J Pharma Sci 2008, 97, 71 Particulas de Poliester Biodegradable
J Pharma Sci 2008, 97, 71 Particulas de Poliester Biodegradable
J Pharma Sci 2008, 97, 71 Particulas de Poliester Biodegradable
This review discusses the current methodolo- tion at low temperatures minimizes solvent
gies used to engineer PLGA and PLA particles evaporation and the outer shell of the embryonic
with specific external and internal morphologies microspheres pushes the inner water-droplets
and derivatization of particles with other poly- toward the soft core as it hardens, facilitating
mers or ligands. The utility of the particles is then droplet coalescence.14
discussed, that is, in passive or active targeting Less is understood regarding the mechanisms
and controlled release strategies, alongside the underpinning the microsphere external morphol-
corresponding disease target or envisaged appli- ogy, although the formation of the surface pores is
cation. This review does not focus on general thought to occur on water extrusion from osmotic
fabrication techniques and novel methods such imbalance.8 Surface porosity appears to be influ-
a microchannel mixing, which are reviewed in enced by the PLGA concentration, the volume of
detail elsewhere.4 Similarly, there is a large the inner water phase and substitution of nonionic
volume of data describing PLGA and PLA bio- surfactants for PVA.15 The release of encapsu-
resorbable matrices for use as tissue engineering lated drug during solvent evaporation, which is
scaffolds, whose fabrication processes, material, dependent upon its physico-chemical properties,
and drug release properties inevitably overlap was further observed to be a critical parameter of
somewhat with those for micro- and nano- microsphere morphology.15 A ‘‘defective skin sur-
particles.5,6 The area of ‘‘Polymeric Prodrugs’’7 face’’ has been described as a consequence of using
has been used to describe colloidal copolymer low oil-phase volumes,8 and use of tricaprin oil
systems which may involve the grafting of one (a medium-chain triacylglycerol) in emulsion-
polymer, for example, an anhydride, onto a poly- solvent extraction microsphere fabrication un-
ester. This area of research is very broad ranging, expectedly yielded microspheres with dimpled
including nanoparticles, liposomes, micelles, and surfaces.16 Substitution of nonionic surfactants
dendrimers, and discussion here will be limited to for PVA in the primary emulsion has been
polyester copolymers yielding distinct, solid par- empirically observed to change surface roughness
ticles. The term ‘‘microsphere’’ as used below according to the surfactant’s hydrophile–lipophile
refers to a small, porous sphere typically from 1 to balance.17 Surface charge and hydrophobicity
500 mm in diameter. Alternative terms such as influence adhesion and uptake of microspheres
microcapsules and microparticles are also encoun- by the intestinal M-cells and enterocytes18 and
tered in the literature, with nanospheres or nano- surface engineering may yield microspheres with
particles referring to particles 10–1000 nm in size. favorable dispersion and flow properties for
pulmonary delivery, discussed below.
extraction.20 Key to the success of the particles is minimal surface corrugation via reduced contact
their highly porous nature which reduces particle areas and increased particle separation.27
mass density (r) to 0.4 g/cm3, such that, Therefore, an alternative route to achieving
although the mean geometric diameter (d) is PGLA aerosols would be to focus on engineering-
>5 mm, da becomes 3 mm (given that da ¼ dHr). specific surfaces. Establishing primary emulsions
Fabrication of rifampicin-loaded PLGA micro- with poor stability using blends of poly(ethylene
spheres for inhalation compared double emulsion- oxide)/poly(propylene oxide)/poly(ethylene oxide)
solvent extraction and spray drying techniques, (PEO/PPO/PEO) triblock copolymers (Pluronics1)
taking eight variables for the emulsification in generated PLGA microspheres with hollow inter-
a factorial design and using a Box Behnken iors: ‘‘microcapsules’’ of low density, 0.24 g/cm3,
statistical approach to optimize against drug and 3.43 mm geometric mean weight diameter,
loading and particle size.21 Interestingly, the suitable for inhalation (Fig. 1).28 The hollow
surface of the spray dried microparticles appeared nature of the particles was due to the poor
to have collapsed inwards (and had smaller stability of the primary emulsion, leading to
volume median diameter ca. 2 mm), in contrast internal water droplet coalescence, while main-
to spherical particles from the emulsion–extrac- taining a stable secondary emulsion to prevent
tion method (ca. 4 mm diameter). In vivo clearance oil droplet coalescence. Triblock copolymers self-
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for the solvent assemble into colloidal systems in aqueous media
extraction formulation in a guinea pig model of with and without additional surfactants.29 These
infection, administered via nebulization and colloids have long been exploited in the templating
insufflation showed dose-dependent bacterial of mesoporous silica microspheres, similar in
load, alongside fewer lung lesions.22 Other studies morphology to polyester microspheres.30 While
aiming to target the lung using PLGA micro- the chemistry behind the formation of the
spheres for cisplatin therapy have quoted large particles is entirely different, it is likely that
size ranges of 5–30 mm for smooth microspheres the Pluronics imprinted the embryonic PLGA
stable over a 3 month period. Although no microcapsules to generate the dimpled surfaces,
corresponding particle density was measured, whose depth and definition were greatest for
these spheres would appear to be too large for Pluronics with high MW hydrophobe blocks.28
effective deposition to the peripheral lung and, It is apparent that porous PLGA microspheres
unusually, in vivo distribution and pharmacoki- with surface asperities mimicking fungal spores
netics were measured following intravenous are rarely reported, if at all. Alternative engineer-
injection rather than following pulmonary admin- ing of PLGA microspheres could address this
istration.23 drawback. The question of how to proceed
Further engineering of the particle surface may experimentally may be found in work describing
improve dispersion and flow of PLGA aerosols by ‘‘biocolloids’’ which self-assemble during emulsi-
minimizing particle–particle contact area. Using fication to yield patterned microspheres remark-
atomic force microscopy (AFM), direct measure- ably similar to spores.31,32 In these reports,
ment of the interaction between aerosol particles interparticulate van der Waal’s attraction and
can be made to inform a fundamental under- electrostatic repulsion were controlled via the
standing of adhesion–cohesion and how this ionic strength and Hamaker constant, respec-
effects in vitro performance of carrier-based tively, to stabilize styrene aggregates in o/w
formulations from dry powder inhalers.24 Mini- emulsions, but their application to polyester
mization of the particle surface area is aptly microsphere fabrication may be limited. Other
demonstrated by Nature in fungal spores which considerations may be more applicable: (1) super-
have surface asperities or dimples,25 and also by position of excess surfactant, forming discreet
research directed to particle surface engineering. lamellae microstructures in a ternary system with
Chew et al.26,27 produced albumin particles of da an oil and water, on emulsion droplets within a
2.8 mm with a corrugated surface, minimizing certain timescale32 (the requirement for an
particle cohesive forces. Relating surface corruga- appropriate timescale over which colloidal parti-
tion (quantified by light scattering and Rayleigh– cles can migrate to an interface is elegantly shown
Gans–Debye theory to give a ‘‘fractal dimension’’) for the formation of ‘‘Trojan particles’’33), (2) the
to the fine particle fraction (the mass of particles addition of a strongly adsorbing polymer but
5 mm in the aerosol) showed that improvement in insufficient quantities such that bridging-
in aerosol performance can be achieved for flocculation occurs.
Figure 1. SEM micrographs for (A) surface morphology of the microcapsules fabri-
cated using Pluronic L92 in the primary emulsion (magnification 3500) and (B) the
corresponding internal morphology for microcapsules prepared using freeze-fracture
techniques. Adapted from Mohamed & van der Walle.28
Two further considerations may be made the same group using the same formulation
toward the optimization of microparticulate sys- suggested that increased drug absorption was
tems for lung targeting. The first is size uni- due to chitosan-mediated transient loosening of
formity for maximum lung deposition. The the tight junctions between cells40; the mechan-
membrane emulsification technique may be most ism of which is now partially understood to involve
applicable to the fabrication of uniform particles protein kinase Ca migration to the cell membrane
with a da of 3–5 mm.34,35 However, the procedure without activation and, unspecified, second mes-
is not rapid since the primary emulsion must be senger pathways.41
forced under pressure through the porous glass
membrane. This requires good primary emulsion
stability, which may be difficult to achieve and
then compromise the integrity of biopharmaceu- Classical emulsion–solvent extraction protocols
ticals. The second is mucoadhesion. PLGA and yield microspheres around 100 mm which are
PLA are both poorly adhesive in comparison with suitable for oral delivery18 and may be further
polyanhydrides and polymers of fumaric and modified for mucosal adhesion, as above. For
sebacic acid, possibly due to limited hydrogen parenteral administration or for the production of
bonding potential with mucus glycoproteins.36 particles intended for cell internalization via
The engineering of mucoadhesive microparticu- endocytosis, a reduction in size by around three
late systems has been described in detail else- to four orders of magnitude, respectively, is
where37 but there are interesting applications to clearly required. Suitable protocols have included
lung targeting. For example, PLGA nanoparticles ‘‘Phase Inversion Nanoencapsulation’’, which is
were made mucoadhesive either by the inclusion similar to coacervation but involves a primary
of chitosan into the aqueous phase of the emulsion dispersion of solid-in-dichloromethane poured
(with poly vinylalcohol, PVA), or mixing the into petroleum ether without stirring, causing
nanoparticles with chitosan, keeping polymer phase separation of the polymer and nanoparticle
concentrations 0.5% to prevent particle aggre- formation.1 The cytokine interleukin-12 has been
gation.38 The mucoadhesive PLGA nanoparticles encapsulated in such nanoparticles and injected
were subsequently nebulized and showed increas- intratumorally to tumor-bearing mice, resulting
ed retention in the lung, compared to rapid in tumor regression and metastatic suppression.42
mucociliary clearance of noncoated particles, Nanoparticles are nonspecifically internalized
and prolonged drug action.39 A recent study by into cells via adsorptive endocytosis, initially
observed for endothelial cells.43 Since particles DNA encoding the p53 tumor suppressor gene
internalized into endosomes are subject to acid- resulted in marked reduction in the proliferation
ification of the endosome environment and enzy- of breast cancer cells.54 The formulation was
matic activity ultimately in the lysosome, this can suggested to be superior to polyplex (DNA
be problematic for drug stability. Therefore, it was complexation with cationic polymer) possibly as
interesting that rapid escape of nanoparticles a result of favorable release kinetics from the
from the endosome was observed,44,45 dependent endosome following cell uptake. Interestingly,
upon particle surface charge and fusion with the extensive particle washing following emulsion–
endosomal membrane. The mechanism by which solvent extraction should be observed since
nanoparticles are taken up is likely to involve residual PVA was demonstrated, among other
the clathrin- or calveolin-mediated pathway variables such as polymer type and DNA release,
for particles <200 nm and >200 nm diameter, to reduce efficient cellular internalization.55
respectively,46 although nonspecific adsorptive Breast tumors have also been passively targeted
endocytosis has also been reported.47 in vivo using PCL nanoparticles coated with PEO–
Polyester nanoparticulates with and without PPO–PEO copolymers following intravenous
the inclusion of polycations such as chitosan for administration. Here, PCL was dissolved in
condensation of DNA and application to gene or acetone and homogenized with an aqueous solu-
DNA vaccine therapies have also been tested.48 tion of Pluronic, the strength of adsorption being
However, it is worth noting that the use of dependent on the PEO:PPO ratio (thicker coatings
distinct, solid, polyester nanoparticles in gene were obtained with Pluronic F-108 than F-68).56
and tumor therapy is little reported compared Tail vein injection of the PEO–PCL nanoparticles
to other polymeric aggregates.49,50 Nevertheless, and also PEO-poly(b-amino ester) nanoparticles
there are some pertinent examples. He et al.,51 into female mice with/without tumor load, showed
prepared PLGA nanoparticles of ca. 70 nm encap- both breast tumor and liver accumulation.57
sulating the thymidine kinase gene, expressed as However, while the PEO increased circulation
a fusion protein targeting hepatocellular carcino- time in vivo, the poly(b-amino ester) microspheres
mas. Following intravenous administration the localized more efficiently to the tumor and
greatest distribution of the particles was in the released their DNA load more rapidly, being pH
liver, in this case exploiting the reticuloendothe- sensitive polymers.
lial system, more specifically, phagocytic cells It is clear that to dissect the underlying
residing in the peripheral lymphoid tissue includ- mechanisms involved in in vivo localization of
ing the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue and particles, an understanding of the particle-tissue
liver Kupffer cells. Since surface chemistry and macroscale interface is necessary, which can be
particle size determine the rate and primary site acquired through detailed imaging studies. To
of nanoparticulate elimination following intrave- this end, one report has described the synthesis of
nous administration, this may represent a good PLGA-fluorescein and PLGA-biotin for nanopar-
strategy for targeting hepatocytes; nanoparti- ticle preparation using carboxyl-terminal PLGA
culate targeting of related macrophages is and activation with carbodiimide and N-hydro-
reviewed elsewhere.52 Another interesting appli- xysuccinimide.58 As proof of concept, following
cation using PLA nanoparticles to exploit the femoral and brain perfusion of a suspension
reticuloendothelial system was described for the of these nanoparticles, their distribution could
targeting of macrophages within the spleen for directly be determined by fluorescence microscopy
delivery of arjunglucoside I in hamster models of or light microscopy with streptavidin-peroxidase
leishmaniasis.53 Although the targeting mechan- staining. These polymers could therefore be
ism remained undefined, since both hydrophobic employed in conjunction with surface engineering
PLA and hydrophilic nanoparticles were equally approaches to more readily visualize particle–
efficient in their clearance of spleen parasitic tissue interactions. A further application has been
loads, the work is a good example of how PLA the recent report describing the inclusion of
nanoparticles can be used in passive targeting magnetite powder (Fe3O4) into nanoparticles
to increase drug efficacy while concomitantly (100–200 nm) of poly ethyleneglycol (PEG)–PLA
decreasing toxicity (in this case hepatoxicity block copolymers of varying mass ratios (PLA:-
and nephrotoxicity of arjunglucoside I). PEG 2 to 12).59 The magnetic nanoparticles were
In a further demonstration of DNA encapsula- proposed to provide controlled release reservoirs
tion into PLGA nanoparticles, delivery of plasmid with drug targeting via magnetic localization but
may also be useful for imaging through electron potential measurements confirming a polycationic
microscopy. The use of PEG to provide a highly layer; proof of concept for derivatization of the
hydrated surface and thereby minimize nonspe- chitosan layer was obtained by the formation of a
cific adsorption of the coated particle with serum N-hydroxysuccinimide–PEG–biotin adduct.
proteins and surfaces is well established. In Work from different groups has also demon-
addition to the ring-opening synthesis of PEG– strated that PLGA/PLA particles can be coated
PLA copolymer described by Ren et al.,59 simple with avidin to yield a ‘‘bridge’’ by which the
electrostatic coating of spray-dried PLGA parti- particle surface may bind biotinylated ligands.
cles with poly-L-lysine (PLL)-g-PEG in low ionic Although noncovalent protein–ligand interact-
strength buffers has been used to generate protein ions may be considered unsuitable for cell target-
repellent particles.60 Characterization of the PLL- ing, the avidin–biotin bond is almost irreversible
g-PEG-coated particles showed that they retained (Kd 1015 M) and its strength has been directly
<1% of the protein adherent properties of the measured as 3–170 pN.63 One route to surface
noncoated particles and may therefore be of use modification with avidin involved addition of fatty
for increasing circulation times in vivo. acid–avidin conjugates into the emulsion–solvent
extraction protocol, wherein the hydrophobic
properties of the fatty acid chain caused partition-
Active Targeting ing of the conjugate to within oil phase and
thereby the relatively hydrophobic PLGA matrix
Functional Surfaces as Platforms for
interior (Fig. 2).64 In doing so, it was shown that
Ligand Derivatization
avidin remained displayed by the microsphere
As described above, the terminal carboxyl group of during hydrolysis. The mechanism of microsphere
PLGA or PLA (assuming they are not end-capped erosion and degradation therefore becomes impor-
with an alkyl ester) can be activated using tant, microspheres generally undergoing bulk
carbodiimide for ligand derivatization. However, erosion on account of their size (discussed below).
this route is inherently inefficient because the The functional activity of the avidin was pre-
mole fraction of free acid to monomer is low. To served during microsphere fabrication, although
overcome this obstacle, one strategy has been to more detailed structural analysis was not under-
coat polyester microparticles with polymers har- taken to determine the protein fraction dena-
boring high densities of functional groups (e.g., tured, given that the o/w interface is highly
polyamines), either via covalent conjugation with destabilizing to proteins.65,66 An alternative route
the polyester before particle fabrication or non- to particle coating was with avidin-employed
specific or ionic binding with the fabricated thiolation of free carboxyl groups on the surface
particles.60 Recently, Keegan et al.61 exploited of PLA particles using water-soluble carbodiimide
the observation that a residual layer of PVA and cystamine dihydrochloride, followed by reduc-
emulsifier remains coated to washed particles tion of the disulphide (Fig. 3).67 The reactive
produced by emulsion–solvent extraction. By cross-linking agent, m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydro-
substituting poly(ethylene-alt-maleic acid) for xysulfosuccinimide ester, was then used to cova-
PVA, it was possible to present a high density of lently link avidin via its amine side chains to the
carboxylic groups on the particle surface. The thiol groups at the particle surface. (Alternatively,
poly(ethylene-alt-maleic acid) layer was stable
enough to facilitate carbodiimide coupling of
proteins to the surface, while retaining the basic
properties of PLGA particle biodegradation, drug
encapsulation, and controlled release.61 The
partial negative charge of the polyester monomers
can also be exploited for microsphere surface
derivatization with cationic polymers. Chitosan-
polyester blends have proven popular, not only to
alter the surface charge of the particle48 but also to Figure 2. Conjugation of palmitic acid to avidin and
incorporate functional amine groups for further incorporation of avidin–palmitate on the surface of PLGA
ligand conjugation.62 In the latter, PLGA (oil particles using the double emulsion–solvent extraction
phase) and chitosan (aqueous phase) were homo- protocol. NHS, N-hydroxysuccinimide. Adapted from
genized using a micromixer technique, with zeta Fahmy et al.64
PLGA greatly increases the number of functional walls in order to ‘‘seal’’ the microsphere surface
groups for ligand coupling. This strategy was used and so attenuate the burst release of encapsulated
by the same group to improve surface derivatiza- protein (Fig. 4).87 A first-order release profile was
tion of PLGA nanoparticles for targeting nano- not observed, rather, a second burst release phase
particles across the blood–brain barrier.80 The was recorded after 8 weeks, equivalent in terms of
dendrimers could also be employed to render protein release to the primary burst release phase.
polyvalent ligand displays on the particle surface Although the secondary release phase at around
which would be particularly useful for integrin- 8 weeks is generally accounted to erosion of the
targeting systems.81 Other strategies for the PLGA matrix, the unusually rapid nature of this
targeting of polyester nanoparticles across the release phase probably points to remodeling of the
blood–brain barrier may be applied from work internal pores.
with poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles. It has also been reported that internal and
Here, nanoparticles were coated with polysorbate external porosity vary according to drug loading,
80 and the mechanism for uptake across the with high drug loading increasing pore tortuosity
blood–brain barrier was determined to be mediat- and decreasing pore size to bring about a
ed by apolipoproteins B and E, possibly mimicking reduction in the burst release.88 However, this
receptor-mediated endocytosis of lipoproteins.82 observation may have been peculiar to the drug
encapsulated (propafenone) and the unusual
addition of base (triethylamine) to the emul-
sion–solvent extraction protocol. Nevertheless,
the principle of altering the drug diffusion
coefficient by modulating pore tortuosity and pore
Microsphere Surface Porosity and
size distribution is consistent with the above
Drug Burst Release
studies. Burst release of encapsulated drug from
Although polyester microspheres are purported to PLGA or PLA particles has also been attenuated
facilitate a steady, prolonged release of encapsu- by combining nanoprecipitation or emulsion–
lated drug, this is generally not the case. The solvent extraction protocols with a novel gel
biggest problem in this respect is the so-called encapsulation technique.89 The method exploits
‘‘burst release’’ wherein >60% of the drug load is the thermo-reversibility of triblock copolymers,
released within the first 24 h, though this may and is unusual in that drug and Pluronic F127 are
depend on whether w/o/w or s/o/w emulsions are allowed to gel (at 378C) and then homogenized
chosen.83 Surface porosity has naturally been with polyester dissolved in acetone, after which
suspected of directly determining the drug release the mixture is cooled such that Pluronic F127
profile and some studies have shown this experi- undergoes gel-sol transition to a liquid, extracting
mentally and by computer modeling.8,84 An the acetone and forming the particles; the reduced
interesting observation of the surface morphology burst release being attributed to the localization of
for microspheres immersed in aqueous buffer was the drug to the particle core.90
reported wherein a ‘‘skin’’ enveloped the outer A similar route to the formation of particles
surface of the microspheres within 24 h.85 The from gel networks is described for the production
concomitant loss of external pores was suggested of composites of PLGA and mesoporous silicas.91
to result in the subsequent termination of the Mesoporous silicas, such as SBA-15 are well
burst release period. The mechanism can be established in the catalysis and petrochemical
attributed to the plasticizing effect of water (or industries92 and recently have been applied to
moisture) on amorphous polyesters such as PLGA drug delivery, particularly for gene therapy.93
and PLA, seen as a concomitant fall in the glass Their homogenous porous morphologies are parti-
transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer by cularly attractive in that drugs may be entrapped
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).86 By according to molecular weight and charge. Xue
understanding moisture effects on the Tg of the and Shi,91 prepared mesoporous silica particles
matrix, chain mobility and surface structure, it using a classic acid-catalyzed hydrolysis polymer-
may be possible to modulate the surface properties ization of an alkylsilane precursor (tetraethox-
of PLGA microspheres for controlled release. ysilane). The templating surfactant, Pluronic
Recently, PLGA plasticization was achieved P123, was then removed by calcination and
through temporary storage at high humidity gentamycin loaded into mesoporous silica parti-
environments to bring about collapse of the pore cles; these silica particles were then dispersed in
the oil phase of a typical emulsion–solvent extra- encapsulation of dexamethasone in PLGA micro-
ction protocol for PLGA microsphere production particles. Here the PLGA particle surface was
(Fig. 5).91 The silica-PLGA hybrids showed cross-linked by UV-induced polymerization of a
decreased burst release, presumably because tri(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate monomer,94
gentamycin release from the silica particle although toxic metabolites and drug stability to
required diffusion through the enveloping PLGA UV exposure may be a concern to widespread
matrix. application. As for closure of surface pores, cross-
A practical example wherein surface remodel- linking of the particle surface with second polymer
ing can be used to attenuate the burst release and formed a diffusional barrier to drug release.
so prevent release of otherwise toxic doses is the Attenuation of the burst release was observed
Figure 5. SEM micrographs showing the external (A) and internal (B) microstruc-
tures of PLGA-silica hybrid microspheres fabricated at a mesoporous silica/polymer
weight ratio of 0.133. Adapted from Xue and Shi.91
for both dexamethasone and its salt form, the and, moreover, by careful selection of PLGA and
latter using phase separation/coacervation for PLA molecular weights (e.g., 50 kDa and 20 kDa,
drug encapsulation, rather than simple o/w respectively) and concentration in the oil phase
emulsion. Since optimizing formulations can be (20% w/v), their formation can be directed in a
complex given the number of variables to consider, one-pot protocol via phase separation of the two
it is perhaps not surprising that recent work has polymers.100 Varying the ratio of PLGA:PLA
employed a statistical approach using Box Behn- facilitates control over the encapsulation of the
ken design, to achieve controlled drug release, protein to the inner core or the outer shell.
underpinned by data relating to each of the Recently, the phase separation method for the
parameters chosen.95 Another simple protocol, preparation of double-walled PLA/PGLA micro-
addressing the requirement for an homogenous spheres has been applied to the localization of
dispersion of drug throughout the particle matrix cisplatin to an inner PLGA core surrounded by a
rather than secondary diffusional barriers, PLA layer.101 The release of cisplatin was
involved spontaneous emulsification and copreci- dependent on the initial drug distribution, with
pitation of protein and PLGA.96 Here, the charge near zero-order release from the PLGA core
of the surfactant was paired against that of the governed chiefly by erosion of the outer PLA
encapsulated protein dissolved with PLGA in the layer but also by microsphere swelling during
oil phase, the reported decrease in the protein water ingress and integrity of the outer layer.102
burst release was demonstrated in vitro and More recent advances in coating technologies
following in vivo administration. However, it is include layer-by-layer deposition of polymers
worth noting that release profiles may be compli- to generate microcapsules with controlled wall
cated by adsorption of drug to the particle thickness and chemical nature to give specific
surfaces97 and the aqueous buffers typically used mechanical and permeability properties.103 While
for determination of the drug release profile may layer-by-layer assembly relating directly to polye-
not relate to the final formulation in which the ster microspheres is scarce, there are some good
polyester particles are included.98 examples how this technology could be applied. A
layer-by-layer self-assembly protocol, using ionic
interaction between the two polymers, was used to
build up a shell of alternate multiple polymeric
Core-Shell Microspheres
layers surrounding core porous calcium carbonate
Instead of remodeling the microsphere surface, (CaCO3) microparticles to encapsulate drug and
the burst release may be attenuated by coating a slow the rate of release.104 The same group have
(core) polyester microsphere with another poly- produced novel capsules using the layer-by-layer
mer. The fabrication of double-walled micro- process for chitosan and sodium alginate polymers
spheres for this purpose is well established99 assembled on melamine formaldehyde micropar-
ticle ‘‘templates’’, the latter dissolved in mild acid and a hydrophobic peptide (cyclosporin A) during
to leave a microcapsule.105 However, drug loading the same fabrication protocol resulted in their
relied on ionic interaction, in this case, positively distribution to the shell and core, respectively,
charged drugs adsorbing to the anionic polymeric presumably on account of their solubility and
capsule. Although the technique needs to become polymer phase separation.108 However, surface
more routinely applied to polyester microparti- porosity was dependent on drug loading which in
cles, the concept is promising. turn governed the release profile of cyclosporin A,
Other groups have designed alternative meth- which was biphasic and more prolonged than the
odologies for the production of core-shell particles. relatively rapid and complete release of albumin.
Various ratios of PCL–PEG:poly(isobutylcyanoa-
crylate) (PIBCA) were coprecipitated and imaging
of the nanoparticles showed distinct distributions
Controlling Drug Diffusion via
of the two polymers (Fig. 6).106 The PIBCA
Erosion–Degradation Mechanisms
appeared to localize to the particle interior (the
core) with a surface layer of PCL–PEG (the shell), Surface erosion of microspheres is generally
the latter potentially increasing blood circulation considered unlikely on the basis of their size
time. The utility of these particles was demon- and the ingress of water into the porous matrix
strated for controlled release of busulfan, poten- being more rapid than the degradation process
tially overcoming toxic side effects of current causing bulk erosion.109 In this scenario, the
intravenous therapies. An adaptation of the polyester particle tends to maintain its original
PLGA/PLA phase separation techniques, above, size while eroding from within; the erosion
but for synthesized poly(orthoester) (POE, Mw kinetics being biphasic.110,111 Upon immersion
24 kDa) and PLGA (50 kDa) generated a PEO in aqueous media, hydrolysis of the polyester
core with porous PLGA outer layer (the shell) causes a decrease in the polymer molecular weight
using a double emulsion–solvent extraction pro- (degradation) but, initially, there is no loss in the
tocol.107 Interestingly, the POE core eroded faster mass (erosion) of the microsphere. Modeling drug
than the PLGA layer on account of the acidic release as a function of microsphere erosion and
PLGA breakdown products, leaving a hollow drug diffusion shows the interdependency of the
PLGA microcapsule (Fig. 7).108 Simultaneous two mechanisms in governing drug release.112
encapsulation of a hydrophilic protein (albumin) Mechanisms underlying the biphasic release of
drug from PLGA microspheres (burst release
followed by zero-order release) were determined
by experiment and successfully approximated to
Fick’s second law of diffusion, the kinetics of
degradation being too slow to account for the burst
More sophisticated modeling for 5-fluorouracil-
loaded PLGA microspheres took into account pore
evolution and consequent changes in drug diffu-
sivity. This enabled prediction of drug release over
the entire period encompassing the burst, zero
order, and secondary burst releases phases
observed.114 A recent model used time-resolved
Pulsed-Field Gradient NMR and confocal micro-
scopy data to directly observe the free diffusion of
water (relating to the internal pore structure) and
drug release following immersion, respectively.115
Pore cavities grew within 24–48 h, the rate and
extent being a function of synthesis conditions,
with the drug release process shown to be hetero-
geneous. Modeling these data to theories for
Figure 6. Transmission electronic microscopy after molecular transport through porous matrices92,116
freeze-fracture images of PCL–PEG:PIBCA (50:50) defined the rate-limiting step to be the polymer
nanoparticles. Adapted from Layre et al.106 swelling and/or the drug diffusion within the
Figure 7. Schematic representation of the proposed release mechanism for the dou-
ble-walled POE/PLGA microspheres; cyclosporin A (black dots) is shown encapsulated
within the POE core (dark grey) and released through the PLGA shell (light grey).
Adapted from Shi et al.108
polymer matrix, with a percolation-type mechan- polymer swelling and protonation of the PLGA/
ism suggested to control drug release. It is PEI matrix.120
interesting that the field of mesoporous silica
materials is somewhat more advanced than the
field of polyester drug delivery matrices, in that FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
tightly defined pore interconnectivities and pore
geometries can be templated for silica using The last few years has seen widespread utilization
various polymers and surfactants to define sur- of polyester particles for treatment of specific
face area, diffusion, and transport.117 diseases including immune modulation and tumor
Thus, if we are to be able to control drug release, regression. Many of the active drugs developed to
for example, to obtain zero-order release rather treat these diseases will be biopharmaceuticals,
than a burst release, then prediction of the given the continuing trends in the biotechnology
degradation–erosion mechanism for a certain sector. The formulation of peptide/protein and
microsphere size, porosity,118 polymer type, and DNA/RNA-based molecules is notoriously proble-
molecular weight becomes important. This may be matic and it is likely that vehicles combining
achieved through engineering of the polymer itself controlled release with passive and/or active
(consideration of the stability of the ester bond, targeting will be a necessary requirement. Engi-
hydrophobicity, steric effects, autocatalysis, and neering approaches are now emerging to meet
Tg) to achieve a certain hydrolytic reactivity. This these challenges and blurring the boundary
would therefore require selection of PLA:PGA between the (passive) delivery vehicle and active
molecular ratio and sequential arrangement, compound in therapeutic regimes. For example,
chain length, capping of the terminal carboxyl clinical advantages in coencapsulating therapeu-
groups, or polyester conjugates. An excellent tic antigens into PLGA microspheres have been
example of what can be achieved was described attributed121 not only to mutual stabilization of
by Wang et al.,119 who synthesized various the proteins but also to the role of the micro-
poly(ortho esters) (POEs) with the intention to spheres as vaccine adjuvants.122 Microspheres
control polymer hydrolysis, with respect to therefore also hold promise for the delivery of
hydrolytic rate and toxicity/acidity of degradation DNA-vaccines, with passive targeting to the
products, for use a DNA vaccine delivery vehicles. bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue to provide
Interestingly, the chemical nature of the one a needleless system able to test a range of DNA-
particular POE was such that following DNA vaccine concepts,123 such as in the treatment of
burst release at pH 7, uptake into the phagosome malaria.124 There are high hopes that polyester
and fall in pH to 5 caused its protonation and particles carrying therapeutic compounds can be
condensation of DNA, delaying further release; effectively inhaled and commercially viable.
the biphasic release profile matching, and thereby However, it appears that any medical potential
stimulating the primary and secondary humoral must be tempered against recent concerns in
and cellular immune responses in vivo. Work clinical trials and current products over local
toward pH responsive drug release matrices has inflammation. The problem of biomedical polye-
also investigated the homogenous blending of ster-induced inflammation is little reported in
PLGA with polyethyleneimine (PEI) to produce the literature; one study of PLGA implants in
microspheres, able to control drug release via rodents reported mild local inflammation at the
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