Lab 4
Lab 4
Lab 4
1. A traverse line is free from local attraction if the bearings read at its two ends
are exactly opposite in direction. The traverse angles are computed from
observed bearings and starting from the unaffected line.
2. If two or more traverse lines appear to be free from local at- traction, one of
these lines is arbitrarily chosen as the best line. If none of the lines is free
from local attraction, the line with the least discrepancy between the forward
and back bearings is chosen and its forward bearing is assumed to be correct.
3. The angle between the observed forward and back bearing at any station can
be determined correctly since the angle is independent of local attraction.
4. Correct bearings of successive lines are then computed easily by preparing a
careful sketch of the known data observed from each station. There are no
formulas to memorize since once the sketch is made, the required
calculations are obvious.
Name: JOAMY MARK A. ABELLA Year/Course/Section: 2 BSABE A
ENSC 234 SURVEYING Date Submitted: JUNE 30, 2023