A Journal Hatina

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree in English
Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Mataram



Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Telp.(0370)623873 Fax. 634918 Mataram 83125


A journal entitled “The Effectiveness of Picture Series in Teaching Writing Narrative Text:
An Experimental Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Kuripan Academic Year 2017/2018” by
Hatina (E1D111045) has been approved by the board of consultants as the requirement to
achieve Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) Degree in English Education Program Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education Mataram University.



TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1

II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK……………………………………………..2

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................... 4

IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...................................................................... 5

V. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………......9


“The Effectiveness of Picture Series In Teaching Writing Narrative Text: An Experimental
Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Kuripan Academic Year 2017/2018”

Hatina(1), Drs. Udin, M. Pd(2), Rizky Kurniawan M.Pd(3)

[email protected]

This thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Picture Series in Teaching Writing Narrative
Text: An Experimental Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Kuripan Academic Year 2017/2018” is
aimed at finding out the students’ interest in teaching writing, especially in teaching writing
narrative text is by using picture series. The population of this study was 125 students, and the
sample was 50 students selected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected
by using writing test data. This research was design as experimental study to see the
effectiveness of picture series in teaching writing narrative text. It consisted of two groups,
namely the experimental group and control group. I used experimental study to see the
effectiveness of picture series in teaching writing narrative text. The result showed that the
picture series as media in writing narrative text is effective in teaching writing narrative text. The
result of calculation showed that in the significance degree of 5%, the value of t-test ˃ t-table
(2.8286 ˃ 2000). According to the criteria of the test, the result showed that there is a significant
difference between students in teaching writing narrative text by using picture series as media
and without using picture series. It means that, the Pictures series is effective in teaching writing
narrative text at the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Kuripan.

Key words: Picture Series, Writing Narrative Text.


Thesis ini berjudul “Keefektifan Gambar Seri Dalam Mengajar Menulis Teks Narratif : Pembelajaran
Eksperimental pada Kelas Sembilan di SMPN 1 Kuripan pada Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018” adalah ditujukan
untuk mengetahui ketertarikan siswa dalam menulis, terutama dalam pengajaran menulis teks naratif
dengan menggunakan gambar seri. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 125 siswa, dan sampel adalah 50 siswa
yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tes tulis.
Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai pembelajaran eksperimental untuk melihat keefektifan gambar seri dalam
pengajaran penulisan teks narratif. Ini terdiri dari dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan
kelompok kontrol. Pembelajaran eksperimental adalah untuk melihat keefektifan gambar seri dalam
pengajaran penulisan naratif teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rangkaian gambar sebagai media
penulisan teks naratif efektif dalam pengajaran penulisan naratif teks. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan
bahwa pada tingkat signifikan 5%, nilai t-test ˃ t-table (2.8286 ˃ 2000). Menurut kriteria pengujian, hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa dalam pengajaran menulis
teks naratif dengan menggunakan gambar seri sebagai media dan tanpa menggunakan gambar seri.
Artinya, gambar seri efektif dalam mengajarkan penulisan teks naratif pada siswa kelas sembilan SMPN 1

Kata Kunci : Gambar Seri, Mengajar Naratif Teks


Writing is one of language skills need to be mastered by students. It is because

learning writing can make students able to acquire the skills and knowledge that are
beneficial to the growth and the development of reasoning power, social and emotional.
According to Gunansyah (2006:2), “through writing, humans are able to see and listen to
certain information and organizing ideas systematically”. In addition, writing can make
students to express ideas or opinions, thoughts, feelings and creativity.
Furthermore, the objectives of writing are required to learn and to master the
functional text. The kinds of functional text are narrative, procedure and argumentative.
Narrative text is a story telling which usually progresses chronologically, and must have a
clear beginning, middle and end. The next text is procedure. This is a text that explains or
helps us how to make or use something. The last one is Argumentative text, which is the
act of forming reason, making inductions, drawing conclusions and applying them to the
case in discussion; the operation of inferring propositions, not known or admitted as true,
from facts or principles known, admitted, or proved to be true.
Based on researcher’s observation at the junior high school students of SMPN 1
Kuripan, some students was having difficulties in learning writing because of some
factors. First, they did not know how to start a good writing, it made them bored and
confused. Second, they still made some mistakes in writing English, such as poorly
organized, grammatically awkward, devoid of sentence structure variety, and weak in
vocabulary usage. Therefore, the students felt bored to get involved in teaching and
learning activities.
Based on feedback and several problems faced by the students in writing above,
feedback, appreciation and interest in writing have to be developed. I chose the narrative
text because it provided them with suitable writing materials and learning media.
Students felt the easiness and they were more interesting in writing narrative text since
the social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain its readers. It increased
students’ interest in learning process. It was helpful for the students in learning writing.
Moreover, one of the ways in increasing the students’ achievement in writing
especially in writing narrative text is by using picture series media. Media is mediator
between teacher and students in teaching and learning process. According to Arif

(2003:29) “picture series is a series of picture arranged in a sequence or randomly so as
to make up a story”. This media is used to stimulate the participation of the students in
learning process. It is make learning process more attractive and the material easier to be
understood by the students. Picture series is also intended to increase student’s
motivation in writing.
Thus, based on the explanations above, I was interested to make the students
attracted and active in learning writing, especially in writing Narrative text. Then, I gave
the title “The Effectiveness of Picture Series in Teaching Writing Narrative Text (An
Experimental Study at Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Kuripan Academic Year 2017/2018)”.
1.1 Research Question
This research concerns with the following question: Can picture series be effective in
teaching writing narrative text?
1.2 Purpose of Study
The aim of this study is to know the effectiveness of picture series in teaching writing
narrative text.


1. Picture Series
Picture series is an art which is used to draw unmovable goods if they are
arranged well. Picture is a drawing object. It is one of visual aids that are very useful
in teaching, especially in English teaching. Pictures can really help the learners to
ease them in comprehending the meaning of a word, a sentence, or a paragraph. By
using picture series, the learners can get the imagination about the objects or the
According to Harmer (2004:69) picture can stimulate students’ creativity,
especially in writing. Picture works in provoking the imagination and creativity so
that they can produce good piece of writing. It means that by giving students picture
series, it is easier for them to get ideas.
2. Writing
Writing is a productive skill in addition to speaking, to write simple sentence,
message, and announcement and to write text in the forms of narrative, recount and

descriptive, and to write simple messages and personal letters for junior high school
students in the first and the second years.
According to Harmer (2002:257) in the teaching of writing we can focus on the
product of that writing or on the writing process itself. If the teacher can advocate the
process approach to writing, there are some stages that must be involved to the
1. Pre-writing Phrase,
Pre-writing is the time to get the brain focused. Since each person was
unique, there could be no single method for focusing the brain. Each
writer must find what works best (this does not mean what is done
easiest). Proofreading
Proofreading is the act of making certain that the spelling is correct, the
grammar is accurate and the mechanics is proper. Carefully examining a
paper to see that contains no errors of grammar, spelling or punctuation.
2. Redrafting.
This is actually writing the first draft of the piece. Keep in mind that this is
just a first attempt. It is not complete. Put ideas down is some rough form.
A first draft is generally messy and repetitive and full of mistakes and that
is just fine. The purpose of a rough draft is to capture ideas and supporting
details, not to compose a perfect paragraph or essay on the first attempt.
3. Narrative Text
Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to
find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is the
narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a
process of narration.
According to Oshima (2007:35), narrative is the kind of writing that you do when
you tell a story. Time order words and phrases are used to show when each part of the
story happens. The narrative essay tells a story, to be sure, but the true value of the
narrative comes from what the writer and reader learn from it. It means that, narrative
gave the readers or listeners a moral value in every story. It is different from other
kinds of passages.

1. Research Design
This research was designed as experimental study to see the effectiveness of
picture series in teaching writing narrative text. It was consisted of two groups,
namely the experimental group and control group. I used pre-test and Post-test were
conducted on the control and experiment groups to see the effectiveness of picture
series the gain scores between the two groups.
2. Population and Sample
The population of this study was the ninth grade students of SMPN 1 Kuripan.
According to Ary (2010: 148), population is defined as all members of any well-
defined class of people, event or subjects
Sample is small group in population being observed, Arikunto, (2002:109). In this
research, the sample was IX grade students at SMPN 1 Kuripan. It consisted of five
classes and each class consisted of 25 students. I used the purposive sampling
technique. Milan stated that, “Purposive sampling (sometimes called purposful,
judgment, or judgmental sampling).
3. Method of Data Collection
In collecting the data, there were many methods that could be used such as test,
observation, documentation, and interview. The types of data which I used were the
writing test which is implemented to the students through pre-test, treatment and post-
1. Technique of Data Analysis
1. Calculating the deviation between pre-test and post-test of experimental group.
2. Calculating the deviation between pre-test and post-test of control group.
3. Calculating square deviation of experimental group.
4. Calculating square deviation of control group.
I used formula as follows:
a. Mean and square deviation of experimental group:
Ʃ𝑋 2
Ʃ𝑋 2 = ƩX –

b. The mean and square deviation of control group :

2 (Ʃ𝑌)2
Ʃ𝑌 2 =Ʃ𝑌 −
c. Found the significance of the deviation by using t-test formula :
Ʃ𝑋 2 +Ʃ𝑌 2 1 1

M = Mean deviation of each group
N = Subject of sample
X = Deviation between pre-test and post-test of the experimental group.
Y = Deviation between pre-test and post-test of the control group
Ʃ = the sum of
Arikunto, (2002:280)
5. Statistical Hypothesis
1. If t-test (𝑡𝑜 ) > t-table (𝑡𝑡 ) in significant degree of 0,05, Ho (null
hypothesis) was rejected. It means that the rates of mean score of the
experimental group were higher than the controlled group. The using of
picture series was effective in teaching writing narrative text.
2. If t-test (𝑡𝑜 ) < t-table (𝑡𝑡 ) in significant degree of 0,05, Ho (the null
hypothesis) was accepted. It was meant that the rates of the means score of
the experimental group was the same as or lower than the controlled
group. The using of picture series was not effective in teaching writing
narrative text.


1. Data Analysis Table
After having administered the pre-test and pos-test, the data is analized. The
process of analyzing data is then continued to the calculation of the mean and the
deviation scores of group.

Table 1

Table of computing students individual deviation score from the mean of experimental
group (X)

No. Subject Xa Xb X 𝑋2 Categorization

(Pre- (Post- in Post-Test
Test) Test) Score
1 DGRDP 53 70 17 289 Good

2 DKPC 52 71 19 361 Good

3 DFH 50 63 13 169 Fair

4 FF 50 80 30 900 Excellent
5 HJ 60 77 17 289 Good
6 IMK 53 69 16 256 Fair

7 IMW 39 78 39 1521 Good

8 JR 50 74 24 576 Good

9 LS 50 73 23 529 Good

10 LH 60 88 28 784 Excellent

11 MI 50 78 28 784 Good

12 M 55 83 28 784 Excellent

13 MM 66 90 24 576 Excellent

14 MPP 50 78 28 784 Good

15 NS 60 80 20 400 Excellent

16 NMAH 60 80 20 400 Excellent

17 NMSDBY 42 69 27 729 Fair

18 NKDA 60 82 22 484 Excellent

19 NNADA 60 86 26 676 Excellent

20 NYSN 40 66 26 676 Fair

21 PS 45 79 34 1156 Good

22 SAS 50 78 28 784 Good

23 SAIKS 50 68 18 324 Fair

24 WPM 50 73 23 529 Good

25 YN 50 65 15 225 Fair
1305 1898 593 14985
X (Mean) 52.2 75.92

Table 2

Table of computing student individual deviation score from the mean of control group

No. Subject Ya Yb Y 𝑌2 Categorization

(Pre- (Post- Score in Post-
Test) Test) Test
1 AF 69 76 7 49 Good

2 A 46 54 8 64 Poor

3 AH 50 53 3 9 Poor
4 AI 40 44 4 16 Poor
5 A 54 68 14 196 Fair
6 DGD 72 78 6 36 Good

7 IGA 65 71 6 36 Good

8 I DA 50 66 16 256 Fair

9 IKB 54 71 17 289 Good

10 I M W P AM 52 56 4 16 Poor

11 I NK 76 81 5 25 Excellent

12 I NW 52 60 8 64 Fair

13 IWPP 52 61 9 81 Fair

14 KA 48 69 21 441 Fair

15 LA 44 68 24 576 Fair

16 MH 69 70 1 1 Good

17 MU 85 90 5 25 Excellent

18 MS 50 50 0 0 Poor

19 NJ 54 74 20 400 Good

20 NZ 67 71 4 16 Good
21 S 49 57 8 64 Poor
22 SAP 65 65 0 0 Fair

23 TL 88 90 2 4 Excellent
24 WN 47 57 10 100 Poor

25 YA 74 80 6 36 Excellent
Ʃ 1472 1680 208 2800

Y (Mean) 58.88 67.2

Before the result is consulted the researcher need to determine the level of
significance and the degree of freedom used in this study. The level of
significance is 5 and 1 with degree of freedom 50-2=48, but used at df at t-table is
50. Because df 50 is mostly approach to 48 at t-table.
The closest degree of freedom for 50 at t-table, I found out that the t-table for
df50 was 2.000 for confidence level 5% (95%) and 2.021 for confidence level 1%
(99%) of confidence level for two tailed test. In other words, we compare the t-test to
table as follows:
t-test 2.8286 > 2000 (95%)
t-test 2.8286 > 2,0126 (99%)

After conducting the research, I found out some points conclusion, such as:
1. The value of t-test is 2.8286, this value is higher than the value of t table in df50
which were 2.000 for significance level 05 (95%) and 2.0126 for significance
level of 01 (99%). It means that the rates of mean score of the experimental group
are higher than of the controlled group. So use of picture series is effective in
teaching writing narrative text.
2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) which states using picture series was effective in
teaching writing narrative text, and null hypothesis (Ho) which states that there was
no effectiveness of using picture series in teaching writing narrative text is rejected.

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Langan, John. College Writing Skills with Readings (Fifth Edition).New York: The McGraw-Hill
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Raimes, Ann. Techniques in Teaching Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

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