Earthquake Risk Assessment

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Earthquake Risk

Assessment, Loss
Estimation and
Vulnerability Mapping for
Dehradun City, India


[March, 2014]


Drs. M.C.J.Damen Dr. P.K.Champati Ray
Mr. B.D.Bharath
Earthquake Risk
Assessment, Loss
Estimation and
Vulnerability Mapping for
Dehradun City, India


Enschede, the Netherlands [March, 2014]

Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Geo-information

Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Geo-information Science and Earth
Specialization: Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk


Chairperson : Prof. Dr. V.G.Jetten
External Examiner : Mr. B.S.Sokhi (Retd. ISRO)
ITC Supervisor : Drs. M.C.J.Damen
IIRS Supervisor : Dr. P.K.Champati Ray
IIRS Supervisor : Mr. B.D.Bharath
This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the Faculty of Geo-
information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands. All
views and opinions expressed therein remain the sole responsibility of the author, and do not
necessarily represent those of the institute.
Dedicated to my parents.…
Himalayan region is classified under high risk seismic zone of India. Dehradun is a city located at
foothills of Himalayas which is surrounded by the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and Main
Boundary Thrust (MBT). This region has witnessed devastations due to two major earthquakes in
the past namely the Uttarkashi (1991) and the Chamoli (1999) earthquake. This study focuses on
seismic risk and vulnerability assessment of the Dehradun city using HAZUS-MH methodology.

HAZUS-MH is a software developed by FEMA, the official Federal Emergency Management

Agency in the USA for loss estimation and risk assessment of hazards mainly like earthquake,
flood and cyclone. This research considers its earthquake hazard application for assessing buildings
at risk. The study is mainly divided into three parts as ward wise statistical sampling of buildings
for complete city, damage assessment of buildings and risk mapping considering various scenarios.
Reinforced concrete frame/shear wall with unreinforced masonry is major building type found for
analysis and its corresponding building type is identified in HAZUS-MH. In total, around 11000
building blocks for 8 wards has been digitized using GEOEYE satellite data. Field survey for
approximately 1800 number of buildings was carried out, classifying them into different building

Further, with the help of field survey data and household data, extrapolation is done for total 60
wards. These extrapolated values are then used to find the discrete and cumulative damage
probability of buildings in terms of no, slight, moderate, extensive and complete damage using
the capacity and demand spectrum curves.

Various parameters used for seismic hazard and risk mapping are seismic microzonation, soil class,
liquefaction susceptibility and ground water depth details. All of these parameters as available are
taken as input for generating the different earthquake scenarios in terms of magnitude of
earthquake. Three scenarios are generated and risk maps are produced ward wise. Zones varying
from high risk probability to low risk probability are identified and concluded with the help of
results. However, the results obtained may be considered accurate to certain limited extent as the
analysis demands presence of full inventory of buildings stock and also the missing parameter of
landslide susceptibility.


Earthquake, Risk assessment, Loss estimation, Sampling, Vulnerability, Microzonation, HAZUS-

MH, QuickBird.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Firstly I would like to thank Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India and Faculty of
Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, ITC, University of Twente, The Netherlands,
for giving me an opportunity to study Master of Science course under joint education program.

I am sincerely and greatly thankful to my three supervisors Drs. M.C.J.Damen, Earth Systems
Analysis Department from Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation, ITC,
University of Twente, The Netherlands, Dr. P.K.Champati Ray Head, Geo Sciences and Geo-
Hazard Department and Mr. B.D.Bharath, Urban and Regional Studies Department from Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun for their constant support and valuable time throughout
the period of my research work.

I would also like to thank Dr. David Rossiter from ITC for his precious time and valuable
comments in statistical sampling method and carrying out the field work efficiently.

I sincerely thank Dr. Y.V.N. Krishna Murthy, Director, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
Dehradun for allowing me to use all the facilities required in completing research work
successfully. I thank Dr. V.G.Jetten, Head, Earth Systems Analysis Department from ITC, The
Netherlands for providing valuable comments and Dr. Nicholas Hamm, ITC for his constant
support throughout the MSc course especially the three months period at ITC.

I am immensely grateful to Mr. Chris Stewart from FEMA Map Information Exchange for
providing me free software HAZUS-MH 2.1 version as without it I wound not have succeeded in
completing my research.

I am also thankful to Mr. Ashish Dhiman and Ms. Sushma Bhandari from Geo Sciences and Geo-
Hazard Department, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun for all the help provided to

I also take this opportunity to thank my dear friends Ravisha, Ishaan, Kanishk, Shreya and
Amreesh from IIRS for being there and helping me throughout.

Last but not the least and most important my closest friend Durgesh and my family members for
bearing with me through all the good and bad times and being my constant support. Really thank
you so much.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table of Contents
List of Figures............................................................................................................................................ VI
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... VII
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Earthquakes in India .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Research Identifications ............................................................................................................ 4
1.4.1 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Research Questions ............................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Expected Outcome .................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Structure of Thesis ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Hazard.......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Earthquake Hazard ................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Earthquake Measurements ................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Vulnerability ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 Vulnerability Assessment ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Earthquake Vulnerability of a Building............................................................................... 7
2.3 Risk ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Elements at Risk ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Earthquake Risk Assessment................................................................................................ 7
2.4 Seismic Microzonation .............................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Liquefaction Susceptibility and Groundwater Depth ........................................................... 8
2.6 Statistical Sampling..................................................................................................................... 8
2.7 HAZUS - MH Methodology .................................................................................................... 8
2.8 Indian Building Types.............................................................................................................. 10
2.9 Use of Remote Sensing and GIS ........................................................................................... 10
2.10 Previous Related Work ............................................................................................................ 12
3 Study Area ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Earthquakes History ................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 General Information about Dehradun City ......................................................................... 13
3.3.1 Geographical Location ........................................................................................................ 13

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

3.3.2 Climatic Conditions ............................................................................................................. 15

3.3.3 Landuse Pattern .................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Building Types and Urban Settlement Pattern ................................................................ 15
3.3.5 Demographics....................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.6 Dehradun Local Authorities ............................................................................................... 17
4 Methodology and Database Preparation ................................................................................ 18
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Pre Field Work.......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Building Footprint Map ...................................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Random Sampling: ............................................................................................................... 20
4.2.3 Checklist Design................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Field Work................................................................................................................................. 21
4.3.1 Identification of Building Types ........................................................................................ 21
4.3.2 Field Data Collection ........................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Post Field Work ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.4.1 HAZUS Geodatabase Creation ......................................................................................... 25
4.4.2 Seismic Hazard Map Generation ....................................................................................... 26
4.4.3 Building Damage Probabilities Calculations .................................................................... 29
4.4.4 Vulnerability Map ................................................................................................................. 31
4.4.5 Risk Maps Generation ......................................................................................................... 31
5 Results and Discussions .............................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Field Work Output................................................................................................................... 32
5.2 Seismic Hazard Map ................................................................................................................ 34
5.3 Demand Spectrum Curve ....................................................................................................... 35
5.4 Capacity Curve .......................................................................................................................... 35
5.5 Peak Building Response .......................................................................................................... 37
5.6 Cumulative Damage Probabilities.......................................................................................... 39
5.7 Discrete Damage Probabilities ............................................................................................... 40
5.8 Discrete Damage Probabilities for 60 wards ........................................................................ 41
5.9 Final Damage Probability Maps ............................................................................................. 43
5.10 Risk Maps .................................................................................................................................. 45
6 Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................................... 47
6.1 Research Conclusions .............................................................................................................. 47
6.2 Recommendations for future research work........................................................................ 48
References .................................................................................................................................................. 49

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Annexures ................................................................................................................................................. 51
Annexure A............................................................................................................................................ 51
Annexure B ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Annexure C ............................................................................................................................................ 54
Annexure D ........................................................................................................................................... 64

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 : Disaster Management Process.............................................................................................................. 1
Figure 1-2 : Geological map showing various thrust lines shown on Himalayan basin ................................... 3
Figure 1-3 : Seismic Zonation and Intensity Map of India................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1 : Chart Showing HAZUS methodology................................................................................................ 9
Figure 2-2 : Example fragility curves for different types of damages ............................................................... 10
Figure 3-1 : Map of India [33] ................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3-2 : Map of Uttarakhand State[33]............................................................................................................ 14
Figure 3-3 : Geoeye satellite image of Dehradun with outline ward map ........................................................ 14
Figure 3-4 : Dehradun district map[33] .................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3-5 : Ward wise map of Dehradun city ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4-1 : Flowchart showing Research Methodology ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 4-2 : Building footprint map for 8 selected wards of Dehradun city ................................................... 19
Figure 4-3 : Digitized building blocks of ward number 43 on GEOEYE Image........................................... 20
Figure 4-4 : Building blocks of ward number 43 with distributed sample points ........................................... 20
Figure 4-5 : Building type RC1L of ward no. 4 on GEOEYE image ............................................................... 22
Figure 4-6 : Building type RC1L of ward no. 4 on ground ................................................................................. 22
Figure 4-7 : Building type RC1M of ward no. 33 on GEOEYE image ........................................................... 22
Figure 4-8 : Building type RC1M of ward no.33 on ground .............................................................................. 22
Figure 4-9 : Building type RC2L of ward no. 43 on GEOEYE image ............................................................. 22
Figure 4-10 : Building type RC2L of ward no.43 on ground.............................................................................. 22
Figure 4-11 : Building type RC2M of ward no. 02 on GEOEYE image ......................................................... 23
Figure 4-12 : Building type RC2M of ward no. 02 on ground ........................................................................... 23
Figure 4-13 : Building type MH of ward no. 07 on GEOEYE image .............................................................. 23
Figure 4-14 : Building type MH of ward no. 07 on ground................................................................................ 23
Figure 4-15 : HAZUS geodatabase creation in MS-Assess ................................................................................. 25
Figure 4-16 : Seismic Microzonation details of Dehradun City ......................................................................... 27
Figure 4-17 : Map showing liquefaction susceptibility of the Dehradun area ................................................. 28
Figure 4-18 : Depth to water level of Dehradun city by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) ............... 29
Figure 5-1 : Ward wise seismic hazard map of Dehradun city ........................................................................... 34
Figure 5-2 : Demand Spectrum Curve ................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 5-3 : Capacity curve for building type RC1L and RC2L ......................................................................... 36
Figure 5-4 : Capacity curve for building types RC1M and RC2M ..................................................................... 36
Figure 5-5 : Capacity curve for building type MH ................................................................................................ 37
Figure 5-6 : Peak building response for building type RC1L and RC2L ........................................................... 37
Figure 5-7 : Peak building response for building type RC1M and RC2M ........................................................ 38
Figure 5-8 : Peak building response for building type MH ................................................................................ 38
Figure 5-9 : Graph of percentage cumulative probabilities damage for different building types ................. 40
Figure 5-10 : Discrete damage probabilities of different building types in percentage.................................. 41
Figure 5-11 : Final damage probability in percentage .......................................................................................... 42
Figure 5-12 : Final damage probability in number of building .......................................................................... 42
Figure 5-13 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with no damage ........................ 43
Figure 5-14 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with slight damage ................... 43
Figure 5-15 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with moderate damage ............ 43
Figure 5-16 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with extensive damage ............ 43
Figure 5-17 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with complete damage ............ 44
Figure 5-18 : Ward wise seismic vulnerability map at Moment Magnitude Mw 8 of Dehradun city........... 44
Figure 5-19 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude Mw 6 of Dehradun city .......................... 45
Figure 5-20 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude 7 of Dehradun city .................................. 45
Figure 5-21 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude Mw 8 of Dehradun city .......................... 46

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

List of Tables
Table 1-1 : List of significant earthquakes affected India in past 100 years ...................................... 2
Table 2-1 : Comparison of Magnitude and Typical Maximum MMI [16] .......................................... 6
Table 2-2 : Indian Building Types and corresponding most likely HAZUS building types ........... 11
Table 3-1: Existing and Proposed landuse pattern of Dehradun City.............................................. 15
Table 4-1: Satellite Data Used ................................................................................................................. 19
Table 4-2 : Short description of 5 building types................................................................................. 21
Table 4-3 : Surveyed samples with building type distribution ............................................................ 24
Table 4-4 : Distribution of building types over detailed field surveyed ward .................................. 24
Table 4-5 : Ward wise household data for Dehradun city ................................................................... 24
Table 4-6 : Parameters assumed for risk map generation ................................................................... 26
Table 4-7 : Soil class classification according to NEHRP provisions ............................................... 28
Table 4-8 : Discrete Damage Probability equations............................................................................. 31
Table 5-1 : Total Number of buildings distributed in selected wards ............................................... 32
Table 5-2 : Total number of buildings distributed ward wise by average percentage ..................... 32
Table 5-3 : Spectral Acceleration with corresponding Spectral Displacement ................................ 35
Table 5-4 : Yield and Ultimate capacity points under different conditions ...................................... 36
Table 5-5 : Peak building response values for different building types ............................................. 38
Table 5-6 : Parameters of fragility curves for different building types ............................................. 39
Table 5-7 : Cumulative probabilities for different building types ...................................................... 39
Table 5-8 : Cumulative probabilities for different building types in percentage.............................. 39
Table 5-9 : Discrete damage probabilities for different building types ............................................. 40
Table 5-10 : Discrete damage probabilities for different building types in percentage .................. 41
Table 5-11 : Final damage probability distribution in percentage ...................................................... 42
Table 5-12 : Final damage probability in number of buildings ......................................................... 42

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Out of all the natural hazards counted, Earthquake is one of the most severe hazards which can
neither be predicted nor be controlled. As noted from 1500’s till date, millions of people have lost
their lives and property worth billions of US dollars have been destroyed due to devastating
earthquakes [1][2]. The only way out is preparedness which may reduce loss of life and money.
There are various ways of preparedness such as capacity building, building of earthquake resistant
structures, etc. One of the way is quantifying vulnerability of an area for seismic activity through
risk assessment and loss estimation so as to minimize all type of losses mainly social, economic
and environmental. For quantifying these losses, several types of loss estimation methodologies
and software’s are available like RADIUS, TELES and HAZUS-MH. HAZUS-MH is a software
developed by FEMA, the official Federal Emergency Management Agency in the USA applicable
for risk assessment and loss estimation of different facilities like building stock, emergency
facilities, etc. for hazards mainly like earthquake, flood and cyclone.

As described in the disaster management process Figure 1-1 [3], more emphasis is now being given
for the preparedness phase so that losses occurring due to disaster can be minimized and disaster
recovery can easily be handled [4] [5]. This study aims at contributing in a small way in development
of sustainable and resilient society.

Figure 1-1 : Disaster Management Process

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

1.2 Earthquakes in India

India has a long history of disastrous earthquakes, majorly documented from 1800’s [6].In last
sixty years, population of India has doubled that has demanded growth in urbanization and safe
human settlements. 59% of the land area of India is prone to seismic hazard damage [7]. 9 major
earthquakes in past 40 years have resulted in life loss of more than 50,000 people with last as 2011
Sikkim earthquake [8][9]. Major earthquakes affecting this area as seen from Table 1-1 [10] are
1905 Kangra earthquake, 1975 Kinnaur earthquake , 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake and 1999
Chamoli earthquake.

Table 1-1 : List of significant earthquakes affected India in past 100 years

Epicenter Magnitude in
Date Region
Lat ( N) Long(0E) Richter scale
1905 32.3 76.3 Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 8.0
1918 24.5 91.0 Srimangal, Assam 7.6
1930 25.8 90.2 Dhubri, Assam 7.1
1934 26.6 86.8 Bihar-Nepal Border 8.3
1941 12.4 92.5 Andaman Islands 8.1
1943 26.8 94.0 Assam 7.2
1950 28.5 96.7 Arunachal Pradesh-China Border 8.5
1956 23.3 70.2 Anjar, Gujarat 7.0
1967 17.4 73.7 Koyna, Maharashtra 6.5
1975 32.4 78.5 Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh 6.2
1988 25.1 95.1 Manipur-Myanmar Border 6.6
1988 26.7 86.6 Bihar-Nepal Border 6.4
1991 30.7 78.9 Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand 6.6
1993 18.1 76.6 Latur-Osmanabad,Maharashtra 6.3
1997 23.1 80.1 Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 6.0
1999 30.4 79.4 Chamoli, Uttarakhand 6.8
2001 23.4 70.3 Bhuj, Gujarat 7.6
2011 27.8 88.1 Sikkim-Nepal Border 6.9

Major risk lies for more than 50 million people living near the seismically active Himalayan region.
Due to the collision of Eurasian plate with the Indian plate , Himalayan region appears as one of
the youngest and unstable region from geology point of view [11]. Active faults such as Himalayan
Frontal Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (MCT) exist in this region
as seen in Figure 1-2 [12]. Based on the history of seismic activities in past 100 years and related
scientific studies, Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
have classified the country into four major seismic risk zones with the possible Modified Mercalli
Intensity (MMI) as shown in Figure 1-3 where zone II is the lowest risk zone intensifying to zone
V which is a very high risk zone. The area round the Himalayas is classified under zones IV and
V, which are the highest seismic risk zones of India. Dehradun is a city located at the foothills of
Himalayas and categorized under zone IV which is the second highest seismic risk zone. Maximum
land area in India i.e., total 59% under zone III, IV and V is accountable to moderate or high
seismic risk with remaining 41% under low risk zone.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 1-2 : Geological map showing various thrust lines shown on Himalayan basin

Figure 1-3 : Seismic Zonation and Intensity Map of India

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

1.3 Problem Statement

As no precise risk evaluation model for earthquake risk and damage assessment has been
developed in India till date, the devastating effect of an earthquake can be minimized to a great
extent by adopting risk models developed in other countries. HAZUS-MH is one of those tools
developed in the United States, which assesses vulnerability and risk of earthquake. Its applicability
to Indian sub-continent has been proved [13]. But HAZUS-MH only gives the loss estimation for
the infrastructure facilities. There is a need to develop a risk map of the city for identifying the
areas at risk .This can be achieved by combining the results of HAZUS-MH, liquefaction
susceptibility, ground water depth and seismic microzonation details of Dehradun [14][15].

In past years, study has been done for Dehradun City using HAZUS-MH but they had limitations
in terms of GIS & Remote Sensing data like building inventory, satellite image resolution and
geological parameters. Moreover the study was done for a small part of the city [13]. This study
aims at applying HAZUS-MH methodology for ward wise vulnerability and risk assessment of
complete Dehradun city by making use of available parameters and data obtained through
statistical sampling.

1.4 Research Identifications

1.4.1 Research Objectives
Main Objective:

The main objective is to prepare a geoinformation database for hazard and risk assessment using
HAZUS for Dehradun city that will help to identify areas at risk for safe micro level planning of
urban area. This database in the form of maps, tables and sampling method can be used for proper
mitigation measures of earthquake.

Sub objectives:

1) To adopt a suitable statistical sampling method so that all construction types of buildings are
covered in the selected wards of Dehradun city for vulnerability assessment.
2) Seismic hazard mapping to assess buildings at risk using various parameters in HAZUS.
3) To assess vulnerability of buildings for calculating earthquake loss estimation comprising of
direct losses.
4) To produce a risk map considering various scenarios for earthquakes in terms of different

1.4.2 Research Questions

1) Which statistical sampling method needs to be adopted so that all types of buildings are covered
for vulnerability assessment in the selected wards for the field survey?
2) What are the various parameters required for generating a seismic hazard map in HAZUS?
Comment on the seismic hazard map obtained by comparing the results with or without available
3) What are the different features that need to be considered for assessing vulnerability to calculate
direct losses occurring due to earthquake?
4) What are the various scenarios to be considered in terms of different magnitudes of earthquake
for risk mapping?

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

1.5 Expected Outcome

The final vulnerability and risk map generated for Dehradun City from the analysis will help to
identify various areas at risk for micro level planning of urban area. Planners for planning the
essential facilities like hospitals, fire brigade stations, etc. government local bodies like Mussoorie
Dehradun Development Authority (MDDA) and Dehradun Nagar Nikam, nationalized bodies
like National Institute of Disaster Management and private construction firms can use this map
for building earthquake resistant structures at vulnerable areas, mitigation measures and rescue
operations against earthquake to minimize elements at risk and to avoid losses occurring due to
failure of building structures.

1.6 Structure of Thesis

Chapter 1: States introduction to earthquakes and its significance in Indian Context, problem
statement and motivation behind the research, objectives and research questions to be achieved
through this research.

Chapter 2: States about the background for the research, study of HAZUS-MH and its applicability
to Indian region, Indian building types and related literature review.

Chapter 3: Gives detailed description about the study area and related general information.

Chapter 4: Provides details of fieldwork, database preparation and methodology adopted for
carrying out study. It also provides details of the satellite data used for the database creation.

Chapter 5: States about the results obtained based on the analysis performed.

Chapter 6: States about the conclusions obtained from the results and recommendations for future

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

2 Literature Review
2.1 Hazard
Hazard is defined as “a potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon or human activity that
may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and economic disruption or
environmental degradation. This event has a probability of occurrence within a specified period
of time and within a given area, and has a given intensity”[3].

2.1.1 Earthquake Hazard

An earthquake is sudden shaking of earth caused by waves moving below and on the ground
surface due to release of large amount of stored strain energy. Ground shaking is the premium
hazard seen due to earthquake. High intensity earthquakes results in partial or complete damage
of buildings, dams, roads, bridges, etc. which concludes into loss of life and property. Effect of
earthquake also depends on various factor like topography, epicenter, magnitude and location of
fault rupture[16].

2.1.2 Earthquake Measurements

An earthquake is measured both in terms of intensity and magnitude. Energy released at the source
is termed as magnitude and is generally measured in terms of Modified Mercalli Intensity scale
(MMI). Richter scale is also one of the oldest and most popular used scale for measuring
magnitude of an earthquake [13]. Intensity is determined based on the effects seen on
environment, infrastructure and people. It is the shaking strength developed by an earthquake [17].
Table 2-1 shows the comparison between intensity and magnitude observed near the epicenter.
Earthquake is also measured in terms of Peak ground acceleration (PGA) which unlike the energy
released gives an impression of how hard the earth can shake. Peak ground acceleration value
increases as we move from seismic risk zone II to zone V in India and is “fixed as 0.1g for Zone
II, 0.16 g for Zone III , 0.24 g for Zone IV, and 0.36 g for Zone V” [18].

Table 2-1 : Comparison of Magnitude and Typical Maximum MMI [16]

Richter Magnitude Typical Maximum MMI

1.0 – 3.0 I
3.0 – 3.9 II – III
4.0 – 4.9 IV – V
5.0 – 5.9 VI – VII
6.0 – 6.9 VII – IX
7.0 and Higher VIII or Higher

2.2 Vulnerability
Vulnerability can be termed as “the degree of loss to a given element or set of elements at risk
resulting from the occurrence of a natural phenomenon of a given magnitude. It is expressed on
a scale from 0 (no loss) to 1 (total loss)”[3]. There are many dimensions of vulnerability like social,
economic, geographical, political and environmental that implicates the intensity at which society
is affected to hazard. Different communities have different exposure towards vulnerability [19].

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

2.2.1 Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment is termed as calculating the extent of damage to a particular feature. Two
main approaches towards vulnerability assessment are predicted vulnerability and observed
vulnerability. Predicted vulnerability is concluded based on expected performance calculated using
design specification and engineering computations. To find observed vulnerability, statistics from
past earthquakes damages are used. Among both, predicted vulnerability seems to be more
accurate as dependence on past data may not be reliable [20].

2.2.2 Earthquake Vulnerability of a Building

Earthquake vulnerability of a buildings can be termed as amount of damage induced in the
building due to earthquake. “ Vulnerability is expressed on a scale of 0 to 1, where 0 is no damage
and 1 defines complete destruction” [21]. It can be expressed in various terms like vulnerability
tables, vulnerability tables, fragility curve, response curves, etc.[22]. Vulnerability of a building is
determined by factors like shape of building, type of building, its construction material, height,
design and structure. A building behaves differently based on different intensities of ground

2.3 Risk
Risk is defined as “The combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences”
[19]. It can be expressed mathematically as function of hazard, vulnerability and elements at risk.
Elements at risk can be quantified to be used as a function of risk. Risk can be expressed as –

Risk = Hazard * Vulnerability * Elements at risk quantified

The above mentioned equation can be used spatially for quantifying risk and its mapping[22].

2.3.1 Elements at Risk

Primary elements at risk are buildings, dams, bridges and roads whereas secondary elements are
Human life, environment and society. These elements can be quantified by various means and then
can be used for vulnerability and risk assessment. For this study, the elements at risk are quantified
in terms of number of buildings.

2.3.2 Earthquake Risk Assessment

For assessing the impact of earthquake, risk assessment is one of the most effective approach. It
gives a combination of hazard and vulnerability with exposure to find out potential economic
losses so that proper mitigation measures can be planned. While calculation, it also takes into
account various factors like peak ground acceleration, ground shaking, ground failures, landslide
susceptibility, liquefaction susceptibility and ground water depth so as to provide an account of
direct and indirect losses occurring due to earthquake like fire, landslides and liquefaction. The
results from risk assessment also help engineer’s, scientist and urban planners for safe design of
buildings against earthquakes [23]. Geological Survey of India and Indian Metrological
Department are the prime organization monitoring the seismic hazard. The first vulnerability atlas
of India was published by Ministry of Urban Department, Government of India. This atlas

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

provides maps for various types of hazards. Also, with the development of Indian seismic code
IS 1983, new risk mitigation strategy came into existence for India. Many organizations in India
like National Information Centre for Earthquake Engineering (NICEE) IIT-Kanpur, National
Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) and Earthquake Engineering Department IIT-Roorkee
are continuously working for advancements in risk assessment and mitigation methods.

2.4 Seismic Microzonation

Seismic microzonation is “the process of estimating the response of soil layers for earthquake
excitations and thus the variation of earthquake characteristics is represented on the ground
surface”[24].It is termed as the initial research step towards earthquake risk mitigation. A study
using geophysical and geotechnical characteristics for seismic microzonation has been carried out
for Dehradun city using geophysical and geotechnical parameters at the depth up to 30 m from
ground of soil column at 5% damping condition giving the shear wave velocity map and spectral
acceleration map of Dehradun at 1Hz, 3Hz, 5 Hz and 10Hz frequency[14][25].

2.5 Liquefaction Susceptibility and Groundwater Depth

Liquefaction of soil is its behavior, in which the saturated soil looses its substantial amount of
strength due to high pore water pressure, generated or accumulated during strong earthquake
ground shaking. Liquefaction susceptibility gives the extent as to which the soil is susceptible to
liquefaction under ground shaking. It has been mapped for Doon valley in 2001 for earthquake
magnitude 8 and considering parameters like geomorphological map, lineament map and digital
elevation model using equation of peak ground acceleration given by Joyner and Boore, 1988. Also
the ground water depth for this area is calculated [15]. The ground water depth for Dehradun city
is also provided by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) updated as on 2006 [26].

2.6 Statistical Sampling

Statistical sampling is mainly used for representing a large set of data in a short form. There are
various types of sampling techniques available and is chosen based on the required output.
Generally random sampling is widely used as safest option since not much resources in terms of
time and material are required to carry out this kind of sampling[27]. For studying seismic risk
assessment in terms of buildings, stratified random sampling is used as the collection of sample
points is much easier for the study. Same technique has been used earlier for studying seismic risk
assessment considering socio economic clustering for Dehradun city[28].

2.7 HAZUS - MH Methodology

HAZUS- MH is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for
estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes [29]. HAZUS is a risk
assessment software developed by Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) in 1997.It uses ArcGIS as a supporting GIS software for usage.

What is HAZUS- MH?

1) It provides a platform of risk assessment for various hazards.

2) It calculates direct and indirect losses and suggests mitigation measures.
3) Identifies and visualizes hazards and vulnerabilities

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

This model requires an exhaustive data like general building stock, occupancy type, utilities and
transport lifelines for database creation. General building stock inventory is formed by using
census tract characteristics as the unit for grouping of buildings. Ultimate aim is to group the
buildings into the pre-defined classes of buildings in HAZUS so that a seismic hazard map can be
produced with the input of seismic microzonation details. Also the methodology helps to find
damage probabilities under various ground shaking conditions as shown in Figure 2.2. Building
types in HAZUS are basically classified into five frames such as unreinforced concrete frame,
reinforced concrete frame, concrete frame, steel frame and wood frame. Further these are classified
in total 37 buildings types based on number of stories as per HAZUS 2.1 (Annexure A). Figure
2.1 [13] shows the flow chart for HAZUS methodology. There are basically seven steps in
calculating the damage functions.

Figure 2-1 : Chart Showing HAZUS methodology

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 2-2 : Example fragility curves for different types of damages

2.8 Indian Building Types

Type of construction in India varies greatly from place to place. It mainly depends on the locally
available construction materials, topography and the surrounding climatic conditions.
Construction type and quality of building is also determined by the economic condition of the
owner and influence of the society around. Hence, Indian Building codes are rarely followed for
building construction. Also, strength characteristics data for existing buildings is not available.
Following this scenario, Indian model building types are classified into 34 types as shown in Table
2-2 based on framing structure of the building and its performance analyzed from the past
earthquake events [28].

Classification of existing construction is done in three classes. These are a) adobe and random
rubble masonry, b) masonry wall construction using rectangular units and c) framed structures.
Above three mentioned classes are further classified based on roof type and stories. Six different
roof types are identified. Some classified building types can be compared with already existing
building types in HAZUS except adobe and rubble masonry. Below mentioned Table 2-2 shows
possible matches of Indian building types with HAZUS building types[28].

2.9 Use of Remote Sensing and GIS

High resolution remote sensing data like IKONOS and GEOEYE are very useful in preparation
of database like building block map. Also, it can help in identifying various factors like texture,
tone, height, color, etc. of the buildings. GEOEYE is a very high resolution data of 0.6 m pan
resolution and 2.4 m multiresolution. Fusion needs to be done between same sensor pan and
multiresolution so that in a single image, features of the both images are retained. This helps
boundary delineations of buildings.

For enhancement of remote sensing data, processing like feature or boundary delineation, fusion
techniques, feature masking and NDVI method is required which can be done through GIS
software. GIS and Remote Sensing data can be used together in many ways for modelling, analysis,

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

features extractions, etc. ArcGIS is an interim part of HAZUS model. HAZUS works only with
ArcGIS and also the database creation is done through ArcGIS itself.

Table 2-2 : Indian Building Types and corresponding most likely HAZUS building types

Most likely
Sr. Roof/Flo HAZUS
Label Wall/Framing Type Stories HAZUS
No. or Type Label
building type
Adobe and Random Rubble Masonry
Rammed mud/ sun-dried
1 AM1 R1, R2 1-2
bricks /rubble stone in
2 AM2 mud mortar R3 1-2
3 AL1 R1, R2 1-2
Rubble stone in lime-
4 AL2 R3, R4 1-2 Not Defined Not Defined
surkhi mortar
5 AL3 R5 1-2
6 AC1 R1, R2 1-2
Rubble stone in cement
7 AC2 R3, R4 1-2
8 AC3 R5 1-2
Masonry consisting of Rectangular units
9 MM1 Burnt clay brick/ R1, R2 1-2
10 MM2 rectangular stone in mud R3, R4 1-2
11 MM3 mortar R5 1-2
12 ML1 Burnt clay brick/ R1, R2 1-2
13 ML2 rectangular stone in lime- R3, R4 1-2
14 ML3 surkhi mortar R5 1-2
15 MC1 Burnt clay brick/ R1, R2 1-2
16 MC2 rectangular stone/ R3, R4 1-2
17 MC3L concrete blocks in 1-2 Not Defined Not Defined
18 MC3M Cement mortar 3+
Burnt clay brick/
rectangular stone/
19 ME1L concrete blocks in 1-2
cement mortar and
provided with seismic
bands and vertical
20 ME1M reinforcement at corners 3+
and jambs
Framed Structures
RC frame/ shear wall with
21 RC1L URM infill’s – constructed 1-3 C3L
without any consideration
22 RC1M for earthquake forces 4-7 C3M
RC frame/ shear wall with
23 RC2L URM infill’s – earthquake 1-3 C3L
forces considered in Pre-code/
design but detailing of Low-code
24 RC2M reinforcement and 4-7 C3M
execution not as per

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Most likely
Sr. Roof/Flo HAZUS
Label Wall/Framing Type Stories HAZUS
No. or Type Label
building type
earthquake resistant
25 RC3L guidelines (Low-code / 8+ C3H
RC frame/ shear wall with
26 RC3L URM infill’s - designed, 1-3 C3L
detailed and executed as
27 RC3M 4-7 C3M Low-code/
earthquake resistant
guidelines (Low-code/
28 RC3H Moderate-code/ High- 8+ C3H
29 ST1L Steel moment frames with 1-3 S5L Pre-code/
URM infill’s (Low-code/ Low-code/
30 ST1M Moderate-code/ High- 4-7 S5M Moderate-Code
31 ST1H code) 8+ S5H
32 ST2L Steel braced frames (Low- 1-3 S2L Pre-code/
33 ST2M code/ Moderate - 4-7 S2M Low-code/
code/High-code) Moderate-Code
34 ST2H 8+ S2H
35 MH Manufactured Houses 1 MH Pre-Code
* Roof/Floor types: R1 - Heavy sloping roofs-stones/burnt clay tiles/thatch on sloping rafters; R2 –
Heavy Flat flexible heavy roof - wooden planks, stone/ burnt clay tiles supported on wooden/steel
joists with thick mud overlay; R3 - Light sloping roofs - corrugated asbestos cement or GI sheets on
sloping rafters without cross bracing; R4 - Trussed roof with light weight sheeting (without cross
bracing); R5 - Trussed/hipped roof with light weight sheeting (with cross bracing); R6 - Flat rigid
reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry slab

2.10 Previous Related Work

Many studies has been carried out using the HAZUS-MH methodology for different study areas.
Study for similar region has been done using this methodology considering only one ward out of
total 60 number of wards in 2005 in absence of various parameters [13]. Another study for Sikkim
area, India for 2011 Sikkim earthquake is carried for finding the behavior of different building
types and its structural properties [21]. Also the same methodology is applied for the study of
Yogyakarta area, Indonesia where building replacement cost is calculated using the percentage of
damage caused to a building under historic earthquake scenario [22].

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

3 Study Area
3.1 Introduction
Dehradun is located in the Doon valley on the foothills of the Himalayas. Active faults such as
Himalayan Frontal Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Central Thrust (MCT) exist
in this region. It has a history of being one of the most important places from tourism as well as
from education point of view. It is a gateway to many beautiful hill stations like Mussorie – Queen
of Mountains and Garwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand state. Also Dehradun city is very well
connected to some of the important cities such as New Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Haridwar
through air, road and rail. The city houses some of the renowned educational institutes of the
country since 1900’s. In 2000, it has been declared as capital of Uttarakhand state, resulting in
increase of population and rapid urbanization. Being of capital importance, industries have started
venturing into this area. There is a demand in growth of infrastructure to meet the public
expectations. Construction of various types of household and industrial buildings is on the rise.

3.2 Earthquakes History

Major earthquakes in these areas were 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake having magnitude 6.8 which
killed over thousands of people with a significant amount of property damage, to be exact
“population of about 307,000 in 1,294 villages were effected, 768 persons died while 5,066 were
injured. In addition the earthquake claimed 3,096 head of livestock and as many as 42,400 houses
were damaged” [30] and 1999 Chamoli earthquake of magnitude 6.8 killing approximately 103
people with a large amount of infrastructure damage [31]. Both of these earthquakes occurred at
the foothills of Himalayas affecting Dehradun and nearby region significantly.

3.3 General Information about Dehradun City

3.3.1 Geographical Location
Dehradun is located between 30° 15’ 58” N to 30° 24’ 16” N latitude and 77° 58’ 56” E to 78° 06’
05” E longitude. The local bodies Dehradun Municipal Corporation and Mussoorie Dehradun
Development Authority (MDDA) have divided the city into 60 wards for administrative functions.
It is located at altitude of 640 meters above sea level and is bordered by Rispana River and Bindal
River from eastern and western part respectively. Dehradun city covers approximate area of 350
sq. kms. [32]. Below figures show the location of Dehradun City.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 3-2 : Map of Uttarakhand

Figure 3-1 : Map of India [33] State[33]

Figure 3-3 : Geoeye satellite image of Dehradun with Figure 3-4 : Dehradun district map[33]
outline ward map

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

3.3.2 Climatic Conditions

Dehradun climate generally varies from tropical to temperate. Three main seasons ranges as
summer season from March to June, rainy from July to September and then follows winter season
from October to February. In summers, the maximum temperature reaches around 400 and average
temperature is around 270 whereas winters witness a minimum temperature around 20and average
temperature of 130. Precipitation received during rainy season is around 2025 mm. Relative
Humidity is around 76% during rainy season.

3.3.3 Landuse Pattern

After declaration of Dehradun as capital of Uttarakhand State, the city has seen tremendous
growth in terms of population as well as infrastructure. To meet the demand of this growing
population and for building a sustainable environment, MDDA has proposed following landuse
plan as shown in Table 3-1 [34].

Table 3-1: Existing and Proposed landuse pattern of Dehradun City

Existing Existing Proposed Proposed

Sr. No. Landuse Pattern Area (Ha) Area (%) Area (Ha) Area (%)
2001 2001 2025 2025
1 Residential 2989.3 8.33 5325.65 14.84
2 Commercial 298.52 0.832 423.32 1.18
3 Industrial 40.50 0.113 331.67 0.52
Govt. and Semi Govt.
4 470.59 1.312 925.97 2.58
5 Utilities and Services 289.02 2.979 1030.49 2.88
Public and Semi Public
6 NA NA 132.92 0.37
7 Tourism and Recreation NA NA 202.16 0.56
8 Parks and Open Space NA NA 978.88 2.73
Transportation and
9 425.1 1.186 1517.80 4.23
10 Miscellaneous NA NA 24998.34 69.71
Total 9686.87 27.04 35867.2 100

3.3.4 Building Types and Urban Settlement Pattern

Many old and beautiful buildings are situated in Dehradun. Starting from British Colonial era to
Modern Indian period, Dehradun has witnessed transition in type of buildings construction. Some
of the noteworthy structures are Clock Tower, Forest Research Institute, Indian Military Academy,
Morrison Memorial Church, etc. Nowadays, construction in the city is mainly RC framed structure
and load bearing structure [35]. As reinforced buildings against earthquake are not in practice here
it may result in failure during a moderate to high earthquake as it has been concluded that the
valley is highly exposed to the seismic hazard [36].Therefore it can be said that the whole Doon
valley is tectonically unstable, there is possibility of one or more great earthquakes in the area in
near future [37].

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Urban settlement is spread over the whole city unevenly in 60 wards as created by local government
bodies for administration. Some wards situated in the middle of the city are highly crowded with
a mix type of building construction i.e., old and new while the wards towards the outskirts has
seen the recent developments. Figure 3-5 shows the 60 wards by Dehradun Municipal

Figure 3-5 : Ward wise map of Dehradun city

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

3.3.5 Demographics
Uttarakhand is one of the newly formed state with total population around 10 million as per 2011
census. It is divided into 13 districts. Dehradun is one of the highest populated district with total
population of 1,695,860. Population of the city as per 2011 census India is 578,420 out of which
303,411 are males and 275,009 are females. Population density of Dehradun city is around 500
/km2. Rise in population of the city is significant as the total population in 2001 was 426,674.
Households have also increased considerably since last decade. In 2001, total households were
84,012 against population of 426,674 with household size of 5.1 persons. According to 2011
census, total households are 124,059 against population of 578,420 with household size of 4.7
persons [38].

3.3.6 Dehradun Local Authorities

Dehradun local authorities are Dehradun Municipal Corporation (DMC) and Mussoorie
Dehradun Development Authority (MDDA). These authorities are local governing bodies
deciding the rules and regulations for the city. These authorities with other national and
international bodies like National Disaster Management Center (NDMA), Asia Disaster
Preparedness Center (ADPC), etc. decides the disaster management plans and mitigation measures
for the city. Various studies are being carried out for earthquake risk assessment, vulnerability,
capacity building and preparedness.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4 Methodology and Database Preparation

4.1 Introduction
This chapter basically deals with the methodology adopted for the research and the database
preparation for the analysis. The Research Methodology is divided into three stages i.e., pre field
work, field work and post field work. These three stages are further divided into many steps for
achieving the objectives as shown in below figure 4.1.

Sampling, HAZUS geodatabase creation, building damage probability and risk map generation are
some of the key steps of the research methodology. Main part of the research lies in creation of
seismic hazard map and damage assessment for the development of final risk map.

Figure 4-1 : Flowchart showing Research Methodology

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4.2 Pre Field Work

4.2.1 Building Footprint Map
Building footprint map for 8 wards is generated out of total 60 wards present in Dehradun city.
These 8 wards are selected from preliminary field survey so that a maximum number of different
building types are covered during actual field survey. The data used for digitization of footprint
map is as shown in table 4.1. Around 11000 number of building blocks have been digitized for 8
wards using ArcGIS software. Figure 4.2 shows the building footprint map for selected wards with
ward numbers.

Table 4-1: Satellite Data Used

Satellite Acquisition Ground Projection

Sr. No.
Image Date Resolution System
1 07-Dec-2006 0.6m
PAN WGS 1984
2 07-Dec-2006 2.4m
MS WGS 1984
3 Updated till 2011 0.6m
(Bing Maps) WGS 1984

Figure 4-2 : Building footprint map for 8 selected wards of Dehradun city

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4.2.2 Random Sampling:

As the area is large and buildings are also high in number, random statistical sampling method has
been adopted for the collecting the samples with the intention that the sample points have a good
spread over the complete ward. 50 sample points from each ward has been selected and survey has
been done for the building type at particular point. Figure 4-3 shows digitized building blocks on
GEOEYE image for ward number 43 and Figure 4-4 shows the distribution of sample points over
complete ward number 43. The black colored cross represents the points collected through GPS.

Figure 4-3 : Digitized building blocks of ward number 43 on GEOEYE Image

Figure 4-4 : Building blocks of ward number 43 with distributed sample points

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4.2.3 Checklist Design

A good checklist in seismic risk assessment study would definitely be helpful in collecting the
information in an organized way. Keeping this in mind, the checklist is designed that maximum
usable information about the building is collected in stipulated time. There is no standard format
available for checklist of pre earthquake risk assessment and it depends upon the purpose to be
fulfilled from the information adopted. As this study revolves around HAZUS methodology, the
checklist designed basically provides input for the study. The main aim is to understand the type
of building, its utility, its approximate age and present condition of the building. The structure of
the checklist used for this study is shown in Appendix B.

4.3 Field Work

4.3.1 Identification of Building Types
Extensive field work was carried in three stages. Firstly a preliminary of 2 days in October’14 for
selecting the wards to be digitized so that a good variety of building type with different ages is
recorded. Then the main field work was carried out for 7 days in Novmeber’14 for 400 number
of buildings across 8 wards selected after random sampling. Along with collection of GPS points,
photographs of each and every building type was clicked for reference. Thirdly, a complete ward
was surveyed comprising of 1400 for 12 days for validation of values obtained through surveyed
samples. Identification of building type is based on HAZUS methodology and Indian building
types[28] [39]. Classification is based on the type of building construction and number of floors.
One more important factor is the type of roof of the building. All the wards have mixture of
residential, commercial, institutional, etc. with 5 types of building i.e., RC1L, RC1M, RC2L, RC2M
and MH described in detail in Table 2-2 and short description in Table 4-2. Some of the typical
examples of building types seen in 8 different wards with its satellite image are given in Figure 4-
5 to Figure 4-14.

Table 4-2 : Short description of 5 building types

Building Type Description

RC1L Reinforced Concrete category 1 with Low-rise (1-3)
RC1M Reinforced Concrete category 1 with Mid-rise (4-7)
RC2L Reinforced Concrete category 2 with Low-rise(1-3)
RC2M Reinforced Concrete category 2 with Mid-rise(4-7)
MH Manufactured Home

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 4-5 : Building type RC1L of ward no. Figure 4-6 : Building type RC1L of ward no. 4
4 on GEOEYE image on ground

Figure 4-7 : Building type RC1M of ward no. Figure 4-8 : Building type RC1M of ward
33 on GEOEYE image no.33 on ground

Figure 4-9 : Building type RC2L of ward no. Figure 4-10 : Building type RC2L of ward
43 on GEOEYE image no.43 on ground

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 4-11 : Building type RC2M of ward Figure 4-12 : Building type RC2M of ward no.
no. 02 on GEOEYE image 02 on ground

Figure 4-13 : Building type MH of ward no. Figure 4-14 : Building type MH of ward no.
07 on GEOEYE image 07 on ground

4.3.2 Field Data Collection

Building samples from 8 selected wards is surveyed to collect all the information necessary for the
analysis and results. Table 4-3 depicts the distribution of different building types from 50 samples
collected from each ward. This results is further used for extrapolation. Apart from this, other field
data like visual characteristics of building like age of building, its utility and building appearance
are recorded for reference. For validation of distribution of buildings over surveyed samples, an
extensive detailed field survey is carried out for ward number 4 having total of 1396 number of
buildings .Table 4-4 shows the distribution over detailed surveyed ward. As seen from table 4-3
and 4-4, there is little difference in the two distribution percentages. Table 4-5 shows the household
data collected by local authorities of the city i.e., Dehradun Nagar Nikam. This household data is
used for extrapolating the total number of houses in the city across different wards.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 4-3 : Surveyed samples with building type distribution

Sr. Ward of sample
Ward Name
No. No. buildings
surveyed No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 Sahastradhara 2 50 39 78% 1 2% 2 4% 5 10% 3 6%
2 Hathibarkala 4 50 48 96% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2%
3 Vijay Colony 7 50 43 86% 0 0% 1 2% 2 4% 4 8%
4 M.K.P 17 50 45 90% 1 2% 2 4% 2 4% 0 0%
5 Nehru Colony 33 50 49 98% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 0 0%
Patel Nagar
6 43 50 47 94% 0 0% 0 0% 2 4% 1 2%
7 Niranjanpur 45 50 47 94% 0 0% 0 0% 1 2% 2 4%
Shri Dev
8 58 50 49 98% 0 0% 1 2% 0 0% 0 0%
Suman Nagar

Table 4-4 : Distribution of building types over detailed field surveyed ward
War Total
Ward Name d number of
No. buildings
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %

1 Hathibarkala 4 1396 1284 92% 42 3% 14 1% 14 1% 42 3%

Table 4-5 : Ward wise household data for Dehradun city

Number of Number of
Sr. No. Ward Nos. Sr. no. Ward Nos.
Households Households
1 Ward Number 1 2392 31 Ward Number 31 3618
2 Ward Number 2 3308 32 Ward Number 32 3032
3 Ward Number 3 2852 33 Ward Number 33 1546
4 Ward Number 4 1704 34 Ward Number 34 1921
5 Ward Number 5 1785 35 Ward Number 35 3406
6 Ward Number 6 1934 36 Ward Number 36 2598
7 Ward Number 7 1868 37 Ward Number 37 2862
8 Ward Number 8 2182 38 Ward Number 38 1609
9 Ward Number 9 1496 39 Ward Number 39 2316
10 Ward Number 10 1505 40 Ward Number 40 1351
11 Ward Number 11 1571 41 Ward Number 41 1160
12 Ward Number 12 1595 42 Ward Number 42 3496
13 Ward Number 13 1354 43 Ward Number 43 1897
14 Ward Number 14 1759 44 Ward Number 44 3005
15 Ward Number 15 1240 45 Ward Number 45 1483
16 Ward Number 16 1417 46 Ward Number 46 2344
17 Ward Number 17 1370 47 Ward Number 47 2458

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Number of Number of
Sr. No. Ward Nos. Sr. no. Ward Nos.
Households Households
18 Ward Number 18 1190 48 Ward Number 48 2315
19 Ward Number 19 1926 49 Ward Number 49 2140
20 Ward Number 20 1612 50 Ward Number 50 2124
21 Ward Number 21 2044 51 Ward Number 51 3128
22 Ward Number 22 1731 52 Ward Number 52 3260
23 Ward Number 23 1111 53 Ward Number 53 1989
24 Ward Number 24 1472 54 Ward Number 54 2232
25 Ward Number 25 1895 55 Ward Number 55 2122
26 Ward Number 26 1788 56 Ward Number 56 1554
27 Ward Number 27 1776 57 Ward Number 57 2208
28 Ward Number 28 1692 58 Ward Number 58 1854
29 Ward Number 29 2836 59 Ward Number 59 2119
30 Ward Number 30 2357 60 Ward Number 60 2150

4.4 Post Field Work

4.4.1 HAZUS Geodatabase Creation
For working with building inventory in HAZUS, creation of geodatabase is required. A
geodatabase with all the building type and other information like utility of building and its age is
created in MS-Access for analysis. Figure 4-15 shows a screen capture of database created for ward
number 7 in MS-Access. This database is created with the help of existing database provided with
the HAZUS software. Further it helps in preparing seismic hazard and risk maps.

Figure 4-15 : HAZUS geodatabase creation in MS-Assess

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4.4.2 Seismic Hazard Map Generation

As per HAZUS-MH methodology, seismic hazard calculation includes ground motion and ground
failure (i.e., landslide, liquefaction and surface fault rupture). Seismic hazard map shows the
probability of occurrence of these ground motion and ground failure over the area. Methodology
can be explained as: Ground motion

Ground motion estimation is done by three parameters namely as standard spectrum shape, peak
ground acceleration and peak ground velocity [39]. Its spatial distribution can be determined by
any of the following methods:

 Deterministic ground motion analysis

The analysis is done for user specific defined earthquake scenarios. For an assumed earthquake
scenario, ground shaking demand is calculated using attenuation relationships for defined soil class.

 Probabilistic ground motion analysis

Probabilistic ground motion analysis is done for user defined earthquake scenario with the ground
shaking probability of return period varying from 50 years to 2500 years.

 User provided ground motion maps

It can either be deterministic or probabilistic or a combination of both analysis as it depends on
user provided ground motion and contour maps.

For this study, maps required for ground motion analysis are provided. Parameters required for
earthquake scenario generation is as per Table 4-6 [13][40] . Input maps required for analysis are
as mentioned below.

Table 4-6 : Parameters assumed for risk map generation

Characteristics Parameters
Epicentre 78 5’ 52”E 3023’57”N
Major Thrust MBT
Moment magnitude (Mw) 8
Fault Type Strike Slip
Fault Depth 15 Km
Fault Length 30 Km
Dip Angle 9 Peak Ground Acceleration and Peak Ground Velocity

Peak ground acceleration is concluded form spectral acceleration response and peak ground
velocity is calculated from 1-second spectral acceleration response[25] [39].

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India Spectral Acceleration response

Spectral acceleration response is a necessary parameter for hazard mapping as it provides the
ground shaking response at different time periods. The spectral acceleration at periods of 0.3
second and 1.0 second at 5% damping is provided for analysis as the response parameter is
available at frequencies 1Hz, 3Hz, 5 Hz, 10Hz for Dehradun city[25].



Figure 4-16 : Seismic Microzonation details of Dehradun City Soil Class

HAZUS-MH takes into soil classification according to NEHRP provisions. As seen from Figure
4-16, the shear wave velocity lies between the range of 180- 360 m/sec. c [25] and as per Table 4-
7[41], it is concluded that soil class D is the appropriate soil class for this study.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 4-7 : Soil class classification according to NEHRP provisions

Average Shear wave Velocity

Soil Profile Type Soil/Rock Description
for upper 30 m (in m/sec)
A Hard Rock >1500
B Rock 760-1500
C Very Dense soil/Soft soil 360-760
D Stiff soil 180-360
E Soft soil <180
Special soils requiring site
specific evaluation Liquefaction Susceptibility Map

Liquefaction is primarily accessed by duration and amplitude of ground shaking, soil susceptibility
and groundwater depth. The liquefaction susceptibility map was prepared for Doon valley in 2001.
The map is created at assumption of Moment magnitude 8 which also matches the criteria of
earthquake magnitude for this study [39].

Figure 4-17 : Map showing liquefaction susceptibility of the Dehradun area Depth to Water Level

In HAZUS, depth to water level parameters is defined in feet’s. As seen from the Figure 4-18 [26],
depth to water level vary for different parts of the city. A common value of 10 m i.e., approximately
30 feet over the entire city is taken for analysis.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 4-18 : Depth to water level of Dehradun city by Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) Landslide Susceptibility Map

Landslide susceptibility of a region is categorized by the geological map, critical acceleration and
slope angle of the region. In absence of the susceptibility map, the value is set to zero.

4.4.3 Building Damage Probabilities Calculations

Building damage probabilities are calculated under various available parameters like soil class,
liquefaction probability, spectral acceleration and ground water depth with geological parameters
mentioned in Table 4-6 at scenario with maximum earthquake magnitude of 8. Demand Spectrum Curve

Demand spectrum curve is a plot of spectral acceleration and spectral displacement. This format
of plot of demand spectrum is used for damage assessment of buildings. As per the methodology,
relationship is given as:

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

𝑆𝐷 = 9.8 ∗ 𝑆𝐴 ∗ 𝑇 2 (4.1)

where 𝑆𝐷 is the spectral displacement

𝑆𝐴 is the spectral acceleration
𝑇 is time period in seconds

Spectral displacement is calculated from the spectral acceleration values against frequency as given
in table 5-3. Capacity Curve

Capacity curve represents the true lateral strength of a building. It is given by three parameters
namely design capacity, yield capacity and ultimate capacity. For this study, two parameters i.e.,
yield capacity and ultimate capacity values are taken from HAZUS technical manual for different
building types under various seismic design codes. Peak Building Response

Peak building response is derived from the intersection point of the demand spectrum curve and
capacity curve for different building types. The value obtained in term of peak spectral
displacement is used for cumulative damage probability calculation for different building types. Cumulative Damage Probability

Cumulative damage probability is calculated with the help of below mentioned equation[39]. The
parameters namely median spectral displacement and beta is obtained form given values in
HAZUS technical manual for different building types. Standard normal cumulative distribution
function is obtained from z-distribution table of function (0, 1). Output is in the form of 4 types
i.e., slight, moderate, extensive and complete damage of buildings.

1 Sd
P(ds |Sd ) = Φ [ ln ( ̅ )] (4-2)
βds Sd,ds

where: P(ds |Sd ) is the probability of reaching the slight damage state for a given peak
building response Sd
̅Sd,ds is the median value of spectral displacement at which the building
reaches the threshold of damage state
βds is the standard deviation of the natural logarithm of spectral
displacement for damage state ds
Φ is the standard normal cumulative distribution function Discrete Damage Probability

Discrete damage probability is calculated as per below given probability functions. These functions
require cumulative damage probability as an input.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 4-8 : Discrete Damage Probability equations

Complete Damage P(C) = P(C|Sd )
Extensive Damage P(E) = P(E|Sd ) − P(C|Sd )
Moderate Damage P(M) = P(M|Sd ) − P(E|Sd )
Slight Damage P(𝑆) = P(S|Sd ) − P(M|Sd )
No Damage P(N) = 1 − P(E|Sd )

4.4.4 Vulnerability Map

Considering the above earthquake scenario with moment magnitude 8 and damage probabilities
of different building types, ward wise vulnerability map is generated. Vulnerability is mapped and
classified in three zones namely low, moderate and high vulnerable zones. The scale varies from 0
i.e., no damage to 1 i.e., complete damage.

4.4.5 Risk Maps Generation

Risk is expressed as = Hazard * Vulnerability * buildings at risk

For this study risk maps are generated considering three scenarios in terms of earthquake moment
magnitude of 6, 7 and 8 with all the other conditions as same. Hazard map obtained from defined
parameters and various characteristics maps is crossed with the vulnerability map generated
considering the probable damage of buildings at risk.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5 Results and Discussions

5.1 Field Work Output
The distribution percentage of type of buildings out of 50 samples surveyed is then extrapolated
to total number of building present in that particular ward. Table 5-1 shows the distribution of
building types for total number of buildings across 8 wards. Number of household to number of
houses ratio is calculated for the surveyed sample and by averaging the value found out is 1.4.
This value along with the household data from table 4-4 is used to calculate number of houses i.e.,
buildings in each ward as shown in table 5-2 with the same distribution of different building types
for extrapolation.

Table 5-1 : Total Number of buildings distributed in selected wards

Sr. Ward Total RC1L RC1M RC2L RC2M MH

Ward Name
No. No. number of
buildings No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
1 Sahastradhara 2 2345 1829 78% 47 2% 94 4% 235 141 6%
2 Hathibarkala 4 1396 1340 96% 28 2% 0 0% 0 0% 28 2%
3 Vijay Colony 7 1332 1146 86% 0 0% 27 2% 53 4% 107 8%
4 M.K.P 17 1021 919 90% 20 2% 41 4% 41 4% 0 0%
5 Nehru Colony 33 966 947 98% 0 0% 0 0% 19 2% 0 0%
Patel Nagar
6 43 1285 1208 94% 0 0% 0 0% 51 4% 26 2%
7 Niranjanpur 45 1074 1010 94% 0 0% 0 0% 21 2% 43 4%
Shri Dev
8 58 1295 1269 98% 0 0% 26 2% 0 0% 0 0%
Suman Nagar

Table 5-2 : Total number of buildings distributed ward wise by average percentage
Sr. Number of Number of
Ward Number RC1L RC1M RC2L RC2M MH
No. Households Buildings
1 Ward Number 1 2392 1709 1568 13 26 56 47
2 Ward Number 2 3308 2345 2152 18 35 76 64
3 Ward Number 3 2852 2037 1869 15 31 66 56
4 Ward Number 4 1704 1396 1281 10 21 45 38
5 Ward Number 5 1785 1275 1170 10 19 41 35
6 Ward Number 6 1934 1381 1267 10 21 45 38
7 Ward Number 7 1868 1332 1222 10 20 43 37
8 Ward Number 8 2182 1559 1430 12 23 51 43
9 Ward Number 9 1496 1069 980 8 16 35 29
10 Ward Number 10 1505 1075 986 8 16 35 30
11 Ward Number 11 1571 1122 1030 8 17 36 31
12 Ward Number 12 1595 1139 1045 9 17 37 31
13 Ward Number 13 1354 967 887 7 15 31 27
14 Ward Number 14 1759 1256 1153 9 19 41 35
15 Ward Number 15 1240 886 813 7 13 29 24
16 Ward Number 16 1417 1012 929 8 15 33 28

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Number of Number of

Ward Number RC1L RC1M RC2L RC2M MH
No. Households Buildings
17 Ward Number 17 1370 1021 937 8 15 33 28
18 Ward Number 18 1190 850 780 6 13 28 23
19 Ward Number 19 1926 1376 1262 10 21 45 38
20 Ward Number 20 1612 1151 1056 9 17 37 32
21 Ward Number 21 2044 1460 1340 11 22 47 40
22 Ward Number 22 1731 1236 1134 9 19 40 34
23 Ward Number 23 1111 794 728 6 12 26 22
24 Ward Number 24 1472 1051 965 8 16 34 29
25 Ward Number 25 1895 1354 1242 10 20 44 37
26 Ward Number 26 1788 1277 1172 10 19 42 35
27 Ward Number 27 1776 1269 1164 10 19 41 35
28 Ward Number 28 1692 1209 1109 9 18 39 33
29 Ward Number 29 2836 2026 1859 15 30 66 56
30 Ward Number 30 2357 1684 1545 13 25 55 46
31 Ward Number 31 3618 2584 2371 19 39 84 71
32 Ward Number 32 3032 2166 1987 16 32 70 60
33 Ward Number 33 1546 966 886 7 14 31 27
34 Ward Number 34 1921 1372 1259 10 21 45 38
35 Ward Number 35 3406 2433 2232 18 36 79 67
36 Ward Number 36 2598 1856 1703 14 28 60 51
37 Ward Number 37 2862 2044 1876 15 31 66 56
38 Ward Number 38 1609 1149 1054 9 17 37 32
39 Ward Number 39 2316 1654 1518 12 25 54 45
40 Ward Number 40 1351 965 885 7 14 31 27
41 Ward Number 41 1160 829 760 6 12 27 23
42 Ward Number 42 3496 2497 2291 19 37 81 69
43 Ward Number 43 1897 1285 1179 10 19 42 35
44 Ward Number 44 3005 2146 1969 16 32 70 59
45 Ward Number 45 1483 1074 985 8 16 35 30
46 Ward Number 46 2344 1674 1536 13 25 54 46
47 Ward Number 47 2458 1756 1611 13 26 57 48
48 Ward Number 48 2315 1654 1517 12 25 54 45
49 Ward Number 49 2140 1529 1402 11 23 50 42
50 Ward Number 50 2124 1517 1392 11 23 49 42
51 Ward Number 51 3128 2234 2050 17 34 73 61
52 Ward Number 52 3260 2329 2136 17 35 76 64
53 Ward Number 53 1989 1421 1304 11 21 46 39
54 Ward Number 54 2232 1594 1463 12 24 52 44
55 Ward Number 55 2122 1516 1391 11 23 49 42
56 Ward Number 56 1554 1110 1018 8 17 36 31
57 Ward Number 57 2208 1577 1447 12 24 51 43
58 Ward Number 58 1854 1295 1188 10 19 42 36
59 Ward Number 59 2119 1514 1389 11 23 49 42
60 Ward Number 60 2150 1536 1409 12 23 50 42
Total 124059 88592 81283 664 1329 2879 2436

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5.2 Seismic Hazard Map

Figure 5-1 : Ward wise seismic hazard map of Dehradun city


Figure 5-1 represents the ward wise seismic hazard probability across complete city. Map shows
that some wards at outskirts of the city i.e., north-east and south-west part have high probability
of hazard while some wards in north-west side have low probability of hazard. Major number of
wards lies in moderate hazard zone having spread all over the ward. This shows that the probability
of hazard varies all across the ward from low to high in the probability scale 0 to 1.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5.3 Demand Spectrum Curve

Spectral acceleration with 5% damping level at frequencies 1Hz, 3Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz are taken for
calculating different values of spectral displacement over complete Dehradun area. By average of
SA over total region of Dehradun at different frequencies in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3 : Spectral Acceleration with corresponding Spectral Displacement

Frequency (Hz) Time Period – Spectral Acceleration – Spectral Displacement – SD

T (sec) SA (g) (inches)
1 1.00 0.08 0.78
3 0.33 0.50 0.53
5 0.20 0.27 0.11
10 0.10 0.20 0.02

Demand Spectrum Curve

Spectral Acceleration (g)

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50
Spectral Displacment (Inches)

Figure 5-2 : Demand Spectrum Curve


Figure 5-2 shows that for given time period, spectral acceleration increases with spectral
displacement except at one point where time period is 1 second. At 1s, as the spectral acceleration
decreases with increase in spectral displacement. This is because at 1 Hz, the value of shear wave
velocity is low with small variation[25]. Also for soil class D, the shear wave velocity is low resulting
in low spectral acceleration.

5.4 Capacity Curve

Capacity curve is generated by yield capacity point and ultimate capacity point of a particular type
of building. Material and weight of the building are the deciding factors of these values. These
values given in HAZUS technical manual for each model building type[39]. Table 5-4 represents
the yield and ultimate capacity point values at pre-code and low-code seismic design table. It is also
seen that values of building type RC1L and RC2L at pre-code and low code seismic design level
are same and also building type RC1M and RC2M have same values. Hence, three curves are
generated as one for RC1L and RC2L, one for RC1M and RC2M and one for building type MH.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 5-4 : Yield and Ultimate capacity points under different conditions

Building HAZUS Building

Yield Capacity Point Ultimate Capacity Point
Type Type
Dy(in) Ay(g) Du(in) Au(g)
Pre-code seismic design
RC1L C3L 0.120 0.100 1.350 0.225
RC1M C3M 0.260 0.083 1.950 0.188
MH MH 0.180 0.150 2.160 0.300
Low-code seismic design
RC2L C3L 0.120 0.100 1.350 0.225
RC2M C3M 0.260 0.083 1.950 0.188

Capacity Curve - RC1L, RC2L

Spectral Acceleartion (g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacment (Inches)

Figure 5-3 : Capacity curve for building type RC1L and RC2L

Capacity Curve - RC1M, RC2M

Spectral Acceleration (g)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacment (Inches)

Figure 5-4 : Capacity curve for building types RC1M and RC2M

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Capacity Curve - MH

Spectral Acceleration (g)





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacment (Inches)

Figure 5-5 : Capacity curve for building type MH


All the three plots of Figure 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5 show a common trend of increase spectral
acceleration with increase in spectral displacement. Basically capacity curves represents true lateral
strength of corresponding building types.

5.5 Peak Building Response

Peak Building Response or Peak Spectral displacement is obtained by the intersection point of
demand spectrum curve and capacity curve. It actually means that shaking is experienced by
building till the peak building response point is achieved. Maximum damage in a building is seen
when it reaches or crosses the peak building response point. The two curves i.e., demand spectrum
curve and capacity curve are overlaid to achieve peak building response.

Peak Building Response - RC1L, RC2L

Spectral Acceleration (g)






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacment (Inches)
Capacity curve Demand Spectrum curve

Figure 5-6 : Peak building response for building type RC1L and RC2L

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Peak Building Response - RC1M, RC2M

Spectral Acceleration (g)






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacement (Inches)
Capacity curve Demand spectrum curve

Figure 5-7 : Peak building response for building type RC1M and RC2M

Peak Building Response - MH

Spectral Acceleration (g)






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Spectral Displacement (Inches)
Capacity curve Demand spectrum curve

Figure 5-8 : Peak building response for building type MH


From the three different peak building response plots, three peak response point in terms of
spectral displacement are obtained. These are shown in Table 5-5. These values are further used
in damage probability calculations.

Table 5-5 : Peak building response values for different building types

Peak Building Response (SD

Building Type
in Inches)
RC1L, RC2L 0.75
RC1M, RC2M 0.77
MH 0.74

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5.6 Cumulative Damage Probabilities

Cumulative damage probability is calculated for five building types for four damage types namely
slight damage, moderate damage, extensive damage and complete damage. The parameters for
calculating these damage probabilities is taken from HAZUS technical manual[39]. Table 5-6
shows the two parameters i.e.., Median Spectral Acceleration and Log standard Deviation (Beta)
taken for 4 types of damages respectively. Table 5-7 represents the cumulative damage probabilities
calculated using above mentioned parameters. Table 5-8 represents the cumulative damage
probabilities for different building types in percentage.

Table 5-6 : Parameters of fragility curves for different building types

Slight Moderate Extensive Complete
Sd.S/S βS Sd.S/M βM Sd.S/E βE Sd.S/C βC
Pre code seismic design
RC1L 0.43 1.19 0.86 1.15 2.16 1.15 5.04 0.92
RC1M 0.72 0.90 1.44 0.86 3.60 0.90 8.40 0.96
MH 0.38 1.11 0.77 1.10 2.30 0.95 6.72 0.97
Low code seismic design
RC2L 0.54 1.09 1.08 1.07 2.70 1.08 6.30 0.91
RC2M 0.90 0.85 1.80 0.83 4.50 0.79 10.50 0.98

Table 5-7 : Cumulative probabilities for different building types

Moderate- Extensive – Complete-

Building Type Slight- P(S/Sd)
P(M/ Sd) P(E/ Sd) P(C/ Sd)
Pre code seismic design
RC1L 0.564 0.213 0.090 0.019
RC1M 0.528 0.233 0.044 0.006
MH 0.589 0.289 0.058 0.012
Low code seismic design
RC2L 0.552 0.239 0.063 0.010
RC2M 0.472 0.154 0.013 0.004

Table 5-8 : Cumulative probabilities for different building types in percentage

Moderate- Extensive – Complete-

Building Type Slight- P(S/Sd)
P(M/ Sd) P(E/ Sd) P(C/ Sd)
Pre code seismic design
RC1L 56.40% 21.30% 9.01% 1.92%
RC1M 52.79% 23.27% 4.36% 0.64%
MH 58.90% 28.90% 5.82% 1.16%
Low code seismic design
RC2L 55.17% 23.90% 6.30% 0.96%
RC2M 47.21% 15.39% 1.29% 0.38%

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Cumulative Damage Probability Graph


Damage Probability






Building Types
Slight Moderate Extensive Complete

Figure 5-9 : Graph of percentage cumulative probabilities damage for different building types


Figure 5-9 shows the graph of cumulative probabilities of 5 building types for each type of
damage. It is seen that there is uniformity across all type of buildings where the percentage of
slight damage is highest, followed by moderate damage then by extensive damage and the lowest
percentage is of complete damage.

5.7 Discrete Damage Probabilities

Discrete Damage probabilities are calculated again for 5 building types with 5 types of damage
probabilities namely no damage, slight damage, moderate damage, extensive damage and complete.
Table 5-9 shows the calculated discrete damage probabilities for 5 building types whereas same is
shown in percentage in table 5-10.

Table 5-9 : Discrete damage probabilities for different building types

No Damage - Moderate - Extensive - Complete -

Building Type Slight - P(S)
P(N) P(M) P(E) P(C)
Pre code seismic design
RC1L 0.436 0.351 0.123 0.071 0.019
RC1M 0.472 0.295 0.189 0.037 0.006
MH 0.411 0.300 0.231 0.047 0.012
Low code seismic design
RC2L 0.448 0.313 0.176 0.053 0.010
RC2M 0.528 0.318 0.141 0.009 0.004

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 5-10 : Discrete damage probabilities for different building types in percentage

Building No Damage - Moderate - Extensive - Complete -

Slight - P(S)
Type P(N) P(M) P(E) P(C)
Pre code seismic design
RC1L 43.60% 35.10% 12.29% 7.09% 1.92%
RC1M 47.21% 29.52% 18.91% 3.72% 0.64%
MH 41.10% 30.00% 23.08% 4.66% 1.16%
Low code seismic design
RC2L 44.83% 31.27% 17.60% 5.34% 0.96%
RC2M 52.79% 31.82% 14.10% 0.91% 0.38%

Discrete Damage Probability in Percentage

Damage Probablity

Building Types

No Damage - P(N) Slight - P(S) Moderate - P(M) Extensive - P(E) Complete - P(C)

Figure 5-10 : Discrete damage probabilities of different building types in percentage


Figure 5-10 represents graph of discrete damage probabilities for 5 types of buildings. As seen no
damage probability is highest for all building types. The trend is common for all building type as
seen by percentage decreases from no damage probability to complete damage probability.

5.8 Discrete Damage Probabilities for 60 wards

The damage probabilities calculated for 5 types of buildings are scaled up for total 60 wards
present in Dehradun city. These probabilities are calculated with the help of extrapolation done as
shown in Table 5-2. The sum total of buildings from this table and discrete damage probabilities
from Table 5-10 are used to find out the number of buildings in each ward that fall under different
categories of damages. Details of all the values is shown in appendix B and C. These values in
terms of number of buildings and percentage are then averaged to find final discrete damage
probabilities across whole Dehradun city. Table 5-11 shows the final damage probabilities. These
are also shown in terms of number buildings in table 5-12.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Table 5-11 : Final damage probability distribution in percentage

Slight Moderate Extensive Complete

No Damage
Damage Damage Damage Damage
43.88% 34.75% 12.78% 6.78% 1.82%

Final Damage Probability in Percentage

Damage in Percentage

40.00% 34.75%


20.00% 12.78%
Type of Damage
No Damage Slight Damage Moderate Damage Extensive Damage Complete Damage

Figure 5-11 : Final damage probability in percentage

Table 5-12 : Final damage probability in number of buildings

Slight Moderate Extensive Complete

No Damage
Damage Damage Damage Damage
38878 30684 11299 6041 1703

Final Damage Probability in No. of Buildings

Damage in No. of Buildings


10000 6041
Type of Damage

No Damage Slight Damage Moderate Damage Extensive Damage Complete Damage

Figure 5-12 : Final damage probability in number of building

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5.9 Final Damage Probability Maps

Figure 5-13 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing Figure 5-14 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing
number of building with no damage number of building with slight damage

Figure 5-15 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing Figure 5-16 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing
number of building with moderate damage number of building with extensive damage

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Figure 5-17 : Ward wise Dehradun city map showing number of building with complete damage

Figure 5-18 : Ward wise seismic vulnerability map at Moment Magnitude Mw 8 of Dehradun city
Figure 5-13 to 5-17 gives ward wise number of buildings under different state of damages. Figure
5-18 shows the ward wise seismic vulnerability by all damage states counted together. It is
concluded that the wards at the outskirts shows higher probability of damage as compared to the
wards inside the city.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5.10 Risk Maps

Scenario with earthquake Moment Magnitude Mw 6

Figure 5-19 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude Mw 6 of Dehradun city
Scenario with earthquake Moment Magnitude Mw 7

Figure 5-20 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude 7 of Dehradun city

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Scenario with earthquake Moment Magnitude Mw 8

Figure 5-21 : Ward wise seismic risk map at Moment magnitude Mw 8 of Dehradun city


Figure 5-19, 5-20 and 5-21 shows the ward wise seismic risk map at earthquake moment magnitude
6, 7 and 8 respectively. The probability of risk varies from 0 to 1 and is classified into low, moderate
and high risk zones. As the magnitude increases the number of wards under high risk zones
increases. Also it is observed that wards towards the outskirts of the city are under high risk. The
reason might be the increase in spectral acceleration towards the outskirts as seen from Figure 4-
16. Also another reason may be the liquefaction susceptibility criteria as its probability is high at
southeast and northern part of the city. Total 15 wards are under high risk zone following 30 wards
under moderate risk zone and remaining 15 wards under low risk zone.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

6 Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapters aims at concluding the study by answering the research questions mentioned at the
start of the study with the recommendations for future research work.

6.1 Research Conclusions

1) Which statistical sampling method needs to be adopted so that all types of buildings are
covered for vulnerability assessment in the selected wards for the field survey?

Statistical sampling was so chosen such that it serves the purpose of the study and also the samples
collected should have uniform representation of study area. Keeping this in account, random
statistical sampling method is adopted for this research study. 50 samples from each wards are
chosen random such that the sample points are distributed over complete wards so that a good
collection of different building type is collected during field survey. These sample points from the
selected 8 wards are then used for extrapolating the values for total 60 wards so that complete
damage assessment of buildings in whole Dehradun area can be done effectively.

2) What are the various parameters required for generating a seismic hazard map in
HAZUS? Comment on the seismic hazard map obtained by comparing the results with or
without available parameters.

Various parameters required in HAZUS for generating seismic hazard map are soil class, spectral
acceleration response, liquefaction susceptibility map, landslide susceptibility map and water depth
input. In this study seismic hazard map is generated considering 4 available parameters. They are
soil class, spectral acceleration response, liquefaction susceptibility map and water depth input. It
can be concluded from seismic hazard map that wards towards outskirts i.e., ward numbers
1,2,31,32,35,42,51 and 52 are under high seismic hazard zone while around 30 wards lie under
moderate hazard zone and 12 wards are under low hazard seismic zone.

3) What are the different features that need to be considered for assessing vulnerability to
calculate direct losses occurring due to earthquake?

Different features that count under direct losses calculations for earthquake vulnerability
assessment are general building stock, essential facilities, transportation lifelines, utility lifelines,
high potential loss facilities and human life. In this study, the only feature considered for seismic
vulnerability assessment is general building stock. Enormous amount of data is required for other
features to be taken into consideration. For general building stock, various states of damage
probabilities namely no damage, slight damage, moderate damage, extensive damage and complete
damage is calculated for complete Dehradun city divided into 60 wards. This damage calculation
in terms of number of buildings and percentage gives an idea of vulnerability assessment of
buildings across 60 wards. General trend across all building types seen is that the buildings with
no damage are higher in number than follows the number with slight damage, after this moderate
damage than extensive damage and at last least count of buildings with complete damage.

4) What are the various scenarios to be considered in terms of different magnitudes of

earthquake for risk mapping?
Scenarios considered for risk mapping are in terms of earthquake magnitude. These scenarios are
generated with three different magnitudes i.e., magnitude 6, magnitude 7 and magnitude 8

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

considering buildings at risk. Risk map at magnitude 6 have more wards with low risk following
some wards with moderate risk and very few wards with high seismic risk. These terms gets
reversed while increase in magnitude. The risk map at magnitude 7 has some number of wards
with low and high risk while large number of wards fall under moderate risk zone. As magnitude
increases, risk zone increases with very few wards under low risk zone. It is in general concluded
that the wards towards the outskirts are under high risk than the wards inside the city. Reason
behind this trend may be due to increase in value of spectral acceleration and liquefaction
susceptibility in the outskirts area.

6.2 Recommendations for future research work

 More accurate data in terms of type of building distribution across total wards can give
better results. This will help in generating more accurate damage probability maps.

 Different features data like essential facilities, transportation lifelines, utility lifelines, high
potential loss facilities and human life can lead to better processing and can give better
results in terms of hazard and risk mapping for future work.

 An historic earthquake data related to this study can prove useful in validation of these
kind of results and also HAZUS software for Indian conditions for future research.

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

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Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Annexure A

Model building types in HAZUS

Label Description Height
1 W1 Wood, Light Frame (W1) ALL
2 W2 Wood, Commercial and Industrial (W2) ALL

Steel Moment Frame (S1)

3 S1L Low-Rise 1-3
4 S1M Mid-Rise 4-7
5 S1H High-Rise 8+
Steel Braced Frame (S2)
6 S2L Low-Rise 1-3
7 S2M Mid-Rise 4-7
8 S2H High-Rise 8+
9 S3 Steel Light Frame (S3)
Steel Frame w/ Cast-in-Place Concrete Shear Walls
10 S4L Low-Rise 1-3
11 S4M Mid-Rise 4-7
12 S4H High-Rise 8+

Steel Frame w/ Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls (S5)

13 S5L Low-Rise 1-3

14 S5M Mid-Rise 4-7
15 S5H High-Rise 8+
Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame (C1)
16 C1L Low-Rise 1-3
17 C1M Mid-Rise 4-7
18 C1H High-Rise 8+
Concrete Shear Walls (C2)
19 C2L Low-Rise 1-3
20 C2M Mid-Rise 4-7
21 C2H High-Rise 8+

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Label Description Height
Concrete Frame Buildings w/ Unreinforced Masonry
Infill Walls (C3)
22 C3L Low-Rise 1-3
23 C3M Mid-Rise 4-7
24 C3H High-Rise 8+
Precast-Concrete Tilt-Up Walls (PC1)
25 PC1 Low-Rise ALL
Precast Concrete Frames w/ Concrete Shear Walls
26 PC2L Low-Rise 1-3
27 PC2M Mid-Rise 4-7
28 PC2H High-Rise 8+
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls w/ Wood or Metal
Deck Diaphragms (RM1)
29 RM1L Low-Rise 1-3
30 RM1M Mid-Rise 4+
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls w/ Precast
Concrete Diaphragms (RM2)
31 RM2L Low-Rise 1-3
32 RM2M Mid-Rise 4-7
33 RM2H High-Rise 8+
Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls (URM)
34 URML Low-Rise 1-2
35 URMM Mid-Rise 3+
36 MH Manufactured Home All
37 DFLT Default Wood All

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Annexure B

Checklist for field work


Items Characteristics

Type of

2 Type of Roof R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

3 age of <10 yrs 10-20 yrs 21-30 yrs 31-40 yrs 41-50 yrs >50 yrs

Utility of Resi +
4 Residential Commercial Hospital School Industry Govt. office
Building Comm

Number of
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 Symmetrical Asymmetrical
7 Roof Type Flat Sloping

8 Plan Regular Irregular

9 Maintenance Good Moderate Poor

10 Yes No

11 Cracks Seen Yes No

Peeling of
12 Yes No

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Annexure C

Distribution of number of buildings according to discrete damage probability

1) For Building Type – RC1L

Sr. Total No.
Ward Nos.
No. of Buildings No. of
P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
1 Ward No. 1 1709 1568 683 550 193 111 30
2 Ward No. 2 2345 2152 938 755 265 153 41
3 Ward No. 3 2037 1869 815 656 230 133 36
4 Ward No. 4 1396 1281 558 450 158 91 24
5 Ward No. 5 1275 1170 510 411 144 83 22
6 Ward No. 6 1381 1267 553 445 156 90 24
7 Ward No. 7 1332 1222 533 429 150 87 23
8 Ward No. 8 1559 1430 623 502 176 102 27
9 Ward No. 9 1069 980 427 344 121 70 19
10 Ward No. 10 1075 986 430 346 121 70 19
11 Ward No. 11 1122 1030 449 361 127 73 20
12 Ward No. 12 1139 1045 456 367 129 74 20
13 Ward No. 13 967 887 387 311 109 63 17
14 Ward No. 14 1256 1153 503 405 142 82 22
15 Ward No. 15 886 813 354 285 100 58 15
16 Ward No. 16 1012 929 405 326 114 66 18
17 Ward No. 17 1021 937 408 329 115 67 18
18 Ward No. 18 850 780 340 274 96 55 15
19 Ward No. 19 1376 1262 550 443 155 90 24
20 Ward No. 20 1151 1056 461 371 130 75 20
21 Ward No. 21 1460 1340 584 470 165 95 25
22 Ward No. 22 1236 1134 495 398 140 81 22
23 Ward No. 23 794 728 317 256 90 52 14
24 Ward No. 24 1051 965 421 339 119 68 18
25 Ward No. 25 1354 1242 541 436 153 88 24
26 Ward No. 26 1277 1172 511 411 144 83 22
27 Ward No. 27 1269 1164 507 409 143 83 22
28 Ward No. 28 1209 1109 483 389 136 79 21
29 Ward No. 29 2026 1859 810 652 229 132 35
30 Ward No. 30 1684 1545 673 542 190 110 29
31 Ward No. 31 2584 2371 1034 832 292 168 45
32 Ward No. 32 2166 1987 866 697 244 141 38
33 Ward No. 33 966 886 386 311 109 63 17
34 Ward No. 34 1372 1259 549 442 155 89 24
35 Ward No. 35 2433 2232 973 783 275 158 42
36 Ward No. 36 1856 1703 742 598 209 121 32
37 Ward No. 37 2044 1876 818 658 231 133 36

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No.
Ward Nos.
No. of Buildings No. of
P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
38 Ward No. 38 1149 1054 460 370 130 75 20
39 Ward No. 39 1654 1518 662 533 187 108 29
40 Ward No. 40 965 885 386 311 109 63 17
41 Ward No. 41 829 760 331 267 94 54 14
42 Ward No. 42 2497 2291 999 804 282 163 44
43 Ward No. 43 1285 1179 514 414 145 84 22
44 Ward No. 44 2146 1969 859 691 242 140 37
45 Ward No. 45 1074 985 430 346 121 70 19
46 Ward No. 46 1674 1536 670 539 189 109 29
47 Ward No. 47 1756 1611 702 565 198 114 31
48 Ward No. 48 1654 1517 661 533 187 108 29
49 Ward No. 49 1529 1402 611 492 173 100 27
50 Ward No. 50 1517 1392 607 489 171 99 26
51 Ward No. 51 2234 2050 894 720 252 146 39
52 Ward No. 52 2329 2136 931 750 263 152 41
53 Ward No. 53 1421 1304 568 458 160 93 25
54 Ward No. 54 1594 1463 638 513 180 104 28
55 Ward No. 55 1516 1391 606 488 171 99 26
56 Ward No. 56 1110 1018 444 357 125 72 19
57 Ward No. 57 1577 1447 631 508 178 103 27
58 Ward No. 58 1295 1188 518 417 146 84 23
59 Ward No. 59 1514 1389 605 487 171 99 26
60 Ward No. 60 1536 1409 614 495 173 100 27
Total 88592 81283 35439 28530 9998 5771 1544

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

2) For Building Type – RC1M

Sr. Total No. of
Ward Nos. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
1 Ward No. 1 1709 13 6 4 2 0 0
2 Ward No. 2 2345 18 9 2 3 2 2
3 Ward No. 3 2037 15 7 2 2 1 2
4 Ward No. 4 1396 10 5 1 2 1 1
5 Ward No. 5 1275 10 5 1 1 1 1
6 Ward No. 6 1381 10 5 1 2 1 1
7 Ward No. 7 1332 10 5 1 1 1 1
8 Ward No. 8 1559 12 6 2 2 1 2
9 Ward No. 9 1069 8 4 1 1 1 1
10 Ward No. 10 1075 8 4 1 1 1 1
11 Ward No. 11 1122 8 4 1 1 1 1
12 Ward No. 12 1139 9 4 1 1 1 1
13 Ward No. 13 967 7 4 1 1 1 1
14 Ward No. 14 1256 9 5 1 1 1 1
15 Ward No. 15 886 7 3 1 1 1 1
16 Ward No. 16 1012 8 4 1 1 1 1
17 Ward No. 17 1021 8 4 1 1 1 1
18 Ward No. 18 850 6 3 1 1 1 1
19 Ward No. 19 1376 10 5 1 2 1 1
20 Ward No. 20 1151 9 4 1 1 1 1
21 Ward No. 21 1460 11 5 2 2 1 2
22 Ward No. 22 1236 9 4 1 1 1 1
23 Ward No. 23 794 6 3 1 1 1 1
24 Ward No. 24 1051 8 4 1 1 1 1
25 Ward No. 25 1354 10 5 1 2 1 1
26 Ward No. 26 1277 10 5 1 1 1 1
27 Ward No. 27 1269 10 5 1 1 1 1
28 Ward No. 28 1209 9 4 1 1 1 1
29 Ward No. 29 2026 15 7 2 2 1 2
30 Ward No. 30 1684 13 6 2 2 1 2
31 Ward No. 31 2584 19 9 3 3 2 3
32 Ward No. 32 2166 16 8 2 2 1 2
33 Ward No. 33 966 7 4 1 1 1 1
34 Ward No. 34 1372 10 5 1 2 1 1
35 Ward No. 35 2433 18 9 3 3 2 3
36 Ward No. 36 1856 14 7 2 2 1 2
37 Ward No. 37 2044 15 7 2 2 1 2
38 Ward No. 38 1149 9 4 1 1 1 1
39 Ward No. 39 1654 12 6 2 2 1 2
40 Ward No. 40 965 7 4 1 1 1 1

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No. of
Ward Nos. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
41 Ward No. 41 829 6 3 1 1 1 1
42 Ward No. 42 2497 19 9 3 3 2 3
43 Ward No. 43 1285 10 5 1 1 1 1
44 Ward No. 44 2146 16 8 2 2 1 2
45 Ward No. 45 1074 8 4 1 1 1 1
46 Ward No. 46 1674 13 6 2 2 1 2
47 Ward No. 47 1756 13 6 2 2 1 2
48 Ward No. 48 1654 12 6 2 2 1 2
49 Ward No. 49 1529 11 6 2 2 1 2
50 Ward No. 50 1517 11 6 2 2 1 2
51 Ward No. 51 2234 17 8 2 2 2 2
52 Ward No. 52 2329 17 8 2 3 2 2
53 Ward No. 53 1421 11 5 1 2 1 1
54 Ward No. 54 1594 12 6 2 2 1 2
55 Ward No. 55 1516 11 6 2 2 1 2
56 Ward No. 56 1110 8 4 1 1 1 1
57 Ward No. 57 1577 12 6 2 2 1 2
58 Ward No. 58 1295 10 5 1 1 1 1
59 Ward No. 59 1514 11 5 2 2 1 2
60 Ward No. 60 1536 12 6 2 2 1 2
Total 88592 664 322 91 99 60 93

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

3) For Building Type – RC2L

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
1 Ward No. 1 1709 26 11 8 5 1 0
2 Ward No. 2 2345 35 16 11 6 2 1
3 Ward No. 3 2037 31 14 10 5 2 1
4 Ward No. 4 1396 21 9 7 4 1 0
5 Ward No. 5 1275 19 9 6 3 1 0
6 Ward No. 6 1381 21 9 6 4 1 0
7 Ward No. 7 1332 20 9 6 4 1 0
8 Ward No. 8 1559 23 10 7 4 1 0
9 Ward No. 9 1069 16 7 5 3 1 0
10 Ward No. 10 1075 16 7 5 3 1 0
11 Ward No. 11 1122 17 8 5 3 1 0
12 Ward No. 12 1139 17 8 5 3 1 0
13 Ward No. 13 967 15 6 5 3 1 0
14 Ward No. 14 1256 19 8 6 3 1 0
15 Ward No. 15 886 13 6 4 2 1 0
16 Ward No. 16 1012 15 7 5 3 1 0
17 Ward No. 17 1021 15 7 5 3 1 0
18 Ward No. 18 850 13 6 4 2 1 0
19 Ward No. 19 1376 21 9 6 4 1 0
20 Ward No. 20 1151 17 8 5 3 1 0
21 Ward No. 21 1460 22 10 7 4 1 0
22 Ward No. 22 1236 19 8 6 3 1 0
23 Ward No. 23 794 12 5 4 2 1 0
24 Ward No. 24 1051 16 7 5 3 1 0
25 Ward No. 25 1354 20 9 6 4 1 0
26 Ward No. 26 1277 19 9 6 3 1 0
27 Ward No. 27 1269 19 9 6 3 1 0
28 Ward No. 28 1209 18 8 6 3 1 0
29 Ward No. 29 2026 30 14 10 5 2 1
30 Ward No. 30 1684 25 11 8 4 1 0
31 Ward No. 31 2584 39 17 12 7 2 1
32 Ward No. 32 2166 32 15 10 6 2 1
33 Ward No. 33 966 14 6 5 3 1 0
34 Ward No. 34 1372 21 9 6 4 1 0
35 Ward No. 35 2433 36 16 11 6 2 1
36 Ward No. 36 1856 28 12 9 5 1 1
37 Ward No. 37 2044 31 14 10 5 2 1
38 Ward No. 38 1149 17 8 5 3 1 0
39 Ward No. 39 1654 25 11 8 4 1 0
40 Ward No. 40 965 14 6 5 3 1 0

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
41 Ward No. 41 829 12 6 4 2 1 0
42 Ward No. 42 2497 37 17 12 7 2 1
43 Ward No. 43 1285 19 9 6 3 1 0
44 Ward No. 44 2146 32 14 10 6 2 1
45 Ward No. 45 1074 16 7 5 3 1 0
46 Ward No. 46 1674 25 11 8 4 1 0
47 Ward No. 47 1756 26 12 8 5 1 1
48 Ward No. 48 1654 25 11 8 4 1 0
49 Ward No. 49 1529 23 10 7 4 1 0
50 Ward No. 50 1517 23 10 7 4 1 0
51 Ward No. 51 2234 34 15 10 6 2 1
52 Ward No. 52 2329 35 16 11 6 2 1
53 Ward No. 53 1421 21 10 7 4 1 0
54 Ward No. 54 1594 24 11 7 4 1 0
55 Ward No. 55 1516 23 10 7 4 1 0
56 Ward No. 56 1110 17 7 5 3 1 0
57 Ward No. 57 1577 24 11 7 4 1 0
58 Ward No. 58 1295 19 9 6 3 1 0
59 Ward No. 59 1514 23 10 7 4 1 0
60 Ward No. 60 1536 23 10 7 4 1 0
Total 88592 1329 595 416 234 70 25

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

4) For Building Type – RC2M

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
1 Ward No. 1 1709 56 29 18 8 0 0
2 Ward No. 2 2345 76 40 24 11 1 0
3 Ward No. 3 2037 66 35 21 9 1 0
4 Ward No. 4 1396 45 24 14 6 0 0
5 Ward No. 5 1275 41 22 13 6 0 0
6 Ward No. 6 1381 45 24 14 6 0 0
7 Ward No. 7 1332 43 23 14 6 0 0
8 Ward No. 8 1559 51 27 16 7 0 0
9 Ward No. 9 1069 35 18 11 5 0 0
10 Ward No. 10 1075 35 18 11 5 0 0
11 Ward No. 11 1122 36 19 12 5 0 0
12 Ward No. 12 1139 37 20 12 5 0 0
13 Ward No. 13 967 31 17 10 4 0 0
14 Ward No. 14 1256 41 22 13 6 0 0
15 Ward No. 15 886 29 15 9 4 0 0
16 Ward No. 16 1012 33 17 10 5 0 0
17 Ward No. 17 1021 33 18 11 5 0 0
18 Ward No. 18 850 28 15 9 4 0 0
19 Ward No. 19 1376 45 24 14 6 0 0
20 Ward No. 20 1151 37 20 12 5 0 0
21 Ward No. 21 1460 47 25 15 7 0 0
22 Ward No. 22 1236 40 21 13 6 0 0
23 Ward No. 23 794 26 14 8 4 0 0
24 Ward No. 24 1051 34 18 11 5 0 0
25 Ward No. 25 1354 44 23 14 6 0 0
26 Ward No. 26 1277 42 22 13 6 0 0
27 Ward No. 27 1269 41 22 13 6 0 0
28 Ward No. 28 1209 39 21 12 6 0 0
29 Ward No. 29 2026 66 35 21 9 1 0
30 Ward No. 30 1684 55 29 17 8 0 0
31 Ward No. 31 2584 84 44 27 12 1 0
32 Ward No. 32 2166 70 37 22 10 1 0
33 Ward No. 33 966 31 17 10 4 0 0
34 Ward No. 34 1372 45 24 14 6 0 0
35 Ward No. 35 2433 79 42 25 11 1 0
36 Ward No. 36 1856 60 32 19 9 1 0
37 Ward No. 37 2044 66 35 21 9 1 0
38 Ward No. 38 1149 37 20 12 5 0 0
39 Ward No. 39 1654 54 28 17 8 0 0
40 Ward No. 40 965 31 17 10 4 0 0

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
41 Ward No. 41 829 27 14 9 4 0 0
42 Ward No. 42 2497 81 43 26 11 1 0
43 Ward No. 43 1285 42 22 13 6 0 0
44 Ward No. 44 2146 70 37 22 10 1 0
45 Ward No. 45 1074 35 18 11 5 0 0
46 Ward No. 46 1674 54 29 17 8 0 0
47 Ward No. 47 1756 57 30 18 8 1 0
48 Ward No. 48 1654 54 28 17 8 0 0
49 Ward No. 49 1529 50 26 16 7 0 0
50 Ward No. 50 1517 49 26 16 7 0 0
51 Ward No. 51 2234 73 38 23 10 1 0
52 Ward No. 52 2329 76 40 24 11 1 0
53 Ward No. 53 1421 46 24 15 7 0 0
54 Ward No. 54 1594 52 27 16 7 0 0
55 Ward No. 55 1516 49 26 16 7 0 0
56 Ward No. 56 1110 36 19 11 5 0 0
57 Ward No. 57 1577 51 27 16 7 0 0
58 Ward No. 58 1295 42 22 13 6 0 0
59 Ward No. 59 1514 49 26 16 7 0 0
60 Ward No. 60 1536 50 26 16 7 0 0
Total 88592 2879 1520 916 406 26 12

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

5) For Building Type – MH

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
1 Ward No. 1 1709 47 19 14 11 2 1
2 Ward No. 2 2345 64 27 19 15 3 1
3 Ward No. 3 2037 56 23 17 13 3 1
4 Ward No. 4 1396 38 16 12 9 2 0
5 Ward No. 5 1275 35 14 11 8 2 0
6 Ward No. 6 1381 38 16 11 9 2 0
7 Ward No. 7 1332 37 15 11 8 2 0
8 Ward No. 8 1559 43 18 13 10 2 1
9 Ward No. 9 1069 29 12 9 7 1 0
10 Ward No. 10 1075 30 12 9 7 1 0
11 Ward No. 11 1122 31 13 9 7 1 0
12 Ward No. 12 1139 31 13 9 7 1 0
13 Ward No. 13 967 27 11 8 6 1 0
14 Ward No. 14 1256 35 14 10 8 2 0
15 Ward No. 15 886 24 10 7 6 1 0
16 Ward No. 16 1012 28 11 8 6 1 0
17 Ward No. 17 1021 28 12 8 6 1 0
18 Ward No. 18 850 23 10 7 5 1 0
19 Ward No. 19 1376 38 16 11 9 2 0
20 Ward No. 20 1151 32 13 9 7 1 0
21 Ward No. 21 1460 40 17 12 9 2 0
22 Ward No. 22 1236 34 14 10 8 2 0
23 Ward No. 23 794 22 9 7 5 1 0
24 Ward No. 24 1051 29 12 9 7 1 0
25 Ward No. 25 1354 37 15 11 9 2 0
26 Ward No. 26 1277 35 14 11 8 2 0
27 Ward No. 27 1269 35 14 10 8 2 0
28 Ward No. 28 1209 33 14 10 8 2 0
29 Ward No. 29 2026 56 23 17 13 3 1
30 Ward No. 30 1684 46 19 14 11 2 1
31 Ward No. 31 2584 71 29 21 16 3 1
32 Ward No. 32 2166 60 24 18 14 3 1
33 Ward No. 33 966 27 11 8 6 1 0
34 Ward No. 34 1372 38 16 11 9 2 0
35 Ward No. 35 2433 67 27 20 15 3 1
36 Ward No. 36 1856 51 21 15 12 2 1
37 Ward No. 37 2044 56 23 17 13 3 1
38 Ward No. 38 1149 32 13 9 7 1 0
39 Ward No. 39 1654 45 19 14 11 2 1
40 Ward No. 40 965 27 11 8 6 1 0
41 Ward No. 41 829 23 9 7 5 1 0

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No. of
Ward No. No. of
No. Buildings P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
42 Ward No. 42 2497 69 28 21 16 3 1
43 Ward No. 43 1285 35 15 11 8 2 0
44 Ward No. 44 2146 59 24 18 14 3 1
45 Ward No. 45 1074 30 12 9 7 1 0
46 Ward No. 46 1674 46 19 14 11 2 1
47 Ward No. 47 1756 48 20 14 11 2 1
48 Ward No. 48 1654 45 19 14 11 2 1
49 Ward No. 49 1529 42 17 13 10 2 1
50 Ward No. 50 1517 42 17 13 10 2 1
51 Ward No. 51 2234 61 25 18 14 3 1
52 Ward No. 52 2329 64 26 19 15 3 1
53 Ward No. 53 1421 39 16 12 9 2 0
54 Ward No. 54 1594 44 18 13 10 2 1
55 Ward No. 55 1516 42 17 13 10 2 1
56 Ward No. 56 1110 31 13 9 7 1 0
57 Ward No. 57 1577 43 18 13 10 2 1
58 Ward No. 58 1295 36 15 11 8 2 0
59 Ward No. 59 1514 42 17 12 10 2 0
60 Ward No. 60 1536 42 17 13 10 2 1
Total 88592 2436 1001 731 563 115 29

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Annexure D

Ward wise total no. of buildings distribution according to final damage probability

Sr. Total No. of

Ward No. P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
No. Buildings
1 Ward No. 1 1709 750 594 218 116 31
2 Ward No. 2 2345 1029 812 299 160 45
3 Ward No. 3 2037 894 706 260 139 39
4 Ward No. 4 1396 613 484 178 95 27
5 Ward No. 5 1275 560 442 163 87 25
6 Ward No. 6 1381 606 478 176 94 27
7 Ward No. 7 1332 585 461 170 91 26
8 Ward No. 8 1559 684 540 199 106 30
9 Ward No. 9 1069 469 370 136 73 21
10 Ward No. 10 1075 472 372 137 73 21
11 Ward No. 11 1122 492 389 143 77 22
12 Ward No. 12 1139 500 395 145 78 22
13 Ward No. 13 967 424 335 123 66 19
14 Ward No. 14 1256 551 435 160 86 24
15 Ward No. 15 886 389 307 113 60 17
16 Ward No. 16 1012 444 351 129 69 19
17 Ward No. 17 1021 448 354 130 70 20
18 Ward No. 18 850 373 294 108 58 16
19 Ward No. 19 1376 604 476 175 94 26
20 Ward No. 20 1151 505 399 147 79 22
21 Ward No. 21 1460 641 506 186 100 28
22 Ward No. 22 1236 543 428 158 84 24
23 Ward No. 23 794 348 275 101 54 15
24 Ward No. 24 1051 461 364 134 72 20
25 Ward No. 25 1354 594 469 173 92 26
26 Ward No. 26 1277 560 442 163 87 25
27 Ward No. 27 1269 557 439 162 87 24
28 Ward No. 28 1209 530 419 154 82 23
29 Ward No. 29 2026 889 702 258 138 39
30 Ward No. 30 1684 739 583 215 115 32
31 Ward No. 31 2584 1134 895 330 176 50
32 Ward No. 32 2166 950 750 276 148 42
33 Ward No. 33 966 424 335 123 66 19
34 Ward No. 34 1372 602 475 175 94 26
35 Ward No. 35 2433 1068 843 310 166 47
36 Ward No. 36 1856 814 643 237 127 36
37 Ward No. 37 2044 897 708 261 139 39
38 Ward No. 38 1149 504 398 147 78 22
39 Ward No. 39 1654 726 573 211 113 32

Earthquake Risk Assessment, Loss Estimation and Vulnerability Mapping for Dehradun City, India

Sr. Total No. of

Ward No. P(N) P(S) P(M) P(E) P(C)
No. Buildings
40 Ward No. 40 965 423 334 123 66 19
41 Ward No. 41 829 364 287 106 57 16
42 Ward No. 42 2497 1096 865 318 170 48
43 Ward No. 43 1285 564 445 164 88 25
44 Ward No. 44 2146 942 743 274 146 41
45 Ward No. 45 1074 471 372 137 73 21
46 Ward No. 46 1674 735 580 214 114 32
47 Ward No. 47 1756 770 608 224 120 34
48 Ward No. 48 1654 726 573 211 113 32
49 Ward No. 49 1529 671 529 195 104 29
50 Ward No. 50 1517 666 525 193 103 29
51 Ward No. 51 2234 981 774 285 152 43
52 Ward No. 52 2329 1022 807 297 159 45
53 Ward No. 53 1421 623 492 181 97 27
54 Ward No. 54 1594 700 552 203 109 31
55 Ward No. 55 1516 665 525 193 103 29
56 Ward No. 56 1110 487 384 142 76 21
57 Ward No. 57 1577 692 546 201 108 30
58 Ward No. 58 1295 568 449 165 88 25
59 Ward No. 59 1514 664 524 193 103 29
60 Ward No. 60 1536 674 532 196 105 30
Total 88592 38878 30684 11299 6041 1703


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