ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 02 Work Energy and Power
ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 02 Work Energy and Power
ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 02 Work Energy and Power
(ii) Different types of energy (e.g., chemical energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, electrical energy, nuclear energy,
sound energy, light energy).
Scope of syllabus : Mechanical energy : potential energy U = mgh (derivation included), gravitational potential energy,
2.1 WORK
(Fig. 2.1), a cyclist while pedalling a cycle, a
In our daily language, the word 'work' is used horse while pulling a cart, a boy going upstairs,
for some sort of exertion (physical or mental) or a coolie lifting a load, all exert the force which
for various activities such as while writing, produces motion, so they do work.
reading or eating, we say that we are doing work.
But in Physics, the term 'work' is used in relation
to the displacement produced by a force. The
work is said to be done only when a body moves
under the influence of a force. If there is no MOTION
However, if a man --
applied on a body makes the body move (i.e.,
tries to push a wall
there is a displacement of the body).
(Fig. 2.2) or a child tries to push a heavy stone
and they are unable to move it, then scientifically
For example, a man while pushing a car
no work is being done by them.
--- 8 !
In Fig. 2.3, suppose a constant force F ••••• •••••••·•-•••••••·•••• ••••••••••••••••• 1••• • ••• •••••••••••••••-
G <2, F=mg
<::>' <? Direction of motionl
(or displacement)
p F 0 h
·- ----·--···········
\ - •. A B Note : Since force F and displacement S
'v v· !i>III
. .•Nc,O are vector quantities and work W is a scalar
Fig. 2.5 Work done by a force when the displacement quantity, so work is expressed as the dot product
is not along the force by taking the component of
force along the displaceme11t
Therefore, work done
W = NAxAC = NAxS
But from right-angled PNA,
NA = PA cos 0 = F cos 0
Then work done W = F cos 8 x I sl...
-- -o F=mg
s go•
h tI Direction of motion
(or displacement)
1. A crane pulls up a car of mass 500 kg to a (i) Work done by the boy
vertical height of 4 m. Calculate the work done
WI = Fl x h = 400 x 6 = 2400 J
by the crane.
Work done by the girl
In order to raise the car, the crane has to do work
against the force of gravity. Therefore, the force w2 = F2 x h = 300 x 6 = 1800 J
required to lift the car F = mg w, : w2 = 2400 : 1800 = 4 : 3
= 500 x 9·8 = 4900 N. . Work done
(1i) Power developed = T'une tak en
Displacement S = vertical height moved = 4 m.
Here, t1 = 2 min= 120 s; t2 = 1·5 min= 90 s
Work done W = F S = 4900 x 4 = 19600 J
Power developed by boy
2. A force of 10 N displaces a body by a distance of
2 m at an angle 60° to its own direction. Find the w, 2400 J
amount of work done. p I = -;;- = 120S = 20 W
Given : F = 10 N, S = 2 m, 0 = 60°, Power developed by girl
Work = Force x displacement in the direction of W2 1800 J
force P2= ,; = =20W
or W = F x S cos 0 P1 : P2 = 20 : 20 = 1 : 1
:. W = 10 x 2 cos 60° = 10 x 2 x ½ (·: cos 60° Alternative : (i) Since height climbed is same,
=½) m1gh 40 4
= 10 J W2 = migh= mi = 30= 3
3. A boy of mass 40 kg climbs up a flight of 30
each of 20 cm high in 2 min and a girl of mass (ii) W1 4 1·5 1
- - W- ,
lt1 t-
- x- -
-- x
30 kg does the same in l·S min. Compare : (i) the
work done, and (ii) the power developed by them
P2- W2 I t2 - W2 t1- 3 2- t
(g = 10 m s-2) 4. A force of 15 N is required to pull up a body of
mass 2 kg through a distance S m along an
While climbing, both the boy and girl have to do
inclined plane making an angle of 30° with the
work against their force of gravity.
horizontal as shown in Fig. 2.9.
Force of gravity of boy
Calculate : ./
F1 = m1g = 40 x 10 = 400 N (i) the work done by the/ /
Force of gravity of girl force in pulling
F2 = g = 30 x 10 = 300 N the body, _/
Total height climbed up
h = number of steps x height of each step
f, 30°
= 30 x 20 cm = 600 cm = 6 m mg Fig. 2.9
1. Define work. When is work said to be done by a at an angle to the direction of displacement ?
2. How is the work done by a force measured when
(i) force is in direction of displacement, (ii) force is
3. A force F acts on a body and displaces it by a direction of force. (a) Write the expression for the
distance S in a direction at an angle 8 with the work done by the force. (b) What should be the
angle between the force and displacement to get
NUMERICALS Ans. (a) 4 x 105 J (b) 40 kW (c) 100 kW
1. A body, when acted upon by a force of 10 kgf, gets
9. An ox can apply a maximum force of 1000 N. It is
displaced by 0-5 m. Calculate the work done by the
taking part in a cart race and is able to pull the cart
force, when the displacement is (i) in the direction
at a constant speed of 30 m s-1 while making its best
of force, (ii) at an angle of 60° with the force, and
effort. Calculate the power developed by the ox.
(iii) normal to the force. (g = 10 N kg-1)
Ans. (i) 50 J (ii) 25 J (iii) zero Ans. 30 kW
10. The power of a motor is 40 kW. At what speed can
2. A boy of mass 40 kg climbs up the stairs and
the motor raise a load of 20,000 N ? Ans. 2 m s-1
reaches the roof at a height 8 m in 5 s. Calculate :
(i) the force of gravity acting on the boy, 11. Rajan exerts a force of 150 N in pulling a cart at
(ii) the work done by him against the force of a constant speed of 10 m s-1• Calculate the power
gravity, exerted. Ans. 1500 W
(iii) the power spent by the boy. 12. A boy weighing 350 N climbs up the 30 steps,
(Take g = IO m s-2) each 20 cm high in 1 minute. Calculate : (i) the
Ans. (i) 400 N (ii) 3200 J (iii) 640 W work done, and (ii) the power spent.
Ans. (i) 2100 J, (ii) 35 W
3. A man spends 6•4 kJ energy in displacing a body
13. It takes 20 s for a person A of mass 50 kg to climb
by 64 m in the direction in which he applies force,
up the stairs, while another person B of same mass
in 2·5 s. Calculate : (i) the force applied, and (ii)
does the same in 15 s. Compare the (i) work done,
the power spent (in H.P.) by the man.
and (ii) power developed by the persons A and B.
Ans. (i) 100N, (ii) 3.43
H.P. Ans. (i) l : 1 (ii) 3 : 4
4. A weight lifter lifted a load of 200 kgf to a 14. A boy of weight 40 kgf climbs up the 15 steps, each
height of 2-5 m in 5 s. Calculate : (i) the work 15 cm high in 10 sand a girl of weight 20 kgf does
done, and (ii) the power developed by him. the same in 5 s. Compare : (i) the work done, and
Take g =ION kg-1. Ans. (i) 5000 J, (ii) 1000 (ii) the power developed by them. Take g = 10 N k-g1.
W Ans. (i) 2 : 1, (ii) l : 1
5. A machine raises a load of 750 N through a height
of 16 m in 5 s. Calculate :
(i) the energy spent by the machine, 15. A man raises a box of mass 50 kg to a height
(ii) the power of the machine if it is 100% efficient. of 2 m in 20 s, while another man raises the same
Ans. (i) 12000 J (ii) 2400 W box to the same height in 50 s.
(a) Compare : (i) the work done, and (ii) the power
6. An electric heater of power 3 kW is used for 10 h.
developed by them.
How much energy does it consume ? Express your
answer in (i) kWh, (ii) joule. (b) Calculate : (i) the work done, and (ii) the power
Ans. (i) 30 kWh, (ii) 1·08 x 108 J. developed by each man. Take g = IO N kg-1.
Ans. (a) (i) 1 : 1 (ii) 5 : 2,
7. A water pump raises 50 litre of water through a
(b) (i) 1000 J, 1000 J (ii) 50 W, 20 W
height of 25 m in 5 s. Calculate the power of the
pump required. 16. A boy takes 3 minutes to lift a 20 litre water bucket
from a 20 m deep well, while his father does it in
(Take g = 10 N kg-1 and density of water
2 minutes. (a) Compare : (i) the work, and (ii)
= 1000 kg m-3). Ans. 2500 W
power developed by them. (b) How much
8. A pump is used to lift 500kgof water from a depth work each
of 80 m in 10 s. Calculate : does ? Take density of water = 103 kg m-3 and
(a) the work done by the pump, g = 9-8 N kg-1•
(b) the power at which the pump works, and
Ans. (a) (i) work 1 : l, (ii) power 2 : 3, (b) work done by each= 3-92 kJ
2.9 MECHANICAL ENERGY AND ITS energy of a body at a point is the amount
DIFFERENT FORMS of work done by the force of attraction of
The energy possessed by a body due to its earth in bringing that body from infinity
state of rest or of motion, is called the mechanical to that point.
energy. It is in two fonns : (1) potential energy,
(2) Elastic potential energy : When an
and (2) kinetic energy. The total mechanical
external force is applied on a body, its
energy of a body is equal to the sum of its
configuration (or shape) changes. Elasticity
potential energy and kinetic energy. is the property by virtue of which a body
2.10 POTENTIAL ENERGY (U) regains its original configuration on
removal of the external force. The
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of
potential energy possessed by a body in
its changed position (or configuration) is
the deformed state due to change in its
called the potential energy.
configuration is called the elastic potential
It is usually denoted by the symbol U. energy. It is equal to the amount of work
done in deforming the body (or in
Examples : A body placed at a height
changing the configuration of the body).
above the ground, a wound up watch spring, a
compressed spring, a bent bow, a stretched rubber 2.11 GRAVITATIONAL POTENTIAL ENERGY
string, etc. have the potential energy. AT A HEIGHT (U = mgh)
Forms of potential energy The gravitational potential energy of a body
In mechanics, potential energy is mainly of at a height above the ground is measured by the
two kinds : (1) gravitational potential energy due amount of work done in lifting it up from the
to its changed position, and (2) elastic potential ground to that height against the force of gravity
energy due to its changed configuration. (assuming that its gravitational potential energy
on the ground is zero).
(1) Gravitational potential energy : The
potential energy possessed by a body due Let a body of mass m be lifted from the
to force of attraction of earth on it, is ground (or the earth surface) to a vertical height
called its gravitational potential energy. h. The least upward force F required to lift the
body (without acceleration) must be equal to the
The gravitational potential energy of a
force of gravity (= mg) on the body acting
body is zero when it is at infinity because
vertically downwards. The work done W on the
the force of attraction of earth on the body
body in lifting it to a height h is
is then zero. At a finite distance from
earth, the gravitational potential energy of W = Force of gravity (mg) x displacement (h)
the body is negative. =mgh
As the distance of body from the surface This work is done in lifting the body up and
of earth increases, the force of attraction it gets stored in the body in the form of its
of earth decreases and its gravitational gravitational potential energy when it is at height
potential energy increases (i.e. the h. Thus,
negative value of gravitational potential
energy decreases). The gravitational I Gravitational potential energy U = mgh 1 ···(2.13)
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Note : Precisely mgh is the gain in uppose a o y o ass m 1s movmg w1 a
potential energy of the body when it is raised velocity v. It is brought to rest by applying a
to a height h above the ground. But here we constant opposing force F. Let a be the uniform
have assumed that when the body is on the retardation produced by the force and the body
earth surface. (or ground), its gravitational travels a distance S before coming to rest. Then,
potential energy is zero, so we consider the retarding force F = mass x retardation = m a ..(i)
gravitational potential energy of the body at Kinetic energy of the body = work done by
height h equal to mgh. the retarding force in stopping it.
Thus when a body is thrown vertically Kinetic energy K = retarding force
or upwards, it rises up, so the height of the body x displacement
from the ground increases, hence its potential or
K = F x S...................(ii)
energy increases. Similarly, when a body is
released from a height, it falls down, so the Now to calculate the displacement S, we have
height of the body from the ground decreases, initial velocity (u) = v,
hence its potential energy decreases and it final velocity (v) = 0
becomes zero at the earth surface. Since a is the retardation, so accelaration = - a
When a body of mass m is taken up from From the relation v2 = u2 + 2aS
a height h1 to a height h2 above the 0 =v2-2aS
ground (h2 > h1), the gain in potential energy v2
Displacement S = 2a .... (iii)
= final potential energy - initial potential energy
= mg (h2 - h1). Substituting the values of F and S from
But if a body of mass m falls down from a eqns. (i) and (iii) in eqn. (ii), we get
height h1 to a height h2 above the ground (½ < Kinetic energy K = F x S
h1), the loss in potential energy = initial
potential =max = ½
energy - final potential energy = mg (h1 - h2).
or K= ½
m v2
moving body can pe,form before coming to rest. related as :
It can be calculated by the amount of work done
by an opposing force to stop the body. P= or K = p212m_ Do
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Work-energy theorem (1) translational kinetic energy, (2) rotational
When a force is applied in the direction of kinetic energy, and (3) vibrational kinetic energy.
motion of a body, it accelerates the motion and (1) Translational kinetic energy : The
thus increases the kinetic energy of the body. This motion of a body in a straight line path
increase in kinetic energy is equal to the work is called the translational motion and the
done by the force on the body. This is called the kinetic energy of the body due to motion
work-energy theorem. Thus in a straight line is called the translational
kinetic energy.
According to the work-energy theorem, the work
Examples : A car moving in a straight path,
done by a force on a moving body is equal to
a freely falling body, a molecule of monoatomic
the increase in its kinetic energy.
gas have the translational kinetic energy.
Let a body of mass m be moving with an (2) Rotational kinetic energy : If a body
initial velocity u. When a constant force F is rotates about an axis, the motion is called
applied on the body along its direction of motion, the rotational motion and the kinetic
it produces an acceleration a and the velocity of energy of the body due to rotational
the body changes from u to v in moving a motion is called the rotational kinetic
distance S. Then energy or simply the rotational energy.
Force F = mass x acceleration = m a............(i) Examples : A spinning top, a rotating wheel
Work done by the force = Force x displacement have the rotational kinetic energy. The earth
or W = F x S.............................. (ii) rotating on its own axis has a huge amount of
rotational kinetic energy. The atoms in a diatomic
From relation v2 = u2 + 2aS (or polyatomic*) molecule rotate about a fixed
Displacement V
axis in addition to their translational motion, so
they possess both the rotational and translational
S = 2a
Substituting the values of F and S from eqns (i) kinetic energies.
and (iii) in eqn (ii), we get (3) Vibrational kinetic energy : If a body
energy energy
vibrating body in the atmospheric air layers Microphone
reaches our ears and produces vibrations in
Charging ar1
the ear-membrane, sound is heard.
,. Cell in , '
11. Magnetic energy : The energy possessed by energy
,. Chemical
a magnet due to which it can attract iron
filings, is called the magnetic energy. An
electromagnet has the magnetic energy. Light
Chemical candle
12. Mechanical energy : The energy possessed energy . ' energy
by a body due to its state of rest or of motion,
is called the mechanical energy. A body at a ,-----, (i)Lighted-----------------,
height, a moving body, a stretched bow, etc. Electrical ffelectric bul
have the mechanical energy.
ENERGY INTO THE OTHER FORM Fig. 2.11 Examples of energy conversion
In our daily life we require energy in various the generator connected to it and thus the
forms. Since one form of energy can be converted kinetic energy gets transformed into the
into the other form, we can obtain the energy in electrical energy in the generator.
the required form from the form of energy Thus an electric generator (or a dynamo)
available to us. Fig. 2.11 shows some examples converts the mechanical energy into the
of conversion of energy from one form to the electrical energy.
other form.
(2) Electrical energy to mechanical energy :
Now we consider below some more examples In an electric motor, when an electric
of conversion of one form of energy into the
current is passed in a coil freely
other form.
suspended (or pivoted) in a magnetic field,
(1) Mechanical energy to electrical energy: a torque acts on the coil due to which it
The water stored in the reservoir of a dam rotates. The shaft attached to the coil also
has the potential energy. When water falls, rotates with it. Thus the electrical energy
its potential energy decreases and kinetic changes into the mechanical energy.
energy increases. If the falling water is The electric motor is used in many home
made to rotate a turbine near the bottom appliances such as electric fan, washing
of the dam, the kinetic energy of water is machine, mixer, grinder, etc. It is also
transferred to the turbine in the form of used to run the industrial machines.
rotational kinetic energy due to which it
(3) Electrical energy to heat energy : In
rotates. The turbine rotates the armature of
electric appliances such as heater, oven,
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geyser, toaster, etc. electrical energy (11) Electrical energy to light energy : When
changes into the heat energy when a an electric bulb glows on passing an
current passes through their resistance wire electric current through it, the electrical
(or filament). energy changes into the heat and light
(4) Heat energy to electrical energy : In a energies.
thermocouple, when two junctions of two (12) Light energy to electrical energy : In a
different metals are kept at different t<? photoelectric cell, the light energy gets
mperatures (one junction is kept hot, while converted into the electrical energy.
the other cold), a current flows in the
thermocouple. Thus a thermocouple In a solar cell, the light (or solar) energy
changes the heat energy supplied at the changes into the electrical energy.
hot junction into the electrical energy. (13) Heat energy to mechanical energy : In
(5) Electrical energy to sound energy : A a steam engine, the chemical energy of
loudspeaker when in use, receives coal first changes to heat energy of steam
electrical energy in form of electrical and then heat energy of steam changes
signals from the microphone and into the mechanical energy.
changes it into the sound energy. (14) Chemical energy to heat energy : When
In an electric bell when an electric current fuel such as wood, coal, bio-gas, etc.
is passed, the electrical energy changes bums, the chemical energy changes into
into the sound energy. heat energy. In explosion of crackers, the
chemical energy changes into the heat,
(6) Sound energy to electrical energy : A light and sound energies. In lighting a
microphone converts the sound energy candle or match stick, the chemical energy
into the electrical energy in form of changes into the heat and light energies.
varying electric signals. In respiration, the chemical energy
(7) Electrical energy to chemical energy : converts into the heat energy.
While charging a battery, the electrical (15) Chemical energy to mechanical energy :
energy changes into the chemical energy In automobiles, while in motion, the
of the cell. chemical energy of petrol (or diesel)
(8) Chemical energy to electrical energy : changes into the mechanical energy (or
From an electric ce11 when current is kinetic energy).
drawn, the chemical energy stored in it (16) Electrical energy to magnetic energy :
changes into the electrical energy. While making an electromagnet, an
(9) Chemical energy to light energy : When electric current is passed in a coil wound
a candle burns, it gives light. Similarly in around a soft iron bar which gets
a kerosene lamp when the oil soaked in magnetised. Thus the electrical energy
its wick burns, the chemical energy changes into the magnetic energy.
changes into the light energy. (17) Mechanical energy to heat energy :
(10) Light energy to chemical energy : The When water falls from a height, the
light energy from sun is absorbed by the potential energy stored in water at that
green plants and they change it in form of height changes into the kinetic energy of
the chemical energy during the process of water during the fall. On striking the
photosynthesis. ground (or bottom), a part of the kinetic
1. A body of mass 5 kg is taken from a height 5 m applying a force of 200 N parallel to the slope
to 10 m. Find the increase in its potential energy
from the initial position A to the final position B.
(g = 10 m s-2).
(a) Calculate :
Given: m = 5 kg, h1 = 5 m, h = 10 m, g = 10 m (i) the work done by the force in moving the
s- block from A to B, and
Increase in potential energy = mg (h2 - h1) (ii) the potential energy gained by the block.
= 5 X 10 X (10 - 5) = 250 J Take : g = l O m s-2
2. A body of mass 1 kg falls from a height of 5 m. (b) Account for the difference
How much energy does it possess at any instant?
in answers to parts
(Take g = 9·8 m s-2) (i) and (ii).
Given : m = 1 kg, h = 5 m, g = 9-8 m s-2
The energy possessed by the body at any instant 1.5m
= Initial potential energy of the body
= mgh = I x 9-8 x 5 = 49 J. C
3. 500 litre of water is raised from the first floor of Fig. 2.12
a house at height 4 m to its third floor at height (a) Given : m = 30 kg, F = 200 N, AB = 3 m and
12 m. State whether the potential energy of water CB= 1-5 m.
will decrease or increase ? (i) Work done by the force in moving the block from A
Find the decrease/increase in potential energy of to B
water. Take : g = 10 N kg-1, density of water = Force x displacement in the direction of force.
= 1 kg litre-1 or W=FxAB
Given, mass of water m = volume x density
= 500 x 1 = 500 kg, h1 = 4 m, h2 = 12 m, ( . .)
= 200 N x 3 m = 600 J
g = 10N kg-'. 11 The potential energy gained by the block U = mgh
Since height of water above the ground increases where h = CB = 1·5 m
(h2 > h1), so the potential energy of water will U = 30 X 10 X 1·5 = 450 J
increase. (b) Out of the work done 600 J, only 450 J is the useful
Increase in potential energy = mg (h2 - h1) work which raises the potential energy of the block
= 500 x 10 x (12 - 4) and the remaining work= 600 J - 450 J = 150 J is
= 4 x 104 J spent against the force of friction between the block
4. A block of mass 30 kg is pulled up a slope as and the slope which gets converted into the heat
shown in Fig. 2.12 with a constant speed by energy.
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5. In a dam, water falls at a rate of 1000 kg s-1 (d) On stopping the truck, the kinetic energy of the
from a height of 100 m. truck changes into the heat and sound energies.
(a) Calculate the initial potential energy of the
7. Calculate the kinetic energy of a body of
mass 2 kg moving with a speed of 10 m s-1•
(b) Assuming that 60% of the energy of the
Given : m = 2 kg, v = 10 m s-1
falling water is converted to electrical
energy, calculate the power generated. Kinetic energy = ½ mv2 = ½ x 2 x (10) 2
K2 - "'2-
K1 : K2 = 10 : 1
500 - 1 ½ mv' = 125 J or ½ x (5 x 10- )v' = 125
2 3 2
2 125
or v' = x = 223·6 m s-1
11. For the same kinetic energy of a body, what 5x10 •
should be the change in its velocity if its mass is
13. Calculate the kinetic energy of a body of mass
increased four times ?
0·1 kg and momentum 20 kg m s-1•
Let initial mass m1 = m, velocity = v1
Given : p = 20 kg m s-1, m = 0-1 kg
Final mass 171i = 4m, velocity = v2
For the same kinetic energy, Kinetic energy K =½ mv2 and
1 2= 1 2 momentum p = mv or v = -
1m1V1 1m2V2 m
Eliminating v,
or l2.mv2 = l2. x 4m x2v 2
or v/ = ¼v 2
or v2 = ½ v K= (ZO)
= 2000 J = 2 X 103 J
Thus, velocity should be halved. 2 X 0-1
12. A bullet of mass 5 g travels with a speed of 14. A ball of mass 10 g falls from a height of
500 m s-1• If it penetrates a fixed target which 5 m. It rebounds from the ground to a height of
offers a constant resistive force of 1000 N to the 4 m. Find:
motion of the bullet , find : (a) the initial kinetic (a) theinitial potential energy of the ball,
energy of the bullet, (b) the distance through (b) the kinetic energy of the ball just before
which the bullet has penetrated before coming to striking the ground,
rest, and (c) the speed with which the bullet
(c) the kinetic energy of the ball after striking
. emerges out of the target if target is of thickness
the ground, and
0·5 m.
(d) the loss in kinetic energy on striking the
Given : m = 5 g = 5 x 10-3 kg, v = 500 m s-1, ground.
F = 1000N Take g = 9·8 m s-2•
(a) Kinetic energy of the bullet = ½ mv2
= X (5 X I0- ) X (500) = 625 J
3 2
Given: m = 10 g = 1 i
kg= 0-01 kg,
h = 5 m, g = 9-8 m s-2, h' = 4 m.
(b) Let the bullet penetrate through a distance S m in (a) Initial potential energy of the ball = mgh
the target. = 0-01 X 9·8 X 5 = 0•49 J
Work done by the bullet against the material of the (b) Kinetic energy of the ball just before striking
target = Resistive force x distance the ground = Initial potential energy of the ball
=lOOOxSJ = 0·49 J.
This work is obtained from the initial kinetic energy (c) Kinetic energy of the ball after striking the
of the bullet. ground = Potential energy of ball at the
1000 S = 625 highest point after rebound.
or S = 625/1000 = 0-625 m = mgh' = 0-01 x 9·8 x 4 = 0·392 J
Thus, the distance penetrated by the bullet = 0·625 (d) Loss in kinetic energy on striking the ground
m. = Initial kinetic energy - Final kinetic energy
(c) Energy spent against the resistive force = 0-49 J - 0-392 J = 0·098 J
offered by the target in penetrating through it Note : This energy appears in the form of heat
= Resistive force x thickness of target energy and sound energy when the ball strikes
= 1000 N x 0-5 m = 500 J the ground.
1. What are the two forms of mechanical energy ? 12. A light mass and a heavy mass have equal
2. Name the form of energy which a wound up watch momentum. Which will have more kinetic energy ?
spring possesses. Ans. Elastic potential energy. [Hint : kinetic energy K = p2!2m where p is the
3. Name the type of energy (kinetic energy K or momentum) Ans. Lighter mass
potential energy U) possessed in the following 13. Two bodies A and B of masses m and M (M >>
cases : m) have same kinetic energy. Which body will have
(a) A moving cricket ball more momentum ? Ans. Body B
(b) A compressed spring 14. Name the three forms of kinetic energy and give one
(c) A.moving bus example of each.
(d) A stretched wire 15. State two differences between the potential energy
(e) An arrow shot out of a bow and the kinetic energy.
(f) A piece of stone placed on the roof. 16. Complete the following sentences :
Ans. (a) K (b) U (c) K (d) U (e) K (f) U (a) Toe kinetic energy of a body is the energy by
4. Define the term potential energy of a body. State its virtue of its .............
different forms and give one example of each. (b) The potential energy of a body is the energy
by virtue of its ...........
5. Name the form of energy which a body may
Ans. (a) motion (b) position
even when it is not in motion. Give an example to
17. When an arrow is shot from a bow, it has kinetic
support your answer.
energy in it. Explain briefly from where does it get
6. What is meant by the gravitational potential its kinetic energy ?
energy ? Derive expression for it for a body placed 18. A ball is placed on a compressed spring. What form
at a height above the ground. of energy does the spring possess ? On releasing the
7. Write an expression for the potential energy of a spring, the ball flies away. Give a reason.
body of mass m placed at a height h above the earth 19. A pebble is thrown up. It goes to a height and
surface. State the assumptions made, if any. then comes back on the ground. State the
8. What do you understand by the kinetic energy of a different changes in form of energy during its
body? motion.
20. In what way does the temperature of water at the
9. Abody of mass mis moving with a velocity v. Write
bottom of a waterfall differ from the temperature at
the expression for its kinetic energy.
the top ? Explain the reason.
10. State the work-energy theorem.
21. Is it possible that no transfer of energy takes place
11. A body of mass m is moving with a uniform velocity even when a force is applied to a body ?
u. A force is applied on the body due to which its Ans. Yes, when force is normal to displacement.
velocity changes from u to v. How much work is
22. Name the form of mechanical energy, which is put
being done by the force ? Ans. 2 m (v2 - u2) to use. Ans. Kinetic energy
23. Name six different forms of energy ?
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24. Energy can exist in several forms and may change mass kept at a height of 5 m above the ground if
from one form to another. For each of the following, g = 10 m s-2. Ans. 50 J
state the energy changes that occur in: 3. A box of weight 150 kgf has gravitational potential
(a) the unwinding of a watch spring, energy stored in it equal to 14700 J. Find the height
(b) a loaded truck when started and set in motion, of the box above the ground.
(c) a car going uphill, (Take g = 9-8 N kg-1). Ans. 10 m
(d) photosynthesis in green leaves, 4. A body of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 10 m to
(e) charging of a battery, 4 m. Calculate : (i) the loss in potential energy of the
(t) respiration, body, and (ii) the total energy possessed by the body
(g) burning of a match stick, at any instant ? (Take g = 10 m s-2).
(h) explosion of crackers. Ans. (i) 300 J, (ii) 500 J
25. State the energy changes in the following cases 5. Calculate the height through which a body of mass
while in use : 0-5 kg is lifted if the energy spent in doing so is 1-0
(a) loudspeaker J. Take g = 10 m s-2. Ans. 0-2 m
(b) a steam engine 6. A boy weighing 25 kgf climbs up from the first
(c) microphone floor at a height of 3 m above the ground to the third
(d) washing machine floor at a height of 9 m above the ground. What will
(e) a glowing electric bulb be the increase in his gravitational potential energy
(f) burning coal ?
(g) a solar cell (Take g = IO N kg-1). Ans. 1500 J
(h) bio-gas burner 7. A vessel containing 50 kg of water is placed at a
(i) an electric cell in a circuit height of 15 m above the ground. Assuming the
gravitational potential energy at ground to be zero,
(j) a petrol engine of a running car
what will be the gravitational potential energy of
(k) an electric toaster
water in the vessel ? (g = 10 m s-2) Ans. 7500 J
(1) a photovoltaic cell
8. A man of mass 50 kg climbs up a ladder of height
(m) an electromagnet.
10 m. Calculate : (i) the work done by the man,
26. Is it practically possible to convert a form of energy and (ii) the increase in his potential energy.
completely into the other useful form ? Explain (g = 9·8 m s-2). Ans. (i) 4900 J, (ii) 4900 J
your answer. -
ground be v. Then u = 0, S = h, a = g
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Fig. 2.16 represents the variation in kinetic TOTAL ENERGY
energy and potential energy with the height above mgh - -i -----;---------·
the ground. j 0
The table below represents the kinetic energy 2mgh
Table showing the kinetic energy and potential energy of a body in vertical motion.
Height above Kinetic energy Potential energy Total energy
Motion the ground K u E=K +U
h (i.e., highest point A) 0 mgh mgh
Downward motion
(i.e., free fall)
½ h (i.e., middle point B) ½mgh ½mgh mgh
0 (i.e., ground C) mgh 0 mgh
0 (i.e., ground C) mgh 0 mgh
Upward motion ½ h (i.e., middle point B) ½mgh ½mgh mgh
h (i.e., highest point A) 0 mgh mgh
It is clear that at the ground (i.e., at point C) A. When it is displaced to one side and then
h = 0, potential energy = 0, kinetic energy = mgh. released, it swings from one side to the other,
At the middle point B, x = ½
h, potential reaching equal distance and equal height on
energy either side. Neglecting the force of friction
= ½ mgh, kinetic energy = ½
mgh. At the between the bob and the surrounding air, the
highest point A (i.e., at height h), potential energy= motion of pendulum can easily be explained by
mgh and kinetic energy= 0 (zero). applying the principle of conservation of energy
as follows.
Note : In the above calculations, we have
ignored the force of friction between the body
and air. In fact during the fall, some of the
kinetic energy will change into the heat energy
due to friction and it will get dissipated in air.
At the ground C, the kinetic energy will be
less than mgh. The conservation of mechanical
energy is therefore strictly valid only in
absence of external forces such as friction due
to air etc., although the total energy of all
kinds is always conserved.
K.E.=0 ----- =--
P.E. =0
K.E. =mgh
h P.E.=mgh
K.E. =0