28 58.95 58.23 57.20 60.72 58.97
GC (+) skew 0.37 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.38
AT (+) skew -0.21 -0.23 -0.23 -0.21 -0.22 -0.24
♂ P. littoralis P. japanensis P. exilis M. vondembuschiana
Tot. size (pb) 16,451 16,967 16,267 16,364
A+T% 58.93 57.12 61.90 59.55
GC (+) skew 0.34 0.36 0.35 0.37
AT (+) skew -0.24 -0.25 -0.25 -0.26
Newly sequenced species are presented in bold
384 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 2 Diagrams of the four distinct gene orders known in Unionidae to date. In the F-type, three gene orders are depicted: UF1, UF2, and
UF3. In the male M-type lineage, the only Unionidae gene arrangement is shown: M-type 1 (UM1). Blue boxes highlight the gene rearrangement
region from UF1 to UF2 (Box A) and from UF2 to UF3 (Box B). Small and large ribosomal RNAs and transfer RNAs are depicted by one letter of
the amino acid code; Arrow colour codes, follow Fig. 1
FCUP 385
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 3 Phylogenetic (BI-NUC) tree of Unionida estimated from 14 concatenated individual mtDNA gene sequences (12 protein-coding and 2
rRNA genes). Values for branch support are represented in the following order: (1) Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) for BI-NUC tree, (2)
Bayesian PP for BI-AA tree, (3) ML bootstrap support (BS) values for ML-NUC and (4) ML BS values for ML-AA tree. Maximum support values
(PP = 1, BS = 100) are represented by asterisks. Gonideinae subfamily and tribes are highlighted. For details see text. GenBank codes in Table
386 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Finally, the UF3 gene order also arises after a TDRL event within Gonideinae (Fig. 2 Box B).
It involved an mtDNA segment containing twelve genes: trnQ, trnC, trnI, trnV, trnL2, nad1,
trnG, nad6, nad4, nad4l, atp8 and trnD. In UF3, the genes trnC, trnI, trnV, trnG, nad6, atp8,
and trnD are retained in the original segment, whilst genes trnQ, trnL2, nad1, nad4, and nad4l
were not lost in the duplicated one (Fig. 2 Box B). The fossil-calibrated model placed the split
between the UF2 and UF3 gene orders in the Cretaceous near the Albian-Cenomanian
boundary (mean age = 102 Ma, 95% HPD 77-124 Ma) (Fig. 6).
The combined ancestral area reconstruction model suggests that the Most Recent Common
Ancestor (MRCA) of the crown group of the Ambleminae + (Gonideinae + Unioninae) clade
used to be widely distributed across the supercontinent of Laurasia (probability 100%) (Fig. 7).
The earliest split was between the Laurentian (Ambleminae) and Eurasian (Gonideinae +
Unioninae) taxa. This vicariance event is placed in the Late Jurassic (mean age = 159 Ma,
95% HPD 155-170 Ma). Early diversification of the Gonideinae + Unioninae clade is placed
within East Asia (probability 100%; Fig. 7). The origin of the MRCA of this large clade (mean
age = 149 Ma, 95% HPD 138-162 Ma) and subsequent splitting into two subclades (mean
ages of crown groups = 137 and 106 Ma and 95% HPD 123-152 and 90-124 Ma for Gonideinae
FCUP 387
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
and Unioninae, respectively) most likely resulted from an intra-area radiation (probability 100%
in each case) during the early Cretaceous. The Yangtze and Mekong unionid faunas have
likely been separated since the Albian (mean ages = 95-102 Ma, 95% HPD 77-124 Ma) (Fig.
Figure 5 Unionidae F-haplotype phylogenetic sub-tree (BI-NUC) used to infer the most
parsimonious putative ancestral gene orders and gene rearrangements mapped as MF1, UF1,
UF2, and UF3 (see text for details). Margaritiferidae and all subfamily nodes were collapsed
for visual purposes
Phylogenetic patterns
The new mitogenomic results presented here place the Pilsbryoconchina subtribe (previously
under the Pseudodontinae as described by Bolotov et al 2017a) as a subclade within the
monophyletic Gonideinae in both the M- and F-type phylogenies. Our results are thus in
agreement with the phylogeny recovered by Lopes-Lima et al (2017a), which is also supported
by morphological data. However, the recovered results contradict that of Bolotov et al
(2017a,b), which suggested elevation of the Pseudodontini to the subfamily level. Our results
further indicate that the number of recognized subfamilies within the Unionidae is most likely
lower than has been suggested by recent phylogenetic studies (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a,b;
Bolotov et al 2017a,b).
388 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 6 Time-calibrated mitogenomic phylogeny, an example of the three-level classification scheme (subfamilies, tribes, and subtribes) and
evolution of the mitochondrial gene order in the Unionoidea. Fossil-calibrated ultrametric chronogram of the Unionoidea calculated under a
lognormal relaxed clock model and a Yule process speciation implemented in BEAST and obtained for the complete mitogenome dat a set. The
outgroup sample is not shown. Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals of the estimated divergence times between lineages (Ma). Black numbers
near nodes are mean ages (Ma). Colour labels indicate the mitochondrial gene order (MF1, UF1, UF2, and UF3). Red asterisks indicate fossil
calibrations (Supplementary Table 1). Stratigraphic chart according to the International Commission on Stratigraphy 2015
FCUP 389
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Figure 7 Historical biogeography of the Unionidae. This combined scenario has been inferred
from three different statistical modelling approaches (S-DIVA, DEC, and S-DEC) based on the
time-calibrated mitogenomic phylogeny (Fig. 6). Pie charts near nodes indicate probabilities of
certain ancestral areas. Colour circles on the tip nodes indicate the range of each species.
Colour labels indicate the mitochondrial gene order (UF1, UF2, and UF3)
The mitogenomic results fully support three large subfamily-level clades: Ambleminae,
Gonideinae, and Unioninae. It is important to note that our analyses did not include members
of the Parreysiinae and Rectidentinae. Nor did it include sequences of Modellnaia siamensis,
the only species of the monotypic Modellnaiinae, which is characterized by several
morphological and anatomical autapomorphies suggesting its separation within the Unionidae
as a “phylogenetic relic” (Brandt 1974; Heard & Hanning 1978). Future studies including full
mitogenomes of several taxa from Parreysiinae, Rectidentinae, and Modellnaiinae are needed
to fully resolve the higher-level phylogeny of the global Unionidae. Our results highlight that
resolving the systematics of a large, species-rich clade such as the Unionidae is a complex
task. Previous taxonomic schemes for the Unionidae included only two levels of family-group
names, i.e. subfamilies and tribes (reviews: Lopes-Lima et al 2017a; Bolotov et al 2017a,b).
However, our whole mitogenome analyses reveal that despite the limited number of taxa
390 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
included, the Unionidae classification scheme could be better explained by including three
levels of family-group names (i.e. subfamilies, tribes, and subtribes) to accurately reflect the
presence of several levels of highly divergent clades within this family (Fig. 6). Subfamilies
represent the largest clades that are fully supported by the mitogenomic approach (Fig. 7);
some of which may be characterized by unique morphological synapomorphies, although
several subfamilies have been supported by molecular data only (e.g. Lopes-Lima et al 2017a).
The most recent nuclear-based Unionoida phylogeny (using hundreds of nuclear
protein-coding loci; Pfeiffer et al 2019) shows strong similarity to our findings concerning the
relationships of both families and subfamilies. Moreover, mitogenome data currently available
suggest that the Unionidae comprise seven (Lopes-Lima et al 2017a) or eight (Bolotov et al
2017a) subfamily clades. Of these, the Gonideinae (encompassing Pseudodontinae),
Unioninae (encompassing the Anodontinae) and Ambleminae were well supported in the
mitogenomic results obtained herein, whilst the validity and placement of the Parreysiinae,
Rectidentinae and Modellnaiinae clades are yet to be confirmed by mitogenomic analyses.
The largest monophyletic clades, within each subfamily, exhibiting significant
morphological synapomorphies and fully supported by the present mitogenomic results, are
herein considered as tribes. Therefore, using these criteria, the Gonideinae comprise two
tribes, i.e. Gonideini (trapezoidal to rectangular shells with none or only vestigial hinge teeth
and tetragenous brooding type) and Chamberlainiini (round to oval shells, with a well-
developed hinge structure and ectobranchous brooding type).
The subtribes represent smaller but distant clades within the tribes, comprising several
genera or even a single highly divergent genus that usually does not reveal any unique
synapomorphies but can be distinguished based on molecular characters. Based on data
available to date, including the present results, the Gonideini comprise at least five subtribes,
i.e. Chamberlainiina, Gonideina, Lamprotulina, Pilsbryoconchina and Pseudodontina (Lopes-
Lima et al 2017a; Bolotov et al 2017a,b).
were at least two additional Mesozoic splits in the mitochondrial gene order (i.e. UF1 vs. UF2
and UF2 vs. UF3) within the Unionidae, with UF2 and UF3 being restricted to a single
subfamily, the Gonideinae. The first split coincided with the origin of this subfamily but the UF3
is a third, new and distinct gene arrangement derived from UF2 present in a single species,
Chamberlainia hainesiana. These two mitochondrial gene orders have also persisted for long-
term periods of ~150 and ~100 Ma for UF2 and UF3, respectively.
At least two splits in the mitochondrial gene order were associated with the origin of the
MRCAs of large and diverse clades at the family (Unionidae vs. Margaritiferidae) or subfamily
(Unioninae vs. Gonideinae) levels. Concerning this evidence, these TDRL events could be
considered progressive evolutionary innovations because they lead to the formation of stable
gene orders that have persisted within widely distributed and diverse clades for ~150-200 Ma.
As for the mitogenome gene order, our ancestral state analyses suggest UF1 (in the
Unionidae) as the ancestral gene order, which is maintained in the subfamilies Ambleminae
and Unioninae sensu lato (Fig. 6). Additionally, it indicates that the evolution of F-type mtDNA
gene orders is characterized by two independent events of TDRL (Moritz et al 1987; Boore
2000). One resulted in the evolution of UF2, present in the Gonideinae, and the other in UF3,
within Gonideinae but restricted to Chamberlainia hainesiana. In contrast, all sequenced M-
type Unionidae mitogenomes to date present the same gene order, i.e. UM1 (Lopes-Lima et
al 2017b) (Fig. 2). Possibly this could be explained by the higher natural selection pressure
and/or due to the tight control of the DUI system on the paternal mitochondrial inheritance. In
summary, our results reveal that each TDRL event was followed by the stable long-term
persistence of a mitochondrial gene order through evolving lineages (or even a single lineage,
although the Chamberlainia clade may be under-sampled) and corresponds to the first reliable
mitogenomic evidence supporting the evolutionary stasis in molecular traits of freshwater
bivalves. However, this should be further explored using an expanded data set of mitochondrial
genomes that may facilitate the understanding of how evolutionary rates have shifted across
multiple genetic loci and how that corresponds to ecologically relevant traits.
within the Mississippi drainage basin from the Early Cretaceous (Bolotov et al 2017a). In this
context, a peculiar Unionidae fauna from the Late Jurassic of western North America (Watters
2001) appears to be ancestral lineages and stem groups of the Ambleminae + (Gonideinae +
Unioninae) clade. The Gonideinae and the Unioninae (Unionini, Anodontini, Lanceolariini, and
Lepidodesmini) (Fig. 6) originated in East Asia, most likely via intra-area radiation within the
paleo-Yangtze River system during the Cretaceous (Fang et al 2009; Wang et al 2018). The
Southeast Asian Gonideinae taxa (Mekong basin) were separated via several vicariance
events in the Albian - Cenomanian, which may indicate the drainage rearrangement of paleo
river systems of the Indochina Peninsula and surrounding terrains during this period (Wang et
al 2018). The mitogenomic results suggest ancient connections between freshwater basins of
East Asia and Europe near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, probably via a continuous
paleo-river system or along the Tethys coastal line (Hou & Li 2018), and this is also depicted
in the Margaritiferinae subfamily within Margaritiferidae (Lopes-Lima et al 2018b). This pattern
is well supported by at least three independent but almost synchronous divergence events:
Potomida vs. Lamprotula and Pronodularia, Microcondylaea vs. Solenaia, and Unio vs.
Nodularia and its relatives. During the same period, faunal exchange via the Beringian Land
Bridge with subsequent vicariance events may also have started. The question of the origin of
the family-clade, i.e. Unionidae, remains unanswered due to the lack of available mitogenomes
of Parreysiinae and Rectidentinae, although combined COI, 28S and 16S data indicated that
this family most likely originated within East or Southeast Asia (Bolotov et al 2017a).
The new results presented herein support the hypothesis that several of the largest
river basins on Earth may represent so-called ancient (long-lived) rivers, the Unionida faunas
of which have existed throughout long-term periods comparable with geological epochs
(Bolotov et al 2017a; Lopes-Lima et al 2018b). The mitogenomic results suggest that the
MRCA of the entire Gonideinae + Unioninae clade may have originated within the paleo-
Yangtze drainage basin. This indicates that the modern Yangtze may be a system of at least
Late Jurassic origin and a stable refugium for very ancient, relic lineages that have existed for
approximately 150 Ma. The unionid fauna of the paleo- Mississippi system seems to be of
Early Cretaceous origin (mean age of the crown group in our model) that has diversified for at
least 120 Ma. The paleo-Mekong fauna appears to be younger as it likely separated from the
paleo-Yangtze fauna in the Albian - Cenomanian, and its two largest monophyletic unionid
radiations may have had a Late Cretaceous or Palaeocene origin (Bolotov et al 2017a,b).
These results agree with the dating of divergence between two primary clades of the Southeast
Asian cave spitting spiders that were separated at ~55 Ma by the paleo-Mekong River, which
served as a biogeographic barrier (Luo & Li 2017).
FCUP 393
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
Based on the morphological evidence, we propose the putative MRCA of the Unionidae and
Margaritiferidae as a new fossil family-level taxon in the Unionoidea.
Superfamily Unionoidea Rafinesque, 1820
Family †Shifangellidae Bolotov, Bogan, Lopes-Lima & Froufe fam. nov.
Type genus: †Shifangella Liu & Luo in Liu (1981)
Diagnosis: The Margaritiferidae and Unionidae are the most conchologically similar families
to the †Shifangellidae. However, †Shifangellidae can be distinguished from the
Margaritiferidae by having a weakly developed, narrow hinge plate (vs. typically well-
developed and rather thick) and a shallow, smooth anterior adductor scar (vs. deep with
arborescent-like striations), and from the Unionidae by an elongated Margaritifera-like shell
with strongly concave ventral margin (vs. typically straight, rounded or slightly concave).
Distribution: Late Triassic, southwestern China (Sichuan).
Biology: This ancestral family likely had parasitic glochidial larvae like its descendants
(ancestral state reconstruction, probability 100%).
Comments: Synonymy of the genus †Palaeomargaritifera Ma 1996 (Middle Jurassic, China)
with †Shifangella suggested by Fang et al (2009) most likely erroneous because
†Palaeomargaritifera has a well-developed, thick hinge plate, strong pseudocardinal teeth, and
deep anterior adductor scar with arborescent-like striations supporting its original placement
within the Margaritiferidae. The genus †Dianoconcha Guo, 1988 (Middle Jurassic, China),
another synonym of †Shifangella proposed by Fang et al (2009), differs by a subtrapezoid,
elongate-elliptical or rhomboid shell. This feature together with a narrow hinge plate and an
observable but shallow anterior adductor scar suggest that it most likely belongs to the
Unionidae. Concerning their age and diagnostic features mentioned above,
†Palaeomargaritifera and †Dianoconcha appear to be the MRCAs of the crown groups of the
Margaritiferidae and Unionidae, respectively. The family-level placement of several unionoid
genera described from the Early Jurassic of China (e.g. †Pseudomargaritifera Ma 1996 and
†Solenoides Ma 1996) is unclear and requires further revision; some of them might be
members of the †Shifangellidae.
All the phylogenies inferred in this study using, for the first time, both the M- and F-
mitogenomes individually and combined support the monophyly of the so-called “problematic”
Gonideinae taxa. Moreover, the new mitogenomic results place the Pseudodontinae, as
previously described by Bolotov et al (2017a), as a subclade within the monophyletic
Gonideinae in both M- and F-type phylogenies. Additionally, the present work supports the
394 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
hypothesis of an ancient Mesozoic origin and diversification of the Unionoidea and reveals that
each TDRL event was followed by the stable, long-term persistence of a mitochondrial gene
order through evolving lineages and corresponds to the first reliable mitogenomic evidence
supporting the evolutionary stasis in molecular traits of freshwater mussels. Finally, we
propose a new systematics framework with three infrafamilial levels (i.e. subfamilies, tribes,
and subtribes) that better explains the evolutionary patterns within the Unionidae. Future
application of the phylogenetic mitogenome-based approach outlined here to Parreysiinae,
Rectidentinae, and Modellnaiinae will be an important step to further resolve current taxonomic
classification uncertainties within the Unionidae. Moreover, this study demonstrates the
considerable potential for using comparative genomic techniques for unravelling patterns in
the tempo, timing, and mode of evolutionary processes.
Data archiving
Sequence data have been submitted to GenBank accession numbers: MK994770-MK994777.
The authors wish to thank the Editor and the three anonymous reviewers for helpful remarks
and suggestions that improved the quality of the manuscript. This research was developed
under ConBiomics: the missing approach for the Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves Project
N° NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030286, co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and the
European Union through the ERDF, and by FCT through national funds
(UID/Multi/04423/2019). FCT also supported MLL (SFRH/BD/115728/2016). The Russian
Ministry of Education and Science (project no. 6.2343.2017/4.6), the Federal Agency for
Scientific Organizations (project no. 0409-2015-0143), the Presidium of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (scientific program no. 52), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR
(project no. 17-45-290066) supported INB. Permits for fieldwork and sampling in Malaysia
were issued by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (FRGS/1/2015/WAB13/UNIM//1).
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Supplementary Material
Supplementary Table 1
List of fossil calibrations that were used in BEAST analyses
MRCA Description Reference
Calibration 1 Margaritiferidae + Hard minimum age: 201 Ma, †Shifangella margaritiferiformis Liu & Luo, 1981 in Present study:
Unionidae Liu (1981) (Unionoidea: †Shifangellidae Bolotov, Bogan, Lopes-Lima & Froufe New crown
fam. nov.). calibration
Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: A putative ancestor of the
Margaritiferidae and Unionidae. The Margaritiferidae and Unionidae are the most
conchologically similar families to the †Shifangellidae. However, †Shifangellidae
can be distinguished from the Margaritiferidae by having a weakly developed,
narrow hinge plate (vs. well-developed and rather hick) and a shallow smooth
anterior adductor scar (vs. deep with arborescent-like striations), and from the
Unionidae by an elongated Margaritifera-like shell with strongly concave ventral
margin (vs. straight, rounded or slightly concave).
Stratigraphic horizon and locality: Second Member, Wuzhongshan Formation,
Upper Triassic, Jinhe, Shifang, Sichuan, southwestern China (Fang et al 2009).
Absolute age estimate: Triassic/Jurassic boundary, 201 Ma, based on stratigraphy;
95% soft upper bound 230 Ma based on the age of †Silesunionidae, a prospective
earliest member in the order Unionida (Skawina & Dzik 2011).
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 7.9, MRCA:
Margaritifera marocana – Potomida littoralis.
Calibration 2 Ambleminae – Hard minimum age: 155 Ma, †Hadrodon jurassicus Yen, 1952 (Unionoidea: Graf et al
(Gonideinae + Unionidae). 2015: Crown
Unioninae) Diagnosis and phylogenetic placement: A putative ancestral lineage of the calibration
Ambleminae – (Gonideinae + Unioninae) clade. This Laurentian unionid fossil is
characterized by a broad hinge plate and strong lateral teeth in combination with
its conspicuous undulating external surface (Yen 1952).
Absolute age estimate: Late Jurassic, Morrison formation, Montrose County,
Colorado, 155 Ma, based on stratigraphy (Yen 1952); 95% soft upper bound 201
Ma based on calibration 1.
Prior settings: exponential distribution, mean (lambda) = 12.5, MRCA: Quadrula
quadrula – Unio crassus.
404 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
General Discussion
This dissertation provides and integrates new knowledge about the biology, ecology, and
distribution of freshwater mussels (FM), also providing considerable scientific advances on
their phylogeny and systematics, thereby contributing to facilitate and guide future
conservation planning and actions on FM. The FM biodiversity hotspots are delineated in the
present dissertation and their main global threats, research, and conservation needs identified.
One of these identified research needs, basic biological studies, is further demonstrated to be
essential not only for conservation but also for the potential use of FM for environmental
indication. We then show the importance of integrated morphological, ecological and molecular
approaches to establish the evolutionary relationships among FM taxa at different taxonomic
levels. Finally, we use the information gathered to provide guidance on future conservation
The study of the diversity patterns of all freshwater bivalves highlighted the importance of
several areas as diversity hotspots for the most diverse and threatened group, the Unionida or
FMs (Chapter 2), as the Indotropical river basins that host a high taxonomic diversity of FMs.
Over the last decades, this area has suffered from accelerated deforestation and freshwater
habitat degradation, and thus deserves urgent conservation attention (Gallardo et al 2018).
Furthermore, recent surveys indicate that FM species diversity is much higher than previously
thought, making FM research in this area urgent (Bolotov et al 2017, 2019). The main
knowledge gaps were also unveiled. Baseline data such as distribution, life-history, and
taxonomy were the most cited research needs for FM species across the whole distribution,
but especially in poorly studied areas (Chapter 2). In North America and Europe, FMs are
being increasingly studied and protected (Lopes-Lima et al 2014). Nevertheless, long-term
monitoring data to evaluate FM population trends and demographic features are still lacking,
even in more developed regions (Chapter 2).
Most of the major identified threats to FMs were directly or indirectly connected to
habitat degradation or modification, with pollution being generally pointed out as the main
cause (Chapter 2). Although water quality and ecological status have been improving in many
FCUP 405
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
developed countries, FM populations are still not reversing their decline status, with whole river
catchment management producing better results (Lopes-Lima et al 2017). Nevertheless, in
less developed areas with none or poor wastewater treatment, pollution is still a major cause
of FM decline. Invasive species and climate change were still not considered as a major threat
(Chapter 2). However, this should change shortly, given that recent reports show that these
factors can have a major impact on freshwater mussels (Gallardo et al 2016). For instance,
many restricted and threatened FM species are specialized in their host-fish usage (Modesto
et al 2018). This was also shown for the Iberian dolphin mussel Unio delphinus which is not
able to complete its life-cycle in any of the tested non-native fish (Chapter 3). Therefore, the
increased biotic homogenization and freshwater fish introductions around the globe may
become a serious threat to these mussels (Modesto et al 2018). Additional invasive species
like other freshwater bivalves, mammals and crayfish have also been shown to have a
deleterious effect on bivalves, either by competition or predation (Burlakova et al 2000;
Skyrienė & Paulauskas 2012; Meira et al 2019). Species at the edge of their distribution or
those living in semi-arid conditions have been shown to be seriously threatened. For instance,
the Moroccan pearl mussel Pseudunio marocanus is now almost extinct due to water shortage
(Sousa et al 2016). This species and others in northwest Africa are likely to be increasingly
threatened due to the intensification of water consumption, combined with the on-going trends
of increasing temperature, decreasing rainfall and instable climate (Sousa et al 2016).
Freshwater mussel populations occupying their southern distribution limits, such as
Margaritifera margaritifera in the Iberian Peninsula, are also particularly exposed to climate
changes (Santos et al 2015) and associated increases in seasonal climatic instability (Sousa
et al 2012, 2018; Nogueira et al 2019).
Ranking on the top of conservation needs, research on basic biological and ecological
features is essential to effectively conserve and manage a species (Chapter 2). We
demonstrated this in a case study on an Iberian FM species (Chapter 3). It was shown that
the study of basic life-history traits and other basic biological and ecological features allows for
a better estimation of FM species conservation status (Chapter 3) and that these traits can be
used for ecological indication of freshwater habitats and communities. Furthermore, based on
the study of these features, clear suggestions were given to improve the conservation success
of potential actions on the target species, such as how to properly conduct population
translocations or establish propagation programs and reintroductions.
The results of Chapters 2 and 3 were not without potential limitations and
shortcomings. The species richness patterns reviewed in Chapter 2 were mapped on
biogeographic regions adapted from Graf & Cummings (2007) for the world and revised for
North America using Haag (2010). Although for North America a thorough compilation of
species richness across the country coupled with a hierarchical cluster analysis produced
406 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
robust FMs’ bioregions (Haag 2010), for the rest of the world the division made by Graf &
Cummings (2007) is not clearly explained but seems to be based on the classical
zoogeographic divisions subdivided by the main freshwater mussel assemblages. A more
robust statistical analysis of the global diversity patterns was not attempted by these authors,
probably due to the many inconsistencies and gaps of knowledge that still existed on the global
FM phylogeny and taxonomy. Therefore, some of the bioregions chosen to map the diversity,
threats, research, and conservation needs were possibly not accurate and should be revised
with a proper statistical analysis.
Another potential limitation is the use of IUCN Red List data. Although around half of
the freshwater bivalve species were already red listed at least once, their assessments are not
homogeneous across regions. This means, for instance, that results obtained for South
America or Australia were only based on very few species. Another limitation might be the lack
of standardization of Red List assessments over the last decades. The Red List categories
and criteria have changed since its inception, and the way species were analysed and the
information included in each assessment changed considerably over the years, with recent
assessments generally containing much more data, e.g. detailed distributions, threats,
ecosystem services provided, among others.
For Chapter 3 the conservation status of U. delphinus was updated based only on the
species range and plausible threats using the B criterion of IUCN. Given that only very scarce
information regarding population trends was available, it was not possible to use criteria A or
C (Chapter 2). Although most of the fish species that co-occur with U. delphinus were used
for the determination of its hosts, we were not able to collect a few of those fish species, being
possible that other native or non-native species could also be good hosts for the reproduction
of U. delphinus. Furthermore, all of the host fish studies were made under laboratory conditions
and although the best hosts were species within the genus Squalius, field studies should be
made in the future to indicate if larvae prefer these fishes in situ or if other species are more
used. The growth experiments should have also been controlled for factors known to affect
this parameter, like nutrients and calcium concentration, temperature, pH, etc. Since these
parameters were not assessed, the differences in growth pattern evidenced by the lotic and
lentic populations could only be inferred and speculated. This chapter also discusses its
potential use for ecological indication, but this still needs to be tested with populations under
different stresses or environmental conditions.
The present dissertation also brings important advances in our knowledge about the
evolutionary relationships among the major groups within the most speciose and the most
threatened families of freshwater mussels, the Unionidae and the Margaritiferidae respectively.
Due to their sessile condition and very low dispersal ability, freshwater mussels are interesting
model taxa to use on biogeographic studies and reconstruction of historical hydrologic and
geologic changes, such as the formation and development of the current river basins or the
movement and connections of the Earth’s landmasses (Graf & Cummings 2006). Therefore, it
is very useful to use several layers of taxonomic complexity that help to explain and date these
events and the biogeography of these organisms. Until the present dissertation, phylogenetic
studies on FMs used a taxonomy with five layers within each family, i.e. species, genus, tribe,
sub-family, and family (Graf & Cummings 2016). However, due to the lack of sampled species
and access to whole specimens (for many species only shells are generally available in
museum collections), many of them were left as incertae sedis (Graf & Cummings 2006;
Whelan et al 2011). This classification framework was here applied to the results from the most
comprehensive phylogeny performed until now in terms of sampled taxa, to revise the higher
classification within both families. This classification divided the Unionidae into 6 subfamilies
and 18 tribes, and the Margaritiferidae into two subfamilies (Chapters 4 and 6). The
distribution of each subfamily and tribe was then mapped to highlight biogeographic patterns.
We could see, with a few exceptions, that the Unionidae are divided into Eastern and Western
Palaearctic subgroups by the Ural Mountains, with most tribes not sharing taxa from both sides
(Chapter 4). A strong biogeographic divide was also seen in the Mekong basin that is not
crossed by some major groups (Chapter 4). The Margaritiferidae also showed a biogeographic
differentiation among its two subfamilies, with one occurring in southeast Asia and the other
with a wide distribution area, probably due to the vagile nature of their migratory host fishes
(Chapter 6). Considering these biogeographic patterns and risk of extinction, Margaritiferidae
species are of extreme concern, mainly those within the genera Gibbosula in South-East Asia,
Pseudunio around the Mediterranean, and Cumberlandia with a restricted range in North
America, all highly threatened and of high phylogenetic distinctiveness (Chapter 6). Almost
nothing is known regarding the population status, ecology and life-history traits of Gibbosula
species which are very rare and not easily found (Do 2011a, 2011b; Thi Dieu Phuong 2011).
At a lower taxonomic scale, the phylogeny and species diversity of a North American
group, that historically belonged to the Quadrula genus, were revised (Chapter 5). This group
of species was traditionally lumped together under the genus Quadrula due to shell
morphological similarities. However, until now there were many uncertainties regarding the
identity, number of species and their generic assignment within this group. Our molecular
results, complemented with a compilation of traits from the literature, supported the existence
of 21 species in 4 genera. A new species to science, i.e. Theliderma johnsoni, was described
408 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
and important conservation implications of the taxonomical revision on the group were
Some freshwater mussels have a very interesting and unique form of mitochondrial
inheritance (only shared with few other bivalve groups), also called doubly uniparental
inheritance (DUI), where males inherit mitochondria from both parents (Zouros et al 1994;
Hoeh et al 2002). Each male has (F-) type mitochondria inherited from the mother in all cells,
except in those from the germinative tissue that have (M-) type mitochondria and are inherited
from the father (Breton et al 2007). In FMs, both F- and M- mitochondrial genome sequences
are very divergent within a single individual, and even the gene arrangement of each
mitogenome sequence is quite distinct (Doucet-Beaupré et al 2010). In this dissertation, all
morphological and anatomical synapomorphies of the Margaritiferidae were compiled
(Chapter 6), including the gene arrangement of both F- and M-type mitogenomes, which are
unique to the family and may be used as a molecular diagnostic tool (Chapter 7). It was
discovered that mitogenome rearrangements in FMs were rare events that occurred mainly
during short periods and coincided with extinction events, stabilising thereafter during long
periods (Chapter 8). The phylogenetic patterns obtained within the family Unionidae were
consistent with other genomic phylogenies recently published by other authors in the meantime
using hundreds of nuclear loci (Pfeiffer et al 2019). This suggests that we are getting closer to
have a stabilized phylogeny of the main groups within Unionidae. Due to this reason, the
classification system for this family was again revised introducing subtribes as an additional
taxonomical layer (Chapter 8).
Several shortcomings and caveats can be identified from the results of Chapters 4 to
8, though they are unlikely to have affected significantly its results and key conclusions. These
chapters provide a good phylogenetic basis on the major groups of the Unionidae and
Margaritiferidae, which are complemented with other traits. However, some of the phylogenetic
relationships among the higher taxa were not well supported, especially the relationships
among the subfamilies. This should be related to the low number of molecular markers used,
suggesting that additional markers are needed to reveal these ancient evolutionary
relationships. Other recently produced phylogenies using the same low number of markers
showed differences in these relationships that seem to be dependent on the number and
composition of taxa (Pfeiffer et al 2019). Besides the low number of markers, taxa from several
regions were never included in the Unionidae phylogeny and our knowledge of the whole group
is still incomplete, with many species being still considered as incertae sedis. Furthermore, the
biogeographic inferences accomplished in Chapters 6 and 8 only considered the few taxa
used for the phylogenetic analyses, and these patterns might change if more taxa are added
to the models.
FCUP 409
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The present whole mitogenome analyses indicated that gene arrangements might be
diagnostic of specific taxonomic groups, such as the families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae
or specific subfamilies of the Unionidae (Chapters 7 and 8). However, whole mitogenome
sequences are only available from a small number of species, and so these trends need to be
confirmed with additional taxa from other regions and taxonomic groups. The phylogeny
presented using whole mitogenomes (Chapter 8) was well supported but revealed a distinct
topology regarding the main relationships among the Unionidae subfamilies captured in
Chapter 4. Nevertheless, the mitogenome phylogenetic analyses are concordant with another
recently published study with hundreds of nuclear markers across the whole genome (Pfeiffer
et al 2019), indicating that the phylogeny should be stabilising, and we are closer to the true
species tree.
Since more recent evolutionary diversification events needed to be retrieved, in the
phylogenetic study of the species historically placed within Quadrula (Chapter 5), only
mitochondrial markers were used. Given that mtDNA may suffer from introgression and
hybridization events, with mtDNA evolution sometimes being distinct from the species
evolution, all phylogenetic assumptions and molecular species delineation methods should
now be confirmed with nuclear markers displaying distinct evolutionary rates.
The results of this thesis bring important conservation implications that vary across the globe.
Wide and extensive surveys are needed in many regions, not only in less studied regions such
as Africa, South America and Sundaland, but even in Europe and North America, where
species inventories and population information is scarce and uneven across regions (Lopes-
Lima et al 2014, 2017). To better estimate conservation status and to distinguish between
natural fluctuations and anthropogenic declines, population trends should also be researched
globally, emphasizing the need to establish long term monitoring programs for important FM
populations, such as those included in the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network
(Knapp et al 2012).
FM species on the southern hemisphere in Africa, South America, and Australia have
been neglected and need to be studied urgently to prevent future extinctions and extirpations.
Basic biological traits and population information are almost non-existent for species in these
regions and genetic diversity studies almost absent. The application of the framework here
developed for the study of basic biological traits (chapter 3) in species from these regions
should be pursued to better understand the ecological requirements and features of this poorly
known fauna.
410 FCUP
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
The use of FMs to monitor the environmental health of both freshwater habitats and
their terrestrial surroundings has a great potential and should be developed significantly in the
future. The efficacy of these traits and other potential biomarkers, e.g. biochemical or genetic,
should then be tested in distinct impacted environments or to evaluate the success of eventual
rehabilitation actions.
Another field of research that requires immediate attention is the selection of protected
areas that include freshwater diversity (Suski & Cooke 2007). It has been shown that protected
areas developed for terrestrial taxa fail to protect freshwater organisms (Darwall et al 2011).
Also, there is a wide mismatch between the areas important for freshwater conservation and
those within protected areas networks (Abraham & Kelkar 2012; Hermoso et al 2015).
Therefore, FMs and other freshwater taxa should be included in future systematic conservation
planning exercises to design more effective conservation or protected areas for freshwater
To help in the selection of the most diverse and important global areas for freshwater
mussels, we should try to maximise species richness, but also to capture the higher
phylogenetic diversity possible (Faith et al 2004). For that, we first need a robust phylogeny of
the order using multiple markers and the higher number of taxa possible. The whole
mitogenome phylogenies here presented and the multi-nuclear marker resources recently
published by Pfeiffer et al (2019), seem to be close to the true species phylogeny. Therefore,
a combined multi-marker approach using these two techniques should be accomplished in the
future, with selected taxa from most genera within the order. At a higher resolution taxonomical
scale, reduced genome representations like restriction site associated DNA markers (RAD-Seq)
or genotyping by sequence (GBS) should be applied to reveal hidden cryptic diversity and test
intraspecific mitochondrial lineages to have a clearer molecular definition of species. Given
that in developing countries freshwater habitats are becoming increasingly impacted, it is
essential to rapidly invest in the identification of species, evolutionarily significant units, and
management units in these countries, especially on the identified hotspots such as the
Indotropical region.
Knowing the higher taxa phylogeny and having most species identified will allow for the
elaboration of robust biogeographic models and infer historical geological and hydrological
patterns. Furthermore, the evolutionary relationships, distributions and conservation status
patterns here obtained may be coupled with equivalent data from other freshwater taxa to
select important areas for conservation and protection at several geographic levels.
By presenting an integrative approach combining ecological, distribution,
morphological and genetic data, the present dissertation provides important advances on
several research fields in freshwater mussels, from evolution and ecology to environmental
FCUP 411
Combining phylogeny, systematics and ecology to advance the conservation of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida)
indication with important contributions for the global conservation planning of these highly
threatened molluscs.
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